Help With Query - Insert Multiple Rows And Link Between Tables.

Feb 27, 2007

I am trying to do the following:

Insert n rows into A Table called EAItems. For each row that is inserted into EAItems I need to take that ItemID(PK) and insert a row into EAPackageItems.

I'm inserting rows from a Table called EATemplateItems.  

So far I have something like this: (I have the PackageID already at the start of the query).

INSERT INTO EAItems(Description, Recommendation, HeadingID)
SELECT Description, Recommendation, HeadingID
FROM EATemplateItems WHERE EATemplateItems.TemplateID = @TemplateID

INSERT INTO EAPackageItems(ItemID, PackageID) ....
I have no idea how to grab each ITemID as it's created, and then put it into the EAPackageItems right away.

Any Advice / help would rock! Thanks

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Insert Single Row / Multiple Rows Into Multiple Tables

Sep 3, 2014

How to insert single row/multiple rows into multiple tables by using single insert statement.

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INSERT INTO Multiple Tables Rows

Jul 5, 2005

Can i insert values into multiple tables? Usually we using this

INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerID) VALUES ('ABC')

But i want to combine both into one statement
INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerID) VALUES ('ABC')

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Insert Multiple Rows To Table Based On Values From Other 2 Tables.

Nov 21, 2007

I have a form to assign JOB SITES to previously created PROJECT.  The  JOB SITES appear in the DataList as it varies based on customer. It can be 3 to 50 JOB SITES per PROJECT.
I have "PROJECT" table with all necessary fields for project information and "JOBSITES" table for job sites. I also created a new table called "PROJECTSITES"  which has only 2 columns:  "ProjectId" and "SiteId".
What I am trying to do is to insert multiple rows into that "PROJECTSITES" table based on which checkbox was checked.  The checkbox is located next to each site and I want to be able to select only the ones I need. Btw the Datalist is located inside of a formview and has it's own datasource which already distincts which JOBSITES to display.
ProjectId    -    SiteId
1   -   5
1    -   9
1    -   16
1    -   18
1    -   20
1    -   27
1    -   31
ProjectId stays the same, only values for SiteId are being different.
I hope I explaining it right. Do I have to use some sort of loop to go through the automatically populated DataList records and how do I make a multiple inserts to database table? We use SQL Server 2005 and VB for code behind. Please ask if I missed on some information. Thank you in advance.

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Query From Multiple Tables And Rows, HELP!

Feb 27, 2007

I'm trying to run a sql query using the core dotnetnuke database. I am tying to pull from two separate tables in the same database and return the results below:

LastName | FirstName | City | PhoneNumber

Smith Joe New York (555)555-5555


Last Name and FirstName are two separate columns in the DB_Users table, while City and PhoneNumber are both values of the same column DB_UserProfile.PropertyValue located in separate rows defined by an ID in the DB_UserProfile.PropertyDefinitionID column.

The UserProfile table looks something like this...

ID | PropertyDefinitionID | PropertyValue

1 27 New York
2 31 (555)555-5555


This is what I have so far but it is not working out to well...

SELECT DB_Users.FirstName, DB_Users.LastName, DB_UserProfile.PropertyValue AS City, DB_UserProfile.PropertyValue AS PhoneNumber
FROM DB_Users, DB_UserProfile WHERE DB_Users.UserID = DB_UserProfile.UserID AND DB_UserProfile.PropertyDefinitionID = 27 AND DB_UserProfile.PropertyDefinitionID = 31
ORDER BY DB_Users.LastName



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Reportviewer - How To Link Multiple Tables Into A Single Dataset

Sep 13, 2007


I want to design a report in which it will contain fields derived from 2 different stored procedures. I understand a 'table' can display data from a single dataset. How can i bind these two stored procedures into a single dataset so as when i click on the table and use its property 'DataSetName', to be able to select the dataset which holds all columns from stored proc 1 and stored proc 2. How can i link multible tables ( multible stored procedures with different column names in each one) into a single dataset to feed the report?

Thank you

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Access2003 Cannot Link (but Excel2003 Can Link) To Tables In Access97 Database

Feb 20, 2008

I have created an Access2003 project (existing data) that links to external data. First I connected to a SQL Server 2000 database. Success. Then I tried to set up a Transact SQL data connection to a legacy MDW-secured Access97 database. (A third-party VB6 application goes against it, and we don't have the source code, so we cannot upgrade it.)

The Transact SQL link tests OK but I cannot select any of the tables or queries from the list presented. However, with the same credentials, I can use these same objects in Excel 2003.

When setting up the link in Access2003, I specify JET 4.0 OLE DB Provider, I enter the MDW file on the All tab, a username and a password on the Connection tab where I browse to the MDB file, and specify Shared Deny None on the Advanced tab. When I test the connection, it tests OK ("Test connection succeeded"). Yet on the "Select the Database and Table/Cube which contains the data you want" dialog, "(Default)" appears in the grayed-out dropdown. Then, beneath that dropdown, there is a grid with Name and Description columns. The grid contains query names but the grid is not enabled. The list of queries is this table is grayed out. Neither of the scrollbars works.

BUT... if I use the SAME username and password in Excel2003, and specify the same MDW, there is no problem working with these same database objects in the legacy Access97 database. WHAT IS DIFFERENT ABOUT THE WIZARD IN EXCEL THAT ALLOWS IT TO SUCCEED AND THE WIZARD IN ACCESS THAT CAUSES IT TO FAIL HERE? In Excel, the list of available providers says Microsoft Access Driver, not JET 4.0 OLE DB Provider.


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Cannot Link To SQL Tables Using ODBC Link Table In Access 2003

Feb 3, 2006

When trying to link to an SQL table in Access 2003, the software appears to be malfunctioning. 

The sequence of events is File - Get External Data - Link Tables - Files of Type: ODBC Databases().

The Problem: On two of my computers, the select data source window does not pop up, preventing me from linking to any ODBC data source. 

Observations:  This function has worked normally in the recent past and works on other computers running Access 2003.  One difference between the computers working and non-working computers is Norton Antivirus 2006 (recent upgrade).

Has anyone experienced anything like this?  What's going on?

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Multiple Insert Into Multiple Tables With A Stored Procedure

Mar 1, 2007

I am building a survey application.
 I have 8 questions. 
 Textbox -  Call reference
 Dropdownmenu  - choose Support method
 Radio button lists - Customer satisfaction questions 1-5
Multiline textbox - other comments.
I want to insert textbox, dropdown menu into a db table, then insert each question score into a score column with each question having an ID.
I envisage to do this I will need an insert query for the textbox and dropdownlist and then an insert for each question based on ID and score.
Please help me!

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Bulk Insert Multiple Files To Multiple Tables - How?

Feb 15, 2008

I need to be able to bulk insert a bunch of tables from their corresponding flat file. I have created an XML file (see below) which has the file name/table name pair at each node. I then created a ForEachLoop task and used the Node enumeration type and the following OuterXpathString: ReferenceFiles/File. At this point I get lost. How do I pass the 2 inside node values (file name and table name) to variables which I can then use as expressions for the bulk insert task inside the Foreach?

Here is XML file:

Code Snippet





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Transact SQL :: Query To Convert Single Row Multiple Columns To Multiple Rows

Apr 21, 2015

I have a table with single row like below

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column0 | Column1 | Column2 | Column3 | Column4|
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Value0    | Value1    | Value2    | Value3    |  Value4  |

Am looking for a query to convert above table data to multiple rows having column name and its value in each row as shown below

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column0 | Value0
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column1 | Value1
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column2 | Value2
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column3 | Value3
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column4 | Value4
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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How To Do Multiple Rows Insert?

Nov 14, 2006

I want to do bulk insert of data into table.
I need to do it using System.Data.SqlServerCe namespace;

Already tryed 2 methods.

SqlCeCommand command = Connection.CreateCommand();command.CommandText = "Insert INTO [Table] (col1, col2) Values (val1, val2); Insert INTO [Table] (col1, col2) Values(val11, val22)";if (Connection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) {

Doesn't work because of parsing error. Appearantly semicolon isn't understood in commandText, although if commandText is executed in SQL Management Studio it executes flawlessly.

SqlCeCommand command = Connection.CreateCommand();
= "INSERT INTO [Table] (col1, col2) SELECT val1, val2 UNION ALL SELECT val11, val12";
if (Connection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) {

Using this method i found out bug (or so i think).

I need to insert around 10000 rows of data and wouldn't want to run
cycle for 10000 times.

Any help would be appreciated. Thnx in advance.

Sorry for bad english.

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Multiple Rows To Multiple Tables

May 4, 2001

Hi, Gurus,

I am trying to populate a table with repeating groups in multiple columns by using information from two other tables. The sample tables and records are like:

Table A



Table B



Table C (The empty table I want to populate like the following)


112C1 13 C514 C9
212C2 13 C614 C10
312C3 13 C714 C11
412C4 13 C814 C12

What is the best way to do it? Thanks in advance.


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Help! How To Insert Multiple Rows Into Database???

Jan 7, 2007

I keep getting this error but it will only insert the 1st row into my database table
The variable name '@CustId' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure.
Protected Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim drow As GridViewRow
For Each drow In GridView1.Rows
Dim textBoxText As String = CType(drow.FindControl("Label2"), Label).Text
SqlDataSource2.InsertParameters.Add("CustId", TypeCode.String, Profile.UserName)
SqlDataSource2.InsertParameters.Add("OrderDate", TypeCode.DateTime, DateTime.Now.ToString)
SqlDataSource2.InsertParameters.Add("Total", TypeCode.Double, TotalUnitPrice)
SqlDataSource2.InsertParameters.Add("Quantity", TypeCode.Int32, textBoxText)
End Sub

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How Do I Insert Multiple Rows In A Table At Once?

Mar 26, 2008

 Hi,i m using sqlexpress 2005 and sql management express studio. I want to know how could i insert multiple records on a single query in a table?i also want to whats wrong with this insert query?DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tblcountry`;CREATE TABLE `tblcountry` (  `ID` int(3) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `LCID` int(4) unsigned default '0',  `CountryCode` char(2) default NULL,  `Country` varchar(50) default NULL,  `CountryInt` varchar(50) default NULL,  `Language` varchar(50) default NULL,  `Standard` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0',  `Active` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0',  PRIMARY KEY  (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;INSERT INTO `tblcountry` (`ID`,`LCID`,`CountryCode`,`Country`,`CountryInt`,`Language`,`Standard`,`Active`) VALUES  (1,1030,'DK','Danmark','Denmark','Dansk',0,1), (2,2057,'GB','England','England','English',1,1), (3,1031,'DE','Deutschland','Germany','Deutsch',0,1);finally how could i extract the database structure and data from the sql express management studio?so that i can copy it and re use it some other computer.Thanks.Jack.  

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Insert Multiple Rows Into SQL Table

Aug 31, 2004

I am trying to insert multiple rows into a table getting data from a web form.

I have 2 fields being passed from a web form to the below stored procedure
@FormBidlistID Sample Data --> 500
@CheckBoxListContractors Sample Data --> 124,125,145,154,156,

The below DELETE function is working great. However for some reason or another the INSERT INTO sql command is not putting seperating the string and adding rows to the database? I am not sure where the error is occuring.

In the end I need the data to go into the database columns like so

Table: BidlistContractors (2 Columns: BidlistID, ContractorID)

BidlistID ContractorID
500 124
500 125
500 145
500 154
500 156

Stored Procedure Code:

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.UpdateBidlistContractors
@FormBidlistID int,
@CheckBoxListContractors varchar(3999)
DELETE FROM BidlistContractors
WHERE BidlistID = @FormBidlistID
DECLARE @ContractorID nvarchar(10)
DECLARE @BidlistID nvarchar(10)
DECLARE @startPosition int
DECLARE @commaPosition int
SET @startPosition =1
SET @commaPosition = 0
WHILE (@startPosition < LEN(@ContractorID))
SET @commaPosition = CHARINDEX(' , ' , @ContractorID, @startPosition)
SET @ContractorID= SUBSTRING(@ContractorID, @startPosition, @commaPosition - @startPosition)
INSERT INTO BidlistContractors (BidlistID, ContractorID)
VALUES (@BidlistID, @ContractorID)
SET @startPosition = @startPosition + LEN(@ContractorID) + 1

Where am I going wrong? Thank you in advance for any help.

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Insert Data Into Multiple Rows From

Nov 3, 2005

 I am stuck. I have some vars being passed to an aspx page that I need to dump into a db table in multiple rows, how do I do it? I am going into a SQL database using VS.Net 2003 here's the format that the vars come in the page as: UserID = 46 k12SessionArray0interaction_id = Interaction_01 k12SessionArray0correct_response = d k12SessionArray0student_response = d k12SessionArray0result = C k12SessionArray0latency = 00:00:02 k12SessionArray1interaction_id = Interaction_02 k12SessionArray1correct_response = c k12SessionArray1student_response = c k12SessionArray1result = C k12SessionArray1latency = 00:00:02 k12SessionArray2interaction_id = Interaction_03 k12SessionArray2correct_response = a k12SessionArray2student_response = a k12SessionArray2result = C k12SessionArray2latency = 00:00:03 now here's the format of the database AnswerID | UserID | InteractionID | CorrectResponse | StudentResponse | QResult | Latency How do I insert the data to have it be mulitiple rows like: 1 | 46 | Interaction_01 | d | d | C | 00:00:02 2 | 46 | Interaction_02 | c | c | C | 00:00:02 3 | 46 | Interaction_03 | a | a | C | 00:00:03

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Insert Multiple Rows - Performance

Jun 18, 2008


I came across the following topic which speaks about inserting multiple rows into a table.

The following is the code it concludes:
INSERT INTO InstitutionManagement.dbo.b10_partC
(unitid, repyear, test, subject_area, scores,
credit_awarded, comments, recno)
unitid = 'data1a',
repyear = 'data1b',
test = 'data1c',
subject_area = 'data1d',
scores = 'data1e',
credit_awarded = 'data1f',
comments = 'data1g',
recno = 'data1h'
union all
unitid = 'data2a',
repyear = 'data2b',
test = 'data2c',
subject_area = 'data2d',
scores = 'data2e',
credit_awarded = 'data2f',
comments = 'data2g',
recno = 'data2h'
union all
unitid = 'data3a',
repyear = 'data3b',
test = 'data3c',
subject_area = 'data3d',
scores = 'data3e',
credit_awarded = 'data3f',
comments = 'data3g',
recno = 'data3h'
... And so on...

My question is based on the performance of the above insert statement aganist Microsoft.Net SqlBulkCopy Class.

One more thing: Does the above statement gets executed as asingle statement or as multiple statements (One execution for each Select statement).



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Returning Multiple Rows From 2 Tables

Aug 29, 2005

I have two tables and I want to return data from both. Currently my select statement is returning just 1 child record for each parent record and I want to return all child records that match the parent record.

Here's a sample of my tables/data/etc.

speciesid | species
1 | Mammals
2 | Rodents
3 | Reptiles

animalid | animal
3 | Skink
3 | Iguana
3 | Rattlesnake
2 | Meerkat
1 | Hippo
1 | Elk

What I want to do is pull up a list of all the species and under each list all the animals currently listed under that species.

So the result I want should look like:
Mammals (Hippo, Elk)
Reptiles (Skink, Iguana, Rattlesnake)
Rodents (Meerkat)

so currently I have:
SELECT A.animalid, S.speciesid, A.animal, S.species from t2 as A, t1 as S where S.speciesid=A.animalid order by species

this works great, it's just that it only returns one animal instead of all of the animals. Any help would be appreciated.

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Inserting Rows For Multiple Tables?

Sep 3, 2013

Say for instance I got 2 tables

Subject Table and a Student Table

The Subject Table consist of the following attributes:

Subject_ID [PK], Subject_Name, Course_ID and Course_Name

The Student Table consists of the following attributes:

Subject ID [FK], Students_Name, Students_bday, Students_age, Students_height and Students_weight

How can I use the INSERT function when I would like to add a row with the following details:

Course_Name : Biotechnology
Students_Name : Fred
Students_bday : 01/JAN/1990
Stundets_age : 54

how to use the INSERT function for multiple tables.

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How To Delete Rows From Multiple Tables In SQL

Oct 23, 2007

I have an SQL 2000 server. I have multiple tables in the db that have a row with a time stamp of '10-23-2007'. What I am trying to do is delete these specific rows because they don't belong.
So I need to query the db for table names that are like 'elect_Sub%' and then execute a query on those tables that would delete the row with the time_stamp '10-23-2007'. I know that I have to use the db schema to get the table names, but I need help in writing the sql script that will automatically scroll through the tables.


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Insert Multiple Rows From Dataset Into SQL Database

Aug 16, 2006

is there anyway to insert all the rows from a dataset to SQL Server table in a single stretch..


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How To Insert Multiple Rows Using Stored Procedure

Feb 1, 2005

How to insert multiple rows with using a single stored procedure and favourably as an atomic process?

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Insert Multiple Rows Using A Stored Procedure

Sep 3, 2004

I'm writing a Intranet web application to allow users to add presentation files to a web site for others to download. The presentations are to be grouped by categories, however I want them to be able to create additional categories if needed. I have created two tables.

Table 1 - PresentationCategories
Table 1 Fields - ID, Category

Table 2 - PresentationFiles
Table 2 Fields - ID, Name, Description, Filename, Filesize, CategoryID

On my web page I want to call a stored procedure to insert records into the PresentationFiles table. I have check boxes on the web form for all the possible categories that exist. A user can check each category that this presentation applies too.

In my stored procedure, how do I accomplish inserting a record for each category that is selected on the web form?

I'm guessing that I'll need to pass the categoryID's parameter into the procedure as a delimited string and then process this string for each categoryID and insert records into the PresentationFiles table using a While loop. I'm just not clear on how this is accomplished.

Any advice on how to do it differently or other resources that you can point me to is very much appreciated.

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SQL 2012 :: How To Insert Multiple Rows With Condition

May 19, 2015

Create table #table (id int identity , from_country varchar(20) ,
to_country varchar(20),noofdays int, datetravel datetime )
insert into #table(from_country,to_country,noofdays,datetravel)
select * from #table

I want to insert data to another table based on "noofdays" columns. If "noofdays" is 4 then 4 rows should inserted to new table with 1 day increment in "datetravel" column.

Ex :
1MalaysiaIndia22015-02-09 02:04:09.247
2IndiaSingapore42015-02-20 02:04:09.247


In #table , 1st row noofdays is 2 , so in new table #table_new first 2 rows should inserted with 1 day increment in "datetravel" column.

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Inserting Multiple Rows With A Single INSERT INTO

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I have an application running on a wireless device and being wireless Iwant it to use bandwidth as efficiently as possible. Therefore, I wantthe SQL statement that it uploads to the SQL Server to be as efficientas possible. In one instance, I give it four records to upload, whichcurrently I have as four seperate SQL statements seperated by a ";".However, all the INSERT INTO... information is the same each time, theonly that changes is the VALUES portion of each command. Also, I haveto have the name of each column to receive the data (believe it or not,these columns are only a small subset of the columns in the table).Here is my current SQL statement:INSERT INTO tblInvTransLog ( intType, strScreen, strMachine, strUser,dteDate, intSteelRecID, intReleaseReceiptID, strReleaseNo, intQty,dblDiameter, strGrade, HeatID, strHeatNum, strHeatCode, lngfkCompanyID)VALUES (1, 'Raw Material Receiving', '[MachineNo]', '[CurrentUser]','3/21/2005', 888, 779, '2', 5, 0.016, '1018', 18, '610T142', 'K8',520);INSERT INTO tblInvTransLog ( intType, strScreen, strMachine, strUser,dteDate, intSteelRecID, intReleaseReceiptID, strReleaseNo, intQty,dblDiameter, strGrade, HeatID, strHeatNum, strHeatCode, lngfkCompanyID)VALUES (1, 'Raw Material Receiving', '[MachineNo]', '[CurrentUser]','3/21/2005', 888, 779, '2', 9, 0.016, '1018', 30, '14841', 'B9', 344);Since the SQL statement INSERT INTO portion remains the same everytime, it would be good if I could have the INSERT INTO portion onlyonce and then any number of VALUES sections, something like this:INSERT INTO tblInvTransLog (intType, strScreen, strMachine, strUser,dteDate, intSteelRecID, intReleaseReceiptID, strReleaseNo, intQty,dblDiameter, strGrade, HeatID, strHeatNum, strHeatCode, lngfkCompanyID)VALUES (1, 'Raw Material Receiving', '[MachineNo]','[CurrentUser]', '3/21/2005', 888, 779, '2', 5, 0.016, '1018', 18,'610T142', 'K8', 520)VALUES (1, 'Raw Material Receiving', '[MachineNo]','[CurrentUser]', '3/21/2005', 888, 779, '2', 9, 0.016, '1018', 30,'14841', 'B9', 344);But this is not a valid SQL statement. But perhaps someone with a morecomprehensive knowledge of SQL knows of way. Maybe there is a way tostore a string at the header of the command then use the string name ineach seperate command(??)

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Generate Multiple Rows For Insert From Single Row

Jan 15, 2007

Dear all,

I have a package in which, when a Cost Center has X as a value, I must insert not X but many different Y value, which are associated with X. How can I gather and treat those Y values? Only using a Script Component?


Pedro Martins

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Deleting Rows From Multiple Tables On A Condition

Oct 10, 2007

I have different tables with the same schema as follows

ID Name

<Table 1>

ID Name
1 Name1
2 Name2
3 Name3

<Table 2>

ID Name
1 Name1
4 Name4
5 Name5

I just want to delete the row where ID = 1 from these tables in one query ? Is it possible??


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Transact SQL :: Join Two Tables With Multiple Rows?

Aug 13, 2015

I have to join two tables and i need to fetch All records from @tab2 and only max date record from @tab1 that ID is present in Tab2

1.) @Tab1 have multiple records for each ID

2.) @Tab2 also have multiple records for each ID

3.) Kind of Lef Outer join those tables with ID and take all records from @tab2 and only Max of date from @tab1 and order by ID and Date

Note: @Tab1 always have lesser dates than @tab2 for each ID

Tables looks like as follows 

declare @tab1 table (id varchar(3), effDt Date, rate int)
insert into @tab1 values ('101','2013-12-01',5)
insert into @tab1 values ('101','2013-12-02',2)
insert into @tab1 values ('101','2013-12-03',52)


In the given ex, ID 103 should not come as it is not present in @tab2, ID 104 should come even it is not present in @tab1 as we ahve to use left outer join Result should like follows.

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Insert Rows Into Four Tables At One Time

Nov 14, 2007

Hello,I have 4 tables having Customer, Customer_personal_info, Customer_Financial_info, Customer_Other_infoIn this Customer table had a primary key CustomerID , related with every other table with fkey.I want to insert data into four tables using one form having TABs .I created class and storedProcedures to insert row  for each table.How to execute all four classes using beginTrans-commitTrans-Rollback-EndTrans. Thanking you, 

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Insert Multiple Rows With A Trigger That Invoke A Function

Jan 17, 2012

Multiple rows to insert:
insert into Customer(CustomerId,Name,Value)
select CustomerId,Name,Value
from CustomerTemp

Trigger in Customer table that invoke a function:
alter TRIGGER [dbo].[Calculation] ON [dbo].[Customer]

update Customer
set Percentage = dbo.GetPercentage((select Value from inserted))
where CustomerId = (select CustomerId from inserted)

I'm getting the error for the multiple row.Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.Is there a way to let me insert multiple rows, using the trigger that invoke a function ?

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Insert Into Multiple Rows Instead Of One Comma-delimited List?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi, all:I have a form which lets users choose more than one value for each question.But how do I insert each value as a separate row in my table (instead ofhaving the values submitted as a comma-delimited list)?Thanks for your help.J

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SQL 2000 How To Insert Multiple Rows Ina Single Table

Oct 25, 2007

I am using SQL 2000
I am getting a syntax error when I parse this sql script:

insert into Elec_Sub_Test1
values ('10-20-2007',35),

What is the correct syntax to insert mutlipe rows in a single table.

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