Help With Installation Error Code 3221225477 0xc0000005

Feb 21, 2008

I assume I'm trying to install SQL Server Express 2005 as it's part of a larger installation package (Neat Receipts Professional 3.0.3).

During the installation of SQL Server 2005, I get the following error message:

The SQL Server System Configuration Checker cannot be executed due to WMI configuration on the machine ACERLAPTOP Error:3221225477 (0xc0000005)

I'm running XP Home SP2 with all known patches applied.
CPU is AMD Athlon Turion(TM) 64 Mobile Technology ML-30, 1600 MHz
I'm also running ZoneAlarm Security Suite Pro for firewall and antivirus.
If further information is needed, just ask.

Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to get past this obstacle?

Ira Smilovitz

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Error Code 6 Stopping Installation Of SRS 2000

Feb 27, 2007


during install of SRS 2000 in a dev environment I get the following error:

Error Code 6

Installing Performance Monitor Objects failed.

If I choose ignore, the wizard freezes and no further activity is performed regardless of how long I leave it.

Also, during the install it does not automatically detect the SQL server name when nominating the server, you have to type this in manually even after refreshing the list.

The SQL server was installed using the default instance.

Being installed on 2000 Server with latest service pack, and with SQL 2000 on sp4.

Any help on this would be appreciated.


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Installation Problem: Unable To Start Service (3) - Error Code: 0x80070003

Sep 5, 2007


I have Vista x64 and I had been fighting SQL Server for a few days and yesterday I decided for reinstallation. Unfortunately now I am not able to instal the server back!

Each time I got the following error (it refers to SQL Server service):

Code Snippet
<Func Name='LaunchFunction'>
<Func Name='GetCAContext'>
<EndFunc Name='GetCAContext' Return='T' GetLastError='203'>
Doing Action: Do_sqlShutDownRANUInstance
PerfTime Start: Do_sqlShutDownRANUInstance : Tue Sep 04 23:32:16 2007
<Func Name='Do_sqlShutDownRANUInstance'>
Service SQLEXPRESS with parameters '' is being started at Tue Sep 04 23:32:16 2007
Unable to start service (3)
Error Code: 0x80070003 (3)
Windows Error Text: System nie może odnaleźć określonej ścieżki.
Source File Name: sqlsetuplibservice.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Wed Jun 14 16:29:04 2006
Function Name: sqls::Service::Start
Source Line Number: 316

---- Context -----------------------------------------------

Setting status of unmanaged components and removing unmanaged resources

Error Code: 3
MSI (s) (F4:E4) [23:32:24:490]: I/O on thread 3716 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168
MSI (s) (F4:E4) [23:32:24:493]: I/O on thread 788 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168
MSI (s) (F4:E4) [23:32:24:493]: I/O on thread 2948 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168
MSI (s) (F4:E4) [23:32:24:493]: I/O on thread 4392 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168
MSI (s) (F4:E4) [23:32:24:493]: I/O on thread 5048 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168
MSI (s) (F4:E4) [23:32:24:495]: I/O on thread 4464 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168
MSI (s) (F4:E4) [23:32:24:495]: I/O on thread 4992 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168
MSI (s) (F4:E4) [23:32:24:495]: I/O on thread 4768 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168
MSI (s) (F4:E4) [23:32:24:497]: I/O on thread 3004 could not be cancelled. Error: 1168
MSI (s) (F4!4C) [23:32:24:497]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -- Error 29503. The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually."
The error is (3) System nie może odnaleźć określonej ścieżki.
Error 29503. The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually."
The error is (3) System nie może odnaleźć określonej ścieżki.
<Failure Type='Fatal' Error='3'>
<EndFunc Name='LaunchFunction' Return='3' GetLastError='203'>
MSI (s) (F4:80) [23:32:24:507]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (F4:80) [23:32:24:507]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
Action ended 23:32:24: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.
MSI (s) (F4:80) [23:32:24:512]: Executing op: Header(Signature=1397708873,Version=400,Timestamp=925154312,LangId=1033,Platform=0,ScriptType=2,ScriptMajorVersion=21,ScriptMinorVersion=4,ScriptAttributes=1)
MSI (s) (F4:80) [23:32:24:512]: Executing op: DialogInfo(Type=0,Argument=1033)
MSI (s) (F4:80) [23:32:24:513]: Executing op: DialogInfo(Type=1,Argument=Microsoft SQL Server 2005)
MSI (s) (F4:80) [23:32:24:514]: Executing op: RollbackInfo(,RollbackAction=Rollback,RollbackDescription=Rolling back action:,RollbackTemplate=[1],CleanupAction=RollbackCleanup,CleanupDescription=Removing backup files,CleanupTemplate=File: [1])
MSI (s) (F4:80) [23:32:24:516]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=Do_sqlShutDownRANUInstance.D20239D7_E87C_40C9_9837_E70B8D4882C2,Description=Running action to shutdown instance(Run As Normal User),)
MSI (s) (F4:80) [23:32:24:517]: Executing op: ProductInfo(ProductKey={C3F5DBA5-ABFC-443E-AA60-928223AADF53},ProductName=Microsoft SQL Server 2005,PackageName=sqlrun_sql.msi,Language=1033,Version=151129058,Assignment=1,ObsoleteArg=0,ProductIcon=ARPIcon.ico,PackageMediaPath=Setup,PackageCode={08AD0897-0300-4F7D-A3CC-A0CCEDD42E0D},,,InstanceType=1,LUASetting=0,RemoteURTInstalls=0,ProductDeploymentFlags=3)
MSI (s) (F4:80) [23:32:24:518]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=ProcessComponents,Description=Updating component registration,)
MSI (s) (F4:80) [23:32:24:519]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionSharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,)
MSI (s) (F4:80) [23:32:24:520]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionSharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,)
MSI (s) (F4:80) [23:32:24:520]: Executing op: ComponentUnregister(ComponentId={68C6D258-77E0-11D5-8528-00C04F68155C},ProductKey={C3F5DBA5-ABFC-443E-AA60-928223AADF53},BinaryType=0,)
MSI (s) (F4:80) [23:32:24:520]: Executing op: ComponentUnregister(ComponentId={68C6D257-77E0-11D5-8528-00C04F68155C},ProductKey={C3F5DBA5-ABFC-443E-AA60-928223AADF53},BinaryType=0,)

What can I do solve the problem?

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SQL Server Comact Error 0XC0000005 After Device Is Powered Off And Back On

Mar 12, 2008

This is my first attempt to use SQL Server Compact with Visual Studio 2005.

I wrote a program for Inventory Scaning which requires the database to be stored on an SD Card. As long as the device is left powered on, the programs function normally. However, if the device powers off and is then turned back on the 0xC0000005 error is displayed when the program attempts to do anything with the SQL Connection.

I have also written a small sample program to test and the results are repeatable each time.

The sample program consists of a single form with six buttons (Create Database, Open Database, Insert Records, Delete Records, Close Database, Dispose Database).

Both programs are written in VB.

Here is the code for the sample program.

Public Class frmSQLTest

Private cnDB As System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection

Private connString As String

Private Sub frmSQLTest_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Me.txtDB.Text = "Storage CardTest.sdf"

End Sub

Private Sub txtDB_LostFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtDB.LostFocus

connString = "Data Source=" & Me.txtDB.Text

Me.txtStatus.Text = "Connection String Set"

End Sub

Private Sub btnCreate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCreate.Click

If Me.txtDB.Text = Nothing Then

MessageBox.Show("Unable to Create Database")

Exit Sub

End If

Dim eng As New System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeEngine(connString)


eng = Nothing

Me.txtStatus.Text = "Database Created"

End Sub

Private Sub btnOpenDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOpenDB.Click

Dim sqlDB As New System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand

If cnDB Is Nothing Then

cnDB = New System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection(connString)

End If


Me.txtStatus.Text = "Database Opened"

sqlDB.Connection = cnDB

sqlDB.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE Master (Item nvarchar(12), Description nvarchar(19))"


sqlDB.CommandText = "CREATE INDEX idx_Master on Master (Item)"


Me.txtStatus.Text = "Master Table Created"

sqlDB = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub btnInsert_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnInsert.Click

Dim RecCount As Long

Dim sqlDB As New System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand

sqlDB.Connection = cnDB

For RecCount = 1 To Me.nudRecs.Value

sqlDB.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Master ([Item], [Description]) " _

& "VALUES ('" & RecCount.ToString & "','Test Item " & RecCount.ToString & "')"


If RecCount Mod 100 = 0 Then

Me.txtStatus.Text = "Updating Record..." & RecCount.ToString

End If


Me.txtStatus.Text = "Records Inserted"

sqlDB = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click

Dim sqlDB As New System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand

sqlDB.Connection = cnDB

sqlDB.CommandText = "Delete FROM Master"

Me.txtStatus.Text = "Master Table Cleared"

sqlDB = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub btnCloseDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCloseDB.Click


Me.txtStatus.Text = "Database Closed"

End Sub

Private Sub btnDispose_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDispose.Click

cnDB = Nothing


Me.txtStatus.Text = "Database Diposed"

End Sub

End Class

In my tests, I start the program (loaded on the Storage Card in the same directory as the database). SQL Server Compact is also installed on the SD Card to save space in Main Memory.

Steps to Re-Create the Error:

1. Click the Create Database button. Database is created properly.
2. Click the Open Database button. Database connection opens properly.
3. Click the Insert Records button. Records are inserted into the table properly.
4. Turn off the Symbol MC3000 unit.
5. Turn the unit back on.
6. When I click on any of the following buttons, the error is displayed. Close Database, Insert Records, Delete Records.

I have also tried closing the database (as well as closing and disposing the database) prior to step 4 above, but when I try to re-open the database (or create the database) again, the error displays.

Is there anyway to correct this issue?

With the real program, the database must be kept open as long as each form is open to prevent speed issues and the database must be stored on the SD Card since there is not enough storage space available on the device.

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Simple DB Operations Are Throwing Native Exception Error - 0xc0000005 - Intermittently

Dec 4, 2006

Hi All,

We have written a multithreaded application in which we are maintaining separate Database connections for each thread. these connections are opened and closed at the start and exit of the thread.

We have observed that even if there is only one thread running ( application thread), execution of simple Select queries some times throws Native exception(Error - 0xc0000005 ).

This error comes intermittently. Execution of same query doesn't throw exception.

Further investigation by breaking the debug at the time of native exception and then looking into the stack trace shows that native exception has occured at one of the Native API (CompileQueryPlan() ) which is being called implicitly by the SQL Mobile.

Each time when we see native exception stack trace shows failure at CompileQueryPlan() call.

Let me know if this is a known defect in SQL Mobile 2005 or there is something else that is causing native exception.



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SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB Error Has Occurred. Error Code: 0x8000FFFF.

Jan 28, 2008

Hi All,

Recently in an SSIS package I am getting the following error for a particular Data flow task.

Error: 2008-01-25 12:01:48.58

Code: 0xC0202009

Source: Import Datasynapse Data User Events Source [3017]

Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x8000FFFF.

End Error

Error: 2008-01-25 12:01:48.73

Code: 0xC004701A

Source: Import Datasynapse Data DTS.Pipeline

Description: component "User Events Source" (3017) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202009.

End Error

Our guess is when the data size of User Events table is more it throws this error. If we try to transfer small subset of data it succeeds. What could be reason for this error?

Since this is very urgent, immediate response would be very much appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,
Prakash Srinivasan

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SQL Tools :: SSDT For VS2012 Installation Fails With (Same Architecture Installation) Error

Mar 9, 2013

The 6:th of march Sql server data tools for Visual Studio 2012 was released.


I seem to be unable to install this using the link provided on the blog page. I'm getting a "Same architecture installation" error. Running on the machine is Visual Studio 2012 Premium & Sql Server 2012 (64bit).

why I'm getting this installation error.

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Error Installing SQL Server2000: A Previous Program Installation Created Pending File Operations On The Installation Machine

Oct 2, 2005

I am trying to install SQL Server 2000 on a Win2K OS machine but Iget this error message:"A previous program installation created pending file operations onthe installation machine. You must restart the computer before runningsetup."I see others have had this problem but have fixed it using the solutionin:;en-us;312995I have tried the solution but to no avail. The registry key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetContro lSessionManagerPendingFileRenameOperations keeps reappearing as soon as Iclose RegEdit.Any ideas?Thanks,lq

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Exception 0xc0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION At 0x00402484

Jul 25, 2007

my sql server give me a error log,who can help me?

2007-07-06 09:58:46.09 spid56 SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 56 generated fatal exception c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process..
* 07/06/07 09:58:46 spid 56
* Exception Address = 00402484
* Exception Code = c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
* Access Violation occurred reading address 199A0F64
* Input Buffer 190 bytes -
* delete from cms_paramdb1..Param where PatientiID = 427 and Occurtime =
* '2007-06-12 17:51:39'
* sqlservr 00400000 00B19FFF 0071a000
* ntdll 7C920000 7C9B3FFF 00094000
* kernel32 7C800000 7C91BFFF 0011c000
* ADVAPI32 77DA0000 77E48FFF 000a9000
* RPCRT4 77E50000 77EE0FFF 00091000
* USER32 77D10000 77D9EFFF 0008f000
* GDI32 77EF0000 77F35FFF 00046000
* OPENDS60 41060000 41065FFF 00006000
* MSVCRT 77BE0000 77C37FFF 00058000
* UMS 41070000 4107CFFF 0000d000
* SQLSORT 42AE0000 42B6FFFF 00090000
* MSVCIRT 00300000 00310FFF 00011000
* ShimEng 5CC30000 5CC55FFF 00026000
* AcSpecfc 71540000 71580FFF 00041000
* ole32 76990000 76ACBFFF 0013c000
* SHELL32 773A0000 77B90FFF 007f1000
* SHLWAPI 77F40000 77FB5FFF 00076000
* WINMM 76B10000 76B39FFF 0002a000
* DDRAW 736D0000 73718FFF 00049000
* DCIMAN32 73B30000 73B35FFF 00006000
* USERENV 759D0000 75A7DFFF 000ae000
* MPR 71A90000 71AA1FFF 00012000
* PSAPI 76BC0000 76BCAFFF 0000b000
* comdlg32 76320000 76366FFF 00047000
* COMCTL32 5D170000 5D206FFF 00097000
* IMM32 76300000 7631CFFF 0001d000
* WS2_32 71A20000 71A36FFF 00017000
* WS2HELP 71A10000 71A17FFF 00008000
* LPK 62C20000 62C28FFF 00009000
* USP10 73FA0000 7400AFFF 0006b000
* comctl32 77180000 77281FFF 00102000
* sqlevn70 41080000 41086FFF 00007000
* NETAPI32 5FDD0000 5FE23FFF 00054000
* wmi 76D00000 76D03FFF 00004000
* SSNETLIB 42CF0000 42D05FFF 00016000
* WSOCK32 71A40000 71A4AFFF 0000b000
* SSNMPN70 410D0000 410D5FFF 00006000
* security 71F00000 71F03FFF 00004000
* SECUR32 77FC0000 77FD0FFF 00011000
* crypt32 765E0000 76671FFF 00092000
* MSASN1 76DB0000 76DC1FFF 00012000
* VERSION 77BD0000 77BD7FFF 00008000
* SSmsLPCn 42CD0000 42CD6FFF 00007000
* ntdsapi 76770000 76782FFF 00013000
* DNSAPI 76EF0000 76F16FFF 00027000
* WLDAP32 76F30000 76F5BFFF 0002c000
* sqlimage 4A400000 4A40CFFF 0000d000
* DBGHELP 020F0000 02102FFF 00013000
* Edi: 19991FFC: 16290F65 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
* Esi: 01F6D244: 19990F65 0000FFFF 00000000 00000000 01F6D2D8 00000000
* Eax: 19990F65: FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 75405AFF 8C969852 03DB62E5 FFFFFFFF
* Ebx: 19990000: 00000301 00FF0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00060000
* Ecx: 0000FFFF:
* Edx: 00000026:
* Eip: 00402484: 0114B70F 83145689 EAC107C2 0A4C8D03 184E8902 752000F6
* Ebp: 01F6D264: 01F6D298 00576A9E 00000001 01F6D310 01F6D308 01F6D2D8
* SegCs: 0000001B:
* EFlags: 00010202: 0053005C 00730079 00650074 0033006D 005C0032 00620057
* Esp: 01F6D234: 01F6D244 0040289C 01F6D2D8 00408FEA 19990F65 0000FFFF
* SegSs: 00000023:
Short Stack Dump
00402484 Module(sqlservr+00002484)
00576A9E Module(sqlservr+00176A9E) (SQLExit(unsigned long)+00021C8C)
0057620B Module(sqlservr+0017620B) (SQLExit(unsigned long)+000213F9)
005021AC Module(sqlservr+001021AC)
0041ED96 Module(sqlservr+0001ED96)
00442DD0 Module(sqlservr+00042DD0)
004BFD41 Module(sqlservr+000BFD41)
00427985 Module(sqlservr+00027985)
004271BA Module(sqlservr+000271BA)
0042EA36 Module(sqlservr+0002EA36)
0042E82D Module(sqlservr+0002E82D)
004160DB Module(sqlservr+000160DB)
00415765 Module(sqlservr+00015765)
00415410 Module(sqlservr+00015410)
005A683F Module(sqlservr+001A683F) (SQLExit(unsigned long)+00051A2D)
004160DB Module(sqlservr+000160DB)
00415765 Module(sqlservr+00015765)
00415410 Module(sqlservr+00015410)
00459A54 Module(sqlservr+00059A54)
004175D8 Module(sqlservr+000175D8)
410735D0 Module(UMS+000035D0) (UmsSystemUserContext::UmsSystemUserContext(class UmsScheduler *,struct UMS_SYSPARAMS *)+00000434)
4107382C Module(UMS+0000382C) (UmsScheduler::FiberEnabled(void)+000001D2)
77C0A243 Module(MSVCRT+0002A243) (_endthread+000000AF)
7C80B50B Module(kernel32+0000B50B) (GetModuleFileNameA+000001B4)
2007-07-06 09:58:46.26 spid56 Error: 0, Severity: 19, State: 0
2007-07-06 09:58:46.26 spid56 language_exec: Process 56 generated an access violation. SQL Server is terminating this process..
2007-07-06 09:58:50.28 spid57 Error: 7105, Severity: 22, State: 6
2007-07-06 09:58:50.28 spid57 Page (1:3568), slot 0 for text, ntext, or image node does not exist..

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Native Exception 0xc0000005 When Using SQLCE 3.0/3.1 And .NET CF 2.0?!

Oct 3, 2007


I have written a very basic C# console test app to check the performance and reliability of SQLCE on Windows CE 5.0 (source code below). Running this on different Windows CE 5.0 devices, I always get a 0xc0000005 native exception error when reaching 25592 inserts. It doesn't matter whether the database is empty or not when the test is run, it always fails at that exact number of inserts. Given that I would expect a managed application not to be able to generate native exceptions anyway, and can't really see any reason why it would in this case, I'm at a bit of a loss as to what's going wrong... Any ideas?

VS2005 w/ SP1
Windows CE 5.0 (on custom SH4 platform and HTC WM5 smartphone)
.NET CF 2.0 w/ SP1 and post SP1 patch
SQLCE 3.0.3600.0


PS. The same code (with some SQLCE 3.0 specific bits removed - version and result set for checking table existence) works perfectly under .NET CF 1.0 and SQLCE 2.0).

Source code:

using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlServerCe;

namespace TestDB
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
SqlCeConnection sqlConnection = new SqlCeConnection();
SqlCeCommand sqlCommand = sqlConnection.CreateCommand();
SqlCeResultSet sqlResult;

string strDatabase = "\TestDB.sdf";
string strTable = "TestTable";

// Database connection string
sqlConnection.ConnectionString =
"Data Source=" + strDatabase;

// Database file doesn't exist?
if (!System.IO.File.Exists( strDatabase ))

Console.WriteLine("Creating database: " + strDatabase);

// Create SQL engine object
SqlCeEngine sqlEngine = new SqlCeEngine(

// Use it to create database


Console.WriteLine("Opening database: " + strDatabase);

// Open database connection

// Display SQL version
Console.WriteLine("SQL Version: "
+ sqlConnection.ServerVersion.ToString());

// Check if table exists
sqlCommand.CommandText = "SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM "
+ "TABLE_NAME = '" + strTable + "'";
sqlResult = sqlCommand.ExecuteResultSet(

// Table doesn't exist?
if (!sqlResult.Read())
Console.WriteLine("Creating table: " + strTable);

// Create table
sqlCommand.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE " + strTable
+ "(Sequence integer IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "
+ "Timestamp datetime DEFAULT GETDATE(),"
+ "Message nvarchar(80))";

string strText;

for (int i = 1; i <= 500000; i++)
Inserted " + i.ToString() + " records ");

strText = "Row Number: " + i.ToString();

sqlCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " + strTable
+ " (Message) VALUES ('" + strText + "')";
// SQL error
catch(SqlCeException sqlex)
// Display all error messages
Console.WriteLine( "ERROR:" );
foreach (SqlCeError sqlError in sqlex.Errors)
Console.WriteLine( sqlError );
// Other errors
catch(Exception ex)
// Display error message
Console.WriteLine( "ERROR:" );
Console.WriteLine( ex.Message );
// Close connection
if (sqlConnection.State != ConnectionState.Closed)
Console.WriteLine("Closing database");



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Exception 0xc0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION Reading Address 637B7FC0 At 0x77387EAC

Nov 30, 2006

Hi i am connecting to a DB2 database on a AS400 machine from SQL server 2005.
I have setup a linked server to connect to the DB2 database.

Most of the time the query ( select * from OPENQUERY(lnkd_svrname,'select abc from svr_name.lib_name.tablename') ) works fine but at times it comes up with the following error.

I am running SQL server 2000 Std. Edition on a WIN 2000 machine.

Any help would be appreciated .
From the Exception.Log file

11/30/06 09:38:59 spid 69 Exception 0xc0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 637B7FC0 at 0x77387EAC

STACK DUMP ----------------------------------
BugCheck Dump

This file is generated by Microsoft SQL Server
version 9.00.1399.06
upon detection of fatal unexpected error. Please return this file,
the query or program that produced the bugcheck, the database and
the error log, and any other pertinent information with a Service Request.

***Stack Dump being sent to C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGSQLDump0024.txt
SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 69 generated fatal exception c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is
terminating this process.
* *******************************************************************************
* 11/30/06 09:38:59 spid 69
* Exception Address = 77387EAC Module(USER32+00007EAC)
* Exception Code = c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
* Access Violation occurred reading address 637B7FC0
* Input Buffer 182 bytes -
* select * from OPENQUERY(lnkd_svrname,'select abc from svr_name.lib_name.tablename')
* sqlservr 01000000 02BA7FFF 01ba8000
* ntdll 7C800000 7C8BFFFF 000c0000
* kernel32 77E40000 77F41FFF 00102000
* MSVCR80 78130000 781CAFFF 0009b000
* msvcrt 77BA0000 77BF9FFF 0005a000
* MSVCP80 7C420000 7C4A6FFF 00087000
* ADVAPI32 77F50000 77FEBFFF 0009c000
* RPCRT4 77C50000 77CEEFFF 0009f000
* USER32 77380000 77411FFF 00092000
* GDI32 77C00000 77C47FFF 00048000
* CRYPT32 761B0000 76242FFF 00093000
* MSASN1 76190000 761A1FFF 00012000
* Secur32 76F50000 76F62FFF 00013000
* MSWSOCK 71B20000 71B60FFF 00041000
* WS2_32 71C00000 71C16FFF 00017000
* WS2HELP 71BF0000 71BF7FFF 00008000
* USERENV 76920000 769E3FFF 000c4000
* opends60 333E0000 333E6FFF 00007000
* NETAPI32 49DE0000 49E37FFF 00058000
* SHELL32 7C8D0000 7D0D3FFF 00804000
* SHLWAPI 77DA0000 77DF1FFF 00052000
* comctl32 77420000 77522FFF 00103000
* psapi 76B70000 76B7AFFF 0000b000
* instapi 48060000 48069FFF 0000a000
* sqlevn70 4F610000 4F7A0FFF 00191000
* SQLOS 344D0000 344D4FFF 00005000
* rsaenh 68000000 6802EFFF 0002f000
* AUTHZ 76C40000 76C53FFF 00014000
* MSCOREE 34180000 341C4FFF 00045000
* ole32 77670000 777A3FFF 00134000
* msv1_0 76C90000 76CB6FFF 00027000
* iphlpapi 76CF0000 76D09FFF 0001a000
* kerberos 343F0000 34447FFF 00058000
* cryptdll 766E0000 766EBFFF 0000c000
* schannel 76750000 76776FFF 00027000
* COMRES 77010000 770D5FFF 000c6000
* XOLEHLP 344B0000 344B5FFF 00006000
* MSDTCPRX 48070000 480E7FFF 00078000
* msvcp60 780C0000 78120FFF 00061000
* MTXCLU 480F0000 48108FFF 00019000
* VERSION 77B90000 77B97FFF 00008000
* WSOCK32 71BB0000 71BB8FFF 00009000
* OLEAUT32 77D00000 77D8BFFF 0008c000
* CLUSAPI 48110000 48121FFF 00012000
* RESUTILS 48130000 48142FFF 00013000
* DNSAPI 76ED0000 76EFEFFF 0002f000
* winrnr 76F70000 76F76FFF 00007000
* WLDAP32 76F10000 76F3DFFF 0002e000
* rasadhlp 76F80000 76F87FFF 00008000
* security 48570000 48573FFF 00004000
* msfte 49910000 49B67FFF 00258000
* dbghelp 48DD0000 48EE7FFF 00118000
* WINTRUST 76BB0000 76BDAFFF 0002b000
* imagehlp 76C10000 76C38FFF 00029000
* dssenh 68100000 68123FFF 00024000
* hnetcfg 49330000 49388FFF 00059000
* wshtcpip 71AE0000 71AE7FFF 00008000
* NTMARTA 77E00000 77E21FFF 00022000
* SAMLIB 493D0000 493DEFFF 0000f000
* ntdsapi 766F0000 76704FFF 00015000
* xpsp2res 493E0000 496A4FFF 002c5000
* CLBCatQ 777B0000 77832FFF 00083000
* sqlncli 496B0000 498CDFFF 0021e000
* COMCTL32 77530000 775C6FFF 00097000
* comdlg32 762B0000 762F9FFF 0004a000
* SQLNCLIR 007A0000 007D2FFF 00033000
* msftepxy 498D0000 498E4FFF 00015000
* xpstar90 62080000 620C4FFF 00045000
* SQLSCM90 620E0000 620E8FFF 00009000
* ODBC32 62100000 6213CFFF 0003d000
* BatchParser90 62140000 6215DFFF 0001e000
* SQLSVC90 62170000 62189FFF 0001a000
* SqlResourceLoader 621A0000 621A5FFF 00006000
* ATL80 7C630000 7C64AFFF 0001b000
* odbcint 62380000 62396FFF 00017000
* SQLSVC90 623A0000 623A2FFF 00003000
* xpstar90 623B0000 623D5FFF 00026000
* xpsqlbot 62400000 62405FFF 00006000
* xplog70 62520000 6252BFFF 0000c000
* xplog70 62540000 62542FFF 00003000
* oledb32 62840000 628B8FFF 00079000
* MSDART 486E0000 486F9FFF 0001a000
* OLEDB32R 488F0000 48900FFF 00011000
* msdasql 62D80000 62DCCFFF 0004d000
* MSDATL3 62DD0000 62DE4FFF 00015000
* MSDASQLR 48700000 48703FFF 00004000
* comsvcs 62F00000 63038FFF 00139000
* cwbodbc 66F30000 66F9CFFF 0006d000
* cwbcore 676C0000 6774BFFF 0008c000
* cwbunpls 64B90000 64B99FFF 0000a000
* MFC42 63040000 63160FFF 00121000
* WININET 77210000 772B7FFF 000a8000
* cwbrw 67590000 675B9FFF 0002a000
* MSVCIRT 62E70000 62E7FFFF 00010000
* SHFOLDER 766D0000 766D8FFF 00009000
* cwbad1 677A0000 677A6FFF 00007000
* CWBUNPLA 64BA0000 64BDAFFF 0003b000
* cwbsof 64E00000 64E2EFFF 0002f000
* cwbnl 67630000 67634FFF 00005000
* cwbsv 67580000 67585FFF 00006000
* cwbco 67750000 67754FFF 00005000
* cwbsy 67570000 67574FFF 00005000
* cwbrc 675C0000 675D0FFF 00011000
* cwbunssl 64B80000 64B8DFFF 0000e000
* cwbad 677B0000 677B3FFF 00004000
* cwbbsspi 67760000 6776FFFF 00010000
* cwbbspc 67770000 67781FFF 00012000
* CWBSOMRI 63200000 6320DFFF 0000e000
* cwbodmsg 63210000 63214FFF 00005000
* odbccp32 63230000 63249FFF 0001a000
* cwbcomsg 63250000 6325DFFF 0000e000
* dbghelp 63540000 63657FFF 00118000
* Edi: 61C1EABF: 00000020 C8017800 0001AD48 C8017800 0D092848 82F9DD00
* Esi: 637B7FC1:
* Eax: 637B7FC0:
* Ebx: 0000000A:
* Ecx: 637B7FC0:
* Edx: 00000000:
* Eip: 77387EAC: 8440108A 2BF975D2 33F633C6 D85539D2 5BFF8D0F 45290002
* Ebp: 61C1E848: 61C1E85C 7738A8E8 61C1EAAC 66F88B3C 61C1E86C 61C1EB14
* SegCs: 0000001B:
* EFlags: 00010206: 00450042 005F0052 0046004F 0050005F 004F0052 00450043
* Esp: 61C1E800: 016C5E3D 00000000 61C1F4B8 00000000 FFFFFFFF 00000000
* SegSs: 00000023:
* *******************************************************************************
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Short Stack Dump
77387EAC Module(USER32+00007EAC)
7738A8E8 Module(USER32+0000A8E8)
66F56AC1 Module(cwbodbc+00026AC1)
66F7EA51 Module(cwbodbc+0004EA51)
66F56DC9 Module(cwbodbc+00026DC9)
66F56D44 Module(cwbodbc+00026D44)
66F32EB2 Module(cwbodbc+00002EB2)
66F32BE6 Module(cwbodbc+00002BE6)
62104125 Module(ODBC32+00004125)
621041F3 Module(ODBC32+000041F3)
62D858D8 Module(msdasql+000058D8)
62D8B72F Module(msdasql+0000B72F)
62D8B68F Module(msdasql+0000B68F)
62D8B186 Module(msdasql+0000B186)
62D89A96 Module(msdasql+00009A96)
016C5E3D Module(sqlservr+006C5E3D)
016ABD5A Module(sqlservr+006ABD5A)
01698376 Module(sqlservr+00698376)
01656E53 Module(sqlservr+00656E53)
01E1FE2A Module(sqlservr+00E1FE2A)
010473A7 Module(sqlservr+000473A7)
0103D32C Module(sqlservr+0003D32C)
0103D23D Module(sqlservr+0003D23D)
0103D0C6 Module(sqlservr+0003D0C6)
0102DB52 Module(sqlservr+0002DB52)
0102E0D0 Module(sqlservr+0002E0D0)
0102C5F8 Module(sqlservr+0002C5F8)
010438E5 Module(sqlservr+000438E5)
01041C35 Module(sqlservr+00041C35)
0100889F Module(sqlservr+0000889F)
010089C5 Module(sqlservr+000089C5)
010086E7 Module(sqlservr+000086E7)
010D764A Module(sqlservr+000D764A)
010D7B71 Module(sqlservr+000D7B71)
010D746E Module(sqlservr+000D746E)

View 8 Replies View Related

Bcp_sendrow Causing Unhandled Exception (0xC0000005: Access Violation Reading Location 0x00000123)

Jun 24, 2007



This could be a simple C++ issue as I am not that familiar with the language. I am trying to prototype a small program to test the performance of inserting data using the BCP interface. I want to BCP data that my program generates and passes via program variables.

I have narrowed the issue down to a sprintf call. Following are two variations of the code - one that works and one that does not. The error happens when I try to execute the bcp_sendrow() call.

What is the appropriate way to create / send string data to the BCP interface. Any good examples available? I have created the following from the BulkCopyFromVariables example on the Microsoft SQL Server downloads site.

Thanks in advance, Kerry

---- Works ----

Code Snippet

for(idx=1; idx<=5; idx++){
//sprintf(k1, "%d", idx); //does not work...
sprintf(k1, "oo"); //works....

if ( (SendRet = bcp_sendrow(hdbc1) ) != SUCCEED ) {
printf("bcp_sendrow(hdbc1) Failed");

--- Causes Access Violation ----

Code Snippet

for(idx=1; idx<=5; idx++){
sprintf(k1, "%d", idx); //does not work...
//sprintf(k1, "oo"); //works....

if ( (SendRet = bcp_sendrow(hdbc1) ) != SUCCEED ) {
printf("bcp_sendrow(hdbc1) Failed");

--- Additional information ---

Target Table Definition

Code SnippetCREATE TABLE PtTest(
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[PtID] [int] NOT NULL,
[ParamID] [nchar](10) NULL DEFAULT ((200)), --Above example trying to insert data here via k1 variable...
[ParamValue] [nchar](10) NULL DEFAULT ((200)),
[InsDate] [datetime] NULL DEFAULT (getdate()),


Bind statements

Code Snippet

int idx;
char k1[5];
char *terminator = "";

retcode = bcp_bind(hdbc1, (BYTE *)&idx, 0, sizeof(DBINT), NULL, 0, SQLINT4, 2);
if ( (retcode != SUCCEED) ) {
printf("bcp_bind(hdbc1) Failed");

retcode = bcp_bind(hdbc1, (BYTE *)&k1, 0, SQL_VARLEN_DATA, (UCHAR*)terminator, 1, SQLCHARACTER, 3);
if ( (retcode != SUCCEED) ) {
printf("bcp_bind(hdbc1) Failed");

Note: there are other bind statements...

View 3 Replies View Related

Exec Pkg Task: Error 0xC0202009 While Preparing To Load The Package. An OLE DB Error Has Occurred. Error Code: 0x%1!8.8X!.

Feb 21, 2007

I cannot execute a package by using Execute Package task.
I supplied sa credentials to connection manager, and it shows the list of Packages on SQL Server but when running the task it says

Error 0xC0202009 while preparing to load the package. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x%1!8.8X!.

Any clue ?


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Error Encountered UNC Path Error During Remote Installation

Jun 17, 2006

Good day good people of the forum while carrying out a remote installation i encountered an UNC path error can anyone be of help giving me a comprehensive answer to the problem. am stuck i cant move ahead from that part of the installation

View 1 Replies View Related

SQL Express Installation Error (Error Number:29530 )

Dec 20, 2006


I am trying to install "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition" through VS2005 Setup but it is always failing to install. I am presenting here log file information.I appriciate if any one help me on this..I have marked all failed message with red color


Microsoft SQL Server 2005 9.00.1399.06
OS Version : Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
Time : Wed Dec 20 15:04:57 2006

Machine : DATLA
Product : Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English)
Product Version : 9.00.1399.06
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_SQLSupport_1.log
Machine : DATLA
Product : Microsoft SQL Server Native Client
Product Version : 9.00.1399.06
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_SQLNCLI_1.log
Machine : DATLA
Product : Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
Product Version : 9.00.1399.06
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_SqlWriter_1.log
Machine : DATLA
Product : MSXML 6.0 Parser
Product Version : 6.00.3883.8
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_MSXML6_1.log
Machine : DATLA
Product : Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English)
Product Version : 9.00.1399.06
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_SQLSupport_2.log
Machine : DATLA
Product : Microsoft SQL Server Native Client
Product Version : 9.00.1399.06
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_SQLNCLI_2.log
Machine : DATLA
Product : MSXML 6.0 Parser
Product Version : 6.00.3883.8
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_MSXML6_2.log
Machine : DATLA
Product : SQL Server Database Services
Error : Failed to set registry settings for server network libraries. The action is SetDefaults. The error is 111 (The file name is too long.
Machine : DATLA
Product : SQL Server Database Services
Error : Failed to set registry settings for server network libraries. The action is SetDefaults. The error is 111 (The file name is too long.
Machine : DATLA
Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Product Version : 9.00.1399.06
Install : Failed
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_SQL.log
Last Action : InstallFinalize
Error String : Failed to set registry settings for server network libraries. The action is SetDefaults. The error is 111 (The file name is too long.
Error Number : 29530
Machine : DATLA
Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Tools Express Edition
Product Version : 9.00.1399.06
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_Tools.log

SQL Server Setup failed. For more information, review the Setup log file in %ProgramFiles%Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGSummary.txt.

Time : Wed Dec 20 15:19:47 2006

List of log files:
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_Core(Local).log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_SQLSupport_1.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_SQLNCLI_1.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_SqlWriter_1.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_MSXML6_1.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_SQLSupport_2.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_SQLNCLI_2.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_MSXML6_2.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_SQL.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_Tools.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_Datastore.xml
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_.NET Framework 2.0.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_SNAC.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_Core.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGSummary.txt
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_Support.log
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0006_DATLA_SCC.log

Thanks in Advance.

View 2 Replies View Related

Upgrading From SP1 To SP2 Causes Setup Program To Terminate With MSP Error: 29527 / Error Code 1603

Apr 24, 2007

Trying to update my local developer version of SQL Server 2005 SP1 to SP2. The setup program terminates with the following information dumped from the logs. Not sure if it is related, but I recently installed the SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition (tools, runtime, etc) on the same development machine. It is a little too deep for me to figure out


Here are the last few lines of the HotFix.Log

04/24/2007 14:46:48.374 MSP Error: 29527 The setup has encountered an unexpected error in datastore. The action is RestoreSetupParams. The error is : Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp

Compiler Timestamp: Wed Jun 14 16:27:59 2006

Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty

Source Line Number: 138


Failed to read property "InstallIds" {"MachineConfiguration", "", "DUTTONDARRYL1"} from cache

Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp

Compiler Timestamp: Wed Jun 14 16:27:59 2006

Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection:etProperty

Source Line Number: 164


Unable to write property into cache: IsClustered

Source File Name: datastoredatastorecacheschema.cpp

Compiler Timestamp: Wed Jun 14 16:28:00 2006

Function Name: DataStoreCacheSchema::writeProperty

Source Line Number: 115



04/24/2007 14:46:48.694 MSP returned 1603: A fatal error occurred during installation.

04/24/2007 14:46:48.790 Registry: Opened registry key "SoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsInstaller"

04/24/2007 14:46:48.790 Registry: Cannot read registry key value "Debug"

04/24/2007 14:46:48.806 Copy Engine: Error, unable to install MSP file: c:f01fc31fd0988e3807HotFixSQLFilessqlrun_sql.msp

04/24/2007 14:46:48.822 The following exception occurred: Unable to install Windows Installer MSP file Date: 04/24/2007 14:46:48.822 File: depotsqlvaultstablesetupmainl1setupsqlsesqlsedllcopyengine.cpp Line: 800


Now the SQL9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_sql.msp.log shows this as the last few lines

MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:630]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - Update 'Service Pack 2 for SQL Server Database Services 2005 ENU (KB921896)' could not be installed. Error code 1603. Additional information is available in the log file C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixSQL9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_sql.msp.log.

MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:630]: Note: 1: 1729
MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:630]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:630]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:646]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:646]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:646]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:646]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:646]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:646]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:646]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:646]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:646]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:662]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:678]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:678]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:678]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:678]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:678]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:678]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:678]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -- Configuration failed.

MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:678]: Attempting to delete file c:WINDOWSInstaller6749ee3.msp
MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:678]: Unable to delete the file. LastError = 32
MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:694]: Cleaning up uninstalled install packages, if any exist
MSI (s) (A4:38) [14:46:48:694]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603
MSI (s) (A4:2C) [14:46:48:694]: Destroying RemoteAPI object.
MSI (s) (A4:04) [14:46:48:694]: Custom Action Manager thread ending.
=== Logging stopped: 4/24/2007 14:46:48 ===
MSI (c) (58:E4) [14:46:48:694]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (c) (58:E4) [14:46:48:694]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603
=== Verbose logging stopped: 4/24/2007 14:46:48 ===


The Summary.txt looks like this

Time: 04/24/2007 14:46:48.854
KB Number: KB921896
OS Version: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
Package Language: 1033 (ENU)
Package Platform: x86
Package SP Level: 2
Package Version: 3042
Command-line parameters specified:
Cluster Installation: No

Prerequisites Check & Status
SQLSupport: Failed

Products Detected Language Level Patch Level Platform Edition
Database Services (MSSQLSERVER) ENU SP1 2005.090.2047.00 x86 DEVELOPER
Analysis Services (MSSQLSERVER) ENU SP1 2005.090.2047.00 x86 DEVELOPER
Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER) ENU SP1 9.00.2047.00 x86 DEVELOPER
Notification Services ENU SP1 9.00.2047.00 x86 DEVELOPER
Integration Services ENU SP1 9.00.2047.00 x86 DEVELOPER
SQL Server Native Client ENU 9.00.2047.00 x86
Client Components ENU SP1 9.1.2047 x86 DEVELOPER
MSXML 6.0 Parser ENU 6.00.3890.0 x86
SQLXML4 ENU 9.00.2047.00 x86
Backward Compatibility ENU 8.05.1704 x86
Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer ENU 9.00.2047.00 x86

Products Disqualified & Reason
Product Reason

Processes Locking Files
Process Name Feature Type User Name PID

Product Installation Status
Product : Database Services (MSSQLSERVER)
Product Version (Previous): 2047
Product Version (Final) :
Status : In Progress
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixSQL9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_sql.msp.log
Error Number : 29527

View 8 Replies View Related

Error: The ProcessInput Method On Component OLE DB Destination (513) Failed With Error Code 0xC0202009

Mar 22, 2007

I'm trying to create a simple Data transfermation. I have a flat file that came of a unix server.. it's 177 bytes wide.. thought it was 175, but when I created the flat file connector, I could see some extra characters on the end.

My output is going to be an excel spreadsheet, I only want two columns from the input. I created an oledb jet 4.0 connection. and followed instructions from here :

to create my datafow.

On my first attempt to dataflow, I ran into unicode errors and had to do this:

ran into a problem with unicode errors. went to the source for the flat file. for the output column in question changed to Unicode string [DT_WSTR].

When I run , here are the errors I get:

[OLE DB Destination [513]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E09. [DTS.Pipeline]

Error: The ProcessInput method on component "OLE DB Destination" (513) failed with error code 0xC0202009. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running.

[DTS.Pipeline] Error: Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0202009.

[GanchoFileSource [1]] Information: The total number of data rows processed for file "\ammia01dev04D$JCPcpmgancho_venta_20070321.sal" is 19036.

[GanchoFileSource [1]] Error: Setting the end of rowset for the buffer failed with error code 0xC0047020.

[DTS.Pipeline] Error: The PrimeOutput method on component "GanchoFileSource" (1) returned error code 0xC0209017. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.

[DTS.Pipeline] Error: Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038.

View 4 Replies View Related

SQL Server 2005 Startup Error - TDSSNIClient... Error 0x5... Code 0x51

Jul 13, 2006

Hi,My SQL Server 2005 won't start - can anyone provide some help? Thisseems to be the most significant error:- TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x5, status code 0x51.There was some info here, but the reg key described looks okay:- am running SQL Server 2005 64-bit Standard Edition. The server inquestion is the first node of an Active/Active Cluster. This firststarted happening while I was trying to add a share as a clusteredresource of the other node (not to this node's resources).I have not yet reinstalled SQL Server 2005 because I am hoping for moreexplanation of the problem and a possible fix.Thanks,Tom

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Error Handling In MSSQL - If Error During Call Remote Stored Prcedure I Need SQL Code To Continue...

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,I want to catch the next MSSQL error in my SQL code with following continuecalculationsServer: Msg 17, Level 16, State 1, Line 1SQL Server does not exist or access denied.If REMOTE_SERVER_1 is inaccessible (as in (a) below) the executing of SQLwill not continue with (b) - I need the code in (b) to run despite whetherthe previous exec was successful or not - Any ideas?begin transaction(a) exec REMOTE_SERVER_1...bankinsert '1' , '1' , 1 , 0 , 0(b) print @@errorcommit transactionwhere REMOTE_SERVER_1 is link to server created byEXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server = 'REMOTE_SERVER_1', @srvproduct = '',@provider = 'SQLOLEDB', @datasrc = 'MYCOMP1', @catalog = 'mirror2'EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname = 'REMOTE_SERVER_1', .....Exec sp_serveroption 'REMOTE_SERVER_1', 'data access', 'true'Exec sp_serveroption 'REMOTE_SERVER_1', 'rpc', 'true'Exec sp_serveroption 'REMOTE_SERVER_1', 'rpc out', 'true'Exec sp_serveroption 'REMOTE_SERVER_1', 'collation compatible', 'true'Any help will be greatly appreciated

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SSIS Error: The Connection Does Not Support Enlisting In Distributed Transaction. Error Code: 0x8000FFFF

Feb 29, 2008

Hi all,

can anyone tell me if an oleDb connection (provider is Jet 4.0 to Access database) can be enlisted in a Distributed Transaction?

The goal is to copy data from SqlServer to Access within a transaction.


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When I Use SSIS For Extract From OLAP Database, Then The Error Random Occurred,Error Code = 0x80040E05

May 10, 2007

I have tired for this!

When I use SSIS for extract data from ssas, that means,I use mdx query.

then random error occured.

Hope some one can understand my poor English....

And the Error Info show below.

Code Snippet

Error: 0xC0202009 at Data Flow Task - For Individual User Tech Points, OLE DB Source 1 1 [31]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E05.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Analysis Services 2005" Hresult: 0x00000001 Description: "Error Code = 0x80040E05, External Code = 0x00000000:.".
Error: 0xC004701A at Data Flow Task - For Individual User Tech Points, DTS.Pipeline: component "OLE DB Source 1 1" (31) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202009.

View 6 Replies View Related

MS SQL Server Maintenance Plan Failed: Error Code 0x534. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 15404))

May 3, 2008


we have changed the name of MS SQL server 2005 from XYZ to ABC using

sp_dropserver <old_name>


sp_addserver <new_name>, local


Now our maitenance plan is getting failed we are not able to execute backup jobs we are getting following error

Date 03.05.2008 16:00:00
Log Job History (ADM_AdminDB_TP_Backup.Subplan_1)

Step ID 0
Server ABC
Job Name ADM_AdminDB_TP_Backup.Subplan_1
Step Name (Job outcome)
Duration 00:00:00
Sql Severity 0
Sql Message ID 0
Operator Emailed
Operator Net sent
Operator Paged
Retries Attempted 0

The job failed. Unable to determine if the owner (XYZSQLServer) of job ADM_AdminDB_TP_Backup.Subplan_1 has server access (reason: Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user 'XYZSQLServer', error code 0x534. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 15404)).

please help us in this issue

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[ActiveX Script Task] Error: Retrieving The File Name For A Component Failed With Error Code 0x001B6438.

Jul 28, 2006

This error occurs when the ActiveX task tries to execute:

[ActiveX Script Task] Error: Retrieving the file name for a component failed with error code 0x001B6438.

Anybody know how to troubleshoot these errors? I can't find anything on this error code. The same script works in DTS.

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SQL 2000 Reovery Fails Sometimes. Error Code (Error 3136). How To Make Database Write Mode?

Jan 7, 2008


I am applying hourly differential backup to the backup server from production with the following command. This command makes the database on standby server into read only mode.

RESTORE DATABASE ARSYSTEM FROM DISK = 'E:SQL backup from productionsql_full_backup'
WITH MOVE 'arsystem' TO
'd:ardataarsystem.mdf' ,
MOVE 'arsystem_log' TO 'D:ARLOGARsystem' ,
STANDBY = 'E:SQL backup from productionSQL daily diff back up'

Now I want to run a command which will put the database in write mode. I have created a job which would make the datbase Write mode. This job runs successfully sometimes and fails sometimes. I need to ensure that the job always succeeds. When it fails, how do I troubleshoot and what is the possible fix?

Thanks in advance.

The error message is

Cannot apply the backup on device 'E:SQL backup from productionSQL daily diff back up' to database 'ARSYSTEM'. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3136) RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3013). The step failed.

The steps for the job are as follows with the failing step highlighted in bold.

copy /y "\ BackupackupSQL backupsql_full_backup" "E:SQL backup from productionsql_full_backup"

copy /y "\ BackupackupSQL backupSQL daily diff back up" "E:SQL backup from productionSQL daily diff back up"

xp_cmdshell 'net stop "bmc remedy action request system server"'

exec rp_kill_db_processes 'ARSYSTEM'


FROM DISK = 'E:SQL backup from productionsql_full_backup'


MOVE 'arsystem' TO 'd:ardataarsystem.mdf' ,

MOVE 'arsystem_log' TO 'D:ARLOGARsystem' ,


Failing step


FROM DISK = 'E:SQL backup from productionSQL daily diff back up'


MOVE 'arsystem' TO 'd:ardataarsystem.mdf' ,

MOVE 'arsystem_log' TO 'D:ARLOGARsystem' ,


xp_cmdshell 'del /f "E:SQL backup from productionsql_full_backup"'

xp_cmdshell 'del /f "E:SQL backup from productionsql daily diff back up"'

xp_cmdshell 'net start "bmc remedy action request system server"'

I have scheduled the following hourly diffential restore job too which never fails.

RESTORE DATABASE ARSYSTEM FROM DISK = 'E:SQL backup from productionsql_full_backup'
WITH MOVE 'arsystem' TO
'd:ardataarsystem.mdf' ,
MOVE 'arsystem_log' TO 'D:ARLOGARsystem' ,
STANDBY = 'E:SQL backup from productionSQL daily diff back up'
EXEC MASTER..XP_CMDSHELL 'del /f "E:SQL backup from productionSQL daily diff back up"'

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An Unknown Error Occurred In The WMI Provider. Error Code 8000000A

Dec 20, 2006


I just installed SQL Server 2005 on Windows Vista.
I am getting an error "An unknown error occurred in the WMI
provider. Error Code 8000000A" when connecting to a web server. The
reporting services is running. Is there any other installation that is
missing. Please help.

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Error: SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied. (Error Code 17).

Mar 22, 2006

Hello everyone.

I am trying to install Project Server, and i'm having issues with sharepoint, and connecting to SQL:

dataserver is running sbs2003 sql2003 and analsys services.

server2 is running server2003 is to be the application server for project.

ProjectDb is the database that i have setup in sql.

username is the account that can control everything as administrer.

in Sharepoint is asks for the database server: <<dataserver>>

SQL Server database name: <<ProjectDb>>

I'm using windoes authentication and then i click ok, and get the error message.

I've also see the error message can not find the SQL Server, and access denied. Under ODBC i have installed the sql server information under System DSN.

Any help would be great.


Everett Buel

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Installation Error

Apr 29, 2006

Hi guys,I was trying to install the Sql Server 2005 Enterprise Edition when I get the following error:
      error 193 installing .net framework 2
Any idea wat's tat about and how to solve it?
Thanks in advance.

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SQL 7.0 SP4 Installation Error

May 11, 2002


I have a strange error while trying to install SP4 on a SQL 70 running on Windows 2000.

During installation, when it is running sp*_*.sql scripts, the installation fails. When I retry, it fails again on another .sql script. It is not always the same script, there are 8 scripts to run, sometimes it applies 5 and fails on 6th, sometimes it fails on 1st itself.

I checked the output file in MSSQL7Install*.out, it says login as sa failed. If it can't connect then how come it applied first few scripts.

I have disabled all the services mentioned in the installation guide. The master and msdb have autogrow enabled and there are enough space in all drives (> 1 GB)

I had similar problem with another instance, but it worked after retrying.

I even ran all the scripts in ISQL, but there may be more steps to be performed by the installer. I can start the server but I doubt its integrity.

Sorry for babbling. But I have tried everything I can think of. Any input will be greatly appreciated.


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Installation Error 109

Feb 19, 1999

I just got through installing MS SQL Server 6.5
standard edition on one of our servers. The SQLServer
and Executive services were setup to use a network admin
account specifically setup for MS SQL Server with
administrative priveleges.

At the end of the setup, neither service would start. I then
went into the Control Panel / Services program and was able to
successfully start the SQLServer service but the Executive
service would not start. I am using the same network account
for both.

When I try to start the service, I get the following
error message..

"SQL Executive - Server specific error 109, service did
not start."

Even though the SQLServer service did start, when I try to connect
to the server using the Enterprise Manager, I get "SQLServer is unavailable or does not exist."

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Installation Error

Mar 17, 2004

Help Please!

When installing SQL 7.0 on W2K Server, I receive an error stating:
Setup Failed to configure server, view errogs etc. for more info.
Below is the error:
__________________________________________________ __
Starting Service ...

Connecting to Server ...

driver={sql server};server=.;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master

Remapping Server Databases ...

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Successfully detached database 'model'.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Successfully attached database 'model'.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Successfully detached database 'msdb'.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Successfully attached database 'msdb'.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Successfully detached database 'pubs'.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Successfully attached database 'pubs'.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Successfully detached database 'Northwind'.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Successfully attached database 'Northwind'.

Disconnecting from Server ...

Stopping Service ...

Starting Service ...

An error occurred while attempting to start the service (1460)

SQL Server configuration failed.
__________________________________________________ _______

Any Suggestions would be appreciated!!!!

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Installation Error

Dec 17, 2006

Hello. I'm trying to install SQL Server but it keeps failing. The following is from the error log. Is this the right forum? Any ideas if it is?

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup beginning at Sun Dec 17 18:05:22 2006
Process ID : 3660
x:706d62209a9eb39c63setup.exe Version: 2005.90.1399.0
Running: LoadResourcesAction at: 2006/11/17 18:5:22
Complete: LoadResourcesAction at: 2006/11/17 18:5:22, returned true
Running: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2006/11/17 18:5:22
Loaded DLL:x:706d62209a9eb39c63xmlrw.dll Version:2.0.3604.0
Complete: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2006/11/17 18:5:22, returned false
Error: Action "ParseBootstrapOptionsAction" failed during execution. Error information reported during run:
Could not parse command line due to datastore exception.
Source File Name: utillibpersisthelpers.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:55 2005
Function Name: writeEncryptedString
Source Line Number: 124
writeEncryptedString() failed
Source File Name: utillibpersisthelpers.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:55 2005
Function Name: writeEncryptedString
Source Line Number: 123
Error Code: 0x80070002 (2)
Windows Error Text: The system cannot find the file specified.

Source File Name: cryptohelpercryptsameusersamemachine.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Mon Jun 13 14:30:00 2005
Function Name: sqls::CryptSameUserSameMachine::ProtectData
Source Line Number: 50

Could not skip Component update due to datastore exception.
Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005
Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty
Source Line Number: 130
Failed to find property "InstallMediaPath" {"SetupBootstrapOptionsScope", "", "3660"} in cache
Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005
Function Name: SetupBootstrapOptionsScope.InstallMediaPath
Source Line Number: 44
No collector registered for scope: "SetupBootstrapOptionsScope"
Running: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2006/11/17 18:5:22
Complete: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2006/11/17 18:5:22, returned true
Running: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2006/11/17 18:5:22
Complete: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2006/11/17 18:5:22, returned true
Running: PerformSCCAction at: 2006/11/17 18:5:22
Complete: PerformSCCAction at: 2006/11/17 18:5:22, returned true
Running: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2006/11/17 18:5:22
Error: Action "ActivateLoggingAction" threw an exception during execution. Error information reported during run:
Datastore exception while trying to write logging properties.
Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005
Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty
Source Line Number: 130
Failed to find property "primaryLogFiles" {"SetupStateScope", "", ""} in cache
Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005
Function Name: SetupStateScope.primaryLogFiles
Source Line Number: 44
No collector registered for scope: "SetupStateScope"
00DBCFC4Unable to proceed with setup, there was a command line parsing error. : 2
Error Code: 0x80070002 (2)
Windows Error Text: The system cannot find the file specified.

Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005
Function Name: SetupBootstrapOptionsScope.InstallMediaPath
Source Line Number: 44

Class not registered.
Failed to create CAB file due to datastore exception
Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005
Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty
Source Line Number: 130
Failed to find property "HostSetup" {"SetupBootstrapOptionsScope", "", "3660"} in cache
Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005
Function Name: SetupBootstrapOptionsScope.HostSetup
Source Line Number: 44
No collector registered for scope: "SetupBootstrapOptionsScope"
Message pump returning: 2

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MS SQL Installation Error

Jul 14, 2006

We are trying to install the SQL Server 2005 Enterprise 32Bit Edition in a clustered environment and keep receiveing the following error during the install:

The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 2878. On the dialog ClusterGroupDlg the control DataPath has a possible value : y:Microsoft SQL Server. This is an invalid or duplicate value.

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Installation Error

Apr 4, 2008

My installatin of SQL Server 05 was successful on GUI. When I tried to execute sqlservr.exe in Binn folder, there i have a problem. says below message. Can anybaby has experience with this error, and know how to fix this problems?
Thank you so much...

Your SQL Server installatin is either corrupt or has been tampered with (Error getting

instance ID from name.). Please uninstall then re-run setup to correct this problem

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