Help With Reading Datetime With DATEPART

Oct 20, 2006

I was hoping someone could help me with the sql syntax in trying to return the date from a datetime value. I'm trying to get the month and day and year from a datetime value in the database but I keep getting a token error. This is the code I'm using to try to read the date, from everything I've read for sql, it should work but it doesn't.

Dim sql As String = "SELECT * FROM People WHERE DATEPART(month, dtime) = '" & _
DateTime.Month & "' & DATEPART(year, dtime) = '" & DateTime.Year & '"

Dim Sqlreader As SqlCeDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader

The error I get is:
There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 82,Token in error = = ]

It doesn't seem to recognize the second DATEPART search and the = sign is a syntax error.

What am I doing wrong here?

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Datetime : Datepart

Jun 11, 2008

INSERT INTO [IMPAPT].[dbo].[YearMaster]
,datepart(yy,getdate()) --------line need to be discuused
the output result is
yearID Year IsActive creationDate
17/2/1905 12:00:00 AMTrue 6/11/2008 1:21:17 PM

But when i write query

select datepart(yy,getdate() As Year
it throws result : 2008
Why this is not happenin in the insert query

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Assigning Datepart Function To A Datetime Variable?

Aug 12, 2006

I am getting wrong output when assigning a datepart function to a variable. I should get 2006 but instead I get an output 1905.

Below is the code and output. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

DECLARE @FiscalStartCurrYear datetime

SET @FiscalStartCurrentYear = DATEPART(year, GETDATE())

select @FiscalStartCurrYear



1905-06-30 00:00:00.0000

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Jan 31, 2008

I have a datetime field in a sql db named "arrdate". For what I am doing I only need to extract the date formatted as mm/dd/yyyy. Can someone give me an example of the proper syntax?
Something like seems like it should work:
SELECT id, DATEPART(mm/dd/yyyy, arrdate)
FROM guest
but of course it doesn't.....

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May 7, 2001

Why would this return a year of 1905: If @tempdate was a varchar
it would return just 2001, but by it being a dateime it returns
the year 1905.

declare @tempdate datetime
select @tempdate = (select datepart(yy,getdate()))
select @tempdate

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Mar 18, 2006

Datepart function is different from general ms using in MSSQL

I need something like this

DatePart ( interval, date, [firstdayofweek], [firstweekofyear])

I try to get which week of year.. but first day of week for some country is not sunday..

How can I determine that the first day of week is monday?

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Apr 21, 2008

@Frequency varchar (1),
@Rpt_Yr smallint,
@Prog_Yr varchar (2)


SET @PROG2 = 'TRAK208'
SET @PROG_YR = Select DatePart(YY, GetDate()) as Current_Year

SELECT @Rpt_Yr = case @Frequency
WHEN 'M' then (select dateadd(mm,datediff(mm,0,getdate())-1,0))
WHEN 'O' then convert(varchar,@Start_Date,101) + ' 00:00:00'
ELSE convert(varchar,getdate()-1,101)
I have done most ot the script for the rest of my pgoram but I am having problems with the date requirements.
I was told to parse the year so that the user can enter the 2 digit date.

When it is 'O' (other) was told build a string to parse the year using datepart so that the user can enter the program year (2 digit format). (@Rpt_Yr)
When it is 'M' (monthly) then I am to goto to table tk_prog get the active program
I have no clue how to correct the above.

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Help With Datepart

May 31, 2008

Hi All,

i'm trying to format SQL so that I retrive the day of the week and the hr in the same column.

SELECT Datepart([hour], Time) as Hour, SUM(Total) as Sales, count(TransactionNumber) as Customers, SUM(Total)/count(TransactionNumber) as 'Ave Sale'
FROM [transaction]
WHERE time between '05/30/2008' and '05/31/08'
GROUP BY datepart([hour],Time)

Output desired is

05/30/08 09
05/30/08 10
05/30/08 11

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Mar 9, 2006

Hi , I am converting a datetime field to a string. The column is called DateScanDate.

This is my query;

CAST(DATEPART(Day, DateScanDate) AS VARCHAR(2))+ CAST(DATEPART(Hour, DateScanDate) AS VARCHAR(2))+ CAST(DATEPART(Minute, DateScanDate) AS VARCHAR(2))FROM HAAneurysmScan

I would like the month of March to be '03' instead of '3' and the 9th day of the month to be '09' instead of '9'
How can I do this?

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Help With Datepart

May 3, 2007

I would like to take the following code and display the data / count by month. I want to see how many people are logging in by month.. I tried using the datepart but I keep getting an aggrefate comannd error can anyone help modify this query

SELECT DISTINCT Count(login.login_time) AS CountOflogin_time
FROM login
WHERE login.login_time>=#10/1/2005#;


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Sep 28, 2007

Using MS Reporting Services 2005
I have this expression in my field in my table and in my group by expression field

=Monthname(Datepart("m", Fields!CreatedDate.Value))

ok this gives me the month eg July etc

=Datepart("yyyy", Fields!CreatedDate.Value)

ok this gives me the year eg 2006 etc

if I try to add the two together I get the error (not in correct format) obviously as one is numeric and one alpha

=(Monthname(Datepart("m", Fields!CreatedDate.Value) & " " & (Datepart("yyyy", Fields!CreatedDate.Value))))

or I can do this:

=(Datepart("m", Fields!CreatedDate.Value) + (Datepart("yyyy", Fields!CreatedDate.Value)*100))

which gives me 200607

what do I need to do to have this show as

July 2006 etc


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Datepart Help

May 30, 2008

How can I concat. these two into one column?

datepart(mm,DateCol), datepart(dd,DateCol) as MyDate


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Oct 9, 2007

Hi everyone, Im currently using SSRS 2000. I have a report that pulls data since 2001. I used Datepart('m", Fields!Shipped_Date.Value) to break it down into months. It works except that it doesnt separate the year. It'll group all of january together but 2001,2002,2003, etc, together. Then when I used Y to break it down by year, it does break it by year but keeps all the months together.....well what I want is to be able to have it jan 2001, feb 2001, jan 2002, separately group. Hope I didnt confuse anyone. All pointers welcomed.



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Max With Datepart

Aug 22, 2006

I am wanting to set any given @Date parameter to the most current recorded Monday in a table (tblMarketPricing). Would this work:

@Date = Max(Datepart(dw,MktDate) IN 2

I am unsure if you can use Max with the Datepart function.

***If this is not allowed, can anyone suggest anything different that I might try?

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DATEPART....part Two??

Jan 31, 2008

ok, following up on my previous post that I marked as answered a little premature. The query below works fine in sql studio:
SELECT id, CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10), arrdate,101) as formatedDate
FROM guest
but when I try to use it in a c# code behind file:
comm = new SqlCommand("SELECT id, CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10), arrdate,101) as formatedDate FROM guest WHERE id = @id", conn);
it bombs??

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Trouble With DatePart

Feb 22, 2005

I'm trying to get just the day part of the date - 2/22/2005 (getdate()) but instead of returning '22', it's returning '2'. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?


Here's the code

declare @thisDay varchar
set @thisDay = Convert(varchar, Datepart(day, getdate()))

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Using DatePart Function In SQL

Apr 9, 2006

Hello dears;
I wanted to use DatePart function in an SQL statement using objectDataSource to extract the year only from a Date field, then populating only the years in Dropdown list, but it didn't worked. Is is possible to to use that function in an SQL statment.?
Thanks alot
VWD 2005

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UPDATE And DatePart

Aug 24, 2001

I am updating a demo system and need to bring all the dates with 1998 to 2000 and 1999 to 2001.

Im trying something like this but cant get it work.

UPDATE mytable SET datepart(yyyy, mydate) = '2000' WHERE mydate BETWEEN '01/01/1998' AND '12/31/1998'

How can I get this to work, or am I totally off?


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DATEPART Help Needed Please!

Jul 30, 2001

I am inserting two fields like this (TimeStamp):

7/30/01 1:26:01 PM

The first one needs to be the Date part, the second one needs to be the Time part. Anyone know who to do this? I saw DATEPART in SQL BOL but it didn't really show me.



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Between Statement With Datepart

Sep 19, 2000

We are looking on how to do a between statement for comparing only month and days(such as birthday.) The proc will be fed 2 parameters and we want to check if a date field (only the month and day) fall between the parameters. Such as the parms are 09/01/2000 and 10/31/2000
I want to return all records where the date field is
between 09/01/xxxx and 10/31/xxxx. I tried the datepart function but couldn't find a way to combine them. Any solution greatly appreciated.

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DTS DatePart Errors.

Feb 24, 2000


I am having trouble trying to get a "week number" from a date field to store into a numeric table.

I have inserted the following into my DTS ActiveX code;
DTSDestination(15)=DatePart( wk , DTSSource(1) )

When I run the code the following error is shown;
ErrorDescription: Invalid procedure call or argument: ''DatePart'

Q - Does DatePart work in DTS ActiveX ?
Q - Is my syntax correct ?


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Datepart Month

Dec 16, 2003

I am converting a datetime value to char using datepart(mm,datefield).

I would like the month to be 2 digits - 01,02,03...11,12 - but it only returns 1,2,3...11,12. What can I add to do this? thanks in advance.

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Aug 17, 2004

Will someone please tell me how to pull the time out of a smalldatetime field.
The code i am trying to use is as follows:

Select datepart(hh:mm, TimeField1)
from table1;

This gives me an error. I have also tried datepart('hh:mm'... datepart("hh:mm"... and other variations but i cant get anything to work. Thanks in advance for any help!!

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DatePart Problem

Nov 3, 2004

Can anyone explain me why this query

SELECT DATEPART(dw, CONVERT(DATETIME, '2001-01-25 01:00:00', 120))

returns 5 on one SQLServer, and 4 on another one. It cannot be a regional settings problem because 25 could never be a month. Any way, is there a deterministic way to create a DATE regardless of the server's regional settings?

I mean, I have the year, month and day... how do I tell the server "This is the year; This is the month; This is the day... convert this into a DATE, and the tell me which day of the week is"??


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Functionality Of DATEPART

May 12, 2004

Functionally, is there any difference between DATEPART for m, d, and yyyy, verses simply using MONTH, DAY, and YEAR functions respectively?

For all intents and purposes, they seem identical, so is there any performance considerations using one verses another?

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Datepart(wk, Getdate())

May 27, 2008

Hi, everyone! Could anyone help me with understanding of the datepart() function. I want to retrive data from a database that was added in this week, starting from Sunday. Suppose today is Tuesday, so I want to get all the records that were added on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Can I use
where datepart(wk, Date_Reported)=datepart(wk, getdate()) ?
Thank you.

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Do I Need DatePart Or Similar

May 11, 2006

I have a function that uses the following statement in it

SELECT src_terrier.Areacode, src_terrier.siteref, src_terrier.estatename, src_terrier.Securitised, src_terrier.unitref, src_terrier.unittype,
src_terrier.unittype_count, src_terrier.tenantname, src_terrier.tenantstatus, src_terrier.tenantstatus_count, src_terrier.unitstatus,
src_terrier.unitstatus_count, src_terrier.floortotal, src_terrier.floortotocc, src_terrier.initialvacarea, src_terrier.initialvacnet, src_terrier.TotalRent,
src_terrier.NetRent, src_terrier.FinalRtLsincSC, src_terrier.ErvTot, src_terrier.tenancyterm, src_terrier.landact, src_terrier.datadate,
src_div_mgr.div_mgr, src_portfolio_mgr.portfolio_mgr, src_centre_list.propcat, src_tbl_rental.budgeted_net_rent,
FROM src_terrier INNER JOIN
src_centre_list ON src_terrier.siteref = src_centre_list.Site_Ref AND src_terrier.Areacode = src_centre_list.Division INNER JOIN
src_div_mgr ON src_centre_list.Division = src_div_mgr.division INNER JOIN
src_portfolio_mgr ON src_centre_list.Portfolio_no = src_portfolio_mgr.portfolio_no LEFT OUTER JOIN
src_tbl_rental ON src_terrier.siteref = src_tbl_rental.site_ref

WHERE (src_terrier.datadate = @dt_src_date) AND
(src_terrier.Areacode = @chr_div) AND
(src_centre_list.Portfolio_no = @vch_portfolio_no) AND
(src_centre_list.propcat = @vch_prop_cat) AND
(src_tbl_rental.site_ref = src_terrier.siteref)

The problem I have is that the 'src_terrier.datadate' is passed through as mm/dd/yyyy (which I do actually want to change to dd/mm/yyyy as that is how the data is stored) however, the src_date within the table src_tbl_rental is only set to 01/mm/yyyy. When I put an inner join on the date element it obviously does not find it as the sample data I am using is as follows

src_terrier = 28/04/2006 and src_tbl_rental is 01/04/2006. Therefore if I pass the same parameter value through the dates are not the same and I get no data at all.

How can I specify that for the purposes of the src_tbl_rental element of the select query, that I only want it to match the mm/yyyy part of the src_date.

Therefore if some passes in
28/04.2006 it will get the records from the terrier table that match that date, and only the records from rental that match the 04/2006 part of the date.

Anybody confused by that , cause I am!


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Nested Iif Using Datepart

May 31, 2007

Could someone tell me if they see something off about this expression? I'm using it in an expression. It's giving me a syntax error.

=IIf(Fields!NTFrequency.Value = "Quarterly",IIf((DatePart("m", Now)=1), 9, month(now)-3, IIf((DatePart("m", Now)=1), 12,month(now)-1)))

Thanks, Iris

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DATEPART Expression

Apr 1, 2008

Hi - Can anyone tell me what the first day of the week (i.e. equal to 1) for the DATEPART("dw",<date>) expression in SSIS. Or can I specify the first day of the week somehow?

It looks like Monday=1 which seems a little odd as the equivilent T-SQL DATEPART has Sunday=1.


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Mar 30, 2008


I am puzzled by the following:

If I execute "SELECT DATEPART(weekday, '20080330') as day_of_week", I get a result of 1 which makes sense since Sunday is usually considered the 1st day of the week.

However, if I execute "SELECT DATENAME(weekday, DATEPART(weekday, '20080330')" as day_of_week, I get a result of Tuesday!

Similarly, if I execute "SELECT DATENAME(weekday, 1) as day_of_week", I also get a result of Tuesday.

Can anyone explain what is happening here?

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DatePart Question

Dec 7, 2006

I have a chart that displays the number of downloads by product by week by year. I am using sql to group by DATEPART(WK, DownloadDate) and DATEPART(YY, DownloadDate). This however shows the week number (ex: this week is 49) on the x axis. I would like to show the tick marks as the Sunday and Month of that week. Example: 12/3. The year is shown under these so that part is fine. Any ideas how I might accomplish this?

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Query Using DATEPART

Aug 23, 2007


The purpose of the code below is to produce graphs in a report (thus the SELECT DATEPART so the month and year appear on the graphs using COUNT in the report.) I have two challenges:

1. How should the code be modified so that it returns the previous two months at the start of a new year? (I.e. In Jan. 2008, returning Nov. & Dec. 2007, and in Feb. 2008, returning Dec. 2007 & Jan 2008, etc.)
2. How should the code be modified so that the DatePart and DateName data are treated as dates yet still appear as the Month Name and Year (June 2007)? Currently it is treating them as alphanumeric so that on the chart, July is coming before June.
Thank you.

SELECT DISTINCT, TBL_01.url, TBL_01.source, Tbl_02.type, TBL_01.time, Tbl_03.time, DATENAME(month, TBL_01.time) + ' ' + DATENAME(year,TBL_01.time) as Month_Year
Tbl_04 ON = Tbl_04.endsTBL_01 LEFT OUTER JOIN
Tbl_02 ON Tbl_04.endsTBL_01 = LEFT OUTER JOIN
Tbl_05 ON Tbl_04.ursid = Tbl_05.SubId INNER JOIN
Tbl_03 AS TBL_01 ON = Tbl_04. EFP
WHERE (Tbl_04. EFP IS NOT NULL) AND (Tbl_05.grade IS NULL OR
Tbl_05.grade = 'NC')
AND (DATEPART(month, TBL_01.time) < (SELECT DATEPART(month, getutcdate()))
AND DATEPART(month, TBL_01.time) > (SELECT DATEPART(month, getutcdate()))-3
AND DATEPART(year, TBL_01.time) = (SELECT DATEPART(year, getutcdate()))
AND (Tbl_02.type IS NULL OR Tbl_02.type = 'CC'
OR Tbl_02.type = 'MK'))
ORDER BY Tbl_02.Type, Tbl_03.time DESC

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DatePart Function

Jan 12, 2007


I'm curren't writing a stored procedure for my sql server express database and need to display the year part of a date field as '04' but using the DatePart function it will only display as '2004'? Is it possible to get the Year part of the date to display showing the last 2 digits of the Year only? I don't require another part of the date field just the Year part. All help is well come.

Code been used is shown below:


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