Help With Udf Or Where Cluase To Get Quarterly/annual Due Payments
Jan 9, 2008
I'm trying to build a where clause that looks at two columns to determine if QUARTERLY and ANNUAL payments are due.
rec_day could be any day.
I got the monthly one pretty easily:
WHERE rec_start <= GETDATE() AND rec_frequency = 'Monthly' AND rec_day = DAY(GETDATE())
So if the rec_day was 9 and the rec_frequency was 'Quarterly' then I would be looking to see if todays date is 1/9 or 4/9 or 7/9 or 10/9 (not sure how I do this part)
I'm pretty much stuck on where to go with the quarterly where clause:
WHERE rec_start <= GETDATE() AND rec_frequency = 'Quarterly' AND rec_day = ????
I tried the following, but it did not work:
Hello EveryBody, I have a little problem in Sql Statement .. When I am adding a Where condtion to my sql statement ..I got an error shown in the pic blew :I am waiting for your solution Best regards,
I am trying to collect windows event log in a raw format. I need to collect this data everyday for the past day but somehow I can't use the date criteria. Please Guide.
The following query also brings data for 20061104 too. Is there a date function or Left function which I apply to get data only for specified date.
SELECT ComputerName, Logfile, RecordNumber, Category, CategoryString, EventCode, EventIdentifier, EventType, Message, SourceName, TimeGenerated, TimeWritten, Type, User FROM Win32_NTLogEvent Where LogFile = 'System' and TimeGenerated >= '20061105' and TimeGenerated < '20061106'
I have add all linked child reports for particular month based on particular (insurer name )andpolcynumber .I need to add all annual premium of all child reports and put them in another report for that particular month
How can I get a list of the last payment for each client? SELECT ClientID,PaymentDate,PaymentAmount FROM tblClients INNER JOIN tblPayments ON tblPayments.ClientID = tblClients.ClientID
I need to create a stored procedure that will show all clients that have made payments every year for a number of years (3) or (5). My tables are simple but I have no clue how to ask the SQL question, mostly because it is each and every year.
The following code accepts a couple of parameters and creates a temp table to hold unpaid schedule rows (like invoices). Then is takes the payment amount passed and starts paying the oldest ones first, until it runs out of money or pays a partial. When it pays it inserts a row in the applieds table with the schedule_ID, Receipt_ID (payment id), applied amount, and applied date. What I need help with is: Say there is a partial payment from a previous payment, I need to pay that one, but only the unpaid part. Then continue to pay other schedule rows... I appreciate any help, @PaymentAmount money,@PledgeID Int,@Receipt_ID IntAS-- Get unpaid reminder rows for the passed in pledge id and put them into the temp tableDeclare @temp_oldest Table(PledgeSchedule_ID int,ReminderDueDate datetime,AmountDue money)INSERT INTO @temp_oldest SELECT PledgeSchedule_ID, PledgeDueDate, AmountDueFROM tblPledgeReminderScheduleWHERE (dbo.tblPledgeReminderSchedule.Pledge_ID=@PledgeID) AND (dbo.tblPledgeReminderSchedule.ReceivedDate IS NULL) -- AND (dbo.tblPledgeReminderSchedule.PledgeDueDate < GETDATE())WHILE((SELECT Count(*) FROM @temp_oldest)>0)BEGIN-- If the payment is greater or equal to the amount due for the current row, do thisIF(@PaymentAmount >= (SELECT Top 1 AmountDue FROM @temp_oldest))BEGIN-- Update the reminder row with todays dateUPDATE tblPledgeReminderSchedule SET ReceivedDate = GETDATE()WHERE PledgeSchedule_ID = (SELECT Top 1 PledgeSchedule_ID FROM @temp_oldest)-- Insert a row to track applied payment and reminder row associatedINSERT INTO tblPledgeReminderSchedule_Applieds (PledgeSchedule_ID,Receipt_ID,Applied_Amount,Applied_Date)(SELECT Top 1 PledgeSchedule_ID,@Receipt_ID,AmountDue,GETDATE() FROM @temp_oldestWHERE PledgeSchedule_ID = (SELECT Top 1 PledgeSchedule_ID FROM @temp_oldest))-- Subtract the amountdue from the paymentamount and reset itSET @PaymentAmount = (@PaymentAmount - (SELECT Top 1 AmountDue FROM @temp_oldest))ENDELSEIF(@PaymentAmount < (SELECT Top 1 AmountDue FROM @temp_oldest))BEGIN -- Insert a row to track applied PARTIAL payment and reminder row associatedINSERT INTO tblPledgeReminderSchedule_Applieds (PledgeSchedule_ID,Receipt_ID,Applied_Amount,Applied_Date)(SELECT Top 1 PledgeSchedule_ID,@Receipt_ID,@PaymentAmount,GETDATE() FROM @temp_oldestWHERE PledgeSchedule_ID = (SELECT Top 1 PledgeSchedule_ID FROM @temp_oldest))BREAKENDELSEIF @PaymentAmount = 0-- Delete all rows from temp tableDELETE FROM @temp_oldestELSE-- Delete only the current row from the temo tableprint @PaymentAmountDELETE FROM @temp_oldest WHERE PledgeSchedule_ID = (SELECT Top 1 PledgeSchedule_ID FROM @temp_oldest)END
I am working on an HR project and I have one final component that I am stuck on.
I have an Excel File that is loaded into a folder every month.
I have built a package that captures the data from the excel file and loads it into a staging table (transforming a few bits of data).
I then combine it with another table in a view.
I have another package that loads that view into a Master table and I have added a Slowly Changing Dimension so that it only updates what has been changed. (it’s a table of all employees, positions, hire dates, term dates etc).
Our HR wants to have this data in a report (with charts and tables) and they wanted it to be in a familiar format. So I made a data connection with Excel loading the data into a series of pivot tables.
I have one final component that i cant seem to figure out. At the end of every year I need to capture a count of all Active Employees and all Termed employees for that year. Just a count.
The data is in one table labeled [EEMaster]. To test the count I have the following.
SELECT COUNT([PersNo]) AS HistoricalHC FROM [dbo].[EEMaster] WHERE [ChangeStatus] = 'Current' AND [EmpStatusName] = 'Active'
this returns the HistoricalHC for 2013 as 418.
SELECT COUNT([PersNo]) AS NumbOfTermEE FROM [dbo].[EEMaster] WHERE [ChangeStatus] = 'Current' AND [EmpStatusName] = 'Withdrawn' AND [TermYear] = '2013'
This returns the Number of Termed employees for 2013 as 42.
I have created a table to report from called [dbo.TORateFY] that I have manually entered previous years data into.
I have transaction table I am pulling transactions from and can't quite figure out how to get a sum based on a few items.
I am trying to figure out how to show the sum of the InvestorAssumption and group it based on the DealId, then DealTransType and show the sum of the InvestorAssumption.
So I want to see a total of the InvestorAssumption by quarter split up by DealTransType, then DealId.
Not sure how to do this and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is my current view.
SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.DealTransactions.DealTransId, dbo.DealTransactions.DealId, dbo.DSGvwInvestorPercentage.InvestorID, DATEADD(quarter, DATEDIFF(quarter, 0, dbo.DealTransactions.DealTransDate), 0) AS TransDateQuart, dbo.DealTransactions.DealTransType, dbo.DealTransTypes.DealTransTypeName AS TransactionType, dbo.DealTransactions.DealTransAmount, dbo.DSGvwInvestorPercentage.InvestorPercentage * dbo.DealTransactions.DealTransAmount / 100 AS InvestorAssumption, dbo.DSGvwInvestorPercentage.InvestorPercentage, dbo.DealTransactions.DealTransDate AS TransDateActual FROM dbo.DealTransactions INNER JOIN dbo.DSGvwInvestorPercentage ON dbo.DealTransactions.DealId = dbo.DSGvwInvestorPercentage.DealID INNER JOIN dbo.DealTransTypes ON dbo.DealTransactions.DealTransType = dbo.DealTransTypes.DealTransTypeId GROUP BY dbo.DealTransTypes.DealTransTypeName, dbo.DealTransactions.DealTransAmount, dbo.DealTransactions.DealId, dbo.DSGvwInvestorPercentage.InvestorID, dbo.DSGvwInvestorPercentage.InvestorPercentage * dbo.DealTransactions.DealTransAmount / 100, dbo.DealTransactions.DealTransType, dbo.DSGvwInvestorPercentage.InvestorPercentage, dbo.DealTransactions.DealTransId, dbo.DealTransactions.DealTransDate ORDER BY dbo.DealTransactions.DealId, dbo.DSGvwInvestorPercentage.InvestorID, dbo.DealTransTypes.DealTransTypeName, dbo.DealTransactions.DealTransAmount
Since the Customers Table contains the complete list of customers I seek to have a Join made between it and the Paymentstable to check the amount made by the customers.
However, the trouble arises when I seek to check the average amounts made by each customer during last two months in which such a customer had paid.
In further clarification, lets consider current month of May 2015 going on;
Customer_A had paid $10,000 in AprilCustomer_A had paid $5,000 in AprilCustomer_B had paid $10,000 in AprilCustomer_A had paid $18,000 in MarchCustomer_A had paid $2,000 in MarchCustomer_A had paid $10,000 in FebruaryCustomer_B had paid $8,000 in FebruaryCustomer_B had paid $4,000 in FebruaryCustomer_B had paid $3,000 in February...
RE: Quarterly report - calculating for each of the next four months?
As I play with joins and functions to help mold my data.. I'm thinking about options.
I have a status table with termination status entries that will dictate participation spans for members.. a member can have multiple stop and start status entries in that status table. I've built an sql function that given a member's ID and a month/year will return the number of days the member particpated in the month.
I need to produce an SSRS report that given a starting month/year will report days of activity for every member for the next four months.
So my report will look like this: memberid 2007/06 2007/07 2007/08 2007/09 001 10 0 20 5 002 0 2 55 1
Should I build a view that given the starting yearmonth returns month1 - 4's data in a row?
or is there a smarter design? Possibly a row for each month? or SSRS formulas? Maybe the formula is gonna be a performance killer.
My need is to count the quantity of payments with 20000 step. This is my Oracle code. I'm in process of moving from Oracle to SQL Server. How to rewrite this code for SQL Server.
WITH got_grps AS ( SELECT TRUNC (sys_creation_date) AS date_creation , ( 1
Here is my Query, I don't know whether I'm getting it right?
--Quarter 1 SELECTD.MerchantName, A.MID, A.TID, ISNULL(SUM(A.SumTrxnMon), 0) AS SumTrxnMon, E.FullName, E.DxBEmail INTO#Quarter1 FROMdbo.tblRPT_Spend AS A INNER JOIN dbo.tblMer_DeployORetrieveTerm AS B ON A.MID = B.MID AND A.TID = B.TID INNER JOIN
The SSIS package will need to accomplish the following:
1. The package will somehow need to know what the file name should be based on the last file processed. So for example if we just loaded the Jan 2015 file, the next monthly file to drop should be the Feb 2015 file. For the quarterly files, it should be Q1 2015, then Q2 2015, etc...
2. Based on the file (Monthly or Quarterly), the package needs to somehow split and process one way for Monthly and another way for Quarterly.
I want to select data from a cube using an MDX statement and show the data on a graph report.
I want to select the daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly descriptions all in one column to make it easy to represent it on the report.
Then set the 'Date' Column to the x-axis and the Value column to the y-axis.
The user also must have the option to not show certain periods (Switch of daily and weekly)
My MDX works when I select from the SQL Management Studio but as soon as I copy the MDX over to the SSRS Report Designer is splits the daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly values into seperate columns which makes it very difficult to report on.
---- Code
SELECT NON EMPTY { ([Measures].[ValueAfterLogic])} ON COLUMNS,
CASE 1 WHEN 1 Then [Time].[Hierarchy].[Day Of Month] ELSE NULL END +
CASE 1 WHEN 1 Then [Time].[Hierarchy].[Week Of Year Name] ELSE NULL END +
CASE 1 WHEN 1 Then [Time].[Hierarchy].[Month] ELSE NULL END +
CASE 1 WHEN 1 Then [Time].[Hierarchy].[Quarter Of Year Name] ELSE NULL END +
CASE 1 WHEN 1 Then [Time].[Hierarchy].[YEAR] ELSE NULL END,
(SELECT ( {[KPI Values].[KPI Id].&[{97754C54-AB43-403D-A2C2-21C04BDE93E3}] } ) ON COLUMNS
FROM [Workplace])
WHERE ( [KPI Values].[KPI Id].&[{97754C54-AB43-403D-A2C2-21C04BDE93E3}])