Helpdesk Database Statistics Crosstab Report

Jul 20, 2005

Hello SQL and Crystal Reports friends,

I am trying to make a report and need some help please.

It is a helpdesk database. Jobs are logged, and then closed. Each of
these events is timestamped in the database in the date fields
“DateLogged” and “DateClosed”


10 51362364525


I am trying to create a crosstab style report that will show each month
of the year along the top, and then the number of jobs logged and closed
during that month. The problem I am having is that when Crystal Groups
by the month, you have to specify a date field for the grouping. If I
select “DateLogged”, then the crosstab will accurately show all of the
jobs logged for that month, but is not correct for the jobs closed
during that month. The problem is that is counting the number of jobs
that were both logged AND closed during the grouped month.

Can anyone see how such a report is possible?

Furthermore, I would like to be able to calculate how many jobs were
open at the start of the month, as well as at the end of the month.

Thank you for your help.

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Database Schema For HelpDesk Application

Nov 15, 2005

helloi have to make helpdesk application for teh IT Department of my company,so if anyone can help by supporting me by database schema for HelpDesk application.thank you for the help

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Reformat Crosstab Report

Jun 6, 2007

Thought I might get more respnose on this board.
This is the result I got from running a simple select query:

employee_ID last_name test_date test_score
34 Taylor 02/05/2006 85
85 Lomeli 03/15/2006 72
85 Lomeli 03/25/2006 78
110 smith 03/17/2006 90
110 smith 03/24/2006 89
110 smith 05/05/2006 92

How do I go from this format to the format below?
I would like the result to look like:

employee_ID last_name test_score_1 test_score_2
34 Taylor 85
85 Lomeli 72 78
110 Smith 90 89

Instead of having multiple rows for each employee, I would like to have one row for each empolyee and display top 2 test_scores in a single row.

Thanks for your expertise in advance.

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Sql Query For Helpdesk Application

May 25, 2006

I am having a difficult time to create the following query.

I am creating a command-line app that will produce a report from our helpdesk system on a scheduled basis. I have the following table structure

timeStamp - Date/Time
RuleID - Text(50)
ResultId - Text(50)

The RuleId are the Ids of the different server process that we monitor. The ResultId can be a 1 for Success, or 3 for Failure. Entries are only added during a falure, and the a recovery from the falure. Each entry will be a new record.

I need to get a query that will produce the following. The query will need to retrieve the first success for the RuleId after the failure since there can be many success and failure result in the table:

timestamp, RuleId, ResultId(3 - Failure), timestamp, resultId(1 - Success)

Thanks in advance

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Statistics Usage Report

Aug 2, 2007

We do have plenty of information about index usage in DMVs and I was wondering if there was any way for us to tell which of the user-created statistics for table were in use.

Any suggestions would be welcomed.


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Loading Crosstab Data Into Database Table

Oct 29, 2007

Hi, there,

I have a Excel cross-tab (multilevel column) report that need to be loaded into a database table. Currently, I am using a Excel macro that convert the columns into rows before loading into the database table. I was thinking whether there is a better way of doing this perhaps in SSIS or using XML.

Any ideas greatly appeciated.

Thank you.

Yong Hwee

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Auto Created Statistics And Missing Statistics

Jul 20, 2005

Hello group.I have an issue, which has bothered me for a while now:I'm wondering why the column statistics, which SQL Server wants me tocreate, if I turn off auto-created statistics, are so important to theoptimizer?Example: from Northwind (with auto create stats off), I do the following:SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country = 'Sweden'My query plan show a clustered index scan, which is expected - no indexexists for Country. BUT, the query plan also shows, that the optimizer ismissing a statistic on Country, which tells me, that the optimizer wouldbenefit from knowing this.I cannot see why? (and I've been trying for a while now).If I create the missing statistics, nothing happens in the query plan (andwhy should it?). I could understand it, if the optimizer suggested an indexon Country - this would make sense, but if creating the missing index, queryanalyzer creates the statistics with an empty index, which seems to me to beless than usable.I've been thinking long and hard about this, but haven't been able to reacha conclusion :) It has some relevance to my work, because allowing theoptimizer to create missing statistics limits my options for designingindexes (e.g. covering) for some rather wide tables, so I'm thinking why notturn it off altogether. But I would like to know the consequences - hopesomebody has already delved into this, and knows a good explanation.RgdsJesper

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Unit Of Time-statistics In Client Statistics

Aug 1, 2006

What is the unit of the numbers you get in the Time Statistics-part when running a query in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio with Client Statistics turned on?

Currently I get mostly 0´s, but if I try and *** up a query on purpose I can get
it up to around 30... Is it milliseconds or som made up number based on clockcycles or... ?

I would also like to know if it´s possible to change the precision.

- Nikolaj

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Access Crosstab -&> SQL Crosstab

Jan 9, 2006

Hi all
I'm transferring some Access queries to SQL server and the crosstabs don't want to work, can anyone shed any light on the query below.


TRANSFORM Min(tCompany.cCompanyName) AS CompanyName
SELECT tProjContacts.ProjectID
FROM tCompany INNER JOIN (tProjContacts INNER JOIN tCompanyType ON tProjContacts.CoTypeId = tCompanyType.CoTypeId) ON tCompany.CompanyID = tProjContacts.CompanyID
WHERE (((tCompanyType.CoType) Like "*topo*" Or (tCompanyType.CoType) Like "*ground*"))
GROUP BY tProjContacts.ProjectID
PIVOT tCompanyType.CoType;

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Running Statistics On A Database

Jun 2, 2005

How often should I run statistics on a database and what should I use? The create statistics function? Right now we have not run statistics against the database in over 8 months. However, we do have the database setup so that it will autocreate and auto update statistics on each table. Is this the best way to keep statistics up to date or is it better to run a function that rebuilds them on a nightly/weekly basis. Our database does have a large amount of activity against 99% of it takes place between 7am-6pm so the rest of the day/night we have open to schedule things like this. Any suggestions? I am really just trying to get a handle on the best way to keep our database running smoothly and quickly.

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Effect Of Update Statistics On Database And On An ASP Application

Jun 13, 2001


I had run a stored procedure in my server that update statistics against all user defined tables in my database (MSSQL 7.0).

Since then I am getting errors in my ASP application where I am reffering to

Here is an example of errors I get.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0411'

Name redefined: 'adOpenForwardOnly'

/Essai/, line 14

Below is the stored procedure I have run against the database.

Can anybody help tank you guys.

CREATE PROCEDURE update_all_stats
ALL user-defined tables within this database.
DECLARE @tablename varchar(30)
DECLARE @tablename_header varchar(75)
DECLARE tnames_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM sysobjects
WHERE type = 'U'
OPEN tnames_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM tnames_cursor INTO @tablename
WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1)

IF (@@fetch_status <> -2)

SELECT @tablename_header = "Updating " +
PRINT @tablename_header
EXEC ("UPDATE STATISTICS " + @tablename )
FETCH NEXT FROM tnames_cursor INTO @tablename
SELECT @tablename_header = "************* NO MORE TABLES" +
" *************"
PRINT @tablename_header
PRINT "Statistics have been updated FOR ALL tables."
DEALLOCATE tnames_cursor

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How Do I Copy The Index Statistics To A Development Database Server Without Data.

Jul 16, 2007

I want to be able to reproduce my production execution plans on development with copying data.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Update Statistics On Tables Of Database After Rebuild Indexes?

Nov 5, 2015

If I rebuild some indexes that are above 30% of average fragmentation, should I after that update statistics?

Also, How can I see if I Need to update statistics^on the tables of my database?

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This Feature Remote Access To Report Data Sources And/or The Report Server Database Is Not Supported In This Edition Of Report

Jun 16, 2006

SQL server 2005 express reporting problem.

error message:

This feature "remote access to report data sources and/or the report server database" is not supported in this edition of reporting service

I got this error message when I try to connect to database hosted in another PC running SQL server 2000.

Is it true that SQlL server Express can only use Local Database Engine to host the database?

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DTS & Crosstab

Apr 19, 2000

I am a neewbie to SQL 7 and having previously used Access for some time.. I have a table with a date field in a want to create a table with the values filling columns in another table by month ie April,may ,Jun and so on. Ia m using the Month function to get the month number but I dont know how to crosstab this into the relevant columns in the new table...I thinks DTS is the way and do a transformation on the month field but am struglling at the mo...Any help greatfully appreciated...


Andrew Wall

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Please Help Me In Crosstab

Jun 18, 2007

Hi i am new to crosstab feature.i want a crosstab dynamically with this below table please help me .Thanks in advance.

Table :-



I want result table like this :-

ID Name Cost_Type 9/2005 10/2005 11/2005

1 a1Bcost 300 -
2 a1Ecost 200 -
3 a1Acost 100 -
4 a2Bcost -150
5 a2ECost - 100
6 a2Acost - 150
7 a3Bcost - -150
8 a3ECost - -100
9 a3Acost - -150

I want above result Please Give me your help.

Thanks in advance,

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Aug 23, 2005

Hi Guys!Is there anything like cross tab of access in sql server?Thanks.

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Crosstab Help

Jul 13, 2007


I need to accomplish the turning column data into row data via SQL. I can sorta get what I want with creating the report as a matrix report. However, I always seem to need one little thing to happen to shape my data as I need it. Anyway, here goes...

I have a table with 4 columns

UNIQUE | Code | FieldID | CustomField

The Code column is the customer code. FieldID numbers 1-100 and CustomField has string data.

My problem. I need to be able to choose ALL Customers [Code] where FieldID/s ="6", "7" & "8" and the CustomField rowdata corresponding to the FieldID data. BUT I then need to be able to use a daterange parameter on any row with a FieldID of "6" but that is not a datetime format it is in a string format.

Currently my SQL is:

[Unique ID], Code, [Field ID] AS IUdate, [Field ID] AS IUNote, [Field ID] AS IUReq, [Custom Field]

dbo.[Customer Custom Field]

(Code = '07-8111')AND ([Field ID] = 6) OR (Code = '07-8111')AND ([Field ID] = 7) OR (Code =

'07-8111')AND ([Field ID] = 8)

However, everytime I try to run a daterange against, I get all kinds of data I don't need because the parameter is running against all the fields and NOT just the stringdate.

My idea is to convert the column data into row data (like a crosstab query) to sharpen it up for parameter ranges.

Is there something i am missing here? Can someone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance!


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Crosstab Query

Mar 14, 2002

Hello everyone,

I have a tabel which looks like the follows:

CODE Type Number
1 account 20
1 empl 3
2 account 15
2 empl 6
3 account 32
3 empl 7

I need to show the results like

CODE Account Empl
1 20 3
2 15 6
3 32 7

I've tried different attempts but so far I always get 2 rows for each code,where one column shows a NULL value.
How do I have to do this ?

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Crosstab Query

Apr 5, 2001

Is there a way to write Crosstab query in SQL 7.0.

I have a Table which has partner, usernames and the city they are from, apart from other fields. I have another table which tracks the user activity on a day by number of visits to the web site. What i want is like this :-

Date Total Visits Atlanta Connecticut .... .... ....

03/01/2001 5025 567 324 .... .... ....
03/02/2001 6789 423 146 .... .... ....
... ... ... ... .... .... ....

I.E. I wan't the city names to appear as columns. The main catch here is that this data is for a given partner. So the city names could be different for different users from different partners. i.e. city names have to be generated on the fly by looking at the partner table and then by getting all its users and seeing what all are the cities involved.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Crosstab Reports

Jun 4, 2001

I am trying to run a report off a crosstab query. The report calls for columns A - F, which are returned from the crosstab query. The only problem is that at times some of the columns are not returned by the query because there is no data associated with them. The report asks for column X, and no such columns exists in the query result; thus, an error is generated. My question is: how do I deal with this problem? I would like to avoid having to build the report from scratch. Is there some way that at runtime I could programatically tell the report to ignore these fields?

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Crosstab Problem

Nov 10, 2005

I have a table called Ideas and a table called Users_Ideas. In Users_Ideas, there can be up to four rows referencing Ideas with a foriegn key. I need to select all rows from Ideas and for each Idea display the users associated with it.

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Yet Another Crosstab Problem

Nov 14, 2005

Hi all,
i see there are many posts on crosstab queries in this forum but i can't seem to find a solution to my problem. hope you can help me.

I have a view of server crashes:

[dirty shutdown] [previous clean] [server name]
2005-10-01 2005-09-01 srv1
2005-11-01 2005-10-10 srv2

which displays the date of a dirty shutdown of a server, and the date of the previous clean shutdown of this server plus the server name

Also, i have a view of alerts per server:

[alert id] [server name] [alert date] [alert name] [repeat count]
123 srv1 2005-09-05 an alert 0
124 srv1 2005-09-10 another alert 1
125 srv1 2005-09-20 an alert 0
126 srv2 2005-10-20 something else 0

If [repeat count] is 0, the alert was given once, if it is 1, there were 2 alerts etc.

Now, what i want (well not me but the guy i work for) is a view that displays all alerts between the clean and the dirty shutdown, per server:

[dirty] [clean] server total "an alert" "another alert" "something else"

2005-10-01 2005-09-01 srv1 4 2 2 0
2005-11-01 2005-10-10 srv2 1 0 0 1

Total is the total number of alerts for the server between the two dates. Of course, there are many servers, and the number of alert names varies over time which means i can't use "case when...".

Is this possible??? Would be extremely thankful for any help!


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CrossTab Query

Mar 8, 2006

Is there a SQL version of a Crosstab Query??

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No Crosstab Like Access?

Mar 30, 2006

I'm trying to port a dymanically renderred form from a .mdb to a .adp. In the Access .mdb. The form is a representation of a crosstab query with unknown column headings (hence, the need for the form to be dynamically rendered at runtime).

I tried to port the crosstab from the .mdb to a stored procedure, but SQL Server doesn't like TRANSFORM, and perhaps the PIVOT as well. How do you do this in sql server?:



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Crosstab Problem Help

Sep 20, 2006

I have tried with the solutions available in the links provided by Pootle,but still I think I have to go a long way.My main problem is with the second aggregate column of previous year.
Let me put it again....

I have a table policy :

Policyno VARCHAR(20)
,Inceptiondate DATETIME
,agentid VARCHAR(20))

I want a report like this (dates in DD/MM/YYYY)

date 32001 32002 32003 32004 2006 2005
01/08/2006 3 1 11 1 16 12
02/08/2006 1 1 1 2 5 22
03/08/2006 1 1 1 1 4 3

Now the problem is I can get a report using crosstab like this in crystal report

| agentid
date | sum(policyno)

which is giving a result like this

date 32001 32002 32003 32004 2006/ToTal
01/08/2006 3 1 11 1 16
02/08/2006 1 1 1 2 5
03/08/2006 1 1 1 1 4
Total 4 3 13 4 25

But I can't bring the previous year aggregate column ,i.e 2005 in the above case.

So can you suggest me a way or direction to acheive that?

Any help would be really appreciated.
BTW,Pootle gave these links in my previous post...
link1 (
Link2 (

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Crosstab Select!!

Apr 3, 2008

I have table called MyTable that has 3 columns (City , Brand, Price)
I want to select from this table in Cross Tab format
My table has


i want the select statment result to be like this

City & Brand can be anything so i will not be able to hard code them in my Select.

who can help with that?!

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Crosstab Query

Sep 2, 2006

Crosstab concepts

I m using Sql server 2000 version
I want to create a simple crosstab… as like the follows

My table is as like

Date warehouse (WH) Delivery No
7/7/2006 10 10-1
7/7/2006 20 20-1
7/7/2006 20 20-2
7/7/2006 30 30-1
8/7/2006 10 10-2
8/7/2006 10 10-3
11/7/2006 30 30-2
11/7/2006 20 20-3

I want to make a report using crosstab in iReport…..

I want report will be as like

Date WH10 WH20 WH30 total delivery
7/7/2006 1 2 1 4
8/7/2006 2 0 0 2
11/7/2006 0 1 1 2

my questions are:

i create a crosstab procedure and it is running but

01. I want to know the query.
02. How I count/sum the wh in the crosstab? (cause the WH is arrange as row in my database table )

I want step by step instructions
I have not clear concepts about crosstab, but I know crosstab will give the solution of this problem

Please help……



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Crosstab Query

Sep 2, 2006

Crosstab concepts

I m using Sql server 2000 version
I want to create a simple crosstab… as like the follows

My table is as like

Date warehouse (WH) Delivery No
7/7/2006 10 10-1
7/7/2006 20 20-1
7/7/2006 20 20-2
7/7/2006 30 30-1
8/7/2006 10 10-2
8/7/2006 10 10-3
11/7/2006 30 30-2
11/7/2006 20 20-3

I want to make a report using crosstab in iReport…..

I want report will be as like

Date WH10 WH20 WH30 total delivery
7/7/2006 1 2 1 4
8/7/2006 2 0 0 2
11/7/2006 0 1 1 2

my questions are:

i create a crosstab procedure and it is running but

01. I want to know the query.
02. How I count/sum the wh in the crosstab? (cause the WH is arrange as row in my database table )

I want step by step instructions
I have not clear concepts about crosstab, but I know crosstab will give the solution of this problem

Please help……



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Crosstab Query

Sep 2, 2006

Crosstab concepts

I m using Sql server 2000 version
I want to create a simple crosstab… as like the follows

My table is as like

Date warehouse (WH) Delivery No
7/7/2006 10 10-1
7/7/2006 20 20-1
7/7/2006 20 20-2
7/7/2006 30 30-1
8/7/2006 10 10-2
8/7/2006 10 10-3
11/7/2006 30 30-2
11/7/2006 20 20-3

I want to make a report using crosstab in iReport…..

I want report will be as like

Date WH10 WH20 WH30 total delivery
7/7/2006 1 2 1 4
8/7/2006 2 0 0 2
11/7/2006 0 1 1 2

my questions are:

i create a crosstab procedure and it is running but

01. I want to know the query.
02. How I count/sum the wh in the crosstab? (cause the WH is arrange as row in my database table )

I want step by step instructions
I have not clear concepts about crosstab, but I know crosstab will give the solution of this problem

Please help……



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Crosstab Query

Sep 2, 2006

Crosstab concepts

I m using Sql server 2000 version
I want to create a simple crosstab… as like the follows

My table is as like

Date warehouse (WH) Delivery No
7/7/2006 10 10-1
7/7/2006 20 20-1
7/7/2006 20 20-2
7/7/2006 30 30-1
8/7/2006 10 10-2
8/7/2006 10 10-3
11/7/2006 30 30-2
11/7/2006 20 20-3

I want to make a report using crosstab in iReport…..

I want report will be as like

Date WH10 WH20 WH30 total delivery
7/7/2006 1 2 1 4
8/7/2006 2 0 0 2
11/7/2006 0 1 1 2

my questions are:

i create a crosstab procedure and it is running but

01. I want to know the query.
02. How I count/sum the wh in the crosstab? (cause the WH is arrange as row in my database table )

I want step by step instructions
I have not clear concepts about crosstab, but I know crosstab will give the solution of this problem

Please help……



View 3 Replies View Related

Crosstab Query

Sep 2, 2006

Crosstab concepts

I m using Sql server 2000 version
I want to create a simple crosstab… as like the follows

My table is as like

Date warehouse (WH) Delivery No
7/7/2006 10 10-1
7/7/2006 20 20-1
7/7/2006 20 20-2
7/7/2006 30 30-1
8/7/2006 10 10-2
8/7/2006 10 10-3
11/7/2006 30 30-2
11/7/2006 20 20-3

I want to make a report using crosstab in iReport…..

I want report will be as like

Date WH10 WH20 WH30 total delivery
7/7/2006 1 2 1 4
8/7/2006 2 0 0 2
11/7/2006 0 1 1 2

my questions are:

i create a crosstab procedure and it is running but

01. I want to know the query.
02. How I count/sum the wh in the crosstab? (cause the WH is arrange as row in my database table )

I want step by step instructions
I have not clear concepts about crosstab, but I know crosstab will give the solution of this problem

Please help……



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CrossTab Query

Sep 17, 2007


Currently working on a Attendance System project .
Iam storing the data in table against the employee code, date and status (basically a rowwise data).

Would require a query which can generate a cross-tab display with Employee Codes (on X axis), Dates (on Y-Axis) and with the Attendance Status.

The sample data for the same is as follows:

EmpCode Att_Date Att_Status
------- -------- ----------
001 01/01/2007 P
001 01/02/2007 A
.. ... ..
001 01/31/2007 P

002 01/01/2007 P
. . .
. . .
. . .

Would require the output as..

EmpCode 01/01/2007 01/02/2007 ...... 01/31/2007
------- ---------- ---------- ----------
001 P A P
002 A P P
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .

Thanking you in anticipation.


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