Here's The Problem Again With Sample Data

Jul 20, 2005

I want the sum of the last payments (amount) for all customers. The last
payment is with one with most recent date. And if there are more than one
payment on the most recent date then the one with the higher paymentid is
the last payment. for example in the given data the insert statement that
starts with capital I is the last payment of that customer. The correct
answer should be 2100 as given below. both queries by Erland and Anith give
the result 100 ( I removed the "WHERE <= '20030301' " Clause from
both queries since right now I want current sum (not till some date). So
what should be the right query.

Thanks again for the help.

create table payments (
paymentid int,
customerid int,
amount int,
date datetime

insert payments values (1, 1, 100, '1/1/03')
insert payments values (2, 1, 200, '2/28/03')
Insert payments values (3, 1, 500, '5/15/03')

insert payments values (4, 2, 400, '1/16/03')
insert payments values (9, 2, 800, '4/30/03')
insert payments values (5, 2, 200, '6/15/03')
Insert payments values (6, 2, 900, '6/15/03')

insert payments values (7, 3, 700, '3/1/03')
insert payments values (10,3, 300, '7/10/03')
Insert payments values (8, 3, 600, '9/1/03')

insert payments values (11,4, 300, '8/1/03')
insert payments values (12,4, 400, '9/10/03')
Insert payments values (13,4, 100, '9/10/03')

customerid lastpayment amount

1 3 (on 5/15/03) 500
2 6 (on 6/15/03) 900
3 8 (on 9/1/03) 600
4 13 (on 9/10/03) 100

Result => 2100

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Sample Code - Custom Increment Task Sample

Mar 28, 2006


Books online mention the existence of sample code for several custom tasks, including the one mentioned in the title. But, when I try to find this code in the location mentioned it is nowhere to be found.

I have run a search on the rest of my drive and come up empty.

Can anyone tell me where to find this?


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Are There Any Sample VB Projects That Use A Sample Sql Server Express DB?

Feb 29, 2008

Im trying to use 2005 to write a sample app to access a DB. Are there any samples for this and any samples of how I go about making the DB in the first place?

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Sample Data Required

Feb 13, 2007


Though this is not directly a SQL related question but I could not think of some other forum to post this request. <y apologies if I should have posted elsewhere...

I need some sample data for a departmental store (like WalMart of KMart) which sell a wide variety of things and probably everything under the sun :)

I need data in such a manner that we have 4-5 levels of data hierarchy. For example we can have a data hierarchy like follows:

Sub Category
Product Group

The above is just an example but I hope that most of you already know what I neeed. An example of data based on the following hierarchy can be as follows (shown in a tabular manner)

Classification | Category | Sub Category | Product Group | Item
Household Items| Electronics| Entertainment| Audio| SONY Room entertainment box, 2 speakers 300 W each, ....
Household Items| Electronics| Entertainment| Audio| Phillips Boom Box, ...specifications....
Household Items| Electronics| Entertainment| Video| SAMSUNG DVD Player model SG-17X5 ...
Household Items| Electronics| Entertainment| T.V | SONG TRINTORN 51" .....

Groceries | Drinks | Colas| Coke | COke 12-Pack Cans ....
Groceries | Drinks | Colas| Coke | COke 2.25 Litre Jumbo Pack..
Groceries | Drinks | Colas| PEPSI| PEPSI 2.25 Litre Jumbo Pack..

Toys | Girls | Dolls| Barbie | Barbie princees model A21 ..

I hope the above provides you with a clear understanding of my requirement.

I'll be extremely grateful for your help.

Thanks & Regards.

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Generate Sample Data

Sep 18, 2005

I am needing to o exactly what Zippygoose says (with ordered ID numbers). How do yo make an insert statement that will make a loop until let's say the ID reaches 8000??

Thanks in advanced,

User needs to fill his tables with sample data.
(Sorry for the edit, but I prefer to split this thread instead of continuing an old one (2003!!)).

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Sample Data Required

Feb 13, 2007

Sample data required


Though this is not directly a SQL related question but I could not think of some other forum to post this request. <y

apologies if I should have posted elsewhere...

I need some sample data for a departmental store (like WalMart of KMart) which sell a wide variety of things and probably

everything under the sun :)

I need data in such a manner that we have 4-5 levels of data hierarchy. For example we can have a data hierarchy like


Sub Category
Product Group

The above is just an example but I hope that most of you already know what I neeed. An example of data based on the following

hierarchy can be as follows (shown in a tabular manner)

Classification | Category | Sub Category | Product Group | Item
Household Items| Electronics| Entertainment| Audio| SONY Room entertainment box, 2 speakers 300 W each, ....
Household Items| Electronics| Entertainment| Audio| Phillips Boom Box, ...specifications....
Household Items| Electronics| Entertainment| Video| SAMSUNG DVD Player model SG-17X5 ...
Household Items| Electronics| Entertainment| T.V | SONG TRINTORN 51" .....

Groceries | Drinks | Colas| Coke | COke 12-Pack Cans ....
Groceries | Drinks | Colas| Coke | COke 2.25 Litre Jumbo Pack..
Groceries | Drinks | Colas| PEPSI| PEPSI 2.25 Litre Jumbo Pack..

Toys | Girls | Dolls| Barbie | Barbie princees model A21 ..

I hope the above provides you with a clear understanding of my requirement.

I'll be extremely grateful for your help.

Thanks & Regards.

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Sample Data Required

Feb 13, 2007


Though this is not directly a SQL related question but I could not think of some other forum to post this request. <y

apologies if I should have posted elsewhere...

I need some sample data for a departmental store (like WalMart of KMart) which sell a wide variety of things and probably

everything under the sun :)

I need data in such a manner that we have 4-5 levels of data hierarchy. For example we can have a data hierarchy like


Sub Category
Product Group

The above is just an example but I hope that most of you already know what I neeed. An example of data based on the following

hierarchy can be as follows (shown in a tabular manner)

Classification | Category | Sub Category | Product Group | Item
Household Items| Electronics| Entertainment| Audio| SONY Room entertainment box, 2 speakers 300 W each, ....
Household Items| Electronics| Entertainment| Audio| Phillips Boom Box, ...specifications....
Household Items| Electronics| Entertainment| Video| SAMSUNG DVD Player model SG-17X5 ...
Household Items| Electronics| Entertainment| T.V | SONG TRINTORN 51" .....

Groceries | Drinks | Colas| Coke | COke 12-Pack Cans ....
Groceries | Drinks | Colas| Coke | COke 2.25 Litre Jumbo Pack..
Groceries | Drinks | Colas| PEPSI| PEPSI 2.25 Litre Jumbo Pack..

Toys | Girls | Dolls| Barbie | Barbie princees model A21 ..

I hope the above provides you with a clear understanding of my requirement.

I'll be extremely grateful for your help.

Thanks & Regards.

Thanks & Regards.


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Repost Along With DDL's And Sample Data.

Mar 6, 2007

Here’s a more in depth breakdown of my problem:

We have 4 regions, currently we only have 3 servers in the field, and therefore only 3 regional id’s are being used to store the actual data of the pbx. The central server (RegionalID = 0) is holding the data for itself and the 4th region until the new server is deployed.
It now has to be deployed and therefore the data migration for this region has to take place.
I am trying to extract all the data for this 4th region (RegionalID= 1) from the central server database from all the relevant tables.
When doing this I will firstly, have to check that the CallerID is valid, if it is, send that entry along with the result set, if it is not valid, Check that the dongle area code is valid, if dongle area is valid select with the result set, and if it is not valid, then check that RegionalDialup = ‘0800003554’ which is the dialup number for this 4th region (RegionalID = 1).

I have a table named lnkPBXUser which contains the following:

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[lnkPBXUser]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[lnkPBXUser]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[lnkPBXUser] (
[RegionalID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[pbxID] [decimal](18, 0) NOT NULL ,
[userID] [decimal](18, 0) NOT NULL

Sample data:
INSERT INTO lnkPBXUser(RegionalID, pbxID, userID)
SELECT 0, 10961, 6 UNION ALL
SELECT 0, 1012, 17 UNION ALL
SELECT 0, 16499, 26 UNION ALL
SELECT 0, 14061, 36 UNION ALL
SELECT 0, 16499, 2

I have a table named tblDialupLog which has 20 columns, I have selected only the columns I am interested in (below):

PBXID DailupDT DongleAccessNum CLI RegionalID RegionalDialup
83 8/8/2006 8:58:11 AM T2 UQ 28924 0132493700 0 0800003554
543 8/8/2006 8:55:44 AM T0 UA 33902 0123623500 0 0800003554
1219 8/8/2006 8:59:03 AM T3 ZD 02031 0152958095 0 0800003554
1012 8/8/2006 9:02:54 AM T0 UA 41261 0173011050 0 0800003554
1331 8/8/2006 8:59:57 AM T0 UA 01938 0124604627 0 0800003554
1979 8/8/2006 9:02:52 AM T0 UA 09836 0163751210 0 0800003554
1903 8/8/2006 8:58:41 AM T0 UA 26009 0147175356 0 0800003554
1522 8/8/2006 8:58:54 AM T3 MB 94595 0573912871 0 0800004249
319 8/8/2006 8:51:28 AM T2 ZD 32892 0543375100 0 0800004249
3270 8/8/2006 9:04:26 AM T2 MB 87331 0 0800004249

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[tblDialupLog]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[tblDialupLog]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblDialupLog] (
[RegionalID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[PBXID] [int] NULL ,
[DialupDT] [datetime] NULL ,
[DongleAccessNum] [varchar] (64) NULL ,
[CLI] [varchar] (64) NULL ,
[RegionalDialup] [varchar] (50) NULL

Sample data:
INSERT INTO tblDialupLog(PBXID,DailupDT ,DongleAccessNum,CLI,RegionalID,RegionalDialup )
SELECT 83,'8/8/2006 8:58:11 AM' ,'T2 UQ 28924','0132493700',0 , '0800003554' UNION ALL
SELECT 543,'8/8/2006 8:55:44 AM','T0 UA 33902','0123623500',0,'0800003554' UNION ALL
SELECT 1012, '8/8/2006 9:02:54 AM', 'T0 UA 41261', '0173011050', 0 ,'0800003554' UNION ALL
SELECT 1219, '8/8/2006 8:59:03 AM' ,'T3 ZD 02031', '0152958095', 0,'0800003554' UNION ALL
SELECT 16499, '8/8/2006 8:51:28 AM', 'T2 ZD 32892', '0543375100', 0, '0800004249'

You see that the DongleAccessNumber is actually made up of three parts, and it is the middle part (ie.UQ) which i will use to check that the tbldongleArea.DongleAreaCode is valid for that region

I have a table named tblCodes, it contains all regions but I only need to select the codes for RegionalID 1 :

CodeID RegionalID ExtName SubsNDCD LocCD UpdateStatus RegionDesc

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[tblCodes]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[tblCodes]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblCodes] (
[CodeID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[RegionalID] [int] NULL ,
[ExtName] [varchar] (64) NULL ,
[SubsNDCD] [varchar] (10) NULL ,
[LocCD] [varchar] (64) NULL ,
[UpdateStatus] [int] NULL ,
[RegionDesc] [varchar] (255) NULL

Sample Data:

INSERT INTO tblCodes(CodeID ,RegionalID ,ExtName , SubsNDCD ,LocCD ,UpdateStatus,RegionDesc)
SELECT 7977,1, 'PRETORIA', '017', '3015', 0,'NORTH EASTERN REGION'

I have a table named tblDongleArea which contains the following (below only shows dongle area codes for the fourth region( RegionalID = 1):

AreaID RegionalID DongleAreaCode AreaDesc UpdateStatus
12 1 UA Oumashoop 0
13 1 UB Pietersburg 0
14 1 UC Warmbad 0 1
15 1 UD Nylstroom 0
16 1 UE Potgietersrus 0
27 1 UF Louis Trichardt 0
28 1 UG Messina 0

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[tblDongleArea]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[tblDongleArea]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblDongleArea] (
[AreaID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[RegionalID] [int] NULL ,
[DongleAreaCode] [varchar] (5) NULL ,
[AreaDesc] [varchar] (64) NULL ,
[UpdateStatus] [int] NULL

Sample Data:
INSERT INTO tblDongleArea(AreaID,RegionalID,DongleAreaCode,AreaDesc,UpdateStatus)
SELECT 12,1, 'UA', Oumashoop, 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 13, 1, 'UB', 'Pietersburg', 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 14, 1 ,'UC' ,'Warmbad', 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 15, 1, 'UD', 'Nylstroom', 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 16, 1, 'UE', 'Potgietersrus', 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 27, 1, 'UF', 'Louis Trichardt', 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 28, 1, 'UG', 'Messina', 0

I have a table named tblRegionalNumbers which contains the following, as you can see the RegionalDialup for the fourth region = 0800003554:

RegionalID RegionalDialup Region UpdateStatus RegionCode LocalRegion
1 0800003554 North Eastern 0 1 0
2 0800005027 Gauteng 0 2 0
3 0800006194 Eastern 0 3 0
4 0800004249 Central 0 4 0
5 0800201859 Southern 0 5 0
6 0800201989 Western 0 6 0
7 0800113515 HO 1 0 1
8 0800222204 Tellumat 0 7 0

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[tblRegionNumbers]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[tblRegionNumbers]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblRegionNumbers] (
[RegionalID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[RegionalDialup] [varchar] (255) NULL ,
[Region] [varchar] (64) NULL ,
[UpdateStatus] [int] NULL ,
[RegionCode] [int] NULL ,
[LocalRegion] [int] NULL ,

INSERT INTO tblRegionNumbers(RegionalID ,RegionalDialup,Region,UpdateStatus,RegionCode,LocalRegion)
SELECT 1,'0800003554', 'North Eastern', 0, 1, 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 2, '0800005027' ,'Gauteng', 0 ,2, 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 3, '0800006194','Eastern', 0, 3, 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 4, '0800004249' ,'Central', 0, 4, 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 5, '0800201859','Southern', 0 ,5, 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 6, '0800201989' ,'Western' 0, 6, 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 0, '0800113515', 'HO', 1, 0, 1 UNION ALL
SELECT 8, '0800222204', 'Tellumat', 0, 7, 0

Ok, I am dealing with the lnkPBXUser table at the moment,

I need to be able to join lnkPBXUser and tblDialupLog, then compare tblDialupLog.CLI to tblCodes.SubsNDCD + tblCodes.LocCD (when these two columns are concatenated the result will only be a substring of tblDialupLog.CLI. (this is to make sure that the CLI exists in tblCodes.)

If it does exist, then it is part of the fourth region and should be returned in the result set.

If it does not exist, I then need to check that tblDongle.DongleAreaCode is a substring of tblDialupLog.DongleAccessNumber.

If it is a valid DongleAreaCode for that region, then it is part of the fourth region and should be returned in the result set.

If it does not exist, I then need to check that tblDialupLog.RegionalNumber = ‘080003554’.

So from the above tables an expected result would be:

RegionalID pbxID userID
0 1012 17
0 543 2

Please assist, it would be greatly appreciated.

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Sample Data For Mining

Jun 8, 2006

hi, i am bit new in the field of data warehousing and data mining but catching up fast. I am in the last year of BS(Computer Science) and intend to do a project on a Business Intelligence but i was wondering can i get a sample dummy data for my work is that any way possible??

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Sample RFP For A Data Warehouse Project

Jun 26, 2003

Does anyone have a sample RFP for a Data Warehousing project?

My manager hired an outside consultant to draw up a proposal for our company. But it is getting stuck in details and we are way behind schedule.

It will help me greatly if there is an outline of a DW RFP.

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Adding Sample Data To New Database

Jun 11, 2008

I created a database using SSMS, now I want to add sample data.

What are the methods of adding sample data from the server?

Do I need to use the SQL Server client or can I use the SQL command line or query window?

Thank you,


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Creating A Script Out Of Sample Data

Jul 20, 2005

SQL Server 2000Is there any way to take sample data in my database and create an INSERT INTO script?I have a commercial application that I would like to include sample data, and instead of restoring a backup like I am doing now, I would like to first run a script that creates the database, stored procedures, etc, then run a script that inserts sample data if the customer so chooses.I know I can do this manually, but is there any way to create the script based on exisiting data?TIA-- Tim Morrison--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vehicle Web Studio - The easiest way to create and maintain your vehicle related website.

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Sample Databases For Data Mining

May 9, 2007


I'm looking for sample database for data mining in SQL Server 2005. In my project I need to use all algorithms provided by SQL Server 2005. I know that we have "SQL Server 2005 Samples and Sample Databases" on site, but there are only AdventureWorks data sets. I need sth less popular, but similar.

I have found and others, but I don't see data sets good for multidimensional analysis.

The origin of data may be natural or artificial, it doesn't matter.
I don't have to generate my own data, because I had to discover new knowledge, that will be surprising to me.

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

(sorry for my English)

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Sample Code To Importing Data From ODBC

Mar 26, 2007

Hi, there;
I try to import data from ODBC using C# programmatically. Is there any sample code we can have a look. Like how to read schema from ODBC source table and then create source column...


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AdventureWorks Sample Database &&amp; Data Consistency

Oct 17, 2007


I'm working with the sample database called Adventure Works and I'm encountering data consistency issues :
If I sum the TotalDue for one particular territory, for one particular time window from the Sales. SalesOrderHeader table and if I try to compare the result to the LastYearSales and YTDSales from the Sales.SalesTerritory table, I don't get the same number, whatever I try. So did I miss something ?
How are the LastYearSales and YTDSales fields from Sales.SalesTerritory calculated ?



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HELP-Create Sample Data By Microsofst Spoil And Grow My Mdf Ldf -from 5 MB TO 6 GB

May 21, 2008

help i run this
from this link
and it stuck my sql server!!!!!

and after i run this
my my mdf ldf is 6 GB

Code Snippet-- Suppress data loading messages

-- Create Sample Data using a Table Varable
INTO Numbers
FROM sysobjects a, sysobjects b, sysobjects c, sysobjects d, sysobjects e

before i was 6 mb
now how to fix this problem and shrinking my data

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SP To Determine Layout, Population And Sample Data In Table(s)

Nov 1, 2007

Hi! I am new to SQL Server... looking for some veteran assistance.

"Data Integrity Report"

I need a Stored Procedure that takes a table name as a parameter and returns a cursor suitable as a data source for a pre-built Report Services report (I guess Report Services would call the SP?).

The cursor/report needs to have the following columns:

Ordinal_Position (I.E. Column number)
Number Of Blank Rows (how many missing values for this column in this table)
Difference (Between total rowcount and population of this column)


Column_Length (either Character_Maximum_Length or the numeric widths rolled up with COALESCE?)
Sample Data (The contents of the "first" row in the table, based on a TOP(1) and ORDER BY xxx)
The report should look like this (for a table with 100 rows):

Col Num Col Name # Blanks Difference Data Type Col Length Sample Data
1 Name 12 88 varchar 30 Sally Smith
2 Address 34 66 varchar 45 123 Main St Apt 45
3 Acct_ID 0 100 varchar 4 AB12345

Using the "Information_Schema.Columns" I can get everything I need except for #3 (blanks count) and #7 (Sample data).

Is it possible to do this as 1 query, with a CTE or APPLY or something, or do I need to do a table variable based on the Information_Schema and then use dynamic SQL and row-by-row COUNT(*) for each column? And the same for the Sample Data.

Sorry for the long post, and thanks in advance!

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Conditional Joins? (table Structure And Sample Data Provided)

Nov 13, 2007

Hello, can anyone tell me if it is possible to conditionally join tables? If so, how could it be done?

What I would like to do is create a query similar to the one below but include the rows in the Asset table where the corresponding Alert field is NULL.

SELECT A.AssetId, A.IndustryId, A.RegionId, A.RevenueId, AL.AlertId


Assets AS A ON AL.IndustryId = A.IndustryId AND AL.RegionId = A.RegionId AND AL.RevenueId = A.RevenueId
WHERE AlertId = 1

The output I am after would be the first row in the Assets table. But since the RevenueId column is NULL, I get nothing. The only time the above query will work is if all three Id columns are populated. That is not always going to be the case. Please don't suggest changing table structures or adding data. That is not an option.

Below are the table structures and sample data.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Alerts](
[AlertId] [int] NOT NULL,
[IndustryId] [int] NULL,
[RegionId] [int] NULL,
[RevenueId] [int] NULL,
[AlertId] ASC

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Assets](
[AssetId] [int] NOT NULL,
[IndustryId] [int] NOT NULL,
[RegionId] [int] NOT NULL,
[RevenueId] [int] NOT NULL,
[AssetId] ASC,
[IndustryId] ASC,
[RegionId] ASC,
[RevenueId] ASC

INSERT INTO Alerts (AlertId, IndustryId, RegionId, RevenueId)

VALUES (1, 2, 5, NULL)

INSERT INTO Alerts (AlertId, IndustryId, RegionId, RevenueId)

VALUES (2, 2, 5, 1)

INSERT INTO Alerts (AlertId, IndustryId, RegionId, RevenueId)


INSERT INTO Alerts (AlertId, IndustryId, RegionId, RevenueId)


INSERT INTO Alerts (AlertId, IndustryId, RegionId, RevenueId)

VALUES (5, 3, NULL, 4)

INSERT INTO Alerts (AlertId, IndustryId, RegionId, RevenueId)


INSERT INTO Alerts (AlertId, IndustryId, RegionId, RevenueId)

VALUES (7, 3, 4, 1)

INSERT INTO Assets (AssetId, IndustryId, RegionId, RevenueId)

VALUES (1, 2, 4, 3)

INSERT INTO Assets (AssetId, IndustryId, RegionId, RevenueId)

VALUES (1, 2, 5, 1)

INSERT INTO Assets (AssetId, IndustryId, RegionId, RevenueId)

VALUES (2, 2, 5, 5)

INSERT INTO Assets (AssetId, IndustryId, RegionId, RevenueId)

VALUES (2, 3, 4, 5)

INSERT INTO Assets (AssetId, IndustryId, RegionId, RevenueId)

VALUES (3, 2, 4, 1)

INSERT INTO Assets (AssetId, IndustryId, RegionId, RevenueId)

VALUES (4, 2, 5, 4)

INSERT INTO Assets (AssetId, IndustryId, RegionId, RevenueId)

VALUES (5, 3, 5, 1)

INSERT INTO Assets (AssetId, IndustryId, RegionId, RevenueId)

VALUES (5, 2, 4, 5)

INSERT INTO Assets (AssetId, IndustryId, RegionId, RevenueId)

VALUES (5, 3, 1, 1)

INSERT INTO Assets (AssetId, IndustryId, RegionId, RevenueId)

VALUES (6, 3, 2, 4)


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Why Should We Sample Nested Table Separetely For Data Mining Model Trainings?

Dec 1, 2006

Hi, all here,

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

I dont think we should sample any nested tables for data mining model training? Since I think any nested tables are bound to the case table. Therefore whenever we sample the case table, the nested tables are like any other input attributes within the case table to be rectrieved as inputs accordingly?

Thank you very much for any guidance to clear my confusion.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,



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SQL Sample?

Feb 5, 2006


This concerns SQL errors showing up unexpectedly and a "Sample" application.

I am running Windows XP Pro SP2 on a Dell 8600 Laptop. It is the only computer I own (or want to own) therefore, home networking not an option. A simple, stand alone computer is all I need or want, yet sometime around September or October '05 whenever I booted up, I was getting SQL error messages (e.g., missing SQLsvc file). While trying to find the problem, I was seeing indications in various places that Windows NT was my OS (what happened to Windows XP as my OS?). I'm not sure how all that happened, I certainly did not intend to make any such change.

I'm not a computer techy, nor do I have such an aspiration. However, I'm quickly discovering that in order to use a computer in any capacity, one must indeed become somewhat of a techy - like it or not!

So, I got rid of the SQL error messages from popping up at bootup and things seemed to be a bit more normal, but now (for the past 2 or 3 months), everytime I shut down, I get the pop up window that indicates a program is not ending properly and I have the option to "end now" or "cancel" to return to windows. The name in the title box of this popup is simply "Sample" -- no extension such as .exe (although I assume that's what it should be). I have no clue what this is and have searched every possible source to find the answer but to no avail. I suspect it has something to do with that blasted SQL thing that seemed to take over my computer. I searched the web for "sample.exe" and found that it may be a virus

"Virus Alert: W32.Nimda.E@mm
The attachment received has been changed to: Sample.exe ... Emails itself out as Sample.exe Shared drives: Infects open network shares."

After reading the above link, I checked and, sure enough, I have this "W32nimda" file. A search as to how to eliminate it, led me to the Symantec website, which has a removal tool to download, along with 7 pages of instructions (did I mention that I did NOT want to be a computer techy?). I used Symantec antivirus 2 years ago and was glad to be rid of it, however getting completely rid of it seems to be another story and I truly wish I knew the secret to that (any hints?). I did not download this tool yet and not sure if I want to. Surely, there's an easier way! I have run my antivirus software (Trend Micro PC-Cillin), which finds nothing.

I seem to be getting away from the subject, although it all seems related, so I'll get back to the SQL question(s) which is, do I need it? If not, how can I get rid of it? Probably more information is required to answer this question such as how I use the computer, what applications, etc. Briefly, I do not create web pages and do not have a web page; no home network; do not play games or download music (afraid of that!); don't visit "taboo" websites. I do not have MS Word or any of the MS office line - Word Perfect 12 is my word processor. In November last year (at the same time all this started) my modem ceased to function, which I attributed to, unknowingly, plugging into a digital telephone jack at my office. I bought and installed another modem - which I could not get to work - took it back and bought wireless modem and router, which I installed and setup myself (with telephone assistance from router manufacturer, Linksys).

My web related usage is mainly research and email (a necessary evil, apparently). I also use the computer for photo storage and enhancement, graphics and Windows Media Player 9.

I apologize for this post being so lengthy, but I wanted to explain the problem with enough detail in the hope of getting a substantially beneficial answer (other attempts at other sites have been answered basically with "I dunno!" - and here's a surprise, I got the same "I dunno" from The Geek Squad at Best Buy!).

Thanks for taking the time to read all this - hope you can help!

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Sample DB

Nov 28, 2007

Newbie in sql. Is the adventure works db sample compatible with the free sql compact edition, or is there a sample db for the compact edition? A link if possible could help. Was searching on microsoft' s website and was getting the sample for sql server and i have the compact ed. Downloaded the sample, tried to run it but nothing.

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SCD Sample Example

Jan 10, 2006

Hello All,

I have two tables


id          stdt                    enddt                 price

1           01/04/2006      09/09/9999       900

2           01/04/2006      09/09/9999        200



id          stdt                    enddt                 price

1           01/04/2006      09/09/9999       100

I want to create a package that will:

check to see if id and stdt from SCDTest1 exists in SCDTest2,

if yes, I would like to expire that row in SCDTest2 (change the enddt to today) and then insert a new record into SCDTest2 with stdt = today and enddt = 09/09/9999. 

If no then I want to insert the row with stdt = today, enddt = 09/09/9999.

SCDTest2 will look like this after the run is complete.


id          stdt                    enddt                 price

1           01/04/2006       01/10/2006       100

1           01/10/2006       09/09/9999       900

2           01/04/2006      09/09/9999        200

I have come close by using the SCD wizard, but have been unable to figure out how to get the proper date updates to occur.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Looking For A Sample Database

Sep 23, 2005

I'm looking for a sample database for a big company, organization,... to build my db project as a part of my db system courses. Can anybody help me?
Thanks anyway.

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Sample Query

Apr 9, 2008


I have one amount field in my table. I need the query to get the record where the amount field must be +/-15%.

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Sample Database

Nov 21, 2005

for SQL Server 2005 express (no northwind or pubs sample databaes only adventureworks). Please correct me.

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SQL Sample Questions?

Aug 28, 2006

Hey guys,

Does anyone know of a site or a link which gives you sample SQL questions (mostly related to SQL queries) and answers?:) I am not a developer so I don't get problems (to solve) that easily:)

If its already available here, my apologies, I haven't explored that much.


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Sample Database

Mar 31, 2008

i have a query that uses the adventure works sample database am working on sql server 2000 can i install this sample database to this sql2000 server?
Best Regards

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Regarding A Sample Query

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,I am a very complex problem in front of me. Kindly help me outin acheiving the same.Say I have a table called InfoName with two columns Name and IDInfoNameName IDOS 1SP 2Driver 3fasdf **** ***** ****(I AM INTERESTED IN ONLY FIRST THREE ROWS )I have another table Infotxt which uses the ID of InfoName asforeign key. It stores the value of this ID as shownInFotxtID Value UnitNAME1 Win 2000 raj2 SP 4 raj3 40 GB raj1 Win xp jay2 SP 2 jay3 20 GB jayNOw I need to present it with unitname's configuration of OS,Sp and disk capacity like OS SP DriveRaj win2000 sp4 40 GBJay winxp sp2 2o GBThat is, the rows of the InfoName table (first 3 rows) shouldbe the columns of my resultant query.How can I achieve the same.Please give me some ideas, and if the question is silly, I amvery sorry, because I am new to database queries...Thanks,cspekcspek*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Sample ASP Script??

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,Im brand new and trying to learn SQL Server 2000, I have purchased a bookand been reading it for a few weeks.I'm tring to find an ASP script that would let me know if my connection tomy database is working.I use DSN, i created a DSN name "mail"anyone have any scripts?--Message posted via

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HelloWorldCS Sample

Nov 17, 2005

Is anyone is familiar with the HelloWorldCS solution that is available for download at

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Sample's Reference

Sep 26, 2007

Forgive me for my programming ignorance, but how to i find the microsoft.sqlserverce.samples.accesssync.editdata reference?


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Can't Use Sample Databases

Oct 26, 2015

I have installed MS SQL Server 2014. When I try to attach the pubs database that I downloaded, I'm getting an error saying that its non-release version (539) is not supported by this version of SQL Server.

My question is: Is there a way that I can either get an updated version of the database from Microsoft, or update the one I have?

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FormsAuthentication Sample

Sep 28, 2007

I just installed the FormsAuthentication Sample and when I goto http://localhost/reports I get the logon page and I can register the user id ok, but after that when go back and type my username and password and click logon it gives me this:

The request failed with HTTP status 401: Access Denied.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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