Hide An Entire Row If Data In One Firld Is 0 Or Null

May 1, 2007

I want to be able to remove rows from the report if certain data in the row is 0. If a sales division has no sales for a district. there is no reason to show the district name or even to show an empty space for the row. I want to suppress the entire row without the user being able to see it or unhide it.

Is this possible?

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Hide Row With Null Values

Jul 18, 2007

I have a report that shows a decription for things paid for and the budget. I want to be able to hide the detail row if there is a null or 0.00 in the amount column. Would i put a filter int he detail group? Everytime i try to filter the detail group, it doesnt seem to filter out the nulls. I can individually make each column invisible, but it still shows a (+) next to the groups, and takes space for the empty white spot. Any suggestions? Also I wanted to show the zeros in the group, for the actual to budget comparison, So i cant change my stored procedure. I just dont want the detail visible if the value is null.

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Matrix: Hide Null Value Row

Jul 27, 2007

The matrix that i have contains null values and is creating empty rows. I tried grouping the row and then setting the visible property, but that just hides the entire rows. Is there an expression that i would need to ensure that only the null rows are not visible on the matrix?

Thanks for taking the time to read.

The database tables looks like:

Month Sales Product
---------------- ---------- --------------------
August 2007 700.00 Apples
August 2007 400.00 Oranges
September 2007 380.00 Apples
October 2007 1200.00 Oranges
November 2007 NULL NULL
December 2007 NULL NULL
Jan 2008 400.00 Grapefruit

The matrix looks like:
August 2007 Sept 2007 Oct 2007 Nov 2007 Dec 2007 Jan 2008
Apples 700.00 380.00
Oranges 400.00 1200.00

Grapfruit 400.00

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Hide Column If Parameter Is Null

Feb 19, 2008

I have a parameter in my report, and if it is set to Null or Zero, I want to hide a column. How would I do this? I have already tried using

Code Snippet=IIF(Parameters!Rate.Value >= 0, false, true)

in the Visibility property for the relevant column, but it doesn't make any difference. The column still shows up even if the Rate parameter is set to Null or zero. I only want the column to show if the user enters a value in the Rate parameter which is greater than zero.


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Analysis :: SSAS LastnonEmpty Not Showing Data For Entire Time Hierarchy?

Jun 8, 2015

I have a time dimension which has Date, Week, Month and Year. However, the hierarchy will have only Week, Month and Year. It works great for any Sales measure with AggregateFunction as SUM.

I have created a new measure with AggregateFunction = LastNonEmpty. Also in the backend, I have pushed all the inventory data to last date in every month as inventory is always looked on a monthly basis not on a weekly basis. This measure shows correct data for every last week of the month in the hierarchy. However, Months and Years are displayed as zeros.

what I am doing wrong.

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Can I Hide Data From A SysAdmin??

Dec 7, 2001

Is is possible to hide "salary" or other sensitive data from a person who is a Sys-Admin. My belief is that there is no way. Please correct me.....

Assumptions: SQL Service account has Local Admin privelege.
Sysadmin can do anything on local machine, including run scripts adding themselves to any default/instance of SQL on the machine.

Please direct me to any other source of information for this topic.

Thanks for your input

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Wanting To Move An Entire Database Using Backup? Export? That Takes All Users, All Data, All Permissions

Apr 25, 2008

I've had issues where backup up and restoring data from sqlserver2005 does not reattach the data to the correct users.  Any tips on how to best accomplish full database moves where data is owned by different security users?

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Hide Subreport If It Returns No Data

Sep 7, 2007

I have a table which has a row that contains a subreport. I'd like to set the visibility of the row to hidden if the subreport returns no data. I've played with a few techniques but can't seem to get it right. Any ideas?

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Can We Hide A Column If No Data Is Returned?

Feb 7, 2008

Hi All,

Is there a way to hide a column if there is no data for that column? Suppose that I have a SP (lets call it wrapper) which will call multiple SP's. But for any one run, there'll be only one SP which is called. But the columns returned by these SP's is obviously different. So, in order to accomodate the output, can I create a table, add all the possible columns to it, and set the properties of the individual columns such that they will be hidden if there is no data in them? Example, SP 1 returns - ServerName, Location, OS ; SP 2 returns ServerName and location only. Now if the wrapper SP calls only the second SP (SP 2) can I configure in such a way that the third column (OS) is not displayed at all? (In normal cases, it would appear but without any data in it)...

Hope the question is clear... Thanks a lot..


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DTS Data Transform Task: How To Hide DB And Schema Names?

Mar 25, 2008

Hi All,

I'm stuck up with a strange problem.
When i try to setup a Transform Data task in DTS, the table drop down shows fully qualified table name.

i.e. <database name>.<schema name>.<table name>

as you can see in the attached screenshot. With this I cant see the full table name and am not able to make the correct selection.

Where can i change the properties so that it displays only the table name?


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Master Data Services :: Hide Code And Name Attribute

Oct 9, 2015

I want to hide the Code and Name attribute, i set the Display Width Pixel to 0 but it doesn't work, i tried to set "Deny" Permission to those attribute but it hasn't any effect.Im working with Master Data Services 2014/ SQL Server 2014 SP1.

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Hide Header And Footer When No Data Returned On Report

Aug 23, 2007

Any suggestions on how to hide the header and footer information if there isn't any data returned on the report?

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Way To Hide Subreports Based On Item Existing In A Data Set.

Feb 22, 2008

My current report has around 40 subreports corresponding to tests executed by the user. There is a different sub report for each of the tests executed. I first developed the report by just putting the subreports directly on the main report. The problem is if some of my tests are not executed by the user I would like the subreports to not appear in the report.

I have tried doing this two different ways. First I tried creating a table and attaching that table to a dataset that I created that returns all the tests that were executed by the user. I then set up a filter that specified that the name for a specific subreport had to equal the test name. I then dropped the sub report for that particular test into the table. The idea is there would only be one row when data is available and no rows when no data is available so the subreport would not appear. When the data is available the subreport appears great. When it is not available and there is no item in the dataset for that test I get an error from SQL that states there was an internal reporting error and to check the SQL server log for more information. I know my table is set up correctly because when I replace the subreport with text the text will appear only if data is available for that test and the text does not appear if no data is available. I get no errors until I add the subreport and remove the data from the database so the filter does not return any items. Is there a reason why I would be getting this error? I am still pretty green using reporting services so I do not even understand how to get the log from the server to determine why this error is occuring.

Secondly I have tried to use an expression to hide the subreport using the visibility tab for the report. I was able to get this to work by creating a dataset that returns 1 if a specific test has been executed and no rows if not. I then created an expression that would return true if the dataset returned 1. This worked okay in hiding my subreport but I would then have to create 40 datasets, one for each test. Is there anyway to write an expression that would return true if a dataset contained a row with a specific test name? I have not been able to figure this out.

Can someone either help me fix the problem I am having with the table approach or write an expression that would work in the visibility setting for each sub report that did not require 40 datasets? Or is there another approach that I am not even thinking of that might work?

Thanks so much,

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How Can I Get The 'entire' Database, Structure And Data, From SQL Server 2008 To SQL Server 2005?

Jun 20, 2008

1) I can't get the 'copy database' function to work from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2005. I connect ok. Everything goes to the last step and then it fails.2) I cant get a SQL server 2008 backup to restore on SQL SEerver 2005 either.
The only way I know that works is to script the creation of all tables then export and import. This does work.
How can I get the 'entire' database, structure and data, from 2008 to 2005?
ThanksSQL newbie.

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Reporting Services :: How To Hide Zero Values In Ssrs Stacked Chart Data Labels

Aug 9, 2015

I am using the below expression for hidding the zero data labels in ssrs chart.=IIF(Fields!Name.Value=0,False,True). But this expression is working for some other charts. It is not wrking for only charts. I could not find the solution for that. How to hide the zero values.

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Reporting Services :: How To Hide Data While Exporting Report In Excel In SSRS 2012

Jun 16, 2015

I have a report with three subreport, i want to hide data of subreport while exporting reporting in to excel. I have used this function  (=IFF Globals! Render foramt.IsInteractive,False,True) but didnt work.

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Problem With Isnull. Need To Substitute Null If A Var Is Null And Compare It To Null And Return True

Sep 20, 2006

Hey. I need to substitute a value from a table if the input var is null. This is fine if the value coming from table is not null. But, it the table value is also null, it doesn't work. The problem I'm getting is in the isnull line which is in Dark green color because @inFileVersion is set to null explicitly and when the isnull function evaluates, value returned from DR.FileVersion is also null which is correct. I want the null=null to return true which is why i set ansi_nulls off. But it doesn't return anything. And the select statement should return something but in my case it returns null. If I comment the isnull statements in the where clause, everything works fine. Please tell me what am I doing wrong. Is it possible to do this without setting the ansi_nulls to off??? Thank you

set ansi_nulls off



@inFileName VARCHAR (100),

@inFileSize INT,

@Id int,

@inlanguageid INT,

@inFileVersion VARCHAR (100),

@ExeState int

set @inFileName = 'A0006337.EXE'

set @inFileSize = 28796

set @Id= 1

set @inlanguageid =null

set @inFileVersion =NULL

set @ExeState =0

select Dr.StateID from table1 dR


DR.[FileName] = @inFileName

AND DR.FileSize =@inFileSize

AND DR.FileVersion = isnull(@inFileVersion,DR.FileVersion)

AND DR.languageid = isnull(@inlanguageid,null)




set ansi_nulls on

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SSIS - Data Loading Job -- Update Col B With Col A If Col B Is NULL In The Data File?

May 10, 2007

How do u achieve this -- While SSIS Data Load Execution itself?

Update Col B with Col A value if Col B is NULL in the Data File?

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Run Entire Package

Feb 13, 2006


i have a problem that i don't understand why it occurs: i have a package like this (resumed and ordered by its correspondingdata flow):

1. move data files to a path through by a file system task

2. import data of data files to a sqlserver database (each file through its own data flow). The origin of data is in files that have been moved to the path of step 1

3. execute a procedure of database (sql task) to manipulate data and finally export resume (data flow) to a new file in the path (moved by other file system task)

PROBLEM: if i execute the package task by task (one by one), it runs ok, but then when i build and run package as a whole (debug), it produces an error in the data flow such as it doesnt' find the path to take data of data flow (it doesn't find the source). Really it doesn't find source because the data files aren't in its correct path (like step 1 had failed). In summary, it looks like if the order of the task of package aren't correct when i execute the entire package, because the log doesn't thread any error about step 1 (file system task).

ERROR MESSAGE: an OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E37

Thanks for any help.


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Query Entire DB

Aug 13, 2007

I need to search all of the tables in a DB for a specific number (say, 123456). I am unsure of which tables may have this number in it. Is there a way to search an entire DB for a specific criteria?

This is what I want:

Select *
From [db]
where [column] like '%123456%'

I understand why this dosen't work (the DB doesn't have column names), but is there a way to display table names where this number exists? If I had that, then I could search the tables individually.

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How To Exclude Null Data?

Apr 28, 2006

I'm new to MS SQL server. Is there a select statement that will include fields that are not null?

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How Can I Script An Entire Database

Jul 31, 2007

What is the best way to create a blank copy of my database? I really want some of the tables to keep the data in them, these are some of the lookup table.
I appreciate your help.

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How To Preserve Entire Database

Jul 12, 2005

Hi, I'm a noob who sucks at programming, and sucks even more when it comes to database.

I'm operating a small website with an SQL Server database that drives my shopping cart. I want to close this website down, but I don't want to lose all the data in the database in case I want to do something in the future.

How do you backup the entire database into a file so i might be able to import it at later times? Do I have to do this with SQL, T-SQL, or the manager?

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Reading The Entire Column?

Apr 11, 2007


I have a long TEXT column and it cuts off at a certain point
in the Query Analyzer. I tried copying and pasting to notepad
but it is still half the actual string. How do i get the whole
TEXT string from a given column?


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Copy Entire DB On Same Server

Jun 3, 2004

Hi All,

Could anybody tell me how to make a copy of an entire database on the same server? The copy wizard won't allow the a copy to be made on the same server.

And I believe I won't be able to detach the database and re-attach it to a newly created database with a different name.

Thanks in advance!

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How To Duplicate An Entire Database

Jul 23, 2004

I have built a template database which I'm finally pleased with, however I want to periodically duplicate the design - not data into a new database. How can I duplicate a database? I was hoping to right mouse, copy, then right mouse, paste, and then be prompted for the new name but no such luck.

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Searching Entire Database

Mar 11, 2004

Is there any way to do a complete database search in SQL server? For instance, if I have a criteria "DBFORUMS", I would like to scan through all user tables in my database to get all records with the word "DBFORUMS" stored, just like want we are doing in "Quick Search" in dbforums site.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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Ltrim Entire Column

Jun 16, 2008

How do I "ltrim" an enire colum?


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Searching The Entire Database

Aug 28, 2005

Hi friends

Suppose i have a table of 100 cols and 10000 rows i want to search a particular field called 'Newyork' . I dont no what the col is ?

Can anyone tell me how can i search that


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Searching An Entire Database

Dec 28, 2005

Hi, this is my first post on these forums, so please excuse me if this topic has already been covered.

I'm currently working in a power station for student vacation work placement. I need to export data from a database that gets it's data from machinery and inputs out in the plant. The machines that provide this input put it into a database, and I need to find the relevant data to export.

My problem is that, in some cases, the sample data that i'm given may be under different field names, in a completely unrelated table. I was looking for a way to search the entire database (250+ tables) for a certain string, so I can find where it is in the database, and run queries on the table it originates from. For example:

My sample data shows me that I have an object with the ID Y03A3DEA_TH1. I know this ID will occur somewhere else in the database, but i'm just not sure where.

If anyone knows of any way that I can search the entire database for specific data, either using tools in MS SQL 2000, or 3rd party apps, i would greatly appreciate their help.

Thanks a lot,
Jack Smith

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Add An Entire Table To Another (no Replace)

May 16, 2006

Hi! I've some data in a table, and I want to add these records to another table, but I tried yet with select ... Into ... and I lose all the data from this one. I need to ADD the data from table to table. Any suggestion?

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How Do You Lock An Entire Table?

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I need to lock a table so that Inserts are prevented as well as deleted andupdates. At present I'm thinking this might do it:SELECT * FROM myTable WITH(UPLOCK)but then again I'm not sure whether this will cover the insert case.Thanks,Robin

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How Does One Set Read-uncommitted On The Entire DB?

Mar 1, 2006

Rather than setting by session I would like to configure the DB as readuncommitted.Thanx Advance.

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