Hide Aspnet_* Objects

Nov 23, 2007

  Hello, I would like to not have to see the aspnet_ tables and stored procedures that are created when using the Membership, roles, and personalization.  Currently I have to suffer seeing the handful of tables and 40+ stored procedures in both the Visual Studio and the SQL Management tool.  I have found that on a 2000 SQL Server I can execute a command that forces objects to be created as system objects.  If I execute this before creating the objects they become system objects and I don't have to see them any longer. 
  However, this trick does not work in SQL Server 2005.  So, I would like to know either 1) is there an easy way to hide these objects or 2) is there a way to change the objects to system objects in SQL Server 2005?

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Hide System Objects In Ent Mgr

Jul 19, 2002

Is there a way to not have system objects (tables, procs) display in Enterprise Manager?

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Button To Hide Objects

Feb 1, 2008

Hello Folks,

Sorry to have to ask this as it may be easier than what I'm thinking.

I have a menu down the left side of my main report. Previously this menu navigated to their associated reports, however I'm sampling the idea of having all the reports as subreports in the mainreport, then clicking a button on my menu to only show the subreport I'm interested, and hide the rest. They're layered on top of each other so it looks like I'm navigating to a new page, even though I'm not.

I've set up parameters to control the visibility of each subreport object which works when the parameter value is changed manually, however, I don't know how to create a button (textbox) to change the value of that parameter (or in this case, all the parameters that control the visibility of the objects). I don't want to have to use the integrated UI to change the parameter directly, although I know this would probably work.

Quick summary :

User clicks 'Server Details' Button
ServerDetails.rdl subreport is set to visible
DriveDetails.rdl subreport is set to invisible
DatabaseDetails.rdl subreport is set to invisible

I realise I'll probably have to code a refresh in IF I can get the above to work

Many thanks for any help!

Cheers, Jode

Edit : This is in RS 2005

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Problem With Aspnet_ Could Not Find Stored Procedure

May 3, 2007

I have developed an asp.net 2.0 web application that uses sql2000 and with storded procedures.Everything has been working great untill i yesterday found that someone have put in new stored proceduresin the database. The procedures starts with "dbo.aspnet_" like dbo.aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion.Because i din't create them and i surtenly not call them from the application, i deleted them all.
Now when i try to use my web application nothing works.  The app, somehow calls the procedure and becuase they are deletedan error message is thrown like: Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion'.
But the strange thing is that the problem only accure when i publish the site on the web server. if i would publish it to a local folder on my desktop ore just run in debug mode against the database there are no problems.
I don't want to use the aspnet procedures that probebly comes from aspnet_regsql.exe and that im not calling from the code but reacts somehow, I just want it to tun as it was designed to do.And if i need them, can someone explain why?
please help :)

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Resetting / Deleting All The Users In Aspnet_* Tables

Aug 9, 2007

Hi,How can i reset to zero, deleting all the users who are in the aspnet_* tables in my production 2003 server?Thanks

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Putting Names Of Objects To Control-flow Loop Creating Objects

Dec 27, 2006

please help newbieI need to create a lot of objects the same type (let's say: schemas)I wish to use paramerized block in loop to do so.- how to put names of my objects to such control-flow?belss you for help

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SQL Server 2012 :: Select Data From XML - Objects Within Objects?

Nov 20, 2013

passing serialised objects to a stored procedure for the purpose of data inserts. I see this as being a way to handle multiple row inserts efficiently.

However, in my limited use of XML data I am not so sure how to link the data when I have a dependency on another "object" within the serialised XML.

Below is a code snippet showing what I have so far.

The first insert statement works fine - but how to retrieve the identifier created by the DB - I want to use an SQL statement that finds the record in the table based on the XML representation (of the PluginInfo), allowing me to insert the ConfigurationInfo with the correct reference to the PluginInfo

DECLARE @TransactionCount AS INT
SELECT @Config = '
<ConfigurationDirectory >
<ConfigurationInfo groupKey="Notifications" sectionKey="App.Customization.PluginInfo"


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Hide Row When The Sum Is Only In 1 Row

Nov 14, 2007


I whant to hide this


This fields have 4 group and i whant to sum only group added just over 1 line as sub group

I do not speak English well, so it does not lead bad


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How To HIDE SQL Server On LAN?

May 26, 2007

Hi everybody

In my web application I am using SQL Server 2000. But as we all know, its presence in the network is visible to all the clients in the network. Anybody who has SQL Server client installed and knows the password of the database would be able to access DB remotely and this is what I don't want. I want user to access my database only when they are loggedon on physically (directly) on the machine on which SQL Server is installed.

Your replies are awaited.

Thanks in advance.

Zulfiqar Dhuka

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How To Hide Sme Tables In DB

Dec 24, 2001

Windows2000 , SQL7
Three people have administrative priveleges (with priveleges Enterprise admins)
There is special DB in SQL7
Some tables should be hidden from 2 admins (they should be unable to read information from these tables)
Is it possible?
And if it is possible, How to do it?
Thank you very much
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
Seasons greetings

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How To Hide A Member?

Jan 14, 2005

I have a dimension named Products with the following hierarchy:

Sub Type

Due to requirements I want that a particular product, whose name is, say, "XYZ" should not be displayed when the user drills down to the lowest level i.e. the Product level.

I tried playing with the Advanced Properties tab but could not make any progress and thus will be grateful for help.


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Hide Some Parameters

Sep 21, 2005

Is it is possible to hide some parameters in report? Also it should be possible to pass values to this hidden parameters from the application. When I did this through Report Manager, some error message like ' the parameter 'XXXX' is read-only. ....' appears.

Thank You


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Hide Logins:-)

Jul 7, 2004

Hi knights,

Pls show me the way to prevent the other users seeing all logins when they logon into SQL Server. Thnks in advance!

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How To Hide Subtotal

May 28, 2008


I have a matrix with subtotal.

I want to hide or show the subtotal by a parameter.

The header of the subtotal is not a problem since it have the "visibility" property.

The problem is that when I'm clicking on the green rectangle to go to the subtotal area itself - It doesn't have the "visibility" property.

So I don't see the header but I see the subtotal date itself.

Any idea on how to resolve this?


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Hide Textboxes

Feb 25, 2007

Hello Everyone. I need help again.
I have a reports made in VS business intelligence project with a lot of parameters. So it means it automatically creates textboxes of that parameters. I want to hide those textboxes. Pls help.


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Sub To Hide Query

Feb 21, 2008

How can I add a sub in my query so that it can hide and need password to view or edit?

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Dec 26, 2006

dear All,

I want to make a Report with attractive selection parameters.
That I mean, there is a parameter, Tparam (Time Param) which will activate other parameters (3 parameters: TimeA_1, TimeA_2 & TimeA_3. These selection values have been registered in the "Aviable values => non-queried".)

when Tparam selected TimeA_1 then Parameter for TimeA_1 will activated (and the others will be disappeared/hidden), vice versa for the other control (TimeA_2 & TimeA_3)

any idea to do that?

thank you...

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Trying To Hide A Rectangle

Sep 21, 2007


I have a rectangle which contains a chart. Most of the time, the chart has data, so the rectangle should be visible. Sometimes, however, the chart may have no data (zero records). In that case, I would like to hide the rectangle.

Is there any way to "query" data from the report's recordset to see if a certain condition is true.. if so, use that to control the visiblity of the rectangle?

I have one column in the recordset that has many values... the chart will only display data if certain values are returned in the recordset.

Thanks for your advice!

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How Can I Hide Whitespace

Mar 28, 2008

I am currently working on a rather simple report, it cosists of a table with two columns
The first column contains Employee Names, and the second column contials details of what the have worked on
I have made the second column invisible, and can be made visible when the eployee name column is expanded.
The problem that i am having is that when the second column is collapesed, it still leaves whitespace, in the first column, of how ever many rows that are contained in the second column, is there a way, I can get rid of that whitespace?


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Hide Row When Value In 'X' Column Is &&<= 0

Nov 15, 2007

I'm creating a report that is grouping the rows per year and month, as it does this there are certain rows that show up that I would like to hide since the value in one of the columns is < = 0. For the purpose of my report I don't needs these rows to be illustrated. How can I do this?


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Hide Duplicates

Sep 6, 2007

I trying to create a report that looks like this:

Item Shipped OnHand PO# DueDate POQty

1234 0 0 111 8/01/07 12

222 8/08/07 12

333 8/16/07 12

2345 4 0 444 8/04/07 24

I pull back all the data in a single query and the result looks like this...

Item Shipped OnHand PO# DueDate POQty

1234 0 0 111 8/01/07 12

1234 0 0 222 8/08/07 12

1234 0 0 333 8/16/07 12

2345 4 0 444 8/04/07 24

Now I can use the Hide Duplicates property to fix the Item column since the query groups on item guaranteeing uniqueness. But that won't work for the Shipped and OnHand columns because adjacent items may have the same Shipped and OnHand totals. How do I hide the Shipped and OnHand values if and only if the Item is the same? Is this really a problem of hiding duplicates or do I need to break apart my query or find a sub-reporting solution?

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Can I Hide Data From A SysAdmin??

Dec 7, 2001

Is is possible to hide "salary" or other sensitive data from a person who is a Sys-Admin. My belief is that there is no way. Please correct me.....

Assumptions: SQL Service account has Local Admin privelege.
Sysadmin can do anything on local machine, including run scripts adding themselves to any default/instance of SQL on the machine.

Please direct me to any other source of information for this topic.

Thanks for your input

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Hide Table View

Oct 14, 1999


How can I hide all the system tables so that only user tables show in table view.

Thank you very much!


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System Tables And More - How To Hide Them?

Mar 9, 1999

Hi everyone,

I've recently installed MSQL Server 7.0 Standart Version and every time I create a new database, system tables are created and are visible also. That means, I instantely get 18 tables, 20 views, 18 stored procedures and so on. Can I hide them??? I mean, my tables are all mixed with the system tables. If I can hide all the system tables and views and so on please tell me! Thanks.

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Hide/encrypt Password In Sql Under EM?

Mar 1, 1999

I am setting up several isql job in Enterprise Manager and as a cmdexec job I need to pass the user id and password( -P). I shtere any way not to pass this as text and perhaps hide/encrypt it since any one who opens the task scheduler and looks at the job can read the password?


DAvid Spaisman

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Can I Hide Displaying A Certain Member?

Apr 25, 2006


I have a dimension called customers having the following levels:

Level 1 CustType
Level 2 Cust Rank
Level 3 Cust Name

Suppose that the possible CustTypes are "Potential", "Active", "Lost".
Is it possible to hide displaying Level 1 and below if the Custtype (Level 1) = "Potential"

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Hide Folders In Report Mng

May 12, 2008

Hi All,

I would like to control user access to my Report Manager.In detail,I would like to hide some report folders from certain users when they access the Report Manager.Some of the users are not suppose to see certain folders on the report manager,and some users are suppose to see all report folders.

How can I do this?.Where should I include this settings?

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Hide Command Window

Feb 16, 2007

I am using the SQLCMD function to execute a particular storded procedure every minute. The task schedular calls this batch file to run the stored procedure every minute. The issue is it opens up a command window every minute and is annoying. How can i run this job using sqlcmd and still not have the window pop up.

Is there a way to create a service that can run the batch files without the user knowing that it is running. I am trying to replicate what sql server agent used to do wth msde. i am using sql server express now.

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Hide Rows In A Table

Oct 19, 2007

hi, i have a table that returns all rows. But i need to hide the rows having the "Order"= false.But i don't wanna do it by querying in the dataset, i just wanna hide these rows."Order" is a column in my table. Does anyone know how this can be done?
Thank you

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Hide Databases In SQL EM From Dbo Owner

Jul 20, 2005

If i create a new SQL login and give that login db ownership for a test db.When that user adds my SQL Server through his own SQL EM, why does he/shealso see all other objects (databases, sql security logins, DTS, ...)?Is there a way for the user to open SQL EM but only see his/her db andnothingmore?Thank you

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How To Hide Collapsed Rows

Sep 13, 2007


In the report I€™m making I set the visibility property of the textboxes comprising a row to be toggled on by an item in the group header. I set the initial visibility to hidden, and initial appearance to collapsed. Now this worked fine, I get group headers with the sum of the records, that I can expand by clicking +.
The problem is that even though the collapsed rows are empty and the lines separating them from each other are invisible, they still take up space so the other group header (when collapsed) starts not right away, but after a space which is equal to the sum of the height of all the hidden rows.
All I managed to do is set the row property to €ścan shrink to accommodate contents€? and set the row height to 0.07937cm this helps but if the group contains 50-100 records the space between headers is quite big.
I do not know why, but I can€™t set the row height to 0.0cm. This problem also bothers me when I hide duplicates in group and the empty row is still visible in the report. It takes up space and the people using the report are complaining for the unnecessary lines that hinder reading.
Could anyone help me with this one?


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Hide Column In Matrix

Oct 24, 2006

I have a matrix that has the following columns:Date Shift Equipment1 Equipment2 Equipment3 etcBased on a parameter, i want to show/hide the Shift column. If the Shift column is hidden, i want to move the equipment columns over so there is no gap in the columns.I know you can do this in a table by hidding the whole column, but how do you do this in a matrix? when i try to hide the column the visibility option is not there, and when i hide the field, it leaves a gap in the report.Thanks for your help.

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Hide Database Design

Jan 7, 2007


I wanted to see if Microsoft was going to address this problem

We as developers want to hide our database design (SQL Express DB)

We dont want to rely on the user rights settings to secure the design

Most of our clients have admin access which means that they can see the db design

We are happy for the design to be available on the server as change control should be given only on the server

I am perplexed how this hasnt been addressed

Your reply is appreciated


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