Hits Table And Counter Reports

Jan 22, 2008

Using MSSQL (pre 2005):

I have a Link table:

int id (primary key/identity)

varchar(50) linkName

varchar(255) linkHref

//some other stuff

and my Hits table:

int id (primary key/identity)

int linkId (foreign key to Link)

datetime dateCreated

//some other stuff

Hits gets an insert whenever a link is clicked.  (All this works just fine)

I'm trying to create a report that shows each link by its name and href, a counter and the last date each link was visited.  What I currently have is an accurate listing for those that have been clicked on, but it does not show anything for links that haven't been clicked on.  Any suggestions as to how I can modify the following SQL to return "0" and "never" (or DBNULL) if no entries are found in Hits that have the same id?  Or do I have to do this in a couple queries?

SELECT COUNT(h.id) as counter, MAX(h.dateCreated) as lastVisited,

l.id as id, l.linkName as linkName, l.linkHref as linkHref

FROM Link as l INNER JOIN Hits as h ON l.id=h.moduleId

GROUP BY l.linkName, l.id, l.linkHref


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Need Clever Way To Count Outside Hits In Sql Table

Dec 19, 2007

hi . would greatly appreciate a clever way to make an internal "counter" on an sql table that contains 6000 articles.(one in each row). these are being accessed from a web page and i would like to know which are the most read ones. so i thought of adding a column that would in some way count each time that the row is being accessed. is there a way for this to be done?? please be detailed since i am quite new to all this.
thanks beforehands.

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How To Handle Users Hits To Single Table

Feb 4, 2008

Hello friends

I am new to SQL database design.I am having a table name customerletter_master in which all details of customer letters are saved.At a time i.e in single second around 200- 400 entry are made in customerletter_master table. Hits to customerletter_master table are more.

Following fields are used in customerletter_master – CID (autogen number), letterno(primary key),consignee, consignor, letterstatus1, letterstatus2, letterstatus3, POD, and some more fields. When letter passes to different stages letterstatus1 is filled to yes and then letterstatus2 and letterstatus3 are filled according to passage of letter.

And at same time many user can accesses the customerletter_master table to search any letter according to letterno. Therefore customerletter_master is used to enter data and to search data at same time and there can be more than 200-400 users doing add and search records to and from customerletter_master

how should i design this table. What should i use to enter and search record and minimize the table hits made by the user at same time. Should i use store procedures or any other method to add and search record. Plz help me out by giving some example.

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Unique Counter Field In A Table - Best Way?

Oct 11, 2005

I need to to have a table that has a counter field (used to generate an id code for a record).  This is not the primary id for the field but just a counter to label a record in another table, similar to a registration code for an event.  This is a sequential counter that will start 1 and go up on each new record inserted into other tables.  What I want to do is be able to query this counter table to get the next valid number and increment the count for the next time.  This is a multi user web app so needs to prevent duplicate use of same number.How best should this be handled?  A transaction to query and update the field?

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Counter For Max Tickets - Refer To A Database Table Row/column Etc

Feb 7, 2008

I posted a thread in the Getting Started forum about how to make a counter for maximum tickets : http://forums.asp.net/t/1215258.aspx
but maybe this is a more appropriate forum for this subject.
In a school project, we are making a website for a fictional concert/festival (using Visual Studio 2005, C#). On that site users can register and order tickets.
We have access to an SQL-database, by the way, where we can create tables etc. 
We want the maximum amount of tickets to be 10000 per day. The festival is supposed to last from friday to sunday.
What would be the best way to do this programatically? The counter should maybe be in an own database table?

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How To Reset The Identity Counter On A Table Referenced By A FOREIGN KEY Constraint?

Apr 4, 2006

I know that TRUNCATE TABLE can be used to reset the identity counter, but it can't be used on a table referenced by a foreign key. Anybody knows how to do that? Thanks.

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Retrieve Even If No Hits?

Apr 29, 2005


is it possible to have the count(*) to display 0 when there is no matching hits for that n_id?

my query looks like this but only displays the n_id and it's respective count(*) when count(*) is more than 0...

select n_id, count(*) from tblTable
where nSomething > nSomethingElse AND nSomething IS NOT NULL
group by n_id

any idaes?

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When DTS Hits A Bad Date

Aug 24, 2006

This routine works in most cases, but fails when a bad date is enteredsuch as:19910631 -- there is no June 31st.Instead of ignoring the bad date the entire DTS job fails. Obviouslythis is something that should be validated at data entry, butunfortunately the only control I have is when appending to the tablewith these data quirks. Any suggestions appreciated!!!'************************************************* *********************' Visual Basic Transformation Script' Copy each source column to the' destination column'************************************************* ***********************Function Main()'DTSDestination("Col002") = DTSSource("Col002")if DTSSource("Col002") = "99999999" or DTSSource("Col002") =Null thenMain = DTSTransforStat_SkipRowelseDTSDestination("Col002") = mid(DTSSource("Col002"),1,4) & "/"&mid(DTSSource("Col002"),5,2) & "/" & mid(DTSSource("Col002"),7,2)End ifMain = DTSTransformStat_OKEnd FunctionRBollinger

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Updating Hits Without Looping

Sep 6, 2007

This is my first attempt at a using stored procedures and I'm a bit confused.
I'm trying to follow as many best practices as I can to improve speed, security and scalability. However, I can't find a solution to what I think should be a simple problem.
I have a search page where users enter the criteria of properties they are interested in (bedrooms, price etc...). That takes them to a results page where the properties are displayed.
The problem is that I want the amount of times each property has been shown on the results page to be tracked so the property owner gets statistics.
The property details are all held in a single table along with the amount of times each property has be shown:
Table Name:   zk_Property_USA











I'm trying to find a way to SELECT all the property details to be returned to my results page and UPDATE the "Searched" field by 1 without re-scanning the table for the UPDATE.
Is there a way to update "Searched" at the time when the record is chosen to be a result? I am using SQL Server 2005 and Visual Basic ASP.NET 2.0.
Many Thanks

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Monitoring Database Hits

Nov 8, 2007

In any asp.net application, whats the simplest way to monitor how many times a page hits the database (opens and closes a connection)? 

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Lookup With Multiple Hits

Sep 27, 2007

In a Lookup component I've defined a SQL query which returns a sorted resultset. For each Lookup component input row I want to have a single output row. Problem is that for each input row there is possibility of multiple matches in SQL query resultset. From all of the possible multiple hits I want only the first one to be returned, and if no match is found then no output row. How to implement this?

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Getting Estimated Total Hits Of Fulltextsearch

Apr 20, 2006

i am making a Fulltextsearch on MS SQL Server 2005 (indexed, with "Contains").
Because of performance reasons i am only showing the first 200 rows mssql finds ("select top 200...:").
Is there any possibility to get the estimated totalnumber of all rows? i have heard something that is possible to get this in mssql-server. The server then estimates how many rows with that searchword could be in the whole database. google i.e. makes the same thing....
is that true? what do i have to do to get this?
greetings and thx

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Capturing Client Logins And Hits

Apr 1, 2002

I'd like to capture the avg. # of user logins and # db hits per a 5 interval for a weeks time. I'm guessing there are sys tables containing this info. and by using temporary tables and/or creating/modifying SPROCS this info. can be retrieved. If I'm on the right track, a little direction would be very appreciated. If I'm not on track, please assist this rookie dba.

Thank you,

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Tracking/Reporting Record Hits.

Feb 7, 2008

I am serving ad-units. In each ad-unit I show somewhere between 3 and 10 article headline. I track the headline impressions to get an idea of the headline click through rate. I save the output from the stats process in another table. I am currently evaluating the stats every hour, and then truncating the table every night at midnight. The problem is that I get lots of impressions and the database gets bogged down evaluating the data such as...
SELECT COUNT FROM articleimpressions WHERE articleid = x

But the issue isn't the reporting of the data...so much as it's the capture. I had to add caching on the ad-server because the database couldn't handle the number of inserts.

I thought about parsing the web server log files the next day, but the file sizes seem to be too large, and I can't process them all in one day. (At least not on the hardware that I am using.)

I've thought about splitting log files by hour, but was wondering if there may be a more "native" solution within SQL Server? Maybe a trigger, and/or multi-threaded SP that fires and forgets an insert statement to a linked server. But performance is the key here.


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Sort Results By Number Of Hits

Jul 23, 2005

In MSSQL, is there a way to count the number of instances of asubstring within a string, so that I can sort by that?For example:table tst contains one column: tst_dataif tst_data = "the man with the plan"I'd want a function that counts the occurances of "the"count_substring(tst_data,'the') = 2Basically, I'm making a search engine and I'd like to put the mostrelavent hits at the top of the page.

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Transact SQL :: Query To Get Web Page Hits On Website

Sep 24, 2015

I'm trying to piece together some code on how to find members of our organization who have visited our website.

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Multiple Database Hits Vs Bulk Data Parameters

Apr 11, 2006

I was curious to know if it the amount of data sent to the sql server mattered.

I am working on a web application and I have three stored procedures that most likely will be called one after the other. Each procedure accepts at least 4 parameters. Instead if I create one stored procedure, then I will be passing at least 12 parameters. Some of the parameters could be quite bulky(at least 1000 characters).

So which one is better, 1 stored procedure with 12 parameters or 3 stored procedures with 4 parameters each called one after the other.


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Nested CASE WHEN - Create A Field To Show If Measure Hits Threshold Or Not To Be Later Picked Up In SSRS

Oct 28, 2015

I am trying to script a case when to achieve the following.

I have a table of measures with certain threshold. The threshold direction can either be > or < so I want to create a field that shows if the measure hits that threshold or not to be later picked up in SSRS. So a nested case when?

CASE WHEN M.[Threshold Direction] = '>' THEN
CASE WHEN A.[Value] > M.[Threshold] THEN 'GREEN'
CASE WHEN A.[Value] < M.[Threshold] THEN 'RED'
END END END AS 'Condition'Is this at all possible?

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Sp_spaceused Reports Over 40 GB Unused For A Table

Jul 20, 2005

I have a large table that I recently purged a year of data from.However, the table size in sp_spaceused hasn't decreased as much as Iwould expect. (there are no text or large object columns on thistable, BTW) Running sp_spaceused on the table shows the following.rows reserved data index size unusedTABLE_NAME23470880 67790808 KB 18116312 KB 3211616 KB 46462880 KBI ran a dbcc indexdefrag on all indexes on the table last night,including the clustered index, and I'm still seeing pretty much thesame amount of space reported as unused.The one thing that I haven't done yet is to run the sp_spaceused onthis table with the @updateusage flag set to true as I need to do thisafterhours to reduce contention. I will attempt this tonight andreport on the results.Here's DBCC SHOWCONTIG OUTPUT for the table:DBCC SHOWCONTIG scanning 'TABLE_NAME' table...Table: 'TABLE_NAME' (917578307); index ID: 1, database ID: 7TABLE level scan performed.- Pages Scanned................................: 2264447- Extents Scanned..............................: 285484- Extent Switches..............................: 287092- Avg. Pages per Extent........................: 7.9- Scan Density [Best Count:Actual Count].......: 98.59%[283056:287093]- Logical Scan Fragmentation ..................: 0.04%- Extent Scan Fragmentation ...................: 3.19%- Avg. Bytes Free per Page.....................: 2418.9- Avg. Page Density (full).....................: 70.12%DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact yoursystem administrator.Looking through the history of the group, the one thing that seems toremedy this problem consistantly is to bcp out all the data, trunc thetable and bcp all the data back in. This is not really a possibilityfor me due to the size of the table and the availability expectationsof my customers. Is there anything that I forgot to check? Do youthink that it's just a matter of incorrect statistics in sp_spaceused?Thanks in advance:Matt

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Import Reports To Table In New Database?

Nov 5, 2015

we are currently migrating from a system we use to a similar product from a different company. Before we start using the new product, we need to migrate the data from the old server to the new one. This is fine, but obviously the column names, table names, and data types are all different. What the old server does have on it, is SSRS. We have configured a few reports to extract the data and present it in table format with the column names in the right order and with the right names.

The question is, is there an easy way to import these into a database without downloading each report as a csv and importing them one by one. Not only is this tedious due to the large amount of tables, but when using this method, I get all sorts of errors where the data type conversion has failed.

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Can I Loop Through Table And Run Reports From SSIS

May 1, 2007

I would like to loop through a SQL Server table that contains the paths to all the reports we need to run and then execute the reports via SSIS. What task should I be doing to do this? Will the For Loop work for something like this?

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Data Retrieval For Reports From Summary Table.

Feb 22, 2007

I have a summary table like this









Columns are obviously fixed, but not rows.
I want to show this data using lables and SqlDataReader for report purpose like;
Label1.text=dr("value16").toString( )
Label2.text=dr("value28").toString( )
Label3.text=dr("value31").toString( )  etc
 Do you have any idea how i can do it or am I approaching it in the wrong way????

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Global Temporary Table Usage In Sub Reports

Mar 28, 2008


I have a report that calls a stored procedure that creates an extract of data for use by various subreports. Now I have this problem:

If I save the extract data in a global temporary table, then it is automatically deleted before the subreports can use it, this means I have to create a normal table with a unique name that need to be deleted - but where do you do this in the report - there is no point where you can say it is now safe to delete a table?

I do not want to resort to external mechanisms, languages, jobs etc. to do this. I want to delete the table once the report is really finished in the report.

My main report uses a list that contains all the subreports as I need to group all sorts of information by vendor. The main report calls the stored procedure. Please do not tell me that I have to duplicate the main extract for every subreport. That will really eat resources.

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Counter In Statement

Jul 5, 2006

I'm using a gridview to show a list of high scores in a c#.net page. The position of the score is not stored in the database, just the score, name and id.
In the gridview however I would like to indicate the position of the scores, the SQL statement sorts the records by ascending scores so the are already in the correct order.
Does anybody know how to include a counter in the SQL statement that I can refer to vai the gridview so that it is able to display it as the position?
Thanks in advance for any help!

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Multipage Hit Counter

Jun 21, 2004

SQL Databased Multipage Hit Counter

# 1 - You want a Multipage Hit Counter to keep track of the number of Hits each individual webpage gets in your website.
# 2 - You also want to store the Webpage Hit Count Values into a SQL Database, using Stored Procedures.

Using 2 Webpages as an example:


Inside webpage #1 put insert the following:

<%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="true" %>

<%@ import Namespace="System.Data" %>

<%@ import Namespace="System.Data.SQLClient" %>

<script runat="server">

Sub Page_Load(Source as Object, E as EventArgs)

Dim objCon As New SQLConnection("server=yourServerName;User id=idName;password=yourPassword;database=HitsCounter")

Dim cmd As SQLCommand = New SQLCommand("EXEC dbo.webcounter1", objCon)


Dim r as SQLDataReader

r = cmd.ExecuteReader()


strcounter3.text = "Hits : " & r.item(0)

end sub


Also insert the following inside the body tags of webpage #1
<asp:Label id="strcounter3" font-size="X-Large" font-bold="True" bordercolor="Silver" width="300px" borderstyle="Inset" forecolor="Lime" visible="True" runat="server"></asp:Label>

Marked in Red webcounter1 is the Stored Procedures Name.
ALso marked in<B> Red counter3 is the name of the Database.
This is where you would make your changes inside the Webpages.


Use the following Stored Procedure with Webpage #1

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.webcounter1
SELECT Hit FROM counter3
ID = 1
update counter3 set hit = hit + 1
EXEC sp_recompile counter3


The Database Table has 2 columns which consists of an ---ID & Hit Column -- The Table Name is (counter3)
The best way to explain is by showing so posted below are Webpages 1 & 2 along with there Stored Procedures.



Inside webpage #2 put insert the following:

<%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="true" %>

<%@ import Namespace="System.Data" %>

<%@ import Namespace="System.Data.SQLClient" %>

<script runat="server">

Sub Page_Load(Source as Object, E as EventArgs)

Dim objCon As New SQLConnection("server=yourServerName;User id=idName;password=yourPassword;database=HitsCounter")

Dim cmd As SQLCommand = New SQLCommand("EXEC dbo.webcounter2", objCon)


Dim r as SQLDataReader

r = cmd.ExecuteReader()


strcounter3.text = "Hits : " & r.item(0)

end sub


Also insert the following inside the body tags of webpage #2
<asp:Label id="strcounter3" font-size="X-Large" font-bold="True" bordercolor="Silver" width="300px" borderstyle="Inset" forecolor="Lime" visible="True" runat="server"></asp:Label>


Use the following Stored Procedure with Webpage #2

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.webcounter2
SELECT Hit FROM counter3
ID = 2
update counter3 set hit = hit + 1
EXEC sp_recompile counter3


Now this type of Hit Counter works fine to a point.
Visiting Webpage #1 accumilates 1 Hit & Visiting Webpage #2 Accumilates 2 Hits.
And each time there 's a revisit to these pages they acquire 2 Hits each.
I'm Guessing the problem is in the Stored Procedure storing there values in Memory.
If Someone can Help Figure Out how to fix this. This could be a nice Website Multipage Hit Counter. I can use some help Guys feel free to advise.

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Record Counter

Nov 7, 2000

I'm trying to write a select that returns a result set with a counter added on. I want to do it without using an identity column or cursor. Something along the lines of select col1, max(col2)+1 from tab1.
I get (as expected)

col1 col2
------- ------
a 25
b 25
c 25

I want

col1 col2
------- ------
a 25
b 26
c 27



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Thread Counter

Oct 23, 2003

Hi Everyone,

The sqlserv.exe takes too much CPU utilization on my SQL 2000 on W2K production machine. I am tring to use System Monitor to monitor the Thread/%process time with all Sqlservr instances, and then match the sqlservr instance number to the KPID in sysprocesses table to find out which user is causing the problem. but I can only see the instance number from Sqlservr0 to sqlservr99. From the table sysprocesses table, the KPID is all 3 or 4 digits number. Any one has any idea about this?

Thanks in Advance.


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Record Counter

Oct 11, 2006

I need to add a ClaimCount column to a table. I am having a bit of trouble with the SQL to make sure it populates correctly.

Current Table

123George Washington50
123 George W Washingon50
124Sam Adams100
126George Washington75
128Rich Cheney69
128Dick Cheney69
128Richard CHeney69

Want to add a column (ClaimCount) as follows

123George Washington501
123 George W Washingon502
124Sam Adams1001
126George Washington751
128Rich Cheney691
128Dick Cheney692
128Richard CHeney693

Rules for ClaimCount.
1) there is no order by, It doesn't matter which record with the same Claim# is 1 or 2 or 3...

Appreciate the help.


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Incremental Counter

Nov 16, 2007

I am looking to create a incremental value based on the resulting insert that I am using. There already is another field being used as an identity field. I have a beginning value that I just want to add the row number to for the insert.

insert into lineitem select substring(group_id,4,len(ltrim(rtrim(group_id)))-3) as co_code,
0,0,(case when enddate < cast(month(getdate()) as varchar(10))+cast(day(getdate()) as varchar(10))
then 'Prior' else 'Current' end ),
left(acct_type,2) as bene_type, convert(smalldatetime,left(ltrim(rtrim(eff_date)), 8)),
0,trans_amt,0,0,convert(smalldatetime,left(ltrim(r trim(sett_date)),8)),
ltrim(rtrim(b.fname)) + ' ' + ltrim(rtrim(b.lname)) as payee,0,0,a.ssn,'Y',999+count(*),
(case when isnull(b.location,'') = '' then '' else b.location end) as location
from mbi_tran_temp a
left join enrollees b on a.ssn = b.ssn and
ltrim(rtrim(a.group_id)) = ltrim(rtrim(b.mbicode))

The '999+count(*)' is where I would like to have the incremental value.

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Simple Row Counter

Mar 9, 2004

It sound like a simple task to perform but I just can't seem to get it. I've built a search function on the site and after each search request, a log is kept of the search word and the date, so the table looks a little like this:

ID&nbsp;&nbsp;SearchTerm DateSearched

I want to pull out each of the search terms as well as how many times they've been searched on so I could display it in the format like so:

cup &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Goran (GoMo)

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Way To Add A Counter At End Of Each Row

Aug 18, 2015

My client wants IN_PUNCH to be the first in punch of the day and the OUT_PUNCH to be the last out punch of the day based on the TransactionDate as it is showing in the desired results table for 07/29 and 07/30 (Changes are highlighted in Bold).

I tried using MIN and MAX at different areas but to no avail.Also, is there a way to add a counter at the end of each row so in case if there were two shifts in a day then it be a '1' for row 1 and a '2' for row 2?

SELECT 1234,'07/27/2015','07/27/2015','07/27/2015', '12:00','12:00','8', 'Hol', 'NULL', 'Monday' UNION ALL
SELECT 1234,'07/28/2015','07/28/2015','07/28/2015', '08:00','','4.00', 'Absent', 'Batax 1st','Tuesday' UNION ALL
SELECT 1234,'07/28/2015','07/28/2015','07/28/2015', '12:15','14:00','3.75', 'Regular', 'Batax 1st','Tuesday' UNION ALL


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Getdate Day Counter

Dec 13, 2006


I need to count the days (24 hours)from the (GETDATE()),returning an integer in a table column, automatically, all the time , under the scene until after a specified number of days (usually 20 for example), the relevant table row is be automatically deleted, replaced by another insert (row) to start again and the process repeated many times.

I have a database which works automatically. The data need not to be queried or manipulated until the row is deleted automatically.
I use SQL Server 2000.

Any ideas of doing this in a simple way ?
Regards and thanks in advance.Yves.

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Sequence Counter

Nov 5, 2007

I'm looking for a query that will look at an Id field and if it occurs more than once then returns the count of the times it occurs. For Example,

ID Code GetSequence
4 239 1
4 241 2
4 3243 3

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