Hosting SQL Server 2005 As A Runtime Host

Jul 31, 2006

I am trying to use the new Common Language Runtime (CLR) hosting feature to write stored procedures in C#
i have added
Microsfot.sqlserevr.server name space
and ia m trying to use sqlContext Object as below

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(dbConn))
            SqlCommand sqlcmd = new SqlCommand("select @@ version", connection);

i get the below error when i execute (SqlContext.Pipe.ExecuteAndSend(sqlcmd);)

System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled by user code
  Message="The requested operation requires a SqlClr context, which is only available when running in the Sql Server process."

i checked if (SqlContext.IsAvailable) and it returns false as well.

Please le me know how to make it work.




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Using SQL Server 2005 In Hosting Company.

Apr 9, 2006

Can I use database that i develop in SQL Server 2005 in hosting company that has SQL server 2000 installed?

Thanks guys !!

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SQL Server 2005 Express Hosting

Jan 27, 2008

I have developed asp .net wbsite with SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and Crystal reporting. I want to know that whether i can deploy my website with SQL Server 2005 Express Edition? If yes, Please say SQL Server 2005 Express Edition is a local database version like MS Access or server database version. And also give me name of website or server name on which i can host my website.

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Web Hosting - ASP.NET With SQL Server 2005 Express Database

Jun 6, 2006

What is needed for a hoster / hosting company to be able to host .Net applications with SQL Server 2005 Express database?

My questions regarding this issue basically are:

If a hoster has several sites hosted on a server, can each one of them have its own SQL Express database?
Or, do they have to be migrated to full SQL Server?

What is with the Upsize Tool for SQL Server Express (or something like that) - is it available?
Generally, how do hosters do their hosting - do they have SQL Server SPLA signed? Or do they just have SQL Server 2005 Express and allow users just to copy their web sites and databases to server?

I would really appreciate any answer.

Kind regards,


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How Do I Get A Database From Mysql Server 2005 To Plesk Hosting?

Aug 20, 2007

i've got a database stored on my computer using mysql server 2005, and I've just registered for hosting which uses the Plesk control panel.
In plesk I've setup a database and relevant user. What the easiest way of exporting the whole database on my computer and getting it onto my hosting account?

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Can I Use SQL Server 2005 Standard To Create And Host Db For Website?

Dec 28, 2005

Hi guys,

   I am just wondering what's the difference of sql server 2005 standard and enterprise editions. can I use SQL server 2005 to host a database for a website?





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Application Insist Open SQL Server 2005 While The Host Still With SQL Server 2000

Mar 12, 2007

I don't know why my application on the internet try to access the SQL Server 2005, when the host still having the 2000 edition. I put the following connection string: 
        Data Source=##DBSERVER##;Initial Catalog=##DBNAME##;User ID=##DBUSER##;Password=##DBPASSWORD##;       
Isn’t everything fine with that? I created the table by host but dosen’t work. I’m wondering if can I conect straight with Data Base, without register in the server, like with mdb?
This is the error that I’m getting.
When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

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Local SQL Server 2005 Express And Host With SQL Server 2000

Nov 8, 2005

I'm creating an app and have SQL Server 2005 Express installed.  Most of the hosts now offering SQL Server 2005 are a bit pricey compared to those only offering 2000.  Will I have any difficulty uploading my site and running the db on SQL 2000?  Thanks in advance.

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My Host Runs SQL Server 2000, I Have SQL Server 2005. What To Do?

Jan 24, 2006

the title of this topic about summarises it. I have a dev-machine with SQL Server 2005 Standard edition on it. My host runs SQL Server 2000. What are my options?
Is there some sort of backward compatibility? Can i export as 2000?
I have no idea and i can't find anything about this particular problem.

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Give IIS Permision To Run SQL Server 2005 Express Database Under Local Host.

Mar 22, 2007

I have an ASP.NET application that runs under the development server.  Before deploying to my host I wanted to test it under IIS.  I set up a virtual directory under IIS, but when I try to open the home page I get an error Unable to open the physical file
"E:CDiskLocalWebSitesDIWSchedulingApp_DataDIWDB.MDF". Operating
system error 5: "5(Access is denied.)".and a code dump showing that the code is breaking at the open connection.  A little research on the error indicates that IIS does not have permission to execute the database operation.  I can not find any information on how to give IIS this permission in SQL Server 2005 Express.  Any guidance would be appreciated. 

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How To Import SQL 2005 .BAK From One Hosting Package To A Different Hosting Package?

Nov 3, 2007

I have a SQL .bak generated by our existing hosting package at, I want to import that SQL .bak to our new hosting package at don't have a import feature in their control panel.

I have to maintain the SQL at using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express since they don't have that feature in their cp. I don't see any import features in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express either.

How can I import it using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express or another free GUI program?

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SQL Server 2005 Express Runtime

Mar 7, 2007

Bob writes "Does SQL Server 2005 Express have a runtime version? If it does, how do I get it? And if I can get it, Will this waive the 180 day trial period I have? Thanks."

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.NET Runtime Error On SQL Server 2005 (RTM)

Jan 7, 2006


I upgraded my primary production server this morning to SQL 2005.  Everything went fairly smoothly, but a couple of hours after my installation was complete, I found the following error in my event log:
Source: .NET Runtime Optimization Service
EventID: 1101
.NET Runtime Optimization Service (clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32) - Failed to compile: Microsoft.ReportingServices.QueryDesigners, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91 . Error code = 0x80070002
I am a little stumped since we did not install Reporting Services.  We only installed Database Services, Integration Services and Workstation Components.  I'm open to any suggestions on this.  This does not seem to be negatively affecting our server, but I do want to resolve it as soon as possible.

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SQL Server 2005 Express Runtime

Mar 5, 2007

Hello to all out there,

Does SQL Server 2005 Express have a runtime version? if so, How do I get It. I already have downloaded the Free Express version. If there is a runtime version, will it waive the 180 day trial period, and give me full permenant use?

Thanks to all who can help.

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.NET Runtime Optimization Error On SQL Server 2005

Jan 7, 2006

I posted this on the .NET Framework inside Sql Server forum as well.  Sorry if the cross-post offends anybody.

I upgraded my primary production server this morning to SQL 2005.  Everything went fairly smoothly, but a couple of hours after my installation was complete, I found the following error in my event log:
Source: .NET Runtime Optimization Service
EventID: 1101
.NET Runtime Optimization Service (clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32) - Failed to compile: Microsoft.ReportingServices.QueryDesigners, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91 . Error code = 0x80070002
I am a little stumped since we did not install Reporting Services.  We only installed Database Services, Integration Services and Workstation Components.  I'm open to any suggestions on this.  This does not seem to be negatively affecting our server, but I do want to resolve it as soon as possible.


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Runtime Error When Connecting From The Site To Sql Server 2005

Nov 14, 2007

I moved all my databases to sql server 2005 & when appliction is trying to connect to 2005 databases i get the following error
In the connection string i am using
Password=test;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=test;Initial Catalog=test;Data Source=externalip/instancename

this is the only change on the web server

Runtime Error Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.

Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".

<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->

<customErrors mode="Off"/>
Notes: The current error page you are seeing can be replaced by a custom error page by modifying the "defaultRedirect" attribute of the application's <customErrors> configuration tag to point to a custom error page URL.

<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->

<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="mycustompage.htm"/>

please let me know the problem

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Sql Server 2005 A Fatal Error Occurred In .NET Framework Runtime

Oct 15, 2007

We've deployed an assembly to a new production sql server 2005 instance, and have been having periodic restarts of sql server. The sql server service appears to be stopping and restarting on it's own since the assembly was deployed.

We've narrowed it down to a decryption method. We haven't been able to produce the issue on a consistant basis. Even if we put a ton of load on the stored procedure calls.

The error is below we receive (I cut out some, so it would fit in the thread), we also have mdmp files, that I've attempted to debug with Visual Studio 2005 and Windbg with no success. I have all the symbols (I'm pretty sure), but I don't have much experience with WinDbg, so it's been slow going.

Here's a little about the environment.

Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 SP2
Microsoft SQL Server version 9.00.3042.00 SP2
16 MB physical memory
Quad 3.2 GHz Xeon
3 sets of raid drives.
c: OS
e: sql data
e: sql logs
All Sql and windows patches are up to date.

Only thing I can figure is this is something to do with the .NET libraries. When the assembly was compiled it was set to compile for any CPU. We even tried compiling on the 64 bit OS with no luck still.

If anyone has had a similar issue, it would be most helpful, thanks,

MemoryLoad = 9%
Total Physical = 16382 MB
Available Physical = 14760 MB
Total Page File = 32159 MB
Available Page File = 30633 MB
Total Virtual = 8388607 MB
Available Virtual = 8365517 MB
**Dump thread - spid = 56, PSS = 0x0000000092BDFE90, EC = 0x0000000092BDFEA0
***Stack Dump being sent to C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGSQLDump0067.txt
* *******************************************************************************
* 10/14/07 15:49:11 spid 56
* A fatal error occurred in .NET Framework runtime.
* Input Buffer 62 bytes -
* u t i l s . d b 17 00 75 00 74 00 69 00 6c 00 73 00 2e 00 64 00 62 00
* o . d e c r y p t 6f 00 2e 00 64 00 65 00 63 00 72 00 79 00 70 00 74 00
* B a s e 6 4 §@ 42 00 61 00 73 00 65 00 36 00 34 00 00 00 00 01 a7 40
* Ã? 4 1f 09 04 d0 00 34 00 00
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Short Stack Dump
0000000077D67D8D Module(kernel32+0000000000027D8D)
0000000001D345DE Module(sqlservr+0000000000D345DE)
0000000001D3F3A9 Module(sqlservr+0000000000D3F3A9)
0000000002156D83 Module(sqlservr+0000000001156D83)
00000000021571C2 Module(sqlservr+00000000011571C2)
000006427F8F5FFD Module(mscorwks+00000000005C5FFD)
000006427FA4855B Module(mscorwks+000000000071855B)
000006427F888C4B Module(mscorwks+0000000000558C4B)
000006427F5D51C8 Module(mscorwks+00000000002A51C8)
000006427F5D5113 Module(mscorwks+00000000002A5113)
000006427F453A5A Module(mscorwks+0000000000123A5A)
0000000077F251EC Module(ntdll+00000000000651EC)
0000000077EE5F36 Module(ntdll+0000000000025F36)
0000000077EF31DD Module(ntdll+00000000000331DD)
000006427FA5089B Module(mscorwks+000000000072089B)
000006427806C7F8 Module(
000006427806B564 Module(
000006428029CBB7 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000642788A6088 Module(
000000000818E8F0 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
000000000818E7D0 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
000000000818E090 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A5F40 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A5F60 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A5F90 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A5FC0 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A5FD8 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A6020 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A63B0 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000019 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000000841EC050 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A5F40 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A5F60 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A5F90 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A5FC0 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A5FD8 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A6020 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A6020 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A6180 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A63B0 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000001900000409 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000001 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
000000000818E7D0 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
000000000818E200 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
000000000818E200 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000064280400218 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
000000000818E250 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
000000000818E230 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000001C52423 Module(sqlservr+0000000000C52423)
0000000000000001 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
00000005010A5F40 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000001900000409 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000001 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000000 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
000000000818E340 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000080D262B0 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
000006428029C31E Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
0000000000000004 Module(UNKNOWN+0000000000000000)
000006427F5B3B52 Module(mscorwks+0000000000283B52)

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Hosting Website, Sql Server 2005 Db In App_data Or Outsite App_data?

Aug 19, 2006

I've started with the development of a website which will use a sql server 2005 database. I want to use the membership and roles functionality. In the end the website will be hosted by a hosting company.
What is the best way to store the database? In the App_data folder or outstide the App_data folder?
Second, do hosting companies support placing sql server databases stored into the App_data folder?

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SQL 2005 In Hosting Environment

May 2, 2007


I want to offer a SQL 2005 server in back-end configuration for my hosting clients. Basically this means that they administer the DB with a webbased tool and the DB server it self is configured in the backend and has no direct connect to the internet. The DBs can only be access from the frontend web server.

- What security considerations should I take to use this server in a public hosting environment?
- We only allow webbased administration, no direct connect to the server are allow and possible.
- Multiple databases will exist on the same server from different customers.

I really would like to have as many information as possible. There is not much usefull information available on the web or in the books I own about SQL.

The question should actually be: what do you want to prevent from happing on your servers by authenticated users and ofcourse unwanted users. And how to do this.

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Do Any ISP's Really Host SQL 2005 Express

Jul 30, 2006

Hi, I've been a SQL Server dba for about 10 years, so i know SQL quite well. I've recently started using VWD express, and as it says, its quick and easy to create a website, which I've done. It all works great on my local machine. I've just signed up with an isp and duly ftp'd the project files plus the mdf and ldf that lives in App_Data into their content area, and rather naively I expected it all to work. The pages come up fine until some database access is called for, then i get the seemingly infamous error:

... (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) ...

I've researched this for 2 solid days now, examined forums and posts, followed advice and enabled protocols and so on. Support at the isp in question does not really have a clue about databases and connections strings. Then I started looking closely at the words used by the isp's, none of the isp's explicitly say they support sql 2005 express. They do say SQL 2005, but not express. They do say VWD Express, but not SQL 2005 Express. So does anyone know what is/is not possible with regard to deployment of SQL 2005 express. Does anyone have experience of running SQL express on a production server, or a shared hosters machine? Its been out now for nearly a year I think, so hopefully someone has the answer.

Thanks if you can help! Charlie

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Profiler In SQL 2005 Filter On Host Name

Oct 25, 2007

How do you get sql2005 profiler to filter on host name, (computer name of the client) like you can in sql2000 profiler. 2005 Profiler column filter options seem to omit this, this makes the application virtually useless in most situations.

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Profiler In SQL 2005 Filter On Host Name

Oct 25, 2007

How do you get sql2005 profiler to filter on host name, (computer name of the client) like you can in sql2000 profiler. 2005 Profiler column filter options seem to omit this, this makes the application virtually useless in most situations.

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Deploy Reporting Service 2005 Runtime With VisualStudio 2005

Jan 8, 2008

How can deploy Reporting Service 2005 runtime with VisualStudio 2005?
The reason here goes...

I have completed my project in VS2005. Now I am trying to make package. But here, i do not know how to deploy Reporting Service (My Report files) to Customer's Server with Setup or any other runtime solution.

any replay will be appreciated.

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Host Machine Deatails Using Query In MS SQL 2005

Mar 1, 2007


How can one get the machine version details on which MS SQL 2005 server is installed (Host machine Version details)using SQL Query?
I want to fire one query from client which will give me the information about the plafrom version details of Server machine(including service pack details)

I need this information urgently........

Waiting for reply..................


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Problem With Connecting With Sqlexpress 2005 On My Host

Jul 9, 2006


I have a problem with sqlexpress

I'm using sqlexpress 2005 with 2 and all things work in my computer good

but when i upload it on the internet in my host it return this error :

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)

I am using sql server locally and i'm not using it remotly

i just created a simple page (just have a detailsview) and upload it to the internet

and then upload my mdf and ldf files to the app_data folder

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Using The External Activator Sample On A Shared Hosting SQL 2005

Mar 30, 2007


I'm trying to get the External Activation Sample to work on a shared hosting Sql Server. The error seems to indication that I might be able to enter my db un/pw to get it to work. Where in the code or app.xml can I provide credentials? Here's the EA log. Thanks!

3/29/2007 4:47:39 PM STATUS: External Activator initialization completed.
3/29/2007 4:47:42 PM WARNING: Failed to connect to Notification SQL Server '' and Database: 'xyz' because: Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.
3/29/2007 4:48:17 PM STATUS: External Activator is shutting down...


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Very Long Runtime Of Backup In SQL 2005

May 10, 2007

I migrated two 110 Gigabyte databases from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005 some weeks ago. The server with the SQL2000 databases still exists. It is a data warehouse database, thus data is updated once a day by ETL processes. The data is exact the same on the SQL Server 2000 and on the SQL Server 2005 database.

Database backup needs about 2 hours on the SQL2000 server using a maintenance plan to do a full backup daily. I tried to do a full backup on the SQL Server 2005 Server. I had to stop the process after some hours because no progress was visible. Activity monitor just shows one process in the database with 3 elements doing BACKUP DATABASE on 1 of the databases.
1st one: status is stopped, wait type is Async_io_completion, wait time is very high and rising constantly (over 8.000.000 after 2,5 hours)
2nd one: status is stopped, wait type is backupbuffer, wait time is changing in values in the range of 20 to 90
3rd one: status is executeable, not wait type, no wait time

No users or processes were accessing the database at this time.

The SQL Server 2000 has SP4 installed and SQL Server 2005 has SP2.

The SQL 2005 server is based on a Itanium Dual Core with 2 processors and SATA Raid, and usually all database operations are about 3 or 4 times faster than on the SQL Server 2000 Server. The SQL Server 2000 server is a Xeon with two processors and a slower RAID.
Why is the backup so slow on the SQL Server 2005 server? How could I enfasten this.
What do the wait types mean, how could I avoid them.

Best regards,

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Sql Server 7 And Web Hosting

Oct 29, 1999

How u can connect u sql database with web server ?


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Hosting A Dedicated SQL Server

Mar 14, 2007

I have a server that i would like to use as a dedicated DB Server. It is running Win Server 2k3 and SQL Server 2005. The typical upstream bandwidth is anywhere from 384Kb/s to 700Kb/s. Is this enough to host multiple SQL Server 2005 DB's?
 The DB's will be used for database driven websites.
 Please let me know what your thoughts are.

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Aspnetdb.mdf On Hosting Server ?

Aug 5, 2007

 I have established roles to restrict access to the data
entry pages.  The database is SQL Server which I've established on the hosting server.  Security was previously maintained through
~/app_data/aspnetdb.mdb (MS Access).  It works, but isn't too stable, so I have modified the security to use
SQL Server with an aspnetdb.mdf file, also located in the app_data
folder.  Is this appropriate?  Since it doesn't work, I assume not.It's now my assumption that I need to setup a SQL Server
database to support the security/roles.  I have seen some reference to
using a script to build the aspnet.mdf on the hosting server.  If
I do create such a database, is there anything special I need to do to
have my application read the aspnetdb?  Do I need a connection string
in the membership and/or roleManager sections of my web.config.
A little guidance would be appreciated.Thanks 

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Using Aspnet_regsql.exe To Syc To Hosting Sql Server

Aug 12, 2007

I have been reading on aspnet_regsql.exe tool and still haven't found my answer.  So here we go... I am using VWD Express and I have already made many pages in many dbs within the app folder.  My question is how do I use the  aspnet_regsql.exe tool to know what DB that I want the tool to know AND how do I put in the name of the DB on my sql hosting server?  For instance:Let say in my app folder I have a DB named testDB.mdf and my hosting sql server is named sqlHostingServer...  so if I use the command line entry in accordance with the documentation, it should look like this (in the dos prompt):aspnet_regsql.exe -E -S localhost -d testdb.mdf -A all -sqlexportonly c:output.sqlbut it seems that for the DB name I can put anything I want and still gives me output... wtfark... any help?  I don't work at Microsoft so please simple documentation or something like that.Thanks,MR 

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SQL Server Web Hosting Tool

Dec 15, 2003

Can anyone recommend a good tool for administering my database ? It is located on a hosting service, however, they donot allow the use of the SLQ server admin tool since there are security concerns..

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SQL Server Express Hosting

Dec 29, 2005

I am currently developing an 2.0 app which uses form authenication now implemented in a sql server express mdf database file. I wonder if there will be problems when I want to deploy this app on a hosted server from a hosting provider. I have the impression that hosting a SQLexpress user instance is currently not supported by hosting companies. Is this correct? Should I revert to an msaccess database instead (we don't want to pay extra for full blown sql server storage).

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