Hot Backup In SIMPLE Mode
Jul 20, 2005
We have a SQL Server 7.0 database running with trunc. log on chkpt and
select into/bulkcopy checked and need to develop a backup strategy.
One of our DBAs insists that since the transaction log is being
truncated, we can't do a hot backup (a FULL backup in multiuser mode)
because if a transaction comes through during the backup it will leave
the backup in an inconsistent state. I'm skeptical, but I don't know
how SQL Server 7 avoids this problem.
If SQL 7 is not truncating the transaction log, it uses the
transaction log to roll forward changes that occurred during the
backup. Obviously if it's truncating the log it must have some way to
apply these transactions anyway (such as not doing a checkpoint during
the backup, backing up the log at each checkpoint, etc.).
Can anyone confirm that a hot backup will be valid when trunc. log on
chkpt is checked? Does anyone know how SQL 7 accomplishes this?
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Feb 14, 2007
When we do a full database backup manually, we are seeing the trn file reflect the current date/time, but we are not seeing the mdf reflect the new date/time. And we are not seeing the transaction log file decrease in size. the recovery mode is set to full, do we need to change to simple to see both the mdf being backup'ed?
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Jun 30, 2015
I have a small, ~10GB SQL 2008 R2 database, that was setup with simple recovery. We do full backup each night at midnight when no one is using the database. Is there any problems with doing differential backups during the day when users may be writing to the database? Could I even do hourly differential backups while users are using the database? I'm conflicted about switching over to full recovery mode and using transaction logs to have the ability restore data between backups. If I can do a couple daily differential backups while users are using the database during the day, in addition to our nightly full backups, than I live with simple recovery mode.
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May 16, 2008
Can you implemenent Transactional Replication while keeping the Source and Destination DB's in Simple mode?
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Jun 5, 2007
On SQL 2000, if I have a large transaction log for my database and I manage to fill it with a single large transaction but it is not set to autogrow, what happens?
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Jan 10, 2008
Which system table is this information held in, i restored over 100 databases and want all of them to be simple mode.
I manually set it each time after each restore, but i want to confirm but i cannot find the sys table to do a select on.
I looked at sys.sysdatabases
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Mar 12, 2007
I have several databases that perform daily backups. Ever since I installed SP2, the backup jobs are failing. The logs state that it's because the database recovery mode cannot be SIMPLE, but need to be either FULL or Bulk-Logged.
Can anyone tell me if this is true, and that I do have to change my recovery mode?
Here's the error:
Microsoft(R) Server Maintenance Utility (Unicode) Version 9.0.3042
Report was generated on "ICIS-SQL-SERVER".
Maintenance Plan: DB Backup
Duration: 00:08:05
Status: Warning: One or more tasks failed..
Back Up Database (Transaction Log) (ICIS-SQL-SERVER)
Backup Database on Target server connection
Databases that have a compatibility level of 70 (SQL Server version 7.0) will be skipped.
Databases: All user databases
Type: Transaction Log
Append existing
Task start: 2007-03-10T05:08:09.
Task end: 2007-03-10T05:08:09.
Failed:(-1073548784) Executing the query "BACKUP LOG [hl7 db_SamirTesting] TO DISK = N'D:\mssql\backup\hl7 db_SamirTesting\hl7 db_SamirTesting_backup_200703100508.trn' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'hl7 db_SamirTesting_backup_20070310050809', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
" failed with the following error: "The statement BACKUP LOG is not allowed while the recovery model is SIMPLE. Use BACKUP DATABASE or change the recovery model using ALTER DATABASE.
BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Command:BACKUP LOG [hl7 db_SamirTesting] TO DISK = N''D:mssqlackuphl7 db_SamirTestinghl7 db_SamirTesting_backup_200703100508.trn'' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N''hl7 db_SamirTesting_backup_20070310050809'', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
BACKUP LOG [dg_efilm_153] TO DISK = N''D:mssqlackupdg_efilm_153dg_efilm_153_backup_200703100508.trn'' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N''dg_efilm_153_backup_20070310050809'', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
BACKUP LOG [hl7 db] TO DISK = N''D:mssqlackuphl7 dbhl7 db_backup_200703100508.trn'' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N''hl7 db_backup_20070310050809'', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
Back Up Database (Transaction Log) (ICIS-SQL-SERVER)
Backup Database on Target server connection
Databases that have a compatibility level of 70 (SQL Server version 7.0) will be skipped.
Databases: All user databases
Type: Transaction Log
Append existing
Task start: 2007-03-10T05:08:09.
Task end: 2007-03-10T05:08:09.
Failed:(-1073548784) Executing the query "BACKUP LOG [dg_efilm_153] TO DISK = N'D:\mssql\backup\dg_efilm_153\dg_efilm_153_backup_200703100508.trn' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'dg_efilm_153_backup_20070310050809', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
" failed with the following error: "The statement BACKUP LOG is not allowed while the recovery model is SIMPLE. Use BACKUP DATABASE or change the recovery model using ALTER DATABASE.
BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Command:BACKUP LOG [hl7 db_SamirTesting] TO DISK = N''D:mssqlackuphl7 db_SamirTestinghl7 db_SamirTesting_backup_200703100508.trn'' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N''hl7 db_SamirTesting_backup_20070310050809'', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
BACKUP LOG [dg_efilm_153] TO DISK = N''D:mssqlackupdg_efilm_153dg_efilm_153_backup_200703100508.trn'' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N''dg_efilm_153_backup_20070310050809'', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
BACKUP LOG [hl7 db] TO DISK = N''D:mssqlackuphl7 dbhl7 db_backup_200703100508.trn'' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N''hl7 db_backup_20070310050809'', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
Back Up Database (Transaction Log) (ICIS-SQL-SERVER)
Backup Database on Target server connection
Databases that have a compatibility level of 70 (SQL Server version 7.0) will be skipped.
Databases: All user databases
Type: Transaction Log
Append existing
Task start: 2007-03-10T05:08:09.
Task end: 2007-03-10T05:08:09.
Failed:(-1073548784) Executing the query "BACKUP LOG [hl7 db] TO DISK = N'D:\mssql\backup\hl7 db\hl7 db_backup_200703100508.trn' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'hl7 db_backup_20070310050809', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
" failed with the following error: "The statement BACKUP LOG is not allowed while the recovery model is SIMPLE. Use BACKUP DATABASE or change the recovery model using ALTER DATABASE.
BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Command:BACKUP LOG [hl7 db_SamirTesting] TO DISK = N''D:mssqlackuphl7 db_SamirTestinghl7 db_SamirTesting_backup_200703100508.trn'' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N''hl7 db_SamirTesting_backup_20070310050809'', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
BACKUP LOG [dg_efilm_153] TO DISK = N''D:mssqlackupdg_efilm_153dg_efilm_153_backup_200703100508.trn'' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N''dg_efilm_153_backup_20070310050809'', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
BACKUP LOG [hl7 db] TO DISK = N''D:mssqlackuphl7 dbhl7 db_backup_200703100508.trn'' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N''hl7 db_backup_20070310050809'', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
Back Up Database (Transaction Log) (ICIS-SQL-SERVER)
Backup Database on Target server connection
Databases that have a compatibility level of 70 (SQL Server version 7.0) will be skipped.
Databases: All user databases
Type: Transaction Log
Append existing
Task start: 2007-03-10T05:08:08.
Task end: 2007-03-10T05:08:09.
Failed:(0) Database 'hl7 db_SamirTesting' will not be backed up because it does not have its recovery model set to Full or BulkLogged.
Back Up Database (Transaction Log) (ICIS-SQL-SERVER)
Backup Database on Target server connection
Databases that have a compatibility level of 70 (SQL Server version 7.0) will be skipped.
Databases: All user databases
Type: Transaction Log
Append existing
Task start: 2007-03-10T05:08:08.
Task end: 2007-03-10T05:08:09.
Failed:(0) Database 'dg_efilm_153' will not be backed up because it does not have its recovery model set to Full or BulkLogged.
Back Up Database (Transaction Log) (ICIS-SQL-SERVER)
Backup Database on Target server connection
Databases that have a compatibility level of 70 (SQL Server version 7.0) will be skipped.
Databases: All user databases
Type: Transaction Log
Append existing
Task start: 2007-03-10T05:08:08.
Task end: 2007-03-10T05:08:09.
Failed:(0) Database 'hl7 db' will not be backed up because it does not have its recovery model set to Full or BulkLogged.
Back Up Database (Full) (ICIS-SQL-SERVER)
Backup Database on Target server connection
Databases that have a compatibility level of 70 (SQL Server version 7.0) will be skipped.
Databases: All databases
Type: Full
Append existing
Task start: 2007-03-10T05:00:06.
Task end: 2007-03-10T05:08:08.
Command:EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_create_subdir N''D:mssqlackupmaster''
EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_create_subdir N''D:mssqlackupmodel''
EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_create_subdir N''D:mssqlackupmsdb''
EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_create_subdir N''D:mssqlackuphl7 db_SamirTesting''
EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_create_subdir N''D:mssqlackupdg_efilm_153''
EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_create_subdir N''D:mssqlackuphl7 db''
BACKUP DATABASE [master] TO DISK = N''D:mssqlackupmastermaster_backup_200703100500.bak'' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N''master_backup_20070310050006'', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
BACKUP DATABASE [model] TO DISK = N''D:mssqlackupmodelmodel_backup_200703100500.bak'' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N''model_backup_20070310050006'', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
BACKUP DATABASE [msdb] TO DISK = N''D:mssqlackupmsdbmsdb_backup_200703100500.bak'' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N''msdb_backup_20070310050006'', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
BACKUP DATABASE [hl7 db_SamirTesting] TO DISK = N''D:mssqlackuphl7 db_SamirTestinghl7 db_SamirTesting_backup_200703100500.bak'' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N''hl7 db_SamirTesting_backup_20070310050006'', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
BACKUP DATABASE [dg_efilm_153] TO DISK = N''D:mssqlackupdg_efilm_153dg_efilm_153_backup_200703100500.bak'' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N''dg_efilm_153_backup_20070310050006'', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
BACKUP DATABASE [hl7 db] TO DISK = N''D:mssqlackuphl7 dbhl7 db_backup_200703100500.bak'' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N''hl7 db_backup_20070310050006'', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
Please help,
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Jun 26, 2002
What is the impact of changing the recovery mode of a database from Full to simple? The client I am at has set their database to full recovery mode, set their log files to grow automatically. But I don't think they have ever done a backup of their transaction log (it has grown to over 19Gig, where the data portion of the database is only around 400M).
What is the impact of truncating the transaction log now? After truncating it, i would like to shrink the file to a managable number and change the recovery mode to simple (they don't need transaction log backups)
Any info on this would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
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Oct 10, 2005
Hi ,I have set up my database to be using "Simple" mode. This will not log anytxns ?I have got the err message saying the log file is full and i need to do atxn log backupi do not understand why , could anyone kindly advise ?tks & rdgs--Message posted via SQLMonster.com
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Jan 25, 2008
I have a database that is set to Full recovery model, I would like to switch to simple. I must perform some procedure before doing so?
The size of the transaction log is very high in this database, I would like to decrease it before moving to simple, have a problem doing that?
Thank You,
Ralph Haddad
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Dec 3, 2007
we have a SQL Server 2000 database which we set to 'SIMPLE' recovery mode at 6pm (due to nightly large data loads). We revert back to 'FULL' recovery mode at 6am.
My understanding was that in 'SIMPLE' recovery mode, the transaction log would not grow because it would automatically be truncated after a checkpoint. However this is not the case. I thought perhaps it could be due to a long running uncomitted transaction, but when I ran 'dbcc opentran', the oldest running transactions doesn't last for more than a couple minutes. I manually run a 'checkpoint' command as well in the hope of forcing the transaction log truncation. I repeat this a couple of times to no avail. When I run 'dbcc sqlperf(logspace)' , I can still see the transaction log growing.
It is not until I run 'backup log db with truncate_only' that the transaction log gets truncated.
I do not understand, why the transaction log does not get automatically truncated in SIMPLE recovery mode?
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Jul 20, 2005
Something strange is happening to our SQL Server DB (2000). Thetempdb transaction log file continues to grow (quite slowly) for noapparent reason. We have it in simple mode, and I have tried a manualcheckpoint command and manual shrink (of the log file only). Thereare no unusual SQL's (large or small) going on. A "heavy hitter" wouldmake it grow fast, not 10 MB every 30 minutes or so. This server hasbeen in production for over a year with no similar issues to this.Anyone encounter a similar situation? This started (as far as we cantell) sometime yesterday. It is growing about 200 MB a day, and is upto 600 MB now, with all but 8 MB "used". For now we added space, butof course that is not a long term solution. The two "data" files(each had a 200 MB initial allocation) have never gone much above 100MB each used (they are each about 100 MB now and have been that wayfor several days, but have shrank and grown). There are about 30small to medium sized "regular" databases on this instance.Any help would be appreciated, especially if there is a way we can fixthis without bouncing the engine (I know, wishful thinking...). The OSis Win 2000, SP3. SQL Server is at 2000, SP 3a.THANKS IN ADVANCE!
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Jun 2, 2015
Is this Possible, If database is in Simple recovery Mode and the ldf size gets increased?? .
mdf size : 159 GB (171,383,717,888 bytes)
ldf size : 6.46 GB (6,945,505,280 bytes).
My question is if the recovery model is in Simple Mode then why the log gets generated high.
dbcc sqlperf(logspace) --output
DATABASE Logsize(MB) Log space used(%) status
mam 6623.742
Is there any issue or it is Normal.
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Jul 30, 2015
My understanding is that the log file is not supposed to grow if the database is under simple recovery mode.I am in a situation where the log grows if do any inserts that involve millions of rows.How do i make sure that it does not grow?
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Dec 21, 2007
I am amazed to see this morning that log file consuming whole disk space even though the database is in simple recovery mode.
What could be the reasons to fill in the space even in simple recovery mode??
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Jun 15, 2015
Wondering whether I can have following included in a script file:
1. set the current single user db from Full to Simple recovery mode.
2. Checkpoint and shrink the transaction log file (release all unused space)
3. set the current single user db from Simple recovery to Full recover mode.
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Dec 8, 2007
Hi there - can anyone advise on the following issue. We have recently performed some server side tracing on a particular SQL instance over 24hr period. We are now attempting to load these into a database for analysis. Here lies the problem.
When we are loading the profiler trace files (one at a time) into the database the transaction log is growing at an excessive rate. Even though the database is in SIMPLE mode.
We are loading the traces using the command:
INSERT INTO sqlTableToLoad
SELECT * FROM ::fn_trace_gettable('MytraceFileName', DEFAULT)
Can anyone advise how we could possibly get round this issue as we're running out of space due to the transaction log.
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Jul 27, 2015
I have a database that I am trying to recover space from, it consists mostly of unallocated space, but I can’t seem to get that unused space released.
Database size: 40,245.13 MB
DatafileMB: 38,063.63, DataAvailableMB: 37,085.15
LogfileMB: 2181.51
Sysfiles shows:
The DB is in simple recovery mode. There are no open transactions (used dbcc opentran).
The server is running SQL Server 2014 and the DB is in compatibility mode SQL Server 2008 (100). It was upgraded to 2014 a month or two ago.
I have tried to re-size the log to 100mb, but any way I have tried (none gave errors), the log file remains the same size. I have tied to shrink the log file (through the UI and via DBCC commands) without success; no errors, but also no change in file size.
I have checked Log Reuse Waits, just in case, and as expected it showed “NOTHING” (select log_reuse_wait_desc, name from sys.databases)
I tried running a checkpoint, but that did not allow any resize or shrink to work.
I have tied creating large transactions to move the used point in the log file, in case this was the issue. I did this by creating tables that I drop after large inserts. While it shows me that the log space % used increased, the log file still does not allow the space to be reduced.
The following is what I was using for the transactions to get the log used.
select a.* into testtable from sysobjects a, sysobjects b, sysobjects c
Each insert creates 93,576,664 rows.
Running dbcc SQLPerf(logspace) :
Running dbcc loginfo:
Do I just need to continue running large transactions until the log space used gets high enough to get the “end point” in the log to really move? Is there an easier way to accomplish this (I have several DBs that have the almost identical problem), what I am using moves the Log Space Percent Used about a percent on each execution.
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Jun 13, 2007
Hi All,
I got a job which runs every day this T-SQL code:
It runs just fine but in append Mode (the default one); the bak file is being taped every night, so I would like to overwrite it, in order it not to become huge after a few time, but I can't seem to find a clear way to do this.
Any help or pointing would be appreciated!
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Oct 30, 2007
Hello ,Is it possible/recommended to do SQL server instance backups in Singleuser mode ?Thanks in advance,atv
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Apr 19, 2007
Database is in suspect mode and I cant get it out. Customer does not have a backup.........
getting Errors starting
Analysis of database 'SBM01' (7) is 100% complete (approximately 0 more seconds)
ex_raise2: Exception raised, major=79, minor=87, severity=22, attempting to create symptom dump
Error: 7987, Severity: 22, State: 1
A possible database consistency problem has been detected on database 'SBM01'. DBCC CHECKDB and DBCC CHECKCATALOG should be run on database 'SBM01'.
ex_raise2: Exception raised, major=79, minor=87, severity=25, attempting to create symptom dump
Using 'dbghelp.dll' version '4.0.5'
*Dump thread - spid = 51, PSS = 0x19b591e0, EC = 0x19b59510
* User initiated stack dump. This is not a server exception dump.
Error: 3314, Severity: 21, State: 3
Error while undoing logged operation in database 'SBM01'. Error at log record ID (222:9976:477)..
Error: 9004, Severity: 23, State: 2
An error occurred while processing the log for database 'SBM01'..
Error: 3414, Severity: 21, State: 1
Database 'SBM01' (database ID 7) could not recover. Contact Technical Support..
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Sep 13, 2000
This question came to me from a friend and I don't have a lot of details so I apologize in advance. I thought it might be worth a shot to ask here since I couldn't find anything on point in the MS help or KB. A SQL Server 7 database running on an NT 4.0 box is having a full database backup nightly. The backup routine is pretty standard, created using the Maintenance Wizard. It backs up two databases on the server. The problem is that when folks come into work in the AM, the databases are in Single-User mode and someone has to go in and change this. Is this normal behavior? My (admittedly limited) understanding of SQL 7 backups is that they are relatively transparent, and Single User mode is not necessary. You can operate normally other than you can't to any unlogged txn's while the backup is running. They have not done anything explicit to put the databases in Single-user mode when the backup begins. Any ideas how to prevent this from happening? (Or how to automate the switch out of Single-user mode when the backup is completed?)
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Feb 7, 2001
I have a problem with databases that are left in single user mode after transaction log backup.
I have a database maintenance plan job that backs up the transaction log and checks data and index linkage every hour.
Sometimes the job fails and when I look in the report file it says that it has tred to put the database in single user mode and failed because the database is in use and then in the next step it says that it cannot perform the operation because there already is a user in the database.
Why is the database put in single user mode?
What can I do to avoid finding my databases in single user mode?
Below is a part of the report file:
[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 15089: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot change the 'single user' option of a database while another user is in the database.
[1] Database BV Produktion: Check Data and Index Linkage...
** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 1 secs **
[2] Database BV Projektering: Check Data and Index Linkage...
[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 924: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Database 'BV Projektering' is already open and can only have one user at a time.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Only the owner of object 'dms_user' can run DBCC CHECKTABLE on it.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Database 'BV Projektering' is already open and can only have one user at a time.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.
The following errors were found:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Database 'BV Projektering' is already open and can only have one user at a time.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Only the owner of object 'dms_user' can run DBCC CHECKTABLE on it.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Database 'BV Projektering' is already open and can only have one user at a time.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.
** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 9 secs **
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Feb 28, 2014
I have a DB, MDF is about 170GB, log 200GB. When I do a restore of it, the backup takes about 20 minutes to get to 100% but then it just stays there in Restoring Mode.
I have specified the WITH RECOVERY option.
What is happening that it doesn't commit the backup for some reason?
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Oct 30, 2007
Hello ,
Is it possible to do the backup of SQL server instance in a Single user mode ?
What is the recommended practice ?
Thanks in advance,
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Oct 18, 2007
I have a database on sqlserver 2005.I usually take a full db backup and sequential transaction log backups and append each of the backups it to a backup file.Now if i want to copy my second transaction log file to a specific folder on my server.Do we have any procedure to do it.
Arvind L
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Feb 26, 2007
I have a database that is in the SQL Server 2000 compatability mode on my SQL 2005 server. I am trying to restore a backup of this database on my SQL Server 2000 database on another server and keep getting strange messages. First trying Red-Gate and then plain SQL Server with no luck.
It seems as I remember that the 7.0 and 2000 compatibility issue between backups did not arise when the compatibility mode was set to 7.0.
Is this "planned" behavior or an "undocumented feature"??? Anyone else have success doing this?
John Campbell
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Apr 3, 2006
My hosting company just "upgraded" to mylittleadmin for SQL, we can no longer connect and manage using enterprise manager or local other tools. I need the ability to connect locally, so I'm changing hosting company. The problem is I need an updated backup to transfer to the new server, even tech-support can't figure out this new "upgraded" system. The only help they offered was try the "dump" command, but that only give me a Incorrect syntax near '20' error. This is what I tried using the online Query Analyser:
dump dbname
dump 20twenty
Any and all help highly appreciated....
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Dec 8, 2005
Hey peeps, n00b here, in WAY over my head.
I have an MS SQL server running in the office, which is used for more than one application - the same server hosts databases for at least two totally seperate applications. One of these databases is called CApplication, and another iscalled CSystem, and these two together support an app called Client.
All I want to do is create CApplication2, which is an exact one-time copy of CApplication. I don't need it to update, or synchronise, or link to any other database, or anything. I want to write an interface for this DB, and I don't want to use the live one.
Do I "detach" then "copy" then "reattach" or something? If somebody could give me some rather lame step-by-step instructions I would really appreciate it - I can take this databasse offline, but I really should try to put it back online as soon as possible, and it is essential that nothing changes in between!
I'm a bit nervous about this, if I break this database I'm a dead man. Thanks guys!
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May 11, 2006
Hi All,
I have a small script that is failing :
BACKUP DATABASE CorporateComplaints
-- Declare the variable to be used.
DECLARE @MYSQL varchar(50)
-- Initialize the variable.
SET @MyCounter = (SELECT Count(spid) FROM SysProcesses WHERE SysProcesses.dbid =
( SELECT dbid FROM SysDatabases WHERE = 'CorporateComplaints2' ))
print'mycounter '+ cast(@MyCounter as varchar (5))
-- Test the variable to see if the loop is finished.
WHILE (@MyCounter > 0)
-- Kill process.
EXEC sp_refreshview ActiveProcessesView
SET @MySpid = (SELECT Min(Spid) FROM ActiveProcessesView)
SET @MYSQL = 'KILL ' + CAST (@MySpid AS Varchar )
-- Increment the variable to count this iteration
-- of the loop.
SET @MyCounter = @MyCounter - 1
RESTORE DATABASE CorporateComplaints2
MOVE 'CorporateComplaints_Data' TO 'E:MSSQLDATAcorpcomps2data.mdf',
MOVE 'CorporateComplaints_Log' TO 'F:MSSQLDATACorpcomplaints2Log.ldf'
error event id 17055
Can any body help wht is wrong in script. I dont understand what is there in middle part its killing some process. what is need.
what I can usderstand its taking a backup of database CorporateComplaints and restoring it to CorporateComplaints2.
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May 23, 2007
I thought I would start learning how to backup my SQL Server 2005 database using the simple recovery method. Using the SQL Server Management Studio I started the backup task. In the Back Up Database dialog box the Recovery Model is set to Full and disabled (grayed out). It does not give me the option to switch to the Simple Recovery Model. Is there a setting I need to adjust that will allow me to switch to the Simple Recover Model?
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May 21, 2004
Been lurking for a while, and new to MS-SQL, and didn't see an answer to a question that I have.
Running MS-SQL2000. SP2
Have a need to make a backup of a database at midnight on the last day of the month and to then make that data available to Accounting for end of month reporting.
The easy part was to schedule a full backup to occur at midnight on the last day of the month. The db was backed up to the file name Chorro_MonthEnd.BAK.
I then added to the scheduled job the following T-SQL:
RESTORE DATABASE [Chorro_MonthEnd] FROM DISK = N'D:Data FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLBACKUPChorro_MonthEnd.bak'
The question(s) that I have are:
1) The data in the db Chorro_MonthEnd should be over-written with the data from the restore?
2) Since the Chorro_MonthEnd db exists, is MOVE necessary as part of the restore command? I have been told that if you don't use the MOVE command, it puts the original file names back into wherever directory structure they were backed up from. The concern is that it could overwrite the original db MDF/LDF files.
What we are trying to avoid is having someone from the IS side of the house having to be on-site to restore a db for Accounting. IS type get cranky if they don't get enough sleep :D
Thanks in advance....
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Aug 21, 2007
I use FULL recovery model, SQL 2005. Is it possible this type of
backup ""change"" my recovery model to SIMPLE. I noticed when I
executed this:
TO DISK = 'path'
DBCC SHRINKFILE ('db_name_log', truncateonly)
Now transact log grow very, very, very slow (this is symptom simple
model). But when executed this (different order):
DBCC SHRINKFILE ('db_name_log', truncateonly)
TO DISK = 'path'
transact log grow normally
Would somebody explain me this, and tell me first statement change
(theoretically) my model to SIMPLE?
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