How? Changing A Schema Behind A Dataflow Destination
Mar 16, 2007
I allowed the SQL Destination Editor to design my table from Output of
a flat text file. Everything was varchar(50), but that was cool,
because I got to see the data in the new staging tables it created. I
went back and tweaked the data types and sizes for various columns to
be more appropriate through the table designer in SQL Server Management
After doing so I get an error trying to edit the package, specifically
parts of the destination in the data flow. I get the error "An error
occurred due to no connection. A connection is required when requesting
metadata... blah blah". I pick the TEST CONNECTION in the Connection
Manager, and it works fine.
I am sure this is probably a basic issue of mechanics of use that I
don't yet know because I am completely new to SSIS. Can someone please
provide a hint, perhaps what I did wrong, and also, if you can see it
how to redeem the error. Thanks!
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Dec 6, 2005
I have a dataflow task that reads a large amount of data from a textfile source. At the same time i load a mainbook which holds totals for each segment. In the end of that dataflow task i check for difference with a conditional split ([amountmainbook] - [amountsource]) > 1 which points to rowcount task that writes to a variable.
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Mar 29, 2007
Hello All,
I am trying to convert an application created using DTS classes to SSIS object model. I have found following code in the application.
For x As Integer = 1 To mTask.Properties.Count
If mTask.Properties.Item(x).Name = "SourceConnectionID" Then
CnID = mTask.Properties.Item(x).Value
Exit For
End If
For x As Integer = 1 To mPkg.DTSPackage.Connections.Count
If mPkg.DTSPackage.Connections.Item(x).ID = CnID Then
Return mPkg.DTSPackage.Connections.Item(x).Name
End If
Return mTask.Properties.Item("SourceObjectName").Value
How can I retrieve or Set "SourceConnectinId", "SourceObjectName" of a data flow task in SSIS
Please help me to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance
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Jul 10, 2007
I created a data flow with complaicated SQL. There is "type" field in the output column.
I would like to created excel files for each "type" value
E.g. If there is 3 "type" values (A, B, C), I would like to create 3 excel files to store type A, type B, and type C data respectively.
Since the number of possibe value of "type" field is various, how can I create the xls destination dynamic and move the correct type to the corresponding excel file?
The conditional split has fixed conditions, it is not suitable for by dynamic number of value
For Loop condition is not a good choice because I need to run the complicated SQL for many time.
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Feb 12, 2008
I m totally new in SSIS Programming.
I want to transfer ABC.mdb table to my oit_imp_temp table.
Can you send me refrence with (above requiments) code that wroks for u !
thanks a lot !
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Feb 12, 2008
I m totally new in SSIS Programming.
I want to transfer ABC.mdb table to my oit_imp_temp table.
Can you send me refrence with (above requiments) code that wroks for u !
thanks a lot !
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Mar 31, 2008
I€™m trying to populate a table with fields of date type [DT_DATE] using the Slow Changing Dimension Transformation component. When I add the date fields to the component it would not build the stream. The wizard fails and tells me the date fields are not of the same type. The fields in the destination table are of type €œdate€? and the input columns are of type [DT_DATE]. Am I missing something?
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Jul 2, 2007
I'm using an OLE DB Source to get some data from a db.
What´s the easiest way to output the data by using a specified XMLSchema?
Thank you!!
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Mar 3, 2008
Hello everyone. I wanted to learn to assign and change a schema names used in my table. I dont want a dbo. in my tables. I want to give a personal name like the adventureworks database has. (Such as sales.salesdetails, humanresources.employee and all)
> So how i do create a table with a schema name sales
> How do i change my for example dbo.employee to sales.employee ??
I tried
Create table sales.employee
but it doesnt work...
Please reply ASAP
into the world of programming now :)
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Aug 18, 2006
I have a replication in which publisher, distributer and subscriber all runing on sql server 2005. all the tables that needs to be replicated are under 'dbo' schema on publisher.
Subscriber is a datawarehouse so i dont want to put tables coming from a system to go under dbo schema as there might be other application replicating same name tables to warehouse. i have created a schema for my application on warehouse but dont know how to tell replication to create tables under application schema created on subscriber. I am using snapshot replication that can be reinitialized if required.
any help will be appriciated.
Furrukh baig
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Apr 15, 2008
i am transfering the table from one database to csv file format..i did it.. again i want to shift that csv files to another databse as tables. how to do this task.. pls help me.. its very urgent..out TL had given me the dead line.. send reply soon....
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Mar 17, 2008
I created a package using the Import Data wizard and everything works fine when I re-execute it. I needed to change the name of the destination table so I went into SQL Server and renamed the table. I then went in and edited the DTSX file via a text editor and changed the OpenRowset setting from [CMBS].[dbo].[raw_Note] -> [CMBS].[dbo].[T_Raw_Note]
<property id="104" name="OpenRowset" dataType="System.String" state="default" isArray="false" description="Specifies the name of the database object used to open a rowset." typeConverter="" UITypeEditor="" containsID="false" expressionType="None">[CMBS].[dbo].[T_Raw_Note]</property>
There are no other references to the table in the DTSX, i saved the file and then re-ran.
When I run, I get invalid object name dbo.raw_Note (old table name). Is there some data being cached somewhere or hidden elsewhere that it would reference the old table? When I go back into the DTSX file, the correct name is in there so I don't know where it is getting the old name from? Any help would be appreciated.
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Jan 24, 2008
I created my database on a remote server. It now has lots of tables and stored procedures
When I created it, the server created a schema named for me, the user, so all my tables and stored procedures are named like johndoe.tablename.
I would like to rename the schema to something less personal more professional.
Can it be as simple as "ALTER SCHEMA johndoe RENAME professional"?
Also, I would like to create a local copy of the databse, so I can develop offline, without the 2 second delay.
SQL Server Management Studio Express lets me generate scripts, which I have been using to make backups.
Can I use the script file to recreate the database on my local machine?
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Aug 8, 2007
Hello Everyone,
I am working on a dtsx package wherein i am sending the data from OLE DB Source (SQL Server) to OLE DB Destination (Oracle). For development purpose i use DEVLOPMENT environment on oracle but for unit testing i have to use QA or Some other Schema. when i use DEVELOPMENT Schema in ole db destination, tables are accessed under Schema name eg. "DEVELOPMENT"."EMPLOYEE", but when i m chenging schema name to QA table names are not changing as "QA"."EMPLOYEE". Data Flow Task is pushing the data to DEVELOPMENT environment only.
Can Anyone suggest me any remedy for it ?
Or this is one more BUG in SQL Server 2005.
Advice and suggestions are highly appreciated !
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Sep 19, 2006
I discovered that everytime I need to add a database to my backup Maintenance Plan, after I select the new database from the drop-down of databases, the Destination automatically resets back to a default location.
I'm assuming this is a bug that will be resolved at some point, but in the meantime, I need to see if there is a way I can deal with this permanently. I am not the only one adding databases to the backup routine so I can't verify that this setting is properly changed every time we have a new database (which is about once a week).
Thanks in advance.
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Feb 23, 2007
I have a small problem. I've gone through the SSIS wizard and created a dtsx file which imports data from an access file into a SQL Server 2005 database. It has been set to delete existing rows and enable identity insert.
I then edited the .dtsx package in SQL Server Management Studio and added an environment variable configuration to allow me to change the destination database. In the script which runs the dtsx, here is what I have (it's an x64 system, so hi have to use DTExec):
"C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server90DTSBinnDTExec.exe" /file e: estimport.dtsx /set Package.Connections[DestinationConnectionOLEDB].Properties[InitialCatalog];newdatabasename
and here is the error I get:
Description: The configuration environment variable was not found. The envir
onment variable was: "InitialCatalog". This occurs when a package specifies an e
nvironment variable for a configuration setting but it cannot be found. Check th
e configurations collection in the package and verify that the specified environ
ment variable is available and valid.
I got the package.connections.etc etc path from originally creating the environment variable as an xml config file, then I could open the config file and see what the path was...
Any help would be appreciated :)
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Oct 6, 2015
How can I get table name and schema names of the source and destination in ssis package to insert into audit table....??
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May 4, 2006
Using a query like
"ALTER SCHEMA TestSchema TRANSFER dbo.table1"
I can easily move "Table1", with schema "dbo", into schema TestSchema. But I can't see how to do it using only the GUI tools provided in Management Studio. Any ideas?
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Jan 4, 2007
In a Data Flow Task, I have an insert that occurs into a SQL Server 2000 table from a fixed width flat file. The SQL Server table that the data goes into is accessed through an OLE DB connection manager that uses the Native OLE DBMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server.
In the OLE DB Destination, I changed the access mode from Table or View - fast load to Table or View because I needed to implement OLE DB Destination Error Output. The Error output goes to a SQL Server 2000 table that uses the same connection manager.
The OLE DB Destination Editor Error Output 'Error' option is configured to 'Redirect' the row. 'Set this value to selected cells' is set to 'Fail component'.
Was changing the access mode the simple reason why the insert from the flat file takes so much longer, or could there be other problems?
Thank you for your help!
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Feb 22, 2006
I have added a Slowly Changing Dimension transformation to an SSIS package and have launched the Wizard to edit it. After selecting the source (a SQL Server 2005 instance), if I select a very large table (9+ million rows), I'm encountering two strange behaviors:
1. The wizard hangs for several minutes before displaying the columns from that table.
2. The wizard does not display the primary key column. This, of course, is the column I want to designate as the "business key", but can't because it's not displayed.
I know this is more like a fact table than a dimension, but this is not a data warehouse. This is just a very large table, and I need to update a field in certain records based on the contents of a source text file. Is there another transformation I should use to perform updates?
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Apr 17, 2007
Dear Friends,
I need to execute a SQL query, inside a dataflow (not in controlFlow) and need the records returned to continue the dataflow... In my case I cant use lookup and OLE DB COmmand and nothing else...
I need to execute a query and need the records for dataflow... with OLE DB command I cant see the fields returned... :-(
How can I do it? Using a script? Can I use a Script Component? That receive 2 parameters for input and give me the fields returned from query as output?
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Apr 18, 2008
I am having a Data flow task in For each loop which will gets 100 sourcetable names and 100 target table names...
am having a simpleData flow task which trasferes from OLEDBSource to OLEDBDestination.
I am repeating the Dataflow task which transfers from sourcetablename extracted from for loop to a destination table var.
The problem am gettting is for the first table it is able to transfer correcly because I did mapping for those tables at design time...but for the next coming sourcetable-desttable (which r having different no of cols,datatypes) its giving Validation failed...and...needs to refresh metadata....
is there any way to refresh the metadata of Data flow task (I set the property of OLEDBSource validate external meta to false then also same error is coming)
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Apr 16, 2014
I have an source file and i have to load it into the data base by changing datatype of the columns in ssis
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Sep 27, 2007
Locally I develop in SQL server 2005 enterprise. Recently I recreated my db on the server of my hosting company (in sql server 2005 express).I basically recreated the tables and copied the data in it.I now receive the following error when I hit the DB:The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' requires a
database schema compatible with schema version '1'. However, the
current database schema is not compatible with this version. You may
need to either install a compatible schema with aspnet_regsql.exe
(available in the framework installation directory), or upgrade the
provider to a newer version.I heard something about running aspnet_regsql.exe, but I dont have that access to the DB. Also I dont know if this command does anything more than creating the membership tables and filling it with some default data...Any other solutions/thought on what this can be?Thanks!
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May 27, 2008
I have 35+ tables and 15+ stored procedures with SchemaA, now I want to transfer them to SchemaB.
I know how to do one by one...!
alter schema SchemaB transfer
but it will take long time...!
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Apr 12, 2008
Hello everybody!I'm using ASP.NET 3.5, MSSQL 2005I bought virtual web hosting .On new user registrations i have an error =(The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' requires a database schema compatible with schema version '1'. However, the current database schema is not compatible with this version. You may need to either install a compatible schema with aspnet_regsql.exe (available in the framework installation directory), or upgrade the provider to a newer version. On my virtual machine it work fine but on web hosting i have an error =(What can you propose to me?
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May 8, 2007
I would like to use SSIS tool to move the data from one database schema to another database schema.
For example:
Source table has
1. UserName (varchar 20) (no null)
2. Email (varchar 50) (can be null)
Destination table has
1. UserID (uniqueidentifier - GUID)
2. UserName (varchar 50) (no null)
3. EmailAddress (nvarchar 50) (can be null)
4. DateTime
1. What controls do I use in my Data Flow to make data move between databases with different data types and include new value in UserID as a new GUID and DateTime as a date (GETDATE)?
OLE DB Source, OLE DB Destination, Data Converson and .....
How do I insert Guid and Date at the same time?
2. I have many tables to do data moving. Any sugestions? How do I architect my project? If I create many data flows for each table - it will look complicated.
Please give me some advices here.
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Apr 19, 2006
I used SSEUtil to add a schema to my database but I am having problems. Used these steps:SSEUtil -c> USE "c:Rich.mdf"> GO>!RUN Resume.SQL//indicates success>SELECT * FROM SYS.XML_SCHEMA_COLLECTIONS>GO//schema not shown in list> USE master>GO>SELECT * FROM SYS.XML_SCHEMA_COLLECTIONS>GO//schema is shown in the queryIt appears that the schema is not added to the desired database, so when I try to use the schema in Visual Studio, the schema does not appear when I connect to the Rich.mdf database. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong or why this might be happening?ThanksKevin
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Nov 21, 2011
I am using sql server 2008 R2.I want to copy all the objects of one schema and put it in another schema. I want to do that from command prompt.
In oracle we can export the objects of one user and import to another user using exp and imp. I want similar type.
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Jul 4, 2007
Hey All:
I was totally confused.
When designing the SSIS dataflow part, firstly , i tried SQL Server Destination because my target server is a sql server.
then execute the task with failure.
Then i tried to use OLE DB DESTINATION instead of SQL Server Destination.
This Dataflow worked.
i can not figour out why.
By the way , i used the connection is OLE DB.And i choosed OLE DB source as the datasource cuz i can not find SQL server datasource.
Who can tell me some reasons for this?
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Nov 7, 2007
I'm wondering if it is possible to make an update of a specifics rows in a database table using dataflow tasks
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Dec 11, 2007
When i use tablename or viewname variable in datasource component and data determination component ,
how can i manage the output columns and the input columns?
Yes,i can use default value init the columns ,but when variable value changed,error occurs.
Thanks a lot!
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Dec 24, 2007
Hi Pals,
Here is my scenario in my ETL process, I have one DataFlow task.
Assuming that i have 10 clean records in my source database and i need to load all the 10 recs into my target table.
IS there any means of cross checking the no of rows from source table and number of rows loaded into my target table.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Thanks & Regards.
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