How Script Task Connects With MS Access

Apr 4, 2008

By using ssis script can I make connection with MS Aceess Database.I want to establish the conection with data base and i want to manipulate the record via script code. Can any one help me for writing the script.


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How To Fetch The Recrods From MS Access And Using It In Script Task Using Control Flow Tools(Execute SQL Task)

Jun 14, 2006


I have an application like fetching records from the DataBase(MS Access 2000) and results i have to use in Script Task. At present i have used the record fetching query,connection string in Script itself. I would like to use in Independently. Is there any Tools like (Control Flow Tools like Execute SQL Task) are there to fetch the result set from Acccess and can use the fetching results in Script Task....

Thanks & Regards

Deepu M.I

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Integration Services :: Send Mail Task Error - Attempt Was Made To Access Socket In A Way Forbidden By Its Access Permissions

Aug 18, 2015

I have trying to execute the Sendmail task in my development envinorment i face this error..I have given the clear details error message below,Please have a look.

[Send Mail Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Failure sending mail.  System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server  System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions ".Alternatively  i use the  SMTP connection to create the subscription as well,its working properly.

Here we are accessing SMTP connection manager as Virtually.Here in my client network we are using Macafee Anti virus ,We have excluded the Rsconfigration file in the excluded list.I dont know why this problem occures again using Sendmailtask in ssis?

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SQL Profiler Always Connects To The Same Server.

Apr 15, 2002

Can anyone help me on this one:

We have several SQL servers in our network. When we try to connect to any of these servers with SQL profiler, the connection is always made with the same server, irrespective of the servername we use.
There is no default server name used in the setting of SQL profiler application.


Gest regards,

Ben Cornelisse
The Netherlands

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Workstation Connects Only Using Standard Security

May 20, 1999

I have 3 NT Workstations that will not connect to my SMS database using NT Integrated Security. The SQL 6.5 server is set up to use mixed security. The only way to connect to the server is to use a standard sql account. Any ideas? THis happens to all users even administrators.

Thanks in Advance.

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Connects But Network Error, I'm Behind Wingate

Mar 8, 2004


I'm trying to connect to SQL Server using Enterprise manager. I'm behind a Wingate proxy.

I've configured an alias using TCP/IP, pointing to the (local network) IP of the Wingate box.

On the Wingate box I've set a TCP Mapping service on port 1433, pointing to the IP of the remote SQL Server on port 1433 too.

The error message is:
General network error. Changed language settings to us-english. ConnectionRead(Error SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS())..

I assume at least *something* is right, as if I change the password to a bogus one I get "Login failed" instead of this network error.

Hope someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks,
- Manuel

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Mail The DBA When A Specific User Connects

Feb 20, 2007

I want to receive a mail when a specific user connects.
How can this be done best? Raise an alert? How?
Btw, the 'Login auditing' is set to 'Failed logins only'.
Suggestions are very welcome!

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How Tablet PC Connects To Database Of Server

Jan 28, 2008

Hi~! i use my computer to create a project for my UMPC(with Tablet PC system).
i want to use SQL server compact 3.1 and VB2005 to finish the work..
i need to upload some data from UMPC to SERVER.
How can i do? The UMPC can not connect to PC by ActiveSync.
so how can i move the data?


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Scheduling An SSIS That Connects To AS400

Aug 8, 2007

I am facing a SQL 2005 SSIS problem.
I have an SSIS package that downloads some data from an AS400 and places the data into a SQL 2005 table.
I use Client Access ODBC connection as my Source.
When I run the package from Business Intelligence - Visual Studio, it works fine.
However when I schedule the SSIS package as a job, it falls over with the following error:

Description: System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [08S01] [IBM][iSeries Access ODBC Driver]Communication link failure. comm rc=11004 - CWBCO1011 - Remote port could not be resolved

Please can someone help me......


By the way this is the full error message below:

Error: 2007-08-08 14:00:47.85
Code: 0xC0047062
Source: Data Flow Task DataReader Source [893]
Description: System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [08S01] [IBM][iSeries Access ODBC Driver]Communication link failure. comm rc=11004 - CWBCO1011 - Remote port could not be resolved
at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.HandleError(OdbcHandle hrHandle, RetCode retcode)
at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnectionHandle..ctor(OdbcConnection connection, OdbcConnectionString constr, OdbcEnvironmentHandle environmentHandle)
at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnectionFactory.CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, Object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningObject)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.CreateNonPooledConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionPoolGroup poolGroup)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.Open()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.ManagedHelper.GetManagedConnection(String assemblyQualifiedName, String connStr, Object transaction)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.IDTSConnectionManager90.AcquireConnection(Object pTransaction)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.DataReaderSourceAdapter.AcquireConnections(Object transaction)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostAcquireConnections(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Object transaction)
End Error
Error: 2007-08-08 14:00:47.87
Code: 0xC0047017
Source: Data Flow Task DTS.Pipeline
Description: component "DataReader Source" (893) failed validation and returned error code 0x80131937.
End Error

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Running An SSIS Package As A Job That Connects To A DB

Aug 4, 2006

I have a package that I want to run as a scheduled job in sql server 2005. The job runs fine in the studio. I am convinced that it is not a password or security issue as I set the protectionlevel to do not save sensitive data and can still run the job in the studio. The User running the job has SA privileges as does the SQL Server Agent. The job reads a flat file, runs it through a script and than inserts the rows into a table. The job runs successfully only if the flat file is empty. The job history says: The return value was unknown. The process exit code was -1073741795. The step failed.

There are no OnError lines in the logging.

Anyone have any Ideas or tricks to try.

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SqlDataSource Connects In Designer But Not At Runtime. Need Quick Help!

Feb 22, 2008

I've got a page that uses an SqlDataSource to populate a simple DataList of inventory. It has been working just fine until yesterday. All of the sudden when I run the page from Visual Studio, it fails to connect to the database with an SqlException:
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
If I choose to configure the SqlDataSource in the designer, I select the stored procedure and on the last page of the wizard click the Test button and it brings back the results correctly. It turns out, all of the pages in this project are unable to connect at runtime. It's like there's a runtime firewall...

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How Can Hide List Of Databases When Client Connects To...

Aug 15, 2000

Hi all,
Now, I using Windows200o & SQL7.0.
I want to permission a client connect to my server,
and with his login, he only works with a specify datatbase.
When he connects to my server, although he can't work other databases,
but he can list of them in server - using EM (and I don't want he knows this).
How can I solve this problem? Thanks.

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Receive Mail When Specific User Connects

Feb 22, 2007

I want to receive a mail when a specific user connects.
How can this be done best? Raise an alert? How?
Btw, the 'Login auditing' is set to 'Failed logins only'.
Suggestions are very welcome!

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Creating Subscriptions To SSRS That Connects To SSAS

Oct 30, 2007


I would like to ask how can I create a subscription for a report that connects to Analysis Services?

I was able to create a subscription but the report's datasource is SQL Server 2005 using the built-in "sa" credential. But when I am connected to SSAS the option to use the SQL login is greyed out.

Please help!


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ADS Opens Folder On Users PC When Active Sync Connects

May 12, 2008

Is there anyway to disable this functionality?

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DB Engine :: SSMS Connects To Different Instance With Same Hostname - If Ports Are Same

Jun 9, 2015

We have a 2 servers  with 2 default instances, 

Environment- SQL server 2012 SP2 | Windows Server 2008 R2

hostname-serverA , Instance-serverA and port-2040 Ip-

hostname-serverB , Instance-serverB and port-2040 Ip-

If i do a SSMS connection-the possible connections strings which can be used to connect to Instance "serverB" should be,


Note: but even the connection string "serverBserverA,2040" also connects to Instance "serverB", when i try to connect from SSMS, In SSMS it shows the wrong instance name like, "serverBserverB", but it actually connects to  Instance "serverA"

i.what is the reason behind this?
ii.Is there any way to avoid this connection, by performing server property changes, if any ?

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When Adding SSL Certificate To SQL Server, C++ Application No Longer Connects.

Apr 4, 2007

When adding SSL certificate to SQL Server, client applications no longer connect.

Error: 17832, Severity: 20, State: 10

2007-04-03 11:42:52.82 server Connection opened but invalid login packet(s) sent. Connection closed..

SSL is not even enabled and we still have this problem. When the cert is removed, then the app works???

EDIT: THis seems to be happening when we use dbopen().

Thank you,


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Newly Created Witness Server Only Connects To One Of The Partners?

Apr 2, 2007

We've been running a mirrored database (using certificates since we don't have a domain) and it's all working well. Last week we decided to add a witness for automatic failovers, but for some reason I just can not get the witness to connect to the Partner2 server.

See screenshot here

Please help me troubleshoot this - I re-created the endpoints / users / certificates but it's still not working. Where can I get more information on what exactly the problem is? Can I test the endpoints somehow?

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Datareader Source Connects To No Longer Existing ODBC-link

Aug 7, 2007

I am connecting to a MsAccess-database using ODBC. While developing the package we have changed mappings for this database. The ODBC was changed accordingly and the old definitions were deleted. However SSIS is still using the old ODBC-links even when deleting all existing connections and adding a new connection. Somehow the old settings have been saved and are being reused in the DataReader Source. If so where are they saved and how can I change/delete them ???? Note: I suspect the Server Explorer because every time I add a data connection using the ODBC, the Datareader Source starts using the wrong definition (even when Server Explorer uses the correct one).

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Access Script Task

Jun 19, 2006


How to access the Package inside the Script Taks. for example

IF intStatus = 1 Then

//Execute Package1


//Execute Package2

End IF

in the above sample what is the property to get the Package1 object in script

Thanks & Regards


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Access MaximumErrorCount From Script Task

Mar 8, 2006

Is it possible to get or set the value of MaximumErrorCount through a script task ?

I tried to assign User variables to MaximumErrorCount but could not succeed.

Any type of help will be appriciated.



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R/W Access Problem With Var In Script Task

Nov 21, 2006

Hi there

I have a a global variable for the package.

Now in script task of data flow I am trying to assign some value to it.

I have also defined same variable in Read/Write property of script task.

But at run time it gives me following error:

"The collection of variables locked for read and write access is not available outside of PostExecute."

How do we resolve this??

Thanks and Regards

Rahul Kumar

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DTS Execute SQL Task On Access Linked Table

Mar 11, 2004

Can the DTS execute SQL task recognize a table in an Access database that is linked from another Access database?

I'm attempting to use a DTS Execute SQL task connected to Access1.mdb to make a new table in Access1.mdb that is using a Subquery from a linked table in Access2.mdb . (I know it sounds convoluded..) Its giving me an error in my FROM clause as if it can't recognize the linked table from Access2.mdb.

The reason why I'm doing this is that I'm not sure how to run an Access make table query from DTS that will overwrite the existing table in Access. I get an error that the table already exists.

Any Help?

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Access Denied When Trying To Execute A Ssis Task

Mar 22, 2006


I sometimes come accross this error when I attempt to execute an isolated task in the control flow. What is funny is that I am still able to debug the package.

It eventually resolves after a while. What could it be?



TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio

Access Denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80030005(STG_E_ACCESSDENIED))



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How To Access Package Variables In A Custom Task

Jul 3, 2006

Hi Everyone,

I created a script task that uploads a file to a HTTPs site. The script task works well and now I want to turn this script task into a custom component...

I'm having problems on how to call the variables I have in the package, I already locked them for reading, but how am I suppose to access them and how can I put their values into strings so I can easily call them in the WebClient.UploadFile method?

Also, I am very new to custom tasks in SSIS.. and would appreciate if anyone of you can send me something (code, link, etc.) of a very simple custom task without any form or properties, that I can try to study.

Basically, what I want my custom task to do is,

1. Read the varialbes in the package.
2. use the variables values as input in my WebClient.UploadFile("varURLstring", "PUT", "varFilePath")

as you can see, my custom task is really simple... but I'm a noob here and I don't know where to go.

Thanks in advance,

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SSIS Recordset Access Via Script Task

Jul 18, 2007


I have found that populating a data table from an SSIS variable (recordset) within a script task works fine first time round but produces no results subsequently:

Code Snippet

Public Class ScriptMain

Public Sub Main()

Dim ad As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter

Dim dt1 As New DataTable
ad.Fill(dt1, ReadVariable("myRecordset"))

'below returns count of 5500
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("dt1 Count: " + dt1.Rows.Count.ToString)

Dim dt2 As New DataTable
ad.Fill(dt2, ReadVariable("myRecordset"))

'below returns count of 0
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("dt2 Count: " + dt2.Rows.Count.ToString)

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub

Code Snippet

Private Function ReadVariable(ByVal varName As String) As Object

Dim result As Object

Dim vars As Variables

result = vars(varName).Value
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try

Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try

Return result

End Function

Anybody got any ideas?


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Access To TaskHost From Derived Task Class.

Jan 2, 2007


for some reasons, I have to get access to the TaskHost during validation and execution. For example, I wanna know, if my task is within a container or not (parent is Sequence).

For the UI during design time, there is the TaskHost parameter. What about the execution time or during validation?

Any hints?



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Can I Access Another Component Properties From A Script Task

Nov 13, 2007

I have a component who's OnPreExecute event handler contains a Script Task. I would like to use this Script Task to access the component's properties. Can anyone provide script examples for doing this if this is possible?

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Running Access XP Macro With Script Task

Feb 24, 2007

I found this and have done everything it says to do, but I can't get the script to compile. Any ideas on how to run a access macro in SSIS??

Baiscally to execute an Access Macros in SSIS package we need to Download

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access DLL from Office XP PIAs.

Download site

1) Extract the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access DLL from Oxppia.exe

2) Drag and Drop Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access DLL to Global Assembley Directory(GAC) ie: C:WINNTassembly for Windows 2000 -- C:WINDOWSassembly for ( Win Xp and Win 2003)

3) Copy paste Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access to C:WINNTMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727 for Windows 2000 -- C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727 ( Win Xp and Win 2003)

4) Add DLL reference in the Script Task

5) Add the below Code

1) Create a New Project in SSIS

2) Drag and Drop Script Task

3) Copy Paste the code in script task editor

Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access


Dim objAccess As New Access.Application

objAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase("D:TestMacro.mdb", False) ' Add the Access File Path

objAccess.DoCmd.RunMacro("Macro1") ' Replace Macro1 with the name of your macro



objAccess = Nothing

Catch ex As Exception


End Try

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

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Xml Result Set To A Variable In Ssis And To Access It In Script Task

Apr 28, 2007


I have an sproc that gives an xml result set. I want to save this to a file but by using ssis and script task. Now, I do exec usp_myProc in execute sql task and get the result as xml. (I can get it as result set too but niether has worked). Now I pass this variable to my script task User::XRset.

In the script task I create a file and then I want to write xml result of User::XRset to my file. I am at loss.

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Execute Package Task Fail With Access Denied

Jul 12, 2007

Hi all,

I have an error when a package is trying to execute a SubPackage using the "Execute Package Task". I have this problem for all packages that are running sub packages.

The packages are stored in the DTSPackages folder of the SQL Server installation folder.

The master package is called from an Event Handler on a document library in MOSS 2007.

The account from the Sharepoint Application Pool has Full Control on the DTSPackages folder.

What am I missing ?

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Custom Task: How To Access/modify The Variables Of A Package

Feb 1, 2007


I'm trying to simplify the deployment process of my project. I already had some troubles with the config files but lets say I solved that issue. I'm going to read a flat file and set the variables of my packages from this file. I was thinking to use a Script Task to do that but I will need to copy this task in every package (I have at least 30). So if I want to make some change this will be painful.

Then, I came up with the idea of creating a Custom Task called Config File Task. I'm working on this but I got stuck trying to get the variables from the package that is running my Config File Task.

This is the code I had in the Script Task:

Dim streamReader As New StreamReader(Dts.Variables("ConfigFilePath").Value.ToString)
Dim line As String
Dim lineArray As String()
Dim variableName As String
Dim variableValue As String
Dim readConfigurations As Boolean = False

While (streamReader.Peek() <> -1)
line = streamReader.ReadLine()
If line = "[CONFIGURATIONS]" Then
readConfigurations = True
ElseIf line = "[/CONFIGURATIONS]" Then
readConfigurations = False
If readConfigurations And line <> "" Then
lineArray = line.Split("|".ToCharArray())
variableName = lineArray(0).Trim()
variableValue = lineArray(1).Trim()

If Dts.Variables.Contains(variableName) Then
Dts.Variables(variableName).Value = variableValue
End If
End If
End If
End While
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

All I want to do is set the variables that exists in each package from the config file. In my UI Class (ConfigFileTaskUI.cs) I can have access to the variables via the TaskHost which is passed as an argument of Initialize() method.

Any thoughts? I'd really appreciate some help!

P.S. I've been working on this for 2 days!

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Custom Task: How To Access/modify The Expression Collection Of A Package

Feb 6, 2007


I created a Custom Task which it has a Property called ConfigFilePath. I'm overriding the Validate() method from Task. I want to throw an error if my property ConfigFilePath is empty and if the expression for this property is empty. So far, I can check if the property is empty but I don't see how I can access the Expressions Collection of my Custom Task.

Any thoughts? I'd appreciate your help.

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