How To Insert Into A Table With A Uniqueidentifier As Primary Key?
Jun 28, 2006
I would like to insert into a table with a primary key that has a uniqueidentifier. I would like it to go up by one each time I execute this insert statement. It would be used as my ReportId
My VB code is this.
Protected Sub btncreate_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btncreate.Click
'set connection string
Dim errstr As String = ""
Dim conn = New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")
'set parameters for SP
Dim cmdcommand = New SqlCommand("sprocInsertNewReport", conn)
Greetings. I just inherited doscovered a 3gb DB that is chewing up lots of CPU time on a pretty beefy server. This DB uses 4 main tables. It has many more, but most of the Inserts/ Updates/ Deletes/ and Joins are done mainly on 4 tables. Anyways, I figured out which sprocs use the most CPU between the hours of 7 and 7 every day, off to a good start. The first one is hardly every run. While it is a pig in terms of CPU usage, the amount of times it's run is somewhat minimal compared to others. So the next one is is a sproc that does auto refreshes, and is run every minute by thousands. I start to analyze it, particularly for missing indexes, but all is well. So I'm beating my head up against the wall and I realize, THE CLUSTERED PRIMARY KEY (PK) FOR THESE TABLES USE A GUID DATA TYPE....
So I have some questions about this data type, and also inserting into a clustered PK in general.
Are joins on this data type as bad as joining on varchar columns in terms of speed?
I don't see that any of my insert sprocs are taking a long time. So if an insert occurs, and a page split needs to happen (which is quite potential with this data type as a clustered PK), does it -- A) Begin the insert, complete the insert, then do a page split? Or does it -- B) Begin the insert, do the page split, then complete the insert? If A, it would make sense that I would see no lag for my insert sprocs, but also see a high CPU usage (provided I have a high number of page splits, which is yet to be determined. If B, I would expect to see a lot of long running insert sprocs, which I don't.
<BACKGROUND INFO> We are in the database design stage of creating a db and we plan to use a GUID as the primary key for our tables (the app will be a smart client and will need to support offline functionality so when the app comes back online and the queued up inserts come thru we want to ensure that the primary keys are unique). We plan to have the app generate the guid and to send the GUID over as a parameter i.e.
<code>GUID myPrimaryKey = GUID.NewID(); </code>
and will not be using the DEFAULT NEWID clause on the CREATE TABLE statements. </BACKGROUND INFO>
<QUESTION > Is it better to make the data type for the primary key columns to be uniqueidentifier or should the datatype be varchar(36).</QUESTION>
I only ask this because the tables have already been created with the primary key columns having a datatype of varchar(36) and changing them would be a little bit of work. Not a big deal but don't want to do it if we don't have to. If its really advantageous we will go ahead and do it but if not we would like to leave it as is. Thanks for your thoughts!
Hi, I'm not user to inserting data into databases, usually I just read the data. So I think my problem might be pretty common.I have a table of longitudes, latitudes, city names, and country names. I set the primary key to be the columns longitude and latitude. I have a method that generates the user's location and the mentioned data. So I want to only insert the new data into the database if it is new and unique. currently if the same user goes to my site, it inserts the data fine the first time and then throws and error the second time because it is inserting duplicate primary key information. Do I need to query the database to see if the data record already exists? or is there a way to insert the record only if it is "new"?? Thanks for the help!!
I'm trying to do multiple insert statements. The table looks likethis:CREATE TABLE $table (CNTY_CNTRY_CD char(3),ST char(2),CNTY_CNTRY_DESCR varchar(50),CNTY_CNTRY_IND char(1),HOME_CNTRY_IND char(1),CONSTRAINT cnty_key PRIMARY KEY (CNTY_CNTRY_CD, ST))I'm using 2 fields for the primary key constraintMy insert statement looks like this:INSERT INTO $table(CNTY_CNTRY_CD,ST,CNTY_CNTRY_DESCR)VALUES(?,?,?)I've been through the list of values and none have both the sameCNTY_CNTRY_CD and ST and yet, this is the error message I'm getting:DBD::ODBC::st execute failed: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQLServer]Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'cnty_key'. Cannot insert duplicatekey in object 'event_CNTY_CNTRY_CD'. (SQL-23000)[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The statement has beenterminated.. (SQL-01000)(DBD: st_execute/SQLExecute err=-1)Why is it looking for unique in just the one column instead ofreferencing both? What do I need to do to get this to work? Help!
Hi i have set up two very simple tables, I want a user to be able to create a basic account ( data stored in User_Profile table with Id set as the Primery Key as Identity) I want the user to be able to be able to return to their account at a later date and then post multiple reviews of different bands they have seen at a later date. I kept the tables in my example very simple so I could get my head around the concept, but generally, I want to connect the Id (PK) value in User_Profile table to the User_Id filed in the User_Review table, so every review that user writes, will be connected directly to their Id.
Any help you could give would be fantastic a i have no idea where to start!!!
Id int, ( as primary Identity Key)
I have a second table called User Reviews
Revew_Id int , ( as primary Identity Key)
User_Id int, ( I want this to contain the Id value in the User profile Table)
Hello, I have a Stored Procedure which insterts into Orders table. Orders table is the parent table, with primary key OrdersID. I also have a child table, Client, with foreign key OrdersID. I want it to insert the data into the orders table, and at the same time insert the OrdersID into the FK of the child table. Any info would be appreciated. I have no idea how to do it. My SP is as follows:ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.jobInsert @ClientFileNumber varchar(50),@Identity int OUT
ASINSERT Orders(ClientFileNumber, DateTimeReceived) VALUES(@ClientFileNumber, GetDate()) SET @Identity = SCOPE_IDENTITY()
I am converting an old Access/Forms application to a .Net/SQL intranet site. The data was imported and most CRUD features are working. But, I have some data issues to contend with.For this example I have two tables, Cases and Parties. The Parties table includes a Column ReportID, which happens to reference the primary key of some unique Case. Lets say Bob, Sally, and Mary are all associated with ReportID = 2.Looking at the Case table, I see indexes (ReportID) 1,3,4,5, such that Bob, Sally, and Mary are orphaned with out a case to reference.
1. Is it possible to bypass the auto-increment for the primary key of Cases and manually inject the missing Case (ReportID) with a specific primary key of 2? See my image to fill in some of the details.It is too early to tell but perhaps 10% of the Parties are orphan without an associated ReportID in the Case table. This fact is one of the reasons it was decided to rebuild the application, which was also never able to produce any reports.
2. What is an easy way to find all the orphan Parties?
I suppose I could export the Cases table to excel, add the missing Rows, and then overwrite the defective Cases table data with the corrected data. I would rather learn to fix the data issues using the responses from this request.
In a special request run, I need to update locker and lock tables in a sql server 2012 database, I have the following 2 table definitiions:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Locker]( [lockerID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [schoolID] [int] NOT NULL, [number] [varchar](10) NOT NULL, [lockID] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [PK_Locker] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED
The locker table is the main table and the lock table is the secondary table. I need to add 500 new locker numbers that the user has given to me to place in the locker table and is uniquely defined by LockerID. I also need to add 500 new rows to the corresponding lock table that is uniquely defined in the lock table and identified by the lockid.
Since lockid is a key value in the lock table and is uniquely defined in the locker table, I would like to know how to update the lock table with the 500 new rows. I would then like to take value of lockid (from lock table for the 500 new rows that were created) and uniquely place those 500 lockids uniquely into the 500 rows that were created for the lock table.
I have sql that looks like the following so far:
declare @SchoolID int = 999 insert into test.dbo.Locker ( [schoolID], [number]) select distinct LKR.schoolID, A.lockerNumber FROM [InputTable] A JOIN test.dbo.School SCH ON A.schoolnumber = SCH.type and A.schoolnumber = @SchoolNumber JOIN test.dbo.Locker LKR ON SCH.schoolID = LKR.schoolID AND A.lockerNumber not in (select number from test.dbo.Locker where schoolID = @SchoolID) order by LKR.schoolID, A.lockerNumber
I am not certain how to complete the rest of the task of placing lockerid uniquely into lock and locker tables?
In a special request run, I need to update locker and lock tables in a sql server 2012 database, I have the following 2 table definitions:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Locker]( [lockerID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [schoolID] [int] NOT NULL, [number] [varchar](10) NOT NULL, [lockID] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [PK_Locker] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED
[Code] ....
The locker table is the main table and the lock table is the secondary table. I need to add 500 new locker numbers that the user has given to me to place in the locker table and is uniquely defined by LockerID. I also need to add 500 new rows to the corresponding lock table that is uniquely defined in the lock table and identified by the lockid.
Since lockid is a key value in the lock table and is uniquely defined in the locker table, I would like to know how to update the lock table with the 500 new rows. I would then like to take value of lockid (from lock table for the 500 new rows that were created) and uniquely place those 500 lockids uniquely into the 500 rows that were created for the lock table.
I have sql that looks like the following so far:
declare @SchoolID int = 999 insert into test.dbo.Locker ( [schoolID], [number]) select distinct LKR.schoolID, A.lockerNumber FROM [InputTable] A JOIN test.dbo.School SCH ON A.schoolnumber = SCH.type and A.schoolnumber = @SchoolNumber JOIN test.dbo.Locker LKR ON SCH.schoolID = LKR.schoolID AND A.lockerNumber not in (select number from test.dbo.Locker where schoolID = @SchoolID) order by LKR.schoolID, A.lockerNumber
I am not certain how to complete the rest of the task of placing lockerid uniquely into lock and locker tables? Thus can you either modify the sql that I just listed above and/or come up with some new sql that will show me how to accomplish my goal?
I have an existing table that i would like to add a uniquidentifier toeach record of the table. I have already create a column for theuniqueid. What sql script could I run to actually place a value forthe newly created column for each record?thanks for your help ahead of time
I use the following 3 sets of sql code in SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) to import the csv data/files to 3 dbo.Tables via CREATE TABLE & BUKL INSERT operations:
-- ImportCSVprojects.sql --
USE ChemDatabase
ProjectID int,
ProjectName nvarchar(25),
LabName nvarchar(25)
BULK INSERT dbo.Projects
FROM 'c:myfileProjects.csv'
GO ======================================= -- ImportCSVsamples.sql --
USE ChemDatabase
SampleID int,
SampleName nvarchar(25),
Matrix nvarchar(25),
SampleType nvarchar(25),
ChemGroup nvarchar(25),
ProjectID int
BULK INSERT dbo.Samples
FROM 'c:myfileSamples.csv'
GO ========================================= -- ImportCSVtestResult.sql --
USE ChemDatabase
AnalyteID int,
AnalyteName nvarchar(25),
Result decimal(9,3),
UnitForConc nvarchar(25),
SampleID int
BULK INSERT dbo.TestResults
FROM 'c:myfileLabTests.csv'
======================================== The 3 csv files were successfully imported into the ChemDatabase of my SSMSE.
2 questions to ask: (1) How can I designate the Primary and Foreign Keys to these 3 dbo Tables? Should I do this "designate" thing after the 3 dbo Tables are done or during the "Importing" period? (2) How can I set up the relationships among these 3 dbo Tables?
I am new at and I am having problems inserting data using C# in ASP.netI have created a table named "Profile" in the MS sql server database named "MyDataBase". There is a field named "ID" that has data type 'uniqueidentifier'.I am confused how to INSERT data into this data field. I have used MS Access and MYSQL in which there is an option of auto increment so we don't a unique identifier for each record.Please tell me what can I do to If I want to have a uniqueidentifier for each new record I INSERT in the "Profile" table of MS sql server database.While trying to insert, I get following errorsCannot insert the value NULL into column 'ID'and I don't know how I can insert something in this field that is of value type unique identifier.Please help me I will be very thankfull of you.
Hi,I'm new at asp .net and am having a problem. On a linkbutton click event, I want to insert into my db a row of data which includes two parameters. Param1 is the id of the logged in user, and Param2 is <%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, 'UserId')%> which is the username of a user given through a datalist.When I execute the query: "insert into aspnet_friendship (userId, buddyId) values (@Param1, @Param2)"I get the error: Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.I am trying to insert these into my table aspnet_friendship into the columns userId and buddyId which are both uniqueidentifier fields. I tested the query using the same values (@Param1, @Param1) and (@Param2, @Param2) and found out that the problem is with Param2 because when I use Param1 the insert works perfectly. The value passed by Param2 is supposed to be the id of a user which I get from the datalist which selects * from aspnet_Users, so that <%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, 'UserId')%> should also be an Id like Param1 is. Since both params are in the form of .toString(), I don't understand why one works but the other doesn't.As you can see in the code below, both of these parameters are dimmed as strings, so I don't understand why Param2 doesn't work. Can anyone please help? Protected Sub LinkButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dim MyConnection As SqlConnection MyConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True") Dim MyCommand2 As SqlCommand Dim CurrentUser As String CurrentUser = Membership.GetUser.ProviderUserKey.ToString() Dim add As String add = "<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, 'UserId')%>".ToString() Session("username") = User.Identity.Name Dim InsertCmd As String = "insert into aspnet_friendship (userId, buddyId) values (@Param1, @Param2)" MyCommand2 = New SqlCommand(InsertCmd, MyConnection) MyCommand2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Param1", CurrentUser) MyCommand2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Param2", add) MyCommand2.Connection.Open() MyCommand2.ExecuteNonQuery() MyCommand2.Connection.Close() End Sub Thank you.
anyone knows if there's an easy way to insert new GUIDs into uniqueidentifier cells when editing data in table on Management Studio Express? or Visual Studio 2005 Server Explorer? I can't find a shortcut, and copying from external tools is pain..
I suppose it's possible to build a VB macro in Visual Studio, would it work when editing table data?
Im getting this error below when I try to do an insert into my database. I have no idea why this is happening, please help!this is my sqldatasource:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:myConnectionString %>" DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [tblDiaryEntries] WHERE [DiaryEntryID] = @DiaryEntryID" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [tblDiaryEntries] ([DiaryEntry], [Subject], [EntryDate], [UserId]) VALUES (@DiaryEntry, @Subject, @EntryDate, @UserId)" SelectCommand="SELECT [DiaryEntry], [Subject], [EntryDate], [DiaryEntryID], [UserId] FROM [tblDiaryEntries]" UpdateCommand="UPDATE [tblDiaryEntries] SET [DiaryEntry] = @DiaryEntry, [Subject] = @Subject, [EntryDate] = @EntryDate, [UserId] = @UserId WHERE [DiaryEntryID] = @DiaryEntryID"> <DeleteParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="DiaryEntryID" Type="Int32" /> </DeleteParameters> <UpdateParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="DiaryEntry" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="Subject" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="EntryDate" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="UserId" Type="Object" /> <asp:Parameter Name="DiaryEntryID" Type="Int32" /> </UpdateParameters> <InsertParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="DiaryEntry" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="Subject" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="EntryDate" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="UserId" Type="Object" /> </InsertParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> Am I doing something wrong? Server Error in '/mine' Application.
Implicit conversion from data type sql_variant to uniqueidentifier is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Implicit conversion from data type sql_variant to uniqueidentifier is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. Stack Trace:
i have the following code in visual studio 2005 using VB it is running an insert query - this works fine but i want to know how can i get the primaty key value(which is auto generated) of the row that i just inserted...
Dim conn As New SqlConnection(My.Settings.connStr)
After executing an INSERT, I would like to retrieve the primary key of the last row inserted. I've tried running SELECT @@IDENTITY in a query, but I get an OleDbException with the message: {"Syntax error. in query expression 'SELECT @@IDENTITY'."}. does anyone know what to do?
Hi,I've got a stored procedure that's inserting data into a sql database fine. The only problem is that I'm not sure how to read back the value of the auto increment field that was just generated by the insert (e.g the id field). Any help appreciated.
Hi I have a table in sql server with a numeric field as Primary Key. When i insert a new record i need that primary key increments automatic (like access auto increment) because i want avoid the possibility of duplicate Primary Keys. Is that possible? Thank you
I am using the bulk insert statement below to import data from a csv and excel files. As I am running 64bit versions of windows, and could not find any sql import statements.
However I noticed it does not allow any primary key, hence after importing to the temp table, I then import in sql to the main table.Is there anyway to fix the temp table ? ie add a PK value
I am new to SSIS and still trying to design my first package. My package doesn't seem to want to complete when I have set an indentity field with an identity seed in my table as a primary key.
If the field is not a primary key, the package runs fine.
Any ideas how to insert records when there is a primary key in the table?
In another instance, I am actually trying to fill the primary key with a value from flat file and that also does not work.
Hi,newbie question. I have an plain INSERT INTO clause:BEGIN TRANINSERT INTO BILLSSELECTBillCode,MyUNIDFROM DPA_BILLSWHERE ErrorCode IS NULLCOMMIT TRANThe original DPA_BILLS table can hold (and actually holds) rows withnon-unique values of BillCode, which is primary key in the destinationBILLS table. An acceptable behaviour would be to update the existingrow. Given that these constraints have to be kept, which is the bestway to act? Shall I process in advance my source table, resolvingforeing key conflicts, or shall I rely on some error handling in theINSERT clause?Thanx
Ive added a primary key called ID to my table, now my insert stored procedure dont no longer work.
i want an unique identifier for each row.
heres my stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE composeMessage -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @username varchar(24), @sender varchar(24), @date dateTime, @subject varchar(255), @message varchar(2500)
insert into Messages( "Username", "Sender", "Date", "Subject", "Message" ) values ( @username, @sender, @date, @subject, @message ) END GO
heres my sqlcreate table:
USE [Messenger] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Messages] Script Date: 09/12/2006 15:13:52 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Messages]( [Username] [varchar](24) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL, [Sender] [varchar](24) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL, [Subject] [varchar](255) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL, [Message] [varchar](2500) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL, [Date] [datetime] NOT NULL, [ID] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Messages] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ID] ASC )WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF
As primary keycan't be null, what do i put for primary key for my insert to work?
I am trying to run an insert query off of a sql datasource and I am erroring out. My code and stored procedure as of now are listed below. You will notice the section of the stored procedure that is pulling the value for facility_ID (primary key). I have also tried to pull these and pass the parameter from a label, but that does not work, giving an error that the stored procedure expects the parameter @Facility_ID which was not supplied. One other odd thing is that stepping through the code, I watched the parameter count total 21, but when running the insert command, the insert parameter count shows 20. With the code below (my current project), I get an error that null values can not be entered for facility_ID. Please help. CODE: Dim myConnection As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("FacilitiesBuild").ConnectionString) 'open myconnection myConnection.Open() Dim myCommand As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(SqlDataSourceFac.InsertCommand, myConnection) myCommand.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Name", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("Textbox5"), TextBox).Text myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Address1", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 40).Value = CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("Textbox3"), TextBox).Text myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Address2", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 40).Value = CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("Textbox4"), TextBox).Text myCommand.Parameters.Add("@State", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 2).Value = CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("Textbox17"), TextBox).Text myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Zip", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 10).Value = CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("Textbox6"), TextBox).Text myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Phone", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 14).Value = CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("Textbox7"), TextBox).Text myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Admin_Name", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 40).Value = CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("Textbox8"), TextBox).Text myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Comments", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 250).Value = CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("Textbox10"), TextBox).Text myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Owner", Data.SqlDbType.Char, 1).Value = CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("TypeOwnerInsert"), Label).Text myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Beds", Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value = CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("BedsInsert"), Label).Text myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Population", Data.SqlDbType.NText).Value = CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("PopulationInsert"), Label).Text myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Type_Facility", Data.SqlDbType.Char, 1).Value = CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("TypeFacilityInsert"), Label).Text myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Type_Other", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 40).Value = CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("TypeOtherInsert"), Label).Text myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Profit", Data.SqlDbType.Char, 1).Value = CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("ProfitInsert"), Label).Text myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Religious", Data.SqlDbType.Char, 1).Value = CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("ReligiousInsert"), Label).Text myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Licensed", Data.SqlDbType.Char, 1).Value = CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("LicensedInsert"), Label).Text myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Active", Data.SqlDbType.Char, 1).Value = CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("ActiveInsert"), Label).Text myCommand.Parameters.Add("@City_ID", Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value = CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("InsertCityLabel"), Label).Text myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Agency_ID", Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value = CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("InsertAgencyLabel"), Label).Text myCommand.Parameters.Add("@County", Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 3).Value = CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("InsertCountyLabel"), Label).Text myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Facility_ID", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 6).Value = CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("InsertFacilityLabel"), Label).Text If CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("DropDownList1"), DropDownList).SelectedItem.Text = "Please Select One" Then MsgBox("You must select an agency") Else : SqlDataSourceFac.Insert() End If STORED PROCEDURE: ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_OMBFacilityAddDOTNET] @Name varchar(50), @Address1 varchar(40), @Address2 varchar(40), @State varchar(2), @Zip varchar(10), @Phone varchar(14), @Admin_Name varchar(40), @Comments varchar(250), @Owner char(1), @Beds int, @Population numeric(10,0), @Type_Facility char(1), @Type_Other varchar(40), @Profit char(1), @Religious char(1), @Licensed char(1), @Active char(1), @City_ID int, @Agency_ID int, @County nvarchar(3)ASBEGINDECLARE @Facility_ID varchar(6) DECLARE @nextID varchar(3) /* get next facilityID */ SELECT @nextID = MAX(RIGHT(Facility_ID, LEN(Facility_ID)-(CHARINDEX('-', Facility_ID)))) + 1 From OMBFacility Where Agency_ID = @Agency_ID SELECT @Facility_ID = CAST(@Agency_ID AS varchar(2)) + '-' + RIGHT('000' + RTRIM(@nextID), 3) INSERT INTO [AIMS].[dbo].[OMBFacility] ([Name], [Address1], [Address2], [State], [Zip], [Phone], [Admin_Name], [Comments], [Owner], [Beds], [Population], [Type_Facility], [Type_Other], [Profit], [Religious], [Licensed], [Active], [City_ID], [Agency_ID], [County], [Facility_ID]) VALUES (@Name ,@Address1 ,@Address2 ,@State ,@Zip ,@Phone ,@Admin_Name ,@Comments ,@Owner ,@Beds ,@Population ,@Type_Facility ,@Type_Other ,@Profit ,@Religious ,@Licensed ,@Active ,@City_ID ,@Agency_ID ,@County ,@Facility_ID)END
I have the following issue - my database consists of tables with one ID field as primary key. for each INSERT the 'next' value from this ID field is extracted from a table called TableList. - this works perfectly fine, as long as I insert one record at a time: but now I would like to run a command such as INSERT INTO dest (name) SELECT name FROM src i.e. without being able to specify the ID value. Has anybody implemented this (i would prefer not to use identity columns or use cursors), possible with triggers?