How To Load Periodic SnapShot Fact Table With SSIS

Feb 14, 2006

I need help from you data warehouse / SSIS experts out there! I have a Transaction Fact Table with dollar amounts as the measurements. The grain is one row per transaction. I want to roll this up into a Monthly Periodic Snapshot based on 5 keys. I am having no problem where there is transaction data for each month.

However, the problem I am having is - how do I gracefully insert the Monthly rows for the five keys where there was no activity in the transaction fact table - I am sure there is a slick way to do this with SSIS but I am definitely having a mental block on how to accomplish this. Any help would be appreciated!

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How To Load Fact Table And Dimension Using SSIS?

Aug 25, 2006

Hi All,

I am just curious to know how I can load data from a data warehouse to an Analysis Service Cube (both to the fact tables and dimensions).

Does any body have some way to achieve this?

I appreciate if any body provide me a good material which describe this scenario.



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Integration Services :: Load Incremental Data Into Fact Table When Source Table Not Have Timestamp And Unique Key

Sep 24, 2015

I have a transaction table having about 40 crore rows in source. It don't have timestamp and unique key columns. It have only Bill_month and Bill_Year columns. Actually for loading this table into staging I have added a new datetime column by adding default bill_date as 01. Then

* First we delete last 3 month data from staging tables.
* Get last 3 months data from source table.
* Load that 3 months data from source to staging table. 

We do this because we only get update for last three months data. Now I have to include this transaction table as Fact table in DW. What will be the best practice for loading the fact table by picking data form staging table. Also we have to look up with dimensions for Foreign Keys. 

* Should I implement the same method of deleting last 3 months records and loading them again. 

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SQL Server 2014 :: Using WHERE Not Exists For A Fact Table Load?

Oct 20, 2014

I have a stored procedure in that attempts to perform a WHERE NOT EXISTS check to insert new records. If the table is empty, the procedure will load the table. However, an insert does not occur when a change to one or more source fields occurs against an existing record. The following is my code:

@Created_By nchar(50)
,@Created_Date datetime
,@Updated_By nchar(50)
,@Updated_Date datetime
select @Created_By = system_user


I expected that when one of the source values of any field in the second WHERE clause changes, that the procedure would insert a new record. Why is this not happening? One other note: I am not 'allowed' to use MERGE.

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Load Fact Table, Very Slow With Lookup - Data Flow Transformation

Apr 9, 2008


I have developed some packages to load data into "Fact" tables in the data warehouse.
Some packages are OK, other ones not. What is the problem?: some packages load fact tables with lots of "Lookup - Data Flow Transformation" into the "data flow task" (lookup against dimension tables) but they are very very slow, too much slow to be choosen as a solution.

Do you have any other solutions to avoid using "Lookup - Data Flow Transformation"? Any other solution (SSIS, TSQL and so on....) is welcome to speed up the Fact table loading process.

Thank in advance

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SQL Server 2012 :: Joining Dim To Fact Table Where Dim Table Key Exists In Multiple Fact Columns

Oct 26, 2015

Say you have a fact table with a few columns that all reference the same key column in a dimension table, you want to write a view to return the information for those keys?

IF OBJECT_ID ('dbo.FactTemp' ,'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE dbo.FactTemp;

[Code] ....

I'm using very small data at the moment, and the query plan and statistics don't really say which way.

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SSIS: Inserting Unknown Members From Fact Table

Aug 18, 2005

Looking up surrogate keys in a dimension table and adding these to your data flow is easy when there is a match in your dimension table for every key in your fact table. However, I am puzzled by how to manage the data flow when no match can be found for a specific key in the fact table when doing the lookup AND I then want to insert this unknown key as an unknown/inferred member in the dimension table. The problem is further complicated by the fact that when I have inserted the unknown member in the dimension table and it has been assigned a surrogate key there, I want to add this surrogate key to my fact table - just as if there had been a match in the lookup in the first place.

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Mapping Surrogate Keys Of Level 2 Dimensions To Fact Table In SSIS Data Flow

Aug 16, 2007

I use lookups to map surrogate of level 1 dimensions to my fact tables in SSIS.
But how to handle a level 2 dimension with a ValidFrom and a ValidUntil date field?
I do not use an IsCurrent column, because this could problem with late arriving facts.

- In dts I used an SQL statement like this:

update SA
SET SA.DimProdRef = Dim.RecordID
FROM SAWarenEingang SA, DimProd Dim
where SA.ProduktNumber = Dim.ProduktNumber
and SA.ArtikelkontoBewegungsdatum between Dim.ValidFrom and Dim.ValidUntil

Now in SSIS I want to handle the whole thing in the data flow without using a staging table:
- Using Lookups: I would have to pass the date column for each inside the fact table into the lookup. That does not work.
- Using Execute SQL in the data flow: would be very slow, because the statement will be executed for any line in the dataflow

Any ideas?

Best regards,

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How To Implement Incremental Load In Fact Tables.

Feb 19, 2007

Hi all,

i have a fact table which loads through package,when
i m trying to load this table by running the package,i m truncating the
fact table and loading the fresh data,instaed of this without
truncating the fact table i have to implement the incremental logic in

For this i can use SCD or Conditional split,but problem
here is i have many source tables to load this fact table,so its
very difficult to trace the changes in different source tables.

can any one help me out in this??????

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Missing Dimension Member During Fact Load

Aug 15, 2007

I'm putting together a Kimball method SSIS package. My factSales table has an OrderRep key. If a match isn't found in the dimRep table I am inserting a dummy dimRep row and going on. That seems to be working.

My question is what do I do when the OLTP sales row has NULL for the OrderRep. This is possible; every sale does not have to have an order rep. My package is seeing that as a non match and trying to create a dummy row in the dimRep table for every NULL. I really don't want to do this. I can trap for the NULL rep and convert it to "unknown" or something but then the program would still create a single row in the dimRep table for unknown. Is that the best way to handle this? Or is there a way to trap for NULL and ignore the entire lookup process? A conditional split before every key lookup?

I have about 5 or 6 other dimension tables that will have the same NULL possibility.


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Load Ordering For Dimension And Fact Tables

Sep 22, 2006

Hi ,

I have situation where I get data from SRC Flat file and have to load Dimensional table and also fact table, using same data flow(have no other choice since I have to unpivot some src data). Since I have to load both tables in same data flow, I have to have a way to put load ordering constraint (I know informatica allows that). Does any one have any idea on how this can be done in SSIS?

I would be really grateful.


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Periodic Removal Row Entries In A Data Table?

Mar 29, 2008

Hi everyone,
I am using this temporary data table which gets cluttered after certain time (table is used for registering data waiting for email confirmation).
Is there a possibility to empty a data table automatically every day (at a certain moment)?
Kind regards,Maxime

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VCHAR To XML After Table Is Load Via SSIS

Oct 26, 2007

I loaded a vchar column using script trans (SSIS doesn't support XML data types :/) to format the XML data properly. Since the XML data in the vchar column was not encoded, when I try to alter the vchar column to xml after the table is loaded it fails. I assume this is because the parser is having trouble with the content of the data within the xml tags.

This is how I coded the XML rather than using a xml method. "true" places the element end tag.

newXML += FormatElement("CONFERENCE") _

+ FormatElement("NAME") + ConvertToESC(RTrim(Mid(Row.activity, 1, 34))) _

+ FormatElement("NAME", True) _

+ FormatElement("START_DATE") + ConvertToESC(RTrim(Mid(Row.activity, 35, 8))) _

+ FormatElement("START_DATE", True) _

+ FormatElement("END_DATE") + ConvertToESC(RTrim(Mid(Row.activity, 43, 8))) _

+ FormatElement("END_DATE", True) _

+ FormatElement("CONFERENCE", True)

My question is, can I either load the data, using T-SQL, into an XML data type from a vchar column or is there a way to alter the type from vchar to xml without encountering the following parsing error?

Msg 9421, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

XML parsing: line 1, character 64, illegal name character

Thanks for any suggestions!


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SSIS Table Load With Guid Values

Feb 8, 2007

I am trying to load a SQL 2005 table that consists of two guid values in two fields. I have a flat file in tab delimited form that has guid values as strings to load into the table. I used a flat file source module in SSIS; which then goes to a Data Conversion module that takes the flat file and does a conversion to type unique indentifier [DT_GUID]; this goes to a OLE DB destination which is a SQL 2005 table that has no records and only those two fields. I get this following primary error:
[Data Conversion [498]] Error: Data conversion failed while converting column "Column 0" (373) to column "Copy of Column 0" (511).  The conversion returned status value 2 and status text "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.".
 An example of the two values in the .txt flat file source:
84d92cbb-4b4b-435b-8d8a-789ea930283c 328340cd-85fd-4210-8d82-000024093d7c
 Any ideas what may be causing this? This should be pretty straight forward load. But it is guid which seems to always cause cast issues.

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Mirroring, Snapshot Replication, Load Balancing And Other BIG Questions

Mar 22, 2006

You will all have to excuse my ignorance. I'm a developer who also doubles up as a development DBA. I am however not particularly knowedgeable about all the really important DBA stuff.

We've built a small BI solution using SQL Server 2000. Our problem is that our server is getting on in years (5) and doesn't really have enough disk space or grunt. We havce a number of summary cubes that we've optimised quite successfully but our billing line level cubes run to 60 million rows and, well, they're about as quick as a dead ferret. Especially given the stupid queries our data analysts keep running.

We have however proved our point. That this can be done and indeed SQL Server can do it. So we're now looking at some infrastructure spend and some new copies of SQL2005.

But i need some advice. Our user base is climbing through the roof, we originally had 10, now we have closer to 50 and at this rate it'll be a couple of hundred by the end of the year. We're using a plugin called XLCubed to deliver that data into Excel from the Analysis Server.

The OLTP database that sits behind it is fairly robust but we have a number of web based apps (mostly lookup systems) that want to use the nice shiny new accurate tables of data we have created.

So I'm looking at a fairly big server to hold the OLTP DB, this will also serve up live data to our web apps. Its worth pointing out that the source data system is a batch system that processes overnight so we load data from yesterday at 6pm each evening and process our cubes and stuff overnight. Thus the data is a couple of days out of date. Don't laugh they used to use MS Access and got one mangy data set a month so this is a massive leap forward.

I wanted to mirror the DB to another machine but I also want to have a separate Cube Server. I wondered if the cube server could use the mirror to read its data from as opposed to loading the Main Server (the mirror would be an identical box) we would also have a separate box running some of our other systems acting as the witness.

I also wonderd about exporting the Cubes onto file shares for use locally as opposed to via the server which is how they connect now.

We have been using Reporting Services and some of the queries the devs write are not exactly efficient. So I was also planning on clustering a pair of smaller servers into a reporting farm. Could I use another SQL Server to serve data up to them? Could I use a DB snapshot to copy the data required to this server? What are the time / size implications of using a snapshot and replicating it over each night?

Any suggestions for places to read up on this? I've looked at the MS marketing blurb and while its big on buzzwords its light on specifics. Like how it actually works and how you would actually configure it to do some of this and what the implications would be.

Any advice?

many thanks


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MS Access Table Load With SSIS - Date/Time Field Problem

Jan 25, 2006

I am trying to load a table from MS Access into SQL Server. The Table has several columns defined as Date/Time. When I define the transform I get an error saying that the conversion between DT_DBDATE and DT_DBTIMESTAMP is not supported.

How do I get around this?

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Trying To Load Multiple Excel Files Into A Db Table Using For Each Loop Container In SSIS

Oct 24, 2007

I am getting the following error when trying to load multiple excel files using for each loop container in SSIS, I tried to put the quotes in several different ways but still can't get rid of this error. I was able to successfully load single excel file, but when I use the for each loop container that's when I am having problems. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thx.

TITLE: Package Validation Error

Package Validation Error


Error at Package1 [Connection manager "SourceConnectionExcel"]: The connection string components cannot contain unquoted semicolons. If the value must contain a semicolon, enclose the entire value in quotes. This error occurs when values in the connection string contain unquoted semicolons, such as the InitialCatalog property.

Error at Package1: The result of the expression ""Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + @[User::Folder] + @[User::file] + ";Extended Properties="Excel 8.0;HDR=NO";"

" on property "ExcelFilePath" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property.




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Integration Services :: Split CSV File Based On First Column Value Changes And Load Into Destination Table In SSIS?

Jun 10, 2015

Import.csv file looks like,

tab1 table1 A
tab1 table1 B
tab1 table1 C
tab2 table2 D
tab2 table2 E
tab2 table2 G...

First column values are table names which are already exists in target database. Next two columns[Desc],[Code] data gets populate from CSV file to table.

In this scenario, how to load tab1 data into the same table in destination and so on.

Which way will be more standard to accomplish this task? If its a script task using C#, looking for clear script to identify a value changes in the first column.

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Integration Services :: Handling Empty Text File Load Into Table Through SSIS Data Flow?

Jun 16, 2015

We have created SSIS package to load a text file into a table. Source system shares 10 text files and recently they stopped generating data for one of the text file (comping empty), after few months they will start generating the data for the empty file batch processing. 

The Issue here is Data Flow task is getting failed while loading empty text file into table. How to handle this empty file load issue in SSIS package.

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SSIS (DImension And Fact Tables)

May 16, 2007


I am new at SSIS and I am trying to create a Datawarehouse using SSIS. I have the data files as flat files I have the Dimensional Model ready on Paper and Now I need to use the SSIS for the ETL process.

I am trying to figure out how to make dimension tables in SSIS? I mean I want to create the 5 Dimension tables and then create a Fact table out of it but I cant understand where to start? Can any one tell me how we create Dimesion tables in SSIS. Like one of the dimesion tables I need to create uses 2 flat files and is like a flattened dimension, How would I create this in SSIS?

Even if there is any tutorial which shows this step by step do let me know. I would really appreciate any guidance on this.



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JOIN 2 FACT Tables And ETL With SSIS 2005

Nov 21, 2007


I have the following Datawarehouse problem (SQL Server 2005 and SSIS 2005):

2 Fact tables and both with some foreign surrogate keys of dimensions (some of them with common dimensions, other with different dimensions).

I have to create another FACT table that is an aggregation and join table between the 2 ones.

How can I do?

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Power Pivot :: Measure Results Limited By Fact Table Dates Instead Of Date Table

Sep 17, 2015

I cannot create a measure that returns results for dates that do not exist in the fact table despite the fact that the components included in the measure contain valid results for these same dates.Creature a measure that counts the number of days where the "stock qty" is below the "avg monthly sales qty for the last 12 months" (rolling measure).Here is the DAX code I have tried for the measure (note that filter explicitly refers to the date table (called Calendar) and not the fact table):

COUNTROWS ( VALUES ( Calendar[DateKey] ) ),
[Stock qty] < [Avg Monthly Sales Qty L12M@SKU]

Below you can see the sub measures (circled in red) are giving results for all days in the calendar.Highlighted in yellow are dates for which the StkOutCnt measure is not returning a result. Having investigated these blank dates, I am pretty confident that they are dates for which there are no transactions in the fact table (weekends, public holidays etc...).why I am getting an "inner join" with my fact table dates despite the fact that this is not requested anywhere in the dax code and that the two sub measures are behaving normally?

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Analysis :: Hierarchy Based On Dimension Table Joined Multiple Times Against A Fact Table?

Aug 11, 2015

I am working on a model where I have a sales fact table. Each fact record has four different customer fields (ship- to, sold-to, payer, and bill-to customer). I have one customer dimension table that joins to the sales fact table four times (once for each of the customer fields above).  When viewing the data in Excel, I would like to have four hierarchies (ship -to, sold-to, payer, and bill-to customer) within Customer. 

Is there a way to build hierarchies within my Customer dimension based on the same Customer table?  What I want is to view the data in Excel and see the Customer dimension.  Within Customer, I want four hierarchies. 

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SSIS Connect To Cube And Extract Fact Data

Feb 22, 2007


how can I connect to a cube (on a SQL 2005 server) and get (fact) data to process with SSIS? I looked at the toolbox but I see no applicable tool. It would be fine if somebody can provide a link to an article or example.

Thanks in advanced!


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Settings For Processing Dimensions And Fact/partitions In SSIS

May 30, 2007

What are the general guildlines for choosing these settings, like paralle vs. sequential, different error configurations? The default selection for processing multiple dimensions is paralle and use default error configuration. But the default for processing multiple partitions is sequential. I cannot find anything helpful other than the definitions from the online help. TIA.

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Integration Services :: How To Load Multiple Date Format Column Date Into Table Using SSIS

Jun 15, 2015

i have a excel file in which i have a date column it having the below date formats below 

Install Date










So using SSIS how we would load this date column into the table into one format like dd/mm/yyyy or any single date format

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DB Design :: Insert / Update FACT Table From Staging Table

May 6, 2015

We need to Insert/Update a Fact Table from staging Table. currently we are using a SP which update Fact Table for Each region.  this process is schedule,  every 5 min job is run and Update fact table.but time of Insert and Update too long from  staging  to Fact, currently we are using merge statement for Insert and my sp we are looping number  how many region we need to update and at a time single Region we are updating using while loop in current SP.

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PK In Fact Table

May 21, 2008

I only see a need for a PK in a dimension table, not a fact table. Do you agree?

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Help With A Fact Table

May 28, 2008

I would like to know how to use a fact table so that when I insert or update a row with a word that the table will reference the fact table to make sure that the word I'm using is correct.

for example I have a table with column Fulltext and Abbreviation
in the fulltext column I have a a word "Windows Server 2008" now in the abbreviation I would like to abbreviate this to "Win Srv 08" Now the Fact table would have to columns Fulltext and Abbreviation under Full text the full words would be in it like Windows, Server, and 2008 and under the Abbreviation column Win, srv, and 08

So I want it so that everytime the word Windows comes up and I need to type an Abbreviation for it that it will reference the fact table which is using the Abbreviation Win. To avoid different ways of abbreviating the word windows.

Is there a way to do this automatically so that I don't have to manually go back and forth between the fact table and the table that I'm updating?

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One-to-many Relations Between Fact Table And Dimension Table

May 27, 2004


we have a problem with "one-to-many relations between fact table and dimension table". Take the example of table "LOGGEDFLAW" which is related one-to-many to the table "LOGGEDREASON. "LOGGEDFLAW" includes the column "FLAWKEY" and "LOGGEDREASON" includes the column "REASONKEY" and essentiallay the column "FLAWKEY" as foreign key. Now assume that we have the following records in there:

1) FLAW1
2) FLAW2


Now assume, that "LOGGEDFLAW" is the facttable and "FLAWCOUNT" is the measure with the source column "FLAWKEY" in which we want to count the number of FLAWs. As you see in the example the number of FLAWs is 1 for "FLAW1" and "FLAW2". Microsoft Analysis Server generates the value of 2 for the number of FLAWs "FLAW1" because of the one-to-many relationship to the table "LOGGEDREASON". In the attached ZIP File you find :

- a MDB File with the described example
- a screenshot from the cube constructed in AS
- a screenshot from the result table generated with AS.

The question: How is it possible to calculate the measure "FLAWCOUNT" correctly, ignoring the records generated by the one-to-many relationship?

Best regards,

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Create Dimension Table From Fact Table!!

Mar 16, 2007

I have picked an exmple from this forum, to help me explain my current problem...

"I'm looking for a solution to import data from a flat file into an normalized data modell. To explain it a little simpler think about to following:

The Data Souce is a CSV-File with FirstName, LastName and Category. Sample data could be

Dirk; Bauer; sailing
Peter; Bauer; fishing
Marc; Bauer; reading

In my data modell I have defined the 2 tables "Person" and "Category":

Table "Person"
[PersonID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL
[CategoryID] [int] NOT NULL
[FirstName] [nvarchar](50)
[LastName] [nvarchar](50)

Table "Category"
[CategoryID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL
[CategoryName] [nvarchar](50)

Now I like to read my first row from the source and lookup a value for the CategoryID "sailing". As my data tables are empty right now, the lookup is not able to read a value for "sailing". Now I like to insert a new row in the table "Category" for the value "sailing" and receive the new "CategoryID" to insert my values in the table "Person" INCLUDING the new "CategoryID".

I think this is a normal way of reading data from a source and performing some lookups. In my "real world" scenario I have to lookup about 20 foreign keys before I'm able to insert the row read from the flat file source.

I really can't belief that this is a "special" case and I also can't belief that there is no easy and simple way to solve this with SSIS. Ok, the solution from Thomas is working but it is a very complex solution for this small problem. So, any help would be appreciated...


Could someone help me creating the dimension table?


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Dimension Table Population-out Of Fact Table

Apr 2, 2007

I have a large flat file that comes to me. I first import the flat data in to a SQL table for ease of use. Then i put it into a more permanent table with the proper references to dimension tables. I want to build a dimension table out of information from my flat file. I have a dimension table with columns, [Org Client], and [Client#] where [org client] is the name of the client. Both of these columns appear in my flat file but i want to use only the client# in my permanent table. How extract distinct values of client # and [org client] into a dimension table?

My idea was to select distinct values of client# and use some type of foreach loop to go through each client# and use a query to select the TOP(1) values of [org client] where client# = x. Would this work and if so how do I go about setting this up?

I'm really hoping there is a simpler way than this. Thank you all for your time.

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Intermediate Fact Table

May 19, 2008


I am writing a BI solution for a recruitment company. In their
business, the can be n number of participants from different
dimensions linked to the same fact record. For example, a client can
be sent the CV of 50 candidates. That's my first problem. My second
problem is the variety of dimension participant types for a given fact
record. This results in the need for nullable dimension FK's - which
I'm trying to avoid. For example, consider the following two business
events. In the first one, a candidate fills a job. Easy, we have a
record in the fact table where the fact table has the following
columns: DateKey, EventType, CandidateKey, VacancyKey. No nullable
columns, great. But there are other events that I want to store in
the fact table too. Let's go back to my first example: The client is
sent CV's of 50 candidates in one transaction. So there is one client
linked to the fact, but 50 candidates. So now I need to extend the
fact table and add another column: CandidateGroupKey (which links to
and Intermediate Fact Table). But in this case there was no vacancy
involved. So do I now have to make the VacancyKey column nullable?
That doesn't seem like a good idea...
Or do I have to go for a completely different approach and have
different fact tables instead of just one?

Anyone have any suggestions?

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