Hi all,I have a
problem here where I am trying to use SQL Parameters to update a column
in the database, but the problem is that I need to concatenate the same
column to some Text from an Application
This is the Code I Have, But it throws an exception
UPDATE rdm_comments SET commentinfo = commentinfo + 'additional info' where commentid=2356
I get an Error stating that i cannot use the addition operator for a string. Help
I have the following table in a database of SQL Server 2005 Express.
ColA ColB ----- ----- A 12 A 10 B 50 B 13
What I want to achieve is the following result :
Col A Aggr ----- ------ A 2,12 B 13, 50
I tried the following query :
SELECT ColA, dbo.Concatenate(ColB) as Aggr FROM (SELECT TOP(100) PERCENT ColA, ColB FROM TABLE_A ORDER BY ColB) AS Derived_A GROUP BY ColA
where Concatenate is the CLR User-defined aggreate function written in C#.
What I want to do is to first sort the rows on ColB and then to execute aggregate function over the sorted rows so as to get the above-mentioned results. However, what I got is the following
Col A Aggr
----- ------
A 2,12
B 50,13 -- not sorted
I learnt from the SQL Server documentation that even though the ORDER BY clause is presented in the subquery, the query result is not guaranteed to be sorted. Only ORDER BY clause used in the outer query should work. So, how should this problem be solved? One way of which I'm thinking is to do the sorting in the aggregate function, but I'm worrying if this is harmful to the performance. Could anyone help me to solve the problem?
The Folowing code is not working anymore. (500 error)
Set objRS = strSQL1.Execute strSQL1 = "SELECT * FROM BannerRotor where BannerID=" & cstr(BannerID) objRS.Open strSQL1, objConn , 2 , 3 , adCmdText If not (objRS.BOF and objRS.EOF) Then objRS.Fields("Exposures").Value =objRS.Fields("Exposures").Value + 1 objRS.update End If objRS.Close
The .execute Method works fine
strSQL1 = "UPDATE BannerRotor SET Exposures=Exposures+1 WHERE BannerID=" & cstr(BannerID) objConn.Execute strSQL1
I'm new to this forum. This 'problem' has occured many times, but I've always found a way around it. I have pages with datagrids, in which a user can edit a certain fields and then update the tables with new data. Lets say when a user edit a Name field and a money field. If he/she left those two fields blank, the table is automatically updated with a <null> (for the name field) and a 0 (for the money field.) Both these columns were set up to allow Null values. Anyone has an idea why they were updated that way? And is there like a standard on how the data types are updated if a field is left blank? Thank you very much.
hi. i am working with PHP and MSSQL (i know its not a smart move, but I don't have a choice). I got almost everything working correctly except the date format.
I can select the date and display it the way I want by doing this select convert(VARCHAR(10), date, 105) as new_date FROM table.
But when I have a field to update the date I am having trouble.
How do I update the MSSQL database with a new date if the date displayed is DD-MM-YY
Dim ldDatetime As DateTime = Now() '11/12/2005 13:05:09 my command text is: "Insert Into WebSiteThread (TransactionDate) Values ( " & " ' " & ldDatetime & " ' " & ") " The result I got was "12/11/3091 13:05:09" Not "11/12/2005 13:05:09" What's wrong please!!
In order to update a MSSQL table, named [Table_1]. The procedure is: (@id int,@Field0 nvarchar(1000) = NULL,@Field1 nvarchar(1000) = NULL,... ...@Field9 nvarchar(1000) = NULL)Method 1: UPDATE Table_1SET Field0 = CASE WHEN @Field0 IS NULL THEN Field0 ELSE @Field0 END, Field1 = CASE WHEN @Field1 IS NULL THEN Field1 ELSE @Field1 END, ... ... Field9 = CASE WHEN @Field9 IS NULL THEN Field9 ELSE @Field9 ENDWHERE id = @id Method 2 IF @Field0 IS NOT NULL UPDATE Table_1 SET Field0 = @Field0 WHERE id = @id ... ... UPDATE Table_1 SET Field9 = @Field9 WHERE id = @id Method 3: DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(max)DECLARE @NeedComma bitSET @SQL = 'UPDATE Table_1 SET 'SET @NeedComma = 0IF @Field0 IS NOT NULL BEGIN IF @NeedComma = 1 SET @SQL = @SQL + ', ' SET @SQL = @SQL + 'Field0 = @Field0' SET @NeedComma = 1 END... ...IF @Field9 IS NOT NULL BEGIN IF @NeedComma = 1 SET @SQL = @SQL + ', ' SET @SQL = @SQL + 'Field9 = @Field9' SET @NeedComma = 1 ENDSET @SQL = @SQL + ' WHERE id = @id'EXEC sp_executeSQL @SQL, N'@id int,@Field0 nvarchar(1000), ... ... , @Field9 nvarchar(1000)', @id = @id, @Field0 = @Field0, ... ... , @Field9 = @Field9
I run the following statement from an update query in access but I can't find the way to run this same query in MSSQL. Please give me some ideas how to modify and run this in MSSQL.
Thank you
"UPDATE DISTINCTROW ZipToTerr, leadsUS SET leadsUS.Terr = [ZipToTerr]![TerrNum] WHERE ((([ZipToTerr].[BU]='W') AND (([ZipToTerr].[ZipFrom])<=[zip]) And (([ZipToTerr].[ZipTo])>=[zip])) And (([leadsUS].[terr]) = 1 ));"
Here is the case. I have up and running database on MSSQL server. My client deliver me updates. Since now they were as INSERT statements, but they decided to change some stuff at their side. Now the updates will come as pairs of files (.dbf and .mdx) for each table...
Is there any way where I can add the MySQL Server as a Linked server to MS SQL server? Is there any way where I can update a table in MySQL server based because a row was updated in MS SQL server using a trigger?
Hi im new to SSIS even i did some basice things in SSIS. Now i run in to the problem, I hawe a access file with arount one milion records and i won to transfare this records in Ms SqlServer . But befora i transfare that i nead to check if that record exsist by ID if exsist i must do update else i must do insert. Can some one Help me how can i do it.. THX Sorry for my bad englisht
Link ( GroupID int , MemberID int ) Member ( MemberID int , MemberName varchar(50), GroupID varchar(255) )
The Link table contains the records showing which Member is in which Group. One particular Member can be in multiple Groups and also a particular Group may have multiple Members.
The Member table contains the Member's ID, Member's Name, and a Group ID field (that will contains comma-separated Groups ID, showing in which Groups the particular Member is in).
We have the Link table ready, and the Member table' with first two fields is also ready. What we have to do now is to fill the GroupID field of the Member table, from the Link Table.
For instance,
Read all the GroupID field from the Link table against a MemberID, make a comma-separated string of the GroupID, then update the GroupID field of the corresponding Member in the Member table.
Please help me with a sql query or procedures that will do this job. I am using SQL SERVER 2000.
I'll installing update http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=899761 to correct memory usage. When installation process started I recieved this error - "An error in updating your system is occured." and installation failed. What I must doing to correct this issue?
Hi ~ I made simple stored procedure that is to update user information following as... ALTER PROCEDURE UpdateUserProfile( @user_id uniqueidentifier, @user_firstname nvarchar(50), @user_lastname nvarchar(50), @user_birth nvarchar(20), @user_gender nvarchar(20) ) AS UPDATE user_profile SET user_firstname = @user_firstname, user_lastname = @user_lastname, user_birth = @user_birth, user_gender = @user_gender WHERE user_id = @user_id RETURN When I tried to save this procedure, I faced on "Invalid Object : UpdateUserProfile" error message. What's the problem ?
Afternoon all. I have a table which has a column with has been inserting incorrect data, here is an example. Column name is description and table name is tblClientUsage: [companyname]: 288bsl | | 13/03/2007 [companyname]: 288asl | | 08/03/2007 [companyname]: RES04sl | | 19/02/2004 [companyname]: RES01sl | | 19/02/2004 [companyname]: AAsl | | 31/12/2005 [companyname]: 652Asl | | 05/02/2007 [companyname]: GAZ1sl | | 20/03/2007 [companyname]: AAsl | | 31/12/1999 [companyname]: 363asl | | 20/01/2007 [companyname]: 288b1sl | | 02/11/2006 [companyname]: 288bsl | | 02/11/2006 Now what has been happening is that is has not been putting the company name in the column, just the text companyname. Now i have a table which has the company name and company id, i can easily join the two tables together but how can i replace just the companyname text in the description column with leaving the text after.
I need to do an update on a field which will update 3 characters within a string. Right now I have '000111000333'. I want to replace '000' starting from the 7th character space with '222'. The first set of zeroes will remain unchange. I want the final outcome to be '000111222333'. How can I do this?
I have tried searching this forum and could not find anything. the closest thing I can find is http://www.sqlteam.com/forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=81890#360936.
I have at table that I want to update using another table which contains other values than those in the text column. table1 id: text: 1 1111, 2222, 3333 2 1234, 2222 3 0123
I want to replace the text in table1 with the new values so that it looks like below: table1 id: text: 1 aaaa, bbbb, cccc 2 qqqq, bbbb 3 oooo
My first idea was to split the text column in table1 and insert every new text with its id in a temporary table and then concaternate a new string and update the column. But how do I manage this?
Sorry, I realize that this is probably a pretty simple question for you, but I am in a quick time bind and would really appreciate it if someone could help me with this update that I'm trying to run.
Let's say you have a table (call it testtable) that contains the column "text".
Now in column text you want to replace all instantiations of the phrase "in the US" with "to the United States", how would you structure your update query to perform this change (Please note that this phrase could be embedded in the middle of a larger sentence like 'Send a package in the US'. You'd want to change this instance to 'Send a package to the United States')
I have an update statement that accepts a user's text input. problem is that the string terminates the sql update statement if there is an apostrophe in it. so, headline='i like my brother's car" willl terminate after "brother". "s car" is read as sql.
how is this resolved?
Dim MyCmd2 As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF " & _ "UPDATE EditProfile " & _ "SET headline='"+ Me.tb_headline.Value+"', about_me='"+ Me.ta_aboutme.Value+"', edit_date='"+System.DateTime.Now.ToString+"' WHERE email_address='"+Context.User.Identity.Name.ToString+"' " & _ "SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON ", MyConn)
I have a trigger that writes changes to an audit table. In the case of Updates, I only want to write out the fields that have actually changed. My code for COLUMNS_UPDATED evaluates to true for all varchar fields, even when they haven't changed. All other scenarios appear to be working correctly.
WHILE @field < @maxfield BEGIN SELECT @field = min(ORDINAL_POSITION) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = @TableName AND ORDINAL_POSITION > @field SELECT @bit = (@field - 1 )% 8 + 1 SELECT @bit = power(2,@bit - 1) SELECT @char = ((@field - 1) / 8) + 1
IF ((@TriggerType = 'I') OR (@TriggerType = 'D') OR (@TriggerType = 'U' AND substring (COLUMNS_UPDATED(),@char, 1) & @bit > 0)) BEGIN..........
How many result-rows does mssql return should be used asynchronous method to use mssql cursor, can get the best performance in any time in any result offset?
i want to make the cursor fast in any time whatever how many results returned
i was planning to create a database migration tool .. its a certain database of a DMS (document management system) to another DMS (two different DMS)... from DMS using msde 2000 server .. and tranfer to a DMS using a postgre sql or mssql .. depends ..
they have different table structures and names . . :D
i was thing of what language shall i use.. or what language is the best to work on this kind of project :)
Does enabling/disabling Data Execution Prevention have a performanceimpact on SQL 2000 or SQL 2005?For SQL best performance - how should I configure for:Processor Scheduling:Programs or Background servicesMemory Usage:Programs or System Cache
I am a bit new to the MSSQL server. In our application, we use so many SQL queries. To imporve the performance, we used the Database enigine Tuning tool to create the indexes. The older version of the application supports MSSQL 2000 also. To re-create these new indexes, I have an issue in running these "CREATE INDEX" commands as the statements generated for index creation are done in MSSQL 2005. The statements include "INCLUDES" keyword which is supported in MSSQL 2005 but not in MSSQL 2000.
I am currently work on mssql 6.5. On my workstation, I have mssql 6.5 cient software.
However, I would like to install mssql 7.0 server on my nt workstation and work with it to become familiar with 7.0. Can I install mssql 7.0 server on my nt workstation? Can mssql 6.5 client coexist with mssql 7.0 on the same machine if they are in different directories?
Ben writes "I have a sql script that doesn't function very well when it's executed on a SQL 2000 server.
The scrpt looks like this:
I need to be converted to a script that can be executed on both MSSQL 2000 and MSSQL 2005.
I was wondering if somebody there could help me with this problem?!
I've been tasked to move our production databases on MSSQL 2000 to 2005. I've supported MSSQL since version 6.5 and performed migrations to successor versions.
Current Environment is MSSQL 2000 32-bit with current Service Packs.
I've performed mock migrations on Test servers upgrading all Production instances simultaneously from MSSQL 2000 to 2005 32-bit. The Test environment is identical to Production minus server name, IP etc. Also I have a separate server with MSSQL 2005 installed where I use the DETACH / ATTACH and BACKUP / RESTORE method for migration / acceptance testing. There are approximately 30 databases totaling 70 GB. This has gone as expected and fairly successful. Vendors have been coordinated with to update code and staff for acceptance testing.
I'd prefer going directly to MSSQL 2005 64-bit instead if possible due to memory benefits etc. This is where I'd like some feedback prior to borrowing a 64-bit server for testing.
Upgrade options:
1. Is it better to migrate from MSSQL 2000 32-bit to 2005 64-bit via: a. DETACH / ATTACH b. BACKUP / RESTORE c. Is one method more advantageous relating to the end result? 2. Regarding XP clients, have issues been experienced with the default SQL Server driver or is an alternate recommended for XP clients to connect to a MSSQL 64-bit server databases? 3. If you have performed this migration and have relevant experience please pass them along.
I'm presented with a problem where I have a database table which must be migrated via a "custom tool", moving the data into a new table which has special character requirements that didn't exist in the source database. My data resides in an SQL Server 2008R2 instance.
I envision a one-time query which will loop through selected records and replace the offending characters with --, however I'm having trouble understanding how this works.
There are roughly 2500 records which meet the criteria of "contains bad characters", frequently containing multiple separate bad chars, and the table contains roughly 100000 rows.
Special Characters are defined as #%&*:<>?/{}|~ and ..
While the field is called "Filename" it isn't always so, it is a parent/child table where foldernames are also stored.
The examples I'm finding are all oriented around SELECT statements, to change the output of what I see returned, however I'd rather just fix the entire column using an UPDATE. Initial testing using REPLACE fails because I don't always have a single character as the bad thing in a string.
In a better solution, I found an example using a User Defined Function to modify the output of a select, but I cannot use that UDF in an UPDATE.
My alternative is to learn enough C# to modify the "migration tool" to do this in-transit, but I know even less about C# than I do of SQL.
I gather I want to use @@ROWCOUNT to loop through the rows but I really can't put it all together in a cohesive way.