How To Create Dynamic Folder Which Contains All The Files Which Are Used By All The Packages In A Project

Mar 19, 2008

My Problem goes Like this....

I have a folder which contains all the flat files which are used by all the packages(ex--flat file connection managers) in my project.
If we want to change the name of the folder,have to change in every package( in all connection managers) manually.It looks hardcoding and timetaking.

Is there any way to change in one place(xml,file,variable) so that it should be affected in all the packages.

one more doubt is..

If we configure the flat file connection manager in package configurations,configuration file (ex-xml)will be created (we can make changes in that file regarding that connecion mgr only.)

But i want one configuration file (ex--xml) so that i should configure the details of all the connection managers used in all packages.

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Using DTS For Reading Dynamic .CSV Files From A Folder

Sep 20, 2006

Hi All,

I have a challenge i am trying to overcome, hopefully soneone would have come across this issue before..

I am creating a DTS package that will be scheduled to run at a certain time everyday. A source folder exists that get a set of new files everyday.The DTS Package will then read each file and copy the data into a load table in my database the challenge is this:

I am trying to load files from a source folder into my load table, Within each file, the entires are in a specific format using pipes to seperate the data that goes into which column e.g

example of a file entry:

column1 | column2 | column3

data1 | data2 | data3

data1 | data2 | data3

data1 | data2 | data3

And now i am using DTS to specify the file format and map the cloumns as apprporiate to my table...all this is well and good, but my problem is each file has a different name as well as being timestamped, now how do i use DTS to specify the source folder, open each file sequentially and read (or more appropriate, copy the entries into my table, inserting new data from each file into my load table as well as overwriting old data in the load table from the files in the folder ?) is there a way in specifying your source folder in DTS rather than specifying the file in the Menu options (in the transformation data task properties )given, and or do i need to write a script for this(reading the file?)

can someone please give me a solution and how to approach this?

thanks in advance

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Can't Create A Setup Project For Project Referencing Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS

Feb 3, 2007

I have a very small project written in VB.Net 2005 using the SQL Server 2005 SSiS DTSx package.

I took a SQL Server 2000 dts package and using the SQL Server 3005 legacy tools migrated it so I could still use the package withing SQL 2005 until I can build one using BI/SSIS.

Anyway,I added the reference Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS so I could then use the Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime so I can execute the commands:

Dim oApp As New Application
Dim oPkg As New Package
oPkg = oApp.LoadPackage(g_DTSx_Directory & "AOC copy Generic1 CSV to AOC_verify_file_1.dtsx", Nothing)
Dim oResults As DTSExecResult
oResults = oPkg.Execute

Ok. That works fine. Executes without a hitch. So now I try and create a setup project for this and I use the setup wizard.

During the creation of the setup project I get a message that states:
The following files may have dependencies that cannot be determined automatically. Please confirm that all dependencies have been added to the project.

OK. The dll is part of the reference I mentioned above and I have no idea what other dependencies it may have.

How do I find this out?

Has anyone else created a project like this and experenced the same?

I am on a clean build running WinXP Pro with SP2 - VS2005 with SP1 and the SQL Server 2005 tools.

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Script Task: How To Compare Files On FTP With Existing Files In Local Folder Before Transfer!

Apr 24, 2008

In the first step of my SSIS package I need to get files from FTP and dump it/them in a local directory, but it's more than that, the logic is like this:
1. If no file(s) found, stop executing and send email saying no file(s) found;
2. If file(s) found, then compare it/them with existing files in our archive folder; if file(s) already exist in archive folder, stop executing and send email saying file(s) already existed, if file(s) not in archive folder yet, then transfer it/them to the local directory for processing.

I know i have to use a script task to do this and i did some research and found examples for each of the above 2 steps and not both combined, so that's why I need some help here to get the logic incorporated right.

Thanks for the help in advance and i apologize for the long lines of code!

example for step 1:

' Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Script Task
' Write scripts using Microsoft Visual Basic
' The ScriptMain class is the entry point of the Script Task.

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem
Imports System.IO.FileSystemInfo

Public Class ScriptMain

' The execution engine calls this method when the task executes.
' To access the object model, use the Dts object. Connections, variables, events,
' and logging features are available as static members of the Dts class.
' Before returning from this method, set the value of Dts.TaskResult to indicate success or failure.
' To open Code and Text Editor Help, press F1.
' To open Object Browser, press Ctrl+Alt+J.

Public Sub Main()

Dim cDataFileName As String
Dim cFileType As String
Dim cFileFlgVar As String
WriteVariable("SCFileFlg", False)
WriteVariable("OOFileFlg", False)
WriteVariable("INFileFlg", False)
WriteVariable("IAFileFlg", False)
WriteVariable("RCFileFlg", False)
cDataFileName = ReadVariable("DataFileName").ToString
cFileType = Left(Right(cDataFileName, 4), 2)
cFileFlgVar = cFileType.ToUpper + "FileFlg"
WriteVariable(cFileFlgVar, True)
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
End Sub
Private Sub WriteVariable(ByVal varName As String, ByVal varValue As Object)
Dim vars As Variables
vars(varName).Value = varValue
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
End Sub
Private Function ReadVariable(ByVal varName As String) As Object
Dim result As Object
Dim vars As Variables
result = vars(varName).Value
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
Return result
End Function
End Class

example for step 2:

' Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Script Task

' Write scripts using Microsoft Visual Basic

' The ScriptMain class is the entry point of the Script Task.

Imports System

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Math

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime

Public Class ScriptMain

' The execution engine calls this method when the task executes.

' To access the object model, use the Dts object. Connections, variables, events,

' and logging features are available as static members of the Dts class.

' Before returning from this method, set the value of Dts.TaskResult to indicate success or failure.


' To open Code and Text Editor Help, press F1.

' To open Object Browser, press Ctrl+Alt+J.

Public Sub Main()


'Create the connection to the ftp server

Dim cm As ConnectionManager = Dts.Connections.Add("FTP")

'Set the properties like username & password

cm.Properties("ServerName").SetValue(cm, "")

cm.Properties("ServerUserName").SetValue(cm, "username")

cm.Properties("ServerPassword").SetValue(cm, "password")

cm.Properties("ServerPort").SetValue(cm, "21")

cm.Properties("Timeout").SetValue(cm, "0") 'The 0 setting will make it not timeout

cm.Properties("ChunkSize").SetValue(cm, "1000") '1000 kb

cm.Properties("Retries").SetValue(cm, "1")

'create the FTP object that sends the files and pass it the connection created above.

Dim ftp As FtpClientConnection = New FtpClientConnection(cm.AcquireConnection(Nothing))

'Connects to the ftp server




Dim folderNames() As String

Dim fileNames() As String

ftp.GetListing(folderNames, fileNames)

Dim maxname As String = ""

For Each filename As String In fileNames

' whatever operation you need to do to find the correct file...


Dim files(0) As String

files(0) = maxname

ftp.ReceiveFiles(files, "C: emp", True, True)

' Close the ftp connection


'Set the filename you retreive for use in data flow

Dts.Variables.Item("FILENAME").Value = maxname

Catch ex As Exception

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure

End Try

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub

End Class

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Cannot Add A New Folder Under A Reporting Server Project

Apr 11, 2007


I was just wondering why is there no option to add a new folder under a reporting server project. I have a reports project and under it i would like to add subfolders like Daily and Weekly just to make it more organized. I understand that during deployment, we can specify to which folder we want the report(s) to be deployed, but what is the reason behind not having an option to add a new folder?


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Create SQL Server Project In VB.NET 2.0 (Database Project)

Mar 13, 2008

Hi all  How can create trigger in sql server project in VB.NET 2.0 ?thanks in advance   

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Integration Services :: Data Folder Not Loading With New Project

Jun 30, 2015

When creating a new integration project, the data folder to create a new data source does not load. 

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Stored Packages Folder Empty

Aug 30, 2007


My stored packages folder under my Integration service is empty. Its missing msdb and the file system folder

However, when I execute select * from [sysdtspackages90] it returns rows.

So, whats the story? Why can't I see my packages in the GUI?

Please help, I have achived almost nothing this week.

SQL Server 2005, 64bit, 2-node cluster.


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Deploy Packages To Folder Other Than MSDB

Apr 10, 2007

Is it possible to create a folder within the MSDB folder in Integration Services and deploy packages in it?

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Using Xcopy To Get The .mdf File Of Pubs Database To The App_Data Folder Of A Website Of VWD Express Project

Jan 9, 2007

Hi all,

I have a stand-alone Windows XP Pro PC that has SQL Server Express (SSE) and Visual Web Developer Express (VWDE) programs. The Microsoft "pubs" Database is installed in the SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE). I created a website in my VWDE program. I need the .mdf file of the pubs Database in the App_Data folder of website of my VWDE project. I think that User Instance in my SSE is established. I have studied Xcopy Deployment (SQL Server Express) and User Instance for a quite a while and I still do not know where and how to use Xcopy to get the mdf file of the pubs database into the App_Data folder of the website of my VWDE project. Please help and give me the detailed key steps/instructions about where and how to get the .mdf file of the pubs database into the App_Data folder of the website of my VWDE project via Xcopy.

Thanks in advance,

Scott Chang

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Sorting Packages In A Project

Aug 6, 2007


I am trying to sort the packages (using File Storage) in my SSIS project and have been unable to do so. I've tried the one that Jasper Smith made ( but I cannot get it to work.

I don't get any error messages in the Output window, just that nothing happens. I do get error messages if I change the arguments to something that should give me an error.

One set of arguments I tried with $(ProjectFileName) Asc and $(ProjectDir). I was assuming it would sort the dtsx files for that project. I may certainly be assuming incorrectly.

Are there any other ways to sort package names?

Thank you for the help.


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Order Of Packages Within A Project

Feb 14, 2006

Is there a way to reorder the packages within a project? For example, if a parject contains three packages (p1, p2, and p3) and I decide that p3 really logically belongs first (gets executed in that order, maybe), then is there a way to move p3 so that it is at the top of the listing of packages for the project? I like to keep things neat.

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1 Project - Multiple Packages

Jun 28, 2006

Greetings SSIS friends,

If I have more than one package within one project, how do I select which package I want to run first?

Thanks in advance.

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Help With Ordering The SSIS Packages The Way They Appear In The Project

Apr 24, 2006

In solution explorer under SSIS Packages there are many packages. I name them specifically so that they should be ordered with their names, but no the solution explorer shows them in the order I added them, I couldn't figure out a way but removing all the packages and adding them in the right order to fix that problem. I have to kinda redo this if I want to add a new package not to the end.

Any ideas?

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Problem Opening MSDB Folder Under Stored Packages

Jun 6, 2006

I am able to connect to Integration Services in MSSMS. However, when I try to expand and click on MSDB under Stored Packages, I get a Login Timeout expired error. I get this error both locally, and remotely. Error message suggested "does not allow remote connections", but I checked Surface Area Configuration, and remote connection is already enabled. Moreover, I get the same error even when connecting locally.

any ideas?

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To List Ssis Packages Stored In File Folder

Nov 13, 2007

newbie to sql2005. I am trying to write a VB.NET program to list all ssis packages we have stored in a file folder (not in MSDB) where both SqlServer and ssis servers are located. These packages currently running on daily basis by automated jobs with no problem.

I have found the following link on the web that includes VB.Net program. If you scroll down under Example (SSIS Package Store) , you'll see a VB.NET program that I am trying to get it to work for me but keep getting error message like "Cannot find folder......"

My goal is to:
1. List all ssis packages stored in the file systems (.dstx)
2. List DB source and distination providers(tables in/out) in a ssis package
3. List properties for DB providers
4. List FlatFile & Excel file provider properties in a ssis package.
My assumption, but not sure, is that I may need to register this file folder (where packages are located) to the SqlServer if that is not done already. Any command or sys table in Sql2005 to figure this out?

I would appreciate any help on this in advance.
Thank You.

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Error: Could Not Get A List Of SSIS Packages From The Project.

Apr 26, 2007


I have a SSIS package and I am trying to build it using from command line. It gives me this error:

Error: Could not get a list of SSIS packages from the project.

However if I open the project in Visual Studio it builds properly. In project property I have set CreateDeploymentUtility=true.

This is what I do from command line: MySSIS.sln /Build "Development|Default"

Any idea what I should do ?



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How Can I Configure Dynamic Folder

Mar 19, 2008


My Problem goes Like this....

I have a folder which contains all the flat files which are used by all the packages(ex--flat file connection managers) in my project.

If we want to change the name of the folder(or)move the folder(path may change),have to change in every package( in all connection managers) manually.It looks hardcoding and timetaking.

Is there any way to change in one place(xml,file,variable) so that it should be affected in all the packages.

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Why Do All Packages In The Project Open When Running One In Debug Mode?

Feb 7, 2006

Does anyone know why this happens? When I run one of the packages in my project (by hitting the play button in the designer), all of the other packages in that project open before it starts running?

Thank you.

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Integration Services :: How To Run All SSIS Packages In A Folder Using Execute Package Task

Jun 26, 2015

I have created for each container to call all the packages in a folder like below, also created a variable.

Then I add execute package task inside of foreach container and selected file system in a location and in connection called currently creating package name finally in connection properties i added variable in expression which i created and mapped into for each loop container. I referred below link 

[URL] ....

All the packages are running but its not ending once all the packages executed its re run and continue the running process, how to stop once all the packages execute. 

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SQL 2012 :: Dynamically Calling Child SSIS Packages Within A Project

Mar 9, 2015

I've not really used SSIS for a while, and I'm now building some in 2012 and trying to utilise some of the features in the 2012 SSIS catalogue; however I've hit a bit of a stumbling block.

What I'm trying to do is have a master/child package relationship, with several child packages and where the child packages themselves are dynamically called (i.e. the master package may call a different child package based upon some value or state of data already processed.)

When I try and create an expression for the PackageNameFromProject property... well, that property doesn't appear to set dynamically. I know how to do this for old style packages by creating expressions for the package name etc; but that way I can't use the package parameters I have from my master package.

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Executing Packages On SQL Server MSDB From Visual Studio Project

Jan 5, 2007

I created several packages (MyProjectPart1 - MyProjectPart9) which I execute on the server directly(right-click package in integration services and execute). These packages alI deployed the server with logging and configuration files. Before deploying I edited the configuration file (changed all dependent file names and sql server name from default on my workstation to those unique to the server I'm deploying it to) and then ran the manifest file which pushed it onto the server. I then ran the packages from the server an it ran beautifully. I then tried to build a package which executes all the packages in the correct order (by adding 9 execute package tasks). The dependen files are on the E: emp folder on the server.

I have included the error messg...but it looks like it's looking for dependent drives on the C drive on my workstation. I don't get this? How do I supply configuration files? Why is it executing differently when I call it from package execute task and when I execute it on SQL Server

SSIS package "RUN_MY_PACKAGES_ONSERVER.dtsx" starting.
Information: 0x40016041 at ProjectInfo_NET_SSISA: The package is attempting to configure from the XML file "C:TempMyProjectPart1-03-2007-MyProjectPart1.dtsConfig ".
Error: 0xC001404B at MyProjectPart1, Log provider "SSIS log provider for Text files": The SSIS logging provider has failed to open the log. Error code: 0x80070015.
The device is not ready.
Error: 0xC001404B at MyProjectPart1, Log provider "SSIS log provider for Text files": The SSIS logging provider has failed to open the log. Error code: 0x80070015.
The device is not ready.
Error: 0xC001404B at MyProjectPart1, Log provider "SSIS log provider for Text files": The SSIS logging provider has failed to open the log. Error code: 0x80070015.
The device is not ready.
Error: 0xC002F304 at Drop Unecessary Tables, Execute SQL Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "The device is not ready.

Task failed: Drop Unecessary Tables
Warning: 0x80019002 at MyProjectPart1: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
Task failed: Execute Package Task MyProjectPart1
Warning: 0x80019002 at RUN_MY_PACKAGES_ONSERVER: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (4) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
SSIS package "RUN_MY_PACKAGES_ONSERVER.dtsx" finished: Failure.

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Run All .sql Files In A Given Folder?

Jun 4, 2008


say I have th following in my post-deployment script:

:r ..ScriptsFolderScript1.sql
:r ..ScriptsFolderScript2.sql
:r ..ScriptsFolderScript3.sql

How can I do the equivalent of

:r ..ScriptsFolder*.sql

I've tried the above and the syntax is not supported.

Your help is much appreciated! =)

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Get Files In Different Folder Using Sql

Aug 9, 2006

Hi All,I have a multiple files, but they are store in different directory onthe server. I want open those files and insert it into the databaseusing bcp.Example files structure dir:\xyz123abc ext1.txt\xyz123abc ext2.txt\zyz123999 ext2.txtbcp "dabase" in \xyz123abc ext1.txt -c -S"servername' -Usa-Ppassword -T".is there away to loop througth each dir, get the files, excecute thebcp, then go to next folder.Please help. Thanks in advance.Ted Lee

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Is There A Way To Save All Files In A Folder

Jan 11, 2007

to utf8 format through BCP or throuhg the dos command prompt?


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FTP Task- No Files In Folder

Dec 2, 2007


I'm tring to copy files from FTP address, the problem is that sometimes the FTP folder is empty, and then the FTP Task is failed.
Why is it failed if there are no files? Any suggestion how to avoid the error?


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Import All Xml-Files From A Folder Into SQL

Jun 14, 2006


I'm just starting with SQL and BIDS. I have created a xml-Import to SQL Server which works without any problem.

Now I like to import (daily) all xml-files of an appropriate Folder at once to the DB. The files will have different names each day.

I could not find any help in the internet to solve this problem.

Can someone give me an Idea how to import many xml-files out of the same folder to SQL?

Thanks & regards


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SQL 2012 :: Error Executing Packages In SSIS Project On Server After Editing On Client

Sep 24, 2014

I am building a bunch of packages on our new server and all was going well until I edited the project using the client tools on my PC. I now receive the below error if I try to execute any of the packages on the server (all is still fine on the client). I have scoured the net but I don't seem to be able to come up with a solution. I have tried altering the folder & object permissions for my login (that created the project on the server and edited using the client) but I still get the error.


TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio
Failed to start project


Exception deserializing the package "Access to the path 'G:VisualStudioTestTestbinDevelopmentTest.ispac' is denied.". (Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.VsIntegration)

Access to the path 'G:VisualStudioTestTestbinDevelopmentTest.ispac' is denied. (mscorlib)


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SQL 2012 :: Converting XML Files To PDF And Zip In Folder

Jun 16, 2015

Convert 100 xml files individually to pdf's and zip them in a folder along with the source files.

Can it be possible in SQL server BI world?

If possible make this an automated process for every 100 files.

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SSIS Processes All Files In A FTP Folder

Jan 2, 2007

Hello everyone - wonder if you can help.

How do you process all files in an FTP directory - similar to the for each loop for files.

I need to be able to download each file and then move it to an archive folder on the ftp site.
Might also want to do some things in between.

I have a feeling it means getting the directory listing into a recordset or variable then enumerating that.

Sounds like a common requirement and would be quite easy by other means. Can't help feeling that SSIS has built in tasks to do it.

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Accessing Files On A Shared Folder

Jan 7, 2008

can sql server 2005 access files on a shred folder (which sql 2000 was not able)?
thnaks in advance

Israel -the best place to live in aftr heaven 9but no one wan't to go there so fast -:)

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Why Have SQLCE... Files Under Temp Folder

Mar 14, 2007

I am developing application with SQLCE2.0, NETCF1.0,Sp1,VS2003.

I found there is some files are created under "Temp" folder by the system with size "0B".

Why/when these file are created? Do I need to clean it periodicly? If not, will this cause exception like "Not enough storage is available to complete this operation"?


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Files Inside RSTempFiles Folder

Oct 15, 2007


I started to get out of space on the server C: drive.

I checked and I was using file system storage on the C drive in:

C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.xReporting ServicessRSTempFiles

I checked the folder and it is 1 GB.

My questions or doubts;

1) I read that the path can be changed without any problem, in the same server we have a D drive with 40GB of space, so I am planning to change the path to: D:RSTempFiles. Any experience on changing that path?

2) If the change of path is successfull, how I can delete the files on the RSTempFiles on the C: drive. Can I directly delete the files? Ther just previous snapshots or I will lose something? Any experience with this will be great.

Thanks everybody and nice weekend.

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