I have some problem about parameter to query data. My parameter is available from dataset but it doen not have blank or null value. So when I want to select this...
FROM mytable
WHERE (@param_person_id IS NULL OR @param_person_id = person_id)
cannot success. This statement means "if @param_person_id has null value, this statement is select every person_id. On the other way, if @param_person_id is not null value, this statement select only specific person_id".
So I want to add blank or null value to my dataset for working with select statement.
I have a report project in VS (2003). I have a report in that project that was working properly. I copied objects from that report to a new one and created a new dataset for the new report (under it's Data tab). Though both datasets (for each of the reports) seem healthy, i.e., they produce data when run, I am now experiencing the following problems:
1. In both reports, the datasets seem to be unlinked, somehow. I know this by right clicking on a field of the report, going to expressions, then selecting the Fields node. Instead of listing fields, as used to be the case, it now says "Report item not linked to a dataset."
2. If I attempt to preview either of the reports, I get an error that reads, "The table 'table1' refers to an invalid dataset name 'MedMgmt.' MedMgmt is the dataset name of the first report. I changed it to another name, but I still get the same message.
I have clicked and right-clicked everywhere and have not found a way to re-link the dataset to the report. Why Reporting Services can't figure out that the dataset in the report's Data tab is the dataset to link to is a point of deep annoyance, but whatever... If anyone can please help me solve these problems, I would be very grateful! Thank you!
I have a BOM table with all finished item receipes and semi items recipes. create a query where semi item materials are also listed in finished item recipe.
Here's my problem. I have 2 tasks defined in my Control Flow tab:
When I attempt to run it, by right-clicking the EXECUTE SQL task, and selecting "Execute Task", it only runs the EXECUTE SQL part (successfully), and does not "kick off" the EXECUTE DTS 2000 PACKAGE, after it is done running (even though it completes successfully, as shown by the green box).
Yes, they are connected by a dark green arrow, as indicated in my diagram above.
Why is this?? Am I missing something here? Need help.
Hello,Basically, I have a table with 2 fieldsId item#1 33332 33333 22224 22225 22226 33337 33338 3333I would like to only select the last identical Item# which in this case would be the id 6,7 and 8Any idea how could I do that?Thanks
I am having trouble finishing the last bit of a report. The report shows orders that customers have placed that contain 0 promo items, All promo items (all items in order are promo items), and a mix of promo and non promo (at least 1 promo item and 1 non-promo item). Ive simplified this a bit for ease of understanding but lets assume we have 2 tables: A Promo table that contains the items on promotion and the dates that promotion is valid, and a Sales table, that contains the order number, order date, and sku ordered.
I've already written code that finds orders that have at least 1 promo item in them, and using that, I can determine what orders have 0 promo items in them. Where I am stuck is taking the orders that have at least 1 promo item in them, and separating them into orders that have only promo items, and those that have both promo and not promo items in them. Also, there are several promos throughout the year (called "Offers") so in my code below, you can see 2 different Offers ("JF" and "MA") with their corresponding dates they are valid. They will never overlap. My results also have to be split out by Offer so management can look at the results of each offer separately. Here is some code:
Code: create table #Promos ( Offer varchar(2) null, SKU int null, StartDt date null, EndDt date null
[Code] ....
So my results should show OrderNo A1111 in the Promo and No Promo group because of SKU 5 not being promotional during the time that order was placed. OrderNo A2222 should be in the Promo Only group because both SKUs on the order were promotional at the time the order was placed.
I have a report with multiple datasets, the first of which pulls in data based on user entered parameters (sales date range and property use codes). Dataset1 pulls property id's and other sales data from a table (2014_COST) based on the user's parameters. I have set up another table (AUDITS) that I would like to use in dataset6. This table has 3 columns (Property ID's, Sales Price and Sales Date). I would like for dataset6 to pull the Property ID's that are NOT contained in the results from dataset1. In other words, I'd like the results of dataset6 to show me the property id's that are contained in the AUDITS table but which are not being pulled into dataset1. Both tables are in the same database.
I have a small number of rows in a dataset, Table 1. There is a CLOB on a large dataset, Table 2. They join on a PK. I would like to retrieve this CLOB and add it to the data flow for Table1. In short I want to emulate the following:
Table 1: Small table without CLOB, 10 rows. Table 2: Large table with CLOB, 10,000,000 rows
select CLOB from table2 where pk = (select pk from table1)
I want this to return the CLOBs for the small number of rows in Table 1. The PK is indexed obviously so it should be a fast look up.
Table 1 and Table 2 live on different Oracle databases. How do I perform this operation efficiently in SSIS? It seems the Lookup and Merge Join wont do this.
I have a report with multiple datasets, the first of which pulls in data based on user entered parameters (sales date range and property use codes). Dataset1 pulls property id's and other sales data from a table (2014_COST) based on the user's parameters.
I have set up another table (AUDITS) that I would like to use in dataset6. This table has 3 columns (Property ID's, Sales Price and Sales Date). I would like for dataset6 to pull the Property ID's that are NOT contained in the results from dataset1. In other words, I'd like the results of dataset6 to show me the property id's that are contained in the AUDITS table but which are not being pulled into dataset1. Both tables are in the same database.
I found out the data I need for my SQL Report is already defined in a dynamic dataset on another web service. Is there a way to use web services to call another web service to get the dataset I need to generate a report? Examples would help if you have any, thanks for looking
Hi, I have a stored procedure attached below. It returns 2 rows in the SQL Management studio when I execute MyStorProc 0,28. But in my program which uses ADOHelper, it returns a dataset with tables.count=0. if I comment out the line --If @Status = 0 then it returns the rows. Obviously it does not stop in if @Status=0 even if I pass @status=0. What am I doing wrong? Any help is appreciated.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[MyStorProc]
@Status smallint,
@RowCount int = NULL,
@FacilityId numeric(10,0) = NULL,
@QueueID numeric (10,0)= NULL,
@VendorId numeric(10, 0) = NULL
If @Status = 0
SELECT ...... END If @Status = 1 BEGIN SELECT...... END
i have two datasets.one dataset have old data from some other database.second dataset have original data from sql server 2005 database.both database have same field having id as a primary key.i want to transfer all the data from first dataset to new dataset retaining the previous data but if old dataset have the same id(primary key) as in the new one then that row will not transfer. but if the id(primary key) have changed values then the fields updated with that data.how can i do that.
D2 is a list of data. each row in D2 has a classid. D2 may or may not have all the classids in D1. all classids in D2 must be in D1.
I want to show fields in D2 and group the data with classids in D1 and show every group as a seperate table. If no data in D2 is available for a classid, It shows a empty table.
=CountDistinct(IIF(Fields!Released_DT.Value = Fields!Date2.Value, Fields!Name.Value, Nothing)) Released_DT = a date - 09/03/2015 or 09/02/2015 Date2 = returns another date value in this case 09/03/2015
What I'm trying to do is: count distinct number of people (Fields!Name.Value) if the Relased_DT = Date2.My IIF statement is returning a zero value.
Hi every body... I have a probleme I have a web Services which contains a method getValue(IDEq (int), idIndicator(int), startTime(dateTime), endTime(dateTime)) I need to call this method. But my problem is how pass parameter ? I see the tab Param but it isn't work as I wait,... maybe I do a mistake...
I want that statTime and endTime are select by the user via a calendar for example... now idIndicator and idEq was result of an other dataSet from a xml datasource...
But I don't how integrate dynamically... I try to enter a parameter via the param tab, and create and expression : =First(Fields!idEq.Value, "EquipmentDataSet") but when i execute the query, the promter display <NULL>... So I don't know how to do and if it is possible ! I hope someone can help me ! Thank you !
But I still don´t know how to call the equipment table and get champion name and item names for the numbers. What did I do wrong and how can I fix it?
Not 100% sure how to do this so I would appreciate some directions. I have 2 tables, Systems and Contacts. A system can have 1 to infinite contacts and contact can have 1 to infinite systems. So I use a 3rd table Sys_Con to add the contact needed for each system. Now my question is once I add the System and contact how do I know for sure which ContactID to add in my Sys_Con table? Because while I am doing this operation maybe someone can add an other contact. So is there a way for my store proc Add_Contact to return the contactID needed for my store proc Add_Sys_Con ?
TABLE Sys_Con SystemID int ContactID int
Table Contact ContactID int Identity ContactName ...
What I would like to have is only ONE (1) row PER member with only the FIRST (not max!) entered known data. In the above case, I'd like to have this as result:
How can I get the value of the last Item in a coums?SELECT COLUMN FROM DATABASE ORDER BY COLUMN DESC?something with Fields(0).value?Thank you in advance
I have sql server 2000 that was working fine until today(figures), today I opened EM and under sql server group where used to be all my information now there is NO ITEM, nothing shows(database,Nothing) The server is working as I had no complaints from my user on data not been saved or getting data from but its strange that I can not see all my info like I used to.- If I go into sql query analizer, it ask me to connect to local which I do and I can see all my databases from there but once I close that window ,on my EM nothing shows.
I checked all services andevery one of them seems to be up and runnig
Hi Every Body, I have one table it's called -Access.It contains two columns name of that is Door,Emp_Id. example Door Emp_Id 10 1 10 2 10 3 11 4 12 5 11 1 this is the value in that table....... I want get Which Door number maximum Access from the table..... Thanks & Regards, S.Sajan
Hi Everyone I have an ADP and I need to create a report that will give me the total number of each item. I need the report to show how many [Violation Type], and the total [Loss] per violation. Can anyone help please
I added something by mistake! If I delete it it gives me an `are you sure?` message that makes me think it'll actually delete the file from the hard drive. As I've accidentally added something from SQL Server (I was trying to add a database and got carried away) I don't think that's such a good idea. I've googled and found this:http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/1ee8zw5t(VS.80).aspx which helpfully states:----- To remove a solution item In Solution Explorer, select the item you want to remove. On the Edit menu, choose Remove. ----- which would be great, if only the Edit menu had a remove option. Any ideas?
Hi,I want to check that Is there row exists in table or not.Please correct me. Dim conn As SqlConnection Dim comm As SqlCommand Dim reader As SqlDataReader Dim connstring As String connstring = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("iharyana").ConnectionString conn = New SqlConnection(connstring) comm = New SqlCommand("select * from test where username=@username", conn) comm.Parameters.Add("@username", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 20) comm.Parameters("@username").Value = uname conn.Open() reader = comm.ExecuteReader While reader.Read If reader.Item("username").ToString = "" Then Response.Redirect("http://www.iharyana.com") End If End While reader.Close() conn.Close()
just wondering which command I can use to query items status ? in my TABLEA Product(D | Name | Type | Status 1 Apple Fruit 00021234 2 Banana Fruit 00031244 3 Tube Clothe 00012131 4 Tee Clothe 00041111 4 pants Clothe 00041112 4 tank Clothe 00051111 4 Jeans Clothe 00061111 4 Dress Clothe 00051111
in TABLEB ID StatusID Status 1 0001 A 2 0002 B 3 0003 C 4 0004 D 5 0005 E 6 0006 F use this record as a example : ProductID | Name | Type | Status 1 Apple Fruit 00021234
use TableA.Status reference to TableB.StatusID ( compare 0001 , need not to care about the last 4 numbers ) so the status is A
AB is Group 1 C is Group 2 DEF is Group 3 in my TABLEA Product(D | Name | Type | Status 1 Apple Fruit 00021234 2 Banana Fruit 00031244 3 Tube Clothe 00012131 4 Tee Clothe 00041111 4 pants Clothe 00041112 4 tank Clothe 00051111 4 Jeans Clothe 00061111 4 Dress Clothe 00051111
I want the result looks as follow TYPE Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Fruit 1 1 0 //because Apple Fruit 00021234 → 0002 = B → Group 1 And Banana Fruit 00031244 →0003 =C→Group 2 Clothe 1 0 5
I need to run a query to get the result like that , and then put the result to my DataGrid then show to user... can I just use SQL Query to get the result? I just try to use like sum�Substring ... trying to get the result but I still can't wirte a query to work for this question.. which command I should use for this question? or it must be done in code-behind ? can you please give me help? thank you very much
If you browse to Amazon and drill down through categories until a paged listing appears, you will see in each item of the listing that the description rendered as Book Description, is a cutdown version of the full description, with a ... and "Read More" hyperlink. How is this achieved programatically? I dont know if thre is an efficient way in SQL Server to do this, or whether it would be easier to have a ShortHand field and a Description field, both of which are teh full description when shown in the Details page, but the ShortHand is the field rendered in listings. This seems like a simplistic solution and I am thinking there may be programmatic means of doing the same - has anybody got any experience in this area?