How Can I Browse The Tree Graph In DataMining DecisionTrees By C# Coding ?

May 19, 2006

I build my DataMining DecisionTrees in SQL Server 2005.

How can I get the tree graph in DataMining DecisionTrees by C# coding ?

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SQL 2012 :: Sort Tree Members In Right (tree) Structure?

Apr 6, 2015

I got assignment, how to make it appear in the right order .

SELECT 'MAC' EmpID, 'A' ManID, 'Name__' EmpName UNION ALL
SELECT '1ABA' EmpID, 'MAC' ManID, 'Name____' EmpName UNION ALL
SELECT 'ABB' EmpID, '1ABA' ManID, 'Name______' EmpName UNION ALL
SELECT 'XB' EmpID, 'A' ManID, 'Name__' EmpName UNION ALL
SELECT 'BAC' EmpID, 'XB' ManID, 'Name____' EmpName ) b


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Is Is Possible To Have More Than 1 Graph Type In One Graph?

Jan 7, 2008

I'm hoping to create a graph with durations as bar graphs and % met as a line graph. Is this possible in BIDS?

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Oct 17, 2006

i create a model mining to know percent of product, which is like more by customer is have percent biger than other products that is don't like by customer.

i use DTS to get result to sql server.

select flattened




prediction join


i have result with a table A in sql server:

productid $support ... $adjustedprobability

1 0.0 ...

1 0.0 ...

1 63.3 .....

how can i write in Dts so that table A not have record with value $support=0.0

- second: percent people like that product is knowned by $adjustedprobability or $support and value small or big

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Oct 16, 2007

Can datamining rules are implemented in visual c++ to develop an application?

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For Browse Causes Error 511

Apr 10, 2000

We have a SELECT query that includes a FOR BROWSE clause and an ORDER BY clause that produces a 511 error (Updated or inserted row is bigger than maximum size) whenever we run it. The statement does not perform any inserts or updates. We have service pack 5a installed.

Any help greatly appeciated.

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Can't Browse Cubes

Jan 22, 2003

I use the SQL Analysis Manager to create a cube and it can process successful, but when i want to browse the cube, it shows the error message: " Unable to browse the cube "my cube name", Unspecified error"

can anybody tell me what's wrong with that? thanks

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Can Not Browse Dimension

Jan 13, 2006

hello all,

I'm learning SSAS2005 I've installed and currently are running throught he

I've run into a problem where i'm able to process the cube with no errors.
i'm able to browse the cube with no probems.

however when I open a dimension and try to browse the dimension I get the
following error.

"Input String was not in a correct format"

I was able to save the project to another users machine and run without
problems. So we know it has to do with a set up on my machine.

any ideas are appreciated.

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How To Browse Cubes On Web

Mar 22, 2007

how to do I use these cubes on web for browsers as I do in business intelligent IDE in visual studio. Are there any free component available for web throught which cubes dtaa can be browsed or are there any methods available in SQL server to publish cubes to web

Any help in this regard will greately appriciated.

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Cannot Browse Cube, Please Help

Aug 21, 2007

I have installed SQL Server 2005 on a server which runs Windows Server 2003 with SP2. And I have two client machines, both running Windows XP with SP2. Machine A has a full version of SQL server 2005 installed, including database engine, analysis service server, reporting service server. Machine B only has workstation components installed, BI development studio, SQL Server management studio.

I have developed a couple of analysis service projects and deployed to the server. On machine A, I can connect to the server and browse cubes no problem. On manchine B, I still can connect to the server and see the projects I deployed, even browse dimensions data. But when I browse cubes, management studio will be hanging there, not doing anything. Eventually I will have to kill it. I also opened the projects on machine B from BI management studio and try to browse data from there, it shows 'loading data' and doesn't do anything either.

Does anyone experience this type of issue? It's really frustrating as it doesn't show me any error message.

Thanks for any help.

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DataMining Problems

Sep 26, 2007

Hello Experts,

I€™ve got a logical problem. I€™m just a newbie in this theme.
I build a cube with Analysis Services. It works and I can brows the cube.
For Example this could be a possible result:

Red Blue Black Yellow
Auto brand
Opel 1 2
VW 2 1 4
Mercedes 1 1 2 2

The count shows us how much cars were stolen.

Now I try to build a Data Mining structure that shows me the behavior between the auto brand and the color. (To build the report I used Excel 2007 and the Data Mining AddIn)

After build the Mining Structure the Colum name are 1, 2 or 4 (just the counts).
To search for a better solution I tried to build the report manual. (Now it looked like that)

Auto Brand Collor stolen
Opel Red no
Opel Blue yes
Opel Black yes
Opel Yellow no
VW Red yes
VW Blue yes
VW Black no
VW Yellow yes
Mercedes Red yes
Mercedes Blue yes
Mercedes Black yes
Mercedes Yellow yes

Now the Column names are correct and the Data Mining structure is more understandable.
But the second report you can€™t build with a cube, because the Measures were just numeric.

My Questions:
- Where is my error?
- How do you build a Data Mining?
- Is there somewhere a tutorial could help me (I just founded tutorials that explains the different works of the different Data Mining Models)
- How would you build this problem in a Mining Structure?

Hope I don€™t forget some information and hear you soon
Yours sincerely,

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Feb 8, 2007

what are the different data mining tasks...........

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Cannot Browse Data

Dec 21, 2006

I try "open table -> Return all rows" , There is an error like

"Database Server: Microsoft SQL Server

Version: 08.00.0760

Runtime Error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver does not support this parameter"

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Datamining For Ntext

Aug 18, 2006

Is there any way to datamine using ntext? I'm trying to run some BI on some email messages -- seeing if it can accurately classify email into the proper folder. Currently, I get complains that ntext isn't comparable.

Is this scenario supported?

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Telecomunication Datamining

Apr 19, 2007


I am trying to predict the churn of a client for a cell phone company.
The thing is that the louse of many clients for the company incurred in hi level o churn and this is a problem; we don€™t want that to happened. So it would be helpful if I could determinate pre behavior of a client that is going to left the service.

So I put under analysis the next€™s values: (month of traffic,Minutes, Discount $us, antiqued of the client , time of payment, Month of Subscribe, flag (leave, stay))

Month that the client used the service.

So Minutes is the time that the client uses the service by mouth.

Discount, is the mouth of money that€™s been discounted to the client for any reason.

Antique, is the time in months that the client has the service.

Time of payment, is the time in months that the client pay ones has the bill.

Month of subscribe, means the date that the client subscribe the service.

Flag. The flag means if the client with this values stay whit the service or leave the service in a specific period of the year lest say June.

So all looks good, but this is the problem, just like I€™m trying to predict if the client stays or leaves, the size of the clients that leave the service is so small compared with the clients that stays (5 - 95) that the decision tree return only one node and says Stay 95% lease 5%, just like none of the values analyzed would make a difference. Thas why, I can€™t predict the louse of clients all do I have the all information about the clients that left the service.

Any idea, what I€™m doing wrong, or may be I need other information o less information.
Or maybe I should make my analysis in a different way.

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What Are The DATAMINING Tools ?

Feb 8, 2007

i coudnt find relevant topics related to the dataminig tools...........someone pls help

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Can't See Any Data When I Browse The Cube

Aug 9, 2004


I have made sure that I am a member of OLSP Adminstrator group on the server and everything seems to work al the way till design storgae and cube processing but then when I browse the cube, I do not get any data :confused:

Can someone kindly help and guide please.

Many thanks.

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Problem To Browse My Cube

Nov 26, 2005

i am new user with the Analysis servises.
i started by doing the tutoraiol for MyFirstCube.
i performed the action step by step and succeded to create the cube. when i am trying to browse it iget this massage:
"unable to browe the cube" in the Cube browser.

do you know what is the problem?
what shoul i do?

thanks in advance


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Where Can I Store Datamining Models

Jan 25, 2007

I am using the Excel 2007 data mining add-in, and don't have write perms on the Analysis Services server. Can I store datamining models in an alternate location?

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User Can Browse But Can't Export

Nov 21, 2007

Has anyone seen this before? I have users that can browse the reports on Report Manager, but when they attempt to Export them to Excel, it doesn't work. I've tried the export myself under two different logins (one is only Browser and the other has full rights) and both work fine. When I export, the second IE window opens and the Save/Open/Cancel dialog pops up as it should. When these two users attempt the same thing, no second window opens. The blue status bar at the bottom of their existing IE window fills to show progress and then they see "Done" in the status bar at the bottom. But nothing happens.

I've compared every IE configuration setting I can find with another machine that I'm testing on and can find no differences.

Any thoughts?

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Question Regarding Scenario On DataMining

Jan 22, 2007

Hi to all

I want to know how achieve the following scenario, I will highly encourage if anyone knows the solution please mention it through steps. The scenario is I have a table named €śCreditCardTable €? with following schema , the table is pretty much what one expect from a simple credit card application that will present form to user who fills the application of credit card and data going to be filled into the table. Later an analyst will review the data and will be accepting or rejecting the Credit Card along with some other fields as seen in the schema.

-----Schema --------
CustomerName Bigint
Age int
DOB DateTime
LimitAssigned Bigint
Analystname varchar
Salary varchar
Gender bit
Qualification varchar
Country varchar
JobTitle varchar
MartialStatus varchar
IsApproved bit
IsDeclined bit

Now what I want is that by using Microsoft Detaining Features after giving it the data t should purpose analyst the solution i-e (reject / approve ) the credit card application . Now I gather than there are many algorithms in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services that can be used (Decision Trees , Association Rules ) , I research on the two I just mentioned and want to use Decision Tree for this purpose , but there is a bottleneck that is mentioned in a book named €śDetaining with SQL Server 2005 by Wiely€?. It says that the rules that the Decision Tree will build and use are not available to end user in contrast to Association Rule algorithm which provide the rules. I essentially need the rules by which the decision has been made. Please I really need help on these issue to summarize I need the following

1) With the table €śCreditCardTable€? I need to perform Decision Trees and Association Rules Algorithm on it , please provide me steps to do so , moreover please also mention how to specify Query (DMX I think) to get the final result i-e approve or reject based on the data .

2) The rules on basis of which the Algorithm makes it decision, please provide insights on how to achieve this by both Decision Trees and Association Rules Algorithm.

I really need an urgent reply on this , you can also email me at , thanks for your feedback.

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Do We Have DataMining Viewer As Web Control??

Feb 1, 2008

The mining model viewer which comes with DM-Add in's works fine with Excel and also in Windows applications with the following code.

MIningModelViewerControl viewer = null;
MiningModel model=null;
MiningService service=null;

conn.ConnectionString = ConnectionString;

model = conn.MiningModels[modelName];

if (services.ViewerType == "Microsoft_Cluster_Viewer")
viewer = new ClusterViewer();
else if (services.ViewerType =="Microsoft_Tree_Viewer")
viewer = new TreeViewer();
else if (services.ViewerType == "Microsoft_TimeSeries_Viewer")
viewer = new TimeSeriesViewer();

viewer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

But i need that as a web contorl to integrate with our existing web application but the viewer control is not working.
So is there another web control for viewing data mining models.


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Datamining A Olap Cube

Aug 24, 2007

I'm new to datamining and have gather some knowledge by following the tutorial that comes with sql server 2005.
I have following created a association mining model and tested it by using various DMX queries. I works quite satisfactory.

But I would like to use this mining model on a cube. Ie a calculated measure that would show top 1 recommendation for my customer portfolio.
My knowlede reaches to the extent that you need to feed data by using the OpenQuery or OpenRowset queries.
I would like to "stick" my model to the cube on some way and the extract values in the same manner as filtering criterias in stead of manually generating DMX queries.

I have googled a bit and searched MSDN without luck. Maybe I'm looking at this all wrong.

Is this possible?

Regards Bergur

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Browse Through A List Of Databases On A Given Server

Nov 11, 2004


I would like to allow the user of my ADO.NET application to browse through a list of the available databases on a given server. INFORMATION_SCHEMA in SQL Server Books Online doesn't describe how to do this. How can I do this?

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Browse Tables In A Linked Server

Dec 3, 2007


In enterprise manager, I can browse the objects by clicking on "Tables" under the selected linked server, and that allows me to browse my objects in that server and eventually design my query graphically.

In SQL Server 2005 Express, I know that I cannot browse the objects after referring to microsoft article above.
"Note In SQL Server Management Studio, you cannot expand the new linked server name to view the list of objects that the server contains. "

However, is it possible to design my query graphically?

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Datamining Viewer Client Problem

Nov 13, 2006


I am running a SQL Server 2005. I created the mining models from the tutorials. I can connect with the DataminingViewerClient directly on the SQL Server(i.e. to localhost), but when i try to connect to the Server from my other computer it is not working i always get connection faild and i should check that the server is running. I can connect to the Server with other programms but the viewer is not working. Any ideas what that could be?

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Can We Use MAC PC To Browse The Report From Reporting Services?

Jun 11, 2007

Hi All,

I had to build the report on reporting services 2005. My clients they used the MAC pc to connect my report server. But they can not bowse the report. So, I'd ike to know Is Reporting Services support MAC PC?

Anyone can help me.


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A Problem With Processing A Datamining Structure

Jul 20, 2006

Hello :

I have tried to process a datamining structure in SQL Server 2005 (Developer
Edition) but I receive these messages from Sql Server :

"Errors in the high-level relational engine. A connection could not be
made to the data source with the DataSourceID of 'Dbjao', Name of

"Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the
dimension, with the ID of 'MCredito ~MC-Id', Name of 'MCredito ~MC-Id'
was being processed."

"Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the 'Class'
attribute of the 'MCredito ~MC-Id'
dimension from the 'CreditoAleman' database was being processed."

I generate this model from a relational table and can explore this
and build and deploy the project

But I receive these error message when I try to process the mining

Do you have any idea which is the problem ?

Best Whish
Juan Alvarado

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Can Not Browse To Http://localhost/reports

Feb 15, 2007

This is the error I get:
Object not found!

The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.

If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 404
Thursday, February 15, 2007 12:50:47
Apache/2.0.54 (NETWARE) mod_jk/1.2.14

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Unable To Browse The Cube '????', Unspecified Error.

Sep 27, 2002


I have processed the data successfully for the cube after desiging storage as MOLAP with 50% performance gain. When I tried browse the data I am getting the followign error.

Unable to Browse the cube 'cubename', Unspecified error.

Any help please.

John Jayaseelan

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Have A Problem To Browse The Data In Analysis Server

Dec 1, 2004

:mad: Dear Sir/Madam,

I have a problem to browse the data in analysis server, it displayed: unspecified error, my os is windows xp with sp1 and sql server2000 installed, Do i need to install AS SP3 on the server, but, what are AS SP3 stand for, any other solution?


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Datamining Advice On Choosing Mining Model

Nov 30, 2007


I am a newbie to datamining, but have nearly a decade of solid database experience with the last 6 years in SQL Server 2000. We are moving our accounting system to SQL Server 2005 and I have been asked to explore the possibilities of mining an inventory table. I'd like to get some opinions prior to spending too much time potentially barking up the wrong tree!

We have an inventory table with approximately 10 million serialized records. Each row contains the serial number of the individual unit and its manufacturer/model designation. We have no control over the assigning of the serial numbers as they come from multiple manufacturers and some of the manufacturers correlate serial numbers to model and some don't.

My thought was to use a cluster model to try to predict the model of a new serial number as it is entered into the database. Is this thought feasibile? Is the mining model choice appropriate? If pointed in the right direction, I'm sure that I can run with this.

Thanks in advance-- Jim

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Browse Button (...) Is Not Available For A Variable That Is Flagged To EvaluateAsExpression

Sep 28, 2007

I have a new SSIS package that I add a new string variable to with the EvaluateAsExpression property set to True. In the Properties window, I click inside the Expression property, but do not receive the Browse Button (...) to launch the expression builder window.

This appears to be specific to my machine since this same package behaves as expected on other PCs. I have tried to build my expression in a text editor and paste it into the Expression property, but only the first line of the expression is pasted. Am I missing a configuration or install somewhere? Any thoughts on solutions or work arounds will be greatly appreciated.

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