How Can I Call A Dll/exe From My Procedure/trigger

Nov 30, 2007

Hi I am trying to run a dll or exe from a procedure or trigger in the database.

I have tried EXEC master ..xp_cmdshell '\xx empdivConsoleApplication1.exe' and
use master exec dbo.StoredProcedure1

If I run the exe from explorer all is working, but from a trigger or procedure in the database nothing happens only executed successfully.

I loaded the assembly and procedure into the master database

Code Block

My C# code:

Code Block
public partial class StoredProcedures
{ [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure]

public static void StoredProcedure1()
{ //------first a select to get some data String prosjekter = "";
String connString = @"Data Source=serverOFFICESERVERS;Initial Catalog=WSS_Content;Integrated Security=SSPI";
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString);
SqlCommand sqlcmd = new SqlCommand("Select nvarchar3 prosjekt from dbo.AllUserData where tp_listId = @listid", conn);
sqlcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@listid", "xxx"); try { conn.Open(); SqlDataReader r = sqlcmd.ExecuteReader();
while (r.Read())
{ prosjekter += "" + r["prosjekt"] + "" + "
r.Close(); conn.Close();
} catch (Exception)
{ conn.Close(); }
//-----write some changes back to a program pocketForm pf = new pocketForm();
try {
string xmlstring = pf.FormXML;
int id, item, items; id = xmlstring.IndexOf("xxxxx");
item = xmlstring.IndexOf("", id);
items = xmlstring.IndexOf("", item);
xmlstring = xmlstring.Remove(item, items - item);
xmlstring = xmlstring.Insert(item, prosjekter);
pf.FormXML = xmlstring;
pf.StatusModifiedLocally = true;
WebService.Login("", "xx", string.Empty, string.Empty);
} catch (Exception)

What am I missing here ? Please answer this as I have tried everything with no success. Regards Ivar

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Context Of Procedure Call That Results In Trigger

May 8, 2008

If an application makes a connection under a given user, performs the following:
- calls a stored procedure which performs an insert,
- the insert causes a trigger to be fired
- the trigger causes a sql statement to execute against a different

* Does the user who called the procedure, also need permissions to this 2nd database ?
* What security context does this trigger get executed ?

I have a stored procedure that is being called by my .Net application. The user account that makes the connection has execute permission to the procedure. However, the procedure does an insert which causes a trigger to fire. This trigger does a sql statement against a table in a different database, which the user who is calling the procedure, does not have permissions to access. Im getting an exception when I call the procedure, and it basically says there was a permission error with the user accessing this other database.

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Call A DLL Or EXE File From SQL Trigger

Mar 22, 2007

I need some help calling a DLL or EXE from a SQL Trigger.  I have the trigger set up, except I have no clue how to call a DLL or EXE or if it is even possible.  Here is what I have for the Trigger so far: 

-- ================================================
-- =============================================
ON Toc
IF ((select ins.[ParentID] FROM inserted ins) = '57660')
-- I want to be able to programmatically change '57660' from an ASPX page
-- This is where the call function goes

Another question I have is can a trigger be created programmatically using ASPX pages written in VB.NET in VS2003?

Thank you in advance

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How To Call TRIGGER In 2005

Sep 26, 2007

i hav written a trigger in SQLEXPRESS DB but i dnt knw how to call in 2005...

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How To Call A VB Program From A Trigger Of SQL Server

Feb 23, 2004


I have a VB program to sit somethere. I like to call that program with passing two parameters from a trigger on the SQL Server. The parameters are the contents of the table which the trigger is created on.

Is there any way to achieve that?

Thanks a lot!


Kevin Jin

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Call Sproc From Trigger Question

Jun 18, 2008

Hi. Apologies if this has come up before, I wonder if someone can help.

I want to call a sproc from a trigger, passing in the value of a field from the updated/inserted/deleted row.

It would be like spUpdateUser @UserID = x

where x is the value from one of the columns of updated row.

What is the syntax for this please? TIA

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Call Webservice From Trigger/stored Proc

Sep 17, 2004

Is it possible to call an external web service from a SQL Server trigger or stored procedure?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Trigger To Call A Program To Write Text File Onto A Folder In Server

Apr 29, 2014

I have created a trigger to call a program that is written by our program. The program is basically read the record in the table and write to a text file, then delete the record from the table.

The trigger is a after insert trigger. After we added the trigger, we insert a record to the table. The result is that the record still and did not get deleted. Also, the text file didn't get created either. It seems that it take a long time for the record to be written to the table.

But if we just run the program (a exe file), it can write a text file in the folder and delete the record. the trigger is basically:

USE [Zinter]
/****** Object: Trigger [dbo].[ZinterProcess] Script Date: 04/29/2014 18:34:56 ******/

[Code] ....

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Can I Call A Procedure In One Database From A Procedure In Another?

Oct 5, 2007

I have an integration solution that backs into two databases. Database A is custom and Database B is integrated from a COTS product. The manufacturer of B supplies a formal interface as stored procedures (and I intend to honor that contract by limiting my access to B through those stored procs).
Now, I have a search that is going to involve a subselect in the form of the following pseudocode:

select a,b from dbA.user.TableX where exists (select a from dbB.user.TableY)

I am trying to avoid creating 2 temporary cursors in the integration application and doing things in-memory (b/c of performance concerns).

So, my q is:
How can I make this happen within database A?

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How To Call Below Procedure

Apr 30, 2008


/****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.ostat_CDS_rpt47_2006 Script Date: 4/30/2008 2:25:41 PM ******/
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[ostat_CDS_rpt47_2006]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
drop procedure [dbo].[ostat_CDS_rpt47_2006]

/****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.ostat_CDS_rpt47_2006 Script Date: 23/04/2008 11:26:14 ******/

/****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.ostat_CDS_rpt47_2006 Script Date: 22/04/2008 14:35:33 ******/

/****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.ostat_CDS_rpt47_2006 Script Date: 21/04/2008 11:46:08 ******/

/****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.ostat_CDS_rpt47_2006 Script Date: 16/04/2008 17:18:04 ******/

/****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.ostat_CDS_rpt47_2006 Script Date: 04/04/2008 12:44:34 ******/

/****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.ostat_CDS_rpt47_2006 Script Date: 31/03/2008 12:03:31 ******/

/****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.ostat_CDS_rpt47_2006 Script Date: 31/03/2008 11:11:07 ******/

/****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.ostat_CDS_rpt47_2006 Script Date: 09/03/2008 14:31:30 ******/
-- ostat_CDS_rpt47_2006 2008,03,17,17

CREATE procedure ostat_CDS_rpt47_2006
@pYear int,
@pMonth int,
@pDay1 int,
@pDay2 int


declare @sql varchar(4000)
declare @tb1 varchar(128)
declare @tb2 varchar(128)

set @tb1= 'margin..ncds0421'
set @tb2='Report.dbo.ob_apr08'

set @sql=
insert into '+@tb2+'
select yyyy,mm,dd,HH,sitecode,TrunkOut,SwitchCode,prefixCode,0 isCallback,
cast(callcost as decimal (10,5)) cost,count(*) attempt,
sum(case when connectflg=1 then 1 else 0 end) connected,sum(talktime) Talktime
from '+@tb1+'
where yyyy='+ltrim(str(@pYear))+'
and mm='+ltrim(Str(@pMonth)) +'
and dd between '+ltrim(Str(@pDay1))+' and '+ltrim(Str(@pDay2))+'
and talktime >0 and trunkin is null
group by yyyy,mm,dd,HH,sitecode,TrunkOut,SwitchCode,prefixCode,cast(callcost as decimal (10,5))
order by yyyy,mm,dd,HH,sitecode,TrunkOut,SwitchCode,prefixCode,cast(callcost as decimal (10,5))
--print (@sql)
exec (@sql)




View 2 Replies View Related

How To Call A Store Procedure

Aug 1, 2007

I have a stored procedure that creates a normalized table from an existing denorm table. So I just need a simple way to call this SP from an aspx page. It would be good though to know how many records were effected, but this is not a requirement.

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How To Call A Stored Procedure Using C#

Aug 29, 2007

I have a stored procedure I created in SQL server 2005. Now I need to call the stored procedure in C#. Can someone help me out here? What is the C# code I need to call this stored procedure? I have never done this before and need some help.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[MarketCreate]
(  @MarketCode  nvarchar(20),  @MarketName  nvarchar(100),  @LastUpdateDate  nvarchar(2),)
ASINSERT INTO Market(  MarketCode  MarketName  LastUpdateDate)VALUES(  @MarketCode  @MarketName  @LastUpdateDate

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Want To Call Procedure From VS 2005

Apr 26, 2008

dear all
 i am using VS 2005 and sqlserver 2005....
 i created one procedure [dbo].[Rptdailyactivity_jul](@cond Varchar(8000), @Type varchar(100),@groupname4fsumm varchar(100) ,@Fromdate4fsumm datetime, @todate4fsumm datetime)
i want to call this procedure from VS how???
i tried based on the following code...
usig the following code i can able to manipulate tables...but how i can able to call procedure based on this code??and how i will pass parameters???
          Dim Conomandb As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=HJIOertsv;Initial Catalog=tr;Integrated Security=True")            If Conomandb.State = 1 Then Conomandb.Close()            Conomandb.Open()
            Dim Comomandb1 As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(strSQL, Conomandb)            Dim rsOman1 As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader = Comomandb1.ExecuteReader()
             If rsOman1.Read() Then                        fghghfghf
             End If            Comomandb1.Cancel()            Comomandb1.Dispose()            rsOman1.Close()            ''*********************

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How To Call Sql Store Procedure In

Sep 22, 2004

I create a store procedure in sql, how do I call it?


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How To Call A Stored Procedure In

Mar 31, 2006

I have created a stored procedure only with an insert statement in sql server 2005.
How can i call this stored procedure through code in ASP.NET page using vb.
i want to pass one parameter that comes from a text box in page.
my emailid is: pls reply.
Thank you

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Call For BCP Within A Stored Procedure

Aug 7, 2001

Does anyone give me syntax for adding a bcp script within a stored procedure..I had done it once 3 yrs back does'nt seem to work now, and I do not know where I am going wrong??

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How Can I Use Stored Procedure To Call Dll

Aug 7, 2001

Hi, If I have a dll file and I know the interface of that dll file. How can I use stored procedure to call this dll file? Thank you.

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How Can I Use Stored Procedure To Call Dll

Aug 7, 2001

Hi, If I have a dll file and I know the interface of that dll file. How can I use stored procedure to call this dll file? Thank you.

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Remote Procedure Call

Jul 25, 2002

I have a SQL2000(sp2) database (ServerA) and a SQL7(sp2) database(ServerB)
From the SQL2000 database I want to call a remote stored procedure on ServerB and store the result set in a table on ServerB.


insert TableA
exec ServerB...sp_GetStuff

If I try this by making serverB a remote server,
I get the following error message
Server: Msg 18456, Level 14, State 1, Line 1
Login failed for user 'sa'.
If I make ServerB a Linked server, I get the error
Server: Msg 8501, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
MSDTC on server '' is unavailable.
Server: Msg 7391, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction.

Now the MSDTC on ServerB won't start - It returns error 3221229574 to which the solution seems to be to reinstall MSDTC which looks like a very messy job with registry hacks and also the threat of reformatting the hard drive So I don't want to do this if possible

I really don't want a distibuted transaction anyway so I tried to stop the transaction being promoted using

But this has no effect

Any ideas would be appreciated"

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Call SQL Stored Procedure

Nov 9, 2005


Even though this may be not right place with this issue I would like to try!
I facing with the problem “Object Variable or With Block variable not set” while I am trying to execute the stored procedure from Ms. Access form.
I need some help very badly or maybe a good sample of code that works in this issue is very welcome.

Many thanks in Advance

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Procedure Call Between Two Different SQL SERVER

Aug 1, 2006


I have two SQL SERVER server1 and server2. A server1's stored procedure should call server2's stored procedure. how can i do this.please explain me in detail.i am new to this concept.


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Stored Procedure Call

Jul 4, 2006


i created a stored procedure and below is the code segment of it;

create Procedure test1
@price as varchar(50) output,
@table as varchar(50) = ''

Declare @SQL_INS VarChar(1000)

SELECT @SQL_INS = 'select ['+@price+'] from ['+@table+']'

Exec (@SQL_INS)

Procedure gets 2 parameters, one of them is just INPUT parameter and the other one is both OUTPUT and INPUT. What i wanna do is to get the result set of this procedure to use in my application.

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Call Stored Procedure From Another SP

Dec 11, 2007

Hi, i wanna know if we can call a stored procedure from another one. If yes, what's the syntax?

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How To Call Store Procedure

Mar 12, 2008

Hi, how to call the shrink_file proc from shrink_file_caller proc as below??

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Shrink_File]
@DBName VARCHAR(100),

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Shrink_File_Caller]
@DBName VARCHAR(100),

SET @nsql = '' + @DBName + '.dbo.Shrink_File ''' + @DBName + ''', @err OUTPUT' ;
EXEC sp_executesql @nsql,N'@err INT OUTPUT', @err = @err OUTPUT;


declare @err int;

EXEC Shrink_File_CALLER 'DATABASE1', @err

select @err as err;

I get the error:

Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'DATABASE1'.

(1 row(s) affected)

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How To Call Stored Procedure In VC++

Oct 6, 2007

Respected Sir/MAm

i am working on VC++ (visual studio2005 with sql200).i have created one stored procedure to insert data into table.
i want to call this strd procedure in the VC++ main.cpp file....

Could you please help me for the correct syntax code with example.

Thank You.

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Stored Procedure's Call

Apr 7, 2008

Hi there. My problem is: I have two stored procedures.
2. SELECT C FROM D WHERE A = EXEC First procedure

The meaning: First procedure gets some Id from B table. The second one gets a DataSet by this Id number. The problem is that when I getting an Id from first proc I use SELECT, than in the second one I use EXEC, and in the end, seconf procedure returns two DataSets. The first contains an Id from first procedure, second contains a valid DataSet. Therefore my application falls because it suppose that valid data in first DataSet. Hoow can I call to stored procedure from another stored procedure without creating two DataSets?
P.S. I already tried to use return instead of select in the first procedure. Same result.
Thank you

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Asynch Call DTS Or Stored Procedure 1.1

Jul 10, 2006

I would like to trigger a DTS or a stored procedure from 1.1 BUT
I don't want to wait for it to finish. In fact the DTS/Storeproc calculates values into different tables.
Those values are not needed immediately. The calculation takes between 20 or 30 minutes.
Do you have any idea how to do it ?

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How Do I Call A Store Procedure With Parameter?

Aug 9, 2006

I have searched this forum for how to call a store procedure with
parameter and so far no result has answered my question yet. I have the
following store procedure:





-- =============================================

-- Author:        <Author,,Name>

-- Create date: <Create Date,,>

-- Description:    <Description,,>

-- =============================================


    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

    @strSearch varchar(250)



    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    -- Insert statements for procedure here

    WHERE ([name_nws] LIKE '%" + @strSearch + "%' OR
[title_nws] LIKE '%" + @strSearch + "%'OR [sub_nws] LIKE '%" +
@strSearch + "%' OR [sum_nws] LIKE '%" + @strSearch + "%' OR
[content_nws] LIKE '%" + @strSearch + "%')



I got this far in my code on how to call the parameter store procedure.
string strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnectionString"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(strConn); SqlCommand sqlComm = new SqlCommand(); sqlComm.Connection = sqlConn; sqlComm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlComm.CommandText = "sqlSearch"; sqlComm.Parameters.Add("@strSearch", SqlDbType.VarChar);  I don't know what do next.

Help is much appreciated.

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Call Stored Procedure In Loop

Oct 26, 2006

I have gridview display a list of users. I have added a column for a check box. If the box is checked I move the users to another table.I need to pass some parameter of or each row to a stored proc. My question. In the loop where I check if the checkbox is selected I need to call the stored procedure.Currently I do an open and closed inside the loop.What is best and most effficent  method of doing this should I open and close the connection outside the loop and change the procs parameters as loop through. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection conn =
new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand commChk = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("storedProc", conn);
commChk.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
commChk.Parameters.AddWithValue("@mUID", ddMainUser.SelectedValue.ToString());
commChk.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sUId", gvUsers.Rows[i].Cells[2].Text);
conn.Close();   If so exactly how do I do this? How do I reset the parmaters for the proc?  I haven't done this before where I need to loop through passing parameter to the same proc. thanks    

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Call Function From Stored Procedure

Jan 19, 2007

Hi All,
I'll admit that I'm not the greatest at stored procedure/functions but I want to learn as much as possible.  So I have two questions:
1) I had VS2005 autogenerate a sqldatasource that created Select/Insert/Update stored procedures.  When Updating a record and calling the stored procedure, I want to query another table (we'll call it tblBatchNo) that has only one record, Batchno.  I want to put that current batchno into the Update statement and update the record with the current batchno.  Can someone point me in the right direction?  Remember that I'm still a beginner on this subject.
2) Can someone provide any links to online tutorials on t-sql?
Thanks in advance.

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How To Call A Stored Procedure From A Web Page With VB

Feb 13, 2007

Dear Masters;
How can I call a stored procedure with VB code?

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How To Call Stored Procedure To Table??

Nov 12, 2007

Hi.....I have problem and I need your helpI stored a procedure in the Projects Folder in my computerand I want to return the procedure result in a column inside tableHow I can do that?????????thank you

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Make A Call To AS/400 Stored Procedure From DTS

Feb 15, 2000

Can DTS make a call to a stored procedure on an AS/400 and accept data from that call. I need to access the AS/400 through OLE/DB for AS/400, execute the call to a stored procedure (the AS/400 stored procedure gets the data from DB2/400, executes some business logic, then presents the record set), and grab the record set returned and dump it into a SQL 7.0 table.

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