How Can I Download English Version Of The SQL Server Express Edition In Germany?
Mar 15, 2007
I am trying to download SQL Server Express Edition in Germany however the site does not allow me to choose the language of the download. How can I get English version of the software in Germany?
i only get the german version. But i want to download the original english version. Because i like more to work with the english terms than the translated german ones.
at the moment I have the following problem: We have installed a version of the MSDE 2000 Sp3 with our software since 2005. Now we install SQL Server Express 2005 in order to use the latest version and to be compatible with Vista. We have never had any problems with the MSDE, so it was no problem that we installed the german version (by mistake) because there never was any output at installation time. When we now upgrade the existing MSDE installing the new version of our software, there are often problems and there are error messages, unfortunately in german, which cannot be read by most of our international users.
The problem is, that there seems to be no possibility to upgrade the existing (german) MSDE with the english version of SQL Server Express 2005. My question is, if it is possible to upgrade the german MSDE to the english SQL Server 2005 to enable our international users to read the error messages at installation time in english?
I'm getting this error when installing SQL Express 2005 on a non-English version of Vista.
"SQL Server Setup could not validate the service accounts. Either the service accounts have not been provided for all of the services being installed, or the specified username or password is incorrect. For each service, specify a valid username, passowrd, and domain, or specify a built-in system account."
Using Wise I get this error only when installing on a non-English version of Windows Vista, I can get the install to complete if I remove nt/authority. I've tried changing the non-English versions of Vista localization to English but I still get the same error.
Where do I find the setup files needed to redistribute sql server express installation files? I downloaded the SQLEXPR_ADV.EXE but the files disappear as soon as you cancel the installation.
I need the sql server setup files to package with my program fr distribution.
SQL Server 2005 full version is installed on a server computer. I installed MS VS 2005 Express edition on the server. As VS 2005 Express edition can only access to SQL Server 2005 Express edition, so a SQL Server 2005 Express edition has to be installed on the server. I wonder if both SQL Server 2005 full version and Express edition can be installed in the same computer.
I want to download SQL Server 2005 Trial Edition, but i always meets problem in the last step. it displays:
<<We€™re sorry, but there is no Web page that matches your entry. It is possible you typed the address incorrectly, or the page may no longer exist. You may wish to try another entry or choose from the links below, which we hope will help you find what you€™re looking for.>>
I need a clean link for MSSQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition download except Microsoft site. I already downloaded from it, burned the downloaded image, but the problem is that and some other cab files got corrupted and some components became unable to install. I tried and installed it without some components. So anybody can help me in getting a proper link.
And one more thing, i downloaded from the microsoft site itself with file size around 890MB. So give me link which works 100% or those who have tried and got 100% result.
Hi all, I want to create reports using SQL Server Reporting service 2000 Developer Edition.For that i want SQL Server Reporting service 2000 Developer Edition. Any body please tell me from where i have top download SQL Server Reporting service 2000 Developer Edition? And any prerequist to create the reports? Thanks in advance.
I found sql2005 Enterprise cannot be installed under Simplied Chinese win 2003, the only thing i suspect is that win2003 is an envaluation copy with netframework 2.0 be installed.
Hello! Can't download Sql Server 2005 Express,althouth i downloaded without any problem all other express products: c#, c++, visual studio from the same page. The download even start ! I click on the download button and nothing happen. Does somebody have an idea ? Thanx info: i use mozilla as browser on XP pro, because since i upgraded IE6 to IE7, IE is KO, even after uninstal IE7 and re-instal IE6.
hi was looking forward to downloading the 180 day trial version of ms sql server 2005. Signed up and everything. when it loaded the download page it only has the 2 help files listed. Has the free trial ended? if i download the full express version does that have a free trial?
hi was looking forward to downloading the 180 day trial version of ms sql server 2005. Signed up and everything. when it loaded the download page it only has the 2 help files listed. Has the free trial ended? if i download the full express version does that have a free trial?
I have downloaded and installed SQL Server Express and also downloaded and installed SQL Server Express Service Release 2. I have also downloaded several of the Visual Studio tutorials about how to do things.
However, I have been unable to download SQL Server Management Studio Express Edition, nor SQL Server 2005 Books OnLine, nor SQL Server Samples so I really cannot do anything with the *#$@ thing.
There are no error messages. The downloads begin and then freeze after downloading about 3-4MB. They stay frozen until they time out. I have turned off all firewalls, virus protection, turned off all security in Internet Explorer. I thought at first it was because I had not yet registered but I registered and it still won't download. What else can be wrong?
I am on XP Prof SR 2, not vista, all my software is uptodate, in order to install SQL Server Express of course I downloaded and installed the required installation program and the Net version 2 Framework. Plenty of disk space, 2 GB of ram, dual processor Dell XPS PC on a DSL connection. I have read the info about reasons for download problems and have checked the bitsadmin service, downloaded the update for it (it told me I already had it) and downloaded the latest version of Windows Support Tools and ran the bitsadmin /util /repairservice /force and it said all was fine. I tried it on a second machine with same results. I am not a beginner, I have been writing code for Access for several years. "Support" says this forum is the only place to go since I refuse to pay them $99 to help me demo what is theoretically a sample piece of free software.
We currently have access to another department's SQL server. However they are taking that server offline within a few months, and we will need to migrate our data and DTS packages to a new solution before then. We have about 30 databases and 20 somewhat simple DTS packages, but only a few users need access. Funding is very tight.
SQL 2005's support of DTS is somewhat of a mystery to me. Docs state with 2000 Enterprise client tools installed + Express edition, that I can run DTS packages on Express edition. But the docs do not state the procedure for doing so, and I cannot register the Express server in the Enterprise manager(states must be using 2005 version of Enterprise manager). It seems I can Design a DTS package that resides on the 2000 server and specify a connection to the Express server, but the DTS package would not run, stating always that the table was in use, and I haven't explored it any further. May have just been a quirk.
I'm trying to conquer this in two pieces:
Cheapest solution for graphical design of DTS packages, or some techniology similar(I think I understand that this is called SSIS in 2005?). This would be needed by 1-4 users.
SQL 2005 Developer Edition for each user, only about $50 per user. MSDE for each user, but can this house DTS packages and be connected to by enterprise manager? Cheapest solution for data access and ability to run DTS packages by 2-10 users.
If SQL Express Edition is used to house data, can the DTS packages be distributed in some way that allows the users to run them? I.E. exported as VB code or some sort of file that can be loaded by an Access 2002 or VB.NET frontend. Can all users have Developer Edition or Desktop edition and run the DTS package from it, but have the DTS package connect to the Express Edition server where the data is housed? Or would this be a violation of what the Developer Edition is intended to be used for? Any other suggested scenarios are welcome.
Are we allowed to continue using the 2000 Enterprise manager after we no longer have access to a licensed SQL 2000 Enterprise server?
The feature comparison for the different 2005 editions doesn't mention DTS, but I know it works for some editions if the add on components are installed. I'm just not sure which versions support this.
I want to learn if it is possible to develop applications for SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition using .NET Compact version 1.0. The major doubt is the possibility for version 1.0. It is reasonable to deliver SQL Compact Edition redistributables with an application, but this is not great to require ,NET 2.0.
however I keep getting a page displaying a "Content Not Found" message. Would anyone be able to tell me is this the correct page or should I be downloading this from someplace esle?
Also does the Express edition contain a copy of Enterprise Manager?
Can anyone provide me with an alternate download link for SQL Server Management Studio Express?
My download attempts are stalling either immediately or after downloading under 200K. Other links I've found on the web seem to point back to Microsoft's servers, as I'm getting the same behavior. I successfully downloaded SQL Server Express, and have since rebooted and successfully downloaded files from other sites. Interestingly, I can't download the 64 bit version, either (I need 32 bit, but figured it was worth seeing whether 64 bit would download).
The filename of the file I can't download: SQLServer2005_SSMSEE.msi
Looks like I sucessfully downloaded SQL Server Express Edition w/Advanced Services SP2 on my Vista-based notebook. Took care of the prerequisites from downloading with Vista. I see the Configuration Manager, and Error and Usage Reporting. But......How do I launch SQL Server Express please? Thank you! Sandra Shokite
Hello!M a newbie.. I just want to know, that wots the difference b/w SQL Server Standard Edition and Express Edition.?And can I use Visual Studio 2005 (Professional Edition) with SQL Server Express Edition.?
I have a computer thats running XP 64 bit version. I want to replicate between SQL server 2005 and SQL server 2005 compact edition. But it doesn't works. So i looked for a solution and i came to: This page is telling me:
You cannot replicate data from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server Compact Edition by using the 64-bit version of IIS
Is that a problem that can be solved by not using a other Operating System?
Or can you maybe install a 32-bit IIS on XP 64 bit?
I've installed Visual Basic 2005 express edition & tried to connect to SQL Server 2005 express edition. I noticed that VB2005 Express Edition doesn't have any OLEDB provider for SQL Server. The only OLEDB Provider is for M.Access. Is this correct? if so, what should i do if i want to connect SQL Server 2005 express edition with VB2005 express edition by using OLEDB connection type?
I really appreciate any respond from you guys.. Thank's and waiting for the good news..
I just upgraded my Sql Server to 2008 and I was hoping that the link found in this page would provide the download to SSMSE for Sql Server 2008, but it redirects me to 2005 version. I don't any instances running with Sql Server 2005 that I could access through SSMSE 2005, so I can't use it. Does anyone have the link for download to SSMSE 2008? Or should I downgrade? And if, how can I downgrade? Thank you very much, sorry by my misspellings.
We downloaded and installed the trial software of SQL Server 2005 Enterprise edition a month ago. We have purchased a fully licensed version of SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition and would like to apply the licensed version to our workstation clients since their SQL software will eventually expire. Our SQL Server is not an issue since we purchased a new Server and installed the new licensed version of SQL on it.
Is there an easy way to accomplish this or is an uninstall & reinstall of SQL on every workstation required?
Hi, I can't seem to find which SQL Server Compact Edition version is pre-installed on the Windows Mobile 6 rom. I guess it is 3.0, but I'm not sure about it. Another question is, if I use SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 by deploying the .dll files as part of my application's CAB installer, will this be a problem for Windows Mobile 5 or Windows Mobile 6? Thank you in advance,