How Can I Get A List Of All Objects Accessible By A Login Using Sys* Tables
Jan 6, 2006How can I get a list of all objects (like tables, views, stored procedures, etc) accessible by a login (user), or vice versa?
View 1 RepliesHow can I get a list of all objects (like tables, views, stored procedures, etc) accessible by a login (user), or vice versa?
View 1 RepliesSometimes, when a try to list tables or view (or access Management, etc) Enterprise Manager hungs up.
Using SELECT * FROM SYSOBECTS also freezes the process. But the SQLServer is operational for data updates and retrieves.
I added a linked server successfully; but the only tables accessible areonly the system tables!I do have all the rights on both servers (Windows & SQL server).All the non system tables are designated as DBO.Strange thing is that I was able to access the non system tables onlyfrom the query analyzer (not from the SQL Manager tree) by using thefollowing script:EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'LINKED_SERVER_NAME', N'SQL Server'GOSet ANSI_NULLS onSet ANSI_WARNINGS onGOSelect * From LINKED_SERVER_NAME.Database_name.DBO.table_nameGOThank you very muchMike*** Sent via Developersdex ***
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn SSMS, I connect Object Explorer to a partially contained database using a contained user login with password. This user has a database role of dbdatareader. When I try to expand the Tables in the database, I get the error:
The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'extended_properties', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 229)
Is there a way to set permissions for the contained user so that this could be done?
Hello everybody. When I start to test SQL 2008 Febuary CTP I detect that sume of new options work incorrectly. This is description of this bug from Microsoft Connect:"I don`t know, may be somebody detect this issue too. Sorry If I create duplicate. I start SQL Server Managment Studio & click new query. After that I try to create simple query like this
Uses Master
Select "column name" from "table".
I was surprised because when start write column name I saw the pop-up objects list. But this was very strange list, because I didn`t find necessary columns. This list show only "common" objects(such as database nemes, functions & ect). I think that such list(after first select) should show only children objects(columns, keys, triggers, indexes & ect.), after that is you write "from" such list should show only parents objects (Such as table name, database name & ect).
PS. Sorry for my english." After that(today) I get the answer from MS SQL Team "Hi,
Your observation is correct. Selection list (column names) can suggests correct candidates once user specifies FROM clause.
Eric Kang
SQL Server Program Manager" & bug was closed as "By Design". Then I reopen this bug with such comments "
But It`s lokks very strange. If I want to select column name from the list I should: 1. write SELECT 2. Press Space 2. Write FROM "Table name" 3. Returt to free space after SELECT 4. Start Write "Column name". 5. Choose the necessary Column name from the list. There are too much for such simple operation.
Posted by stanisluv on 3/19/2008 at 11:45 AM
Too much steps." Sorry I make a typo. I mean: "looks". If anybody else argee with me please validate & vote the feedback. This is the link for it:
Hi guys,
Being new to ASP.NET, I may be asking something that is dead simple, but please bear with me!
How would I go about listing all the tables, stored procedures and views from a SQL database within an aspx page? I understand how to connect and return a dataset etc, but that's about as far as I can get. I want to be able to list all of these objects from a given db - any ideas?
Additionally (this may not be possible) - is there a way I can list all of the objects within a visual solution, again within an aspx page?
Thanks for any help,
Hi, is there a way to find all the objects that are currently open on the server, that includes:
Tables, Views, SPs, Extended SPs, Triggers, Rules, Defaults, Indexes on the tables?
I can get some information from syslockinfo table but I can find a way to get the full picture.
Any help on that would be appreciated.
Is there anyway, that I can generate a list of all the objects that a given user has access to (including type of access whether select or update etc), by running a SQL command? One of our databases has nearly 40,000 tables (no kidding!) I can always find this out by manually looking into the roles etc on the enterprise manager, but I need a way to find out using a T-SQL query..Thanks for any help!
View 2 Replies View RelatedNeed to find the list of objects that are referenced from the outside of current database. Example
Use TestDB1
Create Proc TestProc as begin
select * from TestDB1..Sysobjects
select * from sys.indexes
Need a query which able to return the following
LinkedServername, Databasename, TableName
null ,TestDB1 , Sysobjects
hi all
i am using sysobjects for taking the list of user objects.
by using userid, status column combinations, able to take out the user tables/triggers/views
but for stored procedures, it doesn't work.
is there any better way to list the user objects.
thanks in advance.
sam alex
My dillema is this.
I have a table with the simplified sturcture like this:
Phone Number
I need a list of teachers with their most recent yearly teacher record. How would I do that
I was wondering if it is possible to use a generic list object to use as the datasource/data for a report? Right now we use these business objects to display information on our website and would be great it we could re-use those objects and create reports based on them. We are doing some calculations etc in the business layer to build these objects, so if we could re-use, that would be best.
Hello all :)
First, sorry for my english but I don't practice everday
I'm a new user of Microsoft SQL 2005 and I'm testing some functionalities in SSIS.
I used the Transfer Objects Task to copy one database to another.
The both db's are on the same instance.
I chose these options for the transfer
-SourceConnection : My_Instance
-SourceDatabase : My_DB
-DestinationConnection : My_Instance
-DestinationDatabase : CopyOfMy_DB
-DropObjectsFirst = True
-IncludeExtendedProperties = Fasle
-CopyData = True
-ExistingData = Replace
-CopySchema = True
-UseCollation = True
IncludeDependentObjects =False
CopyAllObjects = True
The others options are set on FASLE
When I execute the package, I got an error message, the logins are dropped. I cannot connect to the database engine, even with my admin account.
I have to restore the master database !
So my question is : why this SSIS task drop all the logins in sql server in place of just copy one database??????
What's the solution for this problem?
Thanks for your comments !
We are having problems with the response times from UPS WorldShip after switching from SQL Server 2000 to 2005.
I think that the problem can be fixed from the database end by setting the permissions correctly for the user/role/schema that is being used by WorldShip to connect to the server but, I'm not sure how to do it.
The Setup
UPS WorldShip 8.0 running on XP Pro SP2
Connecting via Sql Native Client via SQL Server Login
Connection is over a T1 via VPN
Server -
SQL Server Standard Edition on Windows Server 2003
2x3ghz Xeon processors w/ 4gb ram
The user that is being used to connect runs under it's own schema and role and only needs access to two tables in a specific database on the server.
What UPS WorldShip seems to be doing is on a continual basis retrieving information about the layout of the database via calls such as the following
exec [sys].sp_tables NULL,NULL,NULL,N'''VIEW''',@fUsePattern=1
exec [webservices].[sys].sp_columns_90 N'CHECK_CONSTRAINTS',N'INFORMATION_SCHEMA',N'webservices',NULL,@fUsePattern=1
exec [webservices].[sys].sp_columns_90 N'COLUMN_DOMAIN_USAGE',N'INFORMATION_SCHEMA',N'webservices',NULL,@fUsePattern=1
This seems to happen whenever WorldShip contacts the database to find out information in order to be able to create a mapping to the database as well as exporting information to it. Because of the VPN connection these calls take anywhere from 20 seconds to 3 minutes.
I am fairly confident that the problem lies with these calls to the database which I was able to capture using the SQL Server Profiler. We have experimented with the following setups.
1. Connecting to SQL 2000 over VPN with SQL Native Client - No noticeable lag
2. Connecting to SQL 2000 over VPN with SQL Server 2000 driver - No Noticable lag
3. Connecting to SQL 2005 locally with SQL Native Client - No Noticable lag
4. Connectiong to SQL 2005 over VPN with SQL Native Client - Lots of lag
Our network admin has been testing the network connections over the VPN and it is very responsive with none of the long wait times found when using UPS WorldShip.
Now for a possible solution other than getting UPS to fix their software. I think that by limiting the tables and views that the login is able to see will cut down significantly on the lag times that are being experienced. The problem is that there were 264 items that were being returned by sp_tables. I was able to cut that down to 154. I am unable to disable access to any of the rest of the items because they are server scoped.
Take for example the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS view. When I try to deny access to it in any way I get the following error:
Permissions on server scoped catalog views or system stored procedures or extended stored procedures can be granted only when the current database is master (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 4629)
Am I able to deny access to these types of object and if so how? Also, what objects should be accessable such as sys.database_mirroring, sys.database_recovery_status, etc?
Hi,I'm using the 64-bit version of SQL Server 2005, SP2, on WindowsServer 2003 R2 X64 Enterprise Edition. I've got a bunch of users outthere who are the db_owner, db_accessadmin and db_securityadmin oftheir different respective databases. I would expect that they wouldbe able to add users to their databases, given that a login exists onthe server. However, when they go to browse logins to add a user inManagement Studio, they are only shown a very short list (like,themselves and sa, and that's it). We have hundreds of logins on theserver, and they should be able to add any one of them to theirdatabases if they wish. And if they try to type in the login namedirectly, they get a permission denied error.I am the system administrator, so thankfully I've not experienced thisproblem, and I can add users for them. But I'd rather they be able todo it themselves as they see fit. I have experimented by creating atest SQL-authenticated login, and making it db_owner of a testdatabase. When I login with that test login and try to add a user, Isee the exact same behavior. The only logins viewable are my testlogin and sa. The only other thing I can add is it's not justoccurring with the GUI interface; the same thing happens when I do adirect query on the master.sys.syslogins view: I only see the same twologins. So it appears it's happening at that level and the resultappears up in the GUI.It appears this is a security/permissions thing. Anyone know ifthere's a configuration setting or something that might be preventingnon-privileged users from being able to view all the server loginswhen attempting to add users to their databases, in which they areassigned the db_owner role?ThanksGringo
View 1 Replies View RelatedHi. We are using SQL Server 2005 64-bit on Windows Server 2003 R2 x64Enterprise Edition. I have a really weird problem where I have peopleout there who are placed in the db_owner, db_accessadmin, anddb_securityadmin roles in their database, and yet they are unable toadd new users to their databases, despite the fact that logins existfor these users on the server. The reason is that when attempting toadd a new user in Management Studio, upon using the "Browse" option tolook at the logins, the complete list is not presented to them. Infact, they only see a couple of logins or so (the server has hundredsof logins). Also, if they try to type in the login name directly,they get a "permission denied" error message. Since they cannot addusers to their databases, they have to call me and have me do it forthem.I created a test, non-privileged, SQL-authenticated login to testthings for my own sake, and when logged in under the test account, Isaw the same behavior. I had db_owner role for a single testdatabase, and when I went to add users, the only server logins thatwere displayed were my own (the test login in this case) and that ofsa. Further, when I queried the master.sys.syslogins view, I saw thesame thing, it only came back with the rows for myself and sa.It appears that this is clearly a security problem, but I'm not sureat what level to look. We never had this problem with SQL Server 2000or earlier. Does anyone have any idea what I can do to allow mydb_owners to see all the server logins, and therefore be able to addusers to their databases as they see fit? I really do NOT want toassign them to server-level security roles, for obvious reasons.Thanks,SkyGringo
View 1 Replies View RelatedHi everyone,
I have an instance with many databases in it. I am looking for the easiest way to see which of those databases a user has a login on. What is the most efficient way of doing this?
Because I'me a newbie on this... and I don't want to make a monstrous-query, please some advice on this:
In pseudo-code:
for objectname in (specified list of objects)
some sql code (i.e. create table xyz)
With 'objects' I mean a database or table name.
I've searched and found the foreachdb option, but I don't want to execute the sql n ALL db's but only the ones specified.
Any help is appreciated!
I have created a new login in SQL Server 2000.
I have hooked up to more than one database which creating the login.
In syslogins we can see only the default database associated with that login.
I want the list of all the databases for that specific login..
How could I get them?
My main task is to create a login under a specific database.
For which I'm validating whether that login already exists or not I'm checking it in the syslogins table. I need to specifically check it is in my databse or not....for that what should I do...
Thanks in advance
I'm in the process of migrating over nearly 900 reports to a replicated server.
I have moved over 100 reports, stored procedures and their dependent objects so far.
I have two tables that are not being applied to the subscriber.
we run 2008 std edition (I believe r2 on this server, will double check) and I need to find a needle in a haystack.
I am looking at two tables and would like to learn which, if any objects on same db updates these tables. I'd even live with any references to these tables. I already know sql agent is out of the picture. I'm looking for a static approach, not a monitoring one because its possible updates don't occur till month end.
Is there a way in sql server to query the answer to such a question using dmvs or something like dmvs? What if I get bold and want to search all db's on this server for objects that update my two tables even across dbs?
In the mean time, i'll look at scripting all triggers and procs , and doing a search on these table names in the scripts.
I don't know that I've ever seen a way to script all triggers before. Procs I can easily script from the object explorer details. But I'm not sure if in explorer details--> server objects --> triggers does what I hope it does.
After I run a SSIS package which is a "Trasfer SQL Server Objects Task", the database users has lost all mapping to SQL server login. I've tried various options inside the package, however, to my surprise, sometimes the user settings at SOURCE database is lost! I won't suppose to change anything in the SOURCE database after running a data transfer... Anyone knows what's wrong?
Thanks in advance!
DropObjectsFirst - TRUE
IncludeExtendedProperties - FALSE
CopyData - TRUE
ExistingData - Replace
CopySchema - TRUE
UseCollation - FALSE
IncludeDependentObjects - TRUE
CopyAllOBjects - TRUE
CopySqlServerLogins - TRUE/FALSE (both tried)
CopyDatabaseUsers - TRUE
CopyDatabaseRoles - TRUE
Result - the user-login mapping at destination DB is lost.
CopyDatabaseUsers - FALSE
CopyDatabaseRoles - FALSE
Result - the user-login mapping at SOURCE DB is lost.
We're trying to figure out whether it's possible to link AD objects to SQL tables. For example, if we have a table of Users and a table of Companies, we'd like to enter the users into Active Directory, create the Companies as either OU's or Security Groups, then have those entities magically appear in the corresponding SQL Server tables. Is that possible? Thanks in advance.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHi!
There is a view in our replicated SQL-2000 database, that returns all user tables and views with replication state (0 if not included into publication, 1 if included):
Code Snippet
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[ViewREPL_PublishedObjects]
CASE [xtype]
WHEN 'U' THEN 'Table'
WHEN 'V' THEN 'View'
ELSE NULL END AS [Object Type],
[name] AS [Object Name],
CASE WHEN [replinfo] = 0
END AS [Replicated]
FROM [sysobjects]
[xtype] in ('U', 'V')
AND [status] > 0
(CASE [xtype]
Now we need to upgrade our database to SQL-2005, but [sysobjects] table have been changed, so neither Replicated state could be determined according on [replinfo] column value, nor User/System object according on [status].
So, I need a view with same functionality, that will work under SQL-2005 and 2008.
Please, help!
How to find the list of queries currently running in the Database with User Login Information.
Since my database application is running slow, to find the slow queries.
Is there anything equivalent to Oracle's Select * from tab in MS SQL.
Hi friends,
How I can get list of tables and list of fields within those tables in SQL server.
Thnak a lot.
How to obtain the list of the tables of a base by un script
View 1 Replies View RelatedHi all,
Does any one know what command(s) I can use from a SQL prompt to tell me what tables are cruuently residing in a particular database. I'm looking for something along the lines of "select list_of_all_tables from tempdb", which can be applied to any valid db on the system.
Thanks in advance for any guidance.
HI I have three tables as here:
isbn, status, status_date, quantity
id, first_name, family_name
isbn, category, title, num_pages, price, copyright, author1, author2, author3
How can I list title and author name of the book that is most in stock?
My another problem to
Listing names of authors who have not written ay books
Thanks folks!!!
can I through a script retrieve a list af all tables and stored procedure in a database?
I got a request from a devloper asking, how can he find out what tables his stored procedure his using, so he can remove unwanted SP which are using old tables in the database.
Bharath JrDBA
Hi Allcan some one please tell me the transact sql code that can list all tablesin a db.thanksTodd
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