How Can I Made SQL Modifications That I Can Do At EM ?

Aug 14, 2006

Hi all, this probably is a stupid question, but here I go.
I have read in some places that you can't set up an already existent column as IDENTITY, but in Enterprise Manager, you can do it. My question is, how EM can do this? Because I need to do this in a lot of databases, and I have to do this by SQL.

Kind Reggards

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Replication And Schema Modifications

Mar 30, 2000

SQL Server 7.0 (Service Pack 1 )

A table is currently set up with Transactional Replication. A new field needs to be added to the table. The system needs to continue to be live. What is the best way to handle this kind of situation?

The database model cannot be frozen once replication is in place, and a fresh snapshot cannot be taken each time this occurs since this is very timely on large tables, and errors could occur with other tables replicating since there are foreign key constraint in the Target database.

I haven't been able to find a way to be able to continue replicating the old records which may have been in the log during the addition of the field, as well as the new records with the new field. I must be missing something, since the model must be able to be altered once replication is in place, without the shuting down of the entires system.

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Need To Track Stored Procedure Modifications

Nov 29, 2007

can any body provide me any idea
i need to know who had made changes to any particular stored procedure (when and from whose machine) 
any thing regarding to any kind of tracking of stored procedure 

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Replicate Table Additions And Modifications

Feb 23, 2007

I am new at replication and it has been going well, but have more of an information question that a problem. Basically I have transactional replication without updates. So i am pushing from the publisher to the subscriber only. I have added a table to the publisher side, and it is not replicating to the subscriber. Data pushes fine. I have read about reinitializing, adding article, etc. I do not know which is the way to go, I need it to happen automatically.

Which way and how? Any help is appreciated greatly.


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2005 - Direct Modifications To Systems Catalogs

Jul 20, 2007

In 2000 there was a server level setting you could change in EM, to allow direct modifications to systems catalogs.

in 2005 I would like to update some sids in sysusers tables, do I also need to find and set this option first

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Database Table Data Modifications With PK/FK Relationship

Mar 21, 2007

I have two tables (T1 and T2). In T1 I have a field FT1 that is aprimary key in T2 I have a field FT2 that is a foreign key linked toFT1. These fields have been populated with data. Lets say that in onerow of data I have in T1 under FT1 "my cell" as the data entry,similarly with T2 under FT2 I have 2 rows of data that also have "mycell" as the data entry. What is the best line of action is I wantedto change "my cell" to "my data"?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Case When Statement - N Number Of Years Without Modifications

Feb 4, 2014

Below is the scenario which I have currently in my query. I need to write this query without any hardcode values , so that it will work til n number of years without modifications.

Startdate =
Trandate between '06-04-2013' and '05-04-2014' then '06-04-2013'
Trandate between '06-04-2012' and '05-04-2013' then '06-04-2012'
Trandate between '06-04-2011' and '05-04-2012' then '06-04-2011'
Trandate between '06-04-2010' and '05-04-2011' then '06-04-2010'
Trandate between '06-04-2009' and '05-04-2010' then '06-04-2009'
Trandate between '06-04-2008' and '05-04-2019' then '06-04-2008'

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Transact SQL :: Trigger Saves Modifications On Table Including UserID Of One Who Does The Changes

Jun 24, 2015

How can i pass my .net application's Userid to the trigger? I have a audit trail trigger on myTable. I dont know how to pass the userid (not the sql server user) to the trigger when a user delete a record from the application(.NET Application).

The trigger saves the modifications on the table including the userid of one who does the changes.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Modify Stored Procedure Opens Does Not Open For Modifications As Earlier

Jan 5, 2015

when i click on the modify option on a stored procedure it is not opening for editing as earlier. it opens as if for scripting.for example i clicked modify procedure on stored proc. "text" and the result is as follows.

/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[test] Script Date: 05/01/2015 7:50:08 PM ******/
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[test]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))


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I Have Made It This Far...

Sep 6, 2007

Ok I have my login controls working perfectly, my roles function perfect now come time to upload to production server I find I need to convert this to either .sql or .csv file to allow for importation.
Is there a S/W Package available for doing this?

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How To Get Last Payment Made

Jun 20, 2007

I need to get the clientid, last payment date, and last payment amount. I have tried using MAX but this does not work. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? I get all payments and all dates. I'm summing the payment amount incase they made two payments on the same day, not likely but...
SELECT     dbo.tblLoan.Client_ID, MAX(dbo.tblPayments.PaymentDate) AS [Last Pay Date], SUM(dbo.tblPayments.AmountPaid) AS [Last Pay Amt]FROM         dbo.tblLoan INNER JOIN                      dbo.tblPayments ON dbo.tblLoan.Loan_ID = dbo.tblPayments.Loan_IDGROUP BY dbo.tblLoan.Client_IDHAVING      (dbo.tblLoan.Client_ID = @Client_ID) 

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I Think I Have Made Something Way To Complicated...

Dec 27, 2007

All I am trying to do is use a SqlDataSource, Read that Data from the Session Variable, Do a RowFilter off the Data and then return the Data (Currently a DataSet but doesnt matter).  But Since I dont use SqlDataSource that much not sure all the code I have is neccasry:
 protected DataSet GetSearchAppData(string strWhere)
DataSet dsSearchAppTable = new DataSet("SearchAppTable");
SqlDataSource ss = new SqlDataSource();
DataView dv = new DataView();
DataSourceSelectArguments dsArgg = new DataSourceSelectArguments();

dsArgg = DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty;
ss = ((SqlDataSource)Session["SearchAppTable"]);
dv = (DataView)ss.Select(dsArgg);
dv.RowFilter = strWhere;

return dsSearchAppTable;
 And to mention it, dsSearchAppTable returns a Table with 0 rows.  Not sure what the heck I'm doing wrong.

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Can This Be Made Into A Query

Feb 19, 2008

I am trying to make a query that would list all the rows in a table called tickets. It should order the results based on the amount of rows another table has, called rating, but only the rows where the ticketid (primary key) matches and where the date is a required date or higher. It should also order them based on the osid which is located in a systems table (there is a relationship between tickets and systems). So: Order by rows in ratings table relating to ticketid that happened in last week (or another min date)Only display it where osid in systems matchs (easy enough) 

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Where Should Be The Calculations Be Made?

Mar 28, 2007

where should be the calculations be made based on performance, in SQL or in front end?


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Who Nos When The Polygon Made Up In

Mar 3, 2008

i need help on this one

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Keep Track Changes Made In Data

Aug 23, 2006

I want to create a page(using GridView) where it will detect changes made in the database and display it for Administrator observation. I've created a table name history for this purpose.
guid (uniqueidentifier)
changesMade(varchar(50))  ---- eg; dropdownlist
oldValue(varchar(50))  ----- compaq
newValue(varchar(50)) -----dell
updateBy(varchar(10)) <------ username of registered user
comNo(int) = foreign key for Computer table
History data will insert data whenever a changes made. Could anyone advise and direct me how to do this function. I was thinking of using stored procedure to insert the data. Thanks in advance.

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Firing Already Made DTS Package -- From

Apr 13, 2005

Someone please help me with this. 
I'm trying to fire off an already created DTS package.  This package is stored within SQL Server's -- underneith the Data Transformation Services / Local Packages section. 
I'm familiar with strored procedures and using them in so if somone could lead me down that road I would be very much appriciated. 
Thanks in advance everyone,

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Tracking Changes Made In The Database

Sep 12, 2000

Here is the situation. I have an employee who is making changes but I can't prove it. He thinks he knows more than he does and he's mess'n everything up. I would like to know if SQL or some third party product has the capability to see the change and log what was changed with the persons username attached?

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Is There A Way To Log Connections As They Are Made To The Server?

Mar 7, 1999

Is it possible to capture in a log, all users who connect to the database?

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Selecting The Last 3 Orders Made

Apr 25, 2007

Hi guys

Am new in SQL server. i use SQL server 2003 ans am trying to retieve the last three orders made. Can you please help me with my Select statement so that it will only select the last three coz @ the moment it selects everything

SELECT dbo.Invoice.InvoiceNo, dbo.Sales.UnitsSold, dbo.Sales.QuantitySold, dbo.Sales.CostAmount, dbo.Item.ItemCode, dbo.Item.ItemDescription,
dbo.Item.Item, dbo.PurchaseOrder.OrderNumber, dbo.PurchaseOrder.OrderDate, dbo.PurchaseOrder.OrderStatus, dbo.PurchaseOrder.QuantityOrdered,
dbo.PurchaseOrder.QuantityReceived, dbo.Customer.CustomerCode
dbo.Sales ON dbo.Invoice.InvoiceKey = dbo.Sales.InvoiceKey INNER JOIN
dbo.Item ON dbo.Sales.ItemKey = dbo.Item.ItemKey INNER JOIN
dbo.PurchaseOrder ON dbo.Sales.VendorKey = dbo.PurchaseOrder.VendorKey INNER JOIN
dbo.Customer ON dbo.Sales.CustomerKey = dbo.Customer.CustomerKey


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Track Changes Made To SQL Server

Feb 26, 2008

Hello there,Does anyone know of a way to track changes to an SQL Server database so thatI can easily run those changes at a later date?That is, I want to make schema changes, and record those changes so that Ican execute them 6 months later on a copy of the orignal database.Thank you kindly for any ideas anyone may haveJohn

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Saving Changes Made To Database

Jul 20, 2005

I have an application that connects and edits a database's tables.My question is, what is the best way to save who did what changes tothis database? I need to be able to display this in the application.The best way I have thought of so far is, to create a new table with'user', 'date', 'table_name', 'primary_key', 'old field_value' and'new_field_value' fields. Then I can save which table row had beenchanged, by which user and on which date.I'm sure that there is a way to do this in SQL Server, but I'm notsure how.Any help would be appriciated.Jagdip

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How Can I Find All Columns, That The Key Is Made Of?

Nov 27, 2006

In every database we have 'sysobjects' table storing names of all objects(including all keys)  in our data base. How can I find all columns, that the key is made of? Sorry about my english :-/

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How To Track Changes Made To A Specific Table?

Nov 3, 1998

Hi, we are almost finished developing our database and we have a table we want to monitor because it is getting information deleted from it
and it has a delete trigger on it but we want to track the changes to
the table and were wondering how to track specific changes to a user database?
We want to see who is making the change, what the change they are making is and also what is the time they are making it. I have used
and I am running SQL TRACE with filter on MS SQLEW, and MS TRANS, and
Visual Basic with SQL statements on tblRoute,( the table that I want to monitor) and I want to know if there is any other way to monitor this table more closely?

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A UNION Made In Heaven, Or Hades?

Jan 24, 2005

Hi all, Hope everyone is well, my poor Steelers got chomped and spit, and I've been spending lots of time today eating my words *sigh*.

However, in between all the crow-chomping, I have run into a problem I think I am too closely involved with to see around.

I have two identical tables in two different databases. They contain (for simplicity's sake) a symbol, and a ranking for that symbol. The two tables should be the same, but are sometimes not, so I am trying to figure out a way to select from the tables in such a way that I can say:

"Symbol xxx is ranked nn in table t1, but is ranked mm in table t2"

Perhaps I am getting too fancy, but thought I could do it in a single select.

here's what I have so far:


INSERT INTO tMyPicks (sym, rank)

INSERT INTO tUrPicks (sym, rank)

select sym, rank
from (select sym, rank from tMyPicks
union all
select sym, rank from tUrPicks) AS MyUnionTable
group by sym, rank
having count(*) <> 2
order by sym


This results in output that is a step away from what I want...that is, it at least identifes the individual symbols (and the associated ranking) that are NOT the same in the two tables.

IF there was a way to show which table the output of my union came from, I would be good to go, and thought I could add a literal to the select lists from each table in the UNION, but that destroys my group by clause.

Any thoughts? I suspect I will have to go away from my use of the UNION, but when I try using a join, I still have a problem with the grouping logic.

I suspect I am trying to be TOO dang "fancy" but at the moment I think I am too close to the forest to see the trees. :(

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List All Entries Made After Specified Date

Feb 17, 2014

Is it possible to find out when a value was last changed/updated? I want to list all entries made after a specified date.

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Connection Could Not Be Made, Login Failed For Use

Mar 18, 2006

I have sql server 2000 Personal Edition with service pack 4 loaded on a laptop running Windows XP and I'm trying to install a program that automatically loads all the tables and files to the SQL Server.

I keep getting the following error:

Your connection could not be created. Check your settings. The error was: Login failed for user "FileArch"

The program had been previously loaded on this laptop and I had to rebuild the hard drive. When I check Enterprise manager I see in Databases that the FileArch database is in Master as opposed to its own database.

The database missing is called FileArch.

If anyone can provide me with help to solve this I'd be grateful as a new member.


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Counting Number Of Selects Made

Jul 20, 2005

COUNTING NUMBER OF SELECTS MADEtable mytable {id, data, hits}users view data from the table:SELECT data FROM mytable WHERE id=1 --for exampleSELECT data FROM mytable WHERE id=20 --for example....How do increment the hits column without replacing the above with the below?update mytable SET hits=hits+1 WHERE id=1;SELECT data FROM mytable WHERE id=1update mytable SET hits=hits+1 WHERE id=1;SELECT data FROM mytable WHERE id=20....I believe triggers can't be used as they only trigger on update/delete events.I'm using sql server 2000 (latest patches) with aspThanksAlex

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Retrieving Updates Made Within A Transaction?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,This seems like a tricky question to me. I have a Stored Procedurethat encapsulates a number of updates to various tables within atransaction.However, at a later part of the transaction I need to be able toselect records changed by an update statement made earlier within thesame stored proc (and within the same transaction) and need for thatselect to reflect the changed values.My understanding, however, is that the records aren't actually changedby the update statement until the transaction is committed, andtherefore my later select statement won't return the expected recordsbecause the update is being held until the transaction is committed.Is this accurate? And, if so, is there a reasonable workaround thatstill leaves me able to rollback the entire transaction if I strike aproblem somewhere along the way?So, a pseudo code example would be:BEGIN TRANSACTIONUPDATE mytable SET myid = @yourid WHERE myid = @idSELECT * FROM mytable where myid = @idCOMMIT TRANSACTIONIn this above example, would the select statement return the recordsthat have a myid value of @id as before the update as after theupdate?Many, many thanks in advance!Much warmth,Murray

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A Connection Could Not Be Made To The Report Server

Apr 1, 2007

While attempting to deploy from within VS2005 running on 2003 server we get the following error:

TITLE: Microsoft Semantic Model Designer

A connection could not be made to the report server http://xxxxx:90/ReportServer.

Running sql2005 sp2 integrated w Sharepoint 2007


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Liste Of Report Made With ReportBuilder

Aug 7, 2006

Hi !

I'm trying to figure out how can i get a list of the reports made with reportbuilder. I have create a folder in ReportManger and all my report are in this folder.
When i create report with ReportDesigner i get a .RDL file, but when i create a report using reportBuilder i can't file the file created. What i want to do is to create in our web application a Web page with a list of report that our client has create using ReportBuilder. I was thinking about doing a loop on the folder for each report File but i can't find those files.

Any idea ?


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A Connection Could Not Be Made To The Report Server

Feb 23, 2008


I got this error when I was trying to deploy the reporting into IIS..

TITLE: Microsoft Report Designer

A connection could not be made to the report server http://localhost/reportserver.


The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseStatusLine (System.Web.Services)



I am not able to solve it please help.


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Cumultative Update 5 Made SQL Use All Memory

Mar 20, 2008


I just ended a case with microsoft because I had an issue with Analysis services. The thing is, one of the solutions given by microsoft was to install cumulative update 5 for SQL Server 2005 SP2. Now SQL Server is using all the memory on the server which has windows 2003 server R2 Enterprise SP2 (8GB of Ram) /3GB and /PAE enabled. The weird thing is non of the sql server processes displayed in Task manager shows more than 200MB of memory. But, the server only has 500MB of memory available and 7GB of PF Usage. How did I find out that SQL Server was using the memory, well I shut down the service and 6.8 GB of memory available and the PF Usage went down to just 1.8GB. Turned on again and then the same situation.

well it seems SQL Server is reserving memory or something.

Any clues?

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