How Can I Send Row Data To A SQL Database Table Via VB 2008, And Permanently Save And Display The Result?
Mar 11, 2008
This is related to:
How can I make some graphics drawings stick while others disappear?
Except that now I am trying to connect and update to an Microsoft SQL Server Database File (SqlClient) via VB 2008 Express; specifically a table called €śHexMap€? that contains some columns that I am ready to insert some row data into. Here is what my program should do:
As I hover over a hexagon map of the US a red flickering hexagon follows the location of my mouse cursor. If I click on a given hexagon, the program draws a permanent blue hexagon, and sends a new set of row data into my database. Such information as the name of the state, row, column, center x, and center y, etc. Here is a quick snapshot of this program in action:
-sorry, I didn't capture the mouse cursor inside the red hexagon
I think I am missing something since I appear to be able to connect successfully to the database table. Unfortunately, I never see the changes in the database, when I try to Show Table Data (via Database Explorer). I am hoping someone will review my code snippet (below) and tell me what I am missing. What happens when I run this code is that it acts like it works just fine, except that I have no indication that any changes were actually affected.
Code Snippet
Dim CN As New SqlClient.SqlConnection()
Dim da As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
'Consider using Me._adapter that is used already
CN.ConnectionString = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Mapboard.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True"
'Use the following code to verify that a connection to the database has achieved
If CN.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
MsgBox("Workstation " & CN.WorkstationId & "connected to database " & CN.Database & "on the " & CN.DataSource & " server")
End If
End Try
'use the Connection object to execute statements
'against the database and then close the connection
da = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("select * from HexMap order by Territory", CN)
If CN.State = ConnectionState.Open Then CN.Close()
Dim rows As Integer
rows = 0
Dim CMD As New SqlCommand("INSERT HexMap (Hexagon, HexRow, HexCol, HexX, HexY, Territory) VALUES(HexCounter, CaptureRow,CaptureCol,Hx,Hy,Territory_ComboBox1.Text)", CN)
rows = CMD.ExecuteNonQuery
If rows = 1 Then
MsgBox("Table HexMap updated successfully")
MsgBox("Failed to update the HexMap table")
End If
If CN.State = ConnectionState.Open Then CN.Close()
Thanks for reviewing my code.
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Feb 14, 2007
Kindly i need support in this issue, i create task flow import from flat file and store in database but i need to save all result for task into specific table
Like Record count transferred
Destination table name
Time ..........etc
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Jun 4, 2015
One people created a word input file (15 pages, including check boxes, text boxes, drop down lists...). Is it possible to save data in word input file to SQL table?
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Jan 31, 2008
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Server
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Collections
Partial Public Class StoredProcedures
<Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure()> _
Public Shared Sub StoredProcedureTest(ByVal strAS400ServerName As String, _
ByVal strCompany As String, _
ByVal decSerial As Decimal, _
ByVal strSerialCode As String, _
ByVal strSerialScan As String, _
ByVal decMasterSerialNumber As Decimal, _
ByVal strCustomerPart As String, _
ByVal strTakataPart As String, _
ByVal strCustomerRanNo As String, _
ByVal strCustomerAbv As String, _
ByVal strDestinationAbv As String, _
ByVal decQty As Decimal, _
ByVal strCreatDate As String, _
ByVal decVoidSerialNo As Decimal, _
ByVal strProductionLineNo As String, _
ByVal strProcType As String)
Dim sp As SqlPipe = SqlContext.Pipe
Dim strResult As Integer = 0
Dim strErrorText As String = String.Empty
Dim dsData As New DataSet
Dim parameter(15) As OleDbParameter
If Not strAS400ServerName Is Nothing And strAS400ServerName <> String.Empty Then
' Populate parameter collection
parameter(0) = (CreateParameter("PARM1", OleDbType.Char, 20, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strAS400ServerName))
parameter(1) = (CreateParameter("PARM2", OleDbType.Char, 2, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strCompany))
parameter(2) = (CreateParameter("PARM3", OleDbType.Decimal, 10, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, decSerial))
parameter(3) = (CreateParameter("PARM4", OleDbType.Char, 2, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strSerialCode))
parameter(4) = (CreateParameter("PARM5", OleDbType.Char, 25, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strSerialScan))
parameter(5) = (CreateParameter("PARM6", OleDbType.Decimal, 10, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, decMasterSerialNumber))
parameter(6) = (CreateParameter("PARM7", OleDbType.Char, 30, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strCustomerPart))
parameter(7) = (CreateParameter("PARM8", OleDbType.Char, 15, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strTakataPart))
parameter(8) = (CreateParameter("PARM9", OleDbType.Char, 15, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strCustomerRanNo))
parameter(9) = (CreateParameter("PARM10", OleDbType.Char, 6, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strCustomerAbv))
parameter(10) = (CreateParameter("PARM11", OleDbType.Char, 6, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strDestinationAbv))
parameter(11) = (CreateParameter("PARM12", OleDbType.Decimal, 9, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, decQty))
parameter(12) = (CreateParameter("PARM13", OleDbType.Char, 10, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strCreatDate))
parameter(13) = (CreateParameter("PARM14", OleDbType.Decimal, 10, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, decVoidSerialNo))
parameter(14) = (CreateParameter("PARM15", OleDbType.Char, 3, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strProductionLineNo))
parameter(15) = (CreateParameter("PARM16", OleDbType.Char, 2, ParameterDirection.InputOutput, strProcType))
RunDB2Sp("FABLE.MAP", parameter, dsData)
If dsData.Tables.Count > 0 Then
dsData.Tables(0).TableName = "Supreeth"
Dim bitresult As String = dsData.Tables(0).Rows(0)(0).ToString()
Dim errorstring As String = dsData.Tables(0).Rows(0)(1).ToString()
' I am not sure here
SqlContext.Pipe.Send("No errors")
End If
Throw New ArgumentException("AS400Db.GetAS400TraceabilityResult: AS400 server name is empty or invalid")
End If
End Sub
Public Shared Sub RunDB2Sp(ByVal strProcedure As String, ByRef parms As OleDbParameter(), ByRef dsData As DataSet)
' Declare Variables
Dim daAdaptor As OleDbDataAdapter
Dim cmdAS400 As OleDbCommand
'Dim dstestMe As New DataSet
cmdAS400 = CreateCommand(strProcedure, parms)
daAdaptor = New OleDbDataAdapter(cmdAS400)
' Fill the Data Set
Catch expError As OleDbException
daAdaptor = Nothing
daAdaptor = Nothing
End Try
End Sub
Public Shared Function CreateParameter(ByVal name As String, _
ByVal type As OleDbType, _
ByVal size As Integer, _
ByVal direction As ParameterDirection, _
ByVal paramValue As Object) As OleDbParameter
Dim param As OleDbParameter = New OleDbParameter
param.ParameterName = name
param.OleDbType = type
param.Size = size
param.Direction = direction
param.Value = paramValue
Return param
End Function
Private Shared Function CreateCommand(ByVal strProcedure As String, ByVal prams As OleDbParameter()) As OleDbCommand
Dim CmdSAS400 As OleDbCommand
Dim parameter As OleDbParameter
Dim connAS400 As OleDbConnection
connAS400 = New OleDbConnection("Provider=IBMDA400;Data Source=AHISERIESDEV1;User Id=****;Password=****;")
CmdSAS400 = connAS400.CreateCommand()
CmdSAS400.CommandText = strProcedure
CmdSAS400.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
'CmdAS400.CommandTimeout = intTimeOut
If (prams Is Nothing) Then
For Each parameter In prams
End If
Return CmdSAS400
End Function
I have a UI which supplies 16 parameters to my stored procedure , which in turn call another sored procedure on as400 which returns result set. So far i am able to send 16 parms and get the values in dataset.
My question here how would i send the result set to UI for display, please feel free to comment on any changes need to be made on code . I badly need to find a solution for this and i appreciate any feed backs
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Feb 26, 2015
Is there a way to display a column alias as part of the result set column labels?
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Aug 12, 2015
I have below table in the snapshot, My task is to send the same output as a attachment in Excel to email. i used the below procedure
EXEC [msdb]..sp_send_dbmailÂ
@subject='DB Mail',
@body='HI Team',
@execute_query_database = 'DbName',
@query = 'EXEC J16ReimbursementFortnightly1TO15 1',
@query_attachment_filename = 'SummaryReimbursement.xls'
But I am not getting Proper Output, is seems like CSV Format, but i want it proper tabular format in Excel.
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Nov 29, 2004
I got one table with 3 columns = Column1, Column2, Column3
Sample Table
Column1 | Column2 | Column3
A | 12 | 0
A | 13 | 2
B | 12 | 5
C | 5 | 0
Select Column1, Column2, Column3 as New1
Where Column1 = A AND Column2 = 12 AND Column3 = 0
Select Column1, Column2, Column3 as New2
Where Column1 = A AND Column2 = 12 AND Column3 >0
The only difference is one condition Column3 = 0 and another one Column3 > 0. This two condition is not an "AND" condition... but just two separate information need to be display in one table.
So how do i display the result in one table where the new Output will be in this manner
Column1 | Column2 | New1 | New2|
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Feb 5, 2008
Hi guys n gals !
I am having a few problems manipulating the results of my data reader,To gather the data I need my code is:
// database connection SqlConnection dbcon = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbcon"]);
// sql statement to select latest news item and get the posters name SqlCommand rs = new SqlCommand("select * from tblnews as news left join tblmembers as members ON news.news_posted_by = members.member_idno order by news.news_idno desc", dbcon); // open connection dbcon.Open();
// execute SqlDataReader dr = rs.ExecuteReader();
// send the data to the repeater repeater_LatestNews.DataSource = dr; repeater_LatestNews.DataBind();
Then I am using: <%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "news_comments")%> in my repeater.What I need to do is pass the "news_comments" item to a function I created which will then write the result. The code for my function is:
// prevent html public string StripHtml(string data) { // grab the data string theData = data;
// replace < with &alt; theData = Regex.Replace(theData, "<", "<"); // return result return theData; }
But I am having problms in doing this,Can anyone point me in the right direction on what I should be doing ???
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Dec 18, 2007
I have a report that retrieves its data from Analysis Services. The data includes a count and dollar value of projects against their current status: It looks something similar to
(group1) status1 10 $200,000
(detail) p1 1 $5,000
p2 1 $10,000
p10 1 $20,000
(group1) status3 5 $90,000
(detail) .
(group1) status4 15 $150,000
(detail) .
In the report I hide the detail rows. I have a fixed/known number of statuses (in this case 4) and need to show all 4 in the report. eg
(group1) status1 10 $200,000
(detail) p1 1 $5,000
p2 1 $10,000
p10 1 $20,000
(group1)status2 0 $0
(group1) status3 5 $90,000
(detail) .
(group1) status4 15 $150,000
(detail) .
ie in this case I need to show status 2 (that doesn't exist in the data set) with zero totals.
Does anyone know if this is possible to get SSRS to display each of the status groups (in a known fixed list) and then match them to the records in the dataset.
As an alternative, if I were using SQL Server I could add rows to the dataset using a union statement. Is there similar functionality using mdx? My mdx skills are very basic.
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Aug 19, 2015
I have a table Test123 having three column EmpID,AttribName,AttribValue.
run the below query to generate table structure and data.
Create Table Test123(EmpID int,AttribName varchar(50),AttribValue varchar(50))
insert into Test123 values(1,'Name','X')
insert into Test123 values(1,'Age',50)
insert into Test123 values(1,'Salary',1000)
insert into Test123 values(2,'Name','Y')
insert into Test123 values(2,'Age',30)
insert into Test123 values(2,'Salary',2000)
insert into Test123 values(3,'Name','Z')
insert into Test123 values(3,'Age',35)
insert into Test123 values(3,'Salary','One Hundred')
And I want output in below format.
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Apr 30, 2015
Is there any automated script available to - "Monitor Database Growth and if any DB is grown by 20%, sending mail alerts"? If not, what is the approach to write the T SQL script ?
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Jan 25, 2011
I have a XML data passed on to the stored proc in the following format, and within the stored proc I am accessing the data of xml using the nodes() method
Here is an example of what i am doing
DECLARE @Participants XML
SET @Participants = '<ArrayOfEmployees xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<Employees EmpID="1" EmpName="abcd" />
<Employees EmpID="2" EmpName="efgh" />
</ArrayOfEmployees >'
SELECT Participants.Node.value('@EmpID', 'INT') AS EmployeeID,
Participants.Node.value('@EmpName', 'VARCHAR(50)') AS EmployeeName
@Participants.nodes('/ArrayOfEmployees /Employees ') Participants (Node)
the above query produces the following result
EmployeeID EmployeeName
--------------- -----------
1 abcd
2 efgh
How do I join the data coming out from the above query with another table in the database, for example Employee in this case
i.e. somewhat like this (note the following query does not perform the join correctly)
SELECT Participants.Node.value('@EmpID', 'INT') AS EmployeeID,
Participants.Node.value('@EmpName', 'VARCHAR(50)') AS EmployeeName
@Participants.nodes('/ArrayOfEmployees /Employees ') Participants (Node)
Employee EMP ON EmployeeID = EMP .EmployeeID
My desired output after the join would be
EmployeeID EmployeeName Email Home Address
--------------- ----------- --------------- -----------
1 abcd New York
2 efgh Austin
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Aug 10, 2015
I need to display all the dates within a range even with no data
For example right now my query get the records with the range say...
The range is 7/1/15 thru 7/7/15
I Get...
Joe 7/1/15 xxx
Joe 7/3/15 ccc
Joe 7/5/15 xxx
I want...
Joe 7/1/15 xxx
Joe 7/2/15
Joe 7/3/15 ccc
Joe 7/4/15
Joe 7/5/15 xxx
Joe 7/6/15
Joe 7/7/15
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Apr 18, 2012
I have a job that emails out shipment notifications at the end of the day to our customers. The problem I have is I don't understand why the same email is sending out twice within a minute of each other when the job is only scheduled to run once. If I take the code out of the step and run it in management studio it only emails once. I attached the code for one customer for reference. We are running SQL 2008 on a VM sending to an exchange 2010 server.
SET @tableHTML =N'<H1>XYZ Company ASN For ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 101) + ' </H1>' +
N'<table border="1">' +
N'<tr><th>Vendor</th><th>Delivery Date</th>' +
N'<th>Purchase Order Number</th><th>Item Number</th><th>Item Description</th>' +
N'<th>Quantity Shipped</th><th>UOM</th><th>BOL Number</th>'
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Apr 6, 2015
I written a proc to display the list of Indexes But I needed to print the database where the objects do belong to. How I should write the Dynamic script to add the database Id? I thought to use derived table kind of stuff, but unable to find a solution.
DECLARE databasecursor CURSOR FOR
[Code] .....
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Apr 17, 2015
I need to recover some data in a table but i'm not 100% sure the right way to do this safely.
I'll need to query the two tables to compare the before and after but how do i go about restoring/attaching the backup database to SQL without causing conflicts?
If I restore, I assume this would just overwrite which is obviously the worst thing that can happen. if i attach the backup, how does this affect the current live DB? how do i make sure that it's not getting accessed and mistaken for the live DB?
The SQL server is 2008 R2 running as a VM.
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Mar 17, 2008
In SQL 2005, I've created a test scenario in AdventureWorks where I:
1.) Create a database master key:
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.symmetric_keys WHERE symmetric_key_id = 101)
2.) Create a certificate:
WITH SUBJECT = 'Comments'
3.) Create a symmetric key:
4.) Add a test column to the HumanResources.JobCandidate table:
ALTER TABLE HumanResources.JobCandidate
ADD Comments varbinary(8000)
5.) Open the symmetric key for use:
6.) Insert and Encrypt values ('Yes') to the newly created column:
UPDATE HumanResources.JobCandidate
SET Comments = EncryptByKey(Key_GUID('CommentKey'), 'Yes')
Great. Now all the textbooks say that, to view the column values in a decrypted state, you should:
SELECT CONVERT(varchar, DecryptByKey(Comments)) AS [Decrypted Comments], *
FROM HumanResources.JobCandidate
Great, I get it. But here's the rub. What is the best way to permanently decrypt the column and keep it in a cleartext state?
Running the following works, but keeps the column values in a varbinary (hexadecimal) state which is what we originally created:
UPDATE HumanResources.JobCandidate
SET Comments = DecryptByKey(Comments)
But if I want to transform this varbinary(8000) column into a human-readable varchar column, the only thing I could come up with was a temp table solution:
UPDATE HumanResources.JobCandidate
SET Comments = DecryptByKey(Comments)
DECLARE @temp varchar(1000)
SET @temp = (SELECT TOP 1 CommentsFROM Human Resources.JobCandidate)
CREATE TABLE #decrypt (Comment varchar(1000))
INSERT INTO #decrypt (Comments) VALUES (@temp)
ALTER TABLE HumanResources.JobCandidate
ALTER COLUMN Comments varchar(1000)
UPDATE HumanResources.JobCandidate
SET Comments = (SELECT Comments FROM #decrypt)
DROP TABLE #decrypt
It works, but seems so inelegant to me.
Is there an easier way?
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Jul 23, 2005
Dear group,I have to replicate remote data to a SQL Server in the headquarter.The data are on a site which does not have permanent online-connectionto the headquarter.I have written a script which replicates the data and i want to set upa process / batch on the headquarter-machine which roughly does thefollowing1) Connect to the remote site2) start replication script (in fact a stored procedure)3) on success disconnect from the remote siteAll this has to run automatically e.g. during nighttime.Could someone please outline how i set up the connection and keep itup during my database-action and how to automatically disconnect aftersuccess of my replication script.I'd be jolly grateful.Thanks in advance and Greetings from ViennaUli
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Sep 11, 2006
1-I want to save records from a table located in my database1 on Server1 to a non existing table in another database2 in another server2. (The destination table doesn t exist, I want it to be created with T-SQL). How can I do that using T-SQL
2- Also, is there an other better practice to back up my table before I do some dammage inintentially and destroy the table or the records forever or does SQL server do that automatically for us.
Thanks a lot for your advice.
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Sep 20, 2006
I am working on a program in VB 2005 in which i want to store and retrieve GPS coordinates. I am not sure which data type is the best to use to enter Latitude & Longitude numbers and maintain their proper integrity.
Like LAT ( N38 28.025' ) and LONG (W105 52.098' )
The numbers will be entered by the user and that format can be maintained, but how to re-enter & or insert them into the database using the same format is my real question.
I hope I have explained this right. The numbers in BOLD are what I need to maintain.
Thanks for any help in advance.
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Jul 11, 2007
i have an xml file, it looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><shiporder orderid="889923" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="shiporder.xsd"> <orderperson>John Smith</orderperson> <shipto> <name>Ola Nordmann</name> <address>Langgt 23</address> <city>4000 Stavanger</city> <country>Norway</country> </shipto> <item> <title>My Title</title> <quantity>1</quantity> <price>10.12</price> </item> <item> <title>Hide your heart</title> <quantity>1</quantity> <price>9.90</price> </item></shiporder>
how can i save this into a database(Sql) using a procedure
or..there is another way to do this?
im a newbie
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Dec 19, 2004
I have problem in the data when I save it in database !!!
From Windows Application I Send (nText) Data to SQL Server Database in Web Server but when I try to explore it in SQL Server Enterprise manager or ny SQL Server DB Manager I see the Fields of (nText) Data is empty but when I try to brows the data in ASP.NET page I get it like the following
??? ??? ??? ????? ??????? ?? ??? ??? ?????, ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????????. ????
??????". ?? ????????? ???? ???? ????? ?????, ?? ????? ??????? ??????.
???? ????, ??????? ??? ??? ??????? ?????, ??? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ??????
So I thing the data has been damaged!!
Why this problem... And how can I solve it??
The Problem only in (nText) Data ..
And thanks with my best regarding??
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Jan 8, 2006
I need to save MicroStation "elements" along with other general information. Is that possible to do with SQL Server 2005?
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Nov 14, 2007
Want to save the result of a query in sql server express to a text file or any other file.
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Dec 26, 2007
This is my procedure which I need to send the Data into Database, But it does not generate any error and it does not send the information into Database, May I have done wrong, any one to look on that please.
Sub Add_To_Cart(ByVal Src As Object, ByVal Args As EventArgs)
Dim FVProductID As Label = FormView1.FindControl("ProductID")
Dim FVProductName As Label = FormView1.FindControl("ProductName")Dim FVProductPrice As Label = FormView1.FindControl("ProductPrice")
Dim DBConnection As SqlConnection
Dim DBCommand As SqlCommand
Dim sql As String
Dim SQLAddString As String
DBConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=MANDARISQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=SHOES;Integrated Security=True")
If Not Session("OrderID") Is Nothing Then
sql = "SELECT Count(*) FROM ShoppingCart " & _
"WHERE OrderID = '" & CType(Session("OrderID"), String) & "' " _
& "AND ProductID = '" & FVProductID.Text & "'"
DBCommand = New SqlCommand(sql, DBConnection)
If DBCommand.ExecuteScalar() = 0 Then
SQLAddString = "INSERT INTO ShoppingCart (OrderID, ProductID, OrderDate, ProductName, ProductQnty, ProductPrice) VALUES (" & _
"'" & Session("OrderID") & "', " & _"'" & FVProductID.Text & "', " & _
"'" & Today & "', " & _"'" & FVProductName.Text & "', " & _
"'" & FVProductPrice.Text & "', 1)"DBCommand = New SqlCommand(SQLAddString, DBConnection)
End If
End If
Src.Text = "Item Added"Src.ForeColor = Color.FromName("#990000")
Src.BackColor = Color.FromName("#E0E0E0")
Src.Font.Bold = True
End Sub
Sub Add_To_Cart(ByVal Src As Object, ByVal Args As EventArgs)
Dim FVProductID As Label = FormView1.FindControl("ProductID")
Dim FVProductName As Label = FormView1.FindControl("ProductName")
Dim FVProductPrice As Label = FormView1.FindControl("ProductPrice")
Dim DBConnection As SqlConnection
Dim DBCommand As SqlCommand
Dim sql As String
Dim SQLAddString As String
DBConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=MANDARISQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=SHOES;Integrated Security=True")
If Not Session("OrderID") Is Nothing Then
sql = "SELECT Count(*) FROM ShoppingCart " & _
"WHERE OrderID = '" & CType(Session("OrderID"), String) & "' " _
& "AND ProductID = '" & FVProductID.Text & "'"
DBCommand = New SqlCommand(sql, DBConnection)
If DBCommand.ExecuteScalar() = 0 Then
SQLAddString = "INSERT INTO ShoppingCart (OrderID, ProductID, OrderDate, ProductName, ProductQnty, ProductPrice) VALUES (" & _
"'" & Session("OrderID") & "', " & _
"'" & FVProductID.Text & "', " & _
"'" & Today & "', " & _
"'" & FVProductName.Text & "', " & _
"'" & FVProductPrice.Text & "', 1)"
DBCommand = New SqlCommand(SQLAddString, DBConnection)
End If
End If
Src.Text = "Item Added"
Src.ForeColor = Color.FromName("#990000")
Src.BackColor = Color.FromName("#E0E0E0")
Src.Font.Bold = True
End Sub
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Aug 9, 2007
Is it possible to save the results of several SP calls in a script, to one file?
Here's what I mean:
I want to run these 4 sp calls--
exec EPC_SP1 'aph','live'
exec EAUI_SP2 'noble','newswire'
exec EAUI_SP3 'noble',1
exec EAUI_SP4 5507,'live'
And save the results of each one of those calls to the same file, in other words, an APPEND
Is this or something like it possible in TSQL?
Help appreciated!
Thank you,
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Jan 3, 2008
i want to save the result of the query to a xml file .when any dml operations done on the table then the whole table must be appeared in the xml format in xml file.("Select * from Table_name").
Can any one help me out.
this must be dont directly .not by using any of the tools.
Suppose in sqlserver express we can do this by using 'bcp' tool.But i dont want that .Plzz Help me out.
Thanks & Regards ,
Anujahnavi S.
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Feb 28, 2007
When I was using Enterprise Manager (SQL 2000) and stored my query result (to file), it was stored in Ansi Encoding.
After I upgrade to SQL Server Management Studio (2005), it seams that when I store the query result to file it's Unicode Encoded. This give me a lot of trouble, when I use other program who I must read this file. For small result set, I can open it in Notepad, save it as ANSI, and then use it in my other program. When the result set is so big that Notepad not can help me, I can't use the stored result set.
There must be a way to store my Query result in Ansi encoding, but I don't know how I can do it. Hope some one know, and can help me solve this big problem.
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Feb 20, 2006
How to send a Query Result as attachment in excel format using any types of sql mail tools, SQLMAIL or CDO or ....
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Oct 10, 2007
I have nine type of buttons,
PlacAmtBTM and so on, I also have a SQL setver view V_Payment_Amount_List from here i need to display the data on the button
this is the select value to display when i choose the agency list and the amount corresponding to that agency_ID is displayed here the agency_ID is fetched from the SQL CONDITION
WebLibraryClass ConnectionFinanceDB;ConnectionFinanceDB = new WebLibraryClass();
string SQLCONDITION = "";string RUN_SQLCONDITION = "";
SessionValues ValueSelected = null;int CollectionCount = 0;if (Session[Session_UserSPersonalData] == null)
{ValueSelected = new SessionValues();
Session.Add(Session_UserSPersonalData, ValueSelected);
ValueSelected = (SessionValues)(Session[Session_UserSPersonalData]);
}ProcPaymBTM.Visible = false;PaymenLstBTN.Visible = false;
Dataviewlisting.ActiveViewIndex = 0;TreeNode SelectedNode = new TreeNode();
SelectedNode = AgencyTree.SelectedNode;
SelectedAgency = SelectedNode.Value.ToString();
Agencytxt.Text = SelectedAgency;
Agencytxt2.Text = SelectedAgency;
Agencytxt3.Text = SelectedAgency;DbDataReader CollectingDataSelected = null;
{CollectingDataSelected = ConnectionFinanceDB.CollectedFinaceData("SELECT DISTINCT AGENCY_ID FROM dbo.AIMS_AGENCY where Program = '" + SelectedAgency + "'");
}DataTable TableSet = new DataTable();
TableSet.Load(CollectingDataSelected, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges);int IndexingValues = 0;foreach (DataRow DataCollectedRow in TableSet.Rows)
{if (IndexingValues == 0)
{SQLCONDITION = "where (Project_ID = '" + DataCollectedRow["AGENCY_ID"].ToString().Trim() + "'";
{SQLCONDITION = SQLCONDITION + " OR Project_ID = '" + DataCollectedRow["AGENCY_ID"].ToString().Trim() + "'";
IndexingValues += 1;
ConnectionFinanceDB.DisconnectToDatabase();if (Dataviewlisting.ActiveViewIndex == 0)
Dataviewlisting.ActiveViewIndex += 1;
Dataviewlisting.ActiveViewIndex = 0;
SelectedAgency = SQLCONDITION;
ValueSelected.CONDITION = SelectedAgency;
???? this is where i use to get count where in other buttons and are displayed.... but i changed the query to display only the Payment_Amount_Budgeted respective to the agency selected. from the viewRUN_SQLCONDITION = "SELECT Payment_Amount_Budgeted FROM dbo.V_Payment_Amount_List " + SQLCONDITION;
CollectionCount = ConnectionFinanceDB.CollectedFinaceDataCount(RUN_SQLCONDITION);
EnrollAmtBTM.Text = CollectionCount.ToString();
}////this is my CollectedFinaceDataCount-- where fuction counts the records in the above select statement if i use for eg.
"SELECT Count(Placement_Retention_ID) FROM dbo.V_Retention_6_Month_Finance_Payment_List"
here is the functionpublic int CollectedFinaceDataCount(String SQLStatement)
{int DataCollection;
DataCollection = 0;
SQLCommandExe = FinanceConnection.CreateCommand();
SQLCommandExe.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
SQLCommandExe.CommandText = SQLStatement;
ConnectToDatabase();DataCollection = (int) SQLCommandExe.ExecuteScalar();
}catch (Exception ex)
{Console.WriteLine("Exception Occurred :{0},{1}",
ex.Message, ex.StackTrace.ToString());
return DataCollection;
So here mu requirement request is to display only the value fronm the view i have against the agency selected
Please help ASAP
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Jan 18, 2007
i currently have multiple textboxes which input data, i'm wanting the textbox details to be sent to a database, here's how one of the textboxes look: <asp:TextBox ID="NameTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Name") %>' Visible="False" Width="300px"></asp:TextBox>
the sqldatasource:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:CommunityDirConnectionString %>" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO email(Name, Department, Email, Subject, Body) VALUES (@Name, @Department, @Email, @Subject, @Body)" SelectCommand="SELECT email.* FROM email"><InsertParameters><asp:Parameter Name="Name" /><asp:Parameter Name="Department" /><asp:Parameter Name="Email" /><asp:Parameter Name="Subject" /><asp:Parameter Name="Body" /></InsertParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>
i'm wanting it to fire once the user selects a button, but i'm not sure what code needs to be placed behind the button?
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May 2, 2007
Hello All,
I am working on constructing a software layer around some features of the RDL language that would allow me to programatically generate reports.
I am reading the RDL specification language, and I do not understand three things:
1) How the DataSet element is populated by the query or more precisely how do the <Field> elements capture all the rows inside the table that is being queries?
To my understanding I wilkl have to define several fields that correspond to all columns of interest in the query.
But that is only for one row (?!) How do the rest of the rows get populated? Does the server recursively create new rows based on my definitions until it matches row for row all the data in the table?
2) Once the elements are inside a DataSet how do make use of that data to render it in a table.
I understand how the DataSource, DataSet, and Table work individually, yet I do not understand how to establish a flow of data between DataSet and Table.
3) Do I even need to use a <Table> as an RDL element in order to organize the data in an excel table?
I would appreciate any help. Thank you!
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Oct 18, 2007
Hi all,
I have one table with a column of type 'image'. There are manytypes of files saved in that column (i.e. .Doc,Xls,Pdf,jpg,gif etc.). What I want is, read that files from database and save it in temp folder on d drive of server. Can anyone help me in my problem?
Thanx in advance
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