How Can I Stop Or Continue Package Execution Based On Variable Value

Aug 1, 2006


I need to make my package check a variable value at the begining of the execution and depending on the value of that variable it decides either to continue or stop the package execution. How can i do that?



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How To Continue Package Execution During Error?

Jun 5, 2006

We have a package that loads the data from several excel files into database in a forloop.

Everything works files until the package hits the bad file.

My goal is to continue the loop to process the rest of the files by skipping the bad file and error. In each task OnError I am creating custom error message to send an error/ sucess summary email out at end of the process.

How can force the for loop to continue when there is an error?

Is there any way to reset the errors?



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Continue Package Execution On Task Failure

Dec 2, 2006


I am developing an SSIS package and need the execution of the package to continue even if one of the tasks within the package fails. I have an OnError event handler for this task which fires when it fails but want the rest of the package to continue.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.


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Stop The Package Execution

Aug 2, 2006

Hello all

I want to cause the package to fail in DataFlow. I wanted use the script component for this purpose.

How I can do it?


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How To Stop Execution Of DTS Package (during Loop)

Jan 16, 2007

I have a MSSQL DTS Package where it needs to loop/execute 3 times because the main task is to import data from 3 excel files (different location) into 1 SQL table. I used a global variable vCounter and I use an ActiveX Script.

ActiveX Script 1

Option Explicit

Function Main()

Dim vDate, vCounter, vBranchCode, vPath



IF vCounter<=3 THEN

IF vCounter=1 THEN
ELSEIF vCounter=2 THEN
ELSEIF vCounter=3 THEN

DTSGlobalVariables("gVarPath").Value=vPath & vDate & "_" & vBranchCode & ".xls"

Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

<This is where i will initialize the global variable gVarCounter, so in the next execution..the value should be back to 1>
<DTS Process should stop is this?>

End Function

After excel to sql dts
ActiveX Script2

Function Main()

IF gVarCounter<=3 then
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

End Function

Thanks a lot.

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How To Stop A SSIS Package Execution From Code?

Sep 13, 2006

Hi everyone,

After a Execute method I would need to stop a package but I don't know why:

sResultDts = pkg.Execute(Nothing, Nothing, EventsSSIS, Nothing, Nothing)

I have a Events class (EventSSIS) which implements IDTSEvents and have an OnQueryCancel event but without parameters, such so:

Function OnQueryCancel() As Boolean Implements IDTSEvents.OnQueryCancel

Return False

End Function

Let me know how to pass a boolean parameter because of I can't overloaded OnQueryCancel method


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Stop Growth In .mdf And Continue On .ndf File?

Jan 4, 2008

I have 50GB datafile (.mdf) and have 650 mb lift on the hard drive. I have another drive (on the same box) which has about 30 GB left.
My question is can i create a .ndf file in that 30GB drive and continue the database growth on the new .ndf file with out any furthur growth on the .mdf file? please help!

Thanks in advance!

THE LADDERS (The Most $100k+ Jobs.)

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Continue Execution

Apr 15, 2008

In my package i have to loop through files and load the data from files into a table.
but if a file has error i need to move it to a folder like errored and continue execution with other files.

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Insufficient Memory To Continue The Execution

Nov 24, 2007

I have scheduled a SSIS package to run repeatedly by creating a scheduled SQL job that runs every minute . After every hour the packgae fails with the following error

Description: System.OutOfMemoryException: Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program. at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper.IDTSCustomProperty90.get_Value() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.CreateUserComponent() End Erro

The strange thing is that if i right click on SQL JOb and run works fine.

Did anyone encounter similar problem or know the solution of the above problem ?


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Insufficient Memory To Continue The Execution Of The Program

Feb 7, 2008


I'm using VS'08, developing in VB.NET, using an SQL'05 DB and a local sync DB (3.5)

When attempting to append a record to the SQL CE DB's local sync'd table I get the error <<Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program>>, the same record gets appended to the SQL'05 DB without error.


David L.

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Insufficient Memory To Continue The Execution Of The Program. (mscorlib)

May 24, 2008


Received the error message below when we trying to execute an sql file which has insert statments and size of the file is 111mb. Environment - SQL Server 2005 - windows 2003.

Error Message - Insufficient Memory to continue the execution of the program. (mscorlib)

There is any resolution ?. Please advice.


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Execute Package Task Can't Continue When The Child Package Failed?

Aug 25, 2006

I use a execute package task to run a child package in which I run some sql task.

as the error handle I insert a script task and link a line from execute package task to script task

of course the line is red,

but I found when the child package failed, the execute package task turns red,it stopped

the script task can't be run, I don't konw why?

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Stop Execution

Feb 13, 2006

Can anybody tell me how to stop the execution of a T-SQL statement at once? I have tried Alt+Break but its taking a long time to stop.Whats the reason?Plz suggest....I am dealing with a database containing 24343000 data.

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How To Stop Week Hours To Continue To Next Week

Jan 29, 2014

I am adding week hrs using while loop , but it can continue next week hrs also.

I can get every week start hrs while update @tem1 table

12902014-01-29 00:00:00.00009:3019:1556001
12902014-01-28 00:00:00.00009:0018:4555802
12902014-01-27 00:00:00.00009:0018:455585583
12902014-01-25 00:00:00.00008:0010:0012004 -- week end
12902014-01-24 00:00:00.00009:1718:4554105
12902014-01-23 00:00:00.00009:1918:4654606
12902014-01-22 00:00:00.00009:1718:4754507
12902014-01-21 00:00:00.00009:1618:3552608
12902014-01-20 00:00:00.00009:1818:555435439

My loop statement

while(select MAX(wrh) from @tem1 where wrh = 0) < 1
update @tem1
set wrh = (select toaccount from @tem1
where reportdate = (select min(reportdate) from @tem1 where wrh = 0))+(select max(wrh) from @tem1)
where wrh = (select max(wrh) from @tem1 where wrh = 0 )
and reportdate = (select min(reportdate) from @tem1 where wrh = 0)

this is the result while executing loop statement .

129029 Jan 201409:3019:15008:0009:20024:00065:54
129028 Jan 201409:0018:45008:0009:18016:00056:34
129027 Jan 201409:0018:45008:0009:18008:0009:18
129025 Jan 201408:0010:00005:0002:00045:00047:16 -- week end
129024 Jan 201409:1718:45008:0009:01040:00045:16
129023 Jan 201409:1918:46008:0009:06032:00036:15
129022 Jan 201409:1718:47008:0009:05024:00027:09
129021 Jan 201409:1618:35008:0008:46016:00018:04
129020 Jan 201409:1818:55008:0009:03008:0009:03

How to update only that week hrs , don't continue next week...

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SQL Error Doesn't Stop Execution

May 25, 2006

I have some code that I inherited that I'm having an issue with.  It includes a class for database functionality.  At one point a call to a function, snippet below, results in a SQL error ('can't insert NULL into column MyColumn).  What is amazing and frustrating me is that it just Blows Right by the Error!  I thought it would raise the alarm bells, "hey!  I got a sql error."  I only see the error if I step through the code and look at the Exception that's caught.  I tried removing the catch statement entirely, thinking that would at least cause an unhandled exception error, but no go. 
How do I raise a big red flag to the user when SQL errors happen?  And how could it not be doing that automatically?  This is for an intranet site so I really don't care if they see ugly errors or not.
try{   sqlcommand = new SqlCommand();   sqlcommand.Connection = DBInterface.DBConnection;   sqlcommand.CommandText = strSQL;   sqlcommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;   nRowsAffected = sqlcommand.ExecuteNonQuery();}catch (Exception ex){   return -1;}

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Stop Execution Of Shrink Database

Mar 22, 2006

Hello guys,

I need help, because i'm executing a shrink database file (file with 189 GBytes of size), and i need to stop before it finish. If I stop the shrink process exist any possible that data corruption occurred.


Best regards,
Fernando Costa

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How To Stop Execution Of Stored Procedure If Error Occurs In Try/catch Block

Mar 3, 2008

Hello, I have stored procedure that when executed it will check to see if a given name is found in the database, if the name is found, I would like to have it continue on to do its work, however if the name is not found, I would like it to raise an error and then stop execution at that point, however, the way it is currently working is, if the name is not found, it catches the error, raises it and then continues on and tries to do its work, which then it bombs out because it can't. I wasn't sure if there was a way to stop the execution of the procedure in the catch statement. I don't think I want to raise the error level to 20-25 because I don't want to drop the connection to the database per say, I just want to halt execution.

Here is a simple example of what I have:

Code Snippet
begin try

if not exists (select * from sys.database_principals where [name] = 'flea')

raiserror('flea not found', 16, 1)
end try
begin catch

declare @ErrorMessage nvarchar(4000);
declare @ErrorSeverity int;

@ErrorMessage = error_message(),
@ErrorSeverity = error_severity();
raiserror(@ErrorMessage, @ErrorSeverity, 1);
end catch


print 'hello world'

At this point, if the user name (flea) is not found, I don't want it ever to get to the point of 'Hello World', I would like the error raised and the procedure to exit at this point. Any advice would be appreciated on how to best handle my situation!


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Insufficient Memory To Continue Error When Attempting To Save SSIS Package

May 12, 2006

When attempting to save an SSIS package in Visual Studion I receive the following error message detailed below. If I attempt to "Save As" to another location, I then receive an insufficient storage error. The development machine has over 1.5 GB of available physical memory and several GB of disk space availabe to save my 16 MB package. I have checked the event log and have found no related messages in the Application or Server logs.

Any suggestions on how to determine the cause or resolution of this error message would be greatly appreciated.

Failure saving package. (Microsoft Visual Studio)

Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS)

Advanced Error Message Details

Failure saving package. (Microsoft Visual Studio)
Program Location:
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.Serialization.DtrDesignerSerializer.SerializePackage(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, Package package, TextWriter textWriter)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.Serialization.DtrDesignerSerializer.SerializeComponent(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, IComponent component, Object serializationStream)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Serialization.DesignerComponentSerializer.Serialize(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, Object value)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.VsIntegration.Designer.Serialization.DataWarehouseDesignerLoader.Serialize()
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.VsIntegration.Designer.Serialization.BaseDesignerLoader.Flush(Boolean forceful)
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.VsIntegration.Designer.Serialization.BaseDesignerLoader.Flush()
at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.VsIntegration.Designer.Serialization.DataWarehouseContainerManager.OnBeforeSave(UInt32 docCookie)
Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS)
Program Location:
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Package.SaveToXML(String& packageXml, IDTSEvents events)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.Serialization.DtrDesignerSerializer.SerializePackage(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, Package package, TextWriter textWriter)

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This Task Or Container Has Failed, But Because FailPackageOnFailure Property Is FALSE, The Package Will Continue.

Apr 5, 2007

This task or container has failed, but because FailPackageOnFailure property is FALSE, the package will continue. This warning is posted when the SaveCheckpoints property of the package is set to TRUE and the task or container fails.

I have just spotted the message above in one of my log files.

I've never noticed it before. Is it new in SP1? I'm guessing it must be.

If so - good job. This is a very important addition because the behaviour of checkpoints without setting FailPackageOnFailure=TRUE is not intuitive (in my opinion).


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How To Stop A Package

May 26, 2006


In one of my packages, I have a script component to do a transformation and I am inserting the output to table. Within that script component, if the data does not match my requirement, I have to stop the job. For that, I am using 'componentmetadata.fireError' to raise an error. The problem is, now even when an error is raised, the job completes by loading the remaining records and then aborts. But I want to abort the job as soon it raises an error. How to do this?


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Stop DTS Package From Running

May 6, 2008

I'm trying to stop a DTS package from continuing to run after the result of the following ActiveX script:

Function Main()
If day(date) > 2 and day(date) < 10 and weekday(date) = 2 Then
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure
End if
End Function

Any help would be appreciated.

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Package Does Not Stop When Supposed To

Nov 19, 2007


I have a package with For Loop container.

It looks like this:

FOR LOOP (until @IsCurrent < 1) [
[Execute Package Task 1] --> [Execute Package Task 2] --> [Execute SQL Task] --expression--> [Script Task]

So, in the [Execute SQL Task], it runs a stored procedure, which returns a 0 or 1 value, which is bound to the variable @IsCurrent. The variable then gets evaluated in the "expression." If @IsCurrent is 0, execution continues to the [Script Task]. That part works fine.

The problem is occurring in the [Script Task] portion. All the Script Task does is "sleep" for 3 minutes. Here is an excerpt of the code:

Dts.Variables("sleepCounter").Value = CInt(Dts.Variables("sleepCounter").Value) + 1

If CInt(Dts.Variables("sleepCounter").Value) = 20 Then

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure

Exit Sub

End If

So, as you can see, if "sleepCounter" = 20, it fails the task, which should then fail the package, right??

However, the package keeps running, even after sleepCounter has exceeded 20. The MaximumErrorCount on the For Loop container is set to 20 also. So after 20 failures, this package should fail, but it isn't!

Any ideas?


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Execution Of Child Package From Parent Package In Sql Server 2005 Integration Services

May 21, 2007


I created a package which passes some infornmations( through parameters) to its child package.

I need to do some processing in parent package based on execution status of child package.i.e.

if child fails then some operation and if child succeeds then other operation.

To determine the status of execution of child package I am using two differnt constraint constraint is having value "Success" and other having value "Failure".

My problem is that when child packge is executed successfully the constraint with value = "Success" works properly but when child fails the constraint with value "Failure" does not work.


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Stop Package Validation On Open

Aug 8, 2007


Simple question, is there a way to stop a package validating itself when i open it in visual Studio ?

I still want it to validate when i run, but not when i open it to view as its sooooooooooo slow....

any help is much appreciated?



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Mar 27, 2007


I want to create a package which start and stop the SQL server's services... i know i can achive this via NET COMMAND.... but i coudnt find in which task (SSIS) I can place that command?..

I also came across that I can achieve this using Execute Process task but for this I have to define executable file.... actually i dont want ne thing outside from my SSIS package


is there ne other alternative?



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How To Stop The Dts Package In SSIS Once The Cube Is Processed

Apr 17, 2008

Hi All,
I have some clarifications on stopping my package once cube is refreshed or processed.

Below i have given steps for the transformation in my package

Let me give you what are all the dataflow transformations that i had given in my package.

1. Data Flow Task

2. Script Task 1- I have written code for getting the last processed cube (global variable has been declared for Last processed cube date - lastProcessedCube)

3. Script Task 2 - I have written code for SS_Batch table where i can get Create_Ts date that is assigned to another global variable - create_ts.

4. Analysis Processing Task.

In between Script Task 2 and Analysis Processing Task i have given @lastProcessedCube > @create_ts for Expression and Constraint under Precedence Constraint Editor

Actually i need to run package for every 10 minutes which i can do it in Job Schedule and need to refresh or process the cube daily. Is there any way to stop the package once when my cube is processed on that day. Again start the package for the next day.... Is it possible to do this? Please let me know.

Thanks in Advance,
Anand Rajagopal

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Integration Services :: Tell A Package To Stop Executing On Failure

Sep 8, 2015

I am using SQL Server 2012 SP1. I have built an SSIS package that imports flat file data from various files to SQL Server.  I have got it to do everything I want it to do when things are going well, and am now on what I want it to do when it encounters a failure executing specific tasks and containers.  For example, I have a Foreach Loop container that executes a dedicated stored procedure for each csv file in the target folder. If any of the store procedures fail to run for any reason I want to carry out certain actions.

For the most part I think I will be fine using the Event Handlers.  What I can't seem to find is how to tell the package to stop executing on a Failure event after carrying out the actions defined by the relevant Event Handler. Or, perhaps it isn't necessary as that would be the default behaviour on a failure?

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How To Stop Running DTS Package If My View Return Zero Record?

Jan 4, 2007

Hi everyone,

I've created a DTS package runs on every day and night, but now my boss was asking if I can insert an exception code to check the view file.

So.. I need help from you guys, cause I don't know How.

This is my DTS description.

My DB will generate a view called "Calls to Add", then it will run the Transform Data Task and insert into a txt file. once it finished, it will run the Batch file. that is it.

Now My boss wants me to add a checking code between "View to Txt" procedure. If the view has no record inside, than the DTS package should stop and not run.

BUT How??? Can someone please help?? Thanks

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SSIS Script Task Alters Package Variable, But Variable Does Not Change.

Oct 25, 2006

I'm working on an SSIS package that uses a script to grab some XML from a webservice (I'd explain why I'm not using a web service task here, but I'd just get angry), and I wish to then assign the XML string to a package variable which then gets sent along to a DataFlow Task that contains an XML Source that points at said variable. when I copy the XML string into the variable value in the script, if do a quickwatch on the variable (as in Dts.Variable("MyXML").value) it looks as though the new value has been copied to the variable, but when I step out of that task and look at the package explorer the variable is its original value.

I think the problem is that the dataflow XML source has a lock on the variable and so the script task isn't affecting it. Does anyone have any experience with this kind of problem, or know a workaround?

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Any Error In A Data Flow Task Makes My Package Stop

Apr 10, 2008

Hi, this is my first post and I'm relatively new to SSIS so please go easy on me.

Without going into too much detail about it, I've set up a simple SSIS package which does this in a nutshell:

Foreach loop picks up all *.xls files in a given folder
1 - Puts the name of the current spreadsheet into a variable
2 - File System Task copies the current spreadsheet ("abc.xls") to a file called "work.xls"
3 - Data Flow task performs data extraction on "work.xls" and puts it into a SQL server database
4 - File System Task moves "abc.xls" into a "success" folder
Continues with loop - move onto next spreadsheet

This works fine, so long as the spreadsheets all have the same number of columns.

As soon as one of them has a column missing (believe me, this will happen - we're dealing with users here) the package falls over at step 3.

When the package comes across an erroneous spreadsheet, what I'd like to do is move the offending file to a failure folder (making step 4 either a success or failure file move) and carry on with the next one.

I know that you can have an error path (the red line) from any step within the dataflow task, but this doesn't help me because the error lies in the structure of the spreadsheet and not the contents.

I've already come up with a work around whereby each file is moved into the failures folder just after step 2, then moved from the failures folder into the success folder at step 4.

This almost gives me what I want, although of course the package still falls over whenever it encounters a dodgy looking spreadsheet.

Is there any way that I can get the package to do what I'm after?

Many thanks,


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Excecute Package Task From BIDs:How To Stop Child Packages From Appearing In The Ide

Mar 21, 2007

Hi I have completed my first SSIS master package which runs a whole lot of child packages depending on value of expressions on workflow. (refer

Each of my child packages is .dtsx file location and each Excute Package task uses the file connection.

The master parent package is also a dtsx file location which will be run by a SQL Server 2005 Agent

All good--problem is testing from BIDs--each time a Excecute package task is run--turns yellow a new tab appears apears in the design window --showing you that particular .dtsx file control flow detail. DTS never had this behaviour --can I turn this off in the BIDS ie as I have dozens of new tabs at run time which makes it very hard to keep track of the master package. All I want is the master package running from BIDs, and no new tabs appearing at run time???

Thanks kindly


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Passing A Variable Value (Package Scope) To A DTS Package Embedded Into Execute DTS 2000 Task

Jul 19, 2007

Hi friends,

I have a for each loop that populates from a set of flat files into a Sql Server table, I run the Flat file Import via a dts package embedded into Execute DTS 2000 Task. I want to pass the Sourcefile Name that is fetched by the For Each Loop to assign it Global Variable in DTS. how this can be made ?


Subhash Subramanyam

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Variable In A Foreach Loop Becomes NULL When Package Executed As Child Package

Dec 3, 2007

I have created a SSIS package with a Foreach Loop including a Data Flow Task, which in turn include a Row Count component which pass the row count value to variable with package scope. The variable is used in an Execute SQL Task following the Data Flow Task.

The package executes successfully when executed on its own, but when executed as a child from a parent package (which only include an Execute Package Task) the variable from the Foreach Loop becomes NULL.

There are a lot of other variables in the package receiving values dynamically without any problem, the row count variable however is the only variable in the package that receives a value as part of a Data Flow (and used in following tasks within the Foreach Loop).

Why does the variable become Null? For your information, I am using a variable with package scope and no variables from the parent package are used or passed from the child package to the parent package.

(For your information, we are running the 64 bit version)

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