How Can I Strip Off The Time Portion Without Changing The Datatype
Oct 16, 2007
Is there a way to strip off the time portion of a datetime datatype without changing the datatype?
I know I can convert it using CONVERT (NVARCHAR(10), dbo.tblPayments.PaymentDate, 101) but I need to keep it as a datetime datatype?
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Sep 1, 2006
the ssis expression language getdate() function returns the current date with the current time. i only need to get the current date, without the current time. for example: 9/1/2006
how would i construct the proper expression to return this value?
thanks in advance.
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Jul 13, 2000
I have a requirement to be able to select and group records by the date portion of a datetime field. ie ignore the time when grouping so that all records lodged on a particular day are seen together.
I have been able to do this by
- converting the datetime data to the number of days since a given date
- inserting this into a temporary table
- retrieving the the data from the temporary table
- convert the data back to a date using DATEPART to display dd/mm/yy
This then gives me the data grouped as required but seems to be a very difficult solution - Is there an easier way??
Thanks in advance
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Oct 3, 2015
I hope to update a DateTime column value with a Time input parameter.  Poor attempt below but it looks like the @ApptTime param is coming in as 10:45:00.0000000 and I might have an existing @SendOnDate as: 2015-10-05 07:00:00.000...I hope to end up with 2015-10-05 10:45:00.000
@QuePoolID int=null
,@ApptTime time(7)
,@SendOnDate datetime
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Nov 27, 2007
I had a problem with the ntext datatype. I need to strip the HTML tags out of a ntext datatype column. I have sample query for that, which works fine for STRING, as stuff is the string function, what to do for ntext field.
=======The Process follows like this =========
-- Name: A relational technique to strip
-- the HTML tags out of a string
-- Description:A relational technique to
-- strip the HTML tags out of a string. Th
-- is solution demonstrates how to use simp
-- le tables & search functions effectively
-- in SQL Server to solve procedural / ite
-- rative problems.
-- This table contains the tags to be re
-- placed. The % in <head%>
-- will take care of any extra informati
-- on in the tag that you needn't worry
-- about as a whole. In any case, this t
-- able contains all the tags that needs
-- to be search & replaced.
CREATE TABLE #html ( tag varchar(30) )
INSERT #html VALUES ( '<html>' )
INSERT #html VALUES ( '<head%>' )
INSERT #html VALUES ( '<title%>' )
INSERT #html VALUES ( '<link%>' )
INSERT #html VALUES ( '</title>' )
INSERT #html VALUES ( '</head>' )
INSERT #html VALUES ( '<body%>' )
INSERT #html VALUES ( '</html>' )
-- A simple table with the HTML strings
CREATE TABLE #t ( id tinyint IDENTITY , string varchar(255) )
<LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="/style.css" TYPE="text/css" ></HEAD>
SOME HTML text after the body</HTML>'
'<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Another Name</TITLE>
<LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="/style.css"></HEAD>
<BODY BGCOLOR="FFFFFF" VLINK="#444444">Another HTML text after the body</HTML>'
-- This is the code to strip the tags out.
-- It finds the starting location of eac
-- h tag in the HTML string ,
-- finds the length of the tag with the
-- extra properties if any. This is
-- done by locating the end of the tag n
-- amely '>'. The same is done
-- in a loop till all tags are replaced.
WHILE exists(select * FROM #t JOIN #html on patindex('%' + tag + '%' , string ) > 0 )
SET string = stuff( string , patindex('%' + tag + '%' , string ) ,
charindex( '>' , string , patindex('%' + tag + '%' , string ) )
- patindex('%' + tag + '%' , string ) + 1 , '' )
FROM #t JOIN #html
ON patindex('%' + tag + '%' , string ) > 0
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Dec 3, 2004
Hi all,
I have a table that I've imported into SQL - there is a field in there for date that must have used now(); as its default value (access).
So the values are something like:
01/11/2004 12:16:42
I need a way to change the data so that the time element removed is the field just holds the date. Failing that a way to insert this from the existing field into a new field stripping the date off en route would be a great help.
Many thanks
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Apr 23, 2008
stupid question - how do I strip the time portion from a date returned from now() or
I MS either used consistent date functions across all platforms or include help in BOL for their VB functions in SSRS.....
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Oct 26, 2015
I want to update only time portion of a datetime column as 00:00:00:000
Values are like:
2006-08-28 17:10:10.607
2007-02-10 11:24:12.090
2007-02-10 11:24:14.967
I want to do them like:
2006-08-28 16:10:10.607
2007-02-10 10:24:12.090
2007-02-10 10:24:14.967
update [ALLBD].[dbo].[Terminal]
set [Hour]= '1900-01-01 09:49:00.000'
where ...
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Apr 1, 2003
Hi all:
first of all, i must say that this website is just awesome...
my question is how do i truncate the time portion in a datetime stamp in a single sql statement.
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Feb 16, 2004
I have a PHP page where the user enters a date that represents the last day of a timesheet (ts_end) and the hours worked on that timesheet. That is then written into a table where the date is a datetime type. Because the user just enters a date, the time portion of the field is set to 00:00:00. In another place, I need to sum the columns for reports submitted between the beginning of a timesheet (ts_end -6 days) and the ts_end date.
The problem is that chartreviewed values entered on the ts_end date are getting lost because the time part of the ts_end field is 00:00:00 and the time part of the dateentered for the chartreviewed value is not. For instance using 2/4/2004 as the ts_end date looses the 192 charts.
Reporter activity chartsdateentered
2001576 20672 563 2004-01-29 13:55:51.000
2001576 20665 202 2004-02-02 19:54:57.000
2001576 20666 160 2004-02-03 22:48:11.000
2001576 20667 192 2004-02-04 19:41:51.000
I know I can revise the query to look for charts where the dateentered is less than dateadd(d,1,ts_end) and get the right values. It seems like there has to be a way though to tell sqlserver to ignore the time part of a datetime field when querying.
Anybody know what it is?
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Jul 20, 2005
In VBA I'd use Format(myDateField,"Short Date") to display 1/31/2004instead of 1/31/2004 10:30:25 AMHow can I do this in a stored procedure?lq
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Sep 24, 2007
I have a datetime field named 'EntryDate' in one of the sql tables.
I want to update the time portion of this field and provide a default time of 8:00 AM IF the time portion is empty.
How can i do this?
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Apr 21, 2008
I have startdate and enddate. I like startdate to be 4/28/08 12:00:00 and enddate to be 5/4/08 23:59:59. What update statement do i need to run to update table. Currently my table show startdate 2008-04-28 05:00:00.000
enddate 2008-05-04 04:59:59.000.
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Aug 4, 2015
I'm trying to translate this portion of VFP code into LINQ query:
select COUNT(ID) as conflicts
from dbo.max4sale where <<thisform.cWhere>>
AND Start_Time >= <<VFP2SQL(m.ltBegin + m.lnStartTime)>>
and Start_time <= <<VFP2SQL(m.ltEnd)>>
AND CONVERT(varchar(5),Start_Time,108) <= <<VFP2SQL(m.lcEndTime)>>
AND CONVERT(varchar(5),End_Time,108) >= <<VFP2SQL(m.lcStartTime)>>
Here is my non-working attempt:
var startTime = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1, beginDateTime.Hour, beginDateTime.Minute, 0);
var endTime = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1, endDateTime.Hour, endDateTime.Minute, 0);
var daysOfWeek = dailyLimits.Where(dl => dl.Selected == true).Select(ds => ds.WeekDay).ToList();
if (daysOfWeek.Count() < 7) // not all days of the week selected
[Code] .......
First of all, I see a bug in my logic now as the first part of the query I need to do all the time and only the second part if the count < 7. But that's not my problem - I can not figure out how to make times comparison only using LINQ. Ideally I think I'd like to have cast(start_time as time) >= @p1 as a result to be executed by LINQ.
BTW, I am only getting the error in run-time that Parse can not be interpreted. So, I need to figure out another way of making LINQ recognize my intent of checking time portion of the date only.
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Apr 21, 2008
I like to add a day to this date and also make time to 23:59:59. So end result for this table and recrods will be 2008-11-09 23:59:59 and next row 2008-11-16 23:59:59 so on.....
2008-11-08 23:00:00.000
2008-11-15 23:00:00.000
2008-11-22 23:00:00.000
2008-11-29 23:00:00.000
2008-12-06 23:00:00.000
2008-12-13 23:00:00.000
2008-12-20 23:00:00.000
2008-12-27 23:00:00.000
2009-01-03 23:00:00.000
2009-01-10 23:00:00.000
2009-01-17 23:00:00.000
2009-01-24 23:00:00.000
2009-01-31 23:00:00.000
2009-02-07 23:00:00.000
2009-02-14 23:00:00.000
2009-02-21 23:00:00.000
2009-02-28 23:00:00.000
2009-03-07 23:00:00.000
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Apr 21, 2008
I have two table I like to change startdate time to 00:00:00.00 and Enddate time to 23:59:59.000
Table 1
ID Startdate Enddate
418 2008-04-28 05:00:00.000 2008-05-04 05:00:00.000
419 2008-05-05 05:00:00.000 2008-05-11 05:00:00.000
420 2008-05-12 05:00:00.000 2008-05-18 05:00:00.000
421 2008-05-19 05:00:00.000 2008-05-25 05:00:00.000
422 2008-05-26 05:00:00.000 2008-06-01 05:00:00.000
423 2008-06-02 05:00:00.000 2008-06-08 05:00:00.000
424 2008-06-09 05:00:00.000 2008-06-15 05:00:00.000
425 2008-06-16 05:00:00.000 2008-06-22 05:00:00.000
426 2008-06-23 05:00:00.000 2008-06-29 05:00:00.000
427 2008-06-30 05:00:00.000 2008-07-06 05:00:00.000
428 2008-07-07 05:00:00.000 2008-07-13 05:00:00.000
429 2008-07-14 05:00:00.000 2008-07-20 05:00:00.000
430 2008-07-21 05:00:00.000 2008-07-27 05:00:00.000
431 2008-07-28 05:00:00.000 2008-08-03 05:00:00.000
432 2008-08-04 05:00:00.000 2008-08-10 05:00:00.000
433 2008-08-11 05:00:00.000 2008-08-17 05:00:00.000
434 2008-08-18 05:00:00.000 2008-08-24 05:00:00.000
435 2008-08-25 05:00:00.000 2008-08-31 05:00:00.000
Table 2
ID Startdate Enddate
445 2008-11-03 06:00:00.000 2008-11-09 06:00:00.000
446 2008-11-10 06:00:00.000 2008-11-16 06:00:00.000
447 2008-11-17 06:00:00.000 2008-11-23 06:00:00.000
448 2008-11-24 06:00:00.000 2008-11-30 06:00:00.000
449 2008-12-01 06:00:00.000 2008-12-07 06:00:00.000
450 2008-12-08 06:00:00.000 2008-12-14 06:00:00.000
451 2008-12-15 06:00:00.000 2008-12-21 06:00:00.000
452 2008-12-22 06:00:00.000 2008-12-28 06:00:00.000
453 2008-12-29 06:00:00.000 2009-01-04 06:00:00.000
454 2009-01-05 06:00:00.000 2009-01-11 06:00:00.000
455 2009-01-12 06:00:00.000 2009-01-18 06:00:00.000
456 2009-01-19 06:00:00.000 2009-01-25 06:00:00.000
457 2009-01-26 06:00:00.000 2009-02-01 06:00:00.000
458 2009-02-02 06:00:00.000 2009-02-08 06:00:00.000
459 2009-02-09 06:00:00.000 2009-02-15 06:00:00.000
460 2009-02-16 06:00:00.000 2009-02-22 06:00:00.000
461 2009-02-23 06:00:00.000 2009-03-01 06:00:00.000
462 2009-03-02 06:00:00.000 2009-03-08 06:00:00.000
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Dec 2, 2006
Hello I am having a table
col1 (bit)
and i want to changethe col1 type for smallint
col1 (smallint)
true will be = 1
and false = 0
how can i do it ??
thank you
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi all,I need to change a varchar from 35 to 50. In the SQL Server books online it says that SQL Server actually creates a new table when youchange the length. I ran a test in a test database and it appears theonly thing that changes is the length. All the data remains in tact.The table with the column I want to modify is very critical. Is thereany chance I would loose data if I change the length to a larger size? Iam making a back up of the table just in case. Thanks,Kelly
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Oct 27, 2003
Hi guys,
Is there any way or method to CHANGE the DATATYPE of a column in a published table being used for transactional replication (MSSQL 2000), WITHOUT DROPPING THE SUBSCRIPTION ????
Im stuck in this mess and do have the option to drop the subscription, alter the table, create the subscription and rerun the snapshot or to recreate it by Manual Synchronisation either.
Can anyone help? Has anyone been across this dilemma before and have troubleshooted the problem? If yes, help is much appreciated.
'MyTable' is currently being published and has subscriptions to it. The PRIMARY KEY column 'id' has an Identity property as well. 'id' is of datatype smallint, however because of bad planning, i now need to change that datatype to an integer to support a larger range WITHOUT DROPPING SUBSCRIPTIONS.
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Feb 28, 2002
Changing datatype in a table used for merge replication ?
I'm trying to change the data type on a column in a table that is used for a merge-replication with another (identical) DB.
I get this error:
Cannot alter the table '[Tablename]' because it is being published for replication.
I've tried to remove that specific table from the publication (Publication properties -> Articles tab) so I can change the data type and then put the table back into the publication, but I can't (probably because it's a MERGE rep.)
Any ideas ?
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Oct 15, 2015
I am trying to make the following update: All the columns are fine except for the 'name' column. datatype for 'name' column in the target table is varchar(30) and the datatype for 'name' in the sourcetable is varchar(40), I cannot change the datatype of the column 'name' to varchar(40) because I am told it may affect performance. what I want to do is just update the first 'name' column of the target table by the first 30 characters of the source table column 'name'
I am using the following query, is it possible to do it or are there any other ways I can update the column without changing the datatype?
MERGE INTO [S].[dbo].[AF_Copy] AS TargetTable
USING (SELECT source_code, name, addr1, city, zip FROM
[D].[D_TEST].[dbo].[SO_Copy]) AS SourceTable
ON ([TargetTable].[Code] = [SourceTable].[source_code])
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Jul 20, 2005
I am trying to run the following query:ALTER TABLE dnb_profileALTER COLUMN [family update date] datetimeand I keep getting the following error:Server: Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 1The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted inan out-of-range datetime value.The statement has been terminated.Can anyone tell me how I can do this successfully??Thanks,Connie SawyerFoley & LardnerJoin Bytes!
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May 20, 2015
I have a field in a table
FormID nvarchar(6)
i want to change the length of the datatype to nvarchar(8).
what is the best way to do with out dropping the table?
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Apr 11, 2005
Here is the issue. I have ReadOnly Access to a database. All of the Columns are set to NVARCHAR(1000) by default. I cannot change them. I want to load the DataSet into memory and change the DataType of the columns from NVARCHAR(1000) to INT(4). The data is in integer (i.e. 4,5,123) format (but stored as a string), but is coming across as strings. The charting software I am using won't implicitly convert these Strings to Int or Double. How can I change an entire column to Int?
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Jan 29, 2002
Usually all the user datatypes in our databases have the owner dbo.
One has a few that are owned by a user with dbo rights. I am trying to change them to dbo owner.
Sp_changeobjectowner gives 'object does not exist'
Any ideas
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Jul 13, 2004
I need to change the datatype of a very large table from smallint to int...
What would be an ideal solution to get this done in least amount of time. May be I can try with ALTER but , I am not sure about the time it would take ...and the page splits etc..
pls help on the same!!
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Oct 27, 2000
I have recieved a data file from a Sybase database and it has a Time field. Now, SQLSERVER does not have a time field how should I handle it.
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Dec 2, 2004
How I can store only time in MS SQL2000?
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Sep 21, 2007
I would like to store a time field in one of my SQL tables and display it in my report formated appropriately. What is the best datatype to use? Can I use an int and format it like HH: MM: SS? I've tried the t format to no avail and have tried something like
= First(Fields!Time.Value,2) + ":" + .......
But I get the following error: "The value expression for the textbox has scope parameter that is not valid for an aggregate function."
Obviously I am going about this wrong. What's the best way?
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Sep 26, 2002
Here is my delema:
I have data that I have transfered from Access2000 to SQL2000 without issue. However, in my data from Access I have a date field that has just date. When brought into SQL2000 it is given a timestamp as well. According to documentation, if no time is entered in teh field, one is provided (12:00:00 AM).
My delema is that I have a dropdown list box that displays distinct dates from a table for selection to execute a query but now my listbox is twice as long due to the insertion of the timestamp.
Is there a way to get rid of the timestamp that I am not capturing for this field? I can't believe that SQL2000 doesn't have a way to handle just a date.
Thanks for your thoughts.
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Mar 1, 2004
hi friends,
do anyone know the equivalent datatype in SQL server to 'time' datatype in DB2? For your information, 'time' datatype allows to store only hh:mm:ss.
Appreciate your help.
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Jul 2, 2006
I understand that SQL 2005 doesn´t support TIME ( which is, for me,
incredibly weird). Now, could anyone please help me solve my problem. I
want to make it possible to insert into database a start-time for the
first runner in a team. And when he finishes, a finish-time. This
finish-time I will also use as a start-time for the second
runner....a.s.o. Furthermore I want to be able to get the results from
the database to present them in several ways. This also means I can't
simply insert the time as a string since it won't change hour at every
60 minutes. I have read somewhere that it should be possible to create
own datatypes, but I have absolutely no knowledge to that. Could anyone
please help me?
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Apr 26, 2006
I have a column with DateTime Datatype. But I want to display just Date , not time.
Like 4/26/2006 not 4/26/2006 9:25:55AM
pls help
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