How Can I Generate Incremented Linear Number T-SQL

May 26, 2008

Hi all

i wants to generate linear sequence number like 1,2,3,.............1000000

,are there any function like NEWID() ( this return unique guide, i want to get integer)

i want to used this generated number inside the SQL query


IndikaD (Virtusa Cop)

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SQL Server 2008 :: Auto-Incremented Number Series To A Block

Mar 18, 2015

I want to assign consecutive numbers to a block of data, where block of data is based on days consecutive to each other i.e., one day apart.

Date format is: YYYY-MM-DD

TestId TestDate
----------- -----------------------
1 2011-07-21 00:00:00.000
1 2011-07-22 00:00:00.000
1 2011-07-27 00:00:00.000
1 2011-07-29 00:00:00.000
1 2011-07-30 00:00:00.000

[Code] ....

My Attempt:

[Code] ....

Expected Output:
TestId TestDate OrderId
----------- ----------------------- --------------------
1 2011-07-21 00:00:00.000 1
1 2011-07-22 00:00:00.000 1
1 2011-07-27 00:00:00.000 2
1 2011-07-29 00:00:00.000 3

[Code] ....

The OrderId is the column I am trying to obtain using my following cte code, but I can't work around it.

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Generate Sequence Number In Sql???

Mar 15, 2005

I have written the following StoredProcedure


create Procedure spCreateQuestion(
@QuestionName varchar(30)


declare @newAnswerId int
declare @newQuestionId int

set @QuestionName='New Question'


--Creates New QuestionId with AnswerId 0
INSERT INTO Questions(QuestionId,Name,AnswerId)
SELECT 1 + COALESCE(MAX(QuestionId), 0),RTRIM(@QuestionName),0
FROM Questions

--QuestionId just now created
SELECT @newQuestionId=QuestionId FROM Questions WHERE Name=@QuestionName


--Create an AnswerId
INSERT INTO Answers(AnswerId)
FROM Answers

--AnswerId just now created(I hope not the best way to do like this)
SELECT @newAnswerId=MAX(AnswerId) from Answers --is it the best way to call statement like this or any other way better than this

--update Questions Table with this new Answerid
UPDATE Questions
where QuestionId=@newQuestionId


I think the second Transaction is not locking the some how i should be
able to get the newly create AnswerId

i can't use the identity column in my tables

Can some one please have a look at it and suggest me how do we go about it..

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How To Generate Random Number For The Value In Th

Aug 2, 2007

How to create random number for the value in other colum. Please help and urgent

I have a table with 4 column ( ID, Ori_Quantity, Rand_Quantity, Location)

If Ori_quantity < 5000 then
Rand_quanty as qty = I want Random number within 100
Else If Ori_quantity = 0 or < 10 then
Rand_quanty as qty = I want Random number within 7
End if

From tblname where Location = 'DAS'

I have around 2500 field. So when I run the query I expect the result should be
like below

Ori_Quantity, Rand_Quantity
------------ -------------
4000 90
2986 57
2500 89

I don't want to pass any parameter and I am new. Please help

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Forcing AutoNum To Generate A Number

Oct 4, 2001

Hello all,
Is there any way to force Autonum to generate a number before an entire record is created? Some of my forms will not work because it needs a number already listed in its index (which uses Autonum) and cannot add to the table until it is created.I really need it to have a number ready and waiting upon the last record's completion.

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Generate Number From SELECT Statement

Jul 30, 2002

Here is the example

Can we generate a result like this with select statement
state No
----- ---
CA 1
CA 2
CA 3
NJ 1
NJ 2
NY 1
NY 2
IL 1
NC 1

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Generate Random And Unique Number Within Sql ?

Dec 11, 2007

I need to generate a random 10 digit alphanumeric string that is also unique within a table. My application will be calling a stored procedure to insert this number into the table. This number will be associated with a id from another table. Is it better to generate the random number within sql (and perform the lookup at the same time), then just pass the number back to the calling application ?

If the calling application generates the number, it will also need to make a call to check if its unique. So im thinking it would be best to simply have sql generate this random number, check the number against the table and then insert the new record.

thoughts ?

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Generate Sequence Number Basing On Each Id

Mar 28, 2008

Hi all
anbody can help me writing sql code for this. All i need is to generate sequence basing on id_no
Ex: if ID=ABC(twice) in seq_col as abc --1
abc ---2
Tables which I have
Uniques_No ID_NO SEQ

Expected results as below :

Uniques_No ID_NO SEQ
1 ABC 1
2 ABC 2
3 ABC 3
4 BBC 1
5 BBC 2

Thanks in advance

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How Do I Generate Auto Increment Number In SQL Express?

May 22, 2006

Hi, in Access, I can use an Auto-Increment number for my primary key field. May I know how do I do that in SQL Express?

In addition, is there any tutorial on how to use SQL Express to generate customised unique numbers (such as membership number, Customer ID such as A001 where A is based on the customer's name while 001 is due to the fact that the customer is the first among those with names starting with A)?

Thanks a lot.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Programmatically Generate A Number Sequence?

Sep 3, 2014

I'm trying to do a simple insert into a table, something like this:

insert into sometable (ID, somecolumn)
select 'Task-ID', somevalue from SomeOtherTable
where something = 'someothervalue'
(or something to that effect)

So, the SELECT would generate something that looks like this:

ID somecolumn
-- ----------
Task-ID somevalue1
Task-ID somevalue2
Task-ID somevalue3

Here's where my problem comes in: ID is a PK, and needs to be unique. What I need it to do is this:

ID somecolumn
-- ----------
Task-ID.1 somevalue1
Task-ID.2 somevalue2
Task-ID.3 somevalue3

What I don't know is, how do I programatically generate the number sequence? Note: I do not have admin rights to the table, i.e. I cannot just change a column to IDENTITY.

Also the 'Task-ID' must remain part of the ID; in other words, I can't just generate a GUID, and it needs to be easily identifiable.

What I'm hoping to do is rewrite my SQL like this:

insert into sometable (ID, somecolumn)
select 'Task-ID.' + (generated seq #), somevalue from SomeOtherTable
where something = 'someothervalue'

Is there an easy way to do this?

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How To Generate Random UNIQUE 13 Digit Number?

Aug 22, 2007


I have a sql procedure. I need to create UNIQUE random 13 digit number to use for barcode.

How do I generate 13 digit UNIQUE random in sql procedure?

Advance thanks

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How To Generate 13 Digit Number From Two Data Colu

Aug 22, 2007


I have two below datacolumns

'code'- varchar 255 (Unique number) data : chr456Umx
'Packs'- integer data : 6

Is it posible to generate 13 digit number using the above two columns,
The reason is if I run the procedure I will get same 13 digit all the time depending on the above two colums

below is the sample procedure I am using

@imglink nvarchar(255)


Select code as sku,
PdtBarCode as [standard-product-id],
'EAN' as [product-id-type],

--generate 13 digit number

make+' '+model+' ' +', Price for '+cast(NumPacks as varchar(8)) +' '+'Packs' as title,
make as manufacturer,'

from tablename
where ......

Advance thanks

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SQL Server 2014 :: Generate Random Number In Range

Oct 3, 2015

I have a function which generate random number in range :


If you run this script you always get result between 1 and 4

SELECT dbo.Func_Rand(4, NEWID())

BUT, in this script sometimes have no result !!!!!!! why??

WHERE dbo.Func_Rand(4, NEWID()) IN ( 1, 2, 3, 4 )

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SQL Server 2008 :: Generate Increment Number With Conditional Restart

May 22, 2015

I need to create a script that adds an incrementing suffix to two columns, but restarts based on the value of another column. I found a similar question in the SQL Server 2000 forum, but it doesn't quite fit and also I'm working with SQL Server 2008 R2. The code below both creates a table with test data and tries to carry out the task. If you run this, you will see that the VISITNUM column has a value of UNS in row 4, UNS.1 in row 5 and UNS.2 in row 6. In row 7 it's V200, then in rows 8 and 9 it's UNS.3 for both. The same suffix gets applied to the VISIT column, but of course if I can solve this for VISITNUM then adding the suffix to VIST as well will be easy.

What I need is for row 8 to have UNS and row 9 to have UNS.1. In other words, any time the VISITNUM is UNS several times in a row, I need to add that ".X" suffix, but if a row has something other than UNS, I need to start over again the next time it's UNS again.

CREATE TABLE #testing(
KitID varchar(20),
SubjID varchar(20),
VISIT varchar(60),
VISITNUM varchar(20),


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Auto-incremented Column

Dec 6, 2006

I have a column that is not auto-incremented. I would like to make it auto-incremented. For the moment, the only solution I found is to delete my column and to add a new auto-incremented column. The problem is I cannot delete it without deleting dependencies on it... So is there a solution to make an existing column auto-incremented or is it necessary to a create a new column ?

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Auto-incremented Fields Error

Aug 29, 2007

I am trying to insert into a SQL Server table from an Oracle database. This table has an auto-incremented field, and when I try to insert into this table I get the following error:

Code Snippet
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot insert the value NULL
into column '<column_name>', table '<my_table>'; column does not allow nulls.
UPDATE fails.[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The statement has
been terminated. (SQL State: 23000; SQL Code: 515)

When I turn off all the triggers in the database, I don't get this error. But that is just a test environment, the production environment will need to have those triggers activated.

Any ideas on what is going on here?


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Padding An Auto-incremented Int Column To Ten Zeros

May 11, 2004

Good day gentleman,
Is it possible to pad columns of Int data type with zeros?

I currently have a primary key column of data type Int which is auto-incremented by 1. My problem is I need to pad the auto-incremented ID's with ten zeros so, 0000000009 instead of 9.

I can pad the ID's in the c# dataaccess layer, but i need to generate/store them padded in the database to allow direct reporting.

I am using Enterprise Manager and i can see a Formula field when the table is in design view, can i use this? i am just guessing here.

Any comments or pointers would be a big help.

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Linear Interpolation

Jun 7, 2007

my data is like this:

header | data | key
500 | 3.2 | 10
500 | 3.4 | 20
500 | 3.6 | 25
500 | 3.7 | 40
501 | 4.1 | 10
501 | 4.2 | 15
501 | 4.4 | 30
501 | 4.6 | 35

and what I want to do is find the median of "data", but keyed off of "key", so if my desired median is 30, I want to take the two records (data, key) nearest to key = 30, and get the average of "data".
...and do this within each "header" value.

actually, to be precise, I want the linear interpolation, so for header = 500, I want to get the (data, key) pairs of (3.6, 25) and (3.7, 40) and return the interpolated "data" value of 3.6333 (as done here (

so for the above example the query would produce:

header | interp
500 | 3.633
501 | 4.4

possible, or am I crazy?

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Specify A Non-linear Order By

Jul 23, 2005

How can I order the results of my query in non-linear fasion. I have afield with these values: Reg S, 144A, US and want to order my resultsby US, 144A, Reg S.I would prefer not to create another field in the table if possible.

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How To Read Just Inserted Auto Incremented Primary Key To Use It As Parameter?

Feb 22, 2007

Hi. After inserting data (new row) by using DetailsView control, how to read auto incremented primary key (identity) of this new row from sql database to use it as parameter passed to stored procedure?

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Linear Regression For Column Values

Jul 24, 2006

This is a real challenge. I hope someone is smart enough to know howto do this.I have a tableTABLE1[Column 1- 2001][Column 2- 2002][Column 3- 2003][Column 4 - 2004][Column 5 - 2005][Column 6 - 2006][Column 7 - Slope][2001][2002][2003][2004][2005][2006] [Slope][1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [1][1.2] [.9] [4] [5] [5.4] [6.2] [?]Slope is defined as "M" in the equation y=mx+bI need a way a finding the linear equation that best fits the points soI can have SQL calculate the slope.Are there any smart people around that would know how to do this?thanks

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How Linear Regression Choose His Regressor ?

Apr 22, 2007

I would like to understand the algorithm that the linear regression method uses to choose the regressors in the model from a list of possible regressors.

I think that it is different from the common methods used in statistics like stepwise, forward or backward.

Laura Lerner

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Inserted Records Missing In Sql Table Yet Tables' Primary Key Field Has Been Incremented.

Jun 18, 2007

I have a sql sever 2005 express table with an automatically incremented primary key field. I use a Detailsview to insert new records and on the Detailsview itemInserted event, i send out automated notification emails.
I then received two automated emails(indicating two records have been inserted) but looking at the database, the records are not there. Whats confusing me is that even the tables primary key field had been incremented by two, an indication that indeed the two records should actually be in table.  Recovering these records is not abig deal because i can re-enter them but iam wondering what the possible cause is. How come the id field was even incremented and the records are not there yet iam 100% sure no one deleted them. Its only me who can delete a record.
And then how come i insert new records now and they are all there in the database but now with two id numbers for those missing records skipped. Its not crucial data but for my learning, i feel i deserve understanding why it happened because next time, it might be costly.

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Linear Regression With Nested Explanation Variable

Jan 22, 2007

We are trying to create a model of linear regression with nested table. We used the create mining model sintax as follow :

create mining model rate_plan3002_nested2

( CUST_cycle LONG KEY,


DUR_PARTNER_GRP_1 double regressor CONTINUOUS ,

nested_taarif_time_3002 table

( CUST_cycle long CONTINUOUS,

TARIFF_TIME text key,



) using microsoft_linear_regression

INSERT INTO MINING STRUCTURE [rate_plan3002_nested2_Structure]

(CUST_cycle ,



[nested_taarif_time_3002](SKIP,TARIFF_TIME ,TARIFF_VOICE_DUR_ALL)




'SELECT CUST_cycle ,



FROM dbo.panel_anality_3002

order by CUST_cycle ')}



'select CUST_cycle,



from dbo.nested_taarif_time_3002

order by CUST_cycle,TARIFF_TIME')


relate CUST_cycle to CUST_cycle

) as nested_taarif_time_3002

The results we got are a model with intercept only. if we don't use the nested variable (the red line) we get a rigth model . (we had more variable ....)

Is there a way to do this regression correctly?



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Linear Regression And Tolking The Coefficient For Each Variabel?

Sep 2, 2007

When using linear regression in the SQL Server 2005 Business IntelIigence Studio I interpet the information below as follow: X has a standard deviation of +- 37.046. Is it possible to obtain the standard deviation of each coefficient in the regression expression?

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Specifying Bound For Coefficients In Linear Regression Model

Jan 18, 2008


I am trying to create a model using microsoft Linear Regression algorithm. But I want to constrain the coefficient of the parameters to non-negative value. There is concept of bound in SAS where we can specify the range of the coefficient. Does any of the SSAS mining algorithms support restricting the coefficient value?


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How Does Linear Regression Handle Missing Values For Prediction And For Training?

Sep 18, 2006

Q1. Model Prediction -- Suppose we already have a trained Microsoft Linear Regression Mining Model, say, target y regressed on two variables:

x1 and x2, where y, x1, x2 are of datatype Float. We try to perform Model Prediction with an Input Table in which some records consist of NULL x2 values. How are the resulting predicted y values calculated?

My guess:

The resulting linear regression formula is in the form:

y = constant + coeff1 * (x1 - avg_x1) + coeff2 * (x2 - avg_x2)

where avg_x1 is the average of x1 in the training set, and avg_x2 is the average of x2 in the training set (Correct?).

I guess that for some variable being NULL in the Input Table, Microsoft Linear Regression just treat it as the average of that variable in the training set.

So for x2 being NULL, the whole term coeff2 * (x2 - avg_x2) just disappear, as it is zero if we substitute x2 with its average value.

Is this correct?

Q2. Model Training -- Using the above example that y regressed on x1 and x2, if we have a train set that, say, consist of 100 records in which

y: no NULL value

x1: no NULL value

x2: 70 records out of 100 records are NULL

Can someone help explain the mathematical procedure or algorithm that produce coeff1 and coeff2?

In particular, how is the information in the "partial records" used in the regression to contribute to coeff1 and the constant, etc ?

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How Does Linear Regression Handle Missing Values For Prediction And For Training?

Sep 18, 2006

Q1. Model Prediction -- Suppose we already have a trained Microsoft Linear Regression Mining Model, say, target y regressed on two variables:

x1 and x2, where y, x1, x2 are of datatype Float. We try to perform Model Prediction with an Input Table in which some records consist of NULL x2 values. How are the resulting predicted y values calculated?

My guess:

The resulting linear regression formula is in the form:

y = constant + coeff1 * (x1 - avg_x1) + coeff2 * (x2 - avg_x2)

where avg_x1 is the average of x1 in the training set, and avg_x2 is the average of x2 in the training set (Correct?).

I guess that for some variable being NULL in the Input Table, Microsoft Linear Regression just treat it as the average of that variable in the training set.

So for x2 being NULL, the whole term coeff2 * (x2 - avg_x2) just disappear, as it is zero if we substitute x2 with its average value.

Is this correct?

Q2. Model Training -- Using the above example that y regressed on x1 and x2, if we have a train set that, say, consist of 100 records in which

y: no NULL value

x1: no NULL value

x2: 70 records out of 100 records are NULL

Can soemone help explain the mathematical procedure or algorithm that produce coeff1 and coeff2?

In particular, how is the information in the "partial records" used in the regression to contribute to coeff1 and the constant, etc ?

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Mining Content Viewer For Linear Regression: Node Distribution Output

Dec 19, 2006

With the number of threads it is difficult to know if this has been posted. If I use the Mining Content Viewer for Linear Regression, under Node Distribution, there are values given for Attribute Name, Attribute Value, Support, Probability, Variance, and Value Type. The output is similar to what Joris supplied in his thread about Predict Probability in Decision Trees. My questions:

1. How should these fields be interpreted?

2. With Linear Regression, is it possible to get the coefficient values and tests of significance (t-tests?), if they are not part of the output I have pointed to?

Thanks for your help with this?


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Reporting Services :: Bullet Chart In SSRS - Set Maximum Value In Linear Scale Properties To Highest Value Of 4 Fields

Nov 24, 2015

I'm using a bullet chart in a SSRS report and I want to set the Maximum value in the Linear Scale properties to highest value of the following 4 fields. Is there any way to do this??  This will make all charts line up properly.


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Error Message: Failed To Generate A User Instance Of SQL Server. Only An Integrated Connection Can Generate A User Instance

Mar 3, 2008

 Hello everybody,I was configuring a SqlDataSource control using SQL Authentication mode.I first added a database file (testdb.mdf) through Solution Explorer-Add New Items. Then through Database Explorer I created a table named "info"Then while configuring  the SqlDataSource control I used the SQL Authentication mode and attached the "testdb.mdf" database file.Test Connection showed success. But when I hit the Ok button of the wizard it displayed the following error message:Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server. Only an integrated connection can generate a user instance.While configuring the  SqlDataSource control I clicked "New Connection". Under Data Source section I tried both Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server Database File. And in both the cases I attached a databese file(testdb.mdf).          Plz enlighten me on this.Thanks and Regards,Sankar. 

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Auto Incremented Integer Primary Keys Vs Varchar Primary Keys

Aug 13, 2007


I have recently been looking at a database and wondered if anyone can tell me what the advantages are supporting a unique collumn, which can essentially be seen as the primary key, with an identity seed integer primary key.

For example:

id [unique integer auto incremented primary key - not null],
ClientCode [unique index varchar - not null],
name [varchar null],
surname [varchar null]

isn't it just better to use ClientCode as the primary key straight of because when one references the above table, it can be done easier with the ClientCode since you dont have to do a lookup on the ClientCode everytime.


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The Number Of Requests For XXXServerXXXUser Has Exceeded The Maximum Number Allowed For A Single User

Oct 15, 2007

I have created a local user on Report Server Computer and the user has the administrative rights.
When i try to connect Report Server ( with this user's credantials. (ReportServer directory security is set -only- to Basic Authentication. ).
I get the following error.

Reporting Services Error

The number of requests for "XXXServerXXXUser" has exceeded the maximum number allowed for a single user.
SQL Server Reporting Services

Then i try to login using a different user with administrative rights on the machine, i can logon successfully.
The system is up for a month but this problem occured today?!? What could be the problem?!?

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