How Can I Get A Return Code Of 1 For An Osql Command Which Has A Lower Severity..

Jul 20, 2005

I am running the following OSQL command and capturing the return code
for the error .Whenver i have an error like server not exists or uable
to login I get a return code of 1 for the %ERRORLEVEL%.However
whenever I have an errorof a wrong dbcompatibility error the retun
code id 1 even though sql returns an iformation message from OSQL that
the right copatibilty levels are 60,70 and 80.How can i get OSQL to
return the right return code whenver a error of this type occurrs from
batch mode sql.The OSQL i am running from the batch is

osql -S%SrvName% -U%Username% -P%Userpswd% -n -w 132 -d%DBname%
-Q%sqlcmd% -o%Dirrpt%\%DBname%_%SPname%.txt
ECHO %errorlevel% >> %logbatch%

sqlcms is exec sp_dbcompatibiltylevel srvrname, dbname 80

Thanks in anticipation.


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Any Way To Pass Command Line Variables To Osql

Sep 13, 2004

I want to pass a command line values into an osql run stored procedure.
The commandline values should be are the values to put into the insert stored procedure that writes them to a table.

Is it possible to do this.

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OSQL Command - Execute All Files In A Folder;

Aug 8, 2006


How do I execute all the .sql scripts in a folder with OSQL command?

Thanks in advance,

Hari Haran Arulmozhi

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Running A SQL File From OSQL Command Line Utility

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have dumped a very large database from mysql (using mysqldump program)as a raw sql file. The reason was, convert this database to a MSSQLdatabase. Since mysqldump creates the file as raw sql file with thedatabase-table structures and the data in it, I thought using OSQL commandline utilities should work to out this whole database in MSSQL server.I have run this command from command line:osql -u sa -i mysqldump.sqlIt is going since yesterday. It has been almost 36 hours that it'sstarted. And in the mssql server, I see no database created yet. On thescreen of the command line, I see bunch of numbers are going in order. Iassume they are row numbers of the tables processed. But, if it is doing it,then where is it saving all this data ? I have checked the tempdb, pub db,other dbs, and I see no tables related to the database I am inserting. Willit populate it at the and of the job ? Or, am I doing something wrong here?Regards.Murtix.

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Passing Error Messages From Stored Procedure To Osql Command

Oct 7, 2004

I have a process that is running on the os. This process is picking up FTP files every 5 min, it renames them so not to confuse them with the new files, copies all renamed files into one file to be used by bulk insert, runs the bulk insert to populate a table, and then runs the stored procedure that scrubbing the data and insert it into another table. For every transaction that I do in my stored procedure, I do the error checking as follows:

IF @@error <> 0

If my stored procedure encounters an error, return statement will stop it from running. If this happens, I need to stop the process that is running on the os as well.


How can that be accomplished?

How to restart the stored procedure ones the error has been corrected?

Thank you for your help.

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Return Error Code (return Value) From A Stored Procedure Using A Sql Task

Feb 12, 2008

I have a package that I have been attempting to return a error code after the stored procedure executes, otherwise the package works great.

I call the stored procedure from a Execute SQL Task (execute Marketing_extract_history_load_test ?, ? OUTPUT)
The sql task rowset is set to NONE. It is a OLEB connection.

I have two parameters mapped:

tablename input varchar 0 (this variable is set earlier in a foreach loop) ADO.
returnvalue output long 1

I set the breakpoint and see the values change, but I have a OnFailure conditon set if it returns a failure. The failure is ignored and the package completes. No quite what I wanted.

The first part of the sp is below and I set the value @i and return.

CREATE procedure [dbo].[Marketing_extract_history_load_TEST]

@table_name varchar(200),

@i int output


Why is it not capturing and setting the error and execute my OnFailure code? I have tried setting one of my parameter mappings to returnvalue with no success.

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Use Update Command In Code Behind

Apr 18, 2008

 Hi I and using gridview. And binding the data in the code behind.I need to use update command in code behind. How do I achieve this?  I  protected void lookUP (object sender, EventArgs e)
string strSql, strConn;

System.Text.StringBuilder whereClause = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["drake_CSMConnectionString1"].ConnectionString;

SqlConnection Conn = new SqlConnection(strConn);

if (newClientName.Text != "")
whereClause.Append("'" + newClientName.Text + "'");

strSql = "SELECT * FROM [ftsCSM] where [client_name] = " + whereClause.ToString();

SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(strSql, Conn);

DataSet ds2 = new DataSet();

dataAdapter.Fill(ds2, "ftsCSM");

DataTable dataTable2 = ds2.Tables["ftsCSM"];

int totalRec = dataTable2.Rows.Count;

Clients.DataSource = ds2;

} // end of lookup()

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Not All Code Paths Return A Value

Jan 7, 2008

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
using System.Collections;
public partial class UserDefinedFunctions
{ [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction(FillRowMethodName="Obj_Row",
TableDefinition="ObjID int,OjbDataID int,ObjDataValue nvarchar(400)",DataAccess= DataAccessKind.Read)]public static IEnumerable Obj_IDs(SqlInt32 Data_1, SqlInt32 Data_2, SqlInt32 Data_3)
{using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("context connection=true"))
{ if (!Data_2.IsNull)
{string sql = @"Select Obj_ID, Obj_Data_ID, Obj_Data_Value from tbl_Obj_2";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);DataTable dt = new DataTable();
conn.Open();return dt.Rows;
}if (!Data_3.IsNull)
{string sql = @"Select Obj_ID, Obj_Data_ID, Obj_Data_Value from tbl_Obj_3";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);DataTable dt = new DataTable();
conn.Open();return dt.Rows;
}catch (Exception ex)
}public static void Obj_Row(Object item, out int ObjID, out int ObjDataID, out string ObjDataValue)
{DataRow row = (DataRow)item;
ObjID = Convert.ToInt32(row["Obj_ID"]);ObjDataID = Convert.ToInt32(row["Obj_Data_ID"]);ObjDataValue = row["Obj_Data_Value"].ToString();
//Error 1 'UserDefinedFunctions.Obj_IDs(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32)': not all code paths return a value
I'm newbie. Please, show me how to correct the problem. Thank you.

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Return Code From Exec

Sep 30, 2004

I have a maintenance proceudre that trims data tables on the live site, but prior to trimming i need to execute procs via linked servers at four seprate locations (subscribers) to ensure all of their data is up to date before the trim happens (the deletes are blocked at the subs). my problem is that if i go
exec @error_id = procname
and an error such as permission being denied or proc missing, the return code
is still 0 - therefor it looks like th proc ran successfully, meanwhile it didnt.
does anyone know how to check for these sorts of erors, so i dont leave this to chance?


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How To Return Identity Value When Insert Into Slq Command Run Successful ?

Feb 10, 2006

        I'm new to store procedure in slq 2000.
       I want to create  a sproc in  my sql 2000 sevrer,I have a table named "Supplier",
now I want to return  my identiy field value when  I use insert into sql command (insert into "Supplier")  successful.
   So how to create this store procedure ?
much thanks

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SqlDataSource Use Code Behind Variables In Update Command

Apr 14, 2008

Is there any way I can use a variable from my code behind file in the UpdateCommand of a sqlDataSource? I have tried
<%$ strUserGuid %>and<% strUserGuid %>
any help appreciated.Thanks

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Process Exit Code Of Successful Command

Jul 5, 2000

I wish to have a batch file exit with a return code of 3 if it fails.
In the batch file I have the single command: Exit 3
On SQL Server the Process Exit Code of a successful command is set to 0.

Yet, when I run the job SQL Server says that it is successful.

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Xp_startmail Return Code Checking

Jul 23, 2005

xp_startmail is documented as returning two code: 0 success, 1 failure.It would be nice to check the return code.When mail has already been started it returns a 1. This case appearsindistinguishable from a failure to start. (MSFT should have providedseparate return codes for failure-already started, and failure-cannotstart, but they did not.)Does anyone know how to distinguish these cases. Text is printedindicating that it has already been started but I don't know how toprogrammatically grab this case.It seems the conventional workaround is not to check the return code atall (or to start mail once at server startup and never start it again).Neither is ideal.Suggestions?Thanks,Mark Andersen

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URGENT : SQL Return Code: -25001

Jan 10, 2007

Can anyone help me with below error code i am in getting while runninga C program using sqls.Password: passwordSQL Return Code: -25001BATCH_LOG_PATH:Thank you,D

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How To Use CTE To Return History - Sample Code

Dec 20, 2007

I was thinking of using a CTE to return history, have you ever done this?

I know this can be done in other ways but I wanted to wrap this CTE in a view so people could join to it.

Here is an example table:
A 1/1/2007
A 3/1/2007
B 1/1/2007
B 2/5/2007
B 3/6/2007

I want the results to look like:
A 1/1/2007 3/1/2007
A 3/1/2007 NULL
B 1/1/2007 2/5/2007
B 2/5/2007 3/6/2007
B 3/6/2007 NULL

This would be even better:

1 A 1/1/2007
2 A 3/1/2007
3 B 1/1/2007
4 B 2/5/2007
5 B 3/6/2007

I want the results to look like:
1 A 1/1/2007 3/1/2007
2 A 3/1/2007 NULL
3 B 1/1/2007 2/5/2007
4 B 2/5/2007 3/6/2007
5 B 3/6/2007 NULL

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OCIEnvNlsCreate Failed With Return Code -1

Feb 2, 2007

Hi. We're experiencing the exact same problem described in this post:
We've tried the 11 steps described there and it didn't fix the problem -- just as it didn't fix it for that person.

Help!! Thank you.

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Return Code RC In Query Analyzer

Feb 26, 2007


I've created a stored procedure which inserts values into a table and upon successful execution the RC column gets returned along with the Identity value (I'm using SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()), but I don't want to RC column, I only want to get the Id number of the current row. I'm doing this using the Query Analyzer.

Is there a way to suppress the RC column? I have run the same query on different servers and the RC col doesn't show up. I only want the ID value to put into an ASP.NET page.

While testing different query methods from ASP.NET (Output parameter, Return_Value, etc) did I set a flag within SQL Server?



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Error_number() Won't Return Error Code

Jan 4, 2007

hi all,

i have sql statement in ExecuteSQLTask, connecting to AdventureWorks

insert into person.contacts(contactid) values (1);

i purposely put a table that does not exist in the database to catch
the error. however, the error number that is 208 won't appear, instead
the whole error message will be displayed.

if i change the query in try block to
insert into values (1);

it'll return the error number 544, which is correct.

what did i do wrong?

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How To Get Return Value For The Number Of Rows Affected By Update Command

Apr 11, 2004


i read from help files that "For UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements, the return value is the number of rows affected by the command. " Anyone know how to get the return value from the query below?

Below is the normal way i did in, but how to check for the return value. Please help.

Public Sub CreateMySqlCommand(myExecuteQuery As String, myConnection As SqlConnection)
Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand(myExecuteQuery, myConnection)
End Sub 'CreateMySqlCommand

Thank you.

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ADO Command Call Stored Return Type Name Is Invalid

May 19, 2004

Hi all,
I have a stored like this

CREATE PROCEDURE fts_insert_service_tasks( @status_no int output, @status_text nvarchar(255) output, @fts_employee char(100) , @fts_SCCode bigint, @fts_TaskDescription ntext) AS

declare @str_err nvarchar(255)
declare @err_no int

set @err_no=0

if ( isnumeric(@fts_SCCode) = 0 )
set @str_err ='The fts Sccode is not a number'
set @status_text = @str_err
set @err_no=@err_no+1

if ( @fts_SCCode = '' )
set @str_err ='The fts Sccode can not be null '
set @status_text = @str_err
set @err_no=@err_no+1

if ( len(@fts_employee) > 100)
set @str_err ='Maximum Employee length allowed is 100 characters'
set @status_text = @str_err
set @err_no=@err_no+1

if ( @fts_employee = '' )
set @str_err ='The employee fiedl can not be null'
set @status_text = @str_err
set @err_no=@err_no+1

if (@err_no=0)

INSERT INTO fts_ServiceTasks (fts_employee , fts_Sccode, fts_taskdescription)
VALUES(@fts_employee, @fts_SCCode, @fts_taskdescription)

set @status_no=0
set @status_text = 'Add Service Task Ok'


set @status_no=@err_no
set @status_text = @str_err

and I called it from the ASP

<%function Add_Service_Task(fts_employee,fts_sccode, fts_TaskDescription)
cm.ActiveConnection = m_conn
cm.CommandType = 4
cm.CommandText = "fts_insert_service_tasks"
cm.Parameters(3).Value = fts_employee
cm.Parameters(4).Value = fts_sccode
cm.Parameters(5).Value = fts_TaskDescription
on error resume next
if cm.Parameters(1)=0 then
call obj_utils.ErrMsg(cm.Parameters(2).Value,3000)
end if
if err.number <> 0 then
call obj_utils.ErrMsg("System error at " & err.number & err.Description & ", please contact the administrator", 5000)
end if
end function%>

I test with SQL 2k, Win2k3 OK
But with Win2k i got:

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E30)
Type name is invalid.
/fmits/classes/cls_servicecall.asp, line 256

Please help me!

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Always Return Dbo When Run Select Current_user Command As A Windows Account

Oct 11, 2007

I use a windows account "mydomainuser1" to login sql server

The "select current_user" always return "dbo" instead of "mydomainuser1"...

It also return "dbo" after i explicitly run "execute as user=''mydomainuser1" command



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OLEDB Command Transform Error Code: 0x80004005

Dec 20, 2007

I'm receiving an Error Code: 0x80004005 ... a "non-specific error" when trying to use a fairly simple insert in the oleDB command transform. SQL command works fine if I specify the parameters in the values clause of the INSERT statement. If however, I try to use the parameters in setting a variable, I get the 0x80004005 error. Is this a known issue/limitation, or am I just reallly doing something wrong?

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How Do I Use A @variable To Hold On Value Return From An Exec (&#39;string Command&#39;) Statement.

Sep 19, 2000

How do I use a @variable to hold on value return from an exec ('string command') statement.

Example for:

declare @OldID int
declare @cmd varchar(255)
declare @db varchar(25)
declare @OldOwner varchar(25)

set @db = 'DBNAME'
set @OldOwner = 'USERNAME'

select @cmd = 'select uid from ' + ltrim(rtrim(@db))'..sysusers where name = ' + "'" + ltrim(rtrim(@OldOwner)) + "'"
exec (@cmd)

How can I use @OldID to hold on UID return from this statement.

When I try use:
select @cmd = 'select @OldID = uid from ' + ltrim(rtrim(@db))'..sysusers where name = ' + "'" + ltrim(rtrim(@OldOwner)) + "'"
then I'm getting a error message: @OldID not declare.


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Stored Procedures - How To Return ERRORS To VB.NET Code

Jun 6, 2008

 Hi all, if have problem to display error message in that comes from a stored procedure. IF ...... then    msgbox "ERROR at Update"    returnvalue = SUCCES ELSE    Msgbox "Successfull Updated"    returnvalue = ERROREND IFHow can I return values from Stored Procedure to VB.NET and then give to User a Message that the Update was successful or not.Thanks to all   

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How To Code ASP.NET Page With Return Value Store Procedure?

Apr 12, 2005

Does anyone know how to call a SQL store procedure that return a value to the page?
I've a simple data entry aspx page with several textboxes and a save button. When user fill out the form and click save/submit, it calls a store procedure to insert a row into a SQL table and automatically generate an ID that need to return the the page to display for the user.
Are there a similar article somewhere?
Thank you all!

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Code A Function To Return A Dataset In Which There Are Two Tables And Relationship

Aug 9, 2006

I used a function to create dataset as below:
 Public Function GetSQLDataSet(ByVal SQL As String) As DataSet
      MyConnection = New SqlConnection(MyConnectionString)
      MyCommand = New SqlCommand(SQL, MyConnection)
      MyDataSet = New DataSet
      MySQLDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(MyCommand)
End function
It works fine.
How to code a function to return a dataset in which there are two tables and relationship?

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Capture Return Value From Stored Procedure, Use Same In Code Behind Page

Apr 18, 2007

My stored procedure works and codes is working except I need to capture the return value from the stored procedure and use that value in my code behind page to indicate that a duplicate record entry was attempted.  In my code behind file (VB) how would I capture the value "@myERROR" then display in the label I have that a duplicate entry was attempted.
Stored ProcedureCREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_InsertNew @IDNumber         nvarchar(25), @ID  nvarchar(50), @LName  varchar(50), @FName  varchar(50)
 DECLARE @myERROR int    -- local @@ERROR      , @myRowCount int  --local @@rowcountBEGIN  -- See if a contact with the same name and zip code exists IF EXISTS (Select * FROM Info   WHERE ID = @ID)   BEGIN    RETURN 1END ELSEBEGIN TRAN    INSERT INTO Info(IDNumber, ID, LName,             FName) VALUES (@IDNumber, @ID, @LName,             @FName)             SELECT @myERROR = @@ERROR, @myRowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @myERROR !=0 GOTO HANDLE_ERROR
                               COMMIT TRAN RETURN 0 HANDLE_ERROR:  ROLLBACK TRAN  RETURN @myERROR      ENDGO page<asp:SqlDataSource ID="ContactDetailDS" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:EssPerLisCS %>"            SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM TABLE_One"                        UpdateCommand="UPDATE TABLE_One WHERE ID = @ID"                         InsertCommand="usp_InsertNew" InsertCommandType="StoredProcedure">                        <SelectParameters>                <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="GridView1" Name="ID" PropertyName="SelectedValue" />            </SelectParameters>             </asp:SqlDataSource>

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How Do I Return The Identity From Stored Procedure To Code Behind Page?

Jun 2, 2006

how do i return the identity from stored procedure to code behind page?
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[myInsert] ( @Name varchar(35),   @LastIdentityNumber int output)AS insert into table1 (name) values (@name)
DECLARE @IdentityNumber intSET @IdentityNumber = SCOPE_IDENTITY()SELECT @IdentityNumber as LastIdentityNumber
code behind:
public void _Insert(
string _Name,
DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand("name_Insert");db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "name", DbType.String, _userId);
db.AddParameter(dbCommand, "@IdentityNumber", DbType.Int32, ParameterDirection.Output, "", DataRowVersion.Current, null);
int a = (int)db.GetParameterValue(dbCommand,"@IdentityNumber");
whats wrong with to the above code?

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How To Capture The Return Code Of An Execute Process Task

Jan 18, 2008

Can anyone tell me how to capture the return code of a process launched by an Execute Process Task? I am able to capture the output by using the StandardOutputVariable but can't seem to capture the actual code.

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Code Inside! --&> How To Return The @@identity Parameter Without Using Stored Procedures

Oct 30, 2005 is my code with my problem described in the syntax.I am using 1.1 and VB.NETThanks in advance for your help.I am still a beginner and I know that your time is precious. I would really appreciate it if you could "fill" my example function with the right code that returns the new ID of the newly inserted row. 
Public Function howToReturnID(ByVal aCompany As String, ByVal aName As String) As Integer
'that is the variable for the new id.Dim intNewID As Integer
Dim strSQL As String = "INSERT INTO tblAnfragen(aCompany, aName)" & _                                    "VALUES (@aCompany, @aName); SELECT @NewID = @@identity"
Dim dbConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionString)Dim dbCommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand()dbCommand.CommandText = strSQL
'Here is my problem.'What do I have to do in order to add the parameter @NewID and'how do I read and return the value of @NewID within that function howToReturnID'any help is greatly appreciated!'I cannot use SPs in this application - have to do it this way! :-(
dbCommand.Parameters.Add("@aFirma", aCompany.Trim)dbCommand.Parameters.Add("@aAnsprAnrede", aName.Trim)
dbCommand.Connection = dbConnection
'here i want to return the new ID!Return intNewID
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New System.Exception("Error: " & ex.Message.ToString())
End Try
End Function

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Write Code To Combine Two Tables And Then Return Maximum Value Of One Table

Sep 17, 2012

I am TRYING to write code to combine two tables and then return the maximum value of one table, but SQL Server keeps telling me that the column is not valid.... I have added attached screenshots to show that it IS a valid column, so I cannot figure out what is the retarded issue!!

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS Dtexec Return Code 5 Error In Cluster

Apr 18, 2014

We made SSIS package in dev environment in windows 2008R2 and SQL server 2012. Same packages were placed on SAN disks in cluster environment and are invoked with security contexxt of admin user and wih dtexec utility ( we call this using an sp). rarely but procedure completed i see the log text file by SSIS package and find the return code 5 means package is unable to load. i canst found what are the exact reasons for return code 5.

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Code That Return Correct Number Of Record When Run Without Aggregate Function

Nov 26, 2013

I have sql code that returns the correct number of record when run without an aggregate function like count(myfield) and group by myfield. It always returns 86 row which is correct when Select DISTINCT is used. As, expected when DISTINCT is not used I get double the number if rows or 172. But when I count(myfield) and group by myfield the count is 172 and not 86. The strangest thing about this is that when I am grouping a set of items

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

The other group sum up correctly while others don't. What can explain this? Here is the code.

Select DISTINCT ws.p4Districtnumber, ws.cycle, ws.worksetid, count(msi.MeterSessionInputKey) as ASND
from fcs.dbo.WorkSet as ws
left outer join fcs.dbo.WorkAssignment as wa
on ws.WorkSetID = wa.WorkSetID
left outer join fcs.dbo.MeterSessionInput as msi
on wa.worksetkey = msi.worksetkey


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