How Can Your Reference Columns In A System Stored Procedure
Nov 5, 2002
I want to have a Stored procedure call another stored procedure gathering the info from some of the information SP#1 and use it calling SP#2...
For example sp_Help returns columns when executed (Name, Owner, Object_type).
So how can I reference the Name column and pass it to SP#2
Exec sp_Help
SP#2 name=sp_help.Name ???
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Jul 22, 2013
I am trying to build a stored procedure reference two diffrent tables with same name but diffrent schemas based on the login_user or who calls the procedure. I have developed the following procedure but still ot able to get it..The table test_table exists two times within the system
if i am user1 calling the procedure should reefernce user1.test_table and vice versa for user 2.
alter procedure dbo.test_proc (@pUsername varchar(150))
with Execute as caller
Select System_User
Select * from Test_Table
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Jan 15, 2007
Hi all,
I am trying to reference the following stored procedure. I was just wondering if it can be done.
I get the following error when i try to save it.
Error: The Column prefix 'CRMBackOffice.dbo' does not match with the table name or alias name used in the query
SELECT BRN_CustCode, BRN_Name1, BRN_Name2, BRN_Status
FROM [VENUS_II].[dbo].[Branches]
WHERE BRN_CustCode NOT IN ([CRMBackOffice].[dbo].[csp_GetCRMIIICustomerList])
Thanks in advance,
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Mar 28, 2007
I have a stored procedure that calls a msdb stored procedure internally. I granted the login execute rights on the outer sproc but it still vomits when it tries to execute the inner. Says I don't have the privileges, which makes sense.
How can I grant permissions to a login to execute msdb.dbo.sp_update_schedule()? Or is there a way I can impersonate the sysadmin user for the call by using Execute As sysadmin some how?
Thanks in advance
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Sep 11, 2014
We have a stored procedure that makes a decision to pull records from one of two servers.
If one of these servers became unavailable but was no longer queried would the stored procedure still work? Doesn't SQL recompile stored procedures periodically?
Something like this:
If @ServerAIsDown=1
select * from ServerB.dbo.MyTable
select * from ServerA.dbo.MyTable
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Aug 14, 2007
I was hoping to instantiate a channelfactory from a clr stored proc in order to send messages to a wcf endpoint but VS 2005 wont allow refs to anything other than what it calls "SQL Server" targets. Is calling a wcf endpoint from clr sp's possible? I've alreay read the article on serialization under ss2005 but dont believe it has the answer to this particular piece of the puzzle.
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May 13, 2008
I have MSSQL 2005. On earlier versions of MSSQL saving a stored procedure wasn't a confusing action. However, every time I try to save my completed stored procedure (parsed successfully ) I'm prompted to save it as a query on the hard drive.
How do I cause the 'Save' action to add the new stored procedure to my database's list of stored procedures?
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Apr 7, 2006
We recently upgraded to SQL Server 2005. We had several stored procedures in the master database and, rather than completely rewriting a lot of code, we just recreated these stored procedures in the new master database.
For some reason, some of these stored procedures are getting stored as "System Stored Procedures" rather than just as "Stored Procedures". Queries to sys.Objects and sys.Procedures shows that these procs are being saved with the is_ms_shipped field set to 1, even though they obviously were not shipped with the product.
I can't update the sys.Objects or sys.Procedures views in 2005.
What effect will this flag (is_ms_shipped = 1) have on my stored procedures?
Can I move these out of "System Stored Procedures" and into "Stored Procedures"?
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Feb 24, 2005
How can I create a dbo/system stored procedure, not dbo/user SP.
One more thing, if I created a new database TimeDB, I see nothing in stored procedure folder, how can see something (system procedures) as I knew that in SQL 97, we can see something (system procedures).
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Mar 14, 2001
Can I create system stored procedure in sql 7.0?
After I used 'alter' to modify a system sp, it's category
change from 'system' to 'user'. Is there way to change it back?
Thanks a lot!
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Mar 1, 2007
I am attempting to develop a stored proc that will do the following:
1) Take as an input parameter the filepath of a local directory
2) Return a recordset showing all files contained in the local directory
At the code level, I am attempting to do the following:
1) use class to iterate through each file of a given local directory
2) parse out a union query to show all file names and their system creation times
3) insert the parsed sql into a sqldatareader, and send that out via a sqlpipe to the caller.
After compiling and deploying the CLR stored proc, I get the following when I try to execute:
Msg 6522, Level 16, State 1, Procedure spclr_wcl_get_file_info, Line 0
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate 'spclr_wcl_get_file_info':
System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.
at System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine.Check(Object demand, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean isPermSet)
at System.Security.CodeAccessPermission.Demand()
at System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFileDirectoryNames(String path, String userPathOriginal, String searchPattern, Boolean includeFiles, Boolean includeDirs, SearchOption searchOption)
at System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(String path, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption)
at System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(String path)
at StoredProcedures.spclr_wcl_get_file_info(String str_dir)
This occurs even though I've set the SQL Server service to run as a local administrator on the machine (ie, the account should have full rights to virtually any local directory or file).
I found the following article which I thought might resolve:
but when I include the WindowsImpersonationContext, etc., I instead get the following:
Msg 10312, Level 16, State 49, Procedure spclr_wcl_get_file_info, Line 0
.NET Framework execution was aborted. The UDP/UDF/UDT did not revert thread token.
Was hoping someone could illuminate as to what I'm doing wrong? Below is a code sample. TIA.
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
public partial class StoredProcedures
public static void spclr_wcl_get_file_info(string str_dir)
// this clr stored proc will read all files in the trans log directory and return
// a recordset with file names and create dates.
//impersonate the calling user
System.Security.Principal.WindowsImpersonationContext newContext;
newContext = SqlContext.WindowsIdentity.Impersonate();
//enumerate files in directory, use to parse out union select query, return table with file names and create times.
string str_sql = "";
System.DateTime d_date;
FileInfo obj_fsi;
string[] str_arr_files = Directory.GetFiles(str_dir);
foreach(string str_file in str_arr_files)
obj_fsi = new FileInfo(str_dir + str_file);
if (obj_fsi.Exists)
d_date = obj_fsi.CreationTime;
str_sql += "SELECT CHAR(39)" + str_file + "CHAR(39) AS [file_name], ";
str_sql += d_date.ToLongDateString() + " file_creation_time UNION ";
// parse off the last 'union'
if (str_sql.Length > ("UNION ").Length)
str_sql = str_sql.Substring(0, str_sql.Length - ("UNION ").Length);
// use sql to send dataset back to caller.
SqlCommand obj_cmd = new SqlCommand();
obj_cmd.Connection = new SqlConnection("Context connection=true");
obj_cmd.CommandText = str_sql;
SqlDataReader obj_reader = obj_cmd.ExecuteReader();
SqlPipe obj_pipe = SqlContext.Pipe;
//clean up
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Jun 27, 2007
I'm using the sp_start_job system stored procedure to run a job on the SQL Server Agent. The sp_start_job stored procedure takes a parameter called, step_name where you can begin execution from that step. My problem is that I only want to run that one step of the job rather than that step and every step after it. Is there a way to only execute one particular step? Or a safe way to successfully terminate the process after that step has finished. Any input would be much appreciated. Thanks.
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Jan 2, 2008
I am using a web application using 1.1 vs 2003.
i am using sql server authentication where users are using their sql server user id and sql server saved passwords.
how can i change their passwords inside the sql server?
is there a system sp that allows one to pass one's user id and then change password.
I will need to call that sp from a user defined store dprocedure and pass the parameters and that will change the password on the sql server.
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Dec 17, 2003
Is it possible to have single stored procedure which can return Weekly, Monthly, Quaterly and Yearly Report.
User input for Queries:
Weekly : Start Date & End Date
Monthly: Month & Year (Eg. Jan 2003, May 2004)
Quarterly: Quarter & Year (First Quarter 2003, ThirdQuarter 2004)
Yearly: Year
Currently I have 4 different Stored Procedure 1 for each reporting system.
I have seen that one can use CASE in Stored procedure.....
Pls give suggestion !!!
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Jan 2, 2004
Thx to all who helped me for Stored Procedure previously
Here is what I have:
3 Drop Down Boxes:
1) List of property
2) Ticket Status
3) Tech Name
All 3 Drop boxes have default value of "All"
So, if all 3 drop boxes are "All" ie.
list of property = All
Ticket status = All
Tech Name = All
Query pulls up all records from database and displays it.
Lets say if I select Tech Name is XYZ then query should pull out all property, all ticket status by Tech XYZ.
Now my previous developer has if else case and he has total 9 query for doing all this. He has used SQL along with C# code.
I am trying to modify this if-else and convert it into Stored Procedure. Is there a way I can handle all with 1 stored procedure ?
Previous Reporting works like charm........
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Nov 29, 1999
Is it possible to store the output of a SQL Server 7.0/6.5 System Stored Procedure (eg. xp_fixeddrives, sp_spaceused, etc.) in a table, possibly with a Select Into?
All help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanx in advance.
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Apr 25, 2007
I wonder if I can generate the "CREATE TABLE" sentence given the name of a table by means of a stored procedure.
Thanks a lot.
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Sep 30, 2014
Is it possible to access the procedure which scripts a table to new query? My goal is to automate the creation of some tables.
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Sep 24, 2007
How do I pass system variables to a stored procedure? Is it possible to have an OLE DB transformation with the following sql command: exec InsertIntoLog @MachineName, @TaskName...? Do I have to use a Derived Transformation first to 'convert' variables into columns and then use exec InsertIntoLog ?, ? ...
Thanks for the help.
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Aug 11, 2005
I built a database by using a generated script from the originaldatabase. It built the System Store Procedures as User type. How do Ichange them back to System type?
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Apr 9, 2007
I am trying to catch the @retval which is returned finally after executing sp_update_schedule stored procedure (o or 1) but i cannot catch the final resultIf i put Print statement just before the return (@retval), then i am seeing 0 as output but i want to catch that value when i execute the SP with the parameters. How can i do that?? same thing with all other system stored procedures.thanks alot in advance....if you want more info on this Q, plz let me know
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May 23, 2008
I have set up an OLEDB data source with Command Text that calls a stored procedure. The rows and columns of data appear correctly when I preview the data but no external columns are available for mapping to output columns.
I was hoping to call the stored procedure and output the resulting data to an Excel destination. Am I tryig to do sornething that can't be done?
*** Campbell
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Jul 21, 2007
I have an application that I inherited, and I have a annoying problem. We're using stored procedures to return most of our data, and occasionally we receive errors stating that a particular column cannot be found in the resulting data table. When I run the stored procedure against SQL Server I receive the expected output. What would make this random act happen, any ideas?
Also, I keep receiving errors stating that a connection is already open and needs to be closed before an action to the database is performed. I'm explicitly closing each connection in a finally block for every method in my data access code, so a connection should always be closed, right?
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Apr 22, 2008
The SQL below is the start of a massive Stored Procedure for Comparing two Datasets, which will be produced onto a report.
I was wondering if I could call an SQLserver Procedure that would tell me the names of all the Columns that are produced by this SP, so I can print them out and more easily code the report?
tVTP.Make as PolMake,
tVTP.Model as PolModel,
tVTP.ModelNo as PolModelNo,
tVTP.EngineNumber as PolEngineNumber,
tVTP.comHeadLightNumber as PolHeadLightNumber,
tVTP.comTailLightNumber as PolTailLightNumber,
Stk.comTailLightNumber ,
tVTP.comBumperLightNumber as PolBumperLightNumber,
tVTP.comCornerLightNumber as PolCornerLightNumber,
tVTP.Chassis as PolChassis,
--Drive Train
tVD.DriveTrainDescription as POlDriveTrainDescription,
--Body Type
tVBT.BodyTypeDescription as PolBodyDescription ,
FROM tblStock Stk
--JOINS FOR THE Policy Definition
INNER JOIN tblVehicles V
ON V.VehicleID = Stk.VehicleID
INNER JOIN tblVehicleType_Policy tVtP
ON tVTP.VehicleMaster = V.VehicleMaster
AND tVTP.Make = V.VehicleMake
AND tVTP.Model = V.VehicleModel
AND tVTP.ModelNo = V.VehicleModelNo
INNER JOIN tblVehicleDriveTrain tVD ON
tVD.vehicleDrivetrainID = tVTP.DrivetrainID
INNER JOIN tblvehicleBodyType tVBT ON
tVBT.VehicleBodyTypeID = tVTP.BodyTypeID
--JOINS FOR the Stock Definition
INNER JOIN tblVehicles STkV ON
StkV.VehicleID = Stk.VehicleID
INNER JOIN tblvehicleBodyType StkVBT ON
StkVBT.VehicleBodyTypeID = Stk.BodyTypeID
INNER JOIN tblVehicleDriveTrain StktVD ON
StktVD.vehicleDrivetrainID = stk.DrivetrainID
WHERE Stk.StockNumber LIKE 'V%'
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May 6, 2007
Just wondering if i could get some help with this,
I have a large table of decimal values, many of the columns contain only zero values. I would like to write a
stored procedure which loops through these columns, takes the SUM and if it returns zero , then deletes the column from the table.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance, this site has already helped me heaps
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Sep 2, 2006
Hello,I've written an insert trigger to fill in data on 5 columns based on the keyfield column after a record is added to a table. The trigger works fine.But what I also want to do is to write a stored procedure that will updatethe 5 columns for the entire table based on the table key field column. I'mnew to both triggers and stored procedures and I can't figure out how tomake a stored procedure do what I want.Can someone help me to get me started? Here is the trigger code that I amtrying to get to work as a stored procedure. All I'm trying to do is tobreak up an entry that contains dashes into separate fields that aredelimited by the dashes. As an example if field CABLENO is equal toI-IJB-200-45, then I want to break that up into 4 separate fields containingI, IJB, 200, 45 respectively.Thanks,Al Willis--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IF EXISTS (SELECT NAME FROM SYSOBJECTS WHERE NAME='CABLE_SEGMENTS' AND TYPE='TR')DROP TRIGGER IM.CABLE_SEGMENTSGOCREATE TRIGGER CABLE_SEGMENTSON IM.CAB_MFOR INSERTASDECLARE @CABLENO_REMAIN VARCHAR(40),@DASH_POS SMALLINT,@SEG1 VARCHAR(40),@SEG2 VARCHAR(40),@SEG3 VARCHAR(40),@SEG4 VARCHAR(40),@SEG5 VARCHAR(40)SELECT @CABLENO_REMAIN = CABLENO FROM INSERTEDSELECT @SEG1 = NULLSELECT @SEG2 = NULLSELECT @SEG3 = NULLSELECT @SEG4 = NULLSELECT @SEG5 = NULLSELECT @DASH_POS = CHARINDEX('-',@CABLENO_REMAIN)IF @DASH_POS 0BEGINSELECT @SEG1 = SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,1,@DASH_POS-1)SELECT @CABLENO_REMAIN = SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,@DASH_POS+1,40)SELECT @DASH_POS = CHARINDEX('-',@CABLENO_REMAIN)IF @DASH_POS 0BEGINSELECT @SEG2 = SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,1,@DASH_POS-1)SELECT @CABLENO_REMAIN = SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,@DASH_POS+1,40)SELECT @DASH_POS = CHARINDEX('-',@CABLENO_REMAIN)IF @DASH_POS 0BEGINSELECT @SEG3 = SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,1,@DASH_POS-1)SELECT @CABLENO_REMAIN =SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,@DASH_POS+1,40)SELECT @DASH_POS = CHARINDEX('-',@CABLENO_REMAIN)IF @DASH_POS 0BEGINSELECT @SEG4 = SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,1,@DASH_POS-1)SELECT @CABLENO_REMAIN =SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,@DASH_POS+1,40)SELECT @SEG5 = @CABLENO_REMAINENDELSESELECT @SEG4 = @CABLENO_REMAINENDELSESELECT @SEG3 = @CABLENO_REMAINENDELSESELECT @SEG2 = @CABLENO_REMAINENDELSESELECT @SEG1 = @CABLENO_REMAINUPDATE IM.CAB_M SET CABLESEG1 = @SEG1,CABLESEG2 = @SEG2,CABLESEG3 =@SEG3,CABLESEG4 = @SEG4,CABLESEG5 = @SEG5FROM INSERTED INSWHERE IM.CAB_M.CABLENO = INS.CABLENOGO--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Feb 15, 2007
Hello All ...
am attempting to create a program that will run on the PocketPC 2003
environment. I have upgraded Visual Studio to SP1, I have installed SQL
Server Compact Edition on my development machine and I have installed
SQL Server Compact Edition Tools For Visual Studio on the development
I have created a new project Visual Basic - Smart
Device - Pocket PC 2003. I have created a form for user input. I build
and deploy the form to the Symbol Pocket PC to test - no connection to
data and it works.
I then add a reference to
System.Data.SqlServerCE.dll and rebuild and redeploy the application to
the handheld. When I attempt to open the form I receive the following
System.Resources.ResourceReader.LoadObjectV2() at
System.Resources.ResourceReader.LoadObject() at
System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSet.GetObject() at
System.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject() at
System.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject() at
pmsPocket.frmSetSOPType.InitializeComponent() at
psmPocket.frmSetSOPType..ctor() at
System.Reflection.RuntimeContructorInfo.InternalInvoke() at
System.Reflection.RuntimeContructorInfo.InternalInvoke() at
System.Reflection.ContrcutorInfo.Invoke() at
System.Activator.CreateInstance() at MyForms.Create__Instance__() at
MyForms.get_frmSetSOPType() at psmPocket.SetSOPType.Main()
the confusing part is that I haven't changed any of the forms or the
code behind the forms, I have simply added the reference to the project.
Any idea why adding the reference to System.Data.SqlServerCE.dll would cause the system to start generating these errors?
checked, the install process has loaded the .NET 2 framework to the
handheld. And as indicated at the beginning of this message, the
application showed the form prior to my adding the reference.
Thanks ...
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Aug 4, 1999
How can I find the result columns from code? Visual J++ Seems to be able to do that. ADO doesn't want to do it for me, neither does ODBC's SQLProcedureColumns().
Any solutions?
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Sep 6, 2007
i have the following stored proc which returns a resultset at the end, i have an SSIS package that calls this stored proc and outputs the result to a file. However, the package fails because it cannot pull the columns for the schema because of the return lines in the middle of the stored proc. If i remove the it works fine, pulls hte columns as normal. but if i leave them in ssis cannot get the columns. what can i do to get around this?
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspCreateBrightPointFile]
SET nocount ON
FROM brightpointfile)
TRUNCATE TABLE brightpointfile
-- Get the order information from the database where vendorconfirmationID = 0
INSERT INTO brightpointfile
SELECT o.orderid,
'295193' AS araccountnumber,
'PRIORITY' AS shipmethod,
'Asurion Dobson' AS billname,
'PO Box 110808' AS billaddress1,
'Attn Account Receivable' AS billaddress2,
' ' AS billaddress3,
'Nashville' AS billcity,
'TN' AS billstate,
'37222' AS billzip,
c.fullname AS shipname,
Replicate(' ',100) AS shipaddress1,
Replicate(' ',100) AS shipaddress2,
' ' AS shipaddress3,
Replicate(' ',40) AS shipcity,
' ' AS shipstate,
Replicate(' ',10) AS shipzip,
'1' AS linenumber,
ve.sku AS itemcode,
o.quantity AS qty,
0 AS addressfound
FROM [order] o WITH (NoLock)
JOIN request r WITH (NoLock)
ON o.requestid = r.requestid
JOIN customer c WITH (NoLock)
ON r.customerid = c.customerid
JOIN (SELECT [subequipid],
FROM subequip s1 WITH (NoLock)
WHERE s1.statusid = 1
AND s1.startdate = (SELECT MAX(s2.startdate)
FROM subequip s2 WITH (NoLock)
WHERE s2.statusid = 1
AND s2.subid = s1.subid)) se
ON r.subid = se.subid
JOIN vendorequip ve WITH (NoLock)
ON se.clientequipid = ve.clientequipid
JOIN clientequip ce WITH (NoLock)
ON ce.clientequipid = se.clientequipid
WHERE vendorconfirmationid IS NULL -- order was never sent to CellStar
AND ve.typeid IN (1) -- only pull direct fulfillment (not store fulfillment)
AND ve.vendorid IN (2) -- only pull vendor = CellStar Insurance
AND o.orderdate > '2007-08-01' -- only pull orders after 08/01/2007
--IF @@ERROR <> 0
--First use the address types of 2
UPDATE brightpointfile WITH (ROWLOCK)
SET shipaddress1 = b.address,
shipaddress2 = b.address2,
shipcity =,
shipstate = b.stateid,
shipzip = b.zipcode,
addressfound = 1
FROM customeraddress a WITH (NOLOCK),
address b WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE a.customerid = brightpointfile.customerid
AND b.addressid = a.addressid
AND a.typeid = 2
--IF @@ERROR <> 0
--Update the rest where the address type is 1 and there is no type 2
UPDATE brightpointfile WITH (ROWLOCK)
SET shipaddress1 = b.address,
shipaddress2 = b.address2,
shipcity =,
shipstate = b.stateid,
shipzip = b.zipcode
FROM customeraddress a WITH (NOLOCK),
address b WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE a.customerid = brightpointfile.customerid
AND b.addressid = a.addressid
AND a.typeid = 1
AND brightpointfile.addressfound = 0
--IF @@ERROR <> 0
--Select all the records from the temp table, plus union in 2 extra records required by the client
FROM (SELECT orderid,
1 AS linenumber,
0 AS additional
FROM Brightpointfile WITH (nolock)
SELECT orderid,
1 AS additional
FROM Brightpointdefaultsku WITH (nolock),
Brightpointfile WITH (nolock)) a
ORDER BY orderid,
IF @@ERROR <> 0
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Feb 14, 2007
Hello All ...I
am attempting to create a program that will run on the PocketPC 2003
environment. I have upgraded Visual Studio to SP1, I have installed SQL
Server Compact Edition on my development machine and I have installed
SQL Server Compact Edition Tools For Visual Studio on the development
machine.I have created a new project Visual Basic - Smart
Device - Pocket PC 2003. I have created a form for user input. I build
and deploy the form to the Symbol Pocket PC to test - no connection to
data and it works.I then add a reference to
System.Data.SqlServerCE.dll and rebuild and redeploy the application to
the handheld. When I attempt to open the form I receive the following
System.Resources.ResourceReader.LoadObjectV2() at
System.Resources.ResourceReader.LoadObject() at
System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSet.GetObject() at
System.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject() at
System.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject() at
pmsPocket.frmSetSOPType.InitializeComponent() at
psmPocket.frmSetSOPType..ctor() at
System.Reflection.RuntimeContructorInfo.InternalInvoke() at
System.Reflection.RuntimeContructorInfo.InternalInvoke() at
System.Reflection.ContrcutorInfo.Invoke() at
System.Activator.CreateInstance() at MyForms.Create__Instance__() at
MyForms.get_frmSetSOPType() at psmPocket.SetSOPType.Main()Now
the confusing part is that I haven't changed any of the forms or the
code behind the forms, I have simply added the reference to the project.Any idea why adding the reference to System.Data.SqlServerCE.dll would cause the system to start generating these errors?I've
checked, the install process has loaded the .NET 2 framework to the
handheld. And as indicated at the beginning of this message, the
application showed the form prior to my adding the reference.Thoughts?Thanks ...
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Mar 2, 2012
I am imagining something you might pass the names of 2 stored procs (an old version and new one), and a query to produce valid parameters. It would then fire off each proc for a set number of executions, while storing off the results in temp tables, and at the end it would do a data compare, and store off performance data from dynamic management views.
Now I know how to get the parameters for a stored procedure out of the catalogue views, but is SQL Server aware at all of the schema of the results of stored procedures that return result sets, becuase I was thinking of doing something like...
INSERT INTO #datacompare(col1,col2)
EXEC mystoredprocedure
... but I can not seem to figure out how to dynamically gather the schema of the result set.
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Feb 25, 2008
I have a question. I know its possible to create a dynamic query and do an exec @dynamicquery. Question: Is there a simpler way to update specific columns in a table at run time without doing if else for each column to determine which is null and which has a value because i'm running into a design dilemna on how to go about it.
FYI: All columns in the table design are set to null by default.
Thanks in advance,
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Feb 3, 2006
We have a Compact Framework 1.1 application that uses Sql Server CE 2.0. In VS2003, a reference to System.Data.SqlServerCe causes the Sql Server CE dlls and Query Analyzer to install to the Emulator or PDA.
I am currently converting the application to Compact Framework 2.0, but we are not upgrading to Sql Server Mobile (yet). However, the reference to System.Data.SqlServerCe, in VS 2005, no longer causes Sql Server CE to install to the PDA/Emulator.
There is a difference in the build outputs between VS2003 & VS2005. In 2003,, & are copied & lanuched. In 2005, only is copied... no launch.
Any ideas? Reinstall VS2005?
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