I created the below graph in PowerView. The Y axis shows values in % but I want to change this to millions. How do I do this?The Y axis value is the result of a calculation that is formatted as currency in the PowerPivot Manager.
The values on X-axis are scaled from -100 to +100. I want to colour the band from -100 to 0 with red colour and that from 0 to +100 in green colour, and i want to provide legend for these bands/sections. How can i do this?
Hello, I need to know what means are available to change the Minimum and Maximum Y-Axis scale values rather than leave them simply as they are in the properties. Right now whatever min/max values I enter into the scale for the Y-Axis are unchangeable. I need to be able to change the min/max scale values based on the value of the data at run time.
I have an stacked chart with line with markers. The scale on the right side is the finished good which has a min qty of 383 while the highest is 52439. how can i set this scale that start from 0 to 300 and soon. right now under scale properties I set the max to 60000, the min is set to auto while in the interval properties i set this to 10000. How this line marker adjust the scale quantity (fisnished good).
I have a data source that I access via odbc in a DataReader Source component in SSIS. I can access the data fine. However, I am having problems with certain fields that are numeric (specifically home prices ranging from 100,000.00 to 99,999,999.00). In the advanced editor for my data reader source under the input and output properties tab, in data reader output under the external columns and output columns, these fields for some reason default to numeric data types with a precision of 4 and a scale of zero, not large enough to hold the data that is coming in. This causes errors that make the data come in as null (after i specify to ignore the errors).
I can change the precision and scale to 18 and 4 in the external columns, but when I try to change the datatype, precision or scale in the output columns I get the following message:
Property Value is not valid.
The details are:
Error at Import DataReader Source: The data type of output columns on the component "DataReader Source" cannot be changed. Error at DataReader Source: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0xC020837D) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.DataReaderSourceAdapter.SetOutputColumnDataTypeProperties(Int32 iOutputID, Int32 iOutputColumnID, DataType eDataType, Int32 iLength, Int32 iPrecision, Int32 iScale, Int32 iCodePage) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostSetOutputColumnDataTypeProperties(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Int32 iOutputID, Int32 iOutputColumnID, DataType eDataType, Int32 iLength, Int32 iPrecision, Int32 iScale, Int32 iCodePage)
Question (X-axis): How does automatic x-axis label positioning work? Answer: Currently, built-in Reporting Services charts only allow automatic positioning in order to avoid overlapping the x-axis labels. The label direction (horizontal/vertical) of the axis labels depends on the label string sizes and the available space. X-axis labels are either shown horizontally in one line, horizontally in multiple lines with line breaks, or vertically. Showing x-axis labels at an angle, or explicit manual control over individual x-axis label positions is currently not supported.
Note There are several third-party chart add-ins that enable more control over axis labels. These add-ins can be installed on top of Reporting Services 2005.
I have exactly the problem indicated above in that some sectors of my Pie Charts I am are trying to produce are small and are close together thus labels overlap in some cases. As it says above, only automatic placing of the labels is available, but there could be a solution through third party software.
Does anyone know of a 3rd party solution/add in or a workaround?
I have a simple-column chart and in the x-axis I put the date values and in the y-axis the sale price values.
The chart works perfectly in the case when there is only one sale price for the same date. But, when the price changes during the same day, then there is problem. In the following example
x y
1/1/2007 6.25
2/1/2007 7
2/1/2007 4
3/1/2007 8
the chart will have three columns and in the date 2/1/2007 will display the min or max of the two values. What I need is to represent all the values i.e. the chart must have four columns , as much as the rows of the dataset
I'm trying to convert an old chart to Reporting Services. We have used the same dataset for years, it is very very simple. But it seems to me that Reporting Services can't deal with this simple dataset.
My question is: How can I get create a line chart using this dataset.
The data set consists of 1 row with 96 columns (a day divided into 96 sets of 15 minutes). Each column records how many events occurs within the 15 minutes. Along the x axis I would like to display a vertical line every 4 hours. The y axis should be numbered 0 to the highest value in the results.
I could not make this dataset any more simple than it is. But Reporting Services just chokes on this.
Here is a sample of the dataset : 1 2 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10... 96
I have been trying to develop an automatic way of programmatically accessing datasources and performing some predefined(-supported) processing on them.
The question I would like to ask you people has to do with numeric fields. What exactly is precision? Is it the maximum length in digits of a field, or is there more to it? What about a "field's scale", what is it and how does it affect a field's value handling?
Can you have different scales on a bar chart. I want to chart sales and quantity. Oracle lets you label the top of the bar chart as money and the bottom as quantity.
I am dividing my sales by one million and quantity by one thousand to make them similar in size on the same chart. I am using the sum of the sales/1000000 as a point label. Is there any way to limit the number of decimal places displayed. Currently it is displaying something like 1.94889312043; 1.95M would be better.
I have set the output columns to decimal and data scale of 2. And have also set the field to be 0.00, and in the csv desination file it always puts .000000, How can I get it to be 0.00?
This is not a real big deal, cause I worked around it.. but I just tried to INCREASE the scale on a decimal column & got an arithmatic overflow error. I can understand why this would occur if trying to decrease the scale, but not increasing it. This is not a computed column.. why does SQL give an overflow error if all it has to do is add a couple of zeros to the end? Yes, I know SQL considers them to be different data types, but this is still confusing me.
I'm considering options for a large scale data warehouse. Even though SQL can theorectially scale to 10 Terabytes plus, in practice - will it be able to do it? Has anyone else actually done it? Or should Oracle be used?
Our topology: Internal corporate network domain utilizing Integrated Windows Authentication between local workstations and the web and database servers. (domain similiar to: http://reports.ourdomain.com)
Machine #1: Windows 2003 Server w/SQL Server 2005 (SP2 and hotfixes applied) running SSRS. Machine #2: Windows 2003 Server w/SSRS only. (pointing to the SQL DB on Machine #1) Machine #3: Windows 2003 Server w/SSRS only. (pointing to the SQL DB on Machine #1) Device #1: Arrowpoint load balancer for Machines #2 & #3 (w/sticky sessions).
We recently added 2 web servers and configured them to load balance the web requests to a seperate SQL Server machine. (the load balancing is done thru an Arrowpoint device not Microsoft NLB)
The installation of reporting services (on Machine #2 & #3) went smoothly and the configuration was a breeze. But we could not access the "http://reports.ourdomain.com/Reports" directory for reporting services on the 2 web server machines. We received the "401.1 - Unauthorized" http error.
Since we were using a domain name to access the report server we made sure to update the <URL> tag in the config files.
We still received the error, so then we added a couple of entries to the HOSTS file on each web server: File location --> C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetcHOSTS
In order for the load balancers to "see" themselves from the domain reference we had to update the HOSTS file on each web server to have the domain name "reports.ourdomain.com" point to the IP Address of the specific web server. (we also added the IP of Machine #1 just to be safe):
Then the web servers were able to authenticate the users using IWA and NTLM and we could access the report servers normally. Even the the scheduled reports were being load balanced and emailed from the web servers which we didn't expect to happen. (pretty cool!)
I hope this helps someone else as it tooks us about 4 days to figure this out.
I am working on a line chart. The variable on the X- axis is DateTime. The requirement is to have the values displayed with an interval of 4 hours (or mabe 5 or 6 hours - basically every regular intervals). I am using a list control to Subreports to show around 10 reports.
HOW can I do this? The Major and MInor intervals only help in separating which samples will be displayed. But we cannot configure for regular intervals. Please help.
my data fields are in seconds so my y-axis shows seconds. But i want to format Y-Axis so that instead of showing seconds it should show mm : ss so this is what i have tried, in the "format code" i put this :
to check if it shows the division result but it doesnt, t shows the exact same result as it was before. Further testing of something like:
=(Fields!Seconds.Value) & "%"
does display the percentage sign with the values but division isnt right.
I am new to this, can anyone tell me how this can be done?
I created a graph which retrieves value from database.And currently,my axis is in ranged 0-10.But i have a doubt that my value in will exceed my maximum y-axis value 10..My question is, could it be possible that i make my y-axis dynamic??Thanks!!
In my report, I have StartDate and EndDate parameters.In my Line chart on x-axis i need to show the dates like this:Suppose startdate=1/1/2005 and enddate=12/31/2005 then x-axis labels like this:1/1/2005,4/1/2005,7/1/2005,10/1/2005,1/1/2006.In x-axis i put the Minimum value:Parameters.StartDate.Value and the Interval is 90( days),it is not working properly.
I am using the statement below to calculate the average scores of the columns. When the result set is returned I would like to have a scale of 2. I am currently returning a scale of 6. What could I do to fix this?
Thanks for you help, John
SELECT ((CONVERT(decimal(4,2),c2_3) + CONVERT(decimal(4,2),c2_15) + CONVERT(decimal(4,2),c2_16) + CONVERT(decimal(4,2),c2_17)) / 4 * 100) AS Score_A FROM dataquestionnaire WHERE confirmation = '10/1/2001-999-1'
We're about to put together a db solution for storing and searching large quantities of documents, with SAS running on top of it. Ultimately this is going to be a data mining project. We're talking about 2 million docs per year, ranging from 1 to possibly hundreds of pages of text per doc. We'll be pulling down roughly 40,000 docs per week, most likely XML, HTML, or SGML format. The user base is actually pretty small - probably no more than 5.
My gut feeling is to go with DB2, but to be fair I wanted to see if SQL 2005 would be up to the task. I'm not very familiar with the current version, but I udnerstand there have been some big improvements in scalability. It is the policy of SAS not to make recommendations. Does this sound like something SQL 2005 could do well, or should I stick with my initial plan and use DB2?
Is there a way to set a MONEY datatype to a scale (decimal places) of 2? The default is set to 4 and I can't seem to find any resources on how to change it.
Do I have to add a check constraint to manually round to 2 decimals?? That seems unneccessary.... but if it is, boo-urns to sql server.
I have a question about Report services scale out deployment.
In the technet document it states that reporting services must be Enterprise edition for scale out deployment functionality, does anyone know if the database engine has to be Enterprise also, or can it be standard edition?
Here is the article excerpt from technet:
The Reporting Services edition must be Enterprise, Developer, or Evaluation. Standard edition does not support a scale-out deployment. You can create a scale-out deployment using a combination of editions as long as the edition supports the scale-out feature.
I have a UDF using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Data.SqlTypes; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text; using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
public partial class UserDefinedFunctions { [SqlFunction(DataAccess = DataAccessKind.Read)] public static SqlDecimal GetCustomPrice(SqlGuid Item_Key, SqlGuid Company_Key) { SqlDecimal retvalue = new SqlDecimal(); try { StringBuilder sqlstr = new StringBuilder(); sqlstr.Append("SELECT A.Price "); sqlstr.Append("FROM Price A "); sqlstr.Append("JOIN Link_Table B "); sqlstr.Append("ON A.Price_Key = B.FKey "); sqlstr.Append("JOIN Lookup C "); sqlstr.Append("ON B.Lookup_Key = C.Lookup_Key "); sqlstr.Append("AND C.Group_Name = 'Price_Type' "); sqlstr.Append("AND C.Value = 'Custom' "); sqlstr.Append("JOIN Item D "); sqlstr.Append("ON B.PKey = D.Item_Key "); sqlstr.Append("JOIN Link_Table E "); sqlstr.Append("ON A.Price_Key = E.FKey "); sqlstr.Append("JOIN Lookup F "); sqlstr.Append("ON E.Lookup_Key = F.Lookup_Key "); sqlstr.Append("AND F.Group_Name = 'Price_Type' "); sqlstr.Append("AND F.Value = 'Custom' "); sqlstr.Append("JOIN Company G "); sqlstr.Append("ON E.PKey = G.Company_Key "); sqlstr.Append("WHERE D.Item_Key = @Item_Key "); sqlstr.Append("AND G.Company_Key = @Company_Key"); using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("context connection=true;")) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlstr.ToString(), conn); SqlDataAdapter adap = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); SqlParameter para = new SqlParameter(); para.ParameterName = "@Item_Key"; para.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier; para.SqlValue = Item_Key; cmd.Parameters.Add(para); para = new SqlParameter(); para.ParameterName = "@Company_Key"; para.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier; para.SqlValue = Company_Key; cmd.Parameters.Add(para); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); adap.Fill(ds); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) {
The value in the record is a decimal 12,3 which is 0.950 and when it is returned from this UDF it is 1. Using the debuger the value is 0.950 until it gets to the calling program were it is 1. I have looked for an answer all over the place with not much luck Can anyone help I will be in their debt.
I have a case. I have 3 numeric fields and 1 category field to be displayed on bar chart reports. the problem is 2 of the 3 numeric fields have significant different scale value. so I need to add additonal scale at the right side of bar chart to represent 1 numeric fields + the 2 other numeric fields at the left side scale (Y). Please advice. Thanks.
I'm attempting to constrct a bar chart with the Gray Scale Plaette. All the other plaette works fine. However, for the gray scale one, the patterns just go random. It doesn't follow the legend. Have I done something wrong here?
If there is no way to get around this, can I construct one manually? Just wonder how can I do that, cos I want to get some report printed out.
I have a stored procedure which will bring me back the Min, Max and Mean of different result sets. What I want to do with the Y-Axis is set the Min scale value of the chart to be Min -%5 and the Max scale value to be Max + 5%.
Is there a way to change the Y-Axis values at report run time without spitting my own RDL?