How Create An Automatique Counter Field With SQL Server ?

Nov 16, 1998

I would like to create an automatique counter Field like in ACCESS from Microsoft.
How can i do that ?

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How To Delete A Counter In A Field ?

Aug 28, 2006

I want to delete a counter using an SQL query (alter, drop...)

What could be the SQL query

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Unique Counter Field In A Table - Best Way?

Oct 11, 2005

I need to to have a table that has a counter field (used to generate an id code for a record).  This is not the primary id for the field but just a counter to label a record in another table, similar to a registration code for an event.  This is a sequential counter that will start 1 and go up on each new record inserted into other tables.  What I want to do is be able to query this counter table to get the next valid number and increment the count for the next time.  This is a multi user web app so needs to prevent duplicate use of same number.How best should this be handled?  A transaction to query and update the field?

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Append Counter Variable To Field Name

Jun 14, 2004

Hi all,

I have a table with fields name Days1, Days2, Days3 - I am trying to use a loop in conjunction with a counter to identify each of these fields - I can't quite get the correct syntax and it is driving me crazy!!!

Here's the proc:

WHILE @Counter < 4

SELECT @AppointmentsCount = COUNT(tbl_SurgerySlot.SurgerySlotKey)
FROM tbl_SurgerySlot INNER JOIN
tbl_SurgerySlotDescription ON tbl_SurgerySlot.PracticeCode = tbl_SurgerySlotDescription.PracticeCode AND
tbl_SurgerySlot.Label = tbl_SurgerySlotDescription.Label LEFT OUTER JOIN
tbl_Appointment ON tbl_SurgerySlot.SurgerySlotKey = tbl_Appointment.SurgerySlotKey AND
tbl_SurgerySlot.ExtractDate = tbl_Appointment.ExtractDate
WHERE (tbl_SurgerySlot.ExtractDate = @ExtractDate) AND (tbl_Appointment.AppointmentKey IS NULL) AND
(tbl_SurgerySlot.StartTime > @DateFrom) AND (tbl_SurgerySlot.StartTime < @DateTo) AND (tbl_SurgerySlotDescription.IsBookable = 1)

SET @FieldName = 'Days' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@Counter)

INSERT INTO tmp_Availability (@FieldName)
VALUES (@AppointmentsCount)

SET @DateTo = DATEADD(Day,1,@DateTo)

--Increment the loop counter
SET @Counter = @Counter + 1

When I run the above the follwoing message is displayed:

Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 3, Line 36
Invalid object name 'tmp_Availability'.

The object IS valid so I'm lost....

View 8 Replies View Related

Create An Incremental Counter In The Stored Procedure

Jul 20, 2005

Hello, I have a following SPI want to add an extra field "ranking" that just increments the row number.Another feature would be: if several users have an equal totalvalue, theyshould have an equal ranking number. the rankings following users would haveto be adjusted as well. thanksSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOSET ANSI_NULLS OFFGOCREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Rankings]@iErrorCode int OUTPUTASSELECT top 30###COUNTER##,[user],[totalvalue], [cash], [stocksvalue]FROM [dbo].[users]ORDER BY totalvalue DESCSELECT @iErrorCode=@@ERRORGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGO

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Power Pivot :: How To Create Incrementing Sub Counter For (sort By Column) Purposes

Nov 16, 2015

I have a table ComponentPeriod. In it we have the combination of a component (e.g. A,B,C ) and a period (2014 Q1, 2014 Q2, 2014 January etc)I want the periods to be in descending order (2015 Q4, 2015 Dec, 2015 Nov, 2015 Oct, 2015 Q3 ... etc) and so I need to create a sequential number series to allow this to happen (as we can only order in the client tools by a single column - and so I guess the technique I'm looking for is used a lot to produce these types of "order by" columns)

I have done this in the past using

Period_Sequence =
, Period[Start_Date] <= earlier(Period[Start_Date])
&& Period[Duration_String] = earlier(Period[Duration_String])

Which was fine when I was referring to a table where Periods where distinct directly but now I have denormalised this for ComponentPeriod so I need something a little more sophisticated Whats the best way to get a sequence with perhaps some partitions in across a subset of distinct columns (I guess from SUMMARIZE or similar)

E.g. I want

Period_Name, Type, Sequence
2015 Q4, Quarter, 1
2015 Dec, Month, 2
2015 Nov, Month, 3
2015 Oct, Month, 4
2015 Q3, Quarter, 5
2015 Sep, Month, 6

even though there may be multiple records in ComponentPeriod that have the period 2015 Q4, but I want them all to have the value Sequence value of 1? I've got as far as:

Period_Sequence Desc =
(countrows(summarize(ComponentPeriod, ComponentPeriod[Period_End_Date]))
( ComponentPeriod
, ComponentPeriod[Period_End_Date] >= earlier(ComponentPeriod[Period_End_Date])

But this doesn't distinguish between the different types. I need an equivalent of the t-sql -

row_number() over (order by Period_End_Date desc, case when 'P3M' then 1 when 'P1M' then 2 end asc

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Create Date Field From Substring Of Text Field

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to populate a field in a SQL table based on the valuesreturned from using substring on a text field.Example:Field Name = RecNumField Value = 024071023The 7th and 8th character of this number is the year. I am able toget those digits by saying substring(recnum,7,2) and I get '02'. Nowwhat I need to do is determine if this is >= 50 then concatenate a'19' to the front of it or if it is less that '50' concatenate a '20'.This particular example should return '2002'. Then I want to take theresult of this and populate a field called TaxYear.Any help would be greatly apprecaietd.Mark

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SQL Server 2000 Performance Counter

Jul 23, 2005

Will the next release of SQL Server 2000 64bit sp provide performancecounter?MarcM

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What Is The Data File Size Counter Of SQL Server?

Dec 12, 2007


I am trying to track the size of my SQL Server database. Could someone please tell me if the "Data File Size (KB)" counter of the "Databases" performance object of SQL Server actually gives the size of the database?

I dont know if i have posted this query in the correct category, sorry if i haven't, but could not find any suitable category for this thread.

Thanks in advance

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SQL Server 2008 :: Performance Counter Prepare Values

Feb 11, 2015

Which values are best prepared value for given below memory objects


Total memory=
SQL Cache Memory=
Lock Memory=
Optimizer Memory=
Connection Memory=
Granted WorkSpace Memory=
Memory Grants Pending=
Memory Grants Success=

Cache Details:

Cache Hit Ratio=
Cache Used/Min=
Cache Count=
Cache Pages=

Scheduled Jobs:

Job Status=
Run date & time=
Job Time=
Retries Attempted=

Need to know the above performance counters prepared values.

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How To: Increment The Counter Registry Key For Setup In SQL Server 2005

Oct 12, 2006

I have tried several times to fix the Performance counter issues using :How to: Increment the Counter Registry Key for Setup in SQL Server 2005.

I have had no luck.

Please help!!

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Difference In Performance Counter Names In Dmv And Alert Creation Screen

Feb 13, 2015

SQL Server 2014 BI edition.

select * from sys.dm_os_performance_counters returns the object names prefixed with "SQLServer:" (e.g. SQLServer:Databases)

It was expected as in other editions also. Issue is that when we try to crate "SQLServer Performance Condition alert", object names in "Object" list comes without the prefix "SQLServer:" (e.g. Databases). Please see the attached snapshots.

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How To Create A RTF Field ?

Nov 29, 2006

How can I save the text of a rich text box in a sql express 2005 datatable ?

Of course I'd like to save the string and the format of the text (bold, color etc...).

Which column type I have to use for this RTF field ?

Thank you.

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Any Need To Create An Index For A PK Field?

May 6, 2008

Are Primary Key fields automatically indexed, or do you have to create a seperate index for a PK in order for it to be indexed? I'm using SQL Server 2005.

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Create Unique Field That Isn't The Key

Nov 10, 2005

I have a table where the key is an autonumber. I also have a field which holds the reference of a room eg 0BM1. It is nvarchar. Is there a way I can set this field to duplicates = No, so that my user cannot enter the same room reference more than once. Or do I have to do this check in my code ?


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How To Create An Aggregated Field

Apr 11, 2006

I have the following fields in table A:

GL_ID|GL_Name_VC | Amount |Period_TI|Year_SI
1000| Inventory| 8,000.00 | 01 | 2005
1000| Inventory| -3,000.00 | 02 | 2005
1000| Inventory| 5,000.00 | 02 | 2005

the fields above have the following datatype:

Fields | Datatype
GL_ID | Integer
GL_Name_VC | Variable Character
Amount | Integer
Period_TI | TinyInteger
Year_SI | SmallInteger

The above database is running on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and i would like to query
for a report that looks something as below:

GL_ID | GL_Name_VC |Op Bal|Period_Dr|Period_Cr|Period Bal|Closing Bal
1000 | Inventory |8,000 | 5,000 | -3,000 | 2,000 |10,000

The above report has an Op Bal column which is the sum of all amount in Period 01 in
Year 2005 carried forward as opening balance in Period 02, Period_Dr Column would contain
all positive amount in Period 02 & Period_Cr Column would contain all negative amount
in Period 02. Period Bal is the summation of both Period_Dr & Period_Cr and Closing Bal
column is the summation of Op Bal + Period Bal.

Guys, hope someone out there can help me with the sql command for the above report?

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Create Linefeed In Field

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I would like to create more lines by concatenating values.When I use: <select 'This' + ' ' + 'is' + ' ' + 'an' + ' ' +'example'> the result is <This is an example> (on the same line).I woul like to get:<Thisisanexample> (each 'word' on a new line, but in 1 field)Whis SQL statement do i have to use?

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How To Dynamic Create Bit Field On Sql

Apr 10, 2008


In Sqlserve we can create dynmic field on sql like:

Select '' as Name from Employee.

It creates a string field.

I want to how to create a Bit field in this way.


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How To Create A Trigger To Update A Field

Aug 2, 2007

Hi -
I know my way around VS but I am just exploring "advanced" SQL Server 2005 and have run into a challenge which I think a trigger could solve, but I am not sure and also don't know how to set that up. So any help or links to tutorials are highly appreciated.
Here is the challenge: I have a table with a number of fields, among them RequestID (bigint) and Booktime (datetime). What I would like to happen is whenever someone writes a value different from NULL into RequestID, Booktime gets set to the current timestamp. When RequestID gets set to NULL, Booktime gets set to NULL.
Is there a way to do this with a trigger (or an otherwise elegant way)?
Thanks in advance for ANY help or ideas.

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Create View With Field Combination

May 30, 2004

Hi there, my situation is
I have a table x with 3 filed
a nvarchar(100), b smalldatetime, c text(16)
. I want to create a view like this:
select a + ' ' + b + ' ' + c as all_field from x where all_field like %my_str%

So, I always get a message error said wrong datatype, how can i do, please help me.

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How Create A Field (id) That Increments Autom. ?

Oct 1, 2005

I would like to create a field that increments automatically by 1 - to use it as an identifier for a row. This is so dammed simple but I can not find how to do it !

Thank you very much for any help.

By the way I configure SQLExpress with VS2005 and SQL Express Manager.

Thank you very much,

my favorit hoster is ASPnix : !

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Create A Hyperlink From Field In Table

Jun 9, 2006

In my SQL Database I insert a Google Map link as this,-71.7439+(ESN=0-10073)

How can I mask it so that it appears in my Web page layout as a hyperlink, for my reports.

Something like: Map This

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Wanna Create A Table Field Name As 'Name'

Jul 24, 2006

Now i m working in a existing project. I have to do some updations. Inthat project database table contain a table(usergroups) field name as'Name'. When i am trying to insert a new record in (usergoups) tablelike as follows'insert into UserGroups(Name,modusr,moddt) values ('sam',131,'7/23/200610:02:13 PM')The response ll come as follows,Invalid column name 'FirstName'.Invalid column name 'LastName'.The usergroups table structure is as follows,UserGroupId int 4 (PK field)Name varchar 50modusr int 4moddt datetime 8Plz tell the correct insert query to add records for the abovetable....Thanks in advance

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Create An Array In A Result Field

Sep 12, 2006

I am between the "newbie" and "intermediate" stages of writing SQL code and I am wondering if there is a way to capture multiple results into one field so I can basically create a "set" for a unique identifier.  Here is few result samples I receive from this code I am using now.  
ReqNo              ProcID
7102005          1409
7102005          1796
7139003          1411
7139003          6097
7261030          1409
7261030          1796
7268303          3998
7268303          4000
I would like to create a single row for each "ReqNo" and have a field that will an array of the  "ProcID" results I receive.  In other words, for the first "ReqNo" 7102005, can I create a field that will combine the 1409, 1796 into one field?  I am trying to capture an array of integers used for that "ReqNo" so I can use that as a unique identifier in a join for another table. 
So, ideally my result would be:
ReqNo             ProcSet
7102005          1409, 1796
7139003          1411, 6097
7261030          1409, 1796
7268303          3998, 4000
Is this possible?

@startdate smalldatetime,
@enddate smalldatetime ,
@month int,
@year int
 @startdate = dateadd (dd, -7, getdate())
@month = datepart (month, @startdate),
@year = datepart (year, @startdate)
@startdate = convert (smalldatetime, convert(varchar(2), @month) + "/1/" + convert (varchar(4), @year))
@enddate = dateadd (dd, 1 , @startdate)
select distinct
pp_req_no as ReqNo,
pp_cproc_id_r as ProcID
(index pp_serv_time_r_ndx)
pp_service_time_r between @Startdate and @Enddate
and pp_status_v = 'CP'
and pp_rep_id > 0
order by
pp_req_no, pp_cproc_id_r


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Create Sql Table With Time Field

Mar 4, 2008

I'm want to store a time from a datetimepicker control(format = time) into a sql table. I'm using c# and windows forms with vs2008. Some example code would be nice. Thanks.

// dateTimePicker2


this.dateTimePicker2.Format = System.Windows.Forms.DateTimePickerFormat.Time;

this.dateTimePicker2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(225, 21);

this.dateTimePicker2.Name = "dateTimePicker2";

this.dateTimePicker2.ShowUpDown = true;

this.dateTimePicker2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(96, 20);

this.dateTimePicker2.TabIndex = 1;


1. What type should the time field be in the sql table? I want to be able to calculate with it at some time.

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Join Several Fields To Create New Field

Oct 4, 2006

What would be the recommendation/approach in creating a seperate field in which joins several differate fields together.

I have a table with field name a, b, and c. I want the information in those fields to be populated in a seperate field, d.

So instead of:







I would have:


122 joe st


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Can Someone Help Me Create A Derived Field In A View

May 22, 2008

I am a C# developer who was forced to use a DataSet with Infragistics grid instead of the class object I was using as a data source, so that I can implement an AddNew functionality directly in the grid.

In code I would simply add a read only property to do this, and it was much simpler, but if someone could point in the right direction as to can a view do what I want.

The field I want to create is called "Info" short for HasInfo.
Info has 3 values (from an enumeration) NoInfo = 0; HasResume = 1; HasHomeInfo = 2

The business logic for this is if we have a resume, I show a resume icon in the grid, if we do not have a resume, if we have home phone # or mobil # then an icon of phones are shown in the grid.

To find out if a contact has a resume the SQL is going to be something like if exists (select ContactResumeID from ContactResume Where ContactResume.ContactID = Contact.ContactID) then 1; and if that is not true; check if Contact.HomePhone is Not Null Or Empty or Contact.WorkPhone is not null or empty then 2 else 0

I can do this in C# blindfolded, but in SQL I am fish out of water for compound if statements.

The SQL for this view is shown below (creating using SQL Server Gui Selector which I think is real cool).





ALTER VIEW [dbo].[Employees]


SELECT dbo.Company.CompanyID,

dbo.Company.Name AS CompanyName,











FROM dbo.ContactPosition INNER JOIN dbo.Contact

ON dbo.ContactPosition.ContactID = dbo.Contact.ContactID INNER JOIN dbo.Position

ON dbo.ContactPosition.PositionID = dbo.Position.PositionID INNER JOIN dbo.Department

ON dbo.Position.DepartmentID = dbo.Department.DepartmentID INNER JOIN dbo.Company

ON dbo.Position.CompanyID = dbo.Company.CompanyID


Flying Elephant Software

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Create A Calculated Field That Gives Me The Avg 75 Percentile

Mar 22, 2007

I'm trying to create a calculated field that gives me the avg 75 percentile.

Right now I get this value by doing the following:

Create data set:

Select top 75 percent <field>

from <table>

Then I create the following calculated field


But I wanted to be able to create a calculated field that gives me the avg 75 percentile without creating a separate data set to get the top 75 percent Value.

Is it possible?






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Create A Table With A Field With Only Time Datatype

Jul 13, 2006

Hello experts,
I want to create a table to store only time in a fileld. There is "DateTime" for my purpose but i dont want to save the Date part only the time part as "12:30:44 AM". I know i can select only time part from Datetime field but i want to save only time.Can anybody help me how can i create that kinda table ?

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How To Create Unique Field Or Sequence In View

Jun 5, 2012

I have created a view based on joining 3 tables, however, it is not possible to have a unique field in the view which I must need it and I must create index on some other fields. Is there any way to create sequence number or uniqie field in mssql view.

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How To Create Calculate Field On 3 Table Using Group By

May 9, 2014

I am a student, and I am so confused by SQL code that calculates incomes of my contract in a year or each month of year.

I have 3 tables:

id_contract indentity primary,
id_person int,
id_room varchar(4),
day_begin datetime,
day_end datetime,
day_register datetime
money_per_month money

id_electric indentity primary key,
id_room varchar(4),
number_first int,
number_last int,
Sum_Number int,
money_electric money,
status bit

id_Water indentity primary key,
id_room varchar(4),
number_first int,
number_last int,
Sum_Number int,
money_water money,
status bit

Now what I want to do are statistics on how much money I got in a year or month. Here is my code to calculate incomes of year.

Select Year(day_register) as 'Year'
, Sum(money_per_month * month(day_end-day_register)) + sum(b.money_electric+c.money_water) as 'Incomes'
From lodgings_Contract a
, electric b
, Water c
Where a.id_room = b.id_room
And a.id_room = c.id_room
And b.status = 1
And c.status = 1
Group by Year(day_register)

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Iterate Field In Table And Create A View

Jul 14, 2015

I have a table that houses fully qualified table names, roughly 15. How can I iterate that table and create a view ? For example, something like this

Create Table tocreateviewfrom (dbname varchar(100))
Insert Into tocreateviewfrom Values (foxfire.dbo.abcd), (foxfire.dbo.abcde), (foxfire.dbo.abcdf), (foxfire.dbo.abcdg), (foxfire.dbo.abcde), (foxfire.dbo.abcdl)

--Then somehow iterate each value in the field dbname to create a view something like
Create View viewcreatedfromtable As
Select * from foxfire.dbo.abcd
Union All
Select * from foxfire.dbo.abcde

[Code] ....

I tried this, but it is only printing the last result returned not the entire result set

Declare @database varchar(max), @sql varchar(max)
Declare c1 Cursor For
Select Program
from tocreateviewfrom
Open c1

[Code] .....

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Create Query Based On A Field That Won't Be The Same Value In Both Tables

Jul 20, 2005

I have two tables: TestA and TestB. Both tables have 3 fields: ID,Name, and RunDate. I need to create a query which will join the twotables first on Name but then I need to match up the RunDates eventhough the RunDates won't be the same.CREATE TABLE TestA (ID INT IDENTITY, Name VARCHAR(255), RunDateDATETIME)CREATE TABLE TestB (ID INT IDENTITY, Name VARCHAR(255), RunDateDATETIME)INSERT INTO TestA VALUES ('Account 1', '9/1/2004 12:00PM')INSERT INTO TestB VALUES ('Account 1', '9/1/2004 12:15PM')INSERT INTO TestA VALUES ('Account 1', '9/2/2004 1:00PM')INSERT INTO TestB VALUES ('Account 1', '9/2/2004 1:15PM')INSERT INTO TestA VALUES ('Account 1', '9/3/2004 3:00PM')INSERT INTO TestA VALUES ('Account 2', '9/5/2004 4:00PM')INSERT INTO TestB VALUES ('Account 2', '9/5/2004 4:15PM')Here's a common scenario:User updates TestA data for Account 1 on 9/1/2004 at 12:00pm. Thenthe user updates TestB data for Account 1, 15 minutes later. I wantthese two records to match. The user must always update TestA databefore they update TestB data. Therefore, there might be more rows inTestA then in TestBHere's what the results should look like for the above data.Name TestA Date TestB Date---- ---------- ----------Account 1 9/1/2004 12:00pm 9/1/2004 12:15PMAccount 1 9/2/2004 1:00pm 9/2/2004 1:15PMAccount 1 9/3/2004 3:00pm (NULL)Account 2 9/5/2004 4:00pm 9/5/2004 4:15PMAny help would be much appreciated!!!!

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