How Do I Access The Value Of A Stored Proc Return Param In C# Using ExecuteNonQuery?

Jun 8, 2007

I've got a stored proc to insert a record and return the id of the record inserted in an output param.
How do I access this value in my code after the proc is executed?

param = comm.CreateParameter();
param.ParameterName = "@MemberID";
param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
param.DbType = DbType.Int32;

     rowsAffected = GenericDataAccess.ExecuteNonQuery(comm);
     rowsAffected = -1;


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Output Param Of Stored Proc - Oledb Command

Jun 5, 2007


This is my first post so please be gentle!!

I have a stored proc that returns a value:


-- =============================================
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@varNSC varchar(4),
@varNC varchar(2),
@varIIN varchar(7),
@varIMCDMC varchar(8),
@varOut as int output
@varPK int
set @varPK = 0

--This checks Method 1
--NSC = @varNSC
--NC = @varNC
--IIN = @varIIN
if exists
(select Item_id
From Item
Where NSC = @varNSC
and NC = @varNC
and IIN = @varIIN)
set @varPK =
(select Item_id
From Item
Where NSC = @varNSC
and NC = @varNC
and IIN = @varIIN)
set @varOut = @varPK
if @varPK <> 0 Return

[There are some more methods here]



How do I get at the output value?

I have tried using derived column and ole db command but can't seem to grasp how to pass the value to the derived column. I can get oledb command to run using 'exec dbo.spPK ?, ?, ?, ?, ? output' but don't know what to do from here.

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Transact SQL :: Passing Multiple String Param Values To Stored Proc

Jul 21, 2015

EDate Datetime,
Code varchar(255),
Cdate int,
Price int

[Code] ....

Now I have to pass multiple param values to it. I was trying this but didnt get any success


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.NET Framework :: Stored Procedure Can't Return Output Param Value

Oct 8, 2015

My stored procedure was running sqlserver 2012 but can't return output parameter value here i paste my SP ...

alter Procedure BD_InsertMobileClient_GpsLogPlanogram
@SalesPersonID int,
@MobileRowID int,
@StatusCode int output

[Code] .....

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Can't Get Stored Proc To Return A Value

Feb 12, 2008

Hi,I'm having trouble getting a stored procedure to return a single
integer value.  Here's a short
version:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~set ANSI_NULLS ONset
[dbo].[Perm_Import_CJ]AS/* bunch of stuff removed */DECLARE
@NoCategory intSELECT @NoCategory = COUNT(*) FROM table WHERE CategoryID IS
NULL/* print @NoCategory */RETURN
@NoCategory~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If I uncomment "print
@NoCategory" it prints exactly the number it's supposed to, so there is no
problem with any of the queries in the stored procedure.  Then, in the code,
this is what I'm doing:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dim dbConn
As New
cmd As New SqlCommand("StoredProc", dbConn)cmd.CommandType =
CommandType.StoredProceduredbConn.Open()Dim intNoCategory As Integer =
and here's the problem ---> Even though @NoCateogry prints as the correct number, by the time it gets to intNoCategory in the code, it is ALWAYS zero.I have no idea what I am doing wrong. 
Thanks in advance for any help!Casey 

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Return Value From Stored Proc?

Jun 8, 2005

I need a stored procedure to return a value to my .NET app (ascx). The value will tell the app if the stored procedure returned any values or not. For example, if the Select SQL statement in the stored procedure returns no rows, the stored procedure could return a zero to the .NET app, otherwise it could return the number of rows or just a one to the .NET app.Anyone know how to do this?Thanks!

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PLEASE PLEASE HELP - How Can I Get A Return Value From A SQL Stored Proc Is ASP.NET?

Nov 30, 2006

Hi. I'm sorry to bother all of you, but I have spent two days lookingat code samples all over the internet, and I can not get a single oneof them to work for me. I am simply trying to get a value returned tothe ASP from a stored procedure. The error I am getting is: Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name orordinal.Here is my Stored Procedure code.set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGoALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sprocRetUPC]@sUPC varchar(50),@sRetUPC varchar(50) OUTPUTASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;SET @sRetUPC = (SELECT bcdDVD_Title FROM tblBarcodes WHERE bcdUPC =@sUPC)RETURN @sRetUPCENDHere is my ASP.NET code.Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e AsSystem.EventArgs) Handles Me.LoadDim oConnSQL As ADODB.ConnectionoConnSQL = New ADODB.ConnectionoConnSQL.ConnectionString = "DSN=BarcodeSQL"oConnSQL.Open()Dim oSproc As ADODB.CommandoSproc = New ADODB.CommandoSproc.ActiveConnection = oConnSQLoSproc.CommandType = ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdStoredProcoSproc.CommandText = "sprocRetUPC"Dim oParam1Dim oParam2oParam1 = oSproc.CreateParameter("sRetUPC",ADODB.DataTypeEnum.adVarChar,ADODB.ParameterDirectionEnum.adParamOutput, 50)oParam2 = oSproc.CreateParameter("sUPC", ADODB.DataTypeEnum.adVarChar,ADODB.ParameterDirectionEnum.adParamInput, 50, "043396005396")Dim resres = oSproc("sRetUPC")Response.Write(res.ToString())End SubIf I put the line -oSproc.Execute()above the "Dim res" line, I end up with the following error:Procedure or function 'sprocRetUPC' expects parameter '@sUPC', whichwas not supplied. I thought that oParam2 was the parameter. I was alsounder the assumption that the return parameter has to be declaredfirst. What am I doing wrong here?

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Get A Return Value From An Insert Without Using A Stored Proc.

Oct 31, 2006

hi all, lets say i have this insert command being executed from C# to a SQL Db. //store transaction log
SqlCommand cmdStoreTrans = new SqlCommand("INSERT into Transactions(ImportID,ProfileID,RowID) values (@ImportID,@ProfileID,@RowID);",conn);
catch(SqlException ex)
}I need the new Identity number of that record added.  how can i get that within THIS Sqlcommand.  Currently im closing the connection, creating a new command with 'SELECT MAX(id) from transactions" and getting the value that way, im sure there is a easier way keeping it all within one command object? someone mentioned using something liek @@Identity any help appreciatedTIA, mcm

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Return @@rowcount From Stored Proc

Sep 24, 2007

 HiI'm using an sqldatasource control in my aspx page, and then executing it from my code behind page (SqlDataSource1.Insert()), how do i retrieve the number of rows (@@rowcount) which have been inserted into the database and display it in my aspx page.  I am using a stored procedure. thanks 

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Stored Proc How To Return A Single Value

Oct 9, 2007

How do I return a value in a stored procedure? I want to return a value for TheQuarterId below but under all test conditions am only getting back a negative one. Please help! create PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetQuarterIdBasedOnDescription]
@QuarterString nvarchar(10),
@TheQuarterId int output

SELECT @TheQuarterId = QuarterId from Quarter WHERE Description=@QuarterString


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Stored Proc Won't Return Correct Value.

Oct 18, 2007

I am using VS 2006, and C# to call a stored procedure. I want to return a value from the stored procedure into a variable in my C# code. Currently this is not working for me, and I can not figure out whatthe problem is? Can someone please help me out?
I really don't think the problem is in my stored procedure. I can right click on the stored proc and run it withsuccess. If I trace into the C# code though only a negative one (-1) is returned.
On line 5 I have tried the alternate lines of code but this has not worked for me.
     mySqlCommand.Parameters["@TotalRecords"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;     mySqlCommand.Parameters["@TotalRecords"].Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
Can someone please help me out. I have spent to much time trying to figure this one out.
// C# code to call stored proc.1  try2   {3     SqlCommand mySqlCommand = new SqlCommand("[GetRecordsAssociatedWithRealtor]", mySqlConnection);4     mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@RealtorId", SqlDbType.Decimal, 10).Value = RealtorId;5     mySqlCommand.Parameters["@TotalRecords"].Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;6     mySqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;7     RecordsAssociatedWithRealtor = mySqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();8   }
// Stored procedure below.USE [REALTOR]GO/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[GetRecordAssociatedWithRealtor]    Script Date: 10/18/2007 13:15:18 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOCREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetRecordAssociatedWithRealtor]( @RealtorId int, @TotalRecords int output)AS BEGIN DECLARE @HouseDetailRecords int DECLARE @RealtorRecords int SELECT  @HouseDetailRecords= RealtorId from Realtor where RealtorId=@RealtorId SELECT  @RealtorRecords = RealtorId from ConstructionDetail where RealtorId=@RealtorId SET     @TotalRecords=SUM(@HouseDetailRecords+@RealtorRecords) RETURN  @TotalRecordsEND

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Execute Stored Proc And Then Return A Value

Jul 13, 2004

ok I have a stored procedure in my MS-SQL Server database.
It looks something like this.....


declare @IDFound bigint
declare @LastChangedDate datetime

select @LastChangedDate = GetDate()
select @IDFound = PK_ID from PCPartsList where ProdCode = @ProdCode

if @IDFound > 0
update PCPartsList set Description = @Description, ManCode = @ManCode, ProdCode = @ProdCode, Price = @Price, Comments = @Comments, LastChanged = @LastChangedDate where PK_ID = @IDFound
insert into PCPartsList (Description, ManCode, ProdCode, Price, Comments, LastChanged) values(@Description, @ManCode, @ProdCode, @Price, @Comments, @LastChangedDate)

It executes fine so I know i've done that much right....
But what i'd like to know is how I can then return a value - specifically @LastDateChanged variable

I think this is a case of i've done the hard part but i'm stuck on the simple part - but i'm very slowly dragging my way through learning SQL.
Someone help?

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Newbie: Cannot Get Return Value From Stored Proc

Feb 20, 2007

Good morning, all,

OK, I have read a ton of posting on this issue, but either they don't give enough information or they are for packages which use the Execute SQL command, whereas I am using the OLE DB Command Data Flow Transformation.

I have an Excel spreadsheet that we are receiving from agencies with rows of client data which I have to load into an application that is ready to go live. I also have a stored procedure spClientsInsertRcd, which was written for the application. In the normal flow of the application, the stored procedure is called from a Coldfusion page, which does some processing prior to calling it. So, I have written a 'wrapper' stored procedure, spImportAgencyData, which does the processing and then calls the spClientInsertRcd.

My dataflow has the following components:

An Excel Source, containing my test data, consisting of just one row of data,

which points to a

Derived Column Transformation, which reformats the SSN and adds a user variable, named returnValue with an Expression value of @[User::returnvariable] set to a four-byte signed integer, which (i think) I need to get the value out of the stored procedure.

which points to a

Data Conversion Transformation, which takes care of all the datatype conversions

which points to a

OLE DB Command, which contains the following as the SQL Command:

exec ?= spImportAgencyData ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?

In the OLE DB Command, I have mapped returnValue, my user variable to @RETURN_VALUE.

Right now, I am in initial testing. The dataflow shows that it is succeeding, but my one data record for testing is not getting inserted. I need to get the value of returnValue to figure out what is happening.

How do I get the value of the returnValue? I have tried putting a recordset destination after the OLE DB command, but that just gives me the data that went into the OLE DB Command.


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Invalid Return Value From Stored Proc From VC++ 6.0

Oct 27, 2006

I have a stored procedure that takes a computer name (nvarchar) and either updates a time stamp in a matching row or adds a new row when no match is found based on the computer name (replicates a set of rows in another table as well in the case of not found).

When the row is unmatched, an output param (int) is set to 1 indicating it is new. When found, a zero is placed into the output parameter.

This stored procedure worked fine until we recently upgraded to SQL Server Express (2005).

C++ code:

_bstr_t conn_str = CONN_STR;
conn_str += (LPCTSTR)_server_name;

_ConnectionPtr epi_conn;
_CommandPtr cmd("ADODB.Command");
_ParameterPtr param;
long addfg;
_variant_t var_addfg;

// connect to database

cmd->ActiveConnection = epi_conn;
cmd->CommandText = "qry_DBUpdWorkstation";
cmd->CommandType = adCmdStoredProc;

// setup stored procedure call
param = cmd->CreateParameter (_bstr_t("@s_computer_name"), adVarChar, adParamInput, 31);
param->Value = client_name;

param = cmd->CreateParameter (_bstr_t("@l_addfg"), adInteger, adParamOutput, 4);

// debug output
if (trace_fp)
COleDateTime cur_dt = COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime();
fwprintf(trace_fp, L"%s - clsSrvrCtrlr::UpdWorkstation 1 client=%s",
cur_dt.Format(), client_name);

cmd->Execute(NULL, NULL, adCmdStoredProc);

var_addfg = cmd->Parameters->Item[_variant_t("@l_addfg")]->Value;
addfg = var_addfg.iVal;

// done with stored proc

if (trace_fp)
COleDateTime cur_dt = COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime();
fwprintf(trace_fp, L"%s - clsSrvrCtrlr::UpdWorkstation 2 var_addfg.vt=%d, var_addfg.iVal=%d",
cur_dt.Format(), var_addfg.vt, var_addfg.iVal);

and the stored proc:




-- Database Version 5.5.0

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[qry_DBUpdWorkstation]

@s_computer_name nvarchar(31),

@l_addfg int OUTPUT



DECLARE @d_update_dt datetime

DECLARE @l_msg_cd int

DECLARE @b_view_local bit

DECLARE @b_view_global bit

DECLARE @l_alert_type smallint

DECLARE @s_sound_file nvarchar(255)

DECLARE @l_wscd int

SELECT @d_update_dt=UpdateDT

FROM dbo.tblWorkstations

WHERE ComputerNameTxt=@s_computer_name

SET @l_addfg = 0

IF @d_update_dt IS NULL


INSERT tblWorkstations (ComputerNameTxt, UpdateDT, OnlineFg)

VALUES (@s_computer_name, GETDATE(), 0)



SELECT SysMsgCd, ViewLocalFg, ViewGlobalFg, AlertTypeVal, SoundFileTxt

FROM tblMsgAlerts

WHERE WorkstationCd = -1

OPEN msg_cursor


@l_msg_cd, @b_view_local, @b_view_global, @l_alert_type, @s_sound_file

WHILE @@fetch_status = 0


INSERT tblMsgAlerts (WorkstationCd, SysMsgCd, ViewLocalFg, ViewGlobalFg, AlertTypeVal, SoundFileTxt)

VALUES (@l_wscd, @l_msg_cd, @b_view_local, @b_view_global, @l_alert_type, @s_sound_file)


@l_msg_cd, @b_view_local, @b_view_global, @l_alert_type, @s_sound_file


CLOSE msg_cursor

DEALLOCATE msg_cursor

SET @l_addfg = 1




UPDATE tblWorkstations


WHERE ComputerNameTxt=@s_computer_name


The stored proc ALWAYS returns 0 but will execute the code to insert the new row when not found and replicate the rows in the second table. Any ideas, suggestions?


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Stored Proc Failing To Return Results

Aug 9, 2000

I have a search stored proc which fails to return results when called by more than one user.

I have put selects in the various SPs to trace results and if I call from 3 query windows (executnig each as quickly as I can work the mouse) I get the following:
1st query returns the trace values (including correct count of temp table recs) but no result set
2nd query erturns nothing just "The command(s) completed successfully."
3rd query returns full results.

This seems to be consistent.

We are running SQL Server 7 SP1.
Just upgrading to SP2 to see if that helps.

The main SP calls other SPs to build result sets.
These use quite a few temp tables passed between SPs, parse CSV lists, join different other tables, create a SQL string to exec to do the search and get record IDs to return (no cursors).
The result set is built by a called SP using the temp table with IDs to return.

Anyone know of any problems or can suggest anything to try?

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Stored Proc Return File Size

Jan 21, 2004

Hi everyone,

Does anyone know of a SQL stored proc that when given a operating system filename (i.e. a text file), returns the size of the file in bytes.

Thanks in advance,


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Return Formatted Date From Stored Proc?

Mar 8, 2004

What is the recommended method of returning a formatted date from a stored procedure?

The date is held in a date time field. I wish to return the date formatted as:

dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm

for display in a bound text box on a win form. JUst selecting the date and binding it to the text box shows:

dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss

I do not want the :ss to show. A textbox does not have a format property (that I can see). I suppose I could create my own textbox inheriting from the standard and apply a display format property. I thought it may be easier to select as required in an sp. The textbox is read only on the form.

I was looking at:

select jobHeaders.DateTimeJobTaken AS [Job Taken],
CAST(datepart(dd,jobHeaders.DateTimeJobTaken) as char(2)) + '/' +
CAST(datepart(mm,jobHeaders.DateTimeJobTaken) as char(2)) + '/' +
CAST(datepart(yyyy,jobHeaders.DateTimeJobTaken) as char(4))

from jobHeaders

but this gives :
8 /3 /2004 with spaces.

Before looking further I thought one of you guys may have the answer.

Thanks in advance

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SQL Server Express Stored Proc Does Not Return Any Data

Jan 28, 2008

Hi!I have this table:Units  -id uniqueidentified (PK),  -groupName NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,  -name NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,  -ratio float NULL and the stored proc that simply returns all rows:ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.ilgSP_GetUnitsAS    SELECT [id], [groupName], [name], [ratio] FROM [Units] ORDER BY [groupName], [name]If I select 'Show Table Data' in Visual Studio 2005 I see all rows from the table. If I 'Execute' my stored from VS 2005 I get this:Running [dbo].[ilgSP_GetUnits].id                                     groupName                                          name                                               ratio                     -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- No rows affected.(1 row(s) returned)@RETURN_VALUE = 0Finished running [dbo].[ilgSP_GetUnits].And I don't get any data in my ASP.NET application. WHY?Thanks! 

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Looping A Package Based On A Return Value From A Stored Proc?

Oct 24, 2007


I have a package that I need to loop (possibly multiple times) based on a return value from a stored procedure.

I know that in DTS you could use the return value of "execution status" to do this.

Is there a way in SSIS to loop based on a return value?

Thanks much

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Unable To Force A Return Value With ExecuteNonQuery???

Sep 13, 2007

Hi all!  I've been banging my head on this for way to long and decided it's time to reach out for help.  I'll try to be complete and concise with this, but this will end up being lengthy most likely.
The crux of the issue is that I apparently do not have any control over what is returned from a stored proc via the SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery method.  I want the procedure to explicitly return 0 if the proc was successful, otherwise it will return the error code generated.  A value of -1 is consistently being returned when SET NOCOUNT ON is in place, and when not, a 1 is returned.  This seems to be ignoring the fact that I have RETURN 0 at the end of the proc.  Perhaps I'm missing something, but if I RETURN 0, I should get is the procedure:1 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[epsp_EditCities]
2 @CityId int = null,
3 @City varchar(50),
4 @CreatedBy int,
5 @UpdatedBy int,
6 @ActionType varchar(1) = 'X',
7 @Identity int = 0 OUT,
8 @RowCount int = 0 OUT
10 AS
11 DECLARE @ERROR int -- Local @@ERROR
17 IF @ActionType = 'I' /* --- INSERT --- */
20 INSERT INTO [EnrollmentPrograms].[dbo].[Cities]
21 ([City]
22 ,[CreatedBy]
23 ,[UpdatedBy])
25 (@City
26 ,@CreatedBy
27 ,@UpdatedBy)
28 SET @Identity = SCOPE_IDENTITY()
30 END
32 IF @ActionType = 'U' /* --- UPDATE --- */
35 UPDATE [EnrollmentPrograms].[dbo].[Cities]
36 SET [City] = @City
37 ,[UpdatedBy] = @UpdatedBy
38 WHERE CityId = @CityId
39 END
41 IF @ActionType = 'D' /* --- DELETE --- */
44 DELETE FROM [EnrollmentPrograms].[dbo].[Cities]
45 WHERE CityId = @CityId
46 END
49 -- Error checking (place this after every statement) --
51 SET @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT
55 COMMIT TRAN -- No Errors, so go ahead
61 RETURN @ERRORAnd a fascinating tidbit is the results from this which shows the return value as 0:1 DECLARE@return_value int,
2 @Identity int--,
3 --@RowCount int
5 EXEC@return_value = [dbo].[epsp_EditCities]
6 @CityId = 1,
7 @City = N'Agoura Hills',
8 @CreatedBy = 1,
9 @UpdatedBy = 1,
10 @ActionType = N'U',
11 @Identity = @Identity OUTPUT--,
12 --@RowCount = @RowCount OUTPUT
14 SELECT@Identity as N'@Identity'--,
15 --@RowCount as N'@RowCount'
17 SELECTReturnValue = @return_value
And finally, here is the C# call that always returns -1:
retVal = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
Now, I've tried almost all variations and unit tests on the procedure that I could dream up.  Commenting this out and putting this in etc....I still remain unable to fix the return code to 0 and get that result into my retVal var.
Any love?  Much thanks in advance for spending time on my issue!

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How To Call AS400 Stored Proc And Evaluate The Return Code?

May 30, 2007

I am trying to use SSIS to update an AS400 DB2 database by calling a stored procedure on the AS400 using an OLE DB command object. I have a select statement running against the SQL Server 2005 that brings back 20 values, all of which are character strings, and the output of this select is piped into the OLE DB command object. The call from SSIS works just fine to pass parameters into the AS400 as long as the stored procedure being called does not have an output parameter defined in its signature. There is no way that I can find to tell the OLE DB command object that one of the parameters is an output (or even an input / output) parameter. As soon as one of the parameters is changed to an output type, I get an error like this:

Code Snippet

Error: 0xC0202009 at SendDataToAs400 1, OLE DB Command [2362]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x8000FFFF.

Error: 0xC0047022 at SendDataToAs400 1, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED. The ProcessInput method on component "OLE DB Command" (2362) failed with error code 0xC0202009. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.

Error: 0xC0047021 at SendDataToAs400 1, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited.

Information: 0x40043008 at SendDataToAs400 1, DTS.Pipeline: Post Execute phase is beginning.

Information: 0x40043009 at SendDataToAs400 1, DTS.Pipeline: Cleanup phase is beginning.

Task failed: SendDataToAs400 1

Warning: 0x80019002 at RetrieveDataForSchoolInitiatedLoans: SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (3) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.

Warning: 0x80019002 at Load_ELEP: SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (3) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.

SSIS package "Load_ELEP.dtsx" finished: Failure.

I really need to know if the call to the AS400 stored procedure succeeded or not, so I need a way to obtain and evaluate the output parameter. Is there a better way to accomplish what I am trying to do? Any help is appreciated.

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How To Return A Numeric Value Based Upon If A Record Is Returned From My Query/Stored Proc.

Oct 2, 2007

I need to call the stored procedure below. Basically what I need to know is if the query returns a record?
Note I would be happy if I could just return the number Zero if no records are returned. Can someone please help me out here?Here is my query so far in SQL Server. I just don't know how to return a value based upon the result of the records returned from the query.
GOCREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetNameStatus]( @CountryId decimal, @NameId decimal, @DescriptionId decimal)AS SELECT     Name.Active FROM       Name INNER JOIN               NameDescription ON Name.NameId = NameDescription.NameId WHERE Name.CountryId=@CountryId AND               Name.NameId=@NameId AND NameDescription.DescriptionId=@DescriptionId AND Name.Active='Y'

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Exec SQL Task: Capture Return Code Of Stored Proc Not Working

May 19, 2006

I am just trying to capture the return code from a stored proc as follows and if I get a 1 I want the SQL Task to follow a failure(red) constrainst workflow and send a SMTP mail task warning the customer. How do I achieve the Exec SQL Task portion of this, i get a strange error message [Execute SQL Task] Error: There is an invalid number of result bindings returned for the ResultSetType: "ResultSetType_SingleRow".

Using OLEDB connection, I utilize SQL: EXEC ? = dbo.CheckCatLog

EXEC SQL Task Editer settings:

PS-Not sure if I need my variable giBatchID which is an INT32 but I thought it is a good idea to feed the output into here just in case there is no way that the EXEC SQL TASK can chose the failure constrainst workflow if I get a 1 returned or success constraint workflow if I get a 0 returned from stored proceedure

@OutSuccess INT

-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.

---these totals should match
SELECT @RowCountCAT = (SELECT Count(*) FROM mydb_Staging.dbo.S_CAT)
SELECT @RowCountLOG = (SELECT Count(*) FROM mydb_Staging.dbo.S_LOG)
--PRINT @RowCountCAT
--PRINT @RowCountLOG
IF @RowCountCAT <> @RowCountLOG
--PRINT 'Volume of jobs from the CAT file does not match volume of jobs from the LOG file'
SET @OutSuccess = 1

Thanks in advance


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Return BIGINT OUTPUT Param To VB!?

May 9, 2006

Please help me on this one.

I need to return a value to VB.
I've tried returning a numeric value NUMERIC(25,20) via an output parameter but this didn't work. I'm know at a point in wich I created a bigint and multiplied the value so that the decimals are gone. However it only returns NULL?!?!?!?!!?!?
Here's part of my stored proc

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.uspCalcWeightedAverage @StartDate2 varchar(10), @EndDate2 varchar(10), @InMarket nvarchar(50), @InProductType int, @InWeekDay int, @WeightedAverage bigint OUTPUTAS......SELECT @WeightedAverage = cast(10000000000 * (SUM(HHF.FACTOR) / COUNT(PDF.FLAG)) as bigint)FROM TBL_PRODUCTDEFS PDF INNER JOIN #DATESBETWEENINTERVAL DBI ON DATEPART(HH, [DBI].[DATE]) = [PDF].[HOUR] INNER JOIN tbl_historichourlyfactors HHF ON DATEPART(D,DBI.DATE) = HHF.DayID AND [PDF].[HOUR] = [HHF].[HOUR] AND DATEPART(M,DBI.DATE) = [HHF].[Month]WHERE PDF.MARKETID = @InMarketID AND PDF.PRODUCTTYPEID = @InProductTypeID AND [PDF].[WD-WE] = @InWeekDay AND HHF.MARKETID = @InMarketID AND PDF.FLAG = 1GROUP BY FLAG

When I retrieve the output param it returns a NULL value. the properties in VB say that the parameter has the following props:
attribute 64 (Long)
NumericScale 0 (Byte)
Precision 19 (Byte)
Type adBigInt
Value Null

I try to return it with the following code (got the code from a friend)

Public Function RunProcedure(ByVal v_strStoredProcName As String, ByRef r_varParamValues() As Variant) As ADODB.RecordsetDim objAdoRecordset As ADODB.RecordsetDim objAdoCommand As ADODB.CommandDim lngCtr As Long On Error GoTo RunCommand_Error ' Create cmd object Set objAdoCommand = New ADODB.Command Set objAdoCommand.ActiveConnection = m_oAdoConnection objAdoCommand.ActiveConnection = m_oAdoConnection objAdoCommand.CommandText = v_strStoredProcName objAdoCommand.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc Call objAdoCommand.Parameters.Refresh 'Stop For lngCtr = 0 To UBound(r_varParamValues) If objAdoCommand.Parameters(lngCtr + 1).Direction = adParamInput Then objAdoCommand.Parameters(lngCtr + 1).Value = r_varParamValues(lngCtr) End If Next Set objAdoRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset objAdoRecordset.CursorLocation = adUseClient Set objAdoRecordset = objAdoCommand.Execute 'Stop For lngCtr = 0 To objAdoCommand.Parameters.Count - 1 If objAdoCommand.Parameters(lngCtr).Direction = adParamOutput Or objAdoCommand.Parameters(lngCtr).Direction = adParamInputOutput Then r_varParamValues(lngCtr - 1) = objAdoCommand.Parameters(lngCtr).Value End If Next Set RunProcedure = objAdoRecordsetRunCommand_Exit: ' Collect your garbage here Exit FunctionRunCommand_Error: ' Collect your garbage here Call g_oGenErr.Throw("WeatherFcst.CDbsConn", "RunCommand")End Function




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SP Syntax Help - Return New Identity Value As Output Param

Feb 4, 1999

I have a stored proc that will insert a new row into a table
with the values of the parameters you pass in. I need it to
return the value of the ID that's generated by an Identity
column once the row has been written and that value has
been generated. If I just do a SELECT Max(), I could
accidentally grab a row written by someone else, right?

My current sp looks like this:


-- @LabelID int output
@LabelType int
, @Logo int
, @Field01 char(30)


, Logo
, Field01)

, @Logo
, @PrintCC
, @Field01)

How do I grab the new LabelID (the column is int, Identity) and return
it from the stored proc. Any help would be greatly appreciated...


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Access Combo Box Linked To Stored Proc

Mar 26, 2004

Does anyone for code code to link a stored procedures to a combo box in Access?

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Connnecting To An MS Access DB With An MS SQL 2000 Stored Proc

Jul 20, 2005

I would like to access a table in MS Access from a stored procedure on MSSQL 2000. The MS Access DB is running on a diferent computer attached on thesame network. I think I need to create an ODBC connection from the MS SQL2000 to the MS Access DB but not sure. Secondly how do I refer to the tablein the MS SQL stored proc?Thanks for your input,Joe Seamour

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How To Get The Return Value When Using A TableAdapter Access A Stored Procedure

Apr 25, 2006

I have a Stored Procedure

SELECT Count(*) FROM dbo.test

I can using the unbox get the return value

but if i direct return a value form a Stored Procedure like this

return 100

I can not get the VALUE
I do not know how to
Please Help Me

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How To Get The Return Value When Using A TableAdapter Access A Stored Procedure

Apr 25, 2006

I have a Stored Procedure

SELECT Count(*) FROM dbo.test

I can using the unbox get the return value

but if i direct return a value form a Stored Procedure like this

return 100

I can not get the VALUE
I do not know how to
Please Help Me

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ADO - Cannot Access The Return Parameter Of A Stored Procedure On SQL Server 2005

Apr 18, 2007


I am trying to access the Return Value provided by a stored procedure executed on SQL Server 2005. The stored procedure has already been tested and it returns the required value. However, I do not know how to access this value. I have tried appending a parameter to the command object using "adParamReturnValue" but that only returns an error. The code works fine without appending this parameter. I have tested it by grabbing the recordset and returning the first field.

To avoid any confusion, I'm not talking about adding an "output" parameter to the stored procedure. I just want to be able to access the return value provided when the procedure is executed. Below is some of the code I am using.



pCmd->ActiveConnection = m_pConnection;

pCmd->CommandType = adCmdStoredProc;

pCmd->CommandText = _bstr_t("dbo.GetFlightPlan");

............................ code here ........................................






VARIANT returnVal;

returnVal.vt = VT_I2;

returnVal.intVal = NULL;


//Get Return value by executing the command

//The return value should be the DB unique ID.

pCmd->Execute(NULL, NULL, adCmdStoredProc);

int uniqueId = returnVal.intVal;

//pRst = pCmd->Execute(NULL, NULL, adCmdStoredProc);


printf("The DB unique ID is: %i",uniqueId);

return uniqueId;




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Can You Trace Into A Stored Proc? Also Does RAISERROR Terminate The Stored Proc Execution.

Feb 13, 2008

I am working with a large application and am trying to track down a bug. I believe an error that occurs in the stored procedure isbubbling back up to the application and is causing the application not to run. Don't ask why, but we do not have some of the sourcecode that was used to build the application, so I am not able to trace into the code.
So basically I want to examine the stored procedure. If I run the stored procedure through Query Analyzer, I get the following error message:
Msg 2758, Level 16, State 1, Procedure GetPortalSettings, Line 74RAISERROR could not locate entry for error 60002 in sysmessages.
(1 row(s) affected)
(1 row(s) affected)
I don't know if the error message is sufficient enough to cause the application from not running? Does anyone know? If the RAISERROR occursmdiway through the stored procedure, does the stored procedure terminate execution?
Also, Is there a way to trace into a stored procedure through Query Analyzer?
-------------------------------------------As a side note, below is a small portion of my stored proc where the error is being raised:
SELECT  @PortalPermissionValue = isnull(max(PermissionValue),0)FROM Permission, PermissionType, #GroupsWHERE Permission.ResourceId = @PortalIdAND  Permission.PartyId = #Groups.PartyIdAND Permission.PermissionTypeId = PermissionType.PermissionTypeId
IF @PortalPermissionValue = 0BEGIN RAISERROR (60002, 16, 1) return -3END 

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Doing A SELECT X FROM Y WHERE Z IN (@param) In Stored Procedure?

Jan 21, 2005


I have a table with a foreign key field. I need to retrieve all the records where the foreign key matches any of a set. In plain ol' SQL this is accomplished with the IN(a,b,c) statement but I can't get that to work in a stored procedure.

How would I do this? I can imagine that I could parse the input string and create a temporary table and use that to do a join but that seems rather convoluted.

Any tips highly appreciated! If I'm not being clear I'll gladly post more details.



PS SQL 2000, ASP.NET 1.1, VS 2003.

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Output Param With A Stored Procedure

Aug 21, 2001

Hello everyone,

I am working through a tutorial and have stumbled into something that does not quite make sense to me. I was wondering if someone could help me understand this.

I have created this SP, this all makes sense to me due to the assignment of the artistname column value to the @artistname variable. In other words what is on the right of the equal sign is assigned to what is on the left.

create procedure ShowPopStyle
@style varchar(30),
@artistname varchar(30) output
select @artistname = artistname
from artists
where style = @style

Now when you execute this SP, what does not makes sense to me is if I need to declare a variable to hold the output, which I presume is null, shouldn't the @returnname be on the left side of the equal sign instead of the right?

declare @returnname varchar(30) -- variable for the output from the procedure
exec showpopstyle 'Pop', @artistname = @returnname output
print @returnname


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