How Do I Clean Up Database Deleted By ClickOnce With T-SQL?

May 12, 2006

I posted this in the SQL Server Express forum as well...

My app deployed via ClickOnce. It ships with a database creation script which creates the database in the ClickOnce data directory. Upon uninstall, the entire data folder is deleted successfully. But if you then reinstall the app, SQL Server Express still thinks the database exists. Right now, to get a re-install to work, I have to go into Management Studio Express, click on the db (get an pop-up error as the physical db file is no longer there) and then click delete.

So my question is... what system proc should I execute in the db creation script before I run the CREATE DATABASE command?

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ClickOnce For SQL Express Database?

Jul 19, 2006

I'm working on an app in Visual Studio 2005 that needs to have installed locally SQL Express to handle its own data.

This app is in a strong upgrading process. I've been using clickonce to publish the app and let my users upgrade automatically (by the way this works amazing ...).

Yet many times changes to the DB are made. Is there a simple way to upgrade their local SQL Express DB like click once does with the app?


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Compacting A SQL CE Database Programmatically In A ClickOnce Application

May 12, 2008

I'm trying to compact a SQL CE database programmatically. I've copied the code from MSDN, and it's fine as far as it goes, but there's a problem tying to compact a database in a ClickOnce application because you don't know the path to the database. You have to use the "|DataDirectory|" in your connection string to signify the path to the database. But when I try the file operations to replace the old database with the compacted version, I get an error message that the path "|DataDirectory|" is not valid. Here's the code:

SqlCeEngine engine = new SqlCeEngine("Data Source = " + src + "; Password =" + txtPassword.Text);



engine.Compact("Data Source = " + dest + "; Password =" + txtPassword.Text);

ShowMsg("Compacting...", MsgType.NoError);


catch (Exception ex)


MessageBox.Show("There was an error completing the operation: " + ex.Message);




File.Move(dest, src);

(dest is = src + ".tmp", i.e., a path to a tmp file to hold the database while compacting).

How do I locate the files to copy if I can't use "|DataDirectory|"?

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Deploying SQL Express Database Files With ClickOnce App Using OLE

Jan 18, 2008

I've written a ClickOnce app that deploys a Sql Server Express data file (.mdf) and log file (.ldf) along with the other application files. SQL Express SP2 is a prerequisite for this app. After the applicaiton installs and starts up it copies these files to a specific folder and attaches them by calling the AttachDatabase() method of a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server object.

This method works fine using Windows XP, however when I run it on Windows Vista I get the following exception:

Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.FailedOperationException: Attach database failed for Server 'localhostSQLEXPRESS'. ---> Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ExecutionFailureException: An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Unable to open the physical file "C:WashMasterDatabasewasshmaster.mdf". Operating system error 5: "5(Access is denied.)".

This exception occurs when I try to programmatically attach the database.

I've searched through the MSDN forums for a solution and I've only found two suggestions:

1.) Create all database connections using a User Instance.
2.) Create the database (using SQL) in the target folder, rather than copying it over from the deployment folder.

I don't like the idea of using User Instances because my entire data access layer is currently written using Ole and I would rather not rewrite it if I don't have to. I cannot find any way to use User Instances with Ole.

I also don't like the idea of creating the database using SQL because it is fairly large.

Here are my questions:

1.) Can User Instances be used with Ole?

2.) Can I somehow programmatically set the permissions of the copied data and log files so that SQL Express can access them without error?

3.) Is there a better method for doing what I'm trying to do or am I destined to have to either rewrite in data access layer so I can use User Instances or create my large database rather than copy it to the target directory?


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How To Clean Up All Database Tables?

Apr 28, 2008

Hi everyone,
What is the easy way to clean up all ms sql 2005 tables? 
For example, a database table named Customers which has triggers and primary key and foreign keys.  Now I clean up the Customer table using the folowing statement
delete Customers
And the ms sql 2005 asks me to remove all triggers and foreign keys before allow me to clean up the Customers table.  Is there a way to clean up all tables without remove the tiggers and foreign keys?

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Clean Input Before Submitting To Database

Sep 11, 2006

Is there some recommended way to clean input before submitting it to the database? We'd like to develop a library that can be used on our ASP/ASP.NET apps to filter input before it's sent to the SQL Server and Oracle databases. Is there a way to create a .NET DLL that can be used for both ASP.NET and classic ASP apps. Thanks.

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ClickOnce Please Help

Jun 5, 2007

When having someone run my click once app that is using SQL CE they are getting this message.

The application requires that assembly System.Data.SqlServerCE Version be installed in the global assembly cache (GAC) first

Can someone please let me know what I need to add to prerequisites?

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To Know Who Deleted The Database

Dec 11, 2000

Is it possible to know that who has deleted the database

Thanks in advance

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Deleted Database

Jan 21, 2005

Our past CIO deleted a SQL Server database because he didn't know what it was or if we needed it. Guess what we do! We were able to undelete the backup files but when we try to restore from it we get the error "No a valid backup" Any ideas?

Thank you for any help. :eek:

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Deploy With Clickonce

Dec 23, 2007

Question about deploying a SQL compact database with Clickonce. Deploying the first time is straightforward and that works OK but I am not so sure about consequent releases, how do I deal with the that?
If I mark the file as dont deploy that will, of course, work fine for those that have installed the first release but not for thoses that havent.
What about if I make a change to the database, adding a table for example. How do I go about that? I obviously dont want to loose any of the existing data?

Thx and Happy Christmas to all

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Records Don't Get Deleted From The Database!

Sep 17, 2007

I am using this code to delete records from a table in the database that has two fields (both are primary keys) I am not getting any error, but nothing gets deleted. Thanks for the help.
Code:protected void btnRemove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
}protected void Remove()
//update database with filename
//Save Changes
connection.Open();using (SqlTransaction trans = connection.BeginTransaction())
{ SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(trans, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "spRemoveCompany", new SqlParameter("@Userid", getGdUserID(Profile.UserName)),new SqlParameter("@BusinessID", getBusinessID());
}catch (Exception err)
// throw exception
 lblStatus.Text = "An error has occurred in the delete process. Please try again.";
 Here is the stored procedure:ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spRemoveCompany]
@Userid uniqueidentifier OUTPUT,
@BusinessID uniqueidentifier OUTPUT
ASDELETE FROM Associations2 WHERE Userid = @Userid AND BusinessID = @BusinessID

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Deleted The Database But Have A Backup .

Apr 9, 2007

i backed up the database d1 and deleted it off my sql server.
when i innitiate the sql server instante is supposed to run the d1 DB. But since i deleted it, it pops up an error. How can i fix it?

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Default Database Deleted

Sep 3, 2007

Dear All,
i'm using sql server 2005.
I've one default database named testdb. unexpectedly that was deleted. now i was unable to connect to the server. what is the solution for this

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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Recover Deleted Database

Oct 5, 2007

I have accidentally deleted a Database from SQL server 2005 instance. Is there any chance for me to recover the Database. If yes do let me know the method.

Thanks in advance

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Data Gets Deleted From Database

Apr 20, 2015

I have created a web api hosted on Azure. A couple of times a day all data from my database get deleted and I see these errors in the log. I have tried to reinstall microsoft sql server spatial types from nuget, but that didnt work. Could not load assembly 'D:homesitewwwrootbinSqlServerT ypesx86SqlServerSpatial110.dll'.

Error received: 'Could not load file or assembly 'file:///D:homesitewwwrootbinSqlServerTypesx86SqlServerSpatial110.dll' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.'. 

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Recovering A Deleted Database.

Aug 2, 2007

I accidentally deleted at SQL 2005 database. Is there any way I can get it back? No, there is no backup.

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SQL Express On Vista With ClickOnce

Feb 7, 2007

SQL Express CTP 2 provides a checkbox that will enrol the user installing the software as a database administrator. If the user fails to check this box, they run as an ordinary user, and hence are not allowed to perform functions such as create database.

In the process of deploying an application via ClickOnce, if SQL Express is not present it will be installed automatically. Also, in the process of deploying a ClickOnce application, we should usually expect to need to create a new database. Currently, if the user takes the default install of SQL Express they will not be a database administrator and will not be able to create the database. The installation will thus fail.

Is anything being done with SQL Express for ClickOnce applications deploying to Vista that will allow us to automatically enrol the user installing SQL Express as a database administrator?

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Sql Server Everywhere Db File And Clickonce

Nov 13, 2006


I have been using sql server everywhere for some time now in my desktop application. We use clickonce technology to deploy. I find that each time I update using clickonce my empty db file in the server gets updated with the application. Is it possible to do something such that the db file will not get updated with clickonce if it is present .

Thanks and regards


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Recover Deleted Database On Sql Server

Feb 12, 2008

Can any body provide me any idea that how to recover database data if i have deleted that database

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Recover A Deleted SQL Express Database

Mar 22, 2006

One of my SQL Express databases was deleted by mistake through MS SQL Server Management Studio Express.  It is not in the Recycle Bin and I have tried to use a tool such a Active@ Undelete to recover the file but it cannot find the deleted file.
I have a backup file *.bak in the ....MSSQLBackup folder I made using MS SQL Server Management Studio Express.   When I try to use the restore database feature in SSMSE I get various errors.
Any Suggestions on how to recover the deleted file or
Any suggestions or documentation on using the restore feature in SSMSE?
Any help at all?

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Purging Deleted Database Names

Jul 1, 2002

When connecting to an SQL Server (v7 in this case) the log file shows that old and deleted databases are still being opened as part of the process. Further, these db names are now reserved and cannot be reused, even thought I've deleted them.

Is there any way I can purge all traces of these deleted db names?

You might have guessed, I'm a newbie, which is why there are a few dozen deleted DBs.

Thanks for any help

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How To Find Who Is Deleted The Database Or Object?

Aug 5, 2003

I wanted find the log information if anybody deleted my database or bojects in my server.
Is it possible we can able to find this details in my previous log or any sys tables ?

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How To Recover Deleted Database Data?

Oct 18, 2006

I accidentally deleted some useful data in my database. I have both .LDF and .MDF files for this database.
Is there a way to recover this database to a point of time?

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Deleted My Database Log File, Can't Reattach

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,A utility I was running caused our database's log file to run out ofhard drive.So, I detached the database, deleted the log file, and tried toreattach.SQL server fails to reattach because it cant find the log file. (Whyit cant just create a new default one is beyond me...but...)EXEC sp_attach_single_file_db @dbname = 'sgvault',@physname = 'c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQLServerMSSQLDatasgvault.mdf''Could not open new database 'sgvault'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted.Device activation error. The physical file name 'C:ProgramFilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLdatasgvault_log.LDF' may beincorrect.Do you know how I can fix this dilemma? Thanks!

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Retriving Deleted Record From Database

Aug 2, 2007

Hi friends

I have a bit problem here

Just I want to get back all deleted record of database

How do I perform this task?
If It is possible then plz help me out?

Thanks in Advance


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ClickOnce Private Installation Issue

May 12, 2007

I'm working on a VB.Net 2005 application that uses SQLCE as a backend database.

Following the instructions on how to do a private installation ( so that admin rights were not needed, I successfully got it working as a ClickOnce deployment. But today during a demo for a client, they ran into this error while installing the latest version from our publishing URL:

"Unable to install or run the application. Application requires that assembly System.Data.SQLServerCe version 9.0.42 .... must be installed in the Global Assembly Cache."

Basically it's saying the user isn't an admin so they can't install. This is the problem I went to great lengths to try to avoid, and is the reason we are using SQL CE in the first place: admin rights are not required to install our application's database. To our knowledge, SQL CE is the only Microsoft product that fits this scenario.

Now, I haven't changed anything in the publishing of the application to my knowledge, and when I check the project prerequisites, the SQLCE engine still isn't in there (as summarized at the above URL). Again following the instructions at the URL above for private installation, the required assemblies are still part of the project's files.

It must be something I did to cause this, but I have no memory of changing anything in regards to this part of the application. Our deadline is in 4 days and I cannot continue development until I get past this issue.

Where do I look to fix this problem? A little help would be greatly appreciated.

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Physical Files Can Not Be Deleted After Database Detached

Oct 10, 2007

I have detached the database via sp_detach_db in a job, (I was trying to use a job to detach the database, then make copies of the mdf file, then attach the databases as different copies, somehow the job failed due to file locked) I tried to delete the physical files, but they were still locked. I tried several times, two of them I was able to delete the mdf files, but not the ldf file. The other one both mdf file and ldf file can not be deleted. I was not able to see the database via Management studio.

Can anyone help?


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Rights For Clickonce Report Builder Access?

Feb 7, 2007

I'm attempting to grant rights to Report Builder as deployed as part of my TFS install. My problem is that I have to add my users to the builtinadmin group in order for them to see the report builder button on the SQL Server Reporting homepage & then have rights to launch the ReportBuilder click once app. I obviously do not want make users admins on the box, but I've tried adding them to all of the other groups having to do with SQLServer to no avail. How can I grant users access to launch the Report Builder app?

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Transact SQL :: Recover Deleted Rows From Server Database

Sep 23, 2011

My Client Accidently Deleted Somes Rows From Database Now. Now We are Struggling For Almost 2 Days To Get Them Backup. I Even Checked LDF File From Notepad It Have Those Rows But Not Formatted. (Some Similar Text From Some Column Which Got Deleted.)And The Database has no Backup which i Go to Task -> Restore...Server is Running on Sql Server 2008.

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Waht Is Tempdb Database Used For? And How Can We Determine What Files Can Be Deleted From It?

Jun 25, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

Just found that my tempdb is always full whenever I run a query against a large database. Could please any experts here give me any advices on what is tempdb database used for and how to determine what files can be deleted from it?

I am looking forward to hearing from you and thanks a lot in advance.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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DataSet Rows Being Deleted, But After The Update , The Sql Database Is Not Updated. The Delete Rows Still In The Database.

Jun 4, 2007

 Stepping thru the code with the debugger shows the dataset rows being deleted.
After executing the code, and getting to the page presentation. Then I stop the debug and start the
page creation process again ( Page_Load ).    The database still has the original deleted dataset rows.
Adding rows works, then updating works fine, but deleting rows, does not seem to work.
The dataset is configured to send the DataSet updates to the database. Use the standard wizard to create the dataSet.
cDependChildTA.Fill(cDependChildDs._ClientDependentChild, UserId);        rowCountDb = cDependChildDs._ClientDependentChild.Count;               for (row = 0; row < rowCountDb; row++)        {           dr_dependentChild = cDependChildDs._ClientDependentChild.Rows[0];           dr_dependentChild.Delete();                      //cDependChildDs._ClientDependentChild.Rows.RemoveAt(0);           //cDependChildDs._ClientDependentChild.Rows.Remove(0);            /* update the Client Process Table Adapter*/          // cDependChildTA.Update(cDependChildDs._ClientDependentChild);      //     cDependChildTA.Update(cDependChildDs._ClientDependentChild);        }
        /* zero rows in the DataSet at this point */        /* update the Child  Table Adapter */       cDependChildTA.Update(cDependChildDs._ClientDependentChild);

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SQL Espress 2005 Service Pack1 With ClickOnce Application

Nov 21, 2006

Hi all,

I use SQL Express 2005 with my application that is deployed to the customers with the ClickOnce technology.

Now I want to upgrade automatically the SQL Express to che customers deployed with the Service Pack1.

How can I automated this process?


Bonato Pierantonio

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ClickOnce Path Names Are Too Long For SQL Server Express Identifiers

May 11, 2006

I'm posting this in the ClickOnce forums as well...

My application doesn't include the .mdf and .ldf files, rather it creates the database the first time the application is run using a script that is included in the build. I want to create the database in the ClickOnce data directory. The problem I'm having is that SQL Server complains when I execute the CREATE DATABASE command as follows:

CREATE DATABASE [C:Documents and SettingsxxxxxLocal SettingsApps2.0DataPQCK6EXN.5KGAW630RPT.VGOifie..tion_014028c05b1d6ec6_0001.0002_0e86966f19503c89DataiFieldMobile.mdf] ON PRIMARY
( NAME = N'myDatabase', FILENAME = N'C:Documents and SettingsxxxxxxLocal SettingsApps2.0DataPQCK6EXN.5KGAW630RPT.VGOifie..tion_014028c05b1d6ec6_0001.0002_0e86966f19503c89DatamyDatabase.mdf' , SIZE = 3136KB , MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED, FILEGROWTH = 1024KB )
( NAME = N'myDatabase_log', FILENAME = N'C:Documents and SettingsxxxxLocal SettingsApps2.0DataPQCK6EXN.5KGAW630RPT.VGOifie..tion_014028c05b1d6ec6_0001.0002_0e86966f19503c89DatamyDatabase_log.ldf' , SIZE = 1024KB , MAXSIZE = 2048GB , FILEGROWTH = 10%)

Here's the error:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException "The identifier that starts with 'C:Documents and SettingsxxxxxxLocal SettingsApps2.0DataPQCK6EXN.5KGAW630RPT.VGOifie..tion_014028c05b1d6ec6_0001.00' is too long. Maximum length is 128."

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