I have a simple query which returns all the names of products attached to a particular order.
select a.orderid, b.product_name
from orders a, order_items b
where a.orderid = b.orderidSay it returns this data: (sorry about the formatting!)
orderid product_name
===== =========
001234 Sweater (Black)
001234 Trousers (Large)
001234 T-Shirt (Pink)
What I want to do is, instead of getting 3 rows back, I want to roll up all matching values (of product_name) from the order_items table into a simple string seperated by a comma. So, for the data above I would get a single row with the orderid and a string containing something like this: "Sweater (Black), Trousers (Large), T-Shirt (pink)".
I'm sure there's an easy way to do this in SQL Server 2000 but I've not been able to work out how to do this and I couldn't see anytihng in SQL Books Online..
Today an instance periodically becomes unable to accept connections. The service will respond to a service-shutdown and when restarted will accept connections for a minute or two but then refuses to accept connections or service active connections. We have gone through several cycles of this.
The log contains rows of :
2007-12-03 13:16:33.46 spid2 Process ID 55:0 owns resources that are blocking processes on Scheduler 7. 2007-12-03 13:16:38.47 spid2 Process ID 55:0 owns resources that are blocking processes on Scheduler 7. 2007-12-03 13:16:43.49 spid2 Process ID 55:0 owns resources that are blocking processes on Scheduler 7.
I have MS SQL Server 2005 Developer Ed. and try to make a database diagram of remote MS SQL Server2000 database in MS SQL Server Management Studio. I receive an error "Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner. To continue, first use the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to set the database owner to a valid login, then add the database diagram support objects."
Has anyone experienced performance degradation after converting / uprading from SS7 -> SS2000 ? .... wrt executing a reporting stored proc. that creates dynamic sql and makes extensive use of temporary tables.
If so, what measures were taken to progress towards a final resolution ?
Our scenario:
SS7 code was executed in isolation. ie. it was the only instance running on the box. When the SS7 job had completed, the SS7 instance was shutdown and the SS2000 instance was started .... then the SS2000 code was executed
- Identical h/ware (The SS7 and SS2000 were installed on the same box) - Identical schema, indexes, triggers, views - db files on identical RAID5 array - Stats updated - Tables reindexed - data & procedure caches purged
Note that the temporary table(s) were NOT indexed.
We have several servers, each with many jobs. Some jobs run as Owner "SA", and some jobs running as various domain admin accounts. We have been told to modify all jobs to run with Owner "SA". Now, some of the jobs read or write flat files and I am a little concerned about this. Does the domain account which starts the SS2000 services determine the rights to read and write files? If so, I guess changing all jobs owners to "SA" has no real risk?
Requirement: Some data (basically a SELECT) FROM SQLServer(2K) toOracle/Lnux on a CONTINUAL basis.Does NOT need to be Real-Time...can be like (Oracle's) Materialized View,i.e. automagically refreshable.What are my options in impleneting this process ?thanks--10gR2/Linux
Is it possbile to migrate SS2000 DTS packages to SS2005 SSIS involving databases with compatibility mode set to 80. If yes, what are the potential issues, which may occur?
I have to force a space allocation to a DB file in order to stop a Diagnostic Manager alert which states that the database is over 80% full. Now, I don't think this alert is rational, nor do I think it is useful in any way but that's the way it goes. My only option is to allocate more space to the DB so that the space used will fall below 80% so the alert will stop being issued. So, can you tell me how to force a space allocation on an existing db file?
We are implementing push transaction replication from Production SQL Server 2000 database to SQL Server 2005 reporting server and SQL Server 2000 Test server. SQL Server 2000 PROD to 2000 Test is simple but from SS2000 to SS2005 I have following questions: Is it feasible to create push subscription from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005 database? When I am trying to setup publisher/subscription properties, It only give me options to pick SQL Server 7.0 or 2000 or heterogeneous databases. When I am trying to register SQL Server 2005 database in EM of SS2000 it don't allow me to add it and through exception that I need to use Management studio, Is there any alternate way to register?
My co-worker, no idiot, says that the tooltip in the system tray forthe SS2000 icon usually shows the computer and server, but once in awhile shows the password (two slashes and the password).Is this a known bug of some sort? It really shouldn't be showing hispassword. It's likely the developer edition, but still, that isn'tgood.
In SS 2000 I want to create a sproc that returns the correct address block for a contact. I want to concatenate AddressLine1 and AddressLine2 if AddressLine2 has a value. When I run the following query I get an error (below):
SELECT vwICPContacts.PersonID, vwPersons.PreferredAddress, vwPersons.Email1,vwPersons.email2, vwPersons.email3, CASE WHEN vwPersons.preferredAddress='Home Address' then case when (isnull([vwpersons].[HomeAddressLine2],'') = '') then [vwPersons].[HomeAddressLine1] when (isnull([vwpersons].[HomeAddressLine2],'') <> '') then [vwPersons].[HomeAddressLine1] + Char(13) & Char(10) & [vwPersons].[HomeAddressLine2] END ELSE case when (isnull([vwpersons].[AddressLine2],'') = '') then [vwPersons].[AddressLine1] when (isnull([vwpersons].[AddressLine2],'') <> '') then [vwPersons].[AddressLine1] + Char(13) & Char(10) & [vwPersons].[AddressLine2] END END AS MailingAddress FROM (vwPersons INNER JOIN vwICPContacts ON vwPersons.ID = vwICPContacts.PersonID) LEFT JOIN vwCompanies ON vwPersons.CompanyID = vwCompanies.ID
Error Message: Server: Msg 403, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Invalid operator for data type. Operator equals boolean AND, type equals nvarchar.
I've done this before but am completely stumped. Any ideas?
I am trying to form a replication system but at the very beginning i couldn't pass an obstacle. While trying to create the Replication it says i have to change the user which starts the SQL Agent because the current starter user account is a system account and this will make the replication between servers fail. "SQL Server Agent on OZN currently uses the system account, which causes the replication between the servers fail. In the following dialog box, specify another account for the service startup account." I change it in the properties dialog box of the SQL Server Agent. The new account is the one I formed and granted accordingly. But it gives the following error when I try to apply the changes. " Error 22042: xp_SetSQLSecurity() returned error -2147023564, 'No mapping between account names and security IDs was done' "
I tried many things, searched in the net, changed the owner of the database, applied new accounts, many grants, applied service pack 4, etc...
If anyone helps it will be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance...
I have no idea where to post this kind of question, so here it is!
I have a requirement to retrieve oracle 10 data into SS2000 in as near real-time as possible (stupid users!) and join with resident SS data for on-demand reporting. (We use SS replication to populate some reporting tables from other SS2000 instances and this has spoiled the users as well as the developers! )
I would like to know if there are any clever ways of doing this, or if a plain-old DTS package running in some kind of loop is the practical answer. 1 minute delay is probably too long . . . I don't know if data can be pushed from the oracle side. Or if we need to write a Service and use it to suck and push.