How Do I Find IDENTITY Columns On Table Using T-SQL

Mar 23, 2006

Is there a query I can write against an INFORMATION_SCHEMA or against the system tables to determine if a column is an identity column?

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Find All Columns That Have Identity Property

Mar 19, 2008

How do i Find all Columns that have Identity Property in a database. That is i will like to know all columns in a database that are identity columns.

I am using SQL Server 2005. Thanks

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SQL Server 2012 :: Insert Into Table With Identity Columns From Another Table

Dec 23, 2013

I just created a new table with over 100 Columns and I need to populated just the first 2 columns.

The first columns to populate is an identify column that is the primary key. The second column is a foreign_key to an other column and I am trying to populate this columns with all the values from the foreign_key value. This is what I am trying to do.

column1 = ID
column2= P_CLIENT_D



So I am trying to insert both an identity values and a value from an other table while leaving the other columns blank. How do I go about doing this.

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Feb 13, 2008

I am having problem when performing the alter table switch. Both tables are identical and have pk.

ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. There is no identical index in source table 'LocalDeltanet.dbo.testresults' for the index 'PKIDX_testSummary' in target table 'LocalDeltanet.dbo.testresults_part' .


( [testresult_id] ASC )


ON TResultsScheme (testresult_id) ) ON TResultsScheme (testresult_id)

I have performed the function on other tables successfully, but this is the first that has an identity column involved. Is there anything special that needs to be done?

[testresult_id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

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Find Out Which Table Columns Data Comes From

May 9, 2008

TableName: EmployeeCloumns:     EmployeeID                  EmployeeName                  If I do "Select * From Employee", is there a way to do something like this...
Loop through each result   IterateThroughControls.ID &= dbTable & dbColumnName & "<br />"EndSo that the end result would assign ID values...EmployeeEmployeeIDEmployeeEmployeeName

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Transact SQL :: Find Max Of 2 Columns In One Table?

Jul 23, 2015

I am having trouble trying to find the max of 2 columns in one table. I've tried using a common table expression and a subquery, but can't seem to get the correct results. I want to get the max from refnum, then the max "number" associated with that max refnum along with the date and decision

IDCustomerRefnumnumberdate decision


Customer 1 had a max of refnum of 2 and 1st one on number

IDCustomerRefnumnumberdate decision

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SQL Server 2014 :: Columns List With And Without Identity Column In A Table?

Feb 24, 2015

I have the following 2 Query's - case when Table has no Identity Column and other with identity Column . I am planning to make it to single Query .

Query 1:
SELECT @ColumnNamesWhenNoIdentity = COALESCE(@ColumnNamesWhenNoIdentity + ',', '') + Name +'= SOURCE.'+Name
FROM sys.columns WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE object_id =
SELECT sys.objects.object_id
FROM sys.objects WITH(NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN sys.schemas WITH(NOLOCK) ON sys.objects.schema_id = sys.schemas.schema_id
WHERE sys.objects.TYPE = 'U' AND sys.objects.Name = 'Testing1' AND sys.schemas.Name ='dbo'

SELECT @ColumnNamesWhenNoIdentity = COALESCE(@ColumnNamesWhenNoIdentity + ',', '') + Name +'= SOURCE.'+Name
FROM sys.columns WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE is_identity != 1 AND object_id =
(SELECT sys.objects.object_id FROM sys.objects WITH(NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN sys.schemas WITH(NOLOCK) ON sys.objects.schema_id = sys.schemas.schema_id
WHERE sys.objects.TYPE = 'U' AND sys.objects.Name = 'Testing2' AND sys.schemas.Name ='dbo'

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Transact SQL :: Find Unmatching Columns Between Two Tables While Applying A Change Column Prefix Table

Nov 16, 2015

For our ETL process, we maintain a TransformationList table that has the source view and the destination table. Data is copied from the view into the table (INSERT INTO). I am trying to find column names in the Views that are not column names in the associated Table.

In the below example, want to end up with three records:

 1, View1, Column4
 2, View2, Column4
 2, View2, Column5

I have it almost working, except that there is a table, ChangeColPrefix table, that is used by the ETL process to change some of the view's column name prefixes. Some of the source views have column names with prefixes that do not match the destination table column names. Say view SouthBase has all the column names prefixed with SB - like SBAcct, SBName. And the Destination table of Area District has ADAcct, ADName. There would be a row in the ChangeColPrefix for SouthBase, SB, AD, 1, 2 that would be used by the ETL process to create the INSERT INTO Area District From SouthBase.

I need to use this ChangeColPreifx to find my unmatching columns between my source views and destination tables. With out that table SBAcct and SBName from SouthBase will not appear to match the columns of ADAcct and ADName, but they do match.

I want to end up with these three records as non-matching:

View1, Column4
View2, Column4
View2, Column5

View1 has Salumn2 and View2 has Salumn5, and they must be changed to Column2 and Column5 as per the ChangeColPrefix table before running the Select from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS EXCEPT Select from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS looking for unmatched columns.

/***** Set Up Test Data *****/
-- Create 2 test views
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.views WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[View1]'))
DROP VIEW dbo.[View1]
AS SELECT '1' AS Column1 , '2' AS Salumn2 , '4' AS Column4;

[Code] ....

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Identity Columns And Date Columns On Transactional Replication

Sep 16, 2006


I am planning to use transacational replication (instead of merge replication) on my SQL server 2000. My application is already live and is being used by real users.

How can I ensure that replicated data on different server would have exact same values of identity columns and date columns (where every I set default date to getdate())?

It is very important for me to have a mirror image of data (without using clustering servers).

Any help would be appreciated.



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Identity Columns And XML Columns - OK With Mirroring ?

Feb 13, 2006

Just to confirm, do identity columns and XML columns work OK with database mirroring ? That is, all data types are supported with mirroring, and identities aren't an issue ?

Transactional replication with identity columns was a right pain in the **** in SQL 2000. I'm assuming that mirroring doesn't have these issues, but want to be sure.

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Last GASP On Insert Row In Table With Identity Field, And Get New Identity Back ?

Jul 9, 2006

While I have learned a lot from this thread I am still basically confused about the issues involved.

.I wanted to INSERT a record in a parent table, get the Identity back and use it in a child table. Seems simple.

To my knowledge, mine would be the only process running that would update these tables. I was told that there is no guarantee, because the OLEDB provider could write the second destination row before the first, that the proper parent-child relationship would be generated as expected. It was recommended that I create my own variable in memory to hold the Identity value and use that in my SSIS package.

1. A simple example SSIS .dts example illustrating the approach of using a variable for identity would be helpful.

2. Suppose I actually had two processes updating these tables, running at the same time. Then it seems the "variable" method will also have its problems. Is there a final solution other than locking the tables involved prior to updating them or doing something crazy like using a GUID for the primary key!

3. We have done the type of parent-child inserts I originally described from t-sql for years without any apparent problems. (Maybe we were just lucky.) Is the entire issue simply a t-sql one or does SSIS add a layer of complexity beyond t-sql that needs to be addressed?



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Insert Row In Table With Identity Field, And Get New Identity Back

Jun 30, 2006

I want to insert a new record into a table with an Identity field and return the new Identify field value back to the data stream (for later insertion as a foreign key in another table).

What is the most direct way to do this in SSIS?



P.S. Or should I pass the identity value back in a variable and not make it part of the data stream?

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Trying To Find Non Identity Primary Keys

Jan 26, 2006

This ain't working

'TableHasIdentity') = 0

This is giving me bogus results...


I have PK's all over the place. What gives? Too many cocktails with lunch?

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How To Find All Tables That Have An Identity Column As A Primary Key

Mar 6, 2008

How do i find all the tables that have an Identity Column as a primary key in a database. Thanks.

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SQL 2012 :: Split Data From Two Columns In One Table Into Multiple Columns Of Result Table

Jul 22, 2015

So I have been trying to get mySQL query to work for a large database that I have. I have (lets say) two tables Table_One and Table_Two. Table_One has three columns: Type, Animal and TestID and Table_Two has 2 columns Test_Name and Test_ID. Example with values is below:

Type Animal TestID
Mammal Goat 1
Fish Cod 1
Bird Chicken 1
Reptile Snake 1
Bird Crow 2
Mammal Cow 2
Bird Ostrich 3

Test_name TestID
Test_1 1
Test_1 1
Test_1 1
Test_1 1
Test_2 2
Test_2 2
Test_3 3

In Table_One all types come under one column and the values of all Types (Mammal, Fish, Bird, Reptile) come under another column (Animals). Table_One and Two can be linked by Test_ID

I am trying to create a table such as shown below:

Test_Name Bird Reptile Mammal Fish
Test_1 Chicken Snake Goat Cod
Test_2 Crow Cow
Test_3 Ostrich

This should be my final table. The approach I am currently using is to make multiple instances of Table_One and using joins to form this final table. So the column Bird, Reptile, Mammal and Fish all come from a different copy of Table_one.

For e.g

Test_Name AS 'Test_Name',
Table_Bird.Animal AS 'Birds',
Table_Mammal.Animal AS 'Mammal',
Table_Reptile.Animal AS 'Reptile,
Table_Fish.Animal AS 'Fish'
From Table_One

[Code] .....

The problem with this query is it only works when all entries for Birds, Mammals, Reptiles and Fish have some value. If one field is empty as for Test_Two or Test_Three, it doesn't return that record. I used Or instead of And in the WHERE clause but that didn't work as well.

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Identity Columns

Nov 16, 2007

Can anyone describe how SQLServer calculates identity
columns? Does it use some internal counter when generating the next identity,
or something a little more mundane such as gets the highest existing identity
value at the point of the insertion and increments it by the IDENT_INCR value
of the identity column?I’m not worrying about reliability or gaps in values, but i
am wondering if it would be less efficient for me to manually manage the
identity/primary key in the form of a counter in another table used to generate
the new identity, or simply let the DB do it for me. I dont mind if there are
gaps in the sequence etc. so would it be less efficient for me to calculate the
field than SQLServer itself? Basically, is the overhead to the DB of me doing
it greater than the overhead of the app doing it...Thanks 

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Oct 7, 1999

First off I am NOT a DBA.

I have a question about IDENTITY columns. I am working for a client that has an entire employee database that uses IDENTITY columns without any Primary keys defined. I have never seen this done. Is it ok or should I recommend that it be changed to use Primary keys?

The DBA that built the database is no longer with the company and the client has no DBA. Where can I get some information on how to use IDENTITY columns? I did not get much from the help file.


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Identity Columns

Jan 7, 2005

Where do I find the seed and increment values of the identity column in database.
If possile can u suggest query for that Pl.
Thanx in advance


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Identity Columns

Jul 23, 2005

I have been using the following query to identify the IDENTITY columnsin a given table. (The query is inside an application.)select column_namefrom information_schema.columnswhere table_schema = 'user_a' andtable_name = 'tab_a' andcolumnproperty(object_id(table_name), column_name, 'IsIdentity') = 1This works. When "user_a" performs the query, everything is OK.Now, another user wanted to use the same application. So, "user_b"clicks on a button, and the exact same query as above is run. (Nosubstitutions are made; user_b is trying to see the identity column in[user_a].[tab_a]). However, the query returns null, instead of theidentity column name. User_b can read the table and select from itjust fine.Why am I getting two different results against the same query? Do Ineed to rewrite the query to go against different information schemaviews?

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Bug Regarding Identity Columns?

Jun 28, 2007

I'm seeing some weird behavior regarding identity columns in MSSQL 2000.In a specific client database we have this table:
ID Name SecLevDG Flags ----------- ----------------- ----------- ----------- 1029528 xxx 0 01029529 xxx 0 01049676 xxx 0 0
While upgrading this database to a later version of our product, some schema changes are necessary. For this particular table, the changes are

alter table Authority drop constraint apkAuthorityId
alter table Authority drop column SecLevDg
alter table Authority add new_id integer identity

This code has worked perfectly for years, and even in this particular database, there are no error messages. However, the result isn't quite the expected:

ID Name Flags new_id ----------- ---------------- ----------- ----------- 1029528 xxx 0 167772201029529 xxx 0 167772201049676 xxx 0 16777220

Notice that the new column did NOT get unique values 1, 2, 3, etc... In other tests I manage to get different values, but still not the expected ones. Is this a bug in MSSQL 2000?

Checking identity information: current identity value '1', current column value '1'.

DBCC CHECKDB returns no errors before running the above statement. Afterwards it returns this (only relevant messages included):
Server: Msg 8970, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Row error: Object ID 293576084, index ID 0, page ID (1:277), row ID 0. Column 'new_id' was created NOT NULL, but is NULL in the row.
Server: Msg 8970, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Row error: Object ID 293576084, index ID 0, page ID (1:277), row ID 1. Column 'new_id' was created NOT NULL, but is NULL in the row.
Server: Msg 8970, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Row error: Object ID 293576084, index ID 0, page ID (1:1145), row ID 0. Column 'new_id' was created NOT NULL, but is NULL in the row.
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 3 consistency errors in table 'Authority' (object ID 293576084).

Oskar Berggren

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Using Identity Columns

Dec 31, 2007

I have an app that has multiple users inserting and updating from a couple key tables using SQL Server 2005.
In my previous SQL coding life, I was able to make use of sequence.NextVal to find and lock the next available sequence value for a table. Currently I am in the SQL Server 2005 world and cannot do this. I have found all sorts of help for Ident_currentand Identity columns, but nothing on how to accomplish the same as a NextVal did. I can add one to the Ident_Curr but I think I run the risk of that value being used by another user before the current user can get his update in. Is that correct? Is there a way to accomplish what I am trying to do?
Basically what I need to do is when a user inserts a record in table "Loads" I need to insert behind the scenes to table "Comments" with the ID of the row created in the "Loads" table.
Thank you in advance,

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Identity Columns

May 28, 2006

Hello there,

I am using sql 2000 dts package to migrate a databse to SQL Server 2005, everything works except for identity columns, SQL Server reorder the columns, and this breaks the referential integrity. Is there a way to stop that? Your help is appreciated.

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Use Identity For Unique Columns? Or Not?

Feb 13, 2004

I use the identity = yes for my unique columns in most of my tables that need it. I am trying to decide if I should change identity = no, and instead manually update my unique number column myself by adding one when I insert new rows.

The reason I want to do this is for maintainabilty and ease of transfering data for backup to other sql servers. I always have trouble keeping the identity numbers to stay the same as they are in the original database because when they are transfered to a db that has identity = yes, the numbers get rearranged.

It will also make it easier to transfer data from original db to another sql server db and use the data right away without having to configure the destination db to disable identity and then enable it, etc.

Any pro's con's appreciated,


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Replication With IDENTITY Columns

Jan 16, 2001

(Long post)

I have a production database with about half the tables using
IDENTITY columns for PRIMARY KEYS. This system is configured as both
a Publisher and a Distributor. We are using Transactional Replication
without updates. The SQL Server Agent runs every hour to pick up any
changes and replicate them to the Subscriber (another SQL Server
machine configured as our failover server).

Both servers are running SQL Server 7.0 (original, no service packs)
under Windows NT 4.0 (SP4).

The failover server (the replication Subscriber) will only be used if
the primary server goes down. And hopefully, only for a short time
before the primary server comes back online. During the time that the
failover is actually being used, the application will not make any
changes to the database.

The IDENTITY values that are replicated need to stay with their
original values. The replication process CANNOT assign new values to
these columns when there are inserted into the database on the
Publisher (i.e. failover server)

My question is: According to the documention, I can add 'NOT FOR
REPLICATION' to the IDENTITY columns and the values will be
preserved. But a collegue of mine says that resets the IDENTITY
sequence on the subscriber and the 2nd time a row gets inserted on
the Publisher, the values get messed up. On his system, he calls a
stored procedure for the tables with IDENTITY columns, and in the
stored procedure, he executes a 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT OFF', then
INSERTS the row, then 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON'. He claims that this
approach solved his issues with IDENTITY columns.

Who is right? Do I have to create a stored procedure for replication
for every table with an IDENTITY column, or can I just add 'NOT FOR
REPLICATION' and SQL Server will handle the rest?

NOTE: Upgrading to SQL Server 2000 is NOT an option right now.
Although, if a Service Pack for 7 fixes this, that might be an option.

Thanks in advance for any help you can shed on this issue.


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Replication Of Identity Columns

Sep 8, 1999

We are trying to run replication from one server to another. Most of the tables in the publishing database have identity columns set. At one point the subscribing database had a match of identity columns and primary keys matching the publishing database. Obviously with a primary key set on the subscriber there would be conflicts with duplicate key inserts. We disabled the identity columms and droped the indexes and the data was able to replicate over. However, we discovered that the identity columns, which are used to generate id's on many of our tables, were not replicating over to the subscriber. In fact a null value was being inserted into the subsriber database.

Anyone seen this before? What, if there is one, is the solution?



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Identity Columns In Replication

Jan 17, 2000

hi there.
I was wondering is there any way that you can use an Identity Column on both a subcribing and Publishing table in Replication,
I am receiving errors when I run Replication with Identity Columns,
Thanks in advance

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Apr 14, 2004

Hi folks! I've a merge replication setup b/w two servers.
Whenever i apply the SNAPSHOT, i have to run DBCC CHECKIDENT('table' RESEED) for each table at the subscriber twice, for the values in the columns are almost always greater than the ID-Seed value. For example the last Identity value in the column is 999 but whenever i insert a new row; i get error; couldn't insert duplicate value into the table. When i run the dbcc check i see the following message:
"Checking identity information: current identity value '1', current column value '999'."
How do i square this away?

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Dependant IDENTITY Columns

May 12, 2004

Anyone know if MS-SQL Server supports IDENTITY columns that are incremented for each new value of the column it depends on.

For exameple:
Let's say I have a client table with a ClientID column as it's PRIMARY KEY.
This column can be an auto-incrementing IDENTITY column.

Then I have an orders table. The PRIMARY KEY for the orders table is composed of (ClientID, OrderID). I would like the OrderID to be an IDENTITY field that increments by an arbitrary value (1 in this case) for every new value of ClientID...therefore creating a unique PRIMARY KEY.

The contents of the table would look like this

ClientID OrderID
------- -------
1 0
1 1
2 0
1 2
2 1
2 2
1 3

and so on....

MySQL (and maybe other RDMS's...I haven't checked) seems to do this automatically when you set a column as AUTOINCREMENT and then define a composite PRIMARY KEY on two fields.
I know this can be done manually using triggers, but I was wondering if there was a better way...

Thanks in advance

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Transactions And IDENTITY Columns

May 14, 2004

I noticed that tables containing IDENTITY columns skip IDENTITY values when a transaction is rolled back. Is there any way to avoid this? By "avoid" I mean make the table continue generating IDENTITY values from where the last COMMITTED insert took place.




ATable will now contain the following values:


Now let's say I do this:


The three new rows won't (obviously) be in the table as my TRANSACTION was rolled back.

However, if I do this :

...My table will now contain the following values:


Is there a way to have SQL-Server continue from where it left off (IDENTITY VALUES 6, 7, 8) without having to generate the numbers manually or occasionnally turning on IDENTITY_INSERT on the relevant table(s)?


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Filling The Gap Identity Columns

Oct 8, 2007


In my application I am using Identity columns. When some rows are deleted from table, This identity values are not filling the gap. I mean My current identity is 5. That means 1 to 5 rows sequentially i inserted. If I am deleting 3rd and 4th rows, next identity will still continue with 6. So is there any method to fill the gap between rows

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Nov 1, 2007

I have a stored procedure which gets data from several tables in database A and inserts them into the same tables in database B. Before the inserts are done, the data in database B is removed currently by using the TRUNCATE statement.

Unfortunately these tables are now being used for replication and you cannot TRUNCATE a table used for replication.

The issue is that these tables contain an Identity column each and using DELETE means the Identity columns will be incremented from the last value each time. I do not want this to happen.

Is there any way of reseeding an Identity column without using the DBCC CHECKIDENT statement because I do not want the procedures to run under the "sa" context if a DBCC statement was to be incorporated into the stored procedure with a DELETE statement?

many thanks for help

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Number Manipulation In Non-identity Columns

Jun 29, 2006

hi.i am using ms sql server 2000. can somebody tell me what the code would be to remove all the values in a given column and replace them with the associated number of the row with each execution. so, if i have a column:nums|1||2||3||4|and somebody deletes record |2|i would like the nums colum to update to|1||2||3|not:|1||3||4|it seems simple but i am having a hard time with this. how is it done?thanks.

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Question On Design With Identity Columns

Aug 23, 2005

Normally when I have a "Many-toMany" or linkage table where the primary key consists of a foreign key from two different tables, I do not bother to make a separate identiy column instead.Does anyone see a reason why an identity column would be more or less desireable ? For exampleTable Person PK  - PersonIDTable Car PK  - CarIDTable PersonCar PK (PersonID, CarID)Or would it be better to make an Identity Column such as PersonCarID so then the table would look like the following:Table  PersonCarPK - (PersonCarID)FK - PersonIDFK - CarIDCreate Unique Constraint on Person and CarIDAny feedback is appreciated

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