How Do I Get A Database From Mysql Server 2005 To Plesk Hosting?
Aug 20, 2007
i've got a database stored on my computer using mysql server 2005, and I've just registered for hosting which uses the Plesk control panel.
In plesk I've setup a database and relevant user. What the easiest way of exporting the whole database on my computer and getting it onto my hosting account?
What is needed for a hoster / hosting company to be able to host .Net applications with SQL Server 2005 Express database?
My questions regarding this issue basically are:
If a hoster has several sites hosted on a server, can each one of them have its own SQL Express database? Or, do they have to be migrated to full SQL Server?
What is with the Upsize Tool for SQL Server Express (or something like that) - is it available? Generally, how do hosters do their hosting - do they have SQL Server SPLA signed? Or do they just have SQL Server 2005 Express and allow users just to copy their web sites and databases to server?
Hi all,I am developing a web application and the back end is MySQL database. Now I want to shift all the data to SQL Server 2005. Is there any method to do it? Thanks Tomy
I'm using SQL Server Management Studio Express and I'm trying to figure out how to copy a table(s) from my local database to my web hosting database. I know how to do it in 2000, but it's completely different now. Is this feature not allowed on SSMSE? If so, then how do I deploy database tables to a web host?Also, how do you add local database(s) to SSMSE? I tried to use 'attach database' in SSMSE and it wouldn't allow me to navigate to My Documents folder where the database resides. Thanks...
Hello, I have a windows 2003 standard 64 bit, dedicated server. I was having issues getting Dot Net nuke installed. SO I hired a consultant to install DNN for me. He was able to get DNN install on the local machine in the default folder (for some reason). Anyways, after we got DNN to start Plesk wouldn't.
This is what we did to get DNN to work.
1.Re-installed ASP.NET 2.0 64 bit (fx64) (this did not work) 2.Stopped Plesk panel service (did not help) 3.Re-installed IIs(this seemed to work)
Well, presently I have a box that I have un-installed Plesk, Un-installed SQL server 2000. But, I left SQL server 2005 express running.
I guess my question is. What do I do to make these all work ?
My hosting provider use Plesk to sell space over the internet and said to me that SQLServer Express is installed on the server. I always get an stupid error trying to connect to the SQLExpress Database in my App_Data folder.I use the connection string:* data source=.SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|Exam pleDB.mdf;User Instance=trueWith this connection string I get the error saying that server does not alow remote connection* data source=localhostSQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|Exam pleDB.mdf;User Instance=trueWith this connection string I get the error:Invalid value for key 'attachdbfilename'I get the same message if I put anything in the AttachDBFileName. Why the .NET does not find the database? tkx in advancePaulo Aboim PintoOdivelas - Portugal
I have developed asp .net wbsite with SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and Crystal reporting. I want to know that whether i can deploy my website with SQL Server 2005 Express Edition? If yes, Please say SQL Server 2005 Express Edition is a local database version like MS Access or server database version. And also give me name of website or server name on which i can host my website.
I am trying to use the new Common Language Runtime (CLR) hosting feature to write stored procedures in C# i have addedMicrosfot.sqlserevr.server name spaceand ia m trying to use sqlContext Object as below using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(dbConn)) { connection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlcmd = new SqlCommand("select @@ version", connection); SqlContext.Pipe.ExecuteAndSend(sqlcmd); } i get the below error when i execute (SqlContext.Pipe.ExecuteAndSend(sqlcmd);) System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled by user code Message="The requested operation requires a SqlClr context, which is only available when running in the Sql Server process." Source="System.Data" i checked if (SqlContext.IsAvailable) and it returns false as well. Please le me know how to make it work. Thanks THNQDigital
I'm new to database development and have created a database-driven website which now needs to be uploaded to the client's hosting company server. What is the easiest way for a newbie to upload a copy of the databse to the host. Thanks in advance.
I am using a SQL Server 2000 Database for the purpose of development.
Now I want to host the SQL Server2000 database in the internet and I want to access it via the ASP.Net
1) Please, what is the best server that host SQL Server databases? 2) And Can I control the database remotely(such as execute srcipt to change table structure in the hosted database) as I did in Query Analyzer? 3) Is the administer of the hosting server able to change the strucure and contents of My Hosted DataBase?
I am new to database. I have a website in a hosting environment and it uses sql server 2005 databases. I want to have a complete backup of my database in addition to the hosting company's routine backup. I want to write a program to automatically backup everything every night. And of couse have the ability to restored the whole database if necessary. How should I do it? Are there any tools exist that I can use? What is the best way to deal with backup/restore in hosting environment? Thanks!
hi all,my hosting company uses a different port for connect to their sql do i register a server in sql server management studio with a different port number??
we are thinking about consolidating our Vendor Sqlserver needs into single big Sqlserver box. We currently have dedicated boxs for each vendor who requires a Sqlserver Dbs, for example Siemen Sqlserver Dbs are on one box, Clintrac Dbs are on one bx, etc.
It looks like we can save some money on HW/SW and maintenance cost by the consolidation. That's assuming that the Dbs can get along fine.
I was wondering if folks on this group can share their experience or thoughts about above setting.
Hi, I'm developing a website using VWD 2005 Express, which needs a Membership system and a products database. Using the VWD inherent Web Site Administration tool makes the membership set up easy but by default it creates a 'Local' SQL database in a folder named 'Apps_Data' in the VWD project. My question is: considering I will need to upload my web site to a Hosting Service, would it be better to change the default so that the membership systems, and the product database I need, are created in an SQL 'Server' database instead of a 'Local' database? The hosting service I am considering using is having a bit of a problem understanding this question, I hope it makes sense to someone or am I asking a stupid question? Regards Sean.
i have sql server 2000 databse on shaired hosting i want to take backup of that database, how can it be done programitacally or any tools available there . i have limited access to database currently connecting through QueryAnalyzer on local m/c ,it is very time consuming +tedious task to do . i simple word i want to manage my database like one can manage through enterprise manager, how it can be done any tools available some what good functionality for managing database on remote server. or is there any way to take backup through coding (connecting 2 sql server databases). please healp me.
I lost my database on my pc as I format my hard drive. Now, how I can get a copy of my ms sql server database from my hosting to work with my local pc? I need to have a local copy so that I can develop my site without internet connection. For your information, I used hosting service. I have searched and tried many methods to do it, but no luck yet. For example, I created a backup on and restore backup file on my pc, but nothing happens. Then I created a new database, and re-created its structure same as the one on Hostforlife, then I used the import wizard to import data from them to my pc. Again, nothing happens.
I would like to know if is possible copy data from a database located in my hosting to my database located in my pc,but using a store procedure,how can i do that ?.What tool i have to use?
I have a SQL .bak generated by our existing hosting package at, I want to import that SQL .bak to our new hosting package at don't have a import feature in their control panel.
I have to maintain the SQL at using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express since they don't have that feature in their cp. I don't see any import features in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express either.
How can I import it using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express or another free GUI program?
I've been asked to migrate a db in MySQL to SQL Server 2005. Since I'm only familiar with sql server 2000 and before, I dont' know where to begin looking for the information I need. Can someone point me to what I would search for in SQL Server 05 for this (is there any new features here I should be aware of that might make this easier?) If anyone has done this, what are the gotcha's or things I should be aware of. Thanks for any input
Hello. I have the following problem. I have a database in mysql and i want to migrate in ms sql server 2005. How can i do that? I have downloaded and installed MySQL Connector/ODBC .
im trying to develop a web application that uses a backend database, however im not quite sure what db backend to use. What are the diffrence between sql server express and mysql.. which is better to use in terms of small enterprises.? what are their limits..?
Can anyone recommend me how I can convert MySQL database to MS SQL server 2005 database? I am new to the SQL server 2005. Is there any ODBC I can use? Thanks in advance
Has anyone successfully used cherry's oledb provider for MYSQL to create a linked server from MS SQLserver 2005 to a Linux red hat platform running MYSQL.
I can not get it to work.
I've created a UDL which tests fine. it looks like this
; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring
Hello, Finally making the move to ASP.NET! I've been advised that to begin with it is probably best to start using SQL Server 2005 with ASP.NET. All my sites are currently using MySQL. Can anyone advise a way for me to import all the data from a MySQL database to a SQL Server 2005 database. Apologies if this isn't directly related to ASP.NET but any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
hey all, i want to know Equivalent of "LIMIT" of MySQL in SQL Server 2005? in mysql we can direclty get data using LIMIT clause. my question is how to do this in sql server 2005? thanks.
Does anyone know of a reference site where I can find a reference table to get a better idea of data type conversions that I should be using?
I have a MySQL 5.0 database which had a lot of tables (mostly empty) that I already have gotten transferred to SQL Server 2005. However, I am suspicious of some of the data type conversions that SQL Server did.
I would really like a good web site to bookmark to help me with this if there is such a reference. Can anyone help?
If not, the most specific example I have right now is a MySQL column that is expecting to accept currency and the MySQL data type is "Double". SQL Server 2005 translated this as a "float" data type. I normally use a "decimal" data type.
I've installed MyODBC-3.51.06 and succsesfully created 2 odbc sources to the MySQL database with the ODBC data source administrator. One is a User DSN, the other a system DSN (Q1: what's the difference?) The test in that applet perfoms positively.
Running a dataimport of the tables using the import data option in enterprise manager does work as well.
Now for the part that gives me trouble. I would like to create a linked server using enterprise manager of SQL server 2000 (SQL 8.00.194) but I'm totaly stuck there. So Q2: how to get this set up?
Problem: Moving data from mysql to sql server 2005
I am trying to pull data over from mysql to sql server. First the import wizard greys out so I have to put in 1 query at a time which is pain. and second it does not even work! it takes me through the end of the wizard for me to click finish and then says oops it does not work. there was an error!
Anyway i tried going through the ssis route cuz its going to be a nightly job. i used the odbc connection. It worked but the performance is really not acceptable. it took 5 mins to import 24000 rows where as dts was taking 1 sec to do this. i wish i could use the native mysql odbc 3.51 connector and import. can some one give me step by step instructions on how to do that ?
I hear someone mentioned of using excute sql task which can use mysql odbc 3.51 driver. but since i am new how do i get it to work. say for example in the excute sql task i run a statement like select * from addr. then what?
cuz eventually i want the result to be saved in a sql server table called addr. How can i get the result from that excute sql task and put it inside of an addr table in sql server. should i save the result to a variable of type object. but then how do i get the data from object and tell sql server in the designer that the result contains these columns and it needs to map to these columns in the addr table of sql server.
Very confused. i wish the first option would have given me results which an enterprise ETL gives. but apparently it is too slow that it wont be acceptable in a production envrioment. when i will have millions of rows coming in .
hey all, i want to know Equivalent of Load Data Infile of MySQL in SQL Server 2005? in mysql we can direclty load file with Load Data infile query. my question is how to do this in sql server 2005? thanks.