I experienced a weird error while deploying my SSIS package. After running the manifest file, i noticed that one of the configuration file's path was not updated in the dtsx file. My solution has 8 packages and almost every package has 2 configuration files. Except 1 file every other config file's path is being updated. Has anybody experieced such a problem?
I need to be able to obtain the storage space used for database log files through T-SQL commands. I can do this in version 6.5 but have been unable to accomplish this in version 7.0. Does anyone have a suggestion?
Ok, I'm actually adding a SSIS job to my job agent on my test SQL server. Noticed that when I go to my job agent --> add new job, under the steps option, I click new. this then takes me to the new job step window. When I select
Type as SQL Server Integrated Services, I then see some new tabs at the bottom of the form. Under package source I can select File System, SQL Server, or SSIS Package Store, then I have to select the location of the dtsx file.
So my question is, since I can select the actual file (package) I want to run from here, do I really have to import a package to the file system or MSDB under the SQL Integration Services on the server?
It appears to me that its kind of the same thing.
I'm new to this SSIS, SQL DB work, so I'm learning as I go. . . .
This is the situation: I've a dtsx package wich creates a tab delimited txt file from a sql server 2005 databasetable. Now this all works just fine. But what I want to do is that the user can choose the destination path of that created txt-file. Right now I've declared the path when I created the flat file source.
On the net I found that a config file for a dts package (sql server 2000 - Dynamic Property Task) could do the trick...
How dow you schedule a file(.dtsx)(I think it is a package) that was created in the SQL Server BI Design Studio to run? I can locate the file I created in SQL Server Management Studio and see it in the right hand pane and even edit it. I can run it in the Design Studio, but cant see how to do that in Management Studio nor how to schedule it.
This is my first attempt at recreating a DTS package using SQL Server tools instead of the Legacy conversion wizard, and I think my brain has overheated. I just cant find it on the Management Screen or the Design. I am also not searching correctly anymore on books online because I cannot find it.
Thanks for pointing me to where I need to go or do.
I am having trouble with a dtsx package to truncate a table, then insert the contents of a .csv file. The package is being executed off the local filesystem, reading a csv on the same file system, and inserting into a remote SQL 2k5 server. If I run the package alone in BI it will run perfectly, if I implement the package into a console app in visual studio, it will trunc the table, but will not insert any of the data in the csv file. When running from DtExec I recieve the following error on the CSV portion after the table is truncated:
Code: 0xC00470FE Soure: Data Flow Task DTS.Pipeline Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRODUCTLEVELTOLOW. The product level is insufficient for for componenet "Soure - My_File_CSV" (1).
I have tried all the work arounds I can find without any luck. All help will be appreciated.
I create a ssis package with have connection DB2 (I install ibm_data_server_client_win32_V97 in server) in sql2008 (run ok). I deployment in SQL 2012. When i run with Visual Studio or run direct package (*.dtsx). File run OK.
But, i run with job have a error as below.
Error: 2014-05-15 14:18:08.82 Code: 0xC0202009 Source: Package Connection manager "TESTING.cardpro1" Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Unspecified error". End Error
Error: 2014-05-15 14:18:08.82 Code: 0xC020801C Source: Xuat Report AUDCAR Cardpro-cp_audcar [2] Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "TESTING.cardpro1" failed with error code 0xC0202009.
There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed. End Error
I run with user full permission. I run job success with dtxs no contain DB2 connection. Do you have a this case?
So I've seen articles outlining how to execute a package in VB and how to pass variables along to the package, which is great.
But I'm wanting write a VB.NET app that will read the xml in a .dtsx package, looking for the available variables (and datatypes) that need to be passed to the package to configure it properly. Anyone done this? Is it best to use parent package variables? Or another type of configuration?
When looking at the xml of a .dtsx file, I can see a variables section that could be parsed... is there anything letting me know what is required versus optional? How do I know the datatype that I need to pass? Any help would be appreciated...
Started: 5:05:48 PM Error: 2014-08-21 17:05:50.64 Code: 0xC000F427 Source: File System Task Description: To run a SSIS package outside of SQL Server Data Tools you must install File System Task of Integration Services or higher. End Error
I'd need an help because I'm stucked!! I have to import an Excel file into my DB. The Excel file is made by 2 worksheets but I need only one and inside this worksheet I have to loop through the columns and for each column I define a Data Flow that trasform the data as necessary and then insert into the table.
I started with a "Foreach ADO.NET Schema Rowset Enumerator" with connection=excel file and the schema was set to "Columns" but the loop go also through the worksheet that I don't need..
after 4 hours of tries I'm lost... Someone could give me an advice? ThankX Marina B.
I have a bundling package that runs about 20 other packages. It has been working fine for a while but a couple of days ago it fail with the following message,
Error 0x800706BE while loading package file "D:PackagesToradSales.dtsx". The remote procedure call failed.
I´m running the SSIS packages in an 64-bit environment.
I have a dtsx package that is calling another dtsx package, however, if the called upon dtsx package fails with errors or what not, then the calling package does not continue as well. Is there any way to override this such that if the called upon package fails, the downstream actions in that package can stop, but the calling packages downstream actions to continue?
I'm using sql server 2005, I created a customer table and set the customer_id as an uniqueidentifier that is a NEWSEQUENTIALID()...when a user is created I want to obtain the last customer_id so that I can insert it in another table that has a one to many relationship with the customer table. Please help...how do i do this?.Thanx
I'm working on a search engine right now, and I am querying out a set amount of information at one time. How can I grab the last row count of a query, and use that as a starting point, or index when a "Next 100" is pressed. For instance, a person searches through a user table, but only wants 25 users at a time. So the beginning index is 0 to 25. In my query, I have "SELECT TOP 25 from users", but now when the person searching want's to move to the next 25 users, so the index would be 26 to 50, how can I hold the last row displayed? It gets a little more complex also, if a user is searching by last name, the rows will be staggered. Is there a SQL function which will grab the number of the last row displayed? I've looked through the SQL Book, and was unable to find a function that does this, or anything close to it. I hope I made sense of this question, if you need more information, email me and I will try to clarify. Thank you for any information or hints.
If I have say 20 records of sales employees, for example, how can I get the top 3 locations for $$$sales for EACH employee? Each employee can have multiple locations where they have sold(let's say up to 50). I only want the names of the top 3 locations. The closest I can get is filtering the dataset by a HAVING clause > a dollar amount but this still gives me between 3 - 12 records for each plus I have to literally enter each salesperson's number as it stands now. Is this a loop or a cursor? Thanks.
i need to run a restore of a database overnight onto a different server using the live data .bak file. however the job failed on the first run (last night) with the error:
"Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use. ...."
how do i gain this Exclusive use via an SQL statement please?
I have a new computer, clean, I installed WinXP, and I want to connect a SQL Server (other computer in the same network) For this I installed the client tools from SQL SERVER 2000 kit. Ok. When I try to connect to the server, I can't connect through "trusted connection", only whit user name and password. I mention that I set the sql server in mixed mode autentification.
When I try to connect from other computer (my laptop, or other computer from this network) I can connect both types of connection: trusted and with
sa (for example)
The question is:
How I can set up a "trusted connection" at SQL Server?
The computer is completely new, clean and has win xp with sp2.
I have a new computer, clean, I installed WinXP, and I want to connect a SQL Server (other computer in the same network) For this I installed the client tools from SQL SERVER 2000 kit. Ok. When I try to connect to the server, I can't connect through "trusted connection", only whit user name and password. I mention that I set the sql server in mixed mode autentification.
When I try to connect from other computer (my laptop, or other computer from this network) I can connect both types of connection: trusted and with
sa (for example)
The question is:
How I can set up a "trusted connection" at SQL Server?
The computer is completely new, clean and has win xp with sp2.
i need to programmatically obtain and the process constraintinformation. the problem with the output from sp_helpconstraint isthat it outputs two resultsets. (the 2nd resultset is exactly what ineed though)as far as i know i can't stick this output into a temp table to thenprocess with cursors or anything like that. i'm trying to directlyaccess all kinds of sytem tables but not getting the complete info thatthe 2nd resultset that sp_helpconstraints offers.(E.g. sp_helpindex is more useful as it outputs only one resultset ofinformation so i could programmatically use that output to do what ineed to do)any suggestions? thanks.
i need to programmatically obtain and process constraint keyinformation. the problem with the output from sp_helpconstraint isthat it outputs 2, and sometimes 3 resultsets. (the 2ndresultset/constraint_keys is exactly what i need however)because the resultsets vary in output format, i cannot programmaticallyuse the output to process in my DB proc. its essentially useless tome. i can only suppress the 1st resultset (with tablename info), andcannot suppress the occasional 3rd resultset (that has referencingforeign key info).i've tried to directly access all kinds of sytem tables but i'm notgetting the complete info that the 2nd resultset thatsp_helpconstraints offers.any suggestions? thanks.
Sorry for my englishI have a table that contains data of career about the person (staff)like this ...EMATREANIDEMEIDEGIIDecc. ..ecc. ..ecc. ..ecc. ..1199912312002123111200311000321999123120021231122003110003419991231200073115199912312001131161999123120021231162003110003719991231200212311whereEMATR is a not unique key (person ID)EANID, EMEID, EGIID (assembled) are the date of the last advance ofcareerI want extract from the table below only the actual position,therefore a view that return this rowsEMATREANIDEMEIDEGIIDecc. ..ecc. ..ecc. ..ecc. ..1200311000322003110003419991231200073115199912312001131162003110003719991231200212311I hope of to have been explainThank you from Maximiliano (italy)RE-Sorry for my english--Posted via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG
i read from msdn that i need a certificate for me to be able to configure SSL which will allow me to replicate on my publication. it says that i can obtain a certificate from a certification authority (CA). do i have to pay for it?
there is a SelfSSL that i can dowload and use for 7 days have anyone of you tried this before?
I need to be able to obtain the storage space used for database log files. I can do this in version 6.5 but have been unable to accomplish this in version 7.0. Does anyone have a suggestion?
I am trying to obtain data from CSV file (in Excel) to SQL Server table using Openrowset command. There is one issue I am facing – The columns which have blank values in the first 20 records and then only has a proper value in the 21st record are not getting imported correctly. For such columns, I get a NULL for the proper value as well. I need to proper value to come. Any suggestion?
I'm trying to devise a query for use on SQL Server 2000 that will dowhat was previously done with one query in MS Access. The MS Accessquery was like this:SELECT Count(*) as [Opened],Abs(Sum([Status] Like 'Cancel*')) As [Cancelled]FROM Detail_Dir_LocVWhere (Detail_Dir_LocV.DateOpened > '2004-8-01') andStatus not like 'Deleted'Group By Year(DateOpened), Month(DateOpened)Order By Year(DateOpened), Month(DateOpened)Here were I'm at with SQL Server, TSQLSelect Right(Convert(Char (11), Min(DateOpened), 106), 8) as [MonthOpened],Count(Status) as [Opened]FROM Detail_Dir_LocVWhere (Detail_Dir_LocV.DateOpened > '2004-8-01') andStatus not like 'Deleted'Group By Year(DateOpened), Month(DateOpened) Order ByYear(DateOpened), Month(DateOpened)Which yieldsMonthOpened======================Aug 2004503Sep 2004752Oct 2004828Nov 2004658Dec 2004533Jan 2005736Feb 2005707Mar 2005797Apr 2005412AndSelect Right(Convert(Char (11), Min(DateOpened), 106), 8) as [MonthOpened],Count(Status) as [Cancelled]FROM Detail_Dir_LocVWhere (Detail_Dir_LocV.DateOpened > '2004-8-01') andStatus like 'Cancelled%'Group By Year(DateOpened), Month(DateOpened) Order ByYear(DateOpened), Month(DateOpened)Which yields;MonthCancelled=========================Aug 200478Sep 2004105Oct 2004121Nov 2004106Dec 200475Jan 200582Feb 200571Mar 200594Apr 200533What is desired isMonthOpenedCancelled============================Aug 200450378Sep 2004752105Oct 2004828121Nov 2004658106Dec 200453375Jan 200573682Feb 200570771Mar 200579794Apr 200541233Any assistance would be appreciated.Cheers;Bill