How Do I Pass A Result Set Into An SQL Task For An Insert?
Feb 19, 2008
I am new to SSIS so I'm sure this is easy to do but I can't seem to figure it out. I created a SQL task that creates a result set. I would like to loop through each result of the result set and insert it into another table.
I'm not sure how to map the result set as input to the second SQL task that will do the insert. I can put the variable in the parameter mapping but I don't know what the SQL should look like to insert this into my table. Each row of the result set has five columns. Normally I have something that looks like INSERT...Values(?,?,?,?,?) but because my input parameter is just one result set object this doesn't work.
I have an Execute SQL Task that executes "select count(*) as Row_Count from xyztable" from an Oracle Server. I'm trying to assign the result to a variable. However when I try to execute I get an error: [Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "RowCount": "Unsupported data type on result set binding Row_Count.".
Which data type should I use for the variable, RowCount? I've tried Int16, Int32, Int64.
We have an SSIS package that executes a query to a DB2 database and stores the result set in a variable of type object. The result set is typically ten rows or less. Several steps in the package loop through these rows and do various processing based on the contents of the rows.
We now have the need for other packages to have access to the original result set. These packages might be run minutes or hours after the first package. Is there a simple way to save the original result set in a file and then pick it up for processing later? Unfortunately, using a SQL Server table to store the results is not an option for us at this time.
In the Control flow tab, I have an Execute SQL Task that outputs full Result set into a variable of an object type. Now how can I write the contents of the Full Result Set into a text file using Script Task. I also want to format the following way while I output into a file:
Column Name 1 : Column Value
Column Name 2: Column Value and so on
I tried writing the contents of the Object Variable into a file, but the file had an output of single word: System.__ComObject.
Code for Writing the Full Result Set into a Text File
Dim RSsqloutput as String = Dts.Variables("objVariable").Value.ToString
Dim strVal as String = "File completed on " & Now() & vbCrLf & "------------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf
I have a stored procedure that is executed via a sql script task that returns a full result set. I map this result set to a variable or object type. Is there a way to use this variable as a data source in a subsequent data flow task?
How to get the CASE results highlighted in BOLD into this equation; "(LogOut - LogIn) + (LunchBreak) -(AMBreak) + (PMBreak) AS TimeWorked" ? Thank you. CREATE VIEW dbo.vwu_ReportViewASSELECT EmployeeID , LastName , FirstName , LocationCode , UserID , Today , Login , AMBreakOut , AMBreakIn , CASE WHEN ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, AMBreakOut, AMBreakIn),0) >= 0 AND ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, AMBreakOut, AMBreakIn),0) <= 19 THEN '0' WHEN ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, AMBreakOut, AMBreakIn),0) >= 20 AND ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, AMBreakOut, AMBreakIn),0) <= 34 THEN '15' WHEN ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, AMBreakOut, AMBreakIn),0) >= 35 AND ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, AMBreakOut, AMBreakIn),0) <= 49 THEN '30' WHEN ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, AMBreakOut, AMBreakIn),0) > = 50 AND ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, AMBreakOut, AMBreakIn),0) <= 64 THEN '45' ELSE '60' END AS AMBreak , LunchOut , LunchIn , CASE WHEN ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, LunchOut, LunchIn),0) >= 0 AND ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, LunchOut, LunchIn),0) <= 66 THEN '0' WHEN ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, LunchOut, LunchIn),0) >= 67 AND ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, LunchOut, LunchIn),0) <= 81 THEN '15' WHEN ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, LunchOut, LunchIn),0) >= 82 AND ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, LunchOut, LunchIn),0) <= 96 THEN '30' WHEN ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, LunchOut, LunchIn),0) >= 97 AND ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, LunchOut, LunchIn),0) <= 111 THEN '45' WHEN ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, LunchOut, LunchIn),0) >= 112 AND ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, LunchOut, LunchIn),0) <= 126 THEN '60' ELSE '75' END AS LunchBreak, PMBreakOut , PMBreakIn , CASE WHEN ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, PMBreakOut, PMBreakIn),0) >= 0 AND ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, PMBreakOut, PMBreakIn),0) <= 19 THEN '0' WHEN ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, PMBreakOut, PMBreakIn),0) >= 20 AND ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, PMBreakOut, PMBreakIn),0) <= 34 THEN '15' WHEN ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, PMBreakOut, PMBreakIn),0) >= 35 AND ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, PMBreakOut, PMBreakIn),0) <= 49 THEN '30' WHEN ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, PMBreakOut, PMBreakIn),0) >= 50 AND ISNULL(DATEDIFF(Minute, PMBreakOut, PMBreakIn),0) <= 64 THEN '45' ELSE '60' END AS PMBreak , Logout , Comments , LoginLogon , AMBreakOutLogon , AMBreakInLogon , LunchOutLogon , LunchInLogon , PMBreakOutLogon , PMBreakInLogon , LogoutLogon ,(LogOut - LogIn) + (LunchBreak) -(AMBreak) + (PMBreak) AS TimeWorked
I have no idea to write a store procedure or only query to pass a string parameter more than 4000 characters into execute() and return result for FETCH and Cursor.
In the XML Task if you set the OperationType to XSLT, how do you pass arguments to the Transform like you would in .Net by using the XsltArgumentList class? Thanks.
How do I pass the results of a sql 'FOR XML' query to an XML Task? I tried using a user variable of type string. In my Exec SQL Task on the General tab I set the ResultType to XML. Then on the Result Set tab I map it (Result 0) to my user variable (string). Then in the XML Task I use that variable as the Source. However, it fails in the Exec Sql Task with error "End tag 'CustomJob秱孒秱怈пField' does not match the start tag 'CustomJobField'
It looks like some extraneous chars are getting inserted into my tags? I also tried setting the ResultType to SingleRow but that failed with error:
"The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::ForXmlResult" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object. ".
I am trying to execute an SQL task in a ForEach container that is the table name for a select statment I want to execute (table name is passed from a rowset created before the ForEach container).
ForEach Container is looping correctly (I've used a watch to make sure each of the table names in the previous rowset are being passed correctly). I want to use the table name to execute the following query:
Select count(*) as TableRowCount from MyLinkedServer...?
(with ? as the table name)
Problem I am having is that the SQL Task Editor keeps placing a space between the last period and the parameter and then telling me it cannot parse the SQL.
I tried:
Declare @SQL varchar(255)
Set @SQL = 'Select count(*) as TableRowCount from MyLinkedServer...' + ?
Same error as above. My parameter is varTableName
If I used the Declare and hardcode the table name (i.e. MyLinkedServer...MyTable), and it works fine. Just doesn't seem to want to allow the table name as a parameter...
Thoughts, ideas??? Am very new to SQL 2005 but did the above with DTS... Thank you for any assistance...
How can I pass a variable to a DataReader in a DataFlow task?
My SqlCommand for the DataReader is: SELECT CustName, CustCode FROM Customers WHERE CustCode = '?'
The DataFlow task is nested in a ForEach loop. I confirmed that the variable is changing with each loop by using a ScriptTaks and a message box. However, the DataReader SqlCommand does not seem to be updating.
I want to pass a dataset to my .net script task as an object. I know how to declare an Obect variable and map the result set of my Execute SQL task to the Object variable lets say tbl1. Then on the Advanced Menu of .Net Script task I input tbl1 as my ReadOnlyVariable. But once in the design view of the .Net Script I am unable to get and work with every row of the my tbl1 variable.
I have a DTS package of SQL server 2000 which has two "Execute SQL Task", which gets maximum ID (call it maxID1) from table1 in mysql and maximum ID (call it maxID2) from table 2 in sql server. Those 2 as global variables passes into a data flow which grabs all data from mysql's table1 with its ID > maxID2 and ID <= maxID1 and insert into SQL server table3. This package is working so far.
My question is how to achieve the same thing in SSIS? I created two "Execute SQL Task", which will get maxID1 and maxID2, and one "Data Flow Task". But how to pass those 2 parameters into that "Data Flow Task" without using "Script Task"?
Hi all--I am writing a DTS package looking to back up all databases in sequence from a specific instance of SQL Server. I am calling CDOSYS in a stored procedure from to send email upon failure. I have two types of SQL tasks I am writing into the DTS package:
1. backup database <database> to disk = '<drive>:<path>.bak' with init
2. Upon failure of a particular database to back up to file, execute the following SQL task:
SELECT @srvname = @@servername select @db_name = db_name() set @msg = 'Hi--check your database backups. The ' + @db_name + ' database backup on ' + @srvname + ' has failed. Thanks--SQL Server';
SELECT @srvname, @db_name, @msg
(Many thanks to Whitney Weaver and SQL_Menace for help with sections of this code)
Upon success of #1 and/or #2, go on to the next database, repeating cycle of the SQL tasks above for the next database in the task. For example, this logic goes like:
1. Back up master database; if fails, send email in SQL task; if either task is successful, goto database #2;
2. Back up model database; ...<etc>.
My problem is the current database set in @db_name. I apparently need to reset this variable for each database that gets backed up, and I can't seem to get these set as values to be passed from SQL Task #1 to SQL Task #2. Any suggestions on how I might achieve this?
I am using SQL 2005 SSIS. I am joining several large tables and then the move result into another table in the same database.
I would like know which method is faster:
Use Execute SQL Task to insert the result set to the target table
Use the Data Flow Task to insert the result set to the target table. (Use OLE DB source to execute SQL command and then use the SQL destination) Could you tell me why then other is slower?
Dear All! I use a "Execute SQL Task" to call a Stored Procedure. My Stored Procedure have an input parameter with type: ntext. And in "Execute SQL Task", I set variable in Parameter Mapping as following:
Variable Name: User::xmlDocument (this variable is a String to store xml data) Direction: Input DataType: NVARCHAR ParameterName: 0
When length of "User::xmlDocument" is too large then error is happen but on the contrary, "Execute SQL Task" run successfully. So, Can you show me how to pass large data into stored procedure using "Execute SQL Task"? I am looking forward to hearing from you Thanks
I have One package that it contains one Execute SQL task in that i have placed a Stored procedure . Now i want to pass values to Stored procedure parameters from a databse table by dynamically .For this i am trying to use " Script task " How can i pass that table column values to that stores procedure thru using Script Task?
I have a ForEachLoop parent pkg that reads thru the file system of dtsx to be executed.
I would like to pass CLI parms to the command itself (dtexec). I'm not looking at passing values to the child pkgs but rather additional command line values such as:
/CONFIGFILE "C:myconfig.dtsConfig.
In my expression builder for the PackageName I added the additional string but during the execution, the reference to my dtsconfig is ignored without any errors and the child pkg runs using the default values provided at design time.
i need to know how many rows are in a certain table and store this value in a variable in order to process this variable later in the package. of course i can build a data flow task within a row count component but as far as i understand it's necessary to read all data from a data source in order to use the row count component. now the question is if it's possible to use a sql task in the control flow and put a select count(*) statement within the task and then write the result of this select statement into a variable. shouldn't that be much more faster than using a whole dataflow for this problem?
I have looked thru several similar threads with errors like this, but have not found a resolution. I have a SQL Task that runs this query:
Code Snippet select NetRevenue = cast(sum(Base_Price + AL + MI + PO) as dec(10,2)) from Lancelot.DataWhse.dbo.GrossMarginDetail where tran_date_key <= ? + ' 23:59:59' and label_group <> 'X' and not (ar_ship_key in ('S999991','S998101''S998102')) and Document <> 'Cust Bal Debit Memo'
There is a parameter mapping of "User::LastSaturday" of type date. I also have a result set with a result set name of "0" with a variable name of "User::GrossMargin," which is defined as a double in the package. The task has a resultset type of Single row, and at the moment the answer that is returned is 66228637.10.
If I change the package variable to a type of string it of course works, but then I cannot do comparisons against it. I have step by step manually copied this from an existing DTSX, so I am baffled why this isn't working, and I'm ready to throw myself under a truck!
I also tried to bring it in as a string, then convert it in a script task, but I cannot figure out how to reference the input and output variables. I can't seem to find any relevant docs on how to do that...
If anyone has any ideas, I and my sanity would greatly appreciate it.
I am building a simple package that looks at the results of a sql query, prior to running the next step.
Basically Outline and settings
SQL task
Result Set: Full result set
SQL Source: Direct Input
SQL Statement: Select Count (*) FROM X
Parameter Mapping
Variable Name: User::C
Direction: Return Value
Data Type: Numeric
Parameter Name: NewParameterName
Result Set = NewResultName: User::C
Precedence Constraint
Evaluation Operation: Expression and Constraint
Value: Success
Expression: @C > 0 ( I originally tried User::C and received an error message)
Execute SQL Server Agent Job
If step one results greater than 1, then execute the SQL agent job (SRS Report) Using this setup I receive an error message stating "
TITLE: Package Validation Error ------------------------------ Package Validation Error ------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Error at Package: The expression "@C > 0" must evaluate to True or False. Change the expression to evaluate to a Boolean value. Error at Package: There was an error in the precedence constraint between "Execute SQL Task" and "Execute SQL Server Agent Job Task". (Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.VsIntegration)
Any thought or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
On an Execute Process Task, are there properties I can examine to determine the outcome of a process? I know that I can use a Success/Failure constraint to direct my workflow appropriately, depending on the outcome, but I would prefer the workflow continue on to the same task regardless, and then be able to change the flow later on based on the outcome of the process.
I see there is an ExecValueVariable property, and this may be what I'm looking for, but I have no idea what this is and can not find any documentation on it. I tried using it, but kept getting a runtime error trying to set it to a variable.
I know that a process returns a numeric value, and it would be nice if I could store this somewhere.
How do i use the foreach loop container and pass each file found according to a specified pattern to a Flat File Source in a Data Flow Task Object so i can operate on each file found in the foreach loop object instead of having to specify a static file name
I am getting the following error when I execute my sql task:
An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "NullVar": " NO result rowset is associated with the execution of this query. "
I am executing a SP that has one input & one output parameter. The output parameter is returning a single row for debugging if the sp failes. I tried using Jamie's method:( to get it to work but keep getting the above error. I have the following variables:
In the execute sql task, I set the ResultSet to single row. I set SQLSourceType = variable & sourcevariable = user::SqlSource. In the result tab, I added a result set, NewResultName with the variable user::NullVar. I tried different configurations with the parameter mappings but nothing seemed to work. I didn't know if i still had to use this if I am using the sqlSource variable to drive the task.
So I am not sure what I am missing here. Anyone have any suggestions?
I receive the following error message when I try to use the Bulk Insert Task to load BCP data into a table:
Error: 0xC002F304 at Bulk Insert Task, Bulk Insert Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.The bulk load failed. The column is too long in the data file for row 1, column 4. Verify that the field terminator and row terminator are specified correctly.Bulk load data conversion error (overflow) for row 1, column 1 (rowno).".
Task failed: Bulk Insert Task
In SSMS I am able to issue the following command and the data loads into a TableName table with no error messages: BULK INSERT TableName FROM 'C:DataDbTableName.bcp' WITH (DATAFILETYPE='widenative');
What configuration is required for the Bulk Insert Task in SSIS to make the data load? BTW - the TableName.bcp file is bulk copy file as bcp widenative data type. The properties of the Bulk Insert Task are the following: DataFileType: DTSBulkInsert_DataFileType_WideNative RowTerminator: {CR}{LF}
Any help getting the bcp file to load would be appreciated. Let me know if you require any other information, thanks for all your help. Paul
--- Not sure if this should be moved to webforms forum, or if it belongs here ---
Alright, I have been dealing with this issue for a few days now, and have found a few solutions but they all seem to throw different errors so I figured I'd ask here.
What i am trying to do is have a webform where user enter data, and have the data passed across forms, then displayed and inserted into a database on another form. THe first for has an asp:rangevalidator control dymamicly built so I cannot simply take of the tags and use the old style.
Eventually the user will be directed to a paypal form, and upon successful completion be redirected to the page with the insert command within it, but for now, passing it to a second page for review, then inserting it will work.
I am not sure how to accomplish this, a tutorial or a code example would be great!! I have though about panels, creating public objects, etc, but all the solutions I have found have one issue or another when I attempt to create them.