How Do I Pass A Search Text Parameter To FreeTextTable?
Sep 13, 2007
I have an issue trying to pass a search text parameter to FREETEXTTABLE via Dataset.
The following code works fine if you hardcode the search word/text as shown:
SELECT KEY_TBL.RANK, FT_TBL.FaqQuestion, FT_TBL.FaqAnswer, FT_TBL.Search
FREETEXTTABLE(faq_table, Search, 'cool') AS KEY_TBL ON FT_TBL.FaqID = KEY_TBL.[KEY]
Now, I want to do this:
SELECT KEY_TBL.RANK, FT_TBL.FaqQuestion, FT_TBL.FaqAnswer, FT_TBL.Search
FREETEXTTABLE(faq_table, Search, @Search) AS KEY_TBL ON FT_TBL.FaqID = KEY_TBL.[KEY]
The error I'm getting is @Search is not declared. How am I suppose to pass in a value?
I have searched almost everywhere and nobody seemed to ask this precise question. I'm sure this is a huge problem.
I am trying to inject dynamically generated text into a Sql2000 stored procedure. What am I doing wrong?A code behind routine generates the following string value based on a visitor entering 'sail boats' in TextBox1. The routine splits the entry and creates the below string.Companies.L_Keywords LIKE '%sail%' AND Companies.L_Keywords LIKE '%boats%' I am trying to place this string result in the WHERE statement of a Sql2000 Stored Procedure using parameter @VisitorKeywords. PROCEDURE dbo.KWsearchAS SELECT DISTINCT Companies.L_Name, Companies.L_ID, Companies.L_EnabledWHERE ( @visitorKeywords ) AND (Companies.L_Enabled = 1)ORDER BY Companies.L_Name I am wanting the resulting WHERE portion to be: WHERE ( Companies.L_Keywords LIKE '%sail%' AND Companies.L_Keywords LIKE '%boats%' ) AND (Companies.L_Enabled = 1) Thank you
Hello, I was wondering if you could help resolve a simple question - namely how to input a type text value as a parameter to a stored procedure, which expects that type of input.
Text type variables are not allowed and casting to varchar in this case will not work as the input will be far longer than 8000 characters.
I have a Full Text query that works fine when structured as follows: SELECT First_Name, Middle_Name, Last_Name, Hire_Date, City, Department, Phone_Ext, title, Fax, Secretary_Name, Attorney_Name, Secy_Ext, Home_Phone, Desk_Location, Law_School, Undergraduate_School, Languages, E_mail, CMS_ID, WEB_ID, Notary FROM dbo.PhotoDir WHERE CONTAINS (*, 'Jones') ORDER BY Last_Name, First_Name
However, I would like to replace "Jones" with a parameter, @LName for example. However, I can't figure out the syntax. I tried the following: WHERE CONTAINS (*, @LName) but received the following error: The @LName SQL construct or statement is not supported. Is there a way to put a parameter in this type of query? Thanks in advance.
I am trying to do a freetext filter with mutiple columns using a column list, but I can't get the syntax down for multiple column list. First, am I am going about this the right way...Do I need to be doing both? Second why doesn't mutiple columns work. I can't find any good samples online. What I am trying to accomplish is a refined search stored procedure that uses the freetext to do the search refinement. Any help would be appreciated.
isnull(h.PackageDescription,a.ItemPKG) as PKG,
case g.StockStatus
when 1 then 'Yes'
when 0 then 'No'
else ''
end as StockStatus,
isnull(g.StandardUnitPrice,a.ListPrice) as Price,
isnull(j.SupplierAbbreviation,a.ManufacturerAbbreviation) as ItemSource
dbo.vw_mcProductItem a
inner join freetexttable(dbo.vw_mcProductItem, (ProductName,ItemName,ManufacturerItemCode,ItemPKG,BrandName,ManufacturerName,ManufacturerAbbreviation,CategoryName), @SearchWord) as b ON a.ItemID = b.[KEY]
inner join [dbo].[mcCustomerGroupItem] c on c.ItemID = a.ItemID
inner join [dbo].[mcCustomerGroup] d on d.CustomerGroupID = c.CustomerGroupID
inner join [dbo].[mcCustomerGroupCustomer] e on e.CustomerGroupID = d.CustomerGroupID
inner join [dbo].[mcCustomerUser] f on f.CustomerID = e.CustomerID
left outer join [dbo].[mcSupplierItem] g on g.ItemID = a.ItemID
left outer join [dbo].[mcPackage] h on h.PackageID = g.SellingPackageID
left outer join [dbo].[mcItemSource] i on i.ItemSourceId = a.ItemSourceId
left outer join [dbo].[mcSupplier] j on j.SupplierID = g.SupplierID
d.CustomerGroupID = @CustomerGroupID
and f.UserID = @UserID
and FREETEXT(BrandName,ManufacturerName,CategoryName, @SearchWord)
I thought this would be quite simple but can't find the correct syntax:ALTER Procedure usp_Product_Search_Artist_ProductTitle
(@ProductTitle varchar(255))
SELECT ProductTitle
FROM tbl_Product
WHERE CONTAINS(dbo.tbl_Product.ProductTitle, @ProductTitle) My problem is that if I pass "LCD Flat Screen" as teh @ProductTitle parameter the query falls over as it contains spaces. Guess i'm looking for something like: WHERE CONTAINS(dbo.tbl_Product.ProductTitle, '"' + @ProductTitle + "'")Thanks in advance.R
We have a query that uses the Full-text index on a view that's returning duplicate rows. We thought maybe it was the way we were joining, but we were able to simplify the query as much as possible and it still happens. Here's the query:
Code Snippet SELECT * FROM FREETEXTTABLE(vwSubtable, TitleSearch, 'Across five Aprils') AS KEY_TBL ORDER BY RANK DESC
vwSubtable is an indexed view that contains some of the columns in our original table, and is also filtering out some rows from the main table in a where clause. There are no joins in the view.
This seems like it's about as simple a query as we could get. It will return some rows twice (ie. the same primary key row is returned back as two separate rows in the resultset). This is a problem since we're filling a datagrid, which is throwing a ConcurrencyException because the primary key is already in there.
I made sure we have SP2 installed on my SQL Server. Any ideas on what might be happening?
We already used Oracle Datasatage Server the following Query statement for Source and there is parameter maping in the SQl Statement . How can achive in SSIS the Folowing Querystatment?
Query 2: (look up )
please anyone give the sample control flow and how to pass the parameter?
Hi - I'm short of SQL experience and hacking my way through creating a simple search feature for a personal project. I would be very grateful if anyone could help me out with writing a stored procedure. Problem: I have two tables with three columns indexed for full-text search. So far I have been able to successfully execute the following query returning matching row ids: dbo.Search_Articles @searchText varchar(150) AS SELECT ArticleID FROM articles WHERE CONTAINS(Description, @searchText) OR CONTAINS(Title, @searchText) UNION SELECT ArticleID FROM article_pages WHERE CONTAINS(Text, @searchText); RETURN This returns the ArticleID for any articles or article_pages records where there is a text match. I ultimately need the stored procedure to return all columns from the articles table for matches and not just the StoryID. Seems like maybe I should try using some kind of JOIN on the result of the UNION above and the articles table? But I have so far been unable to figure out how to do this as I can't seem to declare a name for the result table of the UNION above. Perhaps there is another more eloquent solution? Thanks! Peter
Our clients want to be able to do full text search with a single letter. (Is the name Newton, Nathan, Nick?, Is the ID N1, N2...). Doing a single character full text search on a table work 25 out of 26 times. The letter that doesn't work is 'n'. the WHERE clause CONTAINS(full_text_field, ' "n*" ') returns all rows, even rows that have no 'n' in them anywhere. Adding a second letter after the "n" works as expected.
Here is an example
create table TestFullTextSearch ( Id int not null, AllText nvarchar(400) ) create unique index test_tfts on TestFullTextSearch(Id); create fulltext catalog ftcat_tfts;
I have a scenario of where the standard Full-Text search identifies keywords but Semantic Search does not recognize them as keywords. I'm hoping to understand why Semantic Search might not recognize them. The context this is being used in medical terminology and the specific key words I noticed missing right off the bat were medications.
For instance, if I put the following string into a FT indexed table
'J9355 - Trastuzumab (Herceptin)' AND 'J9355 - Trastuzumab emtansine'
The Semantic Search recognized 'Herceptin' and 'Emtansine' but not 'Trastuzumab'
Nor in
'J8999 - Everolimus (Afinitor)'
It did not recognize 'Afinitor' as a keyword.
In all cases the Base of Full-Text did find those keywords and were identifiable using the dmvsys.dm_fts_index_keywords_by_document.It does show the index as having completed.
why certain words might not be picked up while others would be? Could it be a language/dictionary issue? I am using English and accent insensitive settings?
would you use sql server "full text search" feature as your site index? from some reason i can't make index server my site search catalog, and i wonder if the full text is the solution. i think that i wll have to you create new table called some thing like "site text" and i will need to write every text twice- one the the table (let's say "articles table") and one to the text. other wise- there is problems finding the right urlof the text, searching different tables with different columns name and so on... so i thought create site search table, with the columns: id, text, url and to write every thing to this table. but some how ot look the wrong way, that every forum post, every article, album picture or joke will insert twice to the sqr server... what do you think?
I have installed the Adobe iFilter 11 64 bit and set the path to the bin folder. I still cannot find any text from the pdf files. I suspect I am missing something trivial because I don't find much when I Bing for this so it must not be a common problem.Here is the code.
--Adobe iFilter 11 64 bit is installed --The Path variable is set to the bin folder for the Adobe iFilter. --SQL Developer version 64 bit on both Windows 7 and Windows 8. USE master; GO DROP DATABASE FileTableStudy; GO CREATE DATABASE FileTableStudy ON PRIMARY
I have Sql server 2005 SP2. I enabled it for Full Text search. Substring search where i enter *word* doesn't return any row. I have a table testtable where description has word Extinguisher.
If i run a query with *ting* it doesn't return any row. select * from testtable where contains(description,'"*xting*"') ;
But it works if i do select * from testtable where contains(description,'"Exting*"') ;
The Full text search document says it supports substring search. Is it an issue with sql server 2005?Please help.
I am using Sql Server 2014 Express edition.I have a table with a varchar(max) column. I have created a full text search that use the stoplist "system". column has this struct: xxx.yyy.zzz.... where xxx, yyy, zzz... are numbers, like 123.345.123123.366456...I can have rows like that:
select * from Mytable where contains(MyColumn, '123.345.')
I gues the contains would return all the rows with column contains 123.345, but this does not return all the expected rows, only one row.I have tried to replace "." with "-" but the result is the same.I have also tried with '123.345.*. In this case I have got more results, but no all the exptected rows.If I use this query:
select * from MyTable where MyCOlumn like '123.345.%';
Hi, i'm trying to do a full text search on my site to add a weighting score to my results. I have the following database structure: Documents: - DocumentID (int, PK) - Title (varchar) - Content (text) - CategoryID (int, FK) Categories: - CategoryID (int, PK) - CategoryName (varchar) I need to create a full text index which searches the Title, Content and CategoryName fields. I figured since i needed to search the CategoryName field i would create an indexed view. I tried to execute the following query: CREATE VIEW vw_DocumentsWITH SCHEMABINDING ASSELECT dbo.Documents.DocumentID, dbo.Documents.Title, dbo.Documents.[Content], dbo.Documents.CategoryID, dbo.Categories.CategoryNameFROM dbo.Categories INNER JOIN dbo.Documents ON dbo.Categories.CategoryID = dbo.Documents.CategoryID GOCREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX vw_DocumentsIndexON vw_Documents(DocumentID) But this gave me the error: Cannot create index on view 'dbname.dbo.vw_Documents'. It contains text, ntext, image or xml columns. I tried converting the Content to a varchar(max) within my view but it still didn't like. Appreciate if someone can tell me how this can be done as surely what i'm trying to do is not ground breaking.
Hello everyone ! I want to perform Full Text Search with SQL Server 2000. My documents (.doc, .xls, .txt, .pdf) are stored in a SQL Server field which is binary (the type of the column is image). I would like to know, how you can extract pieces of text from the documents. Example: I have a ASPX page with codebehind in C# making the search in a table in SQL server that is full text indexed. I make a search looking for the word "peace", than SQL server will take care about the search and return it to me the rows that match with that. But also I'd like to extract the 50 characters before and after where sql server found the word "peace" to show in the result page. Does anyone has any idea how to work around it ? Best regards. Yannick
I'm trying to pass a comma delimited list of numbers to a parameter to use in an IN of my Where clause. Dim MySqlParamSelected As New SqlParameter("@Selected", SqlDbType.Int) Cmd.Parameters.Add(MySqlParamSelected) MySqlParamSelected.Value = Session("intSelected") WHERE tblSelected.Selected_ID IN (@Selected) It will work if I only pass it one number (e.g. 78), but when I pass it more than one (e.g. 78,79) it fails. Here is the error: Msg 119, Level 15, State 1, Line 4Must pass parameter number 7 and subsequent parameters as '@name = value'. After the form '@name = value' has been used, all subsequent parameters must be passed in the form '@name = value'. Does anyone know how I can correctly pass multiple numbers to use in my IN?
How do i pass a parameter to a stored proc using this command: object SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar (SqlConnection connection, string spName, params object[] parameterValues) let's say that my parameter name is @ID and the value is IDval ..
HiWe still use SqlServer 2000 and DTSs.My question is: Can I pass a parameter to a DTS and if yes then how ?We would like to plan our screen like this.The user will input a parameter on the screen/form and then the DTS willbe activated using the value inputed.We do have how to work around it if parameters can't be passed but itwould make things a lot easier and straightforward if we could.Thanks !David Greenberg
I see a lot of posts asking for help with this type of problem but cannot find an answer that works. After 24 hours of trying, using examples from the Microsoft documentation, it's been utterly impossible to pass a parameter to a report via URL.
To make sure I'm not fighting more than one problem at the same time, I've stepped away from the production report I was trying to produce and created a simple report with a parameter named "p1". The only field on this test report is a textbox that displays the value of the parameter "p1". If I set the report up so that the user is queried for a value for "p1", the report works as expected -- the parameter is echoed back on the report.
The same thing can't be done via the URL. If I follow the docs and tack something like &rs:Command=Render&p1=hello onto the URL, I'm prompted for a value and/or told 'p1 is missing a value', depending on the visibility and default options I set for the parameter in the report definition.
I've tried every possible combination of settings I can think of for a parameter in the report definition, and every single one fails. Is this a task that's beyond RS abilities?
Any body can help me on passing parameters in to an MDX query?
sample :
SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Gross Profit], [Measures].[Sales Amount] } ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY { ([Employee].[Employee Department].[Employee].ALLMEMBERS ) } DIMENSION PROPERTIES MEMBER_CAPTION, MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME ON ROWS FROM [Adventure Works] where [Employee].[Department Name].[engineering] CELL PROPERTIES VALUE, BACK_COLOR, FORE_COLOR, FORMATTED_VALUE, FORMAT_STRING, FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE, FONT_FLAGS
instead of engineering i want to pass a parameter Department. I created another dataset for it
WITH MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterCaption] AS '[Employee].[Department Name].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBER_CAPTION' MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterValue] AS '[Employee].[Department Name].CURRENTMEMBER.UNIQUENAME' MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterLevel] AS '[Employee].[Department Name].CURRENTMEMBER.LEVEL.ORDINAL' SELECT {[Measures].[ParameterCaption], [Measures].[ParameterValue], [Measures].[ParameterLevel]} ON COLUMNS , [Employee].[Department Name].ALLMEMBERS ON ROWS FROM [Adventure Works]
Parameter is populating perfectly but how i edit my MDX to accept that parameter ?
I have two reports, one master report & one child report. If I click a patricular value in Territory column, It should take me to the child report where only rows which matches with the territory should be displayed. Since I'm new to SSRS, Kindly some guide me.
Please note that, in the child report I should not get any dropdown boxes for selection.
How can I pass NULL to a parameter, if now entry is made in the textbox? Dim KeywordParam As New SqlParameter("@Keyword", Me.KeyWordText.Text) MyCommand.Parameters.Add(KeywordParam)
I'm trying to pass my SqlDataSource a parameter that is defined in the code-behind file for the same page. I've tried the method below but it does not work. Is there a better way?SubmitForm.ascx page: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ connection string...... %>" SelectCommand="sp_CourseMaterialShipment_GetCourses" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure"> <SelectParameters> <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="<% ProgramID %>" Name="programID" Type="Int32" /> </SelectParameters></asp:SqlDataSource> SubmitForm.ascx.vb page:Private ProgramID as string = "25"Public ReadOnly Property ProgramID() As String Get Return _ProgramID End GetEnd Property ThanksJason
Hi, I have a SQL table with a column field type varchar(max). It stores large amounts of text (actually HTML). I am trying to write an insert statement but cant figure out how to pass varchar(max) value to a parameter. I am using VB. The value is being passed from a formview control label. I get the following error: "Conversion from string "@manualtext" to type 'Integer' is not valid." from this line: dbComm.Parameters.Add("manualtext", SqlDbType.NText, "@manualtext") Here is what I have so far: ' Get HTML text file from formview control label Dim t As Label = CType(Me.FormView2.FindControl("manualtextlabel"), Label) ' get record number from querystring Dim param = CType(Request.QueryString("record"), String) ' connect to DB Dim myconnection As SqlConnection myconnection = New SqlConnection() myconnection.ConnectionString = _ ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("MYCMSConnectionString").ConnectionString ' SQL statement Dim strSQL As String = "INSERT INTO dataentry " & _ "(project, manualtext) VALUES (@project, @manaultext)" Dim dbComm As New SqlCommand(strSQL, myconnection) ' create and pass value to parameters dbComm.Parameters.Add("project", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50, "@project") dbComm.Parameters("project").Value = param.ToString() dbComm.Parameters.Add("manualtext", SqlDbType.NText, "@manualtext") dbComm.Parameters("manualtext").Value = t.Text Try myconnection.Open() dbComm.ExecuteNonQuery() Catch ex As Exception Response.Write(ex.Message) Response.End() Finally If myconnection.State = ConnectionState.Open Then myconnection.Close() End If End Try ' **************** Dim newloc = "viewdetail.aspx?record=" + param Response.Redirect(newloc) End Sub Thanks for the help.
Can a table be passed as parameter to a T-SQL procedure or function?One can define a temporary table within a procedure, and the system then manages its lifetime, keeps it separate from other instances executing the same procedure, etc: - CREATE PROCEDURE (@Parameter1, @Parameter2) AS BEGIN DECLARE @name TABLE (column list) etcPerfect: but I need to be able to have another [recursive] procedure process this table. How do I make it available to the second procedure? If I write EXEC procedure @Namean error message "Must declare the variable '@Name'" is produced. Within the 2nd procedure, an attempt to name a table within the parameter list results in another error message, "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'TABLE'". If I can't pass it as argument/parameter, then how do you process a temporary table in another procedure? Do I pass a cursor to it? Or is it quite impossible?Regards, Robert Barnes.