How Do I Setup SQLServer For External Access?

Nov 22, 2007


Normally we installs our SQLServers for internal use, but now we've a data supplier which we're going to expose a SQLServer at.

The datasupplier should be able to log on the SQLServer, so I've done the following.

Created an IP-adress from the outside to point at our server

Opened port 1438 in the firewall

Installed SQLServer 2000 Developer Edition as an instance (ie. ServerAINST001)

Opened SQL Server Network utility, selected the correct instance and TCP/IP and altered the default port to 1438

And tried to connect, but with no luck. Can anybody guide me in the right direction?

Kind regards

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How To Setup The Connection To An External SQL/DB2 Database

Jan 23, 2002


How does one setup the connection to an external SQL/DB2 database? Any help would be appreciated.


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External Access

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,I want to access my database server from the internet. I've created a ruleon my router to redirect port 1433 to the desired machine, but still get aServer does not exist, or access denied message. When I change the(external) ip to the local IP address, connection succeeds. Is thereanything i need to change within SQL Server to allow external (internet)access?

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External Access To SQL Server

Jul 3, 2006


I'm not sure whether this is right section to post this. It seems the most relevant one to me. (Please point me in the right direction if it is not).

I am a programmer/web developer for a medium sized organisation in the financial industry (in Australia). Obviously being in the finance industry, we have very strict guidelines and access when it comes to security. We are currently in the process of converting our website to use a SQL Server database (instead of MS Access which we have been using for years). In the past, we have accessed our web database via SFTP as it was only an Access file. Now that we are converting to SQL Server, we will still need access to our database (which is on a server hosted externally). It seems a bit silly (and even bizarre) to me to consider trying to access a SQL Server database via SFTP (as that, to me, defeats the purpose of some of its security features), but is it even possible?

My security guys here will only allow me to access the external server that hosts our website/database via SFTP (on a machine that is outside our network, so any files that I wish to update on our website I need to copy over via USB or whatever). If I am not able to get into the SQL Server administrator program to change our database via SFTP, is there someway that I can "drop" a changed copy of our database into a directory somewhere that SQL Server can "pick up"?

Am I making sense?

Many thanks,


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Cannot Register With External Access

Oct 12, 2005

I've done a lot of digging, and I can't find the solution to this one.  I followed Vineet's instructions to get an assembly registered that can call out to Web services; however, when I try to register, I get the following error:

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How To Import Access To SQLServer With Parameter From SQLServer, Help Pls!

Jul 8, 2006

Hello Expert!

I have 2 Database €“ Access & SQLServer(ver 7)

I need to Import Data TblShift from Access to SQLServer €“ using DTS I€™ve done this successfully!

Now I want to use parameter so I only importing record within range (e.g. ShiftDate BETWEEN 05-24-2006 AND 06-23-2006)

In SQLServer, I have created table to store the date range as following:

DateFrom: 04/24/2006
DateTo: 05/23/2006

How do I use the date range from TblParameter(SQLServer) to import record from TblShift(Access) using DTS?

Is this possible or any better solution for this?



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How To Use CLR Security ..Impersonation To Access External Resources?

Jul 28, 2006

I want to Access External resources inside the CLR Code... But I am getting Security Exception

I have marked Assembly with External Access... here is the way I am doing..

I read articles and MSDN .. everywhere is written to use impersonation like

using (WindowsIdentity id = SqlContext.WindowsIdentity)


WindowsImpersonationContext c = id.Impersonate();

//perform operations with external resources and then undo



In above case .. I tried both Windows Authentications and SQL Authentications ...

In case of Windows.. I am have a domain login to logon to my pc, while sql server is at another machine and Active directory is at different machine .. when connect to Database .. it says cannot find user Domainnameuser

and the SqlContext.WindowsIdentity is always null or it has exception User.Toked thew Security exception.

After that .. I tried to user custome Identity .. using IIdentity =GenericIdentity("UserName","Windows");

But there is now difference .. still same exception .. as given below..


public static void MyProcedure()


Process[] p = Process.GetProcessesByName("YPager"); //Yahoo messanger exe .. a process



A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate 'MyProcedure': System.Security.SecurityException: Request failed.


at System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine.ThrowSecurityException(Assembly asm, PermissionSet granted, PermissionSet refused, RuntimeMethodHandle rmh, SecurityAction action, Object demand, IPermission permThatFailed)

at System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine.ThrowSecurityException(Object assemblyOrString, PermissionSet granted, PermissionSet refused, RuntimeMethodHandle rmh, SecurityAction action, Object demand, IPermission permThatFailed)

at System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine.CheckSetHelper(PermissionSet grants, PermissionSet refused, PermissionSet demands, RuntimeMethodHandle rmh, Object assemblyOrString, SecurityAction action, Boolean throwException)

at System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine.CheckSetHelper(CompressedStack cs, PermissionSet grants, PermissionSet refused, PermissionSet demands, RuntimeMethodHandle rmh, Assembly asm, SecurityAction action)

at DatFileGenerator.StoredProcedures.'MyProcedure'()


No rows affected.

(0 row(s) returned)


Finished running [dbo].['MyProcedure'].

How could I go ahead... what I should do to accompilsh the task...

Kindlly .. suggestions and ideas..



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How To Setup Sqlserver To Notify You Through E-mail?

May 25, 2001

I'm running sqlserver 2000 EE on windows nt 4.0 server. We are using
Microsoft outlook express. I would like to setup our sqlserver to
notify me via e-mail when a job finishes.

1) What value should I have for mail profile. Under
sql server age properties.

Please let me know.


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[help]:SQLServer 2000 Setup Fails!

Jan 9, 2004

Dear All:
I receive the error with _INS5576._MP.exe when i installed sqlserver 2000
pls help me to solve this problem


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SQLServer 2005 Setup Failed

Jan 31, 2007

SQLServer 2005 setup failed on Windows 2003 .

Please see the error log.


Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup beginning at Wed Jan 31 17:15:16 2007
Process ID : 1624
C:dbservicessetup.exe Version: 2005.90.1399.0
Running: LoadResourcesAction at: 2007/0/31 17:15:16
Complete: LoadResourcesAction at: 2007/0/31 17:15:16, returned true
Running: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2007/0/31 17:15:16
Loaded DLL:C:dbservicesxmlrw.dll Version:2.0.3604.0
Complete: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2007/0/31 17:15:16, returned true
Running: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2007/0/31 17:15:16
Complete: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2007/0/31 17:15:16, returned true
Running: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2007/0/31 17:15:16
Complete: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2007/0/31 17:15:16, returned true
Running: PerformSCCAction at: 2007/0/31 17:15:16
Complete: PerformSCCAction at: 2007/0/31 17:15:16, returned true
Running: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2007/0/31 17:15:16
Complete: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2007/0/31 17:15:16, returned true
Delay load of action "DetectPatchedBootstrapAction" returned nothing. No action will occur as a result.
Action "LaunchPatchedBootstrapAction" will be skipped due to the following restrictions:
Condition "EventCondition: __STP_LaunchPatchedBootstrap__1624" returned false.
Running: PerformSCCAction2 at: 2007/0/31 17:15:16
Loaded DLL:C:WINDOWSsystem32msi.dll Version:3.1.4000.2435
Loaded DLL:C:WINDOWSsystem32msi.dll Version:3.1.4000.2435
Complete: PerformSCCAction2 at: 2007/0/31 17:15:16, returned true
Running: PerformDotNetCheck at: 2007/0/31 17:15:16
Complete: PerformDotNetCheck at: 2007/0/31 17:15:16, returned true
Running: ComponentUpdateAction at: 2007/0/31 17:15:16
Complete: ComponentUpdateAction at: 2007/0/31 17:16:7, returned true
Running: DetectLocalBootstrapAction at: 2007/0/31 17:16:7
Complete: DetectLocalBootstrapAction at: 2007/0/31 17:16:7, returned true
Running: LaunchLocalBootstrapAction at: 2007/0/31 17:16:7
Error: Action "LaunchLocalBootstrapAction" threw an exception during execution. Error information reported during run:
"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsetup.exe" finished and returned: 1603
Aborting queue processing as nested installer has completed
Message pump returning: 1603

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Stored Procedure Can't Access Table On External Database

Mar 6, 2005


I have created a .net application using visual studio .net and sql server destop edition on my pc. I have exported the database tables and stored procedures and imported them into a Sql Server database on a web hosting service. The web host does not allow me to access this database directly through visual studio .net.

My connection string to the external database works ok and I can access my stored procedures through my web pages. I know they accept parameters and that I can receive Return Values from them. However, whenever I try to access any of the tables on the external database through a stored procedure, I get a sqlException saying that the table cannot be found (Invalid object name 'UserList').

I have created a text type command which selects data from one of the tables and this runs through without any errors. I have also managed to Insert a row onto one of the external tables also by using a text type command. My only problem seems to be with commands using stored procedures.

Just in case this is the problem - the owner of the table/procedures on my desktop is shown as dbo but on the external database the owner of the tables is shown as [domainname].co.uk_dbuser while the stored procedures owner is still dbo.

Example of stored procedure on external database:

/****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.AddUser Script Date: 01/03/2005 21:10:06 ******/
@Username Varchar(20),
@Password Varchar(20)
Select User_ID From UserList
Where User_Username = @Username

Have tried changing dbo.AddUser to [domain].co.uk_dbuser.Adduser but this would not save because there were too many full-stops!

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am completely stuck.


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Unable To Load An Assembly With Permission Set = EXTERNAL ACCESS

Jul 20, 2007


I've loaded a C# assembly into my database with External Access (the dll contains a routine

that accesses Environment.MachineName).

I am now unable to invoke any of the entry points in this assembly. I get the error message

'An error occured trying to load assembly Id XYZ. System.IO.FileLoadException.....'

I have set the database Trustworthy flag to ON and the assembly does not have a strong name.

Can anyone tell me what I've done wrong?



P.S. I am calling the assembly from SQL code residing in a different database than the one

the assembly has been loaded into.

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External Access Denied To Update A Config File

Feb 6, 2006


I'm having an issue with a CLR Stored procedure. Everything works great in a 32 bit environment, I have a CLR SP that updates an xml file stored on a local drive. When I execute the Stored proc it does go and update what I want it to in a 32 bit system. When I run the CLR SP on a 64 bit cluster, I seem to have give the "everyone" group write permissions to my G: drive (which is where the file is located that I'm updating). What security context is this SP running under? I thought it would be either under the SQL Service account (which is a domain user in the local administrators group) or what I'm logged in as when I run it from Management Studio (which is a domain admin, also in the local administrators group). If I have given the local administrators group "Full Control" access to the G: drive, why isn't this enough? Why do I have to give the Everyone group write access?

The security context seems odd to me, it seems like it's not running as either one of those 2 users I mentioned, because if it was, then it should be able to update the xml file.

Any help appreciated. Here's the error I'm getting:

Msg 6522, Level 16, State 1, Procedure usp_XMLWriter, Line 0

A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate 'usp_XMLWriter':

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'g:ssisPackagesBuildCalendarandy.dtsConfig' is denied.


at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)

at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)

at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)

at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)

at System.Xml.XmlTextWriter..ctor(String filename, Encoding encoding)

at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Save(String filename)

at XMLWriter.StoredProcedures.usp_XMLWriter(String xmlDocPath, String xmlNodePath, String xmlInnerText)


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How To Setup Profile, Roles, Etc In My Hosted Sqlserver?

Jan 11, 2006

I've been working with, and when I setup there the sqlserver databases it tells me if I want to create the tables and stored procedures that conform the typical profile, roles and users features... the same as if I execute the aspnet_regsql.exeNow I'm working with anotherhoster (aruba) and I've setup the database OK, but i didn't found any way to setup the profile, roles, users, etc features.Aruba uses the mssql server web admin.How can I setup this features? Of course, aruba doesn't let me to execute the aspnet_regsql.exe...thanks

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SQLServer 2005 Install Error (was: Help Me SQl Setup)

Aug 26, 2006

I've problem in setup Microsoft SQL server 2005 when i click on setup this error message appear

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How To Setup SQL Auth. For SQLserver 2005 Express?

Aug 2, 2006


I can't seem to set up SQL server authentication for SQLserver 2005 Express edition..

I simply can't find the settings for that. I have Management Studio Express installed and I can see the SA user but I can't login using that user.. I know that there's supposed to be a setting for turning on SQL auth. but it's not like it used to be in Enterprise manager :) so I can't find it.. ;/ I couldn't find any documentation on how to do this so I thought I'll try here..

(I need SQL auth for my project :) - it must be done with that..)

Thanks in advance,


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Can't Save And Access Images In External Folder From Remote Location

Jun 9, 2014

I have developed on winodws based application using C# in .NET. I am connecting from my database using internet, means my database kept on remote location. I have to save images in DB because I can't save and access images in external folder from remote location. In this situation my DB is growing very fast. Is there any other alternative to work on this requirement or compress image in any format so that I can reduce DB size.

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How To Deploy Sqlserver Database And Tables With Project Setup

Jan 18, 2008

i have done a project in ,now i want to create setup for sql server database so that we can run easily on client machine,plzzzzzzzzz give me answer for deploying

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Need To Create And Access A SQL Server Database That Will Reside On An External Hard Drive.

Apr 9, 2007

 I need to create a SQL server database and add some tables to it. Then access it with a C# application. The problem is that the new SQL server database and it's tables must reside on an external hard drive. How do I point SQL server to this external drive, so that I can create a database on this drive and then create tables and access data on it?

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Unexpected Error From External Database Driver (MS Access Linked Table)

Oct 19, 2006

OS: Windows XP (SP2)
App: MS Access 2003 (SP2)
DB: MS SQL 2000 (SP4, 2040)

User is using MS Access linked table to query database (using ODBC). User can open the query in MS Access. However when the user goes to export the data to MS Excel format, the user receives the error message:

"Unexpected Error from External Database Driver (22)."

A trace on the db, reveals that the user process is attempting to log in to the server as 'Admin'. However, when the query with the linked table is first opened, the user is prompted for username/password (non Windows authentication).

Any ideas? I googled and found some stuff, but nothing directly related and most of what I found was supposedly fixed with SP1.

Any help appreciated. I am not an Access guru.



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Severe Error Occurring When Creating Assembly With External Access Permission

Jul 11, 2006

I had created a CLR function in my db and was able to execute it successfully a couple of months ago. But when I tried to execute it today it was throwing errors saying there was something wrong with the permissions on the assembly. So I decided to drop everything and recreate it except I can not longer create the assembly with EXTERNAL ACCESS permissions. Whenever I try to create the assembly I get the followng error:

Msg 0, Level 11, State 0, Line 0

A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.

Msg 0, Level 20, State 0, Line 0

A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.

I also tried to create the assembly with Unsafe permissions and got the same error. Does anyone know why this error would be occurring now? I tried creating the same assembly on a different SQL 2005 server and it creates successfully and can be executed successfully. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!



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VB.Net 2005 Setup Creation Gets Error Using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime

Feb 3, 2007

I have a very small project written in VB.Net 2005 using the SQL Server 2005 SSiS DTSx package.

I migrated a SLQ 2000 DTS package using the SQL 2005 Legacy tools and saved the package as a local .DTSx package on our file server.

I need to run the package from a clients PC.

I added the reference Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS so I could then use the Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime so I can execute the commands:

Dim oApp As New Application
Dim oPkg As New Package
oPkg = oApp.LoadPackage(g_DTSx_Directory & "AOC copy Generic1 CSV to AOC_verify_file_1.dtsx", Nothing)
Dim oResults As DTSExecResult
oResults = oPkg.Execute

Ok. That works fine and is basically the entire app. It executes without a hitch in debug and as a compiled exe on my PC, but I have all the tools. So now I try and create a setup project for this and I use the setup wizard.

During the creation of the setup project I get a message that states:
The following files may have dependencies that cannot be determined automatically. Please confirm that all dependencies have been added to the project.

OK. The dll is part of the reference I mentioned above and I have no idea what other dependencies it may have.

How do I find this out?

Has anyone else created a project like this and experenced the same?

I am on a clean build running WinXP Pro with SP2 - VS2005 with SP1 and the SQL Server 2005 tools.

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Power Pivot :: External Access To Data Sets In The Data Catalog?

Apr 23, 2015

I'm currently working on a BI architecture for a customer, and consider to propose the Power BI data catalog as a data distribution layer. The customer will use Power BI, but also has other BI tools.

Are data sets in the data catalog available to other clients than Power Query alone? E.g. are there OData feed endpoints available? If not, what would be the best way to give other tools access to the data?

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New SQL Database Setup From Access

Feb 6, 2008


I currently have a single Access database with the following information:

* A bunch of lookup tables
* A bunch of "main tables"
* A "snapshot" of our entire portfolio created from various joins using the main tables and lookup tables. This "snapshot" is about 22MB and is deleted and recreated sometimes on a daily basis. I compact the database regularly to keep the size down. There are other snapshots.

The snapshots are creates by various Access queries and there are various VBS / VB6 codes that either modifies the data or formats/dumps data from this database into Excel.

I'm planning on upsizing this to a SQL 2005 server and am planning on this:

1 database with the lookup tables
1 database with the "main tables"
1 database with the snapshots

All the databases set to auto-shrink...

Is this the best way to approach this?

The VBS / VB6 modules will be eventually migrated to VB.NET and ASP.NET

Many thanks for sharing your knowledge.

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Can't Create A Setup Project For Project Referencing Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS

Feb 3, 2007

I have a very small project written in VB.Net 2005 using the SQL Server 2005 SSiS DTSx package.

I took a SQL Server 2000 dts package and using the SQL Server 3005 legacy tools migrated it so I could still use the package withing SQL 2005 until I can build one using BI/SSIS.

Anyway,I added the reference Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS so I could then use the Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime so I can execute the commands:

Dim oApp As New Application
Dim oPkg As New Package
oPkg = oApp.LoadPackage(g_DTSx_Directory & "AOC copy Generic1 CSV to AOC_verify_file_1.dtsx", Nothing)
Dim oResults As DTSExecResult
oResults = oPkg.Execute

Ok. That works fine. Executes without a hitch. So now I try and create a setup project for this and I use the setup wizard.

During the creation of the setup project I get a message that states:
The following files may have dependencies that cannot be determined automatically. Please confirm that all dependencies have been added to the project.

OK. The dll is part of the reference I mentioned above and I have no idea what other dependencies it may have.

How do I find this out?

Has anyone else created a project like this and experenced the same?

I am on a clean build running WinXP Pro with SP2 - VS2005 with SP1 and the SQL Server 2005 tools.

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Can't Access To Db In My Sqlserver

May 23, 2008

with this message
Cannot open database "hayat" requested by the login. The login failed.Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYIUSR'.
but i have 'NT AUTHORITYIUSR' user n my sql srver and my db how can i mak th permission right and i don't to us user and passwordx

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Access To SQLServer

Aug 23, 2006

Hi all,

I have to transfer an Access Database to SQLserver. There're hundred of tables in the original DB which use True, False value. Those will be translated to -1, 0 in SQLserver. I need them to be 0 , 1 instead (-1=>1).

Is there a way to tell SQLServer to process this modification during the transfer or is there a store procedure which can go through all tables and modify those values ?

Any help will be appreciate..

Thank you all

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Setup ODBC Data Source For Access

Jul 16, 2013

I am trying to setup an ODBC data source for Access. The server I'm trying to connect to is 2008 R2. I have SQL Server Management Studio installed on the computer where I'm trying to make the ODBC Data Source from. I can connect the the remote 2008 server through Management Studio, but in the ODBC wizard I do the following:

"Machine Data Source" tab, click "New"
Select "User Data Source", click "Next >"
Select "SQL Server", click "Next >"
Click "Finish"
Name: remote
Description: remote
Server: type the server name ie ""


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SQL Server Security Setup For Web Application Access

Jun 6, 2007


I am writing an Internet/Extranet based (ASP.Net 2.0) web application that uses SQL server 2005 as the database. I am using forms authentication on my web application. I am also storing the connection string to SQL server in my web config file. The conn string is encrypted using DPAPI with entropy. I currently have created a SQL login account on my SQL server for use by the web application. This is the user ID I am using in my conn string. The reason for this is because all persons using the application will NOT have a windows login.

Here is my question: The login I created currently has defaulted to the "dbo" role and therefore has "dbo" rights to the database. I want to setup up this login account so that all it can do is execute stored procedures. I dont want this SQL login to be able to do anything else. In my application I am using stored procedures for ALL data access functions, via a data access layer in my application. Can someone guide me step by step as to how to setup this type of access for this SQL login.



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Need Help Getting Reporting Services Setup For Internet Access

Feb 29, 2008

I have report server setup on the same machine where the sql server 2005 db is setup, as well as iis running the website. i simply need to get report server running to allow internet access. I have report server setup so that it is running locally (localhost), however, as soon as I change the iis site settings to a domain name, report server stops working properly. This looks like a permissions issue, Ive tried different combinations of settings, but nothing works. Any insight on how I can get report server setup for internet access (forms authentication), would be much appreciated.

thanks, lance

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Access To Sqlserver Transfering ?

Nov 14, 2006

I am having Access database in my local system . Values in the access database will be updated for every 5 min . I am also having Sqlserver database online  with the same structure database of Access in my local system . What i want is my Access database values must be updated in my online sqlserver at every 5 min automatically .How to do that ?

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Cannot Edit SQLServer Using MS ACCESS

Mar 31, 1999

We are using MS Access as a front end to a SQL Server 6.5
Database using ODBC & linking tables in Access.

We are unable to edit certain records using access. We
get the following error message:

"This record has been changed by another user since you started
editing it. If you save the record, you will overwrite the changes
the other user made.

Copying the changes to the clipboard will let you look at the values
the other user entered, and then paste your changes back in if you
decide to make changes."

What the message says is untrue in our case. Worse, there is
no way to recover and have the desired change posted. This error
occurs only with certain records. This error occurs when there are
no locks active (and only 1 client logged in).

I am inclined to think that this error may be the fault of ODBC.

Updating the same change directly into ISQL works fine. SQL Server Permissions
have beeen checked & double checked.

If you have suggestions as to how this error can be rectified, please contact
Mark Blackburn

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Data Access From Sqlserver 2000

Sep 7, 2007

      i have one prob . i m using   sql server 2000 . and i have write a store procedure to fetch data from multiple table using cursor  .  this query exculate in sql server .  but i can't fetch this data from  in our page . how to fetch data from using multiple table  .plz help

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