How Do I Update New Record Before It Is Committed?
Jun 9, 2008
I have a queue in service broker, which gets messages with a stored procedure which is invoked from VS application. The messages are properly stored in queue. I want to receive these messages one after the other and put it into a table. I am fetching the messages in a while loop which breaks when messages are over.
The first record is inserted properly. In the next iteration of the loop I want to append the next message data in that same record. This will continue for approximately 10 minutes after which a new record will be created. When I attempt to append the data in first record that record is not being read even though I have used isolation level read uncommitted.
What is it that I am missing to achieve the desired results?
Gouri Sohoni
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Apr 4, 2015
I am inserting updating few tables from snapshot and reading same bunch of tables from reporting using readcommitted . It is showing some deadlocks i think it is write in this situation as " x" is not compitable with "s" ,"is".
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Aug 16, 2006
I am trying to update a record in a table based off of criteria of another record in the table.
So suppose I have 2 records
ID owner type
1 5678 past due
2 5678 late
So, I want to update the type field to "collections" only if the previous record for the same record is "past due". Any ideas?
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Mar 26, 2008
Hi All,
I am trying to create package something like that..
1- New Customer table as OleDB source component
2- Lookup component - checks customer id with Dimension_Customer table
3- And if same customer exist : I have to update couple fields on Dimension_Customer table
4- if it does not exist then I have insert those records to Dimension_Customer table
I am able to move error output from lookup to Dimension_Customer table using oledb destination
but How can I update the existing ones?
I have tried to use oledb command but somehow it didnt work
my sql was like this : update Dimension_Customer set per_X='Y', per_Y= &Opt(it should come from lookup)
I will be appreciated if you can help me...
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Jan 3, 2005
I have a big problem. If anyone can help.
I want to retrieve the last update time of database. Whenever any update or delete or insert happend to my database i want to store and retrieve that time.
I know one way is that i have to make a table that will store the datetime field and system trigger / trigger that can update this field record whenever any update insert or deletion occur in database.
But i don't know exactly how to do the coding for this?
Is there any other way to do this?
can DBCC help to retrieve this info?
Please advise me how to do this.
Thanks in advance.
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May 11, 2006
I have a package loading up rows of employees from an excel file. An employee may be in the file multiple times. The package does a lookup and if not found it inserts the employee. When the employee is found it does an update.
So in my file employee A gets added on the first occurrence in the file. On the second occurrence, the lookup does not find the employee and tries to insert a second time and I get a unique constraint. How do I make the first insert Commit so that it is seen by the lookup on the second occurrence.
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Aug 2, 2006
I am developing an application with a SQLExpress database. The database contains a very simple table, and I have added a Dataset object to the solution, and generated a plain Adapter object in the Dataset (using the standard VS wizard capabilities) to operate on one of the tables in de database. Just plain SELECT, INSERT operations, etc.
Strange thing is, the data changes caused by the adapter's generated Insert command (which will call the INSERT statement on the database) are only visible while the application runs (or so it seems). For example:
- I start off with the table containing 2 records, and start debugging- perform a COUNT within the code: 2 records- call the Insert function once from code- perform a COUNT within the code: 3 records- stop debugging- inspect the table: the 3rd record doesn't exist, just the 2 recordsSo, it seems that the changes don't get committed, although I am not sure it is a transaction/commit problem. I haven't been able to figure out what I can do to fix this. I have used adapters before on a SQL database, no problems there. Any comments appreciated.
Cheers, JP
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Mar 10, 2000
Consider this example please.
insert into OrderDetail (fields) VALUES (values)
insert into Orders (fields) VALUES (values)
If there is a trigger on Orders that takes some fields from OrderDetail and puts them into some other table.
When the trigger fires, can it find the details if the COMMIT has not occurred yet.
I'm wondering If I should use isolation level READ UNCOMMITTED.
After all, If the whole transaction rolls back, my trigger activity will be rolled back as well. Comments?
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Dec 23, 2003
Hi ,
I got problem in production server at client place(No backup copy & not replicated,it's a SQL SERVER 2000 Enterprise server),by mistake client updated the data without using where condition then updated lakhs of rows (in SQL server autocommited),Now I need to recover this data from LOG file(.ldf).I tried with LOG EXPLORER(Third party tool) Trail version recovered from default database(Northwind,Pubs).But client not willing purchase this S/W for simple cause,How can we recover the data from LOG file.
1.Can we write the Program in C# to read the SQL Server Log and show the past transactions?
2.Is There any Stored procedures exist in SQL Server to read the day transactions in log file and take the backup?
3. How to read Transactions Log file in SQL Server 2000?
It's very Urgent,I am not expert in SQL Server 2000.
Could U Please Help me with possible solutions.
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Dec 27, 2007
I have a question on locking pattern of read committed with snapshot isolation level that when two transaction update two different records then why do they block to each other even if they have previous committed value (old version of record).
I executed the below batch from a query window in SSMS
--Session 1:
use adventureworks
create table marbles (id int primary key, color char(5))
insert marbles values(1, 'Black')
insert marbles values(2, 'White')
alter database adventureworks set read_committed_snapshot on
set transaction isolation level read committed
begin tran
update marbles set color = 'Black' where color = 'White'
--commit tran
Before committing the first transaction I executed below query from second query window in SSMS
--Session 2:
use adventureworks
set transaction isolation level read committed
begin tran
update marbles set color = 'White' where color = 'Black'
commit tran
Here the first session blocks to second session. These same transactions execute simultaneuosly in snapshot isolation level. So my question is why this blocking is required in read committed with snapshot isolation level?
Thanks & Regards,
Subhash Chandra
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Dec 10, 2014
I have several databases set to read committed snapshot isolation level. Tempdb is configured according to best practices, but I don't see it's used much.
The application uses EF6, and it calls the stored procedures in the following way
Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync("exec dbo.spSync_MatchesByTenant @MatchesGroup, @TenantId", parameter, licenseIDParam);
Is it possible the code does not use the read committed snapshot isolation level of the database?
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Jun 6, 2007
I am looking for some guidence on the following.
when i click the save button, The record should be updated to the table. I have produced the code below which does'nt seem to work. Please guide me
It works fine when i hard code the value for "textbox value" in line SqlDataSource1.UpdateParameters.Item("PrmVal").DefaultValue = "Textbox value"
Protected Sub SaveRecord(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) If Page.IsValid Then SqlDataSource1.UpdateParameters.Item("PrmVal").DefaultValue = Textbox value SqlDataSource1.Update() end ifend sub
<form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> </div> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:BmsConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT [PrmGrp], [PrmCde], [PrmVal], [PrmValArb], [GrpDsc] FROM [PrmDef] WHERE (([PrmGrp] = @PrmGrp) AND ([PrmCde] = @PrmCde))" UpdateCommand="UPDATE PrmDef SET PrmVal=@PrmVal, PrmValArb=@PrmValArb, GrpDsc=@GrpDsc,RecSts=1 WHERE (([PrmGrp] = @PrmGrp) AND ([PrmCde] = @PrmCde))"> <SelectParameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="PrmGrp" QueryStringField="PrmGrp" Type="String" /> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="PrmCde" QueryStringField="PrmCde" Type="String" /> </SelectParameters> <Updateparameters> <asp:parameter Name="PrmGrp" /> <asp:parameter Name="PrmCde" /> <asp:parameter Name="PrmVal" /> <asp:parameter Name="PrmValArb" /> <asp:parameter Name="GrpDsc" /> <asp:parameter Name="RecSts" /> </Updateparameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> <asp:FormView ID="FormView1" runat="server" DataKeyNames="PrmGrp,PrmCde" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" DefaultMode="Edit" Width="670px" style="left: 12px; position: relative; top: 12px; z-index: 100;" Height="359px" BorderStyle="Double" BorderWidth="5px" CaptionAlign="Top" GridLines="Both" BorderColor="Maroon" CellPadding="2"> <EditItemTemplate> <br /> Parameter Group: <asp:Label ID="PrmGrp" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("PrmGrp") %>' style="left: 34px; position: relative; top: 0px" Width="125px"></asp:Label><br /> <br /> Parameter Code: <asp:Label ID="PrmCde" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("PrmCde") %>' style="left: 40px; position: relative; top: 0px" Width="125px"></asp:Label> <br /> <br /> English description: <asp:TextBox ID="PrmValTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("PrmVal") %>' style="left: 17px; position: relative; top: 0px" Width="318px"></asp:TextBox> <br /> Arabic description: <asp:TextBox ID="PrmValArbTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("PrmValArb") %>' style="left: 25px; position: relative; top: 0px" Width="317px"></asp:TextBox><br /> <br /> Group description: <asp:TextBox ID="GrpDscTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("GrpDsc") %>' style="left: 29px; position: relative; top: 4px" Width="316px"></asp:TextBox><br /> <br /> <asp:Button ID="CmdSave" runat="server" OnClick="SaveRecord" Style="left: 134px; position: relative; top: 49px" Text="Save" Width="72px" /> <asp:Button ID="CmdDelete" runat="server" OnClick="DeleteRecord" Style="left: 145px; position: relative; top: 50px" Text="Delete" Width="79px" /> <asp:Button ID="CmdClose" runat="server" OnClick="CloseWindow" Style="left: 160px; position: relative; top: 48px" Text="Close" Width="73px" /><br /> <br /> <asp:Label ID="ErrLabel" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" Font-Size="Small" ForeColor="#C00000" Style="left: 148px; position: relative; top: -38px" Text="Fields marked as (*) are required" Visible="False" Width="318px"></asp:Label><br /> </EditItemTemplate> <ItemTemplate> PrmGrp: <asp:Label ID="PrmGrpLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("PrmGrp") %>'></asp:Label><br /> PrmCde: <asp:Label ID="PrmCdeLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("PrmCde") %>'></asp:Label><br /> PrmVal: <asp:Label ID="PrmValLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("PrmVal") %>'></asp:Label><br /> PrmValArb: <asp:Label ID="PrmValArbLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("PrmValArb") %>'></asp:Label><br /> GrpDsc: <asp:Label ID="GrpDscLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("GrpDsc") %>'></asp:Label><br /> </ItemTemplate> <HeaderStyle BorderStyle="Double" BackColor="#FFC0C0" BorderWidth="5px" BorderColor="Black" HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Middle" /> <HeaderTemplate> Business parameter(Edit) </HeaderTemplate> <RowStyle BorderWidth="5px" /> </asp:FormView> </form>
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Jul 18, 2007
Hi everybody,I am using SQL Server 2005. I have a table which currently has only 1 record. I am unable to update any field for this particular record and SQL server is timing out and giving an error message saying No row was updated. I created another record in the table and tried to update the fields in the new record without any problem. I am unable to update any field only for the 1 record in the table using my application, query window sql statement as well as directly changing the in the database.Can anybody please help me.thanks in advance,Murthy here
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May 15, 2008
I am in a situation in which I would like to update my one table three column with other table three column, The other table might have more then one record but I would like to have the TOP 1 record of that table for these column. How can I achive it. I know I will be able to achive by writing three statment like
Update abc
set a=(select top 1 a from xyz order by ),
b=( select top 1 b from xyz) and so but not sure that a and b using the same record and thats the requirment of update is
any help much apprecited
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Jul 23, 2005
Hello,update table set column = x where b is nullI have the above update statement in a transact sql file. I would liketo change it so that it will only update 1 of the records in the table,even if there are many records where b is null....Any ideas would be great.Many thanks,Allan
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Jul 23, 2005
HiI've a table with 2 columns, one for a client code and one for adate/time and could be more than one record with the same client codeand date/time. the 3rd column is another date/time, NULL by default.I need to check if exists records for a determinated client code anddate/time and place the current date/time in the 3rd column for just oneand only one record.Is this possible ? How ?Thanks in advanceJ
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Feb 1, 2008
I'm very surprised since I cannot do a simple update operation...
Seems that the cursor after a Read, Readfirst, ReadLast or ReadPrevious is gone...
Here is a possible sequence from the user's standpoint.
1) Performs a QBE search
cmd_Logbook_search = Conn_User.CreateCommand()
cmd_Logbook_search.CommandText = sql_Logbook
rset_Logbook = cmd_Logbook_search.ExecuteResultSet(ResultSetOptions.Updatable Or ResultSetOptions.Scrollable)
If rset_Logbook.HasRows = False Then Exit Sub
2) Navigates
If True = rset_Logbook.Read() Then
End If
Catch ex As Exception ' esta excepción se levanta si el recordset está vacio
MessageBox.Show(m11, m1, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)
End Try
3) Update the record
If Result = DialogResult.Yes Then
rset_Logbook.SetValue(rset_Logbook.GetOrdinal("Altitude"), Me.TextBox_Altitude.Text)
MessageBox.Show("OK", m1, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.message, m1, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)
End Try
End If
And I always gets a "No data exist for row/colum" so...where did the cursor gone?
Any help, please I need to move forward! Thanks a lot in advance!!
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Jul 10, 2007
I am new to visual studio and I am attempting to edit records held in mysql, the code below runs and throws no errors "strAdd" is underlined and says that it is used before it has been given a value! But If I debug.print(strAdd) I get the expected string returned. What do I need to do to get the updated records saved?
' code
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim StrAdd as string
cn = New ADODB.Connection
cn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLNCLI;" _
& "Server=(local);" _
& "Database=customerlink;" _
& "Integrated Security=SSPI;" _
& "DataTypeCompatibility=80;" _
& "MARS Connection=True;"
Dim mySQL As String
mySQL = "SELECT *" & _
" FROM tblvsol" & _
" Where RevStatus = " & 0 & _
" And GeoCodeStatus = " & 1
rs = New ADODB.Recordset
With rs
.ActiveConnection = cn
.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient
.CursorType = ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic
.LockType = ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockBatchOptimistic
End With
Do While Not rs.EOF
Code here finds the value for the string variable €˜atrAdd€™
strAdd = New Value
If Not strAdd Is Nothing Then
rs.Fields("location").Value = strAdd
rs.Fields("RevStatus").Value = 1
end if
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Feb 22, 2008
How do I tell an update query to do the update only to one row in the table, and if there s more than one row in the where clause, then not to do the update.
Something like this:
update top 1 set myCol='value' where searchCol='criteria'
But that causes an error.
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Apr 14, 2014
I receive Error: 3967, Severity: 17, State: 1. Insufficient space in tempdb to hold row versions. We have 8 data files for temp db of 10210 GB size and given 10240 GB as max size.
As MS suggest to calculate the temp db file size and growth rate we need to monitor the perform counters Free Space in Tempdb (KB) and Version Store Size (KB) in the Transactions object.
basic formula: [Size of Version Store] = 2 * [Version store data generated per minute] * [Longest running time (minutes) of your transaction
My report disk utilizations says tempdb is full ? I thonk I need a shrink for the file .
Still I am confused in calculating the size , My perform counter gives me data as such
Free Space in tempdb (KB)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 279938496
Version Generation rate (KB/s)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 53681040
Version Cleanup rate (KB/s)Â Â Â Â Â Â 53422320
Version Store Size (KB)Â Â Â Â Â 258720
Version Store unit count      22
Version Store unit creation                     774
Version Store unit truncation        752
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Nov 4, 2015
After I watch a video for how to create MS SQL Replication, I configure distribution and create the publication. The problem comes from subscription. If I create a "PUSH" subscription, it works fine. However, when I create a "PULL" subscription, I got the following error. Where I should look for solution for this error.
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May 4, 2004
I was stuck when update database using SqlDataAdapter. I have several textboxes in my webform1. When wepform1 is loaded, they will display user's information. The user can only input content in two textboxes. When user clicks the update button, I hope to update this record in SQL Server 2000 database. However, the program didn't work. There was no error message reported but when I stepped into the code, I found out that dataadapter's update method didn't succeed. I got 0 rows affected. Can I get some advice from someone ?
Here is the code:
string StrUpdateCmd = "Update Table1 Set Hphone = @Hphone, Cphone = @Cphone, Team = @Team Where emailname =@emailname ";
SqlDataAdapter UpdateDa = new SqlDataAdapter("Select * from Table1",SqlConnection1);
UpdateDa.UpdateCommand = new SqlCommand(StrUpdateCmd, SqlConnection1);
//Add parameters of update command.
SqlParameter prm1 = UpdateDa.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@Hphone",SqlDbType.NVarChar, 16);
prm1.Value = txtHphone.Text ;
SqlParameter prm2 = UpdateDa.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@Cphone",SqlDbType.NVarChar, 16);
prm2.Value = txtCphone.Text ;
SqlParameter prm3 = UpdateDa.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@Team",SqlDbType.NVarChar, 16);
prm3.Value = this.DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Value ;
SqlParameter prm4 = UpdateDa.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@emailname",SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
prm4.Value = txtEmail.Text;
DataSet dataset2 = new DataSet();
//Open database connection.
UpdateDa.Fill(dataset2, "Table1");
this.DataGrid1.DataSource = dataset2.Tables[0] ;
DataGrid1.DataBind ();
//Update database
int ret =UpdateDa.Update(dataset2,"Table1");
if( ret == 1 )
ShowMessage("Update succeed!");
ShowMessage("There is an error in updating ");
//Show data after update.
this.DataGrid1.DataSource = dataset2;
DataGrid1.DataBind ();
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
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Oct 14, 2001
Can anyone help with an effective way in retriving the id of the new record before input of any data into a form. We have a form where a few of the controls recordsource requires the new record id before they will display correctly. I have tried various ways to trigger the form afterupdate event in the hope that the id will be returned but get the error message "The data will be added to the database but the data won't be displayed in the form because it doesn't satisfy the criteria in the underlying recordsource"
Thanks in advance
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Jul 12, 2007
This should be incredibly simply but I've been working on it for quite a while and have had no luck:
There's ONE table with many columns but I'm only interested in three columns.
And a third column titled DistrictLEASSN
This is an odd scenario but I need to concatenate DistrictLEA + SSN for each record and update DistrictLEASSN with the result.
Is there a good method to do this with T-SQL/Cursors?
SET DistrictLEASSN= DistrictLEA + SSN
I'd like to loop through each record in the table and perform the operation.
Thanks! -CD
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Mar 4, 2005
here is my trigger that i have right now the only problem is that it deletes the records before copying everything into the db i dont what do delete everything i just whant to catch the updated record and then update the other tables same record in the other db how would i do this:
right now i have this
CREATE TRIGGER test ON [dbo].[TEST123]
DELETE FROM pubs..TEST123 WHERE test3 = '300'
SELECT * FROM TEST123 WHERE test3 = '300'
UPDATE pubs..TEST123 SET test1 = 'X' WHERE test1 IS NULL AND test3 = '300'
UPDATE pubs..TEST123 SET test2 = 'X' WHERE test2 IS NULL AND test3 = '300'
UPDATE pubs..TEST123 SET test3 = 'X'
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Mar 23, 2006
Hi everybody,
I have 2 fields in a table.
Table Name--- StudentDetail
Name Address
Saju Kerala
Balaji Bangalore
Raj Kumar Tamilnadu
Saju Kerala
I want to Update one of the duplicate row as I don't have any unique id column. So can anybody update one of the the duplicate record without using any id or altering any column.
I am waiting for your reply.................
Saju S.V
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Mar 31, 2008
I have a column in a table which has html text. Eg
<p>[Video:-123xyz] <br />A video showing blah blah</p>
I wish to update the data between the two square brackets within the rest of the text to:
<p>[View:] <br />A video showing blah blah</p> basically i need to find all occurrences of '[Video:' and replace it with '[View:' .
Please can someone point me in the right direction?
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Apr 20, 2004
Please tell me how to code the Update of the current cursor record as one would do using VD/ADO :
VB: Table("Fieldname") = Value
Declare @NextNo integer
Select @NextNo = (Select NextNo from NextNumbers where NNId = 'AddressBook') + 1
--Create a Cursor through wich to lo loop and Update the ABAN8 with the corrrect NextNo
DECLARE Clone_Cursor CURSOR FOR Select ABAN8 from JDE_Train.trndta.F0101_Clone
Open Clone_Cursor
Fetch Next from Clone_Cursor
Select @NextNo = @NextNo + 1
Clone_Cursor("ABAN8") = @NextNo
Update Clone_Cursor
CLOSE Clone_Cursor
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May 30, 2008
Using trigger
want to update a field being inserted from another record in the same table.
the record being inserted I want to pull the bkjrcode from another record where the account = 1040 that also has the same ord# and inv# as the record being inserted.
Here is what I've tried with no luck.
create trigger [updategbkmut] on [dbo].[gbkmut]
after insert
update g1
set g1.bkjrcode = g2.bkjrcode
from gbkmut g1
inner join inserted i
on i.ord_no = g1.ord_no and i.inv_no = g1.inv_no
inner join gbkmut g2
on i.ord_no = g2.ord_no and i.inv_no = g2.inv_no
where i.freefield3 = 'Rebate' and g1.account = '1040'
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Mar 13, 2014
We are developing a database in SQL and we are trialing some of our typical analysis undertaken on out dataset.
I have a problem with a update function. ID direction Holiday Lat Long Speed obstime - Datestamp LicenseID - varchar(7) status - int (0 or 1) O-Unoccipied, 1-occupied Pickup - Boolean Dropoff - Boolean
I am trying to update the 'Pickup' or 'Dropoff' when the status changes from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0 if the difference in the datestamp is less than 2 minutes. Pickup is when the status goes from 0 to 1 Drop off is when the status goes from 1 to 0
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Nov 2, 2005
How to update the Last Update Date of a modified record? I want to put this in table trigger .
Or any setting can be used?
Please help~~~~
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Feb 27, 2006
Hi SQL gurus,
I have a form that depending on the outcome, will either add, update or delete a record.
1) If there IS NO record of "this" and "that" and Request("x") <> "" it will add a new record.
2) If there IS a record for "this" and "that" and Request("x") <> "" it will update column 1,2,3 or 4.
3) If there is a record for "this" and "that" and Request("x") = "" it will delete the record.
My problem is if there is a value in request("1") it works fine, but if there is no value in ("1") and there is a value in 2, 3, or 4 it will delete the record.
If request("1") <> "" OR request("2") <> "" OR request("3") <> "" OR request("4") <> "" Then
sSQL = "SELECT * FROM some_column WHERE this = '" & request("this) & "' and that = '" & request("that) & "'"
oRS.Open sSQL,oConn,adOpenKeySet,adLockOptimistic
If oRS.EOF Then
oRS.Fields("this") = request("this")
ors.Fields("that") = request("that")
End If
oRS.fields("1") = request("1")
oRS.fields("2") = request("2")
oRS.fields("3") = request("3")
oRS.fields("4") = request("4")
sSQL = "Delete from some_table Where this = '" & '" & request("this) & "' & "' AND that = '" & '" & request("that) & "' & "'"
objCmd.ActiveConnection = oConn
objCmd.CommandType = adCmdText
objCmd.CommandText = sSQL
End if
Hope I explained that okay.
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Mar 12, 2008
Hello All,I have 2 tables in a MS SQL DB. Table1 and Table2.LogTable2.Log was a copy of Table1 + an extra column for date_deleted. Ihave 2 Triggers on Table1, Insert and delete. So when a record isinserted into Table1 it's copied onto Table2.log, and when deleted inTable1 the same record in Table2.log is time stamped with time ofdeletion.I would like to have another Trigger on Table1 for update. So if acertain field (not primary key) is updated for a record it is alsoupdated in Table2.log This way Table2.log will always have exactly thesame fields per record as Table1.I'm not sure how to reference the modified records only and updatejust the modified fields...something like...?----------------------------CREATE TRIGGER [tr_updateT_Log] ON [dbo].Table1FOR UPDATEASUpdate Table2.LogSET description = , office =-------------------------------------------------Any help would be greatly appreciatedThanksY
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