How Do I Just SUM The Group Header Values?

Jun 21, 2007

Here's my table so far in RS:

Facility Name | Claim | Fee | Value | Payment | Table Header
Wisconsin West | | | | | Group1 Header
| 2356 | $45 | $23 | | Group2 Header
| | | | $21 | Details
| | | | $7 | Details
| | | | $16 | Details
| 2357 | $85 | $47 | | Group2 Header
| | | | $21 | Details
| | | | $9 | Details
| | | | $13 | Details
| 2358 | $105 | $65 | | Group2 Header
| | | | $35 | Details
| | | | $12 | Details
| | | | $20 | Details
Facility Totals | 3 | $705 | $405 | $154 | Group1 Footer

*Notes = Table and Group2 footers are hidden and contains nothing. The last column is detailing what level each line is and not actually part of the table.

I believe my issue is with the SUM function and how or where to place it. In the Payment field, the SUM function is adding correctly, but for the Fee and Value field, the SUM fuction is adding as if every line item in the payment field had the fee and value amount, hence the huge amount.

How can make the Fee field total to $235 (45+85+105) instead of $705 (45+45+45+85+85+85+105+105+105); the same goes for the Value field of $135 (23+47+65) instead of $405 (23+23+23+47+47+47+65+65+65).

Below are the expressions I have in place at the Group1 Footer for the Claim, Fee, Value, and Payment fields respectively:





I've tried playing with the scope, but to no avail. Any ideas or maybe I'm doing it all wrong? It's almost as if I need a SumDistinct if such a thing exist.

In the meantime, I'm doing some serious researching. Thanks!

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Reporting Services :: Display Group Name Value Of Each Group In Column Header Outside The Group?

Sep 29, 2015

I have an SSRS 2012 table report with groups; each group is broken ie. one group for one page, and there are multiple groups in multiple pages.

'GroupName' column has multiple values - X,Y,Z,......

I need to group 'GroupName' with X,Y,Z,..... ie value X in page 1,value Y in page 2, value Z in page 3...

Now, I need to display another column (ABC) in this table report (outside the group column 'GroupName'); this outside column itself is another column header (not a group header) in the table (report) and it derives its name partly from the 'GroupName'  values:


Value X for GroupName in page 1 will mean, in page 1, column Name of ABC column must be ABC-X Value Y for GroupName in page 2 will mean, in page 2, column Name of ABC column must be ABC-Y Value Z for GroupName in page 3 will mean, in page 3, column Name of
ABC column must be ABC-Z

ie the column name of ABC (Clm ABC)  must be dynamic as per the GroupName values (X,Y,Z....)


GroupName                 Clm ABC-X



GroupName                 Clm ABC-Y



GroupName                 Clm ABC-Z


I have been able to use First(ReportItems!GroupName.Value) in the Page Header to get GroupNames displayed in each page; I get X in page 1, Y in page 2, Z in page 3.....

However, when I use ReportItems (that refers to a group name) in the Report Body outside the group,

I get the following error:

Report item expressions can only refer to other report items within the same grouping scope or a containing grouping scope

I need to get the X, Y, Z ... in each page for the column ABC.

I have been able to use this - First(Fields!GroupName.Value); however, I get ABC-X, ABC-X, ABC-X in each of the pages for the ABC column, instead of ABC-X in page 1, ABC-Y in page 2, ABC-Z in page 3, ...

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Any Way To Show A Group Detail Header Row Once For Each Group In A Table?

Nov 21, 2007

I have a need to show a row inside a table group to simulate a header row for the data rows inside the group. The table will not have a real header or footer. Thanks for the help.

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Repeat First Row Group Header For Second Row Group Items

Jun 6, 2007

I have a matrix with two row groups and one column group with about 6 items in it. I have about 2100 rows at the lowewst row group level. This report was built solely for excel export. The first row group has about 20 items and controls the visibility of the other group. When I toggle the visibility of the second row group, how can I make the the header of the first row group copy down for each row of the other row group? The first row group is the Section and the second is Mnemonic.



Code Snippet
Column Column
Section1 -





Section2 -





Should be:

Code Snippet

Column Column

Section1 -

Section1 Mnemonic

Section1 Mnemonic

Section1 Mnemonic

Section2 -

Section2 Mnemonic

Section2 Mnemonic

Section2 Mnemonic

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Group Header??

Feb 13, 2008

I need to add a group header to my report. What the heck am I doing wrong, when I add new row above/below my group it adds another group row. How do I make a header within a group?

Please help, very frustrating.

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Scrolling Group Header

Jul 25, 2007

I am using table to display data.

I want to have group with group header.Group header needs to remain fix while scrolling down.

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Text Above Group Header

Feb 20, 2008

Dear all,

The report I am trying to build are grouping the data by CATEGORY AND SUB-CATEGORY as shown below.

Product Category
Category1 Total: 5

Sub-Category1 2
Sub-Category2 3

Is it possible to put a static text above the Sub-Category group header row as shown below.

Product Category
Category1 Total: 5

Product Sub-Category (this is the line of text i want to added above the subcategory group header.)

Sub-Category1 2
Sub-Category2 3



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Hiding Header Row In A Group

Mar 21, 2007

I have a table with a group. I have one row of the group that is the header for the detail section. How can I suppress the row header in the group if there is no data in the detail section for a group value? I was thinking something along the line of setting the visibilty of the row header to an expression based on the existence of data in the detail, but don't know how to go about this.


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Aggregates Displayed In Group Header.

Nov 12, 2007

I have a report that consists of three nested group levels. Each level can be expanded/collapsed. I wanted to have at each level the summed values:


+ Group Header 1 Sum1 Sum2 etc..

+ Group Header 2 Sum1 Sum2 etc..

+ Group Header 3 Sum1 Sum2 etc..

Rather I have had to output the aggregated values like so ..

+ Group Header 1

+ Group Header 2

+ Group Header 3
Total Group Footer Sum1 Sum2 etc..
Total Group Footer Sum1 Sum2 etc..
Total Group Footer Sum1 Sum2 etc..

Is there a way to display the aggregated values at the header level of the grouping. I thought this could be possible if I could hide the Group Footer and directly reference the footer sum total values in the header. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Group Header Alternating Color

Apr 28, 2006

I am trying to get alternating colors on group headers.

The rownumber() doesn't work; that only seems to be the count of rows in the group.

Does anyone have any great ideas for this?



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Group Column Header Visibility

Mar 12, 2008

I have a table with 5 levels of grouping and a detail row. When the report first displays it looks like this:

Group1 Hdr Group2 Hdr Group3 Hdr Group4 Hdr Group5 Hdr Detail Headers


How can I alter the visibility of the group headers when they don't have access into the scope of the groups themselves ? At startup, I only want to show group1's header. If I expand an item in group 1, then I only want to show headers for group 1 and 2, etc ...


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How To Add A Group Header And Footer For A Report

Jan 9, 2007

I have a report that is being called via stored proc, and i want to group by contract. when report gets generated i get multiple contracts info. but will be grouped/sorted by contract.

please how can i have a group header and also a group footer to show a summary of each contract information with some calculated fields in it.

i may get 100 records related to 10 contracts , 10 rows for each contract.

as soon as the first contract info is shown on the report it has to show a summary related to the first contract in the group footer, and then continue populating the second contract info and so on.

Please i am totally new to reporting and help would be appreciated. thank you all.

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Display Group Header With No Items‎

Jul 24, 2007

I have to display group header inspite of not having records in that group.

Group1 [First page orgid1]

Group 2valuesgroup1 [Second Page orgid2]

No values group2 no values

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How Do You Edit A Group With No Header Or Footer?

Jun 5, 2006

I am new to SSRS 2005 and so far the only way I can figure out how to edit groups in a table is to right click on the group header or footer and select Edit Group. But how would you edit the group if you chose to not have a header or footer? And how would you delete the group for that matter? I'm looking for something like the Crystal Reports Group Expert.

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Group Header Repeating In Exported Csv

Jul 25, 2007

Need to export a report into csv. The report contains a table with one group, the group header contains infomation that needs to be shown once at the start of the csv. Currently the group header repeats for every record in the detail. How can I stop the group header from repeating.


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SQL Server 2012 :: Group By Column As Sub Header

Jan 28, 2014

I have a table which I would like to format like so:

From this:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table_1](
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[header] [varchar](50) NULL,
[citation] [varchar](200) NULL,

[Code] ....

Just as a single varchar(max) field.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Field As Group Header?

Jan 29, 2015

I have a table returning results like that

Row1 ||Row2 ||ERPID||ParentID||LevelID||Category||SubCategory||DDate ||publish
1 ||1 ||10152159||1015 ||2159 ||LOCTITE ||LOCTITE1||29/01/2015 12:10||0
1 ||2 ||10152134||1015 ||2134 ||LOCTITE ||LOCTITE2||29/01/2015 12:10||0
1 ||3 ||10152157||1015 ||2157 ||LOCTITE ||LOCTITE3||29/01/2015 12:10||0
2 ||1 ||10062003||1006 ||2003 ||COMPUTER||COMPUTER1||29/01/2015 12:10||1


But I want to look like that

1||1||10151015||1015 ||1015||LOCTITE||||29/01/2015 12:10||0
1||1||10152159||1015 ||2159||LOCTITE||LOCTITE1||29/01/2015 12:10||0
1||2||10152134||1015||2134||LOCTITE||LOCTITE2||29/01/2015 12:10||0
1||3||10152157||1015||2157||LOCTITE||LOCTITE3||29/01/2015 12:10||0
2||2||10061006||1006||1006||COMPUTER||||29/01/2015 12:10||1


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Fixed Group Header Row Height Problem

Dec 12, 2007

Hi all,

I am looking for help with a problem:

I am using the fixed header functionality in reporting services (SS2005) to keep the 3 left-hand-most columns of a table always visible as my report scrolls to the right. To do this I set the "fixed header" value for those columns to true.

My problem is that some of the group headers resize as I scroll to the right - everything looks normal before I start scrolling, but immediately as I move the scrollbar, some of my group headers grow (row height increases), throwing the headers out of line with the data row in the columns that aren't fixed.

It seems it's only certain headers that grow - they alternate between growing and normal size. I can't find any differences in the properties of the textboxes between those whose height increases and those that don't.

I have tried setting the CanGrow property in the relevant textboxes to false, to cater for the possibility that something might be trying to wrap - that didn't make any difference (which is what I expected, seeing as the text is never wider than the textbox width).

Does anyone have any ideas as to what the problem might be?

Thank you,



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Dynamic Grouping Group Header Problem

Jan 23, 2007

Hi, I am currently trying to create a report the dynamicaly groups from parameters. The grouping part works fine but I need to show the parameter label name or the field referenced by a parameter.


This is the expression I have written to do this. The problem seems to be is with the true part of the iif statement. The false displays fine in the group header. The Parameters!Param2.Label also displays if used on its own.

This is the error that is fires back when I run the report.

The Value expression for the textbox €˜textbox4€™ contains an error: The expression referenced a non-existing field in the fields collection.

I am quite new to SSRS and I am using VS2005 pro.



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Group Header && Footer Hidden By Mistake

May 2, 2008


I accidentally unclicked the check-boxes for group-header and group footer - I meant to leave the group header in. Now, I can't get to the group to edit it! Is there any way I can get back to it?

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Need To Have A Fake Header Inside A Table Group

Nov 21, 2007

I have a need to show a "header" row inside a table group. The row will look like a header but the table has no true Header or Footer. The table will group by the a person's name and inside each group will be a set of rows. If I put a row between the group row and the inside data row, it will show for each row inside the group. I only want this "header" row to show once for each group and before any of the actual data rows in the group.

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Reporting Services :: Fixed Data To Header And First Row Group Only

May 21, 2015

I have several row groups in a tablix. I want to keep header visible through scrolling.and i also want the first row group to visible, only the first.

So I set the first row group's properties fixedData to TRUE and keep other row groups to FALSE then when running the report i got error "FixedData is not allowed in row TablixMember,unless it is also set on the first row TablixMember"

Now I think this is not possible. or is there anyway to make it works?

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Reporting Services :: Move Detail Row Under Group Header

Nov 23, 2015

I have a report with two groups and a detail row (subtotals & totals to follow).  When I add the child (detail row) it pushes out to the right of the parent column. Is there any way to start the detail row all the way back to the left hand side of the page? I lose a lot or real estate with the group descriptions.

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Body Values In Header And Header Values In Body

May 23, 2007


I want to display a value from db in the header section. I have read a couple of information that I should place the value in a in-visible text field an reference it in the header with the ReportItems. This works great with the first page but on the second page the header information are empty (I think because the Textfield is on Page 1 not Page 2)... So is there a way to accomplish that for all pages? Not only the first page....

My second one, hope you don't mind that I post it in the same thread, is:

My Report needs to display the total size of pages in the body. I did not realy found anything useful where I can retrieve from the total size of pages of my reports....

thanks for any help


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How To Get The Values From Dataset To Parameters On Report Header

Mar 13, 2008

Is it possible to get the reportdataset field values into parameters. dynamically when the report is generated.


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Reporting Services :: Possible To Merge Group Header Cells Used As Toggles To Expand / Contract Detail?

Sep 5, 2015

I have a report with 3 groups, and a toggle on the first cell in the group header, and group totals on that line also. So it renders as:

- Group 1 G1Total G1Total G1Total
- Group 2 G2Total G2Total G2Total
- Group 3 G3Total G3Total G3Total
Detail DAmt DAmt DAmt

I would like to save some space and render more like

- Group 1 G1Total G1Total G1Total
- Group 2 G2Total G2Total G2Total
- Group 3 G3Total G3Total G3Total
Detail DAmt DAmt DAmt

I haven't been able to find a way to have the first group cells overlap each other. Is there a way to do that and am I missing something obvious?

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How To Assign Dataset Values In Header In RDLC Report

Apr 25, 2008

I am using RDLC report with Microsoft visual studio 2005. In the first page of rdlc i have two text boxes and one table in body section. In the second and subsequent pages i want to repeat the data from textbox1 and textbox2 along with table data continuation of page1.

Currently the continuation of table data from page1 to page2 is working properly. But the textbox1 and textbox2 data also needs to be repeated in every pages.

I tried the following steps, but fails to work.

1. added two text boxes in header section and another two text boxes in Body section.

2. Assigns the dataset value to textboxes in body section.

(Ex: =first(Fields!Address.Value)

3. Assigns the textboxes value from Body section to the corresponding text boxes in header section.

(Ex : =first(ReportItems!textbox1.Value))


The header text box value displayed in the first page only and not repeated in the subsequent pages.


Whatever assigned to the header section should be repeated in the subsequent pages. But only page number, date... is reflecting in other pages and not the text box values in header section.

Kindly give me the solution.

Thanks in advance.

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If All Values Of Dropdown Parameter Are Selected - Show ALL In Report Header

Dec 26, 2006

I have dropdown parameter with multi-values allowed.
In my report headed I want to show all the dropdown values that were checked by the user to run the report. But since there could be a couple of hundred values I want to show ALL when all the values are selected instead of listing them one by one.
How can I do that?


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How To Show The User Selected Values In Page Header By Using Parameters Which I Have Already Created In The Report

Dec 10, 2007

Hi ,

I am working on Sql server Reporting Services(Sql Server 2005),

i have designed a Report and deployed that report on Report Server, on this report i need to show the user selected values
in page header by using Parameters which i have already created in the Report.

There are 35 to 40 fields in the Front End(Asp.net2.0)

on passing all these values from front end Report is prompting for parameters which is not desired for my case even though i have made ShowParameterPrompts to false.

Thanks in advance

Srinivas Govada

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Code!func To Get Values In Header Only Works In IDE And Not Deployed Report (also Worked Ok In RS2000)

Jul 18, 2007

I have code

Function GetDealCount(reportItems)

return iif(IsNothing(reportItems!txtDetailCountRows.Value), 0, reportItems!txtDetailCountRows.Value)

End Function

Function GetSumNotionalAmount(reportItems)

return iif(IsNothing(reportItems!txtDealSumNotionalAmount.Value), 0, reportItems!txtDealSumNotionalAmount.Value)

End Function

That I am calling from a textboxes in the page header

= Code.GetDealCount(ReportItems) & " Deal(s)"


= Parameters!BaseCurrency.Value + " " + Format(Code.GetSumNotionalAmount(ReportItems),"N2").ToString().Replace(",","'")

When I preview the report in VS.NET I get values showing.

When I deploy the report I just get #Error showing.

Also this report used to work fine in RS2000

Does anyone know the cause of this issue?

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SQL - Getting First Or Last Values For A Group...

Mar 13, 2004

I have this values in my SQL Database....

The day Format I am ussing is dd/mm/yyyy

NumEstado NumMunicipio NumComunidad NumFamilia NumNiño FechaVisita Peso Talla
7 15 1 12 14 30/06/2000 8.5 73
7 15 1 12 14 09/08/2000 8.6 0
7 15 1 12 14 09/09/2000 8.7 0
7 15 1 12 14 22/01/2001 9 0
7 15 1 12 14 01/07/2001 10.4 0
7 15 1 12 14 14/01/2002 11.6 0
7 15 1 12 14 18/03/2002 12.9 0
7 15 1 12 14 26/05/2002 13.2 0
7 15 1 12 14 21/07/2002 13.5 0
7 15 1 12 14 07/01/2003 14.5 0
7 15 1 12 14 04/03/2003 14.6 100
7 15 1 12 14 22/07/2003 15.2 100
7 15 1 12 14 16/09/2003 17 0
7 15 1 12 14 19/11/2003 17.6 104
7 15 1 12 14 07/02/2004 0 0

And now, if I use this instruccion:

SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT NumEstado, NumMunicipio, NumComunidad, NumFamilia, NumNiño, MIN(FechaVisitaRealizada), MIN(Peso), MIN(Talla)
FROM dbo.VisitaPromotor
GROUP BY NumEstado, NumMunicipio, NumComunidad, NumFamilia, NumNiño
HAVING (NumEstado = 7) AND (NumMunicipio = 15) AND (NumComunidad = 1) AND (NumFamilia = 12) AND (NumNiño = 14)

I received this result:
7 15 1 12 14 30/06/2000 0 0

But I do not want this result, I want all the values within the record that it has the Min Date. this is, I want a Sql Query that giveme this result:

7 15 1 12 14 30/06/2000 8.5 73

Becuase these are the values for the Min Date in this group of records.

Or, in other hands, if I want the values for the Max Date I should recieved this results:

7 15 1 12 14 07/02/2004 0 0

Because these are the values for the Max Date.....

Thanks a lot for your help.....

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Get Some Values From A Group

Aug 16, 2007


here's my problem. There's table t with:

year, id, price
2000 1 100
2000 1 200
2000 2 100
2000 3 500
2000 4 100
2001 1 100
2001 2 300

I need a way, to get those prices, so I have e.g. 3 Groups for every year with the same number of elements in it. Here's the bakground:
My employer wants a report for the sold objects in each year classified by upper, middle and lower price level. The biggest problem is, that I cannot define prices manually. What I have to do, is to order prices in each group (e.g. year), combine that with row_number(), devide row_count by 3, do a loop with step (row_number / 3) and get price at that position.
But getting those prices gives me the willies. I just discoverd the "MODEL" Clause. Do you think, that can help me solve the problem?
Maybe you have some tips.

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Need To Group Values

Dec 6, 2014

my table stucture like

date HourType hours HourValue status
day1 m 1 1 y
day1 m 2 1 y
day1 m 3 1 y
day1 a 4 0 n
day1 a 5 0 n
day1 a 6 0 n

day2 m 1 1 y
day2 m 2 1 y
day2 m 3 1 y
day2 a 4 0 y
day2 a 5 1 y
day2 a 6 1 y

my day1 afternoon all hours 0, and day2 4th hour only 0,i need to status column that must be 'N' when all afternoon hours or morning hours is 0, if only one hour 0 means that must 'Y',how do set a status column like above.

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