How Do U Manage The Tempdb Growth / Shrinking?

Oct 31, 2007

Iam close to Production on our new SQL Server Environment.

How do u typically manage Disk Space (Particularly tempdb)

-Would you have a Job to run during Non Usage Hours to Shrink the Tempdb?

-Would you have the Autoshrink ON?

What is the best approach?

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Tempdb Growth Help

Mar 6, 2001

I am having a problem with the growth of the tempdb on my SQL 7.0 box. I have over 300+ stored procedures that are running (many with group by and order by in them). This is causing the size of my tempdb to grow to over 30gigs in size. If i reset the services of the DB it shrinks back down to the managable 6 gigs that i expect. Is there a way to have the services restart automatically on a nightly basis or is there a way to have the tempdb deallocate resources once they are used without restarting services?
I apreciate any help you can provide,

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Shrinking The Tempdb

Oct 9, 2000


I've got a development server where I periodically have to allow the tempdb to grow to over 2GB. However, I'm at a loss on how to shrink the tempdb back down to a manageable size. I need the drive space on the server for other tasks. This seems like such a simple thing but I can't find information anywhere on it.


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Shrinking Tempdb

Aug 13, 2007

the problem i have is that the tempdb mdf file has been slowly growing over the last couple of months and has filled the disk. i've managed to claim a little bit of space by running dbcc shrinkdatabase but as its a production server would rather not stop and start the service. is there a way of finding out what it taking up all the space and deleting it to reclaim the space?

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Shrinking The Tempdb Frusterations

Oct 10, 2000


I've got a development server where I periodically have to allow the tempdb to grow to over 2GB. However, I'm at a loss on how to shrink the tempdb back down to a manageable size. I need the drive space on the server for other tasks. I've attempted shrinkdb, shrinkfile and the shrink option from enterprise manager without success. Any ideas??

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TempDB Growth And File Size

Aug 10, 2007

We have a problem with the size of the tempdb.mdf file. The tempdb had grown to 25Gb and consumed all the available disk space. SQL server was restarted and the tempdb was reset back to the default size. The following day the tempdb suddenly increased in size from 200mb to 25GB within a very short space of time. There were a couple of event log entries from sqlservger regarding the lack of disk. Since then the server is running without any problems but the level of free space is virtually zero on the drive with tempdb.mdf file.

What would cause the tempdb to grow suddenly and to this size?

Can I control the size the tempdb can grow to?

SQL 2005 (x64) sp1
W2K3 R2 SP1

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Does Replication Affect Tempdb GROWTH Replication

Jun 28, 2007

Hi all,

I have recently setup a transactional replication in MS SQL 2000. After setting up the replication the clients TempDB grew by almost 60GB. Now the client is Blaming me for the TempDB GROWTH and saying that its because of the replication being setup i tried to convince them but they are not satisfied yet. Can anybody please tell me does replication cause the tempdb to grow. If yes then how. can u suggest any good link for getting to know the internal working of SQL Server replication????

Thanks in advance


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Tempdb Is Skipped. You Cannot Run A Query That Requires Tempdb

Jul 14, 2004

Has anyone seen the SQL Server error:

"tempdb is skipped. You cannot run a query that requires tempdb"?

We're running a .Net web application with a SQL Server 2000 backend, and we get the error intermittently. Restarting the SQL Server service seems to fix it, as it causes tempdb to be rebuilt, but this isn't a long term solution. Any direction or hints would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
- Mike

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Manage SQL Express Over Lan

Oct 27, 2006

Hey EveryoneI have a desktop machine and a laptop machine.  Both have XP Pro.  I prefer to code on my laptop, but I want to use my desktop machine as a home server/development environment because its always on.  I have IIS (HTTP and FTP), .NET 2.0, my mp3 server, etc up and running just fine on my desktop.When I'm working on an application, I access the site with VWD through a network share.  It's worked great so far.  What I haven't been able to do, however, is connect to the database with VWD or Management Studio Express.  I don't even really know where to begin with this one.  What I don't want to do is open this up to the internet.  I'd like to just keep it accessible from the LAN (the database, not the website)I'm new to database stuff, and I don't really know where to look to figure out how to do this.  Basically, I want to have the same functionality with VWD or Management Studio that I would have if I was physically on the machine with the SQL Express server.If anyone can provide some advice, I'd really appreciate it.Thanks!Brandon 

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Manage Data

Apr 14, 2008

Hello,I am working on an ASP.NET web site using an SQL database. Is there a way to Insert/Delete and Update data in the database without creating all the forms in ASP.NET?Since I am the only person to work with the database it would be easier for me than creating all ASP.NET forms.Thanks,Miguel

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How Do You Manage Your Remote MS SQL?

May 28, 2007

How do you manage your remote MS SQL?

I have worked with mysql for sometimes now and everywhere there was a mysql there was phpmyadmin for managing it but now on my new windows hosting with plesk I don't see such program. The only thing I see is a pothetic program called ASP.NET enterprise manager that doesn't allow uploading data.


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Remote Manage

Jun 11, 2004

Before I just manage the SQL serve in LAN.

Right now i have a SQL server on internet I want to Remote manage

Can I still use QA and Enterprise Manager ?

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Manage Data

Apr 14, 2008


I am working on an ASP.NET web site using an SQL database.

Is there a way to Insert/Delete and Update data in the database without creating all the forms in ASP.NET?

Since I am the only person to work with the database it would be easier for me than creating all ASP.NET forms.


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How Do I Manage 100.000 Actions A Day ?

Mar 27, 2008

In a previous application i stored about 100.000 actions ( coming from an external system )in an access database for each day. Therefore i created everyday a new accessdatabase to have enough performance. Each month i copied automatically all databases in a new 'month' map as a backup.

The goal of the application is the view all actions of one day of week in one grid. This is a kind of history of the external system.

I'm afraid the application will become to slow if i save all actions in one database. ( after 1 month i will have 3.000.000 actions.

How this is done in an sql server ?
Do i have to use a different kind of method ?

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How To Manage 16 Bit Number

Jul 3, 2006

is there any datatye that can accept 16 digit number

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How Do I Manage This Mess? Thanks!

May 24, 2007

Say for example I have the following 2 database tables, the first one contains the old employee data, and has the fields shown below:
and another one containing the new employee data with similar fields but instead of oldEmployeeID, it is showing the newEmployeeID.
During the conversion process, something were messed up and instead of putting in the original hiring date of the workers into the new employee database, the conversion date was put in, which, depending on the mood of HR ladies, could be any date, and at the same time, of course, new employee join the company, and we assume their hiring dates were entered correctly. On top of that, there are some employee who were terminated before the conversion took place but we still need to keep a record of that.
And I created a third table, say, emplyeeAll with similar fields to the employee data tables.
So here is what I need to do: if the firstName, lastName and DateOfBirth in the old employee data table and the new employee data table matches, I would assume they are the same employee, hence I would put the information for the employee obtained from the new employee data table to the employeeAll table, with the Hiring Date changed to the Hiring Date of the old employee data table (and do not copy the record from the old employee table to prevent duplicates), otherwise, I would simply copy and paste the data in new and old employee table to my employeeAll table.
I know this is really confusing, but...well...hope you know what I am saying...
Is it possible to have a SQL statement for all these? If so, how should the statement looks like?

Thanks a lot!


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Manage Ssce 3.5

Aug 5, 2007

I have been having "fun" trying to get all the bits (SSCE 3.5, Orcas Beta 2, SQL Managment Studio) in Vista 64 and Xp 32.

So far I have found at the SQLMetal does work with SSCE 3.5 but not in Vista64

BUT I cannot get any tool (tried SQL and SLQ express) to manage my SSCE db - ie make relationshipos so that SQLMatal can do its stuff

Any advice as to which tool to use to manage SSCE 3.5



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Manage Sql Table

Mar 18, 2008


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Feb 20, 2001

1) Does shrinking a db have any side affects ? Or this is pretty much a normal
operation ?
2) Also in db options, is it recommended to have auto shrink checked ?

Thanks for your help.

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DB Shrinking

Dec 14, 2007

I am new to SQL server.

We have many databases for which log files have grown much bigger. The one I need to Shrink immediately has 16 MB .mdf file and 12 GB of .ldf file.

I will very much appreciate, if somebody can help me with step by step process to shrink the database/log file (some way). We are in a crunch situation


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Tran Log Growth

Aug 14, 2001

Does this seem right? We have our transaction logs set to "Truncate Log on Checkpoint" and they still grow over 1GB. Is it possible that one transaction (to a checkpoint) generates this much logged information? Will transaction log backups every 5-10 minutes help me out better or is this just a poorly written application?


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Tansaction Log Growth

Oct 9, 2002


I am moving table(14 million rows) data from one server to another, The transactional log file growth during the process is 3 folds compared to actual data file size.

Could you please tell why?

John Jayaseelan

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Analyzing Db Growth Per Day

Feb 14, 2005

Well my question is how do i analyze db growth per day. is there a tool i can use or a method. I mean i do take a look at the task view and the files but per day it doesnt move in MB wich is weird since this is a warehouse and their are nightly loads to it inserting maybe 30000 record a night on avg.

Any help would be grately aprreciated.

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Growth Of A Database!!??

Sep 17, 2007

Hi everyone,

I'm a beginner in SQL Server databases, my problem is this:

i'm making a database witch the frontend is an access project, the database has several stored procedures views and user functions (the normal..), but a few data, (only the experimental), last night i've noticed that the file grow from 22 MB to 89 MB, the objects are the same and also the data, the only diference was that i forgot to put in an event procedure code, the ADO method, "MoveNext", to update various records, and the loop was infinit.
Is it possible that SQL statments generated by ADO make the file grow so rapidly!?
If so how can i shrink it, because i've tried and and the results was 4%.

Can you help me!?


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SQL Automatic Growth

Jul 23, 2005

We use SQL 2000 and our database is configured to grow automatically by10%. Currently 96% of our database is used. At what point will thedatabase expand - what is the trigger point?

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DB Growth Issue

Jul 20, 2005

I have done this experiment on one of the tables. There is table calledbuild havinf nvText Field with large no of records. I want to drop thatcolumn and recover space. These are the results I got.SP_SPACEUSED ‘BUILD’ Resultsname rows reserved data index_size unused1. Before Deleting nvText FieldBuild 663211 341440 KB 339464 KB 1944 KB 32 KB2. After Deleting nvText FieldBuild 663211 341440 KB 339464 KB 1944 KB 32 KB3. After Executing the Shrink Database from Enterprise Manager.Build 663211 608280 KB 604744 KB 3456 KB 80 K4. After Executing DBCC DBReindex (build,'',70)Build 663211 124096 KB 123392 KB 712 KB -8 KBCan anyone please explain me after executing step 3 i.e shrink datacolumn as well as index_size shows an increased figure whereas logicallyit should be a reduced figure.Regards,Harcharan*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Database Growth

Apr 20, 2007

I would like to know followings:

I want to see every day or weekly Database growth (%) save on table

I have some SP which will give me one time run and see the growth. which is ...

Please advice any other way to find out and save on a location ...

create procedure sp_growth as

set ansi_warnings off

declare @l_db_name varchar(50)
,@l_sql_string varchar(1000)

set nocount on
if object_id('DB_Growth') is not null
drop table DB_Growth

create table DB_Growth (Database_Name varchar(30), Logical_File_Name varchar(15), File_Size_MB int, Growth_Factor varchar(100))

declare db_name_cursor insensitive cursor
select name from master..sysdatabases

open db_name_cursor

fetch next from db_name_cursor into

While (@@fetch_status = 0)
select @l_sql_string = 'select ' + '''' + @l_db_name + '''' + ', name, ceiling((size * 8192.0)/(1024.0 * 1024.0)), case when status & 0x100000 = 0 then convert(varchar,ceiling((growth * 8192.0)/(1024.0*1024.0))) + '' MB''' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'else convert (varchar, growth) + '' Percent''' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'end' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'from [' + @l_db_name + '].dbo.sysfiles'

insert into DB_Growth (Database_Name, Logical_File_Name, File_Size_MB, Growth_Factor)
exec (@l_sql_string)

fetch next from db_name_cursor into
close db_name_cursor
deallocate db_name_cursor
select * from DB_Growth with (nolock)
if object_id('DB_Growth') is not null
drop table DB_Growth
set nocount off
set ansi_warnings on


Faiz Farazi
Daudkandi,Comilla, Bangladesh

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Database Growth

Apr 20, 2007

I would like to know followings:

I want to see every day or weekly Database growth (%) save on table

I have some SP which will give me one time run and see the growth. which is ...

Please advice any other way to find out and save on a location ...

create procedure sp_growth as

set ansi_warnings off

declare @l_db_name varchar(50)
,@l_sql_string varchar(1000)

set nocount on
if object_id('DB_Growth') is not null
drop table DB_Growth

create table DB_Growth (Database_Name varchar(30), Logical_File_Name varchar(15), File_Size_MB int, Growth_Factor varchar(100))

declare db_name_cursor insensitive cursor
select name from master..sysdatabases

open db_name_cursor

fetch next from db_name_cursor into

While (@@fetch_status = 0)
select @l_sql_string = 'select ' + '''' + @l_db_name + '''' + ', name, ceiling((size * 8192.0)/(1024.0 * 1024.0)), case when status & 0x100000 = 0 then convert(varchar,ceiling((growth * 8192.0)/(1024.0*1024.0))) + '' MB''' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'else convert (varchar, growth) + '' Percent''' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'end' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'from [' + @l_db_name + '].dbo.sysfiles'

insert into DB_Growth (Database_Name, Logical_File_Name, File_Size_MB, Growth_Factor)
exec (@l_sql_string)

fetch next from db_name_cursor into
close db_name_cursor
deallocate db_name_cursor
select * from DB_Growth with (nolock)
if object_id('DB_Growth') is not null
drop table DB_Growth
set nocount off
set ansi_warnings on


Faiz Farazi
Daudkandi,Comilla, Bangladesh

View 1 Replies View Related

Database Growth

Apr 20, 2007

I would like to know followings:

I want to see every day or weekly Database growth (%) save on table

I have some SP which will give me one time run and see the growth. which is ...

Please advice any other way to find out and save on a location ...

create procedure sp_growth as

set ansi_warnings off

declare @l_db_name varchar(50)
,@l_sql_string varchar(1000)

set nocount on
if object_id('DB_Growth') is not null
drop table DB_Growth

create table DB_Growth (Database_Name varchar(30), Logical_File_Name varchar(15), File_Size_MB int, Growth_Factor varchar(100))

declare db_name_cursor insensitive cursor
select name from master..sysdatabases

open db_name_cursor

fetch next from db_name_cursor into

While (@@fetch_status = 0)
select @l_sql_string = 'select ' + '''' + @l_db_name + '''' + ', name, ceiling((size * 8192.0)/(1024.0 * 1024.0)), case when status & 0x100000 = 0 then convert(varchar,ceiling((growth * 8192.0)/(1024.0*1024.0))) + '' MB''' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'else convert (varchar, growth) + '' Percent''' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'end' + char(10)+char(13)
+ 'from [' + @l_db_name + '].dbo.sysfiles'

insert into DB_Growth (Database_Name, Logical_File_Name, File_Size_MB, Growth_Factor)
exec (@l_sql_string)

fetch next from db_name_cursor into
close db_name_cursor
deallocate db_name_cursor
select * from DB_Growth with (nolock)
if object_id('DB_Growth') is not null
drop table DB_Growth
set nocount off
set ansi_warnings on


Faiz Farazi
Daudkandi,Comilla, Bangladesh

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How To Manage A DTS Package Usin

May 18, 2007

How i can manage a DTS Package usin

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Manage Indexes In Sql 2005

Jun 5, 2007

I'm currently migrating to Sql 2005 from 2000 and have a quick question about indexes.
In 2000 i used to click on Table > All Tasks > Manage Indexes... to view and create all my table indexes. There doesn't seem to be anything similar in 2005 Management Studio. I thought it was under Table > Modify but there's nothing there for indexes. I've had to create all my indexes manually through t-sql but this doesn't help when needing to view and manage current indexes.
Can anyone help me on this?

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Manage A SqlDataSource In Code Behind (VB.Net)

Dec 30, 2007

Hi All
 It´s my DropDownList data source from my page1.aspx:
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlChampionships" runat="server" DataSourceID="sdsSearchChampionships" DataTextField="name" DataValueField="id_championship">     </asp:DropDownList><asp:SqlDataSource ID="sdsSearchChampionships" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:LocalSqlServer %>"
ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Tupi_Campeonatos]"></asp:SqlDataSource>
When I put a new championship name in a TextBox and click on the button "ADD", this button event click is called:
 Protected Sub btAddChampionship_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btAddChampionship.Click
End Sub
The Page then reloads but my DropDownList is not updated. The way I found to do it is to put the DDList update code after the calling of the insertNewChampionshipIntoDataBase() method, but how???

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How To Manage Sql Server 2005

Jul 25, 2005

What admin tool do I use to create databases, stored procedures, etc in the Sql Server 2005 CTP?

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