How Do You Hide The Default System Databases (i.e., Master)?

Feb 5, 2001

How do you hide the default system databases so that they cannot be viewed? Also when it it time for me to access them how do I unhide the databases?

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Accidentally Populate Tables Into System Databases/master Database

Jul 31, 2007


I accidentally populate tables into System databases/master database. What should I do? Should I delete all the tables I populate in mster database?

Thank you very much!

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Best Disaster Recovery Plan For System Databases(Master,MSDB...)

Nov 20, 2007

Hi all

What is best Disaster/Recovery methode to securing the system databases.

Master database allows only Full backup
MSDB allows Full ,Diff

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Installing System Databases To A Non Default Drive?

Mar 25, 2015

How can you install the System Databases to a drive other than the default?

I want the Data Files to be installed on D:MSSQLData and the log files to be stored on D:MSSQLLog.

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Master Data Services :: Hide Code And Name Attribute

Oct 9, 2015

I want to hide the Code and Name attribute, i set the Display Width Pixel to 0 but it doesn't work, i tried to set "Deny" Permission to those attribute but it hasn't any effect.Im working with Master Data Services 2014/ SQL Server 2014 SP1.

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Hide Default Values

May 23, 2007

Is there a way to hide my default values? If so, how?

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Hide System Objects In Ent Mgr

Jul 19, 2002

Is there a way to not have system objects (tables, procs) display in Enterprise Manager?

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System Tables And More - How To Hide Them?

Mar 9, 1999

Hi everyone,

I've recently installed MSQL Server 7.0 Standart Version and every time I create a new database, system tables are created and are visible also. That means, I instantely get 18 tables, 20 views, 18 stored procedures and so on. Can I hide them??? I mean, my tables are all mixed with the system tables. If I can hide all the system tables and views and so on please tell me! Thanks.

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Analysis :: Hide Member Properties By Default?

Oct 28, 2015

Is there any option in SSAS cube to hide the member properties from the user by default in the cube itself. We know we have a option in the excel pivot 'Show properties in tooltips check box where we can hide or display the member properties. But I need an option in the cube  to hide the member properties by default and display in the excel depends on demand.

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Hide Databases In SQL EM From Dbo Owner

Jul 20, 2005

If i create a new SQL login and give that login db ownership for a test db.When that user adds my SQL Server through his own SQL EM, why does he/shealso see all other objects (databases, sql security logins, DTS, ...)?Is there a way for the user to open SQL EM but only see his/her db andnothingmore?Thank you

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Hide System Tables From Users?

Mar 7, 2008

How can I hide the system tables (sys and INFORMATION_SCHEMA) from users? I am not talking about Management Studio. We have users who access the database with ODBC and I do not want them to see all these system tables.

I have created a Hide_System_Tables role and added users to it. I have tried denying all the permissions to this role, but they still see it. Oddly enough, in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA permissions, it shows access from grantors of INFORMATION_SCHEMA and dbo. I cannot deny permission for the entries with dbo as grantor.

Does anyone have any suggestions on where I have to go to remove all the places that give users access to these tables?


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Hide System Tables From Users

Jan 28, 2008


Can someone help me to hide all system views/tables from users?
I do not want the users to see all system tables/views, so they can have a clear view for only user tables in their schema.



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Hide Dcoument Map By Default While Viewing The Report In SSRS

Aug 18, 2006

Hello Experts

I use a Report where i have a document Map getting generated. but by default it is displayed and the user has to close the window to view the report. i wanted to know if its possible to hide the Document map window by default and based on the click of the icon the window will be show to the user when viewing in the default Report page.

/chandresh soni

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How Do I Hide Databases From External Users?

Jan 31, 2003

I am going to give user rights for an external user to connect to my SQL Server via Client Network Utility.

Atlough I have given user permissions to only access one database and not the whole list, how do I make sure that they cannot see all the other databases on my SQL Server?

I have 20 instances of databases on my SQL Server and ideally I would like to give 20 different people access - but each of them when they enter my SQL Server, should not even know that the other databases exist.


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MSSQL 2005: How To Hide Databases?

Mar 2, 2006

For MSSQL 2005, how do you hide the databases so mssql db user will not see the database that he does not have access to when he logs in?

I can't seem to figure this out. I want to use this approach to increase the login time (to reduce loading speed on the database list).

Thank you Thank you...

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How Do You Hide The System Tables In Enterprise Mngr?

Apr 30, 1999

How do you hide the system tables in Enterprise Mngr?

Is there a way?


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How Can I Hide Mssql Server System Database?

Sep 11, 2006

Dear All,

I m using mssql server 2005, when i create a user account for mssql and then use this account to login via management studio. It will show all the system databases and other client databases. How can i hide those databases and allow the client to see their own databases.



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How Can Hide List Of Databases When Client Connects To...

Aug 15, 2000

Hi all,
Now, I using Windows200o & SQL7.0.
I want to permission a client connect to my server,
and with his login, he only works with a specify datatbase.
When he connects to my server, although he can't work other databases,
but he can list of them in server - using EM (and I don't want he knows this).
How can I solve this problem? Thanks.

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SQL Security :: Can Hide Databases From Users Who Don't Have Access In Management Studio

Apr 21, 2015

I have a client who would like to access his database via SQL Server Management Studio. I created a login for him. This login has access only to his database on the server (I set this up using the user mapping), the Securables has Connect to SQL checked (otherwise he won't see his database).  When I test this login, he is able to see all the other databases on the server, though when he clicks on the ones he doesn't have access to, it will tell him that he can't access that database.  He can access his database alright.  My question is, can I hide all the other databases from him, and only display that only database he has access to?  I have tried many different ways, I can't seem to be able to do so.

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Creating Databases Under Master

Mar 20, 2007

 When creating databases is it a good idea to use the master.dbo.sysdatabases database and then create databases under this.

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Master Data Services :: Default Date In MDS Entity

Dec 16, 2014

Is there any way to set a default date for a member in MDS. My requirement is that business user can enter either current date or future date but not past date.

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Question About Master System Database

Mar 28, 2007

Hi, i use sql server 2005 express where i created several databases. When opening Management Studio, i can see, besides my databases, also Master, Model etc .. which manage the databases. Now i also use MDF files which are disseminated on the same server. I see that for one given user, there is also a Master, Model etc ... in c:document and settings hat user .....
My question is: are those local Master, Model etc ... related with the central Master, Model ... of the central database system or are they independant? What if i delete the MDF files and its related system files in c:.doc and settings.. ?

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What Is The System View For Master Keys

Nov 17, 2006

What system view do i use to determine is a database has a master key?



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Multiple Databases For Each Client Of One Big Master DB?

Jan 29, 2004

We are designing a new data model, and have many clients. Currently they each have their own database in SQL.

We are contemplating the pro's and con's of migrating to a Single Master Database.

I would like to hear from others on what your thoughts are on the pros and cons. Also, if you have experience doing something similar, please speak up.

Thanks in advance,

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Transact SQL :: Script Not Running For Databases Other Than Master Database

Jun 5, 2015

Script only displays the result for 'Master' database. 

What changes are required for script to display result for all databases on the instance?

SELECT DB_Name() AS DatabaseName, OBJECT_NAME(ind.OBJECT_ID) AS TableName, AS IndexName, indexstats.index_type_desc AS IndexType, 
FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) indexstats 
INNER JOIN sys.indexes ind  
ON ind.object_id = indexstats.object_id 
AND ind.index_id = indexstats.index_id 
WHERE indexstats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 30 and indexstats.page_count >1000
ORDER BY indexstats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent DESC

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Mirror Of Master, Msdb, Tempdb, Or Model Databases.

Jul 20, 2006

Hi Guys,

Since,You cannot mirror the master, msdb, tempdb, or model databases.What will happen if i create new login,change existing security profile and new jobs,change of existing job on princicpal db. how these will be mirrored to other server and in case failover, how it will treat.


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SQLExpress Default Databases

Jul 27, 2007

When building a website, I get two SQL databases auto-generated: ASPNET.MDF and ASPNETDB.mdf - both have a log file associated with them, and I can connect to them locally no problem.
However, when I try to connect through my host, I get an error message: "Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion'."
I think this is because the ASPNET file doesn't show any database objects??? (ASPNETDB has all its objects)
My questions: Should I be getting both files autogenerated? And if so: How can I (or should I) get the ASPNET file to rebuild its database objects?
This problem has roots in the fact that I deleted the file(s), thinking they were unneccesary (rookie mistake, I know), and then tried various uninstall/re-install schemes, all of which has put me back to this problem of about four days ago. Now that's what I call progress! ;-)
I'm using Visual Web Developer Express 2005 with the default SQL Express version. I've looked at the related posts, of course, but don't see anything specific.
I think this is the code in question, and it looks OK to me, but I am a rank beginner:
System.Web.Util.SecUtility.CheckSchemaVersion(ProviderBase provider, SqlConnection connection, String[] features, String version, Int32& schemaVersionCheck) +367
Thanks in advance. 

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Default Password For System Administrator

Nov 16, 2007

We recently downloaded and installed SQL Express as it was a required program for our new database management software. When trying to install my database management software I was asked to Login to the SQL server. I entered the SQLEXPRESS server, however, I do not have the SA password. When SQL Express installed it did not ask for a password only for a user name and company. I am running Windows Small Business Server with the Administrator and no password. We did not assign a password to the Administrator account yet.

I have tried to leave the password blank using the login SA and I get error message 28000 Login failed for user. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server Connection.

Is there a default password for SA? Or in the alternative, how do I create a user or associate an exising Windows user with a trusted SQL server connection?

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System Databases

Jun 21, 2004

I want to split the data and log files of the system databases to separate hard disks. How can i accomplish this and is this a good idea to do so ?

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System Databases

Jun 18, 2008

How do I check he data file size, transaction log size and autogrowth setting of each of the system databases please?
I am not sure if sp_helpdb works for these?


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About Default Created System Stored Procedures

May 12, 2008

i found that some stored procedure get created automatically in sqlserver 2000 (system stored procedures) ,while doing my work i accidentally deleted those stored procedures can any body answer following questions1: why these stored procedures are there and automatically created2: what happen en if i deleted those stored procedures3: how to recreate those stored procedures with limited user permission thanks in advance 

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Move System Databases?

Apr 16, 2002


I would like to move system databases (master, model, and tempdb) from one disk to another. What would be the best way to do it?

your help is appriciated.


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System Databases Not Showing

Oct 25, 2000


I installed desktop edition of SQL Server7.0 but System databases are not displaying.only showing pubs and northwind only.any body help me.

Thank you


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