How Do You Reference A Table In Another (SQL) Database In TSQL
Jan 9, 2001
Good afternoon one and all,
I am trying to write a query that will use tables in more than one SQL database (on the same server). How do refer to the table? I have tried dbasename.tablename.fieldname but I don't think that's working.
I have created a job which performs linked server inserts, the job is scheduled to run every 15min. The Job inserts to a local linked server, some data from one of our log tables. That linked server inturn gathers more data from other servers and exports that data to another application for further processing.
My problem is that I need to reference local machine (DNS Name) as a variable which can be passed along with the linked server insert. If I can get the Server name dynamically I can run this as a remote job on 2 or 20 or 200 servers and It will give the log data and the name of the source server.
QUESTION: How Do I reference the server name from within TSQL as a variable.
My question is simple, I'd like to do something I do in Jet ANSI-89 SQL. Mind you I'm just adding numbers here - they are not actual columns in 'SomeTable'
SELECT 1 AS A, 2 AS B, A+B AS C FROM SomeTable
The Jet engine evaluates and does arithmetic on the Aliased column names - handy when they contain their own functions. The resultset would show:
A B C 1 2 3
However from what I can tell SQL Server 2005 is not picking this up. Is their an equivalent?
I have 2 databases in sql server. let us say database1 = db1 and database2 = db2 Now both the databases have a same table called table1 with the same fields.
IF data in db1.table1 is updated then data in db2.table2 should be updated automatically.
There are many ways we can do this. one way is to create a INSERT trigger on db1.table1.
But i would like to avoid trigger Is there something in SQL server where I can just link table1 of db1 to db2 and delete the table1 in db2. That means db2 is using the same table that of db1.
I am construvcting a number of databases, some of which containsensitive data and most of which do not. I am attempting to handle thesecurity issues involved in protecting sensitive data in part byputting it in its own database. If the sensitive data is in a databasecalled d_SensitiveData, and in that database there is a table called't_A' (I know, not very informative, but this is only a triviallysimple example :-), and I have a script running in a database'NotSensitiveData' (i.e. there is a statement at the beginning of thescript "USE NotSensitiveData"), how do I referenece the primary key intable 'A'?I tried a variety of things like:ALTER TABLE t_nsXADD CONSTRAINT FK_PersonID FOREIGN KEY (p_idPerson)REFERENCES SensitiveData.t_A (p_idPerson);The above is, in fact, my latest attempt. Everything I tried hasfailed precisely at the point where I specify a table in a differentdatabase. So what is the trick to refering to a table in one databasewhen using another database?This will be used in a ASP.NET v3 application where one of the things Iwant to do is have the authentication provider be a different databasefrom the one used for the main application data.Does anyone know of an example I can download from the web that doesthe same sort of thing I want to try, with some discussion of securityissues involved (i.e. what I can do to harden the application and dataserver)?NB: I am an application developer, not a DBA nor a systemadministrator.ThanksTed
INSERT INTO PRODUCT_SALES (Salesmanid,Productid) VALUES (1,1) INSERT INTO PRODUCT_SALES (Salesmanid,Productid) VALUES (1,2) INSERT INTO PRODUCT_SALES (Salesmanid,Productid) VALUES (1,3)
/* SalesmanID is reference key from Sales Master and ProductID is reference key from Product Master. How should i restrict user through DB with any constraint check, if user tries to enter
INSERT INTO PRODUCT_SALES (Salesmanid,Productid) VALUES (1,2),
It should throw error , if possible user defined message would be more useful.
I have a requirement of table partitioning. we have 10 years of data on a table which is 30 billion up rows on 2005 server we are upgrading it to 2014. we have to keep 7 years of data. there is no keys on table or date column. since its a huge amount of data and many users its slow down the process speed. we are thinking to do partition on 7 years for Quarterly based. but as i said there is no date column on table we have to use reference table to get date. is there a way i can do the partitioning with out adding date column on table? also does partition will make query faster?
I have think three ways to do it. 1. leave as it is. 2. 7 years partition on one server 3. 3 years partition on server1 and 4 years partition on server2 (for 4 years is snapshot better?)
Using SQL against a DB2 table the 'with' key word is used todynamically create a temporary table with an SQL statement that isretained for the duration of that SQL statement.What is the equivalent to the SQL 'with' using TSQL? If there is notone, what is the TSQL solution to creating a temporary table that isassociated with an SQL statement? Examples would be appreciated.Thank you!!
Hello,I have a query that I need help with.there are two tables...Product- ProductId- Property1- Property2- Property3PropertyType- PropertyTypeId- PropertyTypeThere many columns in (Product) that reverence 1 lookup table (PropertyType)In the table Product, the columns Property1, Property2, Property3 all contain a numerical value that references PropertyType.PropertyTypeIdHow do I select a Product so I get all rows from Product and also the PropertyType that corresponds to the Product.Property1, Product.Property2, and Product.Property3ProductId | Property1 | Property2 | Property3 | PropertyType1 | PropertyType2 | PropertyType3 PropertyType(1) = PropertyType for Property1PropertyType(2) = PropertyType for Property2PropertyType(3) = PropertyType for Property3I hope this makes sence.Thanks in advance.
I am using vs 2010 to write my dtsx import scripts.I use a script component as a source to create a flat file destination file.Everything have been working fine,but then my development machine crashed and we have to install everything again.Now when i use the execute package utility to test my scripts i get the following error:
Error system.NullReferenceException: Object refrence not set to an instance reference.
In PreExecute section TextReader = new" file name") In the CreateNewOutputRows: dim nextLine as string nextLine = textReader.ReadLine
is there something which i did not install or what can be the error?
Given a UDT, is there any way to get a reference to the table where the specific instance is running ?
IE: Let's suppose we have defined a UDT named UDTPoint; now we define two tables: ATable & BTable, wich both have one column that is defined as UDTPoint.
When an insert/update/delete operation on ATable or BTable occurs, the UDTPoint class needs to verify in which context it is running (ATable or BTable) before doing operations on data.
The table above is my users table. It allows for a user to be at multiple sites or multiple locations within a single site or multiple sites. Would it be wise to use a auto incrementing primary key instead of the 3 column composite key? The reason I ask is because if I am referencing this SU table (which I will be a lot), a lot more data would be replicated to the tables which have the foreign key to this table, right? But if I used a single incrementing column as the primary key, only a small integer would be used as the foreign key, saving space?Does this make sense?
I am new to this site and I hope anyone out there can help me. I was tasked to change the constraints of my existing table. Lets call it table1. This table has an attribute that needs to take the value of another attribute of another table ( let's call it tables2) and that attribute must satisfy a certain expression ( I suppose I can isolate it by using the select statement ).
I would like to know if it's possible in MS SQL to redirect a table into another DB instance? I have no access into the source code and I have been wondering if it is possible to make a redirection/hard link in MS SQL side.
I would have a table in my base DB and when a query is made into this table, the MS SQL would redirect it to another DB or table. Is this possible in MS SQL ? Something along the lines of a hard-link in linux. Thank you very much.
I need to refer to a second database from within the database that I login to. Can any one help me with how to abstract this reference? I would like to be able to change a parameter somewhere (i don't really care where) and have it effect any Stored Porcedure which references the second database.
I am making a project where I have to add city, agentname, rankofagent, referenceagent name the problem is that who can I make a table where suppose I add member a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p like that
b is joined by a c is joined by b d by c, e by d and so on,
What I want here is that how can I get the result suppose i want to see that chain of p. I want result to be printed as a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o either result should be in horizontal form or vertical. with or without comma. I am doing this in SQL....
Hi all,I have two databases DB_External and DB_Internal.I am writing some stored procedures (in DB_Internal) that reads fromthe tables in DB_External. I execute my stored procedures fromDB_Internal.Everytime I want to read the tables in DB_External, I have to refer tothe table as DB_External.dbo.tableName.Is there a better way of declaring the database DB_External up frontin the stored procedure so I don't have to pre-fix "DB_External.dbo."in all the table names?Thanks in advance,June Moore.
I have a table [Vendor] in first database SAMPLEDB. And i have another table [Contract] in another database TESTDB. I need a foreign key in the [Contract] table (which is in TESTDB database) is reference to the other table [Vendor] which is present in the SAMPLEDB. When i try to creating them through SQL, i received the following error message :
Msg 1763, Level 16, State 0, Line 1 Cross-database foreign key references are not supported. Foreign key 'SAMPLEDB..VENDOR'.
Is that possible to refer foreign key in external database or not? If possible, please give solution for this. If not possible, please suggest some alternate way.
Hi. I want to restore a database named Employee Training but when I restore it, I want to name it Training. I know to to restore it in TSQL I type "RESTORE DATABASE Employee Training To (name of device). How do I rename it to Training? I'd appreciate any help. Thanks.
I need to update a column(X) in database A.tableA with a column(Y) from database B.tableB where the value in another column(Z) in A.tableA = the value in a column(W) in B.tableB
Hi All, The problem is about cross reference. 1. I have a third party cross reference store procedure SimpleXTab CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SimpleXTab2] @XField varChar(50), @XTable varChar(100),@XWhereString varChar(250), @XFunction varChar(10), @XFunctionField varChar(50), @XRow varchar(300),@ResultTable varchar(100) ASDeclare @SqlStr nvarchar(4000)Declare @tempsql nvarchar(4000)Declare @SqlStrCur nvarchar(4000)Declare @col nvarchar(100) set @SqlStrCur = N'Select [' + @XField + '] into ##temptbl_Cursor from [' + @XTable + '] ' + @XWhereString + ' Group By [' + @XField + ']' /* select @sqlstrcur */exec sp_executesql @sqlstrcur
declare xcursor Cursor for Select * from ##temptbl_Cursor open xcursor Fetch next from xcursor into @Col While @@Fetch_Status = 0Begin set @Sqlstr = @Sqlstr + ", " set @tempsql = isnull(@sqlstr,'') + isnull(@XFunction + '( Case When ' + @XField + " = '" +@Col + "' then [" + @XFunctionField + "] Else 0 End) As [" + @Col + "]" ,'') set @Sqlstr = @tempsql Fetch next from xcursor into @Col End /* Select @Sqlstr as [mk], len(@sqlstr) as [leng] */ set @tempsql = 'Select ' + @XRow + ', ' + @Sqlstr + 'into ' +@ResultTable+' From ' + @XTable + @XWhereString + ' Group by ' + @XRowprint @tempsql set @Sqlstr = @tempsql Close xcursor Deallocate xcursor set @tempsql = N'Drop Table ##temptbl_Cursor' exec sp_executesql @tempsqlprint @tempsql /* Select @Sqlstr as [mk], len(@sqlstr) as [leng] */print @sqlstr exec sp_executesql @Sqlstr if @@rowcount = 0 select 'No Records found'GO 2. I've use this store procedure for many cross reference successfully. But this time my cross reference value (resultcode) is a varchar which cannot be convert to int or decimal in sql, Probably, you've noticed that the fourth parameter is a function. how can i modify SimpleXtab to avoid using math function but still can generate cross reference. exec simplextab2 'Sequence','##tbltempreport',' ','sum','resultcode','Parameter' ,'dbo.resultcodetable'
I need to write a query that requires respective fields referencing from multiple tables. For example, here are the tables: Main Table: InfoID Team1 Player1 Team1 Table: Player_ref Player Team_Player_ref Player1 John doh Table: Team_ref Team Team_Player_ref Team1 My Team
Ideal result Table from query: InfoID Count John Doh 1 My Team 2
Any suggestion to creat the Ideal Results table from query? Normally, I could do it if it only referenced from 1 table, I would do an inner join, however, since there are 2 referenece table, doing inner join wouldn't work. A proposed suggestion would certainly be nice. Thanks in advance. --daydreamstuck at the current problem
Does anyone know if MS SQL can't process a "select * from deleted" from within a cursor that's embedded in a trigger? I'm getting an error when I run this...
DECLARE check_contact_fields CURSOR FOR SELECT field_id, column_name FROM contacts_fields OPEN check_contact_fields FETCH NEXT FROM check_contact_fields INTO @field_id, @column_name WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN set @SQL = 'select ' + @column_name + ' into ##DeletedData from deleted' exec sp_executesql @SQL set @SQL = 'select ' + @column_name + ' into ##InsertedData from inserted' exec sp_executesql @SQL if (select * from ##DeletedData) <> (select * from ##InsertedData) select * from ##InsertedData FETCH NEXT FROM check_contact_fields INTO @field_id, @column_name END CLOSE check_contact_fields DEALLOCATE check_contact_fields
drop table ##DeletedData drop table ##InsertedData
Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Invalid object name 'deleted'.
The script below can be used to determine the reference levels of all tables in a database in order to be able to create a script to load tables in the correct order to prevent Foreign Key violations.
This script returns 3 result sets. The first shows the tables in order by level and table name. The second shows tables and tables that reference it in order by table and referencing table. The third shows tables and tables it references in order by table and referenced table.
Tables at level 0 have no related tables, except self-references. Tables at level 1 reference no other table, but are referenced by other tables. Tables at levels 2 and above are tables which reference lower level tables and may be referenced by higher levels. Tables with a level of NULL may indicate a circular reference (example: TableA references TableB and TableB references TableA).
Tables at levels 0 and 1 can be loaded first without FK violations, and then the tables at higher levels can be loaded in order by level from lower to higher to prevent FK violations. All tables at the same level can be loaded at the same time without FK violations.
Tested on SQL 2000 only. Please post any errors found.
Edit 2006/10/10: Fixed bug with tables that have multiple references, and moved tables that have only self-references to level 1 from level 0.
This script finds table references and ranks them by level in order to be able to load tables with FK references in the correct order. Tables can then be loaded one level at a time from lower to higher. This script also shows all the relationships for each table by tables it references and by tables that reference it.
Level 0 is tables which have no FK relationships.
Level 1 is tables which reference no other tables, except themselves, and are only referenced by higher level tables or themselves.
Levels 2 and above are tables which reference lower levels and may be referenced by higher levels or themselves.
declare @table table ( TABLE_NAME nvarchar(200) not null primary key clustered ) set nocount off
print 'Load tables for database '+db_name()
insert into @table select TABLE_NAME = a.TABLE_SCHEMA+'.'+a.TABLE_NAME from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES a where a.TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE'and a.TABLE_SCHEMA+'.'+a.TABLE_NAME <> 'dbo.dtproperties' order by 1
print 'Make copy of PK/FK references' insert into @rs select * from @r order by 1,2
print 'Load un-referenced tables as level 0' insert into @t select REF_LEVEL = 0, a.TABLE_NAME from @table a where a.TABLE_NAME not in ( select PK_TABLE from @r union all select FK_TABLE from @r ) order by 1
-- select * from @r print 'Remove self references' delete from @r where PK_TABLE = FK_TABLE
declare @level int set @level = 0
while @level < 100 begin set @level = @level + 1
print 'Delete lower level references' delete from @r where PK_TABLE in ( select TABLE_NAME from @t ) or FK_TABLE in ( select TABLE_NAME from @t )
insert into @t select REF_LEVEL =@level, a.TABLE_NAME from @table a where a.TABLE_NAME not in ( select FK_TABLE from @r ) and a.TABLE_NAME not in ( select TABLE_NAME from @t ) order by 1
if not exists (select * from @r ) begin print 'Done loading table levels' print '' break end
print 'Count of Tables by level' print ''
select REF_LEVEL, TABLE_COUNT = count(*) from @t group by REF_LEVEL order by REF_LEVEL
print 'Tables in order by level and table name' print 'Note: Null REF_LEVEL nay indicate possible circular reference' print '' select b.REF_LEVEL, TABLE_NAME = convert(varchar(40),a.TABLE_NAME) from @table a left join @t b on a.TABLE_NAME = b.TABLE_NAME order by b.REF_LEVEL, a.TABLE_NAME
print 'Tables and Referencing Tables' print '' select b.REF_LEVEL, TABLE_NAME = convert(varchar(40),a.TABLE_NAME), REFERENCING_TABLE =convert(varchar(40),c.FK_TABLE) from @table a left join @t b on a.TABLE_NAME = b.TABLE_NAME left join @rs c on a.TABLE_NAME = c.PK_TABLE order by a.TABLE_NAME, c.FK_TABLE
print 'Tables and Tables Referenced' print '' select b.REF_LEVEL, TABLE_NAME = convert(varchar(40),a.TABLE_NAME), TABLE_REFERENCED =convert(varchar(40),c.PK_TABLE) from @table a left join @t b on a.TABLE_NAME = b.TABLE_NAME left join @rs c on a.TABLE_NAME = c.FK_TABLE order by a.TABLE_NAME, c.PK_TABLE
Hello all,I have two tables - Projects and ProjectStructTable Projects contains master records of the projects, ProjectStructallows to define a project herarchie and contains the fieldsPrjStructId, ProjectId, PrjStructName, ..., ParentIdPrjStructParent contains a reference to the parent or to itselves ifrecord is top-level-record for a project.I try to create a trigger on table Projects (INSERT) whichautomatically creates the top-level-entry in ProjectStruct but Ididn't succed.Tried to use (several variations similar to)INSERT INTO ProjectStruct (ProjectId, PrjStructName, ParentId)SELECT prjProjectId, 'top-level',IDENT_CURRENT('ProjectStruct'))FROM INSERTEDbut this inserts a reference to the last inserted record. Why thishappens is pretty clear to me, but I found no way to get the referenceto the identity column of the record currently inserted.Is there a way to do this?
I need a table of seasonally adjusted forecasts. Each row contains 52 weekly values to been named as needed (e.g. Week01, Week02, etc.). At any point in the year, I want to be able to determine how many weeks I can cover with the product on hand.
I have not been able to envision a set based, normalized solution given there are nearly a million items to be evaluated daily. If I normalize, I'm faced with 52 million rows. It seems to me I'm better off bringing a wide row containing all 52 week buckets into memory and working with them in a stored procedure. And if that's the best solution, how do I reference these "virtual" buckets? I'm thinking of some kind of While() loop that counts the weeks until the inventory is exhaused but I need a subscript based technique to reference each week.
I have a common requirement (when I'm processing data rows from an input file) to perform some data manipulation in script then look up a value from a reference table and perform some further data manipulation depending on whether a matching value was found in the lookup table or not.
For example, say I'm processing Customer data rows and the first "word" (/token) of the FullName column might be a title or the title could be missing and it might be a forename or initial instead. I want to check the first word of this FullName column to see if it matches any valid title values in a ReferenceTitles lookup table. If I find a match I want to set my Title column to the value from the ReferenceTitles lookup table, otherwise I want to set it to, say, an empty string. Then I want to process the rest of the FullName column tokens differently depending on whether or not a match was found.
It seems very messy to start coding a script transformation and then have to use a lookup transformation combined with a script transformation on the error output followed by a union and a sort and finally a further script transformation (especially as I would like to be able to use variables from the first script in the later processing)...
So what I'm wondering is: Is there an easy/clean way to perform a database lookup (using cached values) from a script so that I can achieve all the above from within a single script component?
I need a SQL or TSQL command (not a stored procedure) that will determine if a table exists (TBL_PARAMETERS). The command needs to return a 1 if the table exists or 0 if it dose not exist.