How Do You Schedule Package With Sql 2000 Dts Designer?

Feb 29, 2008

We just did an in-place upgrade from sql2000EE to sql2005EE and I installed the SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer componets but I don't see the option to schedule a package.

Thanks for you input.

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Schedule A SSIS Package Which Execute DTS 2000 Package

Mar 25, 2008

I have successfully created a SSIS package which execute a DTS 2000 package and with no problem to execute the task. But I failed to schedule this package. I was not success in setting the logging. When running the package in command line:

dtexec file "C:Documents and SettingslyangMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005ProjectsTraingDTSTraingDTSDTSTraining.dtsx"

Error: 2008-03-24 08:03:24.36
Code: 0xC0012024
Source: Execute DTS 2000 Package Task
Description: The task "Execute DTS 2000 Package Task" cannot run on this edit
ion of Integration Services. It requires a higher level edition.
End Error
Warning: 2008-03-24 08:03:24.38

Code: 0x80019002
Source: DTSTraining
Description: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised
(2) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the
number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the M
aximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
End Warning
DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1).

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

(32 bit machine, standartd edition of SQL 2005)

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DTS 2000 Package Designer And SQL Server 2005

Mar 28, 2007

I am not sure where to ask this question. So I figured here may be ok

I have several DTS 2000 packages and I have SQL 2005 installed on my local machine. However the rest of the company is still using SQL 2000 (for now). So I do not want to convert them to ssis yet. One of the things we just did to the packages is make all flat files use \localhost and any servers point to (local). Now in ssis this works fine but using the DTS 2000 package designer it does not like either of these at all. The reason we wanted to do this is so when we switch out servers there is no changes to our DTS packages.

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Save DTS Package Created In DTS Designer(SQL 2000) On SQL 2005 Under Legacy

May 13, 2008

Hi All,
One of my user was able create DTS package using DTS Wizard, working from his workstation and saved this DTS in Legacy(in Data Transaformation services) on different SQL 2005 EE SP 2(9.0.3042) production server..
At same time he has no access to msdb on this SQL 2005 server(he also not sysadmin for this server).. How this could happen..??

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Package Validation Error : The Package Designer Deletes The Code From Script Task.

Jun 14, 2006

While Creating a script task in Control Flow, I am getting "Package Validation Error". Here is the complete message:

Error at Validate File and Load Data: The task is configured to pre-compile the script, but binary code is not found. Please visit the IDE in Script Task Editor by clicking Design Script button to cause binary code to be generated.

As mentioned in the message, I opened the script IDE and added the code I need. When I close the VSA IDE, package designer displays the same error message.

The worst part of whole story is that if I close the package designer and reopen it, I find that all the code I wrote in the script task has been deleted by the package designer. This is not at all acceptable as I saved the package the and still lost all my work. I did all the coding from scratch for that task.

Please respond if anyone faced similar problem.

Thanks in advance!


PS: If any one from Microsoft is reading this, please see what you guys are coding there. Due to the buggy software you deliver, I am loosing my credibility.<P< P>

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Problem With DTS Designer Package

Apr 11, 2008

I have installed backward compatimility package and dts designer components on my computer wich run sql server 2005.
When i try to open a DTS package in management studio, It tries to install sql server 2000 and ask for sql2000.msi.
Does any one know how to fix this so i can edit dts packages in management studio 2005?


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Package Designer- Feature Pack

Apr 6, 2007

after installing the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer Com feature pack and then restarting my management studio, I still cannot see or edit my dts packages. I also tried editing them in the integration services consule but no luck there. I see them under the msdb and have no option to edit them.

Has anyone got this utility to work?


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Schedule DTS Package

Mar 5, 2004

I have MS SQL installed on my workstation at work. I am trying to use DTS to export data from our local network that uses a Pervasive DB to our web server that is hosted with another company.

If I go in and manually execute the DTS package from my workstation, it send the data to the web server.

If I try to schedule the DTS Package to automatically send the data, it fails. SQL Server Agent is running on my workstation and on the web server.

Is what I am trying to do possible? What am I doing wrong?

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Can&#39;t Schedule DTS Package

Mar 19, 2001

Hi All

I'm having problems scheduling a DTS package.

The server is SQL 7 sp2 running on NT4 sp5. The only other twist is that it's at a remote site that I connect to via NT Dial-up.

When I choose the 'Schedule Package...' menu option I get the normal dialog to set frequency etc... but the job isn't created.

Any guidence at all would be most appreciated.


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Can&#39;t Schedule A DTS Package

Oct 19, 1999

Hello and thanks for reading my post...

I have a DTS package that I can execute manually all I want, no problem.

However, when I try to schedule the package to run as a job, it error when it tries to connect to my remote database, giving me comments about the ODBC driver (which is installed correctly).

My best guess is that when I run it manually, it running under my userid/password (NT authentication), but when it runs as a job, it is using the SQL Agent, which has a different level of authority somehow.

This may be a no-brainer, but I've looked at everything I know of.

Please help!

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How Can I Schedule A DTS Package To Run Using VB?

Mar 1, 2002

I have been tasked with creating a web interface that kicks off a DTS package. The problem is that the DTS package takes a long time to run and basically hangs the browser until the process is complete...not good, and bumping up the script timeout in IIS doesnt help either. What i need to be able to do is schedule the package to run immediately rather than just execute it. That way I should be able to regain control of the browser as soon as the job has been scheduled. Does anyone have any code samples on how to do this? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Michael D. Nelson

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Schedule A DTS Package

May 22, 2007


I created a DTS package on my SQL server (2005).
It copies my data to an excel-file.

How can I run this package every night?



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DTS Package Schedule

Jul 20, 2005

HalloI have a DTS Package which reads data from a Access Database andimports it to SQL Server. This package runs without error when it isexecuted trough Enterprise Manager.When I create a job with "Schedule Package" and then try to run thejob, it gives errors like this:Ausführt als Benutzer: SQL-S002MURSQL_Admin. ...db Das System kanndas angegebene Laufwerk nicht finden.DTSRun: Lädt... DTSRun: Führtaus... DTSRun OnStart: DTSStep_DTSCreateProcessTask_1 DTSRunOnError: DTSStep_DTSCreateProcessTask_1, Fehler = -2147220330(80040496) Fehlerzeichenfolge: CreateProcessTask'DTSTask_DTSCreateProcessTask_1': Prozess gab Code 1 zurück. Dieserstimmt nicht mit dem....That means the system cannot find the specified drive.SQL Server and SQL Server Agent are running as SQL_Admin, I am alsologged in as SQL_Admin when I run the package in Enterprise Manager.Thank you very much, if someone can give me a hint.HP

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Best Way To Schedule A Package To Run During The Day

Aug 2, 2007


What is the best way to schedule a package to run every 30 minutes during the day. Would it be using SQL Agent Jobs? If so, what is the things I need to consider.

Thank you,


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Schedule Package

Mar 19, 2007

I am trying to create a job to automatically execute a package. The package was created by use of the wizard. It€™s very simple€¦export a view to a flat file. If I run the package as is it generated the file. However when I create a job and try to run the job it errors out with package cannot be found even though the path of the dtsx file is correct.

Shouldn€™t I be able to schedule a package which was created by the wizard? Do you have any idea when I€™d get a msg that package cannot be found even though the path is correct?

Please let me know your thoughts on this issue€¦I am at a lost.


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Why DTS Package Worked From DTS Designer But Failed On Scheduled Job?

Aug 11, 2006

I created a DTS Package. It worked fine if I  execute the DTS from DTS designer. It failed after I right clicked to Schedule Package, and than right clicked on the job to Start Job from Management - SQL Server Agnet - Jobs. When I clicked View Job History, the error was "The job failed. The last step to run was step 1 (DTSPackageName).

Why did it fail from scheduled DTS?  Thanks.

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Cannot Insert A Variable In SSIS Package Designer

Feb 21, 2007

This morning I got an odd problem, I just added a new package to my dtproj and I cannot add a variable. Am I missing anything. ?

here is the image

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SSIS Package Designer Performance After Installing SP1

Jan 9, 2007


When I installed SP1 on my SQL Server 2005, the performance of the package designer dropped enormously. I have to wait like 30 seconds after I drag-and-drop a datasource from the toolbox to the design area. Also it takes a very long time to run the very simple package. Not to mention opening some complicated package that was done before applying SP1. The package scheduled in SQL Agent went from 3-4min to 5-6min.

Can anyone address this issue? Maybe there's something I did wrong?

While installing SP1 I ecountered strange behaviour (some messages about file locking, rebooting and stuff), but in the end it said that it was successful

Best Regards

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Error With Schedule A DTS Package...

Sep 24, 2004

Hi experts...

I'm trying to schedule a DTS package (import some tables from Mysql database) but there is
an error and I don't know how to resolve it.

The error is always the same...
"The job failed. The Job was invoked by Schedule 24 (Import RT data). The last step to run was step 1 (Import RT data)."

I have tried changing the all the parameters in the job properties, but I always obtein the same message.

The DTS package works fine, I can execute and it works, the problem is the schedule...

Thanks in advanced...

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Dec 4, 2001

I'm new to DTS packages and have a problem with some new ones that have been set up and wondered if anyone else has experienced the same problem I am having.

A couple of DTS packages will run ok if I manually execute them but if I schedule them they fail. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Many Thanks

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DTS Package Failing On Schedule Run?

Jan 10, 2007

I have set up a couple of DTS local packages to run ActiveX scripts creating XML files and copying them to our webserver (on the same domain).

I can run them OK manually via the 'Execute' package command in the drop down list when I right click on them and also get the 'Package successfully run' message back on running them, but when I schedule them to run overnight I find the SQL Server Agent reports them as 'failed' although other packages set up seem to be running OK when scheduled.

What am I doing wrong?

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Schedule SSIS Package /w WST

May 30, 2008

How do I schedule a SSIS package with Windows Scheduled Tasks?

Can I just create a .bat and schedule it with Windows Scheduled Tasks?

It sounds simple enough but I just want to make sure that I am not overlooking something.

the folowing would be the script for the .bat:

EXEC xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /f "C:Documents and SettingsmasterMy DocumentsVisual Studio
2005ProjectsIntegration Services Project1Integration Services Project1SigmaODS.dtsx"'


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Not Able To Schedule SSIS Package

Jun 27, 2007

I have created a package that is using Execute process Task through which I am executing a C# console application exe. When I run this package through BI then it runs fine and it does not give any error but when I try to schedule this package as job then it gives error and that error is not clear.

Is it required to place the exe also on same server as SQL server. I put that also on machine where SQL server is present but still it gives error.

Please Help.


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How To Schedule And Run A SSIS Package

Aug 18, 2006


Does any one know how to run

How to Schedule and Run a SSIS

Package for certain time intervals ?

I have created an application which will do some data transfering from one database

to another databse based on the start

time and end time values(Which is been already configured in some tables).

What I am exactly looking is that my application should do data transffering

Based on only the time intervals(Startime and End Time)

I wanted to execute my package only these time intervals. How to do this

Can any one help please.

Thanks & Regards

Deepu M.I

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How To Schedule DTS Package In Sql 2005

Aug 13, 2007

I am trying to to schedule DTS Package but this message appear .
The job failed. The Job was invoked by User sa. The last step to run was step 1 (1). and this
Executed as user: Computer nameSYSTEM. The package execution failed. The step failed
so how I can schedule DTS Package in sql 2005 .

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Package Fails When I Schedule It.

Jan 16, 2007

Two scenarios, 1 worked, 1 didn't:

First package I execute SQL (select top 10 * from MyTable) in my SQLServer2005 database.
I scheduled it and it ran sucessfully.
I changed the execute SQL to run against an external Oracle database. (Select * from SomeOracleTable where rownum <= 10). I preview to make sure the query works and it does return a result set. I execute the package in the Visual Studios IDE and it works. I save with encryptAllWithPassword to the SQL server. I go into the scheduler and select the package from SQL Server (as opposed to the file system). I set the step to execute the package off the server. I enter the security key by clicking on the configuration tab. I assume it saves the password to the package. I click OK, and schedule it for one time execution.
It fails.

I have looked at:

but nothing jumps out at me that i did anything wrong. I mean I did Resolution Method #2, and #3 and it still fails.

Can someone please help???


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Schedule SSIS Package

Mar 20, 2008

I searched a lot of articles about how to schedule SSIS package and do exactly the steps they told me to do. But it still failed.

Date 3/20/2008 1:18:01 PM
Log Job History (my job name)
Step ID 0
Job Name my job name
Step Name (Job outcome)
Duration 00:00:01
Sql Severity 0
Sql Message ID 0
Operator Emailed
Operator Net sent
Operator Paged
Retries Attempted 0
The job failed. The Job was invoked by User lyang. The last step to run was step 1 (run SSIS).

ate 3/20/2008 1:18:01 PM
Log Job History (my job name)
Step ID 1
Job Name my job name
Step Name run SSIS
Duration 00:00:01
Sql Severity 0
Sql Message ID 0
Operator Emailed
Operator Net sent
Operator Paged
Retries Attempted 0
Executed as user: domainlyang. The package execution failed. The step failed.

Please help me! I have worked on it for many hours.


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Schedule Package Upon Deploymnent

Jul 13, 2007

hi all!

ive created a package that's supposed to run every night. the package works fine and is now ready for deployment so ive created a deployment utility for this (is this the best way to deploy?) what i want to know is is there a way to set the package to run every night upon deployment?

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Schedule An SSIS Package Through VB.Net

Mar 26, 2008

I have some SSIS pacakages that I want the user to be able to schedule dynamically from the UI. I know there are some stored procedures provided by Microsoft for this, but am not able to figure out how to go about it.

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How To Schedule Package Continuoulsly?

Dec 20, 2006


I have requirement that i need to Schedule package continuously(every 10 Seconds).

Any solution on this?

it would be great!

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How To Schedule Package Continuoulsly?

Dec 20, 2006


I have requirement that i need to Schedule package continuously(every 10 Seconds).

Any solution on this?

it would be great!

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Schedule SSIS Package

Apr 18, 2008

I have a SSIS package which execute a SQL 2000 server DTS package. When run this package alone, there is no problem. But when schedule the job, it failed.

C:>dtexec /file "C:Documents and SettingslyangMy DocumentsVisual Studio 200
Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility
Version 9.00.1399.06 for 32-bit
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved.
Started: 8:19:40 AM
Progress: 2008-04-18 08:19:40.49
Source: Execute DTS 2000 Package Task
Execute DTS 2000 Package Task is initiated: 0% complete
End Progress
Error: 2008-04-18 08:20:41.68
Code: 0x00000000
Source: Execute DTS 2000 Package Task
Description: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040427): Execut
ion was canceled by user.
at DTS.PackageClass.Execute()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.Exec80PackageTask.Exec80PackageTask.ExecuteT
End Error
Progress: 2008-04-18 08:20:41.68
Source: Execute DTS 2000 Package Task
Execute DTS 2000 Package Task is completed: 100% complete
End Progress
Warning: 2008-04-18 08:20:41.68
Code: 0x80019002
Source: DTSTraining
Description: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised
(1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the
number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the M
aximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
End Warning
DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1).
Started: 8:19:40 AM
Finished: 8:20:41 AM
Elapsed: 61.375 seconds

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HELP!!! Trying To Schedule SSIS Package

Feb 24, 2006

Hello everybody,

I try to schedule a SSIS package.

When I run manualy, it works without error but when I schedule it, the step fail with error: "Executed as user:... The package execution failed. The step failed."

This package contain just a SQL Task that execute a truncate table (it's for the test...)

I try all solution I found in this forum and others but all not works.

Have you an idea ???

Thanks a lot


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