How Does Databse Driver Manager Know The Application Is Unicode Aware ?

Mar 7, 2006

Hi, all:

My VC6 MFC application is recognized as a Unicode application by the driver
manager, so when I read nchar fileds in MS SQL Server database, the
SQL_WCHAR does not convert to SQL_CHAR, and the application ASSERT failure
at CRecordset::GetDefaultFieldType function.
But I don't have "_UNICODE" defined, and have no "W" suffix functions
called, and my old version program compiled on Feb 2004 just work fine.
(source code lost unfortunatally)

I read docs like:
but can't find the right answer.

Could any one tell me how dow the driver manager judge the application to be
Unicode aware?

Best Regards,
Qiang He

(remove the "nospam." to email me, thanks)

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[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver Specified

Oct 19, 2006

trying to install sql server2005 on a windows 2003 server box.

getting msg below at the sql server . i looked at other posts on trying to uninstall SQL Native Access Client and norton antivirus. i could never find the snac on the add - remove programs and this server does not have a virus protection program yet.

here's the history of the installs on the server:

wanted to test a 2005 upgrade so:

1) installed sql server 2000 then sp4 then restored some databases to it - all OK

2) tried to upgrade to sql 2005 but ran into problems and left it at that.

had a disk drive crash on the d drive so lost the installs but not the operating system

when the drive was replaced, left alone for a while

then wanted to test a straight 2005 install

1) removed the broken 2005 attempt

2) removed the 2000

3) installed 2005 and got the error on the subject line:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup

SQL Server Setup could not connect to the database service for server configuration. The error was: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified Refer to server error logs and setup logs for more information. For details on how to view setup logs, see "How to View Setup Log Files" in SQL Server Books Online.

i've gone through as many of the forums that i can and have tried several things - like uninstalling 2005 and installing pieces and parts but but nothing seems to work.


Dan <><

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Sql2005 ODBC Driver Manager Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver Specified

Feb 4, 2008

i am attempting to run phpbb using ms sql 2005 on the same box but get the following error during the setup

Could not connect to the database, see error message below.
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

i am not sure yet if this is an issue with sql, php or phpbb

php is installed in iis and has all the modules installed which the php msi installer supported. i can run php code but in this case when i'm running the install.php file for the phphbb setup, i fill in the values for the database and got that error

phpbb detects all the required server settings and sees that i have ms sql installed

any suggestions on what that error means or how to go about configuring odbc driver?

probably a simple issue. but i'm still new with sql stuff

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Unicode Through SQL Server 2005 Driver For PHP

Dec 28, 2007

I'm trying to use the recently released native driver for PHP to connect to our SQL Server 2000 database, but it garbles any Unicode (nvarchar or ntext) data. I didn't see any mention of Unicode in the API document, but am hoping there is some hidden configuration or option to enable Unicode support. Has anyone gotten this to work with Unicode?



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Opening Sqlce Databse In Desktop Application

Oct 23, 2007

can we open a sqlce databse stored on desktop hard disk in desktop application ?

Mukesh Gupta

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Compatible Versions Of Ms SQL Server, ODBC Driver, Driver Manager And ODBC API Spec

Oct 28, 2004


Please help share with me if you know the version compatibility matrix of Ms SQL Server, ODBC driver (sqlsrv32.dll), Driver Manager (odbc32.dll) and ODBC API spec. For instance, how can I know Ms SQL Server 2000 can work with which version of sqlsrv32.dll, a particular version of sqlsrv32.dll can work with which version of odbc32.dll and a certain version of sqlsrv32.dll/odbc32.dll conforms to which version of ODBC API spec (e.g. 3.5).

Any help will be appreciated.



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Unicode In Flat File Connection Manager

Jul 17, 2007


Does anybody know, how to load unicode text file using Flat File Source Task?

I set "unicode" option on the general tab of the Flat File Conn. Manager.

(my text file is comma delimited, the default row delimiter is {CR}{LF})

but on the Column tab I see only one row in one column (I have several rows and columns in the flat file).

How to see them all ?

I appreciate any help !


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Specified DSN Contains Architecture Mismatch Between Driver And Application

Jul 20, 2010

I am running sqlserve 2005 on window7 64bit and when i tried to access the database through an app, I get the error below.

SQLException caught = [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application

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ODBC Driver Manager Error

Jun 28, 1999

A developer installed a FoxPro application on my workstation and every time I connect to SQL Server 7 I get the following message:

The ODBC resource DLL(C:WINNTSystem32odbcint.dll) is a different version than the ODBC driver manager (C:WINNTSystem32odbc32.dll).
You need to reinstall the ODBC components to ensure proper operation.

I can still connect to the database and everything seems to work but I want to correct this problem. Could anyone tell me how to reinstall the ODBC components? I tried reinstalling SQL Server 7 on my workstation but it tells me that I have not selected any components, even though everything is selected. Do I need to uninstall SQL Server and then reinstall it?

Thanks in advance.


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ODBC Driver Timeout Error In Enterprise Manager & VB ADO

Sep 12, 2001

Receiving error "Microsoft ODBC Server Driver Timeout Expired".
This is happening when running queries or stored procedures through VB6 and also in Enterprise Manager.
Have set query timeout to 0 and command timeout to 0 but no joy.

Enterprise manager cannot even perform a count of records (16Million) without timeing out.

Can anyone end of tether!


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How To Use 32-bit ODBC Driver (sybase) At An ETL Application Running (deployed Into SQL Server) On A 64-bit Machine ?

Oct 9, 2006

I am developing an ETL system on a 32-bit machine let's say, called 'dwdev'. The application connects to a Sybase database as a source system using ODBC connection. I am able to run this application directly from Visual studio 2005 and i am able to deploy it into SQL Server 2005 and run it from Server as a job. Both work. At this server i am connecting to a SQL Server instance called 'dwdev'.

When i transfer my application onto a 64-bit machine, let's say called 'dwtest', i am able to run my application from Visual Studio 2005 properly and it works, but when i deploy it into SQL Server (instance is called 'dwtest') and try to run it as a job just like the development machine, it gives an error and stops executing.

I was facing 'data source' type of error when i was first trying it from Visual Studio, but i solved this problem by setting Run64bitRunTime settings to FALSE on the Project's properties Debugging Page, at 64-bit machine. now it uses 32-bit runtime then 32-bit Sybase ODBC driver. But i cannot force the application to use 32 bit runtime when i am executing it from SQL Server as a job.

How can i do that? is there an alternative method?

Thanks for your help...

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Resolution Of Following Error: IM010: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data Source Name Too Long

Feb 26, 2008

Hi SQL Server Team,

In order to add a data source by using ODBC Administrator, programmatically i am using SQLConfigDataSource. Thus calling SQLConfigDataSource with the fOption set to either ODBC_ADD_DSN for creating a new DSN.

Following is the stattement specified in the source code. where type_of_driver = "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)"; and parameters contains the data source source credentials information such as DSN, UID, PSW, FIL, Description, DataDirectory,DEFAULTDIR and DBQ all separated by "".

rc = SQLConfigDataSource(NULL, ODBC_ADD_DSN, type_of_driver, parameters);

after execution of below mentioned command an error is encountered i.e -1 is returned if the DataDirectory path exceeds certain nested directories link. for eg. the file path specified below.

C:My DocumentsClients CurrentAHW Netcare BenefitsDeliverables1-5 Results Chain - system LevelAlberta NetcareBenefits Logic System Level V01.rcm

Creating a datasource with the file name i.e Benefits Logic System Level V01 every time.
rc = :: SQLConnect(hDbc, (unsigned char *)szSource, SQL_NTS, (unsigned char *)szUserName, SQL_NTS, (unsigned char *)szPassword, SQL_NTS);

Also following error message was encountered during execution of SQLConnect command.

/*szErrorMsg = 0x0012e834 "[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Not enough information to connect to this DSN with SQLConnect. Use SQLDriverConnect."*/

Thus followed the instruction smentioned in the error message an dtried using SQL DriverConnect() in the following manner.
rc = :: SQLDriverConnect(hDbc, NULL,(SQLCHAR *)"DSN=RCM",SQL_NTS,outstr, sizeof(outstr),

Still an error is encountered but this time it returns a RETCODE of 100 whrease earlier it had returned -1.

Inform the procedure to be followed using SQLConnect when DataDirectory path is too long.

An early reply will be appreciated.

Cheers & Regards,


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Mssql Manager Based On Web Application

Jun 14, 2005

hi to all,i have looked in the forum whit no success and hoping that this is the right place to ask  : i am looking for a tool - application to manage mssql server , is anybody new a good system.thanks ori

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Integrate Report Manager In An Application

Feb 22, 2007

I thought I can probably find out how the report manager works and create a similar application so that I can define my own things in there.

Looks like there is no sample where I could get a lead. Now I have decided if I can include the report manager in a new aspx page in my application and disable the stuff which is not required by the user to look at it.

I can definitely include the report manager url in the Iframe but how do I disable the stuff from the report manager.

Please help, I am having real hard time.

Thanks in advance.

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Integration Services :: CDC Source Transformation And Converting Non-Unicode To Unicode String SSIS

May 6, 2015

In my package , I am used CDC Source transformation and received the Net changes then insert into Destination. But whatever Data coming from CDC source data type Varchar value needs to Converting Non Unicode string to Unicode string SSIS. So used Data conversion transformation to achieved this.  I need to achieve this without data conversion.

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Integration Services :: Column A Cannot Convert Between Unicode And Non-unicode String Data Types

Aug 7, 2012

I am following the SSIS overview video- URL...I have a flat file that i want to import the contents onto a SQL database.I created a Dataflow task, source file and oledb destination.I am getting the folliwung error -"column "A" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types".in the origin file the data type is coming as string[DT_STR] and in the destination object it is coming as "Unicode string [DT_WSTR]"I used a data conversion object in between, dosent works very well

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Excel Destination Error: Columnxx Cannot Convert Between Unicode And Non-unicode String Data Types

Jul 28, 2005

Good afternoon

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Problem Saving/retrieving Unicode Characters NVARCHAR With Unicode Collation (java Jdbc)

Aug 8, 2006

I'm connecting to a SQL Server 2005 database using the latest (beta) sql server driver (Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver 1.1 CTP June 2006) from within Java (Rational Application Developer).

The table in SQL Server database has collation Latin1_General_CI_AS and one of the columns is a NVARCHAR with collation Indic_General_90_CI_AS. This should be a Unicode only collation. However when storing for instance the following String:

... it is saved with ? for all unicode characters as follows (when looking in the database):

The above is not correct, since all unicode characters should still be visible. When inserting the same string directly into the sql server database (without using Java) the result is ok.

Also when trying to retrieve the results again it complains about the following error within Java:

Codepage 0 is not supported by the Java environment.

Hopefully somebody has an answer for this problem. When I alter the collation of the NVARCHAR column to be Latin1_General_CI_AS as well, the data can be stored and retrieved however then of course the unicode specific characters are lost and results into ? So in that case the output is as described above (ie ‚¬_£_ÙÚÜÛùúüû_ÅÆØåæøߣÇçÑñ_¼½¾_??????_??????_????)

We would like to be able to persist and retrieve unicode characters in a SQL Server database using the correct JDBC Driver. We achieved this result already with an Oracle UTF8 database. But we need to be compliant with a SQL Server database as well. Please help.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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SQL 2012 :: (SSIS) - Cannot Convert Between Unicode And Non-unicode Data Types

Sep 9, 2015

I have an SSIS package that pulls data from a MYSQL DB (Using RSSBus for Salesforce in SSIS to accomplish this). Most of the columns are loading properly, but I have many columns that I need to convert.

I have been using the Data Conversion dataflow task in SSIS to convert the rows.

I have 2 data conversions that work on most of the columns, but the DESCRIPTION column continues to return an error saying "Cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode types", regardless of what I choose on the Data Conversion task. So, basically I want to dump this column data into a SQL table with NVARCHAR datatypes. Here is what I am doing in my SSIS package...

1) Grab subset of data from SOURCE
2) Converts to TEXTSTREAM. (Data Conversion)
3) Converts to STRING. (Data Conversion)
4) Load Destination table. (OLE DB Destination)

I have also tried to simply convert the values to STRING, but that doesn't work either.

So, I have 2 Data Conversions working here that process most of the data correctly. What I can do to load the DESCRIPTION column?

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SSIS: Unicode And Non-unicode String Data Types

May 14, 2008

Hi guys and gals,

I've had some great headaches with SSIS this morning, which I have managed to get a workarounds for, but I'm not happy with them so I've come to ask for advice.

Basically, I am exporting data from an SQL Server database into an Excel spreadsheet and hitting issues with unicode and non-unicode data types.

For example, I have a column that is char(6) and have added a data conversion step to the data flow, which converts it to type DT_WSTR and then everything works!

However, this seems like a completely un-neccessary step as I should be able to do the conversion in T-SQL - but no matter what I try I keep getting the same problem.

SELECT Cast(employee_number As nvarchar(255)) As [employee_number]
FROM employee
WHERE forename = 'george'

ErrorValidation error. details: 1 [1123]: Column "employee_number" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

I know I have a solution (read: workaround) but I really don't want to do this everytime!

Any suggestions for what else to try?

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Cannot Convert Between Unicode And Non-unicode String Data Types.

Apr 6, 2006

I have an Excel Source component hooked to an OLE DB Destination component in my SSIS 2005 Data Flow Task.  After I mapped the excel columns to the OLE DB table columns i get these errors below.  I noticed that for the first error, the Excel Field format (when you mouse over the column name in the mappings section in OLE DB component) is of type [DTWSTR] and the corresponding SQL field from my SQL table that it's mapping to is of type [DT_STR] when mousing over that field in the mappings in the properties of my OLE DB component.  All table fields in SQL Server for the table I'm inserting into are of type varchar.

print screens here:

Package Validation Error


Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Destination [27]]: Columns "Commission Agency" and "CommissionAgency" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Destination [27]]: Column "Product" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Destination [27]]: Columns "Officer Code" and "OfficerCode" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Destination [27]]: Columns "Agency Name" and "AgencyName" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Destination [27]]: Columns "Agency Id" and "AgencyID" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Destination [27]]: Columns "Tran Code" and "TranCode" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Destination [27]]: Columns "User Id" and "UserID" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Destination [27]]: Columns "Acct Number" and "AccountNumber" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [DTS.Pipeline]: "component "OLE DB Destination" (27)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".

Error at Data Flow Task [DTS.Pipeline]: One or more component failed validation.

Error at Data Flow Task: There were errors during task validation.



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Cannot Convert Between Unicode And Non-unicode String Data Type

Jan 15, 2007


I'm having this problem.

I use Visual Studio's, integration project to load XML file into SQL Server. In the XML file, i have defined collumns as string. When i try to load XML file with parts defined in scheme as string, i get an error "cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data type.

Destinated collumns in SQL are defined as varchar and char.

Thanks for help

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Integration Services :: Cannot Convert From Unicode To Non-unicode Error

May 7, 2009

For packages that I have created to read Oracle 10g tables, that work fine with debugging in 32-bit mode, I get an error message on all string fields when I try to run in 64-bit mode.  An example error message is:[OLE DB Source [1]] Error: Column "ACCT_UNIT" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.Another interesting warning included is:[OLE DB Source [1]] Warning: The external columns for component "OLE DB Source" (1) are out of synchronization with the data source columns. The external column "ACCT_UNIT" needs to be updated.I cannot even try to convert this data with a Data Conversion item because the (red) error is on the OLE DB Source item and stops there.  It doesn't matter what the destination is or even if there is a destination in the package yet.I'm using Oracle Provider for OLE DB, Oracle Client version 10.203 for 32-bit and Oracle Client 10.204 for 64-bit.Oracle is 10g on a UNIX 64-bit server and the data is not unicode.I'm using SQL Server Enterprise 2008 (10.0.1600) on Windows Server 2008 Standard SP1 on a 64-bit server.The packages work fine in 32-bit mode and the data is not unicode data.  When I change Run64BitRuntime to True in the Debugging Property Page, I get the error on the OLE DB Source item.  I also get the error when I schedule a package to run using the SQL Server Agent.

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Cannot Convert Between Unicode And Non-unicode String Data Types

Mar 7, 2008


I have spent countless number of hours trying to solve the issue, but to no vail. My problem is SSIS throws "cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types" when i am try to transform data from DB2 to SQL Server 2005. And please note, i tried all possibilities like changing the destination field which is in SQL Server 2005 to nvarchar and also text. But so far no help. And i also looked at previous posts which did not help me either.

Thank You in advance.

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Can I Use SQL Server 2005 Driver For PHP On X64 2003 Server As 64bit Application?

Nov 21, 2007

I'm sorry to bother you.

Now I'm trying to run PHP web application on x64 2003 Server with Microsoft SQL Server 2005. The version of PHP is 5.2.3. and the web application should be run as 64bit applications. Since there seems no way to use php_mssql.dll on the environment, I'm trying to use SQL Server 2005 Driver for PHP but when PHP loads php_sqlsrv.dll, an error has occurd and there's a following message in an error log...

PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'c:phpextphp_sqlsrv.dll' - %1 is not a valid Win32 application

From this message, I thought the distributed libraries for Windows would be for a Win32 environment but there seemed no information that says the libraries run on Win32 environment only.

I really appriciate if you help me.
Thank you.

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MS SQL Server - Transfer Database From Non-unicode To Unicode

Jun 29, 2006

Any one know the process of transfering the database from non-unicode to unicode. Coz I like to transfer the data from english to hebrew.

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Is Anyone Aware Of A SP6 For SQL 6.5?

Nov 24, 1999

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Be Aware !!!!! (Job Seekers)

Aug 22, 2001

Hi Guys,

This message is posted to alert everyone.

Be Aware !!!!! (Job seekers)

Convey this message to all of your friends.

Nowadays, a new Bad Virus (Trend) is affecting the IT industry throughout United States in the name of interviews.
It is shame for the Company who do this.

Persons are called for interviews and were asked to solve a problem spending like 3 to 4 hours in the name of testing their ability.
(which they really need solution for the problem they are facing in the company)

This guy who attends the interview shows his talents and solve the major problem within a couple of hours (even faster than they expect)
hoping that he will get a job.

As soon as the problem is solved, the person was told that, " Let we think about that, We will inform you later "
But after that there won't be any calls or feedback from the Company.

So some of the Companies utilitize the skills of the people and get their job done without paying which seems to clever.

So Guys Be Aware !!!!!


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Anyone Aware Of A Virus...

Feb 12, 2004

That targets SQL Server. It deletes all data in random tables, and then truncates the transaction log.

Anyone heard of something like this?


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Be Aware !!!!! (Job Seekers)

Aug 21, 2001

Hi Guys,

This message is posted to alert everyone.

Be Aware !!!!! (Job seekers)

Convey this message to all of your friends.

Nowadays, a new Bad Virus (Trend) is affecting the IT industry throughout United States in the name of interviews.
It is shame for the Company who do this.

Persons are called for interviews and were asked to solve a problem spending like 3 to 4 hours in the name of testing their ability.
(which they really need solution for the problem they are facing in the company)

This guy who attends the interview shows his talents and solve the major problem within a couple of hours (even faster than they expect)
hoping that he will get a job.

As soon as the problem is solved, the person was told that, " Let we think about that, We will inform you later "
But after that there won't be any calls or feedback from the Company.

So some of the Companies utilitize the skills of the people and get their job done without paying which seems to clever.

So Guys Be Aware !!!!!


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Be Aware !!!!! (Job Seekers)

Aug 21, 2001

Hi Guys,

This message is posted to alert everyone.

Be Aware !!!!! (Job seekers)

Convey this message to all of your friends.

Nowadays, a new Bad Virus (Trend) is affecting the IT industry throughout United States in the name of interviews.
It is shame for the Company who do this.

Persons are called for interviews and were asked to solve a problem spending like 3 to 4 hours in the name of testing their ability.
(which they really need solution for the problem they are facing in the company)

This guy who attends the interview shows his talents and solve the major problem within a couple of hours (even faster than they expect)
hoping that he will get a job.

As soon as the problem is solved, the person was told that, " Let we think about that, We will inform you later "
But after that there won't be any calls or feedback from the Company.

So some of the Companies utilitize the skills of the people and get their job done without paying which seems to clever.

So Guys Be Aware !!!!!


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Non-Unicode To Unicode Data Conversion

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all, we are now planning to upgrade our application from anon-unicode version to a unicode version. The application's backend isa SQL Server 2000 SP3.The concern is, existing business data are stored using collation"Chinese_PRC_CI_AS", i.e. Simplified Chinese. So I thought we need toextract these data out to the new SQL Server which is using Unicode (Iassume it means converting them to nchar, nvarchar type of fields for Idon't enough information from the application side, or is there ageneral unicode collation that will make even char and varchar types tostore data as Unicode?).The problem is what's the best and most efficient way to do this dataconversion?bcp? DTS? or others?thanks a lot

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Easier Way To Convert Non-Unicode To Unicode

Nov 8, 2006

I have built a large package and due to database changes (varchar to nvarchar) I need to do a data conversion of all the flat file columns I am bringing in, to a unicode data type. The way I know how to do this is via the data conversion component/task. My question is, I am looking for an easy way to "Do All Columns" and "Map all Columns" without doing every column by hand in both spots.

I need to change all the columns, can I do this in mass? More importantly once I convert all these and connect it to my data source it fails to map converted fields by name. Is there a way when using the data conversion task to still get it to map by name when connecting it to the OLE destination?

I know I can use the wizard to create the base package, but I have already built all the other components, renamed and set the data type and size on all the columns (over 300) and so I don't want to have to re-do all that work. What is the best solution?

In general I would be happy if I could get the post data conversion to map automatically to the source. But because its DataConversion.CustomerID it will not map to CustomerID field on destination. Any suggestions on the best way to do this would save me hours of work...


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