I am looking for a way to retrieve the time from a Sql 2000 database in the format of hh:mm AM or PM. I am storing the information as a "datetime" data type. If I only supply the time (such as 02:30 PM) then the date defaults to 12/30/1899. When I read the information from the database I get "1899-12-30 14:30:00:000".
If I enter 02:30 PM I would like to get 02:30 PM.
I have tried various convert functions in Sql, maybe there is a way to format with an ASP.Net datetime function but I need help to get the information back in the right format.
I am in need of a format string or simple vb code that can add the local time zone to the end of a time field.. Something like: 9:36 AM EST 9:36 AM PST
This timezone will just come from the machine that the reporting server is on. I don't see this listed as a standard format, and I have come up empty so far in my research - anyone got a solution for this?
I am taking datetime value from a table MA and separating date and time by using CONVERT function.
CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), MA.ArrivalDate, 101) AS ArrivalDate, ' CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), MA.ArrivalDate, 108) AS ArrivalTime,
but my ArrivalTime is coming as 13:01:00. I want to convert this time as 1:01:00. I have to do this conversion in my stored proc, not in my code. can you help ..? Thanks
we have a column in database named "time" but it stores value as VARCHAR(9) datatype, when i display the "time" field (let us say "time" value is 07:54 AM) on reports, it displays the value as it is (07:54 AM) but i need the value to be displayed as 7:45 AM on the reports.
how can i do that ? clearly
field in the database is TIME (varchar(9)) 07:45 AM must be displayed as 7:45AM 12:34 PM must be displayed as 12:34 PM I tryed to write a function in sql reports properties code which acceptes array of charecters and depending up on the value of left most charecter of recieved array it will return charectr string back, but coulded get it worked
Hi, I want ot get time just like this : 8:40:15 AMI am using select convert(varchar(12),getdate(),8) to get this but this function return 24 Hrs format. How to achive this by using small coding. Jasim...
I have a sql table setup with a date field and a time field. They are both set to datetime.
In my net form, the date is entered as a date and gets added the the SQL table OK.
My problem is the time field. If i enter it straight into the SQL table as say 2pm, it adds it correctly as 2:00:00 PM. When I try to enter the time through my VB.net webform, the time gets added ok, but it places the date in the field as well to look like 14/04/2004 2:00:00 PM, I only want the time part of the field.
My code to add the time to the SQL table is as follows,
When I edit the recurring job schedule for a job, I try to set a job run in daily frequency at 11:00 am . But I can only edit the field in "11:00:00" and it always run at 11:00pm. Can someone know to set it run at 11:00am.
In SQL Server 2000 we are loading data into a smalldatetime field. The file is being loaded from a text file that contains the date in the following format: 07/24/2000 16:08
The problem occurs when the data is as follows: 04/28/2000 14:60
Microsoft SQL Server6.5 was forgiving and would translate this to 15:00 upon load but SQL Server2000 is failing with the Invalid Time Format error.
Can anything be done to force SQL Server 2000 to recognize this?
What do you think of a query that generates aSystem.Data.SqlClient.SqlException when submitted via a application,but when run through QueryAnalyzer or EnterpriseManager doesn'tgenerate a error? Here are 2 examples of the query:SELECT table1.*,table2.field1,table2.field2,table2.field3 FROMtable1,table2 WHERE table1.field1 = table2.field1 ANDtable1.field2='103' ANDtable2.TStamp > '12/19/2005 12:20:14 PM' ORDER BY table2.TStampSystem.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '12'.SELECT table1.*,table2.field1,table2.field2,table2.field3 FROMtable1,table2 WHERE table1.field1 = table2.field1 ANDtable1.field2='103' ANDtable2.TStamp > '12/8/2005 8:29:43 AM'ORDER BY table2.TStampSystem.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '8'.I believe the error is referencing the hour portion of the timestamp.When I run these queries through QA/EM I don't get a result set ... somaybe those apps just trap the exception and ignore it. Still, seeanything wrong with the TStamp?
I have a DateTime parameter called End Date set up with a default value eg =DateAdd("s",-1,Today). When I preview, the default value appears as 19/09/2006 23:59:59, which is fine.
However, when the report is deployed, it is displayed as 19/09/2006 11:59:59 PM. This would also be fine, except when the user changes the date using the calendar, it converts the time back to 24 hour time - eg 19/09/2006 23:59:59. Then when the report is run, it converts the time format back to AM/PM again.
Also, I have a Start Date Parameter, with a default value of 12:00AM today. I would like this to be displayed as 19/09/2006 12:00AM in the Start Date parameter text box, however reporting services will not display the 12:00AM part. Using FormatDateTime in the Default value will return a string and cause an error. I don't want to change the parameter to a string and lose the date picker.
Any ideas,
PS Getting the Date/Time settings changed on the reporting server would be extremely difficult!
I want to convert a datetime type into and speciically formatted time:the table contains this:1899-12-30 10:00:00.000I want to reformat it to appear like this:10:00 AM I want to do this with SQL using a CONVERT of something along that line.I've been able to find all kinds of date and date/time formats, but not time alone in the above format.And suggestions?TIA</chaz>
I have a customer time duration format like "12:15" that means 12 minutes and 15 seconds. I want to convert to be "12.25 " that means 12.25 minutes. Any suggestion please. Thanks a lot.
I have a table where the date and time stamp are logged together and I want to only show the date in a 10 character output. Also I want to return as blank some dates in the field that are 01/01/1800.
The current table format is 2013-06-28 00:00:00:000..I just want the date. I was using RTRIM function but it keeps erroring out.
with the bcp (bulk copy program) I output some data to a file. The data consists of two columns which are datetime values and one column with the difference in time. For the difference calculation I use the DATEDIFF function. This function can only give the diff back in minutes or hours and not in a time format.
Can I use a function to format the result or do I have to do it manually?
I managed to do the calculation manually by using the % (mod) operator, but then I have the time in this format 0:0 where it should be in 00:00 or 00:00:00. In that case I need a function or a way to add preceding zero's to the values.
Note that the formatting or manual calculation should be done in the SELECT clause to be able to use the bcp tool.
Would it be possible to change the date time from varchar to datetime. it currently showing as varchar in the following format 20080401 0845 can it be changed to date/time format into something like this 01/04/2008 08:45. If someone could help that would be great. Many thanks
if now the system time is 2014-12-23 23:45:345 . then I want to calculate the sales amount with total and get current date and current hour filter by hh:00-hh:59 , my desire output is like below :
Current time:23:50 run this query Date Time amount 2014-12-23 23:40 $10 2014-12-23 23:01 $5 2014-12-23 23:39 $5 Total :$20
Hello,I need to create a column that will store hours bigger than 24. Forexample '25:00:00', '129:23:12', etc).That column will be used too, for perform calculations betweendatetime intervals: 'time'.In MySQL there is a datatype that perfect fits that necessity.Does anyone know what is the corresponding datatype in SQL Server?Thanks a lot!
Precisely, here's what I need:When I run getdate(), I get, for example:August 9 2004 5:17 P.M.I want to turn the date portion into:8/9/2004 format and update one column with itI want to turn 5:17 P.M. into:hhmmss and update another column with it.I've been playing around with datepart, with substr, with you name it,and I'm stumped.Any code samples, other help most appreciated.Thanks,Google Jenny*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
Hi expert.. I am doing a project that have function to capture the Day and Night time talking duration of caller.... I make use of MSSQL to store the date time file..Let say I have this date: "2006-10-02 00:02:09".. How di I select "00:02:09" only???? Thanks in advancesuigion
I have asp.net 1.1 web form and it inserts date and time in SQL database, but it insert only date not time , It insert date time in following format 2002-01-22 00:00:00.000 some one tell me why it is not inserting time or why it is inserting time as 00:00:00:000. I want to my time to look like 14:42:51:153. (format) How can I change my time format give me asp.net codes for time formating or what do I need to do to resolve the problem,
Hi I have many existing tables within my db with the date format mm/dd/yyyy Is it possible to run a stored procedure in order to convert the EXISTING records to the date format dd/mm/yyyy? Thanks
The format of execution time is as below: 6/17/2008 4:43:07PM. Is it possible to change the format of execution time into the following format: 17/06/2008 16:43:07 ???? Thanks....
I am using client reports and SQL server 2005. I have created reports that accepts datasets and displays in the reports. I am also displaying the client's product image in the reports.
The problem I am facing is this. When I export the report to excel for the first time every thing is fine. The issue is when I export after the second time.
From the second time whenever i export the report to EXCEL, I see that the second excel sheet does not follow the same alignment and format the first one had.