How To Call A Sproc From Within A UDF That Returns A Table?
Oct 5, 2007
Hi. This is a SQL question.
I am trying to wrap a stored procedure with a UDF so I can do selects against the result. The following doesn't work, but is it possible to do something like:
Create Function test()
returns @tmp table ( myfield int)
insert into @tmp (field1)
Exec dbo.MySprocWhichRequires3ParmsAndReturnsATable 5, 6, 10 output
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Mar 5, 2015
I'm trying to do something like this:
Loop through #Temp_1
-Execute Sproc_ABC passing in #Temp_1.Field_TUV as parameter
-Store result set of Sproc_ABC into #Temp_2
-Update #Temp_1 SET #Temp_1.Field_XYZ= #Temp_2.Field_XYZ
End Loop
It appears scary from a performance standpoint, but I'm not sure there's a way around it. I have little experience with loops and cursors in SQL. What would such code look like? And is there a preferable way (assuming I have to call Sproc_ABC using Field_TUV to get the new value for Field_XYZ?
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Jan 8, 2004
I have a stored proc that inserts into a table variable (@ReturnTable) and then ends with "select * from @ReturnTable."
It executes as expected in Query Analyzer but when I call it from an ADO connection the recordset returned is closed. All the documentation that I have found suggests that table variables can be used this way. Am I doing somthing wrong?
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Mar 18, 2004
I keep getting 0 returned, in both Query Analyzer and in my code. My double 'rate' just always ends up 0 or Null, and I've tried many different approaches. Here is the general idea. This is all for phone number searching.
I have a table with three columns - country, countrycode, and rate. The country code is two or three digits. In the code, I strip the first two digits of phoneNumber to make codeTwo and then strip the first three to make codeThree. That part works. I then pass codeTwo and codeThree to the sproc.
There are no overlapping codes (ie 23 and 237), so I search for a country code matching codeTwo and return that value. If none is found, then I search for a country code matching codeThree and return that value. If none is still found I return 0.
Here is the SQL 2000 stored procedure:
@codeTwo int,
@codeThree int,
@rate int OUTPUT
SELECT @rate = rate
FROM rates
WHERE countrycode = @codeTwo
IF @@rowcount = 0
SELECT @rate = rate
FROM rates
WHERE countrycode = @codeThree
Here is the code calling the sproc:
string dbConn=ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnectionString"];
SqlConnection conn=new SqlConnection(dbConn);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( "getRate", conn );
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlParameter parmTwoCountry = cmd.Parameters.Add("@codeTwo", SqlDbType.Int);
parmTwoCountry.Value = codeTwo;
SqlParameter parmThreeCountry = cmd.Parameters.Add("@codeThree", SqlDbType.Int);
parmThreeCountry.Value = codeThree;
SqlParameter parmRate = cmd.Parameters.Add("@rate", SqlDbType.Int);
parmRate.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
rate = Convert.ToDouble(parmRate.Value);
catch(Exception ex){throw new Exception(ex.Message);}
finally {}
Thanks for your time,
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May 21, 2007
It is possible to call WCF from SQL CLR, can I add a web reference or use the proxy created with svcutil ?
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Jun 18, 2008
Hi. Apologies if this has come up before, I wonder if someone can help.
I want to call a sproc from a trigger, passing in the value of a field from the updated/inserted/deleted row.
It would be like spUpdateUser @UserID = x
where x is the value from one of the columns of updated row.
What is the syntax for this please? TIA
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Aug 1, 2007
Hi, with SQL server 2005.
Could I write a SPROC with C# or VB.NET that calls methods within the .net library or
Could I package a .net methods into a SPROC to let other SPROC invoke it?
Thanks in advance.
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Jan 25, 2006
I have my SQL call:
SELECT CallLog.CallID, Journal.HEATSeqFROM CallLog INNER JOIN Journal ON CallLog.CallID = Journal.CallID
There are multiple enteries in the Journal table for every entry in the CallLog table, so I receive multiple records:
CallID HEATSeq00000164 983290904 00000164 983291548 00000164 983295209 00000231 984818271 00000231 985194317 00000231 985280248
I only want to return the LAST record in the Journal table, so the output will be:
CallID HEATSeq00000164 983295209 00000231 985280248
Can this be done directly in the SQL call?
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Sep 26, 2004
Hello, all:
I am connecting to SQL Server 2000 with a trusted connection, and that is working fine. I then am issuing a SQLGetInfo call to find out the SQL_USER_NAME, which is always returning dbo instead of (my) Windows NT login name, which I expect to see. THe authentication is (apparently) confirmed by the SQL Server session monitor where it shows the right Windows NT user name logged in, over ODBC. With a standard SQL Login, untrusted, I definitely get the right user name back, not dbo.
Login Type / user id /returned value from SQLGetInfo
Windows Authentication / Windows login / dbo
SQL Authentication / Windows login (UID) / UID
The problem is that I am trying to confirm that the userid entered in a dialog or passed on the command line to my application matches the actual connected user name inside SQL Server....
My questions:
Is there some pathology in Trusted_Connections that masks the Windows/NT login name and always returns UID 'dbo' from a call to SQLGetInfo? Is there a MSS (public) stored procedure that can robustly give back the logged in user name so I can bypass the SQLGetInfo call?
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Sep 21, 2005
How can I determine when a sproc or table was last used?
I suspect that I have many obsolete tables and sprocs in my database but how can I find out for sure??
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Jan 4, 2005
To all,
Here's the error:
Input string was not in a correct format.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
Source Error:
Line 159:
Line 160:objConn.Open()
Line 161:objCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
Line 162:objConn.Close()
Line 163:
Source File: C:FullerAviationSupplymanagecatalog.vb Line: 161
Stack Trace:
[FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.]
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream) +723
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() +194
managecatalog.SubmitProd(Object s, EventArgs e) in C:FullerAviationSupplymanagecatalog.vb:161
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) +108
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +57
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) +18
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData) +33
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +1277
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.573; ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.573
Here's the code from my vb file:
Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Init
'CODEGEN: This method call is required by the Web Form Designer
'Do not modify it using the code editor.
End Sub
#End Region
Protected WithEvents dgProductCatalog As datagrid
Protected WithEvents tbxProductName As TextBox
Protected WithEvents tbxInventory As TextBox
Protected WithEvents dgCatProd_Active As DropDownList
Protected WithEvents dlvendor As DropDownList
Protected WithEvents dlSubcat As DropDownList
Protected WithEvents btnLinkvend As Button
Protected WithEvents tbxshortdesc As TextBox
Protected WithEvents tbxlongdesc As TextBox
Protected WithEvents qtyPA As TextBox
Protected WithEvents pricePA As TextBox
Protected WithEvents qtyPB As TextBox
Protected WithEvents pricePB As TextBox
Protected WithEvents qtyPC As TextBox
Protected WithEvents pricePC As TextBox
Protected WithEvents sizeX As TextBox
Protected WithEvents dlX As DropDownList
Protected WithEvents sizeY As TextBox
Protected WithEvents dlY As DropDownList
Protected WithEvents sizeZ As TextBox
Protected WithEvents dlZ As DropDownList
Protected WithEvents weight As TextBox
Protected WithEvents dlweight As DropDownList
Protected WithEvents dgInsertProduct As Button
Protected WithEvents thumbfile As TextBox
Protected WithEvents mainfile As TextBox
Dim objDA As SqlDataAdapter
Dim objDS As New DataSet()
Dim objDX As New DataSet()
Dim objDV As New DataSet()
Dim objDU As New DAtaSet()
Dim objDW As New DAtaSet()
Dim objDT As DataTable
Dim objDR As DataRow
Dim objConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConStr)
Sub Page_Load()
If Not IsPostBack Then
End IF
End Sub
Sub BindData()
objDA = New SqlDataAdapter("GETCATALOG",objConn)
objDA.Fill(objDS, "MainCatalog")
objDT = objDS.Tables("Catalog")
dgProductCatalog.DataSource = objDS
objDA = New SqlDataAdapter("GETSUBCAT",objConn)
objDA.Fill(objDX, "SubCat")
dlSubcat.DataSource = objDX
dlSubcat.DataValueField = "SubCat_ID"
dlSubcat.DataTextField = "SubCat_Name"
objDA = New SqlDataAdapter("GETVENDOR",objConn)
objDA.Fill(objDV, "Vendor")
dlvendor.DataSource = objDV
dlvendor.DataValueField = "VendorID"
dlvendor.DataTextField = "CompanyName"
objDA = New SqlDataAdapter("GETSIZEUNITS",objConn)
objDA.Fill(objDU, "Units")
dlX.DataSource = objDU
dlX.DataValueField = "Size_ID"
dlX.DataTextField = "Size_Unit"
dlY.DataSource = objDU
dlY.DataValueField = "Size_ID"
dlY.DataTextField = "Size_Unit"
dlZ.DataSource = objDU
dlZ.DataValueField = "Size_ID"
dlZ.DataTextField = "Size_Unit"
objDA = New SqlDataAdapter("GETWEIGHTUNITS",objConn)
objDA.Fill(objDW, "Units")
dlweight.DataSource = objDW
dlweight.DataValueField = "weight_unitID"
dlweight.DataTextField = "weight_Unit"
End Sub
Sub SubmitProd(s As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim objCmd As New SqlCommand("INSERTPRODUCT", objConn)
objCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
objCmd.Parameters.Add("@prodName", tbxProductName.Text)
objCmd.Parameters.Add("@descShort", tbxshortdesc.Text)
objCmd.Parameters.Add("@descLong", tbxlongdesc.Text)
objCmd.Parameters.Add("@qtyPA", ).Value = qtyPA.Text
objCmd.Parameters.Add("@qtyPB", ).Value = qtyPB.Text
objCmd.Parameters.Add("@qtyPC", ).Value = qtyPC.Text
objCmd.Parameters.Add("@pricePA", = pricePA.Text
objCmd.Parameters.Add("@pricePB", = pricePB.Text
objCmd.Parameters.Add("@pricePC", = pricePC.Text
objCmd.Parameters.Add("@vendorID", dlvendor.SelectedItem.Value)
objCmd.Parameters.Add("@inventoryAvail", = tbxInventory.Text
objCmd.Parameters.Add("@imageThumb", thumbfile.Text)
objCmd.Parameters.Add("@imageLarge", mainfile.Text)
objCmd.Parameters.Add("@sizeX", sizeX.Text)
objCmd.Parameters.Add("@sizeY", sizeY.Text)
objCmd.Parameters.Add("@sizeZ", sizeZ.Text)
objCmd.Parameters.Add("@sizeUX", dlX.SelectedItem.Value)
objCmd.Parameters.Add("@sizeUY", dlY.SelectedItem.Value)
objCmd.Parameters.Add("@sizeUZ", dlZ.SelectedItem.Value)
objCmd.Parameters.Add("@weight", weight.Text)
objCmd.Parameters.Add("@prodActive", dgCatProd_Active.SelectedItem.Value)
objCmd.Parameters.Add("@weightU", dlweight.SelectedItem.Value)
objCmd.Parameters.Add("@SubCat_ID", dlSubcat.SelectedItem.Value)
End Sub
And here's the Stored Procedure:
@prodName nvarchar(50),
@descShort nvarchar(3000),
@descLong nvarchar(4000),
@qtyPA int,
@qtyPB int,
@qtyPC int,
@pricePA money,
@pricePB money,
@pricePC money,
@vendorID int,
@inventoryAvail int,
@imageThumb nvarchar,
@imageLarge nvarchar,
@sizeX nvarchar,
@sizeY nvarchar,
@sizeZ nvarchar,
@sizeUX int,
@sizeUY int,
@sizeUZ int,
@weight nvarchar,
@prodActive int,
@weightU int,
@SubCat_ID int
INSERT INTO ProductCatalog (ProductName, Desc_Short, Desc_Long, qty_PerA, qty_PerB, qty_PerC, Price_PerA, Price_PerB, Price_PerC, VendorID, InventoryAvail, image_Thumb, image_Large, Size_X, Size_Y, Size_Z, SizeUnit_X, SizeUnit_Y, SizeUnit_Z, weight, Prod_Active, weight_unit, SubCat_ID) VALUES (@prodName, @descShort, @descLong, @qtyPA, @qtyPB, @qtyPC, @pricePA, @pricePB, @pricePC, @vendorID, @inventoryAvail, @imageThumb, @imageLarge, @sizeX, @sizeY, @sizeZ, @sizeUX, @sizeUY, @sizeUZ, @weight, @prodActive, @weightU, @SubCat_ID)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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May 2, 2005
Okay, here's the scenario....
I have a bunch of un-related tables that I need to make relational.
I have a bunch of SProcs set up to help with the relating of the tables but I need the quickest way to get the values from the tables and into the SProcs.
Currently, I'm using .NET to cycle through the necessary tables, sending in their values into the SProcs, one at a time.
I'd like to have some SQL-ized way to do this so I can just make another step in my DTS package that already copies over the un-related tables from DB2.
What I'd imagine the code to look like would be something like...
I know, now, that it's not as easy as that but I'm thinking there MUST be a way - even if it requires creating a new SProc.
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Apr 7, 2008
I've got 2 tables
Table_A with 2 fields: ThreadID & Rating
This Table is updated as users rate forum threads.
Then I have Table_B which should display the some info in a Gridview
Table_B has 3 fields: Name, ID and Score
I want the Rating from Table_A to update to Table_B's Score Field.
I suppose I should write a sproc to do this, but I am not quite sure how;
This is what I would like the sproc to do...
Update Table_B
SET Score = Table_A.Rating WHERE ID = Table_A.ThreadID
Any help on this...or is there a should I not use a sproc. do I get the sproc to update the table automatically (without me running the sproc manually)?
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Dec 12, 2007
My goal is to recreate a table daily so that the data is updated. This could be a bad decision performance-wise, but I felt this was simpler than running a daily update statement. I created a stored procedure:SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_CreatetblImprintPhrase
DROP TABLE tblImprintPhrase
CREATE TABLE tblImprintPhrase
CustID char(12),
CustName varchar(40),
TranNoRel char(15)
GO However, I was looking to edit the stored procedure, changing CREATE to ALTER, but when I do so, I am prompted with: Error 170: Line 2: Incorrect syntax near "(". If I change back to CREATE, the error goes away, but the sproc cannot be run because it already exists. Any thoughts?
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Jun 10, 2008
I have a table with this structure
ID | Ticker
1330 |AAB-Bank
1336 |AEGON
1367 |ALZSE
1420 |ASSGEN
2812 |AVLN
I have a sproc called usp_validTicker that will take 2 parameters: ticker and date. It will return the valid ticker for that date.
I like to have the sproc going through each ticker in the table and return the valid tickers.
For example
exec usp_validTicker 'AAB-Bank','2008-6-10' will return 'AAB' and my final table will be
ID | Ticker
1330 |AAB
1336 |AEGON
1367 |ALZSE
1420 |ASSGEN
2812 |AVLN
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Sep 21, 2005
Hi. It seems to be very simple, actually, but I don't know if it isfeasible in TSQL. I have a sproc which gathers in one place many callsto different other sprocs, all of them taking a 'StoreGroupe'parameter. I would like to add a case where if the call has NOStoreGroupe parameter, the sproc should LOOP thru all records in tableStoreGroupeTable, read the column StoreCode, and pass that value as aparam to the other sprocs, as in:CREATE PROCEDURE MySproc(@StoreGroupe nvarchar(6) = NULL)ASif (@StoreGroupe is not null)BeginExec _Sproc1 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc2 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc3 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc4 @StoreGroupe...............EndElseBeginA 'Group Code' has NOT been specifiedI want to take all the StoreGroups in tableStoreGroupeTable, in turn.I would like to do SOMETHING LIKE THIS:Do While not [StoreGroupeTable].EOFRead [Code] from [StoreGroupeTable]Set @StoreGroupe = The value I just readExec _Sproc1 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc2 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc3 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc4 @StoreGroupe...............LoopEndGOIs that feasible in a sproc, or do I have to do this in the client(ADO) ?Thanks a lot.Alex.
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Jul 12, 2006
I need to call a sproc about 1000 times and build a table from all the results.
How do I write an insert statement that will take the recordsets from the sproc and put it into a temp table?
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Sep 18, 2006
Hullo folks, I'm having what I assume is a fairly mundane security issue.
I have a SQL login that I am trying to restrict as much as possible. This account's sole goal in life is to hit the server, return some usage statistics, then truncate the table it received the statistics from. I would like to refrain from granting this login permissions on the physical target table if possible.
Usually I can wrap up "protected" operations in a stored procedure, then grant exec permissions for my user and I'm good to go. However, TRUNCATE TABLE gets cranky with me when I attempt the above method. I suspect that has to do with the fact that TRUNCATE TABLE is effectively modifying the table itself as opposed to merely deleting data.
Is it possible to grant this login ONLY execute permission on a stored proc that TRUNCATE's tables without giving the user any physical permissions? Am I going about this the wrong way?
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May 22, 2008
I'm trying to capture the value returned from sprocs. I stored the sproc name in the table and use cursor to run each sproc. Now the question is how can I capture and store the return value in a variable?
Here is the scenario:
Table1 has 1 column varchar(50) called vchsprocname
count_A -- procedure, select count(*) from ...
count_B -- procedure, select count(*) from ...
count_C -- procedure, select count(*) from ...
here is my query:
DECLARE @vchsprocname varchar(50)
DECLARE @count int
SELECT vchsprocname from table1
OPEN cur
into @vchsprocname
exec @count = @vchsprocname -- I know I cannot do this, the vchsprocname cannot be variable. What else can I do?
into @vchsprocname
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Apr 12, 2006
i am writing a sproc that calls another sproc. this 2nd sproc returns 3 or 4 rows. i want to be able to insert these rows into a table. this sproc is inside a cursor, as i have to call it many times.
how do i insert the rows that it returns into another table??
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Feb 16, 2006
When I'm checking the syntax in Query Analyzer for the following code, I get the error:
"Must declare the variable '@TempVariableTable' "
spGetTableTesting returns a table
(@VALUE1 nvarchar(50),
@VALUE2 nvarchar(50))
DECLARE @TempVariableTable table
(Field1 int)
EXEC @TempVariableTable = spGetTableTesting @VALUE1,@VALUE2
How do I set the @TempVariableTable to the results from spGetTableTesting?
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Aug 3, 2015
I need to output a sproc into a new physical table, so the column definitions match the output.
Select Into DbName.NewTableName
Followed by an
Insert Into DbName.NewTableName
From (SprocNameHere),
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Jan 17, 2006
I have 2 tables:
Table B:
Name Data
UserA xxx
UserB asdasd
UserB ewrsad
UserC dsafasc
UserA sdf
UserB dfvr4
I want to count the total entries in Table B for every user in Table A. The output would be:
Name Count
UserA 2
UserB 3
UserC 1
I can use a Select Count statement, but I will have to make a SQL call for every user in Table A. Also, Table A is dynamic, so the users are always changing. Can this be incorporated into one SQL call to count the total rows in Table B for each user in Table A?
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Sep 5, 2006
Is there any way to write a function where I can write some code and at the end of the code return a entire table as parameter??
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Feb 13, 2007
I have attached the results of checking an Update sproc in the Sql database, within VSS, for a misbehaving SqlDataSource control in an web application, that keeps telling me that I have too many aurguments in my sproc compared to what's defined for parameters in my SQLdatasource control.....
No rows affected.
(0 row(s) returned)
No rows affected.
(0 row(s) returned)
Running [dbo].[sp_UPD_MESample_ACT_Formdata]
( @ME_Rev_Nbr = 570858
, @A1 = No
, @A2 = No
, @A5 = NA
, @A6 = NA
, @A7 = NA
, @SectionA_Comments = none
, @B1 = No
, @B2 = Yes
, @B3 = NA
, @B4 = NA
, @B5 = Yes
, @B6 = No
, @B7 = Yes
, @SectionB_Comments = none
, @EI_1 = N/A
, @EI_2 = N/A
, @UI_1 = N/A
, @UI_2 = N/A
, @HH_1 = N/A
, @HH_2 = N/A
, @SHEL_1 = 363-030
, @SHEL_2 = N/A
, @SUA_1 = N/A, @SUA_2 = N/A
, @Cert_Period = 10/1/06 - 12/31/06
, @CR_Rev_Completed = Y ).
No rows affected.
(0 row(s) returned)
Finished running [dbo].[sp_UPD_MESample_ACT_Formdata].
The program 'SQL Debugger: T-SQL' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
And yet every time I try to update the record in the formview online... I get
Procedure or function sp_UPD_MESample_ACT_Formdata has too many arguments specified.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Procedure or function sp_UPD_MESample_ACT_Formdata has too many arguments specified.Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
I have gone through the page code with a fine tooth comb as well as the sproc itself. I have tried everything I can think of, including creating a new page and resetting the fields, in case something got broken that I can't see.
Does anyone have any tips or tricks or info that might help me?
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Apr 9, 2015
I am looking for a script, that returns all SPs, which related to a given table, incl. the access type.For example: the SPs SP_test1, SP_test2, SP_test3 are dependencies of MyTable
This should be the result:
--> SP_test1: select
--> SP test1: update
--> SP_test1: drop
--> SP test2: delete
--> SP_test3: insert
There are a lot of scripts, who returns the related SPs.
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Jan 30, 2014
I'm trying to understand why I can enter a query such as:
select 5,"random"
from customers;
and get two columns with 5 and "random" in every respective column field.Why don't I receive a syntax error ?
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Jul 20, 2005
HI all,In SQL Server, i have a function which will return a table. likecreate function fn_test (@t int) returns table asreturn (select * from table)now i want the function to retun the table based on some condition like belowcreate function fn_test(@t int) returns table asif @t = 1 return (select * from table1)else return (select * from table2)It is not working for me. Please give me your suggesstions. It's very urgent.Thank you in advance....
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May 8, 2007
I am using Microsoft sql server 2005 with Microsoft JDBC driver.
To connect to the database I use the Torque/Village API.
The Torque/village code is dependent on getTableName() method of ResultSetMetaData. But the driver returns "" for this method.
Why is this so? Is it possible to get a patch for the driver which fixes this issue?
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Feb 24, 2007
I have the following query:
select sq.*, p.numero, p.nombre
from paf p right outer join dbo.GetListOfSquaresForShippingLot(@lot) sq on sq.number = p.numero and sq.version = p.numero
The @lot parameter is declared at the top ( declare @lot int; set @lot = 1; ). GetListOfSquaresForShippingLot is a CLR TVF coded in C#. The TVF queries a XML field in the database and returns nodes as rows, and this is completed with information from a table.
If I run a query with the TVF only, it returns data; but if I try to join the TVF with a table, it returns empty, even when I'm expecting matches. I thought the problem was the data from the TVF was been streamed and that's why it could not be joined with the data from the table.
I tried to solve that problem by creating a T-SQL multiline TVF that is supposed to generate a temporary table. This didn't fix the problem.
What can I do? Does anybody know if I can force the TVF to render its data somewhere so the JOIN works? I was thinking a rowset function could help, but I just can't figure out how.
Let me know if you want the code for the CLR TVF. This is the code for the T-SQL TVF:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetTabListOfSquaresForShippingLot]
@ShippingLot int
@result TABLE
Number int, Version int, Position smallint,
SubModel smallint, Quantity smallint,
SquareId nvarchar(5),
ParentSquareId nvarchar(5),
IsSash smallint,
IsGlazingBead smallint,
Width float,
Height float,
GlassNumber smallint,
GlassWidth float,
GlassHeight float
FROM dbo.GetListOfSquaresForShippingLot(@ShippingLot)
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Apr 27, 2006
I am databinding a dataset formed from a stored procedure,(all done on page_load).
However, the reference to the column name is not recognised with the following error being returned.
Column with name "CalcVal" was not found.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: Column with name "CalcVal" was not found.Source Error:
Line 152: chartCommand.Fill(chartDs);
Line 153: Chart1.DataSource = chartDs;
Line 154: Chart1.DataBind();
Line 155:
Line 156: }
This worked before deployment and the other controls which are bound to data using stored procedures seem to work. However, these other data sources are all sqlDatasoure controls.
Any suggestions would be helpful.
I have found issues relating the to user ID and password which seems to depend on whether the web server and data server are the same machine or whether they are remote from each other.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi.I have a table (websitehits) which holds statistics about websites.This table has a date field (datecounted). What I need is to create aquery which returns a list of dates between two date ranges (say ayear ago from today and a year from now) which only shows dates thathaven't been used in the websitehits table for a given website.For example if my table contains something like:Website Datecounted HitsSite101/01/046000Site101/02/046500Site101/03/046250Site201/03/041000Site201/04/041200Site201/05/041500So if query for ‘site1' then I'd get a list of all dates between30/11/03 to 30/11/05 with the exception of the dates 01/01/04,01/02/04 and 01/03/04.So far I've tried to do this using another table named calendar whichcontains a very long list of dates and to use this to produce the list– but I'm not getting very far.By the way I'm using sql server, an I need this query to generate alist for an asp page - so I need to pass the website name as aparameter so I guess I need to make this query as a stored procedure.Does anyone know how this can be done?
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Nov 15, 2007
Why don't you folks (SQL SERVER Management Studio Team or SQL SERVER Database Engine Team) provide an option by using which I would be in a position to know what all the other objects are depended on a selected object and vice versa. That means:
When I select a Table within the SQL SERVER Management Studio if there is an option for understanding "Which all the objects (tables or views) it is depended on (I mean Foreign key and etc... kind of relations) and also Which all the objects (Tables, Views, Stored Procedures and etc...) are using this table", It would be of great help for all developers.
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