How To Connect To My Web-Site'SqlServer Through Enterprise Manager?

Aug 19, 2006

Hi all,

I have Sql Server 2000 installed in my home and also i have a website that works with Sql Server2000 and .Net FrameWork v1.1 ,now i want to know is it possible to connect from
my home SqlServer to Host SqlServer( where my Website resides )  through Enterprise manager or Query Analizer to do some data-manipulation And how?

Thanks in advance.


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Problem Connecting To Remote Site With Enterprise Manager

Apr 22, 2004

Hi All,

Recently had to rebuild our SQLServer installation from scratch! major pain!! We had a remote server running a replicated version of the internal database system for the website. We also have a SQL DB hosted with a new ISP which is in test mode. All managed via EM.

Re-installed software, upgaded tp SP3, new MDAC. Set up the references for the two external DB's with the Client Network Utility. In EM set up a connection to DB on the new ISP, works perfectly, tried on the old DB and get 'SQL Server is not running or access denied' error message.

I confirmed the server is running, as its our live site. Cant connect using Query Analyser. I can ping the adress successfully. I've created new user logings that mach on both machines/servers, still no luck!

Can anyone suggest what the problem is/might be or how to fix... I'm flat out of ideas!

Major THANKS! for any gems...


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SqlServer 2000 Enterprise Manager - Major Bug?

Jul 20, 2005

I had a problem today where I could not see column names and alltables had a _1 after them when viewing a Sql Server view inEnterprise Managere.g.TableName Company when added to the view would be named Company_1 andthe only columns available were 1 which was *(All Columns)After looking through the news groups I saw several occurrences ofthis problem but no answers that gave a fixAfter some investigation I found that it is caused when the databasename in SqlServer has a . in it!Test1 >> Fine the view designer works fineTest1.6 >> Problems as listed aboveI don't see why Enterprise Manager allows database names with .'s ifit is going to create such problems.

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Can't Connect Through Enterprise Manager

Apr 11, 2001

Please HELP ME!!! I have a server that is behind a firewall that I can not connect to through Enterprise Manager. However, I can connect to it through Query Analyzer. I am using TCP/IP. The credentials are fine, but the firewall is complaining. The firewall team has told me that the port is fine and that I should be able to connect. Is there a different port that Enterprise Manager uses along with 1433? I am told the answer is no, but I can't think of any other possibilities.

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SQLServer 2000 SP4 Enterprise Manager Crashes Immediately...

Jun 6, 2006

Hello,I need some help with SQL Server 2000 SP4. I've been using thedeveloper product for a few years now on my PC with very few problems.Today when I try to start up Enterprise Manager, it crashesimmediately. I get the usual "Please tell Microsoft about this problem"dialog and if I click the 'click here' link, I'm presented with adialog that says:-------------------------------------------------Error signatureAppName: mmc.exe AppVer: 5.1.2600.2180 ModName: mmc.exeModVer: 5.1.2600.2180 Offset:0001f07eReporting detailsThis error report includes: blah, blah, blah...-------------------------------------------------I am running Windows XP with SP2. Also installed is Visual Studio 2003,Visual Studio 2005, and SQLServer 2005 (We're in the process ofmigration).All of these products have been running OK together for at least amonth until today. I'm not sure what changed, but obviously somethinghas. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling SQLServer 2000 & it's SP4,but no luck. Enterprise Manager still crashes immediately when I try tolaunch it.Could somebody please help me out?Thanks.

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How Does Enterprise Manager Connect To SQL Server?

Jun 12, 2001

Can anyone tell me how Enterprise Manager connects to SQL Server? Does the Client Network Utility affect it? I can ping the servers with SQL on them, but I get timeouts and 'Connection Broken' in EM. Query Analyzer works sometimes and sometimes doesn't.

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I Can't Connect To My SQL Database Using Enterprise Manager :(

Sep 9, 2004


I am trying to solve this problem for the past 1.5 weeks and it is driving me crazy :(

I can't connect to my SQL database using Enterprise Manager, Query Analyzer, Visual Studio 2003 .NET or a .aspx that I created for testing.. it runs perfectly on my domain but it doesnt work on my computer, on the browser I get this message: SQL Server unavailable or access denied. It is the same message I get when I try connecting to my db using EM, QA, VS.NET etc :(

I can ping my sql domain, so I know I have access to it and it is working.. I can successfully connect to my personal SQL server running on my machine. (SQL Server Personal Edition running on Windows XP )

I tried doing everything I could,

I already selected TCP/IP as my client only protocol;
I tried installing the lastest MDAC (v 2.8);
I tried every other port on my TCP/IP client setup like 14333 or 11433 or 11143 etc;
I tried every other port on the alias I set for my sql address;
I tried downloading the evaluation version of MS SQL2000 and updating it to SP3;
I tried reinstalling several times my MS SQL2000 (I use the personal edition on my windows XP) and updating it to SP3;
I tried connecting to my sql address domain and directly to its IP;
And I tried a lot more resolutions that I can't remember right now, but it didn't work :(

I've been searching all forums/google etc looking for someone with my problem but I still didnt, everyone who had a problem connecting to their DB using EM or QA resolved it by doing "this or that", I did exactly the same "this or that" on my computer/config and it didn't resolve my problem. :(

What am I doing wrong? I can't connect to my database from my personal computer :(

I have never used enterprise manager before, so I don't know if it is a problem on my personal computer or on my sql server address on internet.. Is there anyway to find a free test ms sql database with like 1mb just to try and find out if I can connect to a sql database at all using EM or if the problem is here on my computer?

Thanks in advance for any help,

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Cannot Connect To Database Using Enterprise Manager

Jul 4, 2007

I cannot seem to connect to this Instance locally which was i able toin the past. I can connect to the instance from out side. The instanceis running and the DBs in the instance are available and usedsuccessfully by the applications but i cannot connect to the instanceusing the enterprise manager.the error i get isSQL Server does not exist or access deniedrubeel

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Unable To Connect With Enterprise Manager

Jul 20, 2005

I am attempting to connect to a remote default instance of SQL Server2k on Win2k using Enterprise Manager from my local host but receive a"SQL Server registration failed, timeout expired" error message eachtime.I am able to connect using Query Analyzer when specifying the IPaddress of the server (I am also specifying the IP address in myEnterprise Manager connection), am able to ping the server from thecommand line, and am able to telnet to port 1433. I have triedconnecting both before and after creating an appropriate alias inClient Network Utilities all to no avail.I ran SQL Profiler while attempting to connect and do not see theconnection attempt reach the server. What could be preventingEnterprise Manager from reaching/connecting to the server while allother utilities (including profiler) are fine?Thanks in advance.

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Unable To Connect To Server Using Enterprise Manager

May 7, 2004

Server does not exist or access is denied ...

Im trying to replicate a database (on web hosting server) my own local machine

I have successfully registered the server in enterprise manager, i know i have username/password correct [server status shows a blank white dot??]

Any ideas??? Maybe my network wont allow me, i cannot telnet to the server even specifying the particular port?

I have managed to backup the database via services provided by web hosting company, is there a way i can expand the database from this backup file using enterprise manager surely???


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How To Connect To SQL Instance Using Oracle Enterprise Manager

Apr 16, 2008


i have Oracle Enerprise Manager installed and want to connect to SQL Server instance. can i, if yes please suggest me.

thanks in advance
Helin Shah

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Needed To Connect Remote DB By Client Tool (Enterprise Manager)

Dec 28, 2005

Here is what I knew: usr/pwd, Domain, Server and Database.
How to set Enterprise Manager, then can I connect to DB ?

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Problems Running Enterprise Manager And Service Manager

Jul 20, 2005

On one of our machines, all of the SQL Server 2000components except for the main Server component (SQL Servercore) itself were installed (Management tools, etc) a while agoand everything was running fine. Now I go and add/install theServer component and then Service Pack 3a.It seems that Service Manager won't start up (I get an hourglass cursor)and now I find that Enterprise Manager won't run as well. No errormessages appeared and I don't think I saw anything unusual inthe log file.However, I can use Enterprise Manager on a differentmachine and connect to the database (so the databaseitself seems to be running).Any suggestions as to what the problem might be and how tofix it? I like to see if I can repair this without havingto do a reinstall.Thanks.PF

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Help! Enterprise Manager Turns SQL Server Service Manager Off

Dec 6, 2006

IF someone can assist me. Everytime I load up enterprise manager the service manager turns off. And the enterprise manager can't connect to the local database. But everytime i turn it back on and try to connect again it shuts it off and around and around we go. Help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Site Settings In Report Manager Missing

Nov 8, 2007

I want to be able to view site settings in Report Manager, but when I connect to http://localhost/Reports in the upper right all that is shown is:

Home | My Subscriptions | Help

Does anyone know how I can get Site Settings to be displayed?

Also I am using Windows Vista Ultimate & IE 7 - I run IE7 as Administrator

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Site Settings In Report Manager Missing

Nov 7, 2007

I want to be able to view site settings in Report Manager, but when I connect to http://localhost/Reports in the upper right all that is shown is:

Home | My Subscriptions | Help

Does anyone know how I can get Site Settings to be displayed? example -> site settings

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Cannot Connect From Published Site To My DB

Apr 17, 2007

I'm getting the following error:An error has occurred while establishing a connection
to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be
caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not
allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26
- Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) Here's the setup: I have a website I've published on my server, but I haven't moved the SQL DB over to the server. For some reason the testing server can't connect with sql express on my computer. I have named pipes, tcp/ip both on, connections string is "Data Source=AMBA-176SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=pubs;Integrated Security=SSPI"When I'm simply testing the site locally in visual studio it can connect just fine. 

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My Web Site Cannot Connect With The SQL Database

Jan 15, 2008

I am developing a web site with 2.0 and c#, using Visual Studio 2005 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 ( I am still learning about these technologies and languages ).
I transferred my web site files to a new computer.
I created a empty SQL database called "SiteData.mdf",  I stopped the SQL server and then I replaced this database with a previous one with the same name and already populated with data.
I used this maneuver in order to avoid having to insert all data again.
The web site works fine when running inside Visual Studio, however when I try to run it in its published format it gives this error message:
Server Error in '/MA' Application.
Cannot open database "SiteData" requested by the login. The login failed.Login failed for user 'CENTAURUSASPNET'.
I also observed that inside the SQL Server Management Studio, in the database properties, it shows "ETHERASPNET" as User or Roles ( however "ETHERASPNET" was created using the old computer's name [ or should I say domain ? ]) but the permissions list correctly displays the new name "CENTAURUSASPNET".
I think that I, probably, should create a new user using the name "CENTAURUSASPNET" because it would use the name of the new computer ( or domain ) and then I should delete the old user name. Actually I tried to do that but I get the message "An object named ‘CENTAURUSASPNET' cannot be found".
1) What should I do to get the database being connected with the published web site ( note: I am publishing it in my own computer for awhile ) ?
2) How do I create the new user name "CENTAURUSASPNET" ?
3) I also would like to know why the name of the database in the Server Explorer panel of VS appears as  "centaurus.SiteData.dbo" -while- inside the Object Explorer panel of the SQL Server Management Studio it appears simply as "SiteData" ?

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My Web Site Cannot Connect With The SQL Database

Jan 15, 2008

I am developing a web site with 2.0 and c#, using Visual Studio 2005 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 ( I am still learning about these technologies and languages ).

I transferred my web site files to a new computer.

I created a empty SQL database called “SiteData.mdf�, I stopped the SQL server and then I replaced this database with a previous one with the same name and already populated with data.

I used this maneuver in order to avoid having to insert all data again.

The web site works fine when running inside Visual Studio, however when I try to run it in its published format it gives this error message:
Server Error in '/MA' Application.
Cannot open database "SiteData" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'CENTAURUSASPNET'.
I also observed that inside the SQL Server Management Studio, in the database properties, it shows “ETHERASPNET� as User or Roles ( however “ETHERASPNET� was created using the old computer’s name [ or should I say domain ? ]) but the permissions list correctly displays the new name “CENTAURUSASPNET�.
I think that I, probably, should create a new user using the name “CENTAURUSASPNET� because it would use the name of the new computer ( or domain ) and then I should delete the old user name. Actually I tried to do that but I get the message “An object named ‘CENTAURUSASPNET’ cannot be found�.
1) What should I do to get the database being connected with the published web site ( note: I am publishing it in my own computer for awhile ) ?
2) How do I create the new user name “CENTAURUSASPNET� ?
3) I also would like to know why the name of the database in the Server Explorer panel of VS appears as “centaurus.SiteData.dbo� –while- inside the Object Explorer panel of the SQL Server Management Studio it appears simply as “SiteData� ?

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Feedback On Microsoft Connect Site

Feb 17, 2007

I don't know how many folks here log into the Microsoft Connect site occasionally to check suggestions and bugs submitted to Microsoft for SQL Server and SSIS (still called DTS on their list). A small pecentage? Almost everyone? (Possibly in this group.) Anyone can vote for feedback they think is important. Theoretically issues with the most votes will get Microsoft's attention first.
Links to a couple new submissions that look interesting:
1. SSMS/QA Style Message Logging for SSIS Execute SQL Tasks
2. ForEach SMO Enumerator Filtering
I vetted these issues in the forum first, so hopefully they're legitimate enough to warrant some useful feedback or even a few high fives!

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Connect To Internal SharePoint Database From Web Site.

Jul 19, 2007

Hello,There's information on my Internal SharePoint DataBase that I want to access. How can I do this? Could you help me or at least point me in the right direction.The information  I am requesting is just text.Thank you,Mark

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Reporting Services :: Missing Tabs And Site Settings Link In Report Manager?

Aug 5, 2010

Installed SQL Server 2008 with Reporting Services to a Windows Server 2008 box.  Tried to open the Report Manager and had no tabs and no Site Settings link - just a blank home page. I am logged onto the server with local administrator rights, so it shouldn't be a permissions issue.

Thinking the installation was bad (IIS was not installed before installing SSRS), I uninstalled and re-installed SSRS after setting up IIS 7 on the server.  Still the same issue - just a blank home page in report manager with no ability to add users or assign roles or see anything except the links for "Home", "My Subscriptions", and "Help".

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Change Default Zoom Setting For Reports Viewed On Report Manager Web Site

Sep 14, 2007

I've tried changing the default zoom setting by editing the RSReportServer.config file to include



<Zoom>Page Width</Zoom>
under the


<Extension Name = "HTML4.0" etc.
However, all reports still show up with the zoom setting at 100% on the toolbar.
I stop and restart the Report Server Service and it comes up OK so I know my XML syntax is cool. What am I doing wrong?

This is on a 2005 Report Server. Reports are built in VS2005 Report Designer and deployed to the Report Server directly. Reports are accessed via IE7 browser.

View 2 Replies View Related Enterprise Manager

Nov 30, 2006

has anyone used this tool to upload sql databases to a web host
i'm struggling

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Where Is Enterprise Manager?

Sep 10, 2005

I installed SQL Server MSDE 2000 but I can't find how to start it. Does this package include an Enterprise Manager or not? I thought that maybe it was a standard XP Pro feature. I had no problem finding it in W2000 Pro.

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Enterprise Manager

Mar 21, 2001

When I open databases, there is nothing there - not even Master, Model, Temp, Pubs, etc.

When I open the query analyzer, however, they all appear in the drop down.

What is up with that? and how can I remedy?

OP sys:Win98
SQL Server 7

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Enterprise Manager

Jun 11, 2001

Has anyone encountered this error: When you are in Enterprise manager and you select a database then the tables tab and then you select a table and go to open table- select all rows, I get an error--An unexpected error happened during this operation-Query Designer encountered a query error! Please let me know if you have seen this. Also, when I access this from one networked computer I get the same error, then when I access it from another I do not!! The servers are interacting with Pivotal. The one that works does not!!

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Enterprise Manager

Jun 12, 2001

Hi all,
I have SQL 7.0 desktop addition installed on my local win NT workstation. I am able to connect to my local server using Quary Analyser but when i am trying to connect using EM, i am not able to connect. I am receiveing the following error message.
__________________________________________________ ___________________________
A conncetion could not be established to "servername" - Specified SQL Server not found. ConnectionOpen(CreateFile()).
Please verify SQL server is running and check your SQL Server registration properties(by right clicking "servername" node) and try again.
__________________________________________________ ___________________________
I have tried as said in the error message and also tried connecting with "sa" but its not working. I can see that the server is running and i am able to connect through QA.

any help is highly appriciated.

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Enterprise Manager

Jun 20, 2001

We can no longer open tables in EM. The error message is;

An unexpected error happened during this operation
[Query] - Query Designer encountered a Query error:
Unspecified error

The tables are fine - can access them other ways.It looks as if the fault is in the script used by EM. Anyway to clear this ??

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Enterprise Manager

Sep 26, 2001

I am fairly new sql dba in a company and I am sure Enterprise Manager is installed on PC's and it shouldn't. Is there a way of finding out other then visiting each workstation. Thanks in advance..

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SQL 7 Enterprise Manager

Jul 28, 2000

I am considering upsizing my Access 2000 DB to a SQL 7 server. I was told that having SQL 7 Enterprise Manager is highly prefferd but not essential as I can maintain the upsized DB with Access 2000. The only way that I have been able to find JUST enterprise manager seems to be with purchasing the whole SQL 7 program for $1300! Microsoft cannot be that cruel, that you have to buy the whole program just for Enterprise Manager!

My questions are:

Can I download just MS SQL 7 Enterprise Manager anywhere for a reasonable fee or free?


if not, can I continue to use Access 2000 to maintain the SQL 7 upsized DB?

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SQL Enterprise Manager

Jan 25, 2001

I have access to a SQL 7 server via my ISP Hosting account. I know Enterprise manager comes with the server software, but how can I get a copy of JUST Enterprise Manager?


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SQL Enterprise Manager

Apr 17, 2000

Is non-SA account able to view the SQL Enterprise Manager?

Thanks in advance!

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